snp142 All SNPs(142) Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 142) Variation and Repeats Description This track contains information about single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP build 142, available from Two tracks contain subsets of the items in this track: Common SNPs(142): SNPs that have a minor allele frequency of at least 1% and are mapped to a single location in the reference genome assembly. Frequency data are not available for all SNPs, so this subset is incomplete. Mult. SNPs(142): SNPs that have been mapped to multiple locations in the reference genome assembly. The default maximum weight for this track is 1, so unless the setting is changed in the track controls, SNPs that map to multiple genomic locations will be omitted from display. When a SNP's flanking sequences map to multiple locations in the reference genome, it calls into question whether there is true variation at those sites, or whether the sequences at those sites are merely highly similar but not identical. The remainder of this page is identical on the following tracks: Common SNPs(142) - SNPs with >= 1% minor allele frequency (MAF), mapping only once to reference assembly. Mult. SNPs(142) - SNPs mapping in more than one place on reference assembly. All SNPs(142) - all SNPs from dbSNP mapping to reference assembly. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from The fasta files were downloaded from Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from b142_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b142_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b142_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provided the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from b142_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access Note: It is not recommeneded to use LiftOver to convert SNPs between assemblies, and more information about how to convert SNPs between assemblies can be found on the following FAQ entry. The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation can be downloaded from the downloads server (snp142*.txt.gz) or the public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Masked FASTA Files FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download: GRCm38/mm10. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exclude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. PMID: 11125122; PMC: PMC29783 dbSnpArchive dbSNP Archive dbSNP Track Archive Variation and Repeats Description This composite track contains information about single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP, available from You can click into each track for a version/subset-specific description. This collection includes numbered versions of the entire dbSNP datasets (All SNP) as well as three tracks with subsets of the items in that version. Here is information on each of the subsets: dbSNP 153: The dbSNP build 153 is composed of 5 subtracks. Click the track for a description of the subtracks. Common SNPs: SNPs that have a minor allele frequency of at least 1% and are mapped to a single location in the reference genome assembly. Frequency data are not available for all SNPs, so this subset is incomplete. Flagged SNPs: SNPs flagged as clinically associated by dbSNP, mapped to a single location in the reference genome assembly, and not known to have a minor allele frequency of at least 1%. Frequency data are not available for all SNPs, so this subset may include some SNPs whose true minor allele frequency is 1% or greater. Mult. SNPs: SNPs that have been mapped to multiple locations in the reference genome assembly. The default maximum weight for this track is 1, so unless the setting is changed in the track controls, SNPs that map to multiple genomic locations will be omitted from display. When a SNP's flanking sequences map to multiple locations in the reference genome, it calls into question whether there is true variation at those sites, or whether the sequences at those sites are merely highly similar but not identical. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/database/ (for human, organism_tax_id = human_9606; for mouse, organism_tax_id = mouse_10090). The fasta files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/rs_fasta/ Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from files like b138_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b138_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b138_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provides the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from files like b138_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access Note: It is not recommeneded to use LiftOver to convert SNPs between assemblies, and more information about how to convert SNPs between assemblies can be found on the following FAQ entry. The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation files can be downloaded in their entirety for hg38, hg19, and mm10 as (snp*.txt.gz). You can also make queries using the UCSC Genome Browser JSON API or public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Orthologous Alleles (human assemblies only) For the human assembly, we provide a related table that contains orthologous alleles in the chimpanzee, orangutan and rhesus macaque reference genome assemblies. We use our liftOver utility to identify the orthologous alleles. The candidate human SNPs are a filtered list that meet the criteria: class = 'single' mapped position in the human reference genome is one base long aligned to only one location in the human reference genome not aligned to a chrN_random chrom biallelic (not tri- or quad-allelic) In some cases the orthologous allele is unknown; these are set to 'N'. If a lift was not possible, we set the orthologous allele to '?' and the orthologous start and end position to 0 (zero). Masked FASTA Files (human assemblies only) FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download in the genome's snp*Mask folder. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exlcude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. PMID: 11125122; PMC: PMC29783 tabulamurisBarChart Cell expression Single Cell RNA-Seq Gene Expression from Tabula Muris Expression and Regulation Description Tabula Muris is a compendium of single cell transcriptome data from the model organism Mus musculus, containing nearly 100,000 cells from 20 organs and tissues. The data allow for direct and controlled comparison of gene expression in cell types shared between tissues, such as immune cells from distinct anatomical locations. This track shows the results from FACS sorted cells sequenced with the SmartSeq2 protocol, as it has much higher transcript coverage. The sequencing data comprises more than 2TB and was summarized into a track at UCSC. Display Conventions and Configuration As indicated by the "..." after its name, this is a 'super track', a container for subtracks. There are three different subtracks: Cell type expression: A rectangle on the genome, at the location of a gene, filled with a bar graph that indicates the gene's expression by single cell cluster. The term "cluster" refers to a cluster of single cells, which usually represents a cell or tissue type. The height of the bar graph on the genome is the median expression level and a click-through on the bar chart displays a boxplot of expression level quartiles with outliers, per cluster. On the boxplot, the number of cells from each experiment is shown. Coverage: Bar graphs indicate the number of reads at this base pair. You may want to switch on auto-scaling of the y-axis. For configuration options, see the graph tracks configuration help page. These tracks are shown in "dense" by default, set any of the tracks to "full" to see the detailed coverage plot. Splice Junctions: Thick rectangles show exons around a splice site, connected by a line that indicates the intron. These gaps are shown and are annotated with the number of reads, in the 'score' field. You can use the 'score' filter on the track configuration page to show only introns with a certain number of supporting reads. The maximum number of reads that are shown is 1,000, even if more reads support an intron. These tracks are shown in dense by default, set this track to "pack" to see. Then click the splice junctions to see their score. Methods BAM files were provided by the data submitters, one (single end) or two files (paired end) per cell. The BAM alignments were used as submitted. They were merged with "samtools merge" into a single BAM file per cluster. The readgroup (RG) BAM tag indicates the original cell. From the resulting merged BAM file, coverage was obtained using "wiggletools coverage" a tool written by Daniel Zerbino and the result was converted with the UCSC tool "wigToBigWig". Also on the merged BAM file, the software IntronProspector was run with default settings. It retains reads with a gap longer than 70 bp and shorter than 500 kbp and merges them into annotated splice junctions. Data Access The merged BAM files, coverage bigWig files and splice junctions in bigBed format can be downloaded from the /gbdb fileserver. Since the splice junction .bigBed files have their scores capped at 1000, the original IntronProspector .bed files are available in the same track hub directory. You can also find there *.calls.tsv files with more details about each junction, e.g. the number of uniquely mapping reads. Credits WiggleTools was written by Daniel Zerbino, IntronProspector was written by Mark Diekhans, track hubs were written to a large extent by Brian Raney and colleages at the UCSC Genome Browser. Track creation was done by Max Haeussler and tested by Jairo Navarro. References Zerbino DR, Johnson N, Juettemann T, Wilder SP, Flicek P. WiggleTools: parallel processing of large collections of genome-wide datasets for visualization and statistical analysis. Bioinformatics. 2014 Apr 1;30(7):1008-9. PMID: 24363377; PMC: PMC3967112 Mark Diekhans, IntronProspector GitHub Repository. Github 2018 The Tabula Muris Consortium, Stephen R. Quake, Tony Wyss-Coray, Spyros Darmanis: Single-cell transcriptomic characterization of 20 organs and tissues from individual mice creates a Tabula Muris. bioRxiv preprint March 2018, accepted paper in Nature 2018 (562) p.367-372 tabulaMuris Tabula Muris Single Cell FACS RNA-Seq of 44,779 cells from Tabula Muris Expression and Regulation Description Tabula Muris is a compendium of single cell transcriptome data from the model organism Mus musculus, containing nearly 100,000 cells from 20 organs and tissues. The data allow for direct and controlled comparison of gene expression in cell types shared between tissues, such as immune cells from distinct anatomical locations. This track shows the results from FACS sorted cells sequenced with the SmartSeq2 protocol, as it has much higher transcript coverage. The sequencing data comprises more than 2TB and was summarized into a track at UCSC. Display Conventions and Configuration As indicated by the "..." after its name, this is a 'super track', a container for subtracks. There are three different subtracks: Cell type expression: A rectangle on the genome, at the location of a gene, filled with a bar graph that indicates the gene's expression by single cell cluster. The term "cluster" refers to a cluster of single cells, which usually represents a cell or tissue type. The height of the bar graph on the genome is the median expression level and a click-through on the bar chart displays a boxplot of expression level quartiles with outliers, per cluster. On the boxplot, the number of cells from each experiment is shown. Coverage: Bar graphs indicate the number of reads at this base pair. You may want to switch on auto-scaling of the y-axis. For configuration options, see the graph tracks configuration help page. These tracks are shown in "dense" by default, set any of the tracks to "full" to see the detailed coverage plot. Splice Junctions: Thick rectangles show exons around a splice site, connected by a line that indicates the intron. These gaps are shown and are annotated with the number of reads, in the 'score' field. You can use the 'score' filter on the track configuration page to show only introns with a certain number of supporting reads. The maximum number of reads that are shown is 1,000, even if more reads support an intron. These tracks are shown in dense by default, set this track to "pack" to see. Then click the splice junctions to see their score. Methods BAM files were provided by the data submitters, one (single end) or two files (paired end) per cell. The BAM alignments were used as submitted. They were merged with "samtools merge" into a single BAM file per cluster. The readgroup (RG) BAM tag indicates the original cell. From the resulting merged BAM file, coverage was obtained using "wiggletools coverage" a tool written by Daniel Zerbino and the result was converted with the UCSC tool "wigToBigWig". Also on the merged BAM file, the software IntronProspector was run with default settings. It retains reads with a gap longer than 70 bp and shorter than 500 kbp and merges them into annotated splice junctions. Data Access The merged BAM files, coverage bigWig files and splice junctions in bigBed format can be downloaded from the /gbdb fileserver. Since the splice junction .bigBed files have their scores capped at 1000, the original IntronProspector .bed files are available in the same track hub directory. You can also find there *.calls.tsv files with more details about each junction, e.g. the number of uniquely mapping reads. Credits WiggleTools was written by Daniel Zerbino, IntronProspector was written by Mark Diekhans, track hubs were written to a large extent by Brian Raney and colleages at the UCSC Genome Browser. Track creation was done by Max Haeussler and tested by Jairo Navarro. References Zerbino DR, Johnson N, Juettemann T, Wilder SP, Flicek P. WiggleTools: parallel processing of large collections of genome-wide datasets for visualization and statistical analysis. Bioinformatics. 2014 Apr 1;30(7):1008-9. PMID: 24363377; PMC: PMC3967112 Mark Diekhans, IntronProspector GitHub Repository. Github 2018 The Tabula Muris Consortium, Stephen R. Quake, Tony Wyss-Coray, Spyros Darmanis: Single-cell transcriptomic characterization of 20 organs and tissues from individual mice creates a Tabula Muris. bioRxiv preprint March 2018, accepted paper in Nature 2018 (562) p.367-372 snp142Common Common SNPs(142) Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 142) Found in >= 1% of Samples Variation and Repeats Description This track contains information about a subset of the single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP build 142, available from Only SNPs that have a minor allele frequency of at least 1% and are mapped to a single location in the reference genome assembly are included in this subset. Frequency data are not available for all SNPs, so this subset is incomplete. The selection of SNPs with a minor allele frequency of 1% or greater is an attempt to identify variants that appear to be reasonably common in the general population. Taken as a set, common variants should be less likely to be associated with severe genetic diseases due to the effects of natural selection, following the view that deleterious variants are not likely to become common in the population. However, the significance of any particular variant should be interpreted only by a trained medical geneticist using all available information. The remainder of this page is identical on the following tracks: Common SNPs(142) - SNPs with >= 1% minor allele frequency (MAF), mapping only once to reference assembly. Mult. SNPs(142) - SNPs mapping in more than one place on reference assembly. All SNPs(142) - all SNPs from dbSNP mapping to reference assembly. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from The fasta files were downloaded from Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from b142_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b142_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b142_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provided the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from b142_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access Note: It is not recommeneded to use LiftOver to convert SNPs between assemblies, and more information about how to convert SNPs between assemblies can be found on the following FAQ entry. The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation can be downloaded from the downloads server (snp142*.txt.gz) or the public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Masked FASTA Files FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download: GRCm38/mm10. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exclude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. PMID: 11125122; PMC: PMC29783 cons60way Conservation Vertebrate Multiz Alignment & Conservation (60 Species) Comparative Genomics Downloads for data in this track are available: Multiz alignments (MAF format), and phylogenetic trees PhyloP conservation (WIG format) PhastCons conservation (WIG format) Description This track shows multiple alignments of 60 vertebrate species and measurements of evolutionary conservation using two methods (phastCons and phyloP) from the PHAST package, for all species (vertebrate) and three subsets (Glires, Euarchontoglires and placental mammal). The multiple alignments were generated using multiz and other tools in the UCSC/Penn State Bioinformatics comparative genomics alignment pipeline. Conserved elements identified by phastCons are also displayed in this track. PhastCons is a hidden Markov model-based method that estimates the probability that each nucleotide belongs to a conserved element, based on the multiple alignment. It considers not just each individual alignment column, but also its flanking columns. By contrast, phyloP separately measures conservation at individual columns, ignoring the effects of their neighbors. As a consequence, the phyloP plots have a less smooth appearance than the phastCons plots, with more "texture" at individual sites. The two methods have different strengths and weaknesses. PhastCons is sensitive to "runs" of conserved sites, and is therefore effective for picking out conserved elements. PhyloP, on the other hand, is more appropriate for evaluating signatures of selection at particular nucleotides or classes of nucleotides (e.g., third codon positions, or first positions of miRNA target sites). Another important difference is that phyloP can measure acceleration (faster evolution than expected under neutral drift) as well as conservation (slower than expected evolution). In the phyloP plots, sites predicted to be conserved are assigned positive scores (and shown in blue), while sites predicted to be fast-evolving are assigned negative scores (and shown in red). The absolute values of the scores represent -log p-values under a null hypothesis of neutral evolution. The phastCons scores, by contrast, represent probabilities of negative selection and range between 0 and 1. Both phastCons and phyloP treat alignment gaps and unaligned nucleotides as missing data, and both were run with the same parameters for each species set (Glires, Euarchontoglires, placental mammals, and vertebrates). Thus, in regions in which only Glires appear in the alignment, all four sets of scores will be the same, but in regions in which additional species are available, the Euarchontoglires, placental mammal, and/or vertebrate scores may differ from the Glires scores. The alternative plots help to identify sequences that are under different evolutionary pressures in, for example, Glires and non-Glires, or placentals and non-placentals. UCSC has repeatmasked and aligned the low-coverage genome assemblies, and provides the sequence for download; genome browsers are under construction and will be released over time. Missing sequence in the low-coverage assemblies is highlighted in the track display by regions of yellow when zoomed out and by Ns when displayed at base level (see Gap Annotation, below). Glires subset OrganismSpeciesRelease dateUCSC versionAlignment type MouseMus musculusDec. 2011GRCm38/mm10reference species Guinea pigCavia porcellusFeb. 2008Broad/cavPor3Syntenic net Kangaroo ratDipodomys ordiiJul. 2008Broad/dipOrd1Reciprocal best net Naked mole-ratHeterocephalus glaberJan. 2012Broad HetGla_female_1.0/hetGla2Syntenic net PikaOchotona princepsJul. 2008Broad/ochPri2Reciprocal best net RabbitOryctolagus cuniculusApr. 2009Broad/oryCun2Syntenic net RatRattus norvegicusMar. 2012RGSC 5.0/rn5Syntenic net SquirrelSpermophilus tridecemlineatusNov. 2011Broad/speTri2Syntenic net Euarchontoglires subset - the Glires set above, plus: OrganismSpeciesRelease dateUCSC versionAlignment type BaboonPapio hamadryasNov. 2008Baylor 1.0/papHam1Reciprocal best net BushbabyOtolemur garnettiiMar. 2011Broad/otoGar3Syntenic net ChimpPan troglodytesFeb. 2011WUGSC Pan_troglodytes-2.1.4/panTro4Syntenic net RhesusMacaca mulattaOct. 2010BGI CR_1.0/rheMac3Syntenic net GibbonNomascus leucogenysJun. 2011GGSC Nleu1.1/nomLeu2Syntenic net GorillaGorilla gorilla gorillaMay 2011WTSI/gorGor3Syntenic net HumanHomo sapiensFeb. 2009GRCh37/hg19Syntenic net MarmosetCallithrix jacchusMar. 2009WUGSC 3.2/calJac3Syntenic net Mouse lemurMicrocebus murinusJun. 2003Broad/micMur1Reciprocal best net OrangutanPongo pygmaeus abeliiJul. 2007WUGSC 2.0.2/ponAbe2Syntenic net Squirrel monkeySaimiri boliviensisOct. 2011Broad/saiBol1Syntenic net TarsierTarsius syrichtaAug. 2008Broad/tarSyr1Reciprocal best net Tree shrewTupaia belangeriDec. 2006Broad/tupBel1Reciprocal best net Placental mammal subset - the Glires and Euarchontoglires sets above, plus: OrganismSpeciesRelease dateUCSC versionAlignment type AlpacaVicugna pacosJul. 2008Broad/vicPac1Reciprocal best net ArmadilloDasypus novemcinctusDec. 2011Baylor/dasNov3Reciprocal best net CatFelis catusSep. 2011ICGSC Felis_catus 6.2/felCat5Reciprocal best net CowBos taurusOct. 2011Baylor Btau_4.6.1/bosTau7Syntenic net DogCanis lupus familiarisSep. 2011Broad/canFam3Syntenic net DolphinTursiops truncatusOct. 2011Baylor Ttru_1.4/turTru2Reciprocal best net ElephantLoxodonta africanaJul. 2009Broad/loxAfr3Syntenic net HedgehogErinaceus europaeusJun. 2006Broad/eriEur1Reciprocal best net HorseEquus caballusSep. 2007EquCab3.0/equCab3Syntenic net Little brown batMyotis lucifugusJul. 2010Broad/myoLuc2Reciprocal best net ManateeTrichechus manatus latirostrisOct. 2011Broad v1.0/triMan1Syntenic net MegabatPteropus vampyrusJul. 2008Broad/pteVam1Reciprocal best net PandaAiluropoda melanoleucaDec. 2009BGI-Shenzhen 1.0/ailMel1Syntenic net PigSus scrofaAug. 2011SGSC Sscrofa10.2/susScr3Syntenic net Rock hyraxProcavia capensisJul. 2008Broad/proCap1Reciprocal best net SheepOvis ariesFeb. 2010ISGC Ovis_aries_1.0/oviAri1Reciprocal best net ShrewSorex araneusJun. 2006Broad/sorAra1Reciprocal best net SlothCholoepus hoffmanniJul. 2008Broad/choHof1Reciprocal best net TenrecEchinops telfairiJul. 2005Broad/echTel1Reciprocal best net All species (vertebrate) - the three sets above, plus: OrganismSpeciesRelease dateUCSC versionAlignment type Atlantic codGadus morhuaMay. 2010Genofisk GadMor_May2010/gadMor1Net BudgerigarMelopsittacus undulatusSep. 2011WUGSC v6.3/melUnd1Net ChickenGallus gallusNov. 2011ICGSC Gallus_gallus-4.0/galGal4Net CoelacanthLatimeria chalumnaeAug. 2011Broad/latCha1Net FuguTakifugu rubripesOct. 2011FUGU5/fr3Net LampreyPetromyzon marinusMar. 2007WUGSC 3.0/petMar1Net LizardAnolis carolinensisMay 2010Broad/anoCar2Net MedakaOryzias latipesOct. 2005NIG/UT MEDAKA1/oryLat2Net Nile tilapiaOreochromis niloticusJan. 2011Broad/oreNil2Net OpossumMonodelphis domesticaOct. 2006Broad/monDom5Net Painted turtleChrysemys picta belliiDec. 2011IPTGSC v3.0.1/chrPic1Net PlatypusOrnithorhynchus anatinusMar. 2007WUGSC 5.0.1/ornAna1Net SticklebackGasterosteus aculeatusFeb. 2006Broad/gasAcu1Net Tasmanian devilSarcophilus harrisiiFeb. 2011WTSI Devil_ref v7.0/sarHar1Net TetraodonTetraodon nigroviridisMar. 2007Genoscope 8.0/tetNig2Net TurkeyMeleagris gallopavoDec. 2009TGC Turkey_2.01/melGal1Net WallabyMacropus eugeniiSep. 2009TWGS Meug_1.1/macEug2Reciprocal best net X. tropicalisXenopus tropicalisNov. 2009JGI 4.2/xenTro3Net Zebra finchTaeniopygia guttataJul. 2008WUGSC 3.2.4/taeGut1Net ZebrafishDanio rerioJul. 2010WTSI Zv9/danRer7Net Table 1. Genome assemblies included in the 60-way Conservation track. Display Conventions and Configuration The track configuration options allow the user to display any of the subset conservation scores, or all simultaneously. In full and pack display modes, conservation scores are displayed as a wiggle track (histogram) in which the height reflects the size of the score. The conservation wiggles can be configured in a variety of ways to highlight different aspects of the displayed information. Click the Graph configuration help link for an explanation of the configuration options. Pairwise alignments of each species to the mouse genome are displayed below the conservation histogram as a grayscale density plot (in pack mode) or as a wiggle (in full mode) that indicates alignment quality. In dense display mode, conservation is shown in grayscale using darker values to indicate higher levels of overall conservation as scored by phastCons. Checkboxes on the track configuration page allow selection of the species to include in the pairwise display. Note that excluding species from the pairwise display does not alter the the conservation score display. To view detailed information about the alignments at a specific position, zoom the display in to 30,000 or fewer bases, then click on the alignment. For the Conserved Elements track, the name, or 'lod' of the items, signifies the raw output scores from phastCons. These scores were then transformed from 0-1000 for the score column of the track. See the methods section for more details. Gap Annotation The Display chains between alignments configuration option enables display of gaps between alignment blocks in the pairwise alignments in a manner similar to the Chain track display. The following conventions are used: Single line: No bases in the aligned species. Possibly due to a lineage-specific insertion between the aligned blocks in the mouse genome or a lineage-specific deletion between the aligned blocks in the aligning species. Double line: Aligning species has one or more unalignable bases in the gap region. Possibly due to excessive evolutionary distance between species or independent indels in the region between the aligned blocks in both species. Pale yellow coloring: Aligning species has Ns in the gap region. Reflects uncertainty in the relationship between the DNA of both species, due to lack of sequence in relevant portions of the aligning species. Genomic Breaks Discontinuities in the genomic context (chromosome, scaffold or region) of the aligned DNA in the aligning species are shown as follows: Vertical blue bar: Represents a discontinuity that persists indefinitely on either side, e.g. a large region of DNA on either side of the bar comes from a different chromosome in the aligned species due to a large scale rearrangement. Green square brackets: Enclose shorter alignments consisting of DNA from one genomic context in the aligned species nested inside a larger chain of alignments from a different genomic context. The alignment within the brackets may represent a short misalignment, a lineage-specific insertion of a transposon in the mouse genome that aligns to a paralogous copy somewhere else in the aligned species, or other similar occurrence. Base Level When zoomed-in to the base-level display, the track shows the base composition of each alignment. The numbers and symbols on the Gaps line indicate the lengths of gaps in the mouse sequence at those alignment positions relative to the longest non-mouse sequence. If there is sufficient space in the display, the size of the gap is shown. If the space is insufficient and the gap size is a multiple of 3, a "*" is displayed; other gap sizes are indicated by "+". Codon translation is available in base-level display mode if the displayed region is identified as a coding segment. To display this annotation, select the species for translation from the pull-down menu in the Codon Translation configuration section at the top of the page. Then, select one of the following modes: No codon translation: The gene annotation is not used; the bases are displayed without translation. Use default species reading frames for translation: The annotations from the genome displayed in the Default species to establish reading frame pull-down menu are used to translate all the aligned species present in the alignment. Use reading frames for species if available, otherwise no translation: Codon translation is performed only for those species where the region is annotated as protein coding. Use reading frames for species if available, otherwise use default species: Codon translation is done on those species that are annotated as being protein coding over the aligned region using species-specific annotation; the remaining species are translated using the default species annotation. Codon translation uses the following gene tracks as the basis for translation: Gene TrackSpecies UCSC Geneshuman RefSeq Geneschicken, cow, mouse, pig, rat, rhesus, frog (x. tropicalis), zebrafish Ensembl Genes v65fugu Ensembl Genes v75alpaca, chimp, elephant, gorilla, guinea pig, hedgehog, horse, kangaroo rat, lizard, marmoset, medaka, megabat, microbat, mouse lemur, opossum, orangutan, panda, pika, platypus, rabbit, rock hyrax, shrew, sloth, stickleback, tarsier, tenrec, tetraodon, tree shrew, turkey, zebra finch Other RefSeqarmadillo, baboon, bushbaby, cat, coelacanth, dog, gibbon, lamprey, manatee, naked mole-rat, painted turtle, sheep, squirrel monkey, tasmanian devil, wallaby Genscan Genesatlantic cod, budgerigar, dolphin, nile tilapia, squirrel Table 2. Gene tracks used for codon translation. Methods Pairwise alignments with the mouse genome were generated for each species using lastz from repeat-masked genomic sequence. Pairwise alignments were then linked into chains using a dynamic programming algorithm that finds maximally scoring chains of gapless subsections of the alignments organized in a kd-tree. The scoring matrix and parameters for pairwise alignment and chaining were tuned for each species based on phylogenetic distance from the reference. High-scoring chains were then placed along the genome, with gaps filled by lower-scoring chains, to produce an alignment net. For more information about the chaining and netting process and parameters for each species, see the description pages for the Chain and Net tracks. An additional filtering step was introduced in the generation of the 60-way conservation track to reduce the number of paralogs and pseudogenes from the high-quality assemblies and the suspect alignments from the low-quality assemblies: the pairwise alignments of high-quality mammalian sequences (placental and marsupial) were filtered based on synteny; those for 2X mammalian genomes were filtered to retain only alignments of best quality in both the target and query ("reciprocal best"). The resulting best-in-genome pairwise alignments were progressively aligned using multiz/autoMZ, following the tree topology diagrammed above, to produce multiple alignments. The multiple alignments were post-processed to add annotations indicating alignment gaps, genomic breaks, and base quality of the component sequences. The annotated multiple alignments, in MAF format, are available for bulk download. An alignment summary table containing an entry for each alignment block in each species was generated to improve track display performance at large scales. Framing tables were constructed to enable visualization of codons in the multiple alignment display. Phylogenetic Tree Model Both phastCons and phyloP are phylogenetic methods that rely on a tree model containing the tree topology, branch lengths representing evolutionary distance at neutrally evolving sites, the background distribution of nucleotides, and a substitution rate matrix. The all-species tree model for this track was generated using the phyloFit program from the PHAST package (REV model, EM algorithm, medium precision) using multiple alignments of 4-fold degenerate sites extracted from the 60-way alignment (msa_view). The 4d sites were derived from the RefSeq (Reviewed+Coding) gene set, filtered to select single-coverage long transcripts. The Glires, Euarchontoglires and placental mammal subset tree models were extracted from the all-species model. These same tree models were used in the phyloP calculations; however, their background frequencies were modified to maintain reversibility. The resulting tree models: all species, Glires, Euarchontoglires and placental mammal. PhastCons Conservation The phastCons program computes conservation scores based on a phylo-HMM, a type of probabilistic model that describes both the process of DNA substitution at each site in a genome and the way this process changes from one site to the next (Felsenstein and Churchill 1996, Yang 1995, Siepel and Haussler 2005). PhastCons uses a two-state phylo-HMM, with a state for conserved regions and a state for non-conserved regions. The value plotted at each site is the posterior probability that the corresponding alignment column was "generated" by the conserved state of the phylo-HMM. These scores reflect the phylogeny (including branch lengths) of the species in question, a continuous-time Markov model of the nucleotide substitution process, and a tendency for conservation levels to be autocorrelated along the genome (i.e., to be similar at adjacent sites). The general reversible (REV) substitution model was used. Unlike many conservation-scoring programs, phastCons does not rely on a sliding window of fixed size; therefore, short highly-conserved regions and long moderately conserved regions can both obtain high scores. More information about phastCons can be found in Siepel et al. 2005. The phastCons parameters used were: expected-length=45, target-coverage=0.3, rho=0.3. PhyloP Conservation The phyloP program supports several different methods for computing p-values of conservation or acceleration, for individual nucleotides or larger elements ( Here it was used to produce separate scores at each base (--wig-scores option), considering all branches of the phylogeny rather than a particular subtree or lineage (i.e., the --subtree option was not used). The scores were computed by performing a likelihood ratio test at each alignment column (--method LRT), and scores for both conservation and acceleration were produced (--mode CONACC). Conserved Elements The conserved elements were predicted by running phastCons with the --viterbi option. The predicted elements are segments of the alignment that are likely to have been "generated" by the conserved state of the phylo-HMM. Each element is assigned a log-odds score equal to its log probability under the conserved model minus its log probability under the non-conserved model. The "score" field associated with this track contains transformed log-odds scores, taking values between 0 and 1000. (The scores are transformed using a monotonic function of the form a * log(x) + b.) The raw log odds scores are retained in the "name" field and can be seen on the details page or in the browser when the track's display mode is set to "pack" or "full". Credits This track was created using the following programs: Alignment tools: lastz (formerly blastz) and multiz by Minmei Hou, Scott Schwartz and Webb Miller of the Penn State Bioinformatics Group Chaining and Netting: axtChain, chainNet by Jim Kent at UCSC Conservation scoring: phastCons, phyloP, phyloFit, tree_doctor, msa_view and other programs in PHAST by Adam Siepel at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (original development done at the Haussler lab at UCSC). MAF Annotation tools: mafAddIRows by Brian Raney, UCSC; mafAddQRows by Richard Burhans, Penn State; genePredToMafFrames by Mark Diekhans, UCSC Tree image generator: phyloPng by Galt Barber, UCSC Conservation track display: Kate Rosenbloom, Hiram Clawson (wiggle display), and Brian Raney (gap annotation and codon framing) at UCSC The phylogenetic tree is based on Murphy et al. (2001) and general consensus in the vertebrate phylogeny community. Thanks to Giacomo Bernardi for help with the fish relationships. References Phylo-HMMs, phastCons, and phyloP: Felsenstein J, Churchill GA. A Hidden Markov Model approach to variation among sites in rate of evolution. Mol Biol Evol. 1996 Jan;13(1):93-104. PMID: 8583911 Pollard KS, Hubisz MJ, Rosenbloom KR, Siepel A. Detection of nonneutral substitution rates on mammalian phylogenies. Genome Res. 2010 Jan;20(1):110-21. PMID: 19858363; PMC: PMC2798823 Siepel A, Bejerano G, Pedersen JS, Hinrichs AS, Hou M, Rosenbloom K, Clawson H, Spieth J, Hillier LW, Richards S, et al. Evolutionarily conserved elements in vertebrate, insect, worm, and yeast genomes. Genome Res. 2005 Aug;15(8):1034-50. PMID: 16024819; PMC: PMC1182216 Siepel A, Haussler D. Phylogenetic Hidden Markov Models. In: Nielsen R, editor. Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution. New York: Springer; 2005. pp. 325-351. Yang Z. A space-time process model for the evolution of DNA sequences. Genetics. 1995 Feb;139(2):993-1005. PMID: 7713447; PMC: PMC1206396 Chain/Net: Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. PMID: 14500911; PMC: PMC208784 Multiz: Blanchette M, Kent WJ, Riemer C, Elnitski L, Smit AF, Roskin KM, Baertsch R, Rosenbloom K, Clawson H, Green ED, et al. Aligning multiple genomic sequences with the threaded blockset aligner. Genome Res. 2004 Apr;14(4):708-15. PMID: 15060014; PMC: PMC383317 Lastz (formerly Blastz): Chiaromonte F, Yap VB, Miller W. Scoring pairwise genomic sequence alignments. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2002:115-26. PMID: 11928468 Harris RS. Improved pairwise alignment of genomic DNA. Ph.D. Thesis. Pennsylvania State University, USA. 2007. Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-mouse alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. PMID: 12529312; PMC: PMC430961 Phylogenetic Tree: Murphy WJ, Eizirik E, O'Brien SJ, Madsen O, Scally M, Douady CJ, Teeling E, Ryder OA, Stanhope MJ, de Jong WW, Springer MS. Resolution of the early placental mammal radiation using Bayesian phylogenetics. Science. 2001 Dec 14;294(5550):2348-51. PMID: 11743200 cons60wayViewalign Multiz Alignments Vertebrate Multiz Alignment & Conservation (60 Species) Comparative Genomics multiz60way Multiz Align Multiz Alignments of 60 Vertebrates Comparative Genomics cons60wayViewphastcons Element Conservation (phastCons) Vertebrate Multiz Alignment & Conservation (60 Species) Comparative Genomics phastCons60way 60 Vert. Cons 60 vertebrates conservation by PhastCons Comparative Genomics phastCons60wayPlacental Placental Cons Placental Mammal Conservation by PhastCons Comparative Genomics phastCons60wayEuarchontoGlires Euarch Cons Euarchontoglires Conservation by PhastCons Comparative Genomics cons60wayViewelements Conserved Elements Vertebrate Multiz Alignment & Conservation (60 Species) Comparative Genomics phastConsElements60way 60 Vert. El 60 vertebrates Conserved Elements Comparative Genomics phastConsElements60wayPlacental Placental El Placental Mammal Conserved Elements Comparative Genomics phastConsElements60wayEuarchontoGlires Euarch El Euarchontoglires Conserved Elements Comparative Genomics cons60wayViewphyloP Basewise Conservation (phyloP) Vertebrate Multiz Alignment & Conservation (60 Species) Comparative Genomics phyloP60wayAll 60 Vert. Cons 60 vertebrates Basewise Conservation by PhyloP Comparative Genomics phyloP60wayPlacental Placental Cons Placental Mammal Basewise Conservation by PhyloP Comparative Genomics phyloP60wayEuarchontoGlires Euarch Cons Euarchontoglires Basewise Conservation by PhyloP Comparative Genomics cpgIslandExt CpG Islands CpG Islands (Islands < 300 Bases are Light Green) Expression and Regulation Description CpG islands are associated with genes, particularly housekeeping genes, in vertebrates. CpG islands are typically common near transcription start sites and may be associated with promoter regions. Normally a C (cytosine) base followed immediately by a G (guanine) base (a CpG) is rare in vertebrate DNA because the Cs in such an arrangement tend to be methylated. This methylation helps distinguish the newly synthesized DNA strand from the parent strand, which aids in the final stages of DNA proofreading after duplication. However, over evolutionary time, methylated Cs tend to turn into Ts because of spontaneous deamination. The result is that CpGs are relatively rare unless there is selective pressure to keep them or a region is not methylated for some other reason, perhaps having to do with the regulation of gene expression. CpG islands are regions where CpGs are present at significantly higher levels than is typical for the genome as a whole. The unmasked version of the track displays potential CpG islands that exist in repeat regions and would otherwise not be visible in the repeat masked version. By default, only the masked version of the track is displayed. To view the unmasked version, change the visibility settings in the track controls at the top of this page. Methods CpG islands were predicted by searching the sequence one base at a time, scoring each dinucleotide (+17 for CG and -1 for others) and identifying maximally scoring segments. Each segment was then evaluated for the following criteria: GC content of 50% or greater length greater than 200 bp ratio greater than 0.6 of observed number of CG dinucleotides to the expected number on the basis of the number of Gs and Cs in the segment The entire genome sequence, masking areas included, was used for the construction of the track Unmasked CpG. The track CpG Islands is constructed on the sequence after all masked sequence is removed. The CpG count is the number of CG dinucleotides in the island. The Percentage CpG is the ratio of CpG nucleotide bases (twice the CpG count) to the length. The ratio of observed to expected CpG is calculated according to the formula (cited in Gardiner-Garden et al. (1987)): Obs/Exp CpG = Number of CpG * N / (Number of C * Number of G) where N = length of sequence. The calculation of the track data is performed by the following command sequence: twoBitToFa assembly.2bit stdout | maskOutFa stdin hard stdout \ | cpg_lh /dev/stdin 2> cpg_lh.err \ | awk '{$2 = $2 - 1; width = $3 - $2; printf("%s\t%d\t%s\t%s %s\t%s\t%s\t%0.0f\t%0.1f\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $5, $6, width, $6, width*$7*0.01, 100.0*2*$6/width, $7, $9);}' \ | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > cpgIsland.bed The unmasked track data is constructed from twoBitToFa -noMask output for the twoBitToFa command. Data access CpG islands and its associated tables can be explored interactively using the REST API, the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. All the tables can also be queried directly from our public MySQL servers, with more information available on our help page as well as on our blog. The source for the cpg_lh program can be obtained from src/utils/cpgIslandExt/. The cpg_lh program binary can be obtained from: (choose "save file") Credits This track was generated using a modification of a program developed by G. Miklem and L. Hillier (unpublished). References Gardiner-Garden M, Frommer M. CpG islands in vertebrate genomes. J Mol Biol. 1987 Jul 20;196(2):261-82. PMID: 3656447 cpgIslandSuper CpG Islands CpG Islands (Islands < 300 Bases are Light Green) Expression and Regulation Description CpG islands are associated with genes, particularly housekeeping genes, in vertebrates. CpG islands are typically common near transcription start sites and may be associated with promoter regions. Normally a C (cytosine) base followed immediately by a G (guanine) base (a CpG) is rare in vertebrate DNA because the Cs in such an arrangement tend to be methylated. This methylation helps distinguish the newly synthesized DNA strand from the parent strand, which aids in the final stages of DNA proofreading after duplication. However, over evolutionary time, methylated Cs tend to turn into Ts because of spontaneous deamination. The result is that CpGs are relatively rare unless there is selective pressure to keep them or a region is not methylated for some other reason, perhaps having to do with the regulation of gene expression. CpG islands are regions where CpGs are present at significantly higher levels than is typical for the genome as a whole. The unmasked version of the track displays potential CpG islands that exist in repeat regions and would otherwise not be visible in the repeat masked version. By default, only the masked version of the track is displayed. To view the unmasked version, change the visibility settings in the track controls at the top of this page. Methods CpG islands were predicted by searching the sequence one base at a time, scoring each dinucleotide (+17 for CG and -1 for others) and identifying maximally scoring segments. Each segment was then evaluated for the following criteria: GC content of 50% or greater length greater than 200 bp ratio greater than 0.6 of observed number of CG dinucleotides to the expected number on the basis of the number of Gs and Cs in the segment The entire genome sequence, masking areas included, was used for the construction of the track Unmasked CpG. The track CpG Islands is constructed on the sequence after all masked sequence is removed. The CpG count is the number of CG dinucleotides in the island. The Percentage CpG is the ratio of CpG nucleotide bases (twice the CpG count) to the length. The ratio of observed to expected CpG is calculated according to the formula (cited in Gardiner-Garden et al. (1987)): Obs/Exp CpG = Number of CpG * N / (Number of C * Number of G) where N = length of sequence. The calculation of the track data is performed by the following command sequence: twoBitToFa assembly.2bit stdout | maskOutFa stdin hard stdout \ | cpg_lh /dev/stdin 2> cpg_lh.err \ | awk '{$2 = $2 - 1; width = $3 - $2; printf("%s\t%d\t%s\t%s %s\t%s\t%s\t%0.0f\t%0.1f\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $5, $6, width, $6, width*$7*0.01, 100.0*2*$6/width, $7, $9);}' \ | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > cpgIsland.bed The unmasked track data is constructed from twoBitToFa -noMask output for the twoBitToFa command. Data access CpG islands and its associated tables can be explored interactively using the REST API, the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. All the tables can also be queried directly from our public MySQL servers, with more information available on our help page as well as on our blog. The source for the cpg_lh program can be obtained from src/utils/cpgIslandExt/. The cpg_lh program binary can be obtained from: (choose "save file") Credits This track was generated using a modification of a program developed by G. Miklem and L. Hillier (unpublished). References Gardiner-Garden M, Frommer M. CpG islands in vertebrate genomes. J Mol Biol. 1987 Jul 20;196(2):261-82. PMID: 3656447 encodeCcreCombined ENCODE cCREs ENCODE Candidate Cis-Regulatory Elements (cCREs) combined from all cell types Expression and Regulation Description This track displays the ENCODE Registry of candidate cis-Regulatory Elements (cCREs) in the mouse genome, a total of 339,815 elements identified and classified by the ENCODE Data Analysis Center according to biochemical signatures. cCREs are the subset of representative DNase hypersensitive sites across ENCODE samples that are supported by either histone modifications (H3K4me3 and H3K27ac) or CTCF-binding data. The Registry of cCREs is one of the core components of the integrative level of the ENCODE Encyclopedia of DNA Elements. Additional exploration of the cCRE's and underlying raw ENCODE data is provided by the SCREEN (Search Candidate cis-Regulatory Elements) web tool, designed specifically for the Registry, accessible by linkouts from the track details page. The cCREs identified in the human genome are available in a companion track, here. The related cCREs by Biosample composite track presents ccREs and associated epigenetic signal in all individual biosamples in a large matrix. Additional views of the data are provided by the ENCODE Integrative Megahub. --> Display Conventions and Configuration CCREs are colored and labeled according to classification by regulatory signature: Color UCSC label ENCODE classification ENCODE label red prom promoter-like signature PLS orange enhP proximal enhancer-like signature pELS yellow enhD distal enhancer-like signature dELS pink K4m3 DNase-H3K4me3 DNase-H3K4me3 blue CTCF CTCF-only CTCF-only The DNase-H3K4me3 elements are those with promoter-like biochemical signature that are not within 200bp of an annotated TSS. Methods All individual DNase hypsersensitive sites (DHSs) identified from 176 DNase-seq profiles in mouse (a total of 26 million) were iteratively clustered and filtered for the highest signal across all experiments, producing 1.2 million representative DHSs (rDHSs). The highest signal elements from this set that were also supported by high H3K4me3, H3K27ac and/or CTCF ChIP-seq signals were designated cCRE's (a total of 339,815 in mouse). Classification of cCRE's was performed based on the following criteria: cCREs with promoter-like signatures (cCRE-PLS) fall within 200 bp of an annotated GENCODE TSS and have high DNase and H3K4me3 signals. cCREs with enhancer-like signatures (cCRE-ELS) have high DNase and H3K27ac with low H3K4me3 max-Z score if they are within 200 bp of an annotated TSS. The subset of cCREs-ELS within 2 kb of a TSS is denoted proximal (cCRE-pELS), while the remaining subset is denoted distal (cCRE-dELS). DNase-H3K4me3 cCREs have high H3K4me3 max-Z scores but low H3K27ac max-Z scores and do not fall within 200 bp of a TSS. CTCF-only cCREs have high DNase and CTCF and low H3K4me3 and H3K27ac. The GENCODE VM18 (Ensembl 93) basic gene annotation set was used in this analysis. For further detail about the identification and classification of ENCODE cCREs see the About page of the SCREEN web tool. Data Access The ENCODE accession numbers of the constituent datasets at the ENCODE Portal are available from the cCRE details page. The data in this track can be interactively explored with the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. The data can be accessed from scripts through our API, the track name is "encodeCcreCombined". For automated download and analysis, this annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The file for this track is called Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr21 -start=0 -end=100000000 stdout Release Notes This annotation is based on ENCODE data released on or before September 14, 2018. Credits This dataset was produced by the ENCODE Data Analysis Center (ZLab at UMass Medical Center). Please check the ZLab ENCODE Public Hubs for the most updated data. Thanks to Henry Pratt, Jill Moore, Michael Purcaro, and Zhiping Weng, PI for providing this data. Thanks also to the ENCODE Consortium, the ENCODE production laboratories, and the ENCODE Data Coordination Center for generating and processing the datasets used here. References ENCODE Project Consortium. Expanded Encyclopedias of DNA Elements in the Human and Mouse Genomes. Nature. 2020 July 30;583(7818):699-710 ENCODE Project Consortium. An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome. Nature. 2012 Sep 6;489(7414):57-74. PMID: 22955616; PMC: PMC3439153 ENCODE Project Consortium. A user's guide to the encyclopedia of DNA elements (ENCODE). PLoS Biol. 2011 Apr;9(4):e1001046. PMID: 21526222; PMC: PMC3079585 fixSeqLiftOverPsl Fix Patches Reference Assembly Fix Patch Sequence Alignments Mapping and Sequencing Description This track shows alignments of fix patch sequences to main chromosome sequences in the reference genome assembly. When errors are corrected in the reference genome assembly, the Genome Reference Consortium (GRC) adds fix patch sequences containing the corrected regions. This strikes a balance between providing the most complete and correct genome sequence, while maintaining stable chromosome coordinates for the original assembly sequences. Fix patches are often associated with incident reports displayed in the GRC Incidents track. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. Mismatching bases are highlighted in red. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, see Alignment Insertion/Deletion Display Options. Credits The alignments were provided by NCBI as GFF files and translated into the PSL representation for browser display by UCSC. knownGene GENCODE VM23 GENCODE VM23 Comprehensive Transcript Set (only Basic displayed by default) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The GENCODE track is composed of all the gene models in the GENCODE VM23 release. By default, only the basic gene set is displayed, which is a subset of the comprehensive gene set. The basic set represents transcripts that GENCODE believes will be useful to the majority of users. The track includes protein-coding genes, non-coding RNA genes, and pseudo-genes, though pseudo-genes are not displayed by default. The following table provides statistics for the VM23 release derived from the GTF file that contains annotations only on the main chromosomes. More information on how they were generated can be found in the GENCODE site. GENCODE VM23 Release Stats GenesObservedTranscriptsObserved Protein-coding genes 21,849Protein-coding transcripts59,188 Long non-coding RNA genes13,201- full length protein-coding45,391 Small non-coding RNA genes6,108- partial length protein-coding13,797 Pseudogenes13,681Nonsense mediated decay transcripts7,200 Immunoglobulin/T-cell receptor gene segments700Long non-coding RNA loci transcripts18,339 For more information on the different gene tracks, see our Genes FAQ. Display Conventions and Configuration By default, this track displays only the basic GENCODE set, splice variants, and non-coding genes. It includes options to display the comprehensive GENCODE set and pseudogenes. To customize these options, the respective boxes can be checked or unchecked at the top of this description page. Our FAQ includes examples of how to display a single transcript per gene and switching between the basic and comprehensive gene sets. This track also includes a variety of labels which identify the transcripts when visibility is set to "full" or "pack". Gene symbols (e.g. NIPA1) are displayed by default, but additional options include GENCODE Transcript ID (ENSMUST00000052204.5), UCSC Known Gene ID (uc009hdu.2), and UniProt Display ID (Q8BHK1) . Additional information about gene and transcript names can be found in our FAQ. This track, in general, follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. The exons for putative non-coding genes and untranslated regions are represented by relatively thin blocks, while those for coding open reading frames are thicker. The following color key is used: Black -- feature has a corresponding entry in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) Dark blue -- transcript has been reviewed or validated by either the RefSeq or SwissProt staff Medium blue -- other RefSeq transcripts Light blue -- non-RefSeq transcripts This track contains an optional codon coloring feature that allows users to quickly validate and compare gene predictions. There is also an option to display the data as a density graph, which can be helpful for visualizing the distribution of items over a region. Methods All the GENCODE genes in the comprehensive set are downloaded from the GENCODE website. Data from other sources are correlated with the GENCODE data to build the knownTo_ tables. Related Data The GENCODE Genes transcripts are annotated in numerous tables. These include tables that link GENCODE Genes transcripts to external datasets (such as knownToLocusLink, which maps GENCODE Genes transcripts to Entrez identifiers, previously known as Locus Link identifiers), and tables that detail some property of GENCODE Genes transcript sequences (such as knownToPfam, which identifies any Pfam domains found in the GENCODE Genes protein-coding transcripts). One can see a full list of the associated tables by clicking the View table schema link at the top of the page, or in the Table Browser by selecting GENCODE Genes from the track menu; this list is then available on the table menu. Note that some of these tables refer to GENCODE Genes by its table name knownGene, sometimes abbreviated as known or kg. While the complete set of annotation tables is too long to describe, some of the more important tables are described below. kgXref identifies the RefSeq, SwissProt, Rfam, or tRNA sequences (if any) which are associated with each transcript. knownToRefSeq identifies the RefSeq transcript that each GENCODE Genes transcript is most closely associated with. That RefSeq transcript is the RefSeq transcript that the GENCODE Genes transcript overlaps at the most bases. knownGeneMrna contains the genomic sequence for each of the GENCODE Genes models. This may not be the same as the actual mRNA used to validate the gene model. knownGenePep contains the protein sequences derived from the knownGeneMrna transcript sequences. Any protein-level annotations, such as the contents of the knownToPfam table, are based on these sequences. knownIsoforms maps each transcript to a cluster ID, a cluster of isoforms of the same gene. knownCanonical identifies the canonical isoform of each cluster ID or gene using the ENSEMBL gene IDs to define each cluster. The canonical transcript is chosen using the APPRIS principal transcript when available. If no APPRIS tag exists for any transcript associated with the cluster, then a transcript in the BASIC set is chosen. If no BASIC transcript exists, then the longest isoform is used. Data access GENCODE Genes and its associated tables can be explored interactively using the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. The data are also all available as downloadable files. For example, if you would like to download the entire GENCODE Genes set as seen in the View table schema page, the knownGene.txt.gz file in the downloads directory contains a compressed version of the data. All the tables can also be queried directly from our public MySQL servers. Information on accessing this data through MySQL can be found on our help page as well as on our blog. Credits The GENCODE Genes track was produced at UCSC from the GENCODE comprehensive gene set using a computational pipeline developed by Jim Kent and Brian Raney. References Harrow J, Frankish A, Gonzalez JM, Tapanari E, Diekhans M, Kokocinski F, Aken BL, Barrell D, Zadissa A, Searle S et al. GENCODE: the reference human genome annotation for The ENCODE Project. Genome Res. 2012 Sep;22(9):1760-74. PMID: 22955987; PMC: PMC3431492 Harrow J, Denoeud F, Frankish A, Reymond A, Chen CK, Chrast J, Lagarde J, Gilbert JG, Storey R, Swarbreck D et al. GENCODE: producing a reference annotation for ENCODE. Genome Biol. 2006;7 Suppl 1:S4.1-9. PMID: 16925838; PMC: PMC1810553 A full list of GENCODE publications is available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. TabulaMurisFacsCoverage Genome Coverage Tabula Muris single cell RNA-Seq genome coverage Expression and Regulation Description Tabula Muris is a compendium of single cell transcriptome data from the model organism Mus musculus, containing nearly 100,000 cells from 20 organs and tissues. The data allow for direct and controlled comparison of gene expression in cell types shared between tissues, such as immune cells from distinct anatomical locations. This track shows the results from FACS sorted cells sequenced with the SmartSeq2 protocol, as it has much higher transcript coverage. The sequencing data comprises more than 2TB and was summarized into a track at UCSC. Display Conventions and Configuration As indicated by the "..." after its name, this is a 'super track', a container for subtracks. There are three different subtracks: Cell type expression: A rectangle on the genome, at the location of a gene, filled with a bar graph that indicates the gene's expression by single cell cluster. The term "cluster" refers to a cluster of single cells, which usually represents a cell or tissue type. The height of the bar graph on the genome is the median expression level and a click-through on the bar chart displays a boxplot of expression level quartiles with outliers, per cluster. On the boxplot, the number of cells from each experiment is shown. Coverage: Bar graphs indicate the number of reads at this base pair. You may want to switch on auto-scaling of the y-axis. For configuration options, see the graph tracks configuration help page. These tracks are shown in "dense" by default, set any of the tracks to "full" to see the detailed coverage plot. Splice Junctions: Thick rectangles show exons around a splice site, connected by a line that indicates the intron. These gaps are shown and are annotated with the number of reads, in the 'score' field. You can use the 'score' filter on the track configuration page to show only introns with a certain number of supporting reads. The maximum number of reads that are shown is 1,000, even if more reads support an intron. These tracks are shown in dense by default, set this track to "pack" to see. Then click the splice junctions to see their score. Methods BAM files were provided by the data submitters, one (single end) or two files (paired end) per cell. The BAM alignments were used as submitted. They were merged with "samtools merge" into a single BAM file per cluster. The readgroup (RG) BAM tag indicates the original cell. From the resulting merged BAM file, coverage was obtained using "wiggletools coverage" a tool written by Daniel Zerbino and the result was converted with the UCSC tool "wigToBigWig". Also on the merged BAM file, the software IntronProspector was run with default settings. It retains reads with a gap longer than 70 bp and shorter than 500 kbp and merges them into annotated splice junctions. Data Access The merged BAM files, coverage bigWig files and splice junctions in bigBed format can be downloaded from the /gbdb fileserver. Since the splice junction .bigBed files have their scores capped at 1000, the original IntronProspector .bed files are available in the same track hub directory. You can also find there *.calls.tsv files with more details about each junction, e.g. the number of uniquely mapping reads. Credits WiggleTools was written by Daniel Zerbino, IntronProspector was written by Mark Diekhans, track hubs were written to a large extent by Brian Raney and colleages at the UCSC Genome Browser. Track creation was done by Max Haeussler and tested by Jairo Navarro. References Zerbino DR, Johnson N, Juettemann T, Wilder SP, Flicek P. WiggleTools: parallel processing of large collections of genome-wide datasets for visualization and statistical analysis. Bioinformatics. 2014 Apr 1;30(7):1008-9. PMID: 24363377; PMC: PMC3967112 Mark Diekhans, IntronProspector GitHub Repository. Github 2018 The Tabula Muris Consortium, Stephen R. Quake, Tony Wyss-Coray, Spyros Darmanis: Single-cell transcriptomic characterization of 20 organs and tissues from individual mice creates a Tabula Muris. bioRxiv preprint March 2018, accepted paper in Nature 2018 (562) p.367-372 bladderUrothelialCellCov urothelial Cv bladder urothelial cell Coverage (683 cells) Expression and Regulation regulatoryTCellCov T-reg Cv regulatory T cell Coverage (27 cells) Expression and Regulation TCellCov T cell Cv T cell Coverage (793 cells) Expression and Regulation stromalCellCov stromal cell Cv stromal cell Coverage (863 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticStellateCellCov stellate cell Cv pancreatic stellate cell Coverage (49 cells) Expression and Regulation smoothMuscleCellCov smooth muscle Cv smooth muscle cell Coverage (42 cells) Expression and Regulation Slamf1negativeMultipotentProgenitorCellCov Slamf1- cell Cv Slamf1-negative multipotent progenitor cell Coverage (713 cells) Expression and Regulation Slamf1positiveMultipotentProgenitorCellCov Slamf1+ cell Cv Slamf1-positive multipotent progenitor cell Coverage (134 cells) Expression and Regulation skeletalMuscleSatelliteStemCellCov satellite SC Cv skeletal muscle satellite stem cell Coverage (439 cells) Expression and Regulation skeletalMuscleSatelliteCellCov satellite Cv skeletal muscle satellite cell Coverage (540 cells) Expression and Regulation epithelialCellOfProximalTubuleCov proximal tube Cv epithelial cell of proximal tubule Coverage (219 cells) Expression and Regulation professionalAntigenPresentingCellCov Pro APC Cv professional antigen presenting cell Coverage (59 cells) Expression and Regulation prenaturalKillerCellCov pre-NK cell Cv pre-natural killer cell Coverage (22 cells) Expression and Regulation granulocytopoieticCellCov pre-granulocyt Cv granulocytopoietic cell Coverage (221 cells) Expression and Regulation precursorBCellCov pre-B cell Cv precursor B cell Coverage (517 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticDuctalCellCov pancreatic duc Cv pancreatic ductal cell Coverage (161 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticACellCov pancreatic A Cv pancreatic A cell Coverage (390 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticPpCellCov pancr PPcell Cv pancreatic PP cell Coverage (73 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticDCellCov pancr D cell Cv pancreatic D cell Coverage (140 cells) Expression and Regulation typeBPancreaticCellCov pancr B cell Cv type B pancreatic cell Coverage (449 cells) Expression and Regulation oligodendrocytePrecursorCellCov OPC Cv oligodendrocyte precursor cell Coverage (203 cells) Expression and Regulation oligodendrocyteCov oligodendroc. Cv oligodendrocyte Coverage (1574 cells) Expression and Regulation naturalKillerCellCov NK cell Cv natural killer cell Coverage (171 cells) Expression and Regulation neuronCov neuron Cv neuron Coverage (281 cells) Expression and Regulation naiveBCellCov naive B cell Cv naive B cell Coverage (692 cells) Expression and Regulation myofibroblastCellCov myofibroblast Cv myofibroblast cell Coverage (178 cells) Expression and Regulation myeloidCellCov myeloid cell Cv myeloid cell Coverage (1208 cells) Expression and Regulation monocyteCov monocyte Cv monocyte Coverage (331 cells) Expression and Regulation microglialCellCov microglia Cv microglial cell Coverage (4394 cells) Expression and Regulation mesenchymalCellCov mesenchyme Cv mesenchymal cell Coverage (830 cells) Expression and Regulation mesenchymalStemCellCov mesenchymalSC Cv mesenchymal stem cell Coverage (499 cells) Expression and Regulation megakaryocyteerythroidProgenitorCellCov MEP cell Cv megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell Coverage (55 cells) Expression and Regulation matureNaturalKillerCellCov mature NK Cv mature natural killer cell Coverage (49 cells) Expression and Regulation macrophageCov macrophage Cv macrophage Coverage (395 cells) Expression and Regulation lymphocyteCov lymphocyte Cv lymphocyte Coverage (81 cells) Expression and Regulation epithelialCellOfLungCov lung epithelia Cv epithelial cell of lung Coverage (113 cells) Expression and Regulation lungEndothelialCellCov lung endothelia C lung endothelial cell Coverage (693 cells) Expression and Regulation luminalEpithelialCellOfMammaryGlandCov luminal cell Cv luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland Coverage (578 cells) Expression and Regulation leukocyteCov leukocyte Cv leukocyte Coverage (683 cells) Expression and Regulation lateProBCellCov late pro-B Cv late pro-B cell Coverage (306 cells) Expression and Regulation epithelialCellOfLargeIntestineCov L.I. epithelia Cv epithelial cell of large intestine Coverage (2019 cells) Expression and Regulation KupfferCellCov Kupffer cell Cv Kupffer cell Coverage (61 cells) Expression and Regulation stemCellOfEpidermisCov keratinocyteSC Cv stem cell of epidermis Coverage (53 cells) Expression and Regulation keratinocyteStemCellCov keratinocyteSC Cv keratinocyte stem cell Coverage (1404 cells) Expression and Regulation keratinocyteCov keratinocyte Cv keratinocyte Coverage (330 cells) Expression and Regulation immatureNkTCellCov immature NKT Cv immature NK T cell Coverage (37 cells) Expression and Regulation immatureNaturalKillerCellCov immature NK Cv immature natural killer cell Coverage (36 cells) Expression and Regulation immatureBCellCov immature B Cv immature B cell Coverage (344 cells) Expression and Regulation immatureTCellCov immat T cell Cv immature T cell Coverage (1337 cells) Expression and Regulation hematopoieticPrecursorCellCov HPC Cv hematopoietic precursor cell Coverage (265 cells) Expression and Regulation hepatocyteCov hepatocyte Cv hepatocyte Coverage (391 cells) Expression and Regulation granulocyteCov granulocyte Cv granulocyte Coverage (761 cells) Expression and Regulation largeIntestineGobletCellCov goblet cell Cv large intestine goblet cell Coverage (833 cells) Expression and Regulation fibroblastCov fibroblast Cv fibroblast Coverage (2189 cells) Expression and Regulation erythrocyteCov erythrocyte Cv erythrocyte Coverage (91 cells) Expression and Regulation epithelialCellCov epithelial Cv epithelial cell Coverage (201 cells) Expression and Regulation epidermalCellCov epidermal cell Cv epidermal cell Coverage (276 cells) Expression and Regulation basalCellOfEpidermisCov epiderm basal Cv basal cell of epidermis Coverage (1648 cells) Expression and Regulation enteroendocrineCellCov enteroendocr Cv enteroendocrine cell Coverage (59 cells) Expression and Regulation enterocyteOfEpitheliumOfLargeIntestineCov enterocyte Cv enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine Coverage (964 cells) Expression and Regulation endothelialCellCov endothelial Cv endothelial cell Coverage (3319 cells) Expression and Regulation endocardialCellCov endocardial Cv endocardial cell Coverage (165 cells) Expression and Regulation endothelialCellOfHepaticSinusoidCov EC-HS Cv endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid Coverage (182 cells) Expression and Regulation DN1ThymicProTCellCov DN1 pro-T cell Cv DN1 thymic pro-T cell Coverage (32 cells) Expression and Regulation commonLymphoidProgenitorCov comm lymph prg Cv common lymphoid progenitor Coverage (156 cells) Expression and Regulation kidneyCollectingDuctEpithelialCellCov collecting duc Cv kidney collecting duct epithelial cell Coverage (121 cells) Expression and Regulation classicalMonocyteCov class monocyte Cv classical monocyte Coverage (90 cells) Expression and Regulation ciliatedColumnarCellOfTracheobronchialTreeCov cilliated cell Cv ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree Coverage (25 cells) Expression and Regulation granulocyteMonocyteProgenitorCellCov CFU-GM Cv granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell Coverage (134 cells) Expression and Regulation cardiacMuscleCellCov cardiac muscle Cv cardiac muscle cell Coverage (133 cells) Expression and Regulation BrushCellOfEpitheliumProperOfLargeIntestineCov Brush cell Cv Brush cell of epithelium proper of large intestine Coverage (63 cells) Expression and Regulation brainPericyteCov brain pericyte Cv brain pericyte Coverage (156 cells) Expression and Regulation bloodCellCov blood cell Cv blood cell Coverage (206 cells) Expression and Regulation bladderCellCov bladder cell Cv bladder cell Coverage (695 cells) Expression and Regulation BergmannGlialCellCov Bergmann glial Cv Bergmann glial cell Coverage (40 cells) Expression and Regulation basophilCov basophil Cv basophil Coverage (25 cells) Expression and Regulation basalCellCov basal cell Cv basal cell Coverage (1340 cells) Expression and Regulation BCellCov B cell Cv B cell Coverage (2029 cells) Expression and Regulation astrocyteCov astrocyte Cv astrocyte Coverage (432 cells) Expression and Regulation mesenchymalStemCellOfAdiposeCov adipocyte Cv mesenchymal stem cell of adipose Coverage (2107 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticAcinarCellCov acinar cell Cv pancreatic acinar cell Coverage (182 cells) Expression and Regulation snp142Mult Mult. SNPs(142) Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 142) That Map to Multiple Genomic Loci Variation and Repeats Description This track contains information about a subset of the single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP build 142, available from Only SNPs that have been mapped to multiple locations in the reference genome assembly are included in this subset. When a SNP's flanking sequences map to multiple locations in the reference genome, it calls into question whether there is true variation at those sites, or whether the sequences at those sites are merely highly similar but not identical. The default maximum weight for this track is 3, unlike the other dbSNP build 142 tracks which have a maximum weight of 1. That enables these multiply-mapped SNPs to appear in the display, while by default they will not appear in the All SNPs(142) track because of its maximum weight filter. The remainder of this page is identical on the following tracks: Common SNPs(142) - SNPs with >= 1% minor allele frequency (MAF), mapping only once to reference assembly. Mult. SNPs(142) - SNPs mapping in more than one place on reference assembly. All SNPs(142) - all SNPs from dbSNP mapping to reference assembly. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from The fasta files were downloaded from Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from b142_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b142_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b142_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provided the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from b142_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access Note: It is not recommeneded to use LiftOver to convert SNPs between assemblies, and more information about how to convert SNPs between assemblies can be found on the following FAQ entry. The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation can be downloaded from the downloads server (snp142*.txt.gz) or the public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Masked FASTA Files FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download: GRCm38/mm10. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exclude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. PMID: 11125122; PMC: PMC29783 TabulaMurisFacsJunctions Splice Sites Tabula Muris single cell RNA-Seq splice sites Expression and Regulation Description Tabula Muris is a compendium of single cell transcriptome data from the model organism Mus musculus, containing nearly 100,000 cells from 20 organs and tissues. The data allow for direct and controlled comparison of gene expression in cell types shared between tissues, such as immune cells from distinct anatomical locations. This track shows the results from FACS sorted cells sequenced with the SmartSeq2 protocol, as it has much higher transcript coverage. The sequencing data comprises more than 2TB and was summarized into a track at UCSC. Display Conventions and Configuration As indicated by the "..." after its name, this is a 'super track', a container for subtracks. There are three different subtracks: Cell type expression: A rectangle on the genome, at the location of a gene, filled with a bar graph that indicates the gene's expression by single cell cluster. The term "cluster" refers to a cluster of single cells, which usually represents a cell or tissue type. The height of the bar graph on the genome is the median expression level and a click-through on the bar chart displays a boxplot of expression level quartiles with outliers, per cluster. On the boxplot, the number of cells from each experiment is shown. Coverage: Bar graphs indicate the number of reads at this base pair. You may want to switch on auto-scaling of the y-axis. For configuration options, see the graph tracks configuration help page. These tracks are shown in "dense" by default, set any of the tracks to "full" to see the detailed coverage plot. Splice Junctions: Thick rectangles show exons around a splice site, connected by a line that indicates the intron. These gaps are shown and are annotated with the number of reads, in the 'score' field. You can use the 'score' filter on the track configuration page to show only introns with a certain number of supporting reads. The maximum number of reads that are shown is 1,000, even if more reads support an intron. These tracks are shown in dense by default, set this track to "pack" to see. Then click the splice junctions to see their score. Methods BAM files were provided by the data submitters, one (single end) or two files (paired end) per cell. The BAM alignments were used as submitted. They were merged with "samtools merge" into a single BAM file per cluster. The readgroup (RG) BAM tag indicates the original cell. From the resulting merged BAM file, coverage was obtained using "wiggletools coverage" a tool written by Daniel Zerbino and the result was converted with the UCSC tool "wigToBigWig". Also on the merged BAM file, the software IntronProspector was run with default settings. It retains reads with a gap longer than 70 bp and shorter than 500 kbp and merges them into annotated splice junctions. Data Access The merged BAM files, coverage bigWig files and splice junctions in bigBed format can be downloaded from the /gbdb fileserver. Since the splice junction .bigBed files have their scores capped at 1000, the original IntronProspector .bed files are available in the same track hub directory. You can also find there *.calls.tsv files with more details about each junction, e.g. the number of uniquely mapping reads. Credits WiggleTools was written by Daniel Zerbino, IntronProspector was written by Mark Diekhans, track hubs were written to a large extent by Brian Raney and colleages at the UCSC Genome Browser. Track creation was done by Max Haeussler and tested by Jairo Navarro. References Zerbino DR, Johnson N, Juettemann T, Wilder SP, Flicek P. WiggleTools: parallel processing of large collections of genome-wide datasets for visualization and statistical analysis. Bioinformatics. 2014 Apr 1;30(7):1008-9. PMID: 24363377; PMC: PMC3967112 Mark Diekhans, IntronProspector GitHub Repository. Github 2018 The Tabula Muris Consortium, Stephen R. Quake, Tony Wyss-Coray, Spyros Darmanis: Single-cell transcriptomic characterization of 20 organs and tissues from individual mice creates a Tabula Muris. bioRxiv preprint March 2018, accepted paper in Nature 2018 (562) p.367-372 bladderUrothelialCellJunc urothelial Sp bladder urothelial cell Splice Junctions (683 cells) Expression and Regulation regulatoryTCellJunc T-reg Sp regulatory T cell Splice Junctions (27 cells) Expression and Regulation TCellJunc T cell Sp T cell Splice Junctions (793 cells) Expression and Regulation stromalCellJunc stromal cell Sp stromal cell Splice Junctions (863 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticStellateCellJunc stellate cell Sp pancreatic stellate cell Splice Junctions (49 cells) Expression and Regulation smoothMuscleCellJunc smooth muscle Sp smooth muscle cell Splice Junctions (42 cells) Expression and Regulation Slamf1negativeMultipotentProgenitorCellJunc Slamf1- cell Sp Slamf1-negative multipotent progenitor cell Splice Junctions (713 cells) Expression and Regulation Slamf1positiveMultipotentProgenitorCellJunc Slamf1+ cell Sp Slamf1-positive multipotent progenitor cell Splice Junctions (134 cells) Expression and Regulation skeletalMuscleSatelliteCellJunc satellite Sp skeletal muscle satellite cell Splice Junctions (540 cells) Expression and Regulation skeletalMuscleSatelliteStemCellJunc satellite SC Sp skeletal muscle satellite stem cell Splice Junctions (439 cells) Expression and Regulation epithelialCellOfProximalTubuleJunc proximal tube Sp epithelial cell of proximal tubule Splice Junctions (219 cells) Expression and Regulation professionalAntigenPresentingCellJunc Pro APC Sp professional antigen presenting cell Splice Junctions (59 cells) Expression and Regulation prenaturalKillerCellJunc pre-NK cell Sp pre-natural killer cell Splice Junctions (22 cells) Expression and Regulation granulocytopoieticCellJunc pre-granulocyt Sp granulocytopoietic cell Splice Junctions (221 cells) Expression and Regulation precursorBCellJunc pre-B cell Sp precursor B cell Splice Junctions (517 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticDuctalCellJunc pancreatic duc Sp pancreatic ductal cell Splice Junctions (161 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticACellJunc pancreatic A Sp pancreatic A cell Splice Junctions (390 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticPpCellJunc pancr PPcell Sp pancreatic PP cell Splice Junctions (73 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticDCellJunc pancr D cell Sp pancreatic D cell Splice Junctions (140 cells) Expression and Regulation typeBPancreaticCellJunc pancr B cell Sp type B pancreatic cell Splice Junctions (449 cells) Expression and Regulation oligodendrocytePrecursorCellJunc OPC Sp oligodendrocyte precursor cell Splice Junctions (203 cells) Expression and Regulation oligodendrocyteJunc oligodendroc. Sp oligodendrocyte Splice Junctions (1574 cells) Expression and Regulation naturalKillerCellJunc NK cell Sp natural killer cell Splice Junctions (171 cells) Expression and Regulation neuronJunc neuron Sp neuron Splice Junctions (281 cells) Expression and Regulation naiveBCellJunc naive B cell Sp naive B cell Splice Junctions (692 cells) Expression and Regulation myofibroblastCellJunc myofibroblast Sp myofibroblast cell Splice Junctions (178 cells) Expression and Regulation myeloidCellJunc myeloid cell Sp myeloid cell Splice Junctions (1208 cells) Expression and Regulation monocyteJunc monocyte Sp monocyte Splice Junctions (331 cells) Expression and Regulation microglialCellJunc microglia Sp microglial cell Splice Junctions (4394 cells) Expression and Regulation mesenchymalCellJunc mesenchyme Sp mesenchymal cell Splice Junctions (830 cells) Expression and Regulation mesenchymalStemCellJunc mesenchymalSC Sp mesenchymal stem cell Splice Junctions (499 cells) Expression and Regulation megakaryocyteerythroidProgenitorCellJunc MEP cell Sp megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell Splice Junctions (55 cells) Expression and Regulation matureNaturalKillerCellJunc mature NK Sp mature natural killer cell Splice Junctions (49 cells) Expression and Regulation macrophageJunc macrophage Sp macrophage Splice Junctions (395 cells) Expression and Regulation lymphocyteJunc lymphocyte Sp lymphocyte Splice Junctions (81 cells) Expression and Regulation epithelialCellOfLungJunc lung epithelia Sp epithelial cell of lung Splice Junctions (113 cells) Expression and Regulation lungEndothelialCellJunc lung endothelia S lung endothelial cell Splice Junctions (693 cells) Expression and Regulation luminalEpithelialCellOfMammaryGlandJunc luminal cell Sp luminal epithelial cell of mammary gland Splice Junctions (578 cells) Expression and Regulation leukocyteJunc leukocyte Sp leukocyte Splice Junctions (683 cells) Expression and Regulation lateProBCellJunc late pro-B Sp late pro-B cell Splice Junctions (306 cells) Expression and Regulation epithelialCellOfLargeIntestineJunc L.I. epithelia Sp epithelial cell of large intestine Splice Junctions (2019 cells) Expression and Regulation KupfferCellJunc Kupffer cell Sp Kupffer cell Splice Junctions (61 cells) Expression and Regulation keratinocyteStemCellJunc keratinocyteSC Sp keratinocyte stem cell Splice Junctions (1404 cells) Expression and Regulation stemCellOfEpidermisJunc keratinocyteSC Sp stem cell of epidermis Splice Junctions (53 cells) Expression and Regulation keratinocyteJunc keratinocyte Sp keratinocyte Splice Junctions (330 cells) Expression and Regulation immatureNkTCellJunc immature NKT Sp immature NK T cell Splice Junctions (37 cells) Expression and Regulation immatureNaturalKillerCellJunc immature NK Sp immature natural killer cell Splice Junctions (36 cells) Expression and Regulation immatureBCellJunc immature B Sp immature B cell Splice Junctions (344 cells) Expression and Regulation immatureTCellJunc immat T cell Sp immature T cell Splice Junctions (1337 cells) Expression and Regulation hematopoieticPrecursorCellJunc HPC Sp hematopoietic precursor cell Splice Junctions (265 cells) Expression and Regulation hepatocyteJunc hepatocyte Sp hepatocyte Splice Junctions (391 cells) Expression and Regulation granulocyteJunc granulocyte Sp granulocyte Splice Junctions (761 cells) Expression and Regulation largeIntestineGobletCellJunc globet cell Sp large intestine goblet cell Splice Junctions (833 cells) Expression and Regulation fibroblastJunc fibroblast Sp fibroblast Splice Junctions (2189 cells) Expression and Regulation erythrocyteJunc erythrocyte Sp erythrocyte Splice Junctions (91 cells) Expression and Regulation epithelialCellJunc epithelial Sp epithelial cell Splice Junctions (201 cells) Expression and Regulation epidermalCellJunc epidermal cell Sp epidermal cell Splice Junctions (276 cells) Expression and Regulation basalCellOfEpidermisJunc epiderm basal Sp basal cell of epidermis Splice Junctions (1648 cells) Expression and Regulation enteroendocrineCellJunc enteroendocr Sp enteroendocrine cell Splice Junctions (59 cells) Expression and Regulation enterocyteOfEpitheliumOfLargeIntestineJunc enterocyte Sp enterocyte of epithelium of large intestine Splice Junctions (964 cells) Expression and Regulation endothelialCellJunc endothelial Sp endothelial cell Splice Junctions (3319 cells) Expression and Regulation endocardialCellJunc endocardial Sp endocardial cell Splice Junctions (165 cells) Expression and Regulation endothelialCellOfHepaticSinusoidJunc EC-HS Sp endothelial cell of hepatic sinusoid Splice Junctions (182 cells) Expression and Regulation DN1ThymicProTCellJunc DN1 pro-T cell Sp DN1 thymic pro-T cell Splice Junctions (32 cells) Expression and Regulation commonLymphoidProgenitorJunc comm lymph prg Sp common lymphoid progenitor Splice Junctions (156 cells) Expression and Regulation kidneyCollectingDuctEpithelialCellJunc collecting duc Sp kidney collecting duct epithelial cell Splice Junctions (121 cells) Expression and Regulation classicalMonocyteJunc class monocyte Sp classical monocyte Splice Junctions (90 cells) Expression and Regulation ciliatedColumnarCellOfTracheobronchialTreeJunc cilliated cell Sp ciliated columnar cell of tracheobronchial tree Splice Junctions (25 cells) Expression and Regulation granulocyteMonocyteProgenitorCellJunc CFU-GM Sp granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell Splice Junctions (134 cells) Expression and Regulation cardiacMuscleCellJunc cardiac muscle Sp cardiac muscle cell Splice Junctions (133 cells) Expression and Regulation BrushCellOfEpitheliumProperOfLargeIntestineJunc Brush cell Sp Brush cell of epithelium proper of large intestine Splice Junctions (63 cells) Expression and Regulation brainPericyteJunc brain pericyte Sp brain pericyte Splice Junctions (156 cells) Expression and Regulation bloodCellJunc blood cell Sp blood cell Splice Junctions (206 cells) Expression and Regulation bladderCellJunc bladder cell Sp bladder cell Splice Junctions (695 cells) Expression and Regulation BergmannGlialCellJunc Bergmann glial Sp Bergmann glial cell Splice Junctions (40 cells) Expression and Regulation basophilJunc basophil Sp basophil Splice Junctions (25 cells) Expression and Regulation basalCellJunc basal cell Sp basal cell Splice Junctions (1340 cells) Expression and Regulation BCellJunc B cell Sp B cell Splice Junctions (2029 cells) Expression and Regulation astrocyteJunc astrocyte Sp astrocyte Splice Junctions (432 cells) Expression and Regulation mesenchymalStemCellOfAdiposeJunc adipocyte Sp mesenchymal stem cell of adipose Splice Junctions (2107 cells) Expression and Regulation pancreaticAcinarCellJunc acinar cell Sp pancreatic acinar cell Splice Junctions (182 cells) Expression and Regulation robustPeaks TSS peaks FANTOM5: DPI peak, robust set Expression and Regulation Description The FANTOM5 track shows mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage in primary cells, cell lines, and tissues to produce a comprehensive overview of gene expression across the human body by using single molecule sequencing. Display Conventions and Configuration Items in this track are colored according to their strand orientation. Blue indicates alignment to the negative strand, and red indicates alignment to the positive strand. Methods Protocol Individual biological states are profiled by HeliScopeCAGE, which is a variation of the CAGE (Cap Analysis Gene Expression) protocol based on a single molecule sequencer. The standard protocol requiring 5 µg of total RNA as a starting material is referred to as hCAGE, and an optimized version for a lower quantity (~ 100 ng) is referred to as LQhCAGE (Kanamori-Katyama et al. 2011). hCAGE LQhCAGE Samples Transcription start sites (TSSs) were mapped and their usage in human, mouse, dog, rat, macaque and chicken primary cells, cell lines, and tissues was to produce a comprehensive overview of mammalian gene expression across the human body. 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. Individual samples shown in "TSS activity" tracks are grouped as below. Primary cell Tissue Cell Line Time course Fractionation TSS peaks and enhancers TSS (CAGE) peaks across the panel of the biological states (samples) are identified by DPI (decomposition based peak identification, Forrest et al. 2014), where each of the peaks consists of neighboring and related TSSs. The peaks are used as anchors to define promoters and units of promoter-level expression analysis. Two subsets of the peaks are defined based on evidence of read counts, depending on scopes of subsequent analyses, and the first subset (referred as a robust set of the peaks, thresholded for expression analysis is shown as TSS peaks. The summary tracks consist of the TSS (CAGE) peaks, the enhancers, and summary profiles of TSS activities (total and maximum values). The summary track consists of the following tracks. TSS (CAGE) peaks the robust peaks TSS summary profiles Total counts and TPM (tags per million) in all the samples Maximum counts and TPM among the samples TSS activity 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. The read counts tracks indicate raw counts of CAGE reads, and the TPM tracks indicate normalized counts as TPM (tags per million). Categories of individual samples - Cell Line hCAGE - Cell Line LQhCAGE - fractionation hCAGE - Primary cell hCAGE - Primary cell LQhCAGE - Time course hCAGE - Tissue hCAGE Data Access FANTOM5 data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. The FANTOM5 reprocessed data can be found and downloaded on the FANTOM website. Credits Thanks to Shuhei Noguchi, the FANTOM5 consortium, the Large Scale Data Managing Unit and Preventive Medicine and Applied Genomics Unit, the Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS), and RIKEN for providing this data and its analysis. References Andersson R, Gebhard C, Miguel-Escalada I, Hoof I, Bornholdt J, Boyd M, Chen Y, Zhao X, Schmidl C, Suzuki T et al. An atlas of active enhancers across human cell types and tissues. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):455-461. PMID: 24670763; PMC: PMC5215096 Arner E, Daub CO, Vitting-Seerup K, Andersson R, Lilje B, Drablos F, Lennartsson A, Ronnerblad M Hrydziuszko O, Vitezic M et al. Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells. Science. 2015 Feb 27;347(6225):1010-4. PMID: 25678556; PMC: PMC4681433 FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN PMI and CLST (DGT), Forrest AR, Kawaji H, Rehli M, Baillie JK, de Hoon MJ, Haberle V, Lassmann T, Kulakovskiy IV, Lizio M et al. A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):462-70. PMID: 24670764; PMC: PMC4529748 Kanamori-Katayama M, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Lassmann T, Katayama S, Kojima M, Bertin N, Kaiho A, Ninomiya N, Daub CO et al. Unamplified cap analysis of gene expression on a single-molecule sequencer. Genome Res. 2011 Jul;21(7):1150-9. PMID: 21596820; PMC: PMC3129257 Lizio M, Harshbarger J, Shimoji H, Severin J, Kasukawa T, Sahin S, Abugessaisa I, Fukuda S, Hori F, Ishikawa-Kato S et al. Gateways to the FANTOM5 promoter level mammalian expression atlas. Genome Biol. 2015 Jan 5;16(1):22. PMID: 25723102; PMC: PMC4310165 fantom5 FANTOM5 FANTOM5: Mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage Expression and Regulation Description The FANTOM5 track shows mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage in primary cells, cell lines, and tissues to produce a comprehensive overview of gene expression across the human body by using single molecule sequencing. Display Conventions and Configuration Items in this track are colored according to their strand orientation. Blue indicates alignment to the negative strand, and red indicates alignment to the positive strand. Methods Protocol Individual biological states are profiled by HeliScopeCAGE, which is a variation of the CAGE (Cap Analysis Gene Expression) protocol based on a single molecule sequencer. The standard protocol requiring 5 µg of total RNA as a starting material is referred to as hCAGE, and an optimized version for a lower quantity (~ 100 ng) is referred to as LQhCAGE (Kanamori-Katyama et al. 2011). hCAGE LQhCAGE Samples Transcription start sites (TSSs) were mapped and their usage in human, mouse, dog, rat, macaque and chicken primary cells, cell lines, and tissues was to produce a comprehensive overview of mammalian gene expression across the human body. 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. Individual samples shown in "TSS activity" tracks are grouped as below. Primary cell Tissue Cell Line Time course Fractionation TSS peaks and enhancers TSS (CAGE) peaks across the panel of the biological states (samples) are identified by DPI (decomposition based peak identification, Forrest et al. 2014), where each of the peaks consists of neighboring and related TSSs. The peaks are used as anchors to define promoters and units of promoter-level expression analysis. Two subsets of the peaks are defined based on evidence of read counts, depending on scopes of subsequent analyses, and the first subset (referred as a robust set of the peaks, thresholded for expression analysis is shown as TSS peaks. The summary tracks consist of the TSS (CAGE) peaks, the enhancers, and summary profiles of TSS activities (total and maximum values). The summary track consists of the following tracks. TSS (CAGE) peaks the robust peaks TSS summary profiles Total counts and TPM (tags per million) in all the samples Maximum counts and TPM among the samples TSS activity 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. The read counts tracks indicate raw counts of CAGE reads, and the TPM tracks indicate normalized counts as TPM (tags per million). Categories of individual samples - Cell Line hCAGE - Cell Line LQhCAGE - fractionation hCAGE - Primary cell hCAGE - Primary cell LQhCAGE - Time course hCAGE - Tissue hCAGE Data Access FANTOM5 data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. The FANTOM5 reprocessed data can be found and downloaded on the FANTOM website. Credits Thanks to Shuhei Noguchi, the FANTOM5 consortium, the Large Scale Data Managing Unit and Preventive Medicine and Applied Genomics Unit, the Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS), and RIKEN for providing this data and its analysis. References Andersson R, Gebhard C, Miguel-Escalada I, Hoof I, Bornholdt J, Boyd M, Chen Y, Zhao X, Schmidl C, Suzuki T et al. An atlas of active enhancers across human cell types and tissues. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):455-461. PMID: 24670763; PMC: PMC5215096 Arner E, Daub CO, Vitting-Seerup K, Andersson R, Lilje B, Drablos F, Lennartsson A, Ronnerblad M Hrydziuszko O, Vitezic M et al. Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells. Science. 2015 Feb 27;347(6225):1010-4. PMID: 25678556; PMC: PMC4681433 FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN PMI and CLST (DGT), Forrest AR, Kawaji H, Rehli M, Baillie JK, de Hoon MJ, Haberle V, Lassmann T, Kulakovskiy IV, Lizio M et al. A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):462-70. PMID: 24670764; PMC: PMC4529748 Kanamori-Katayama M, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Lassmann T, Katayama S, Kojima M, Bertin N, Kaiho A, Ninomiya N, Daub CO et al. Unamplified cap analysis of gene expression on a single-molecule sequencer. Genome Res. 2011 Jul;21(7):1150-9. PMID: 21596820; PMC: PMC3129257 Lizio M, Harshbarger J, Shimoji H, Severin J, Kasukawa T, Sahin S, Abugessaisa I, Fukuda S, Hori F, Ishikawa-Kato S et al. Gateways to the FANTOM5 promoter level mammalian expression atlas. Genome Biol. 2015 Jan 5;16(1):22. PMID: 25723102; PMC: PMC4310165 Total_counts_multiwig Total counts Total counts of CAGE reads Expression and Regulation Description The FANTOM5 track shows mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage in primary cells, cell lines, and tissues to produce a comprehensive overview of gene expression across the human body by using single molecule sequencing. Display Conventions and Configuration Items in this track are colored according to their strand orientation. Blue indicates alignment to the negative strand, and red indicates alignment to the positive strand. Methods Protocol Individual biological states are profiled by HeliScopeCAGE, which is a variation of the CAGE (Cap Analysis Gene Expression) protocol based on a single molecule sequencer. The standard protocol requiring 5 µg of total RNA as a starting material is referred to as hCAGE, and an optimized version for a lower quantity (~ 100 ng) is referred to as LQhCAGE (Kanamori-Katyama et al. 2011). hCAGE LQhCAGE Samples Transcription start sites (TSSs) were mapped and their usage in human, mouse, dog, rat, macaque and chicken primary cells, cell lines, and tissues was to produce a comprehensive overview of mammalian gene expression across the human body. 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. Individual samples shown in "TSS activity" tracks are grouped as below. Primary cell Tissue Cell Line Time course Fractionation TSS peaks and enhancers TSS (CAGE) peaks across the panel of the biological states (samples) are identified by DPI (decomposition based peak identification, Forrest et al. 2014), where each of the peaks consists of neighboring and related TSSs. The peaks are used as anchors to define promoters and units of promoter-level expression analysis. Two subsets of the peaks are defined based on evidence of read counts, depending on scopes of subsequent analyses, and the first subset (referred as a robust set of the peaks, thresholded for expression analysis is shown as TSS peaks. The summary tracks consist of the TSS (CAGE) peaks, the enhancers, and summary profiles of TSS activities (total and maximum values). The summary track consists of the following tracks. TSS (CAGE) peaks the robust peaks TSS summary profiles Total counts and TPM (tags per million) in all the samples Maximum counts and TPM among the samples TSS activity 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. The read counts tracks indicate raw counts of CAGE reads, and the TPM tracks indicate normalized counts as TPM (tags per million). Categories of individual samples - Cell Line hCAGE - Cell Line LQhCAGE - fractionation hCAGE - Primary cell hCAGE - Primary cell LQhCAGE - Time course hCAGE - Tissue hCAGE Data Access FANTOM5 data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. The FANTOM5 reprocessed data can be found and downloaded on the FANTOM website. Credits Thanks to Shuhei Noguchi, the FANTOM5 consortium, the Large Scale Data Managing Unit and Preventive Medicine and Applied Genomics Unit, the Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS), and RIKEN for providing this data and its analysis. References Andersson R, Gebhard C, Miguel-Escalada I, Hoof I, Bornholdt J, Boyd M, Chen Y, Zhao X, Schmidl C, Suzuki T et al. An atlas of active enhancers across human cell types and tissues. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):455-461. PMID: 24670763; PMC: PMC5215096 Arner E, Daub CO, Vitting-Seerup K, Andersson R, Lilje B, Drablos F, Lennartsson A, Ronnerblad M Hrydziuszko O, Vitezic M et al. Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells. Science. 2015 Feb 27;347(6225):1010-4. PMID: 25678556; PMC: PMC4681433 FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN PMI and CLST (DGT), Forrest AR, Kawaji H, Rehli M, Baillie JK, de Hoon MJ, Haberle V, Lassmann T, Kulakovskiy IV, Lizio M et al. A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):462-70. PMID: 24670764; PMC: PMC4529748 Kanamori-Katayama M, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Lassmann T, Katayama S, Kojima M, Bertin N, Kaiho A, Ninomiya N, Daub CO et al. Unamplified cap analysis of gene expression on a single-molecule sequencer. Genome Res. 2011 Jul;21(7):1150-9. PMID: 21596820; PMC: PMC3129257 Lizio M, Harshbarger J, Shimoji H, Severin J, Kasukawa T, Sahin S, Abugessaisa I, Fukuda S, Hori F, Ishikawa-Kato S et al. Gateways to the FANTOM5 promoter level mammalian expression atlas. Genome Biol. 2015 Jan 5;16(1):22. PMID: 25723102; PMC: PMC4310165 TotalCounts_Rev Total counts of CAGE reads (rev) Total counts of CAGE reads reverse Expression and Regulation TotalCounts_Fwd Total counts of CAGE reads (fwd) Total counts of CAGE reads forward Expression and Regulation Max_counts_multiwig Max counts Max counts of CAGE reads Expression and Regulation Description The FANTOM5 track shows mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage in primary cells, cell lines, and tissues to produce a comprehensive overview of gene expression across the human body by using single molecule sequencing. Display Conventions and Configuration Items in this track are colored according to their strand orientation. Blue indicates alignment to the negative strand, and red indicates alignment to the positive strand. Methods Protocol Individual biological states are profiled by HeliScopeCAGE, which is a variation of the CAGE (Cap Analysis Gene Expression) protocol based on a single molecule sequencer. The standard protocol requiring 5 µg of total RNA as a starting material is referred to as hCAGE, and an optimized version for a lower quantity (~ 100 ng) is referred to as LQhCAGE (Kanamori-Katyama et al. 2011). hCAGE LQhCAGE Samples Transcription start sites (TSSs) were mapped and their usage in human, mouse, dog, rat, macaque and chicken primary cells, cell lines, and tissues was to produce a comprehensive overview of mammalian gene expression across the human body. 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. Individual samples shown in "TSS activity" tracks are grouped as below. Primary cell Tissue Cell Line Time course Fractionation TSS peaks and enhancers TSS (CAGE) peaks across the panel of the biological states (samples) are identified by DPI (decomposition based peak identification, Forrest et al. 2014), where each of the peaks consists of neighboring and related TSSs. The peaks are used as anchors to define promoters and units of promoter-level expression analysis. Two subsets of the peaks are defined based on evidence of read counts, depending on scopes of subsequent analyses, and the first subset (referred as a robust set of the peaks, thresholded for expression analysis is shown as TSS peaks. The summary tracks consist of the TSS (CAGE) peaks, the enhancers, and summary profiles of TSS activities (total and maximum values). The summary track consists of the following tracks. TSS (CAGE) peaks the robust peaks TSS summary profiles Total counts and TPM (tags per million) in all the samples Maximum counts and TPM among the samples TSS activity 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. The read counts tracks indicate raw counts of CAGE reads, and the TPM tracks indicate normalized counts as TPM (tags per million). Categories of individual samples - Cell Line hCAGE - Cell Line LQhCAGE - fractionation hCAGE - Primary cell hCAGE - Primary cell LQhCAGE - Time course hCAGE - Tissue hCAGE Data Access FANTOM5 data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. The FANTOM5 reprocessed data can be found and downloaded on the FANTOM website. Credits Thanks to Shuhei Noguchi, the FANTOM5 consortium, the Large Scale Data Managing Unit and Preventive Medicine and Applied Genomics Unit, the Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS), and RIKEN for providing this data and its analysis. References Andersson R, Gebhard C, Miguel-Escalada I, Hoof I, Bornholdt J, Boyd M, Chen Y, Zhao X, Schmidl C, Suzuki T et al. An atlas of active enhancers across human cell types and tissues. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):455-461. PMID: 24670763; PMC: PMC5215096 Arner E, Daub CO, Vitting-Seerup K, Andersson R, Lilje B, Drablos F, Lennartsson A, Ronnerblad M Hrydziuszko O, Vitezic M et al. Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells. Science. 2015 Feb 27;347(6225):1010-4. PMID: 25678556; PMC: PMC4681433 FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN PMI and CLST (DGT), Forrest AR, Kawaji H, Rehli M, Baillie JK, de Hoon MJ, Haberle V, Lassmann T, Kulakovskiy IV, Lizio M et al. A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):462-70. PMID: 24670764; PMC: PMC4529748 Kanamori-Katayama M, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Lassmann T, Katayama S, Kojima M, Bertin N, Kaiho A, Ninomiya N, Daub CO et al. Unamplified cap analysis of gene expression on a single-molecule sequencer. Genome Res. 2011 Jul;21(7):1150-9. PMID: 21596820; PMC: PMC3129257 Lizio M, Harshbarger J, Shimoji H, Severin J, Kasukawa T, Sahin S, Abugessaisa I, Fukuda S, Hori F, Ishikawa-Kato S et al. Gateways to the FANTOM5 promoter level mammalian expression atlas. Genome Biol. 2015 Jan 5;16(1):22. PMID: 25723102; PMC: PMC4310165 MaxCounts_Rev Max counts of CAGE reads (rev) Max counts of CAGE reads reverse Expression and Regulation MaxCounts_Fwd Max counts of CAGE reads (fwd) Max counts of CAGE reads forward Expression and Regulation snp138 All SNPs(138) Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 138) Variation and Repeats Description This track contains information about single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP build 138, available from Two tracks contain subsets of the items in this track: Common SNPs(138): SNPs that have a minor allele frequency of at least 1% and are mapped to a single location in the reference genome assembly. Frequency data are not available for all SNPs, so this subset is incomplete. Mult. SNPs(138): SNPs that have been mapped to multiple locations in the reference genome assembly. The default maximum weight for this track is 1, so unless the setting is changed in the track controls, SNPs that map to multiple genomic locations will be omitted from display. When a SNP's flanking sequences map to multiple locations in the reference genome, it calls into question whether there is true variation at those sites, or whether the sequences at those sites are merely highly similar but not identical. The remainder of this page is identical on the following tracks for all assemblies and versions: Common SNPs(138) - SNPs with >= 1% minor allele frequency (MAF), mapping only once to reference assembly. Mult. SNPs(138) - SNPs mapping in more than one place on reference assembly. All SNPs(138) - all SNPs from dbSNP mapping to reference assembly. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/database/ (for human, organism_tax_id = human_9606; for mouse, organism_tax_id = mouse_10090). The fasta files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/rs_fasta/ Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from b138_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b138_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b138_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provided the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from b138_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation can be downloaded from the downloads server for hg38, hg19, mm10, susScr3, bosTau7, and galGal4 (snp138*.txt.gz) or the public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Orthologous Alleles (human assemblies only) For the human assembly, we provide a related table that contains orthologous alleles in the chimpanzee, orangutan and rhesus macaque reference genome assemblies. We use our liftOver utility to identify the orthologous alleles. The candidate human SNPs are a filtered list that meet the criteria: class = 'single' mapped position in the human reference genome is one base long aligned to only one location in the human reference genome not aligned to a chrN_random chrom biallelic (not tri- or quad-allelic) In some cases the orthologous allele is unknown; these are set to 'N'. If a lift was not possible, we set the orthologous allele to '?' and the orthologous start and end position to 0 (zero). Masked FASTA Files (human assemblies only) FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exlcude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. PMID: 11125122; PMC: PMC29783 snp138Common Common SNPs(138) Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 138) Found in >= 1% of Samples Variation and Repeats Description This track contains information about a subset of the single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP build 138, available from Only SNPs that have a minor allele frequency of at least 1% and are mapped to a single location in the reference genome assembly are included in this subset. Frequency data are not available for all SNPs, so this subset is incomplete. The selection of SNPs with a minor allele frequency of 1% or greater is an attempt to identify variants that appear to be reasonably common in the general population. Taken as a set, common variants should be less likely to be associated with severe genetic diseases due to the effects of natural selection, following the view that deleterious variants are not likely to become common in the population. However, the significance of any particular variant should be interpreted only by a trained medical geneticist using all available information. The remainder of this page is identical on the following tracks for all assemblies and versions: Common SNPs(138) - SNPs with >= 1% minor allele frequency (MAF), mapping only once to reference assembly. Mult. SNPs(138) - SNPs mapping in more than one place on reference assembly. All SNPs(138) - all SNPs from dbSNP mapping to reference assembly. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/database/ (for human, organism_tax_id = human_9606; for mouse, organism_tax_id = mouse_10090). The fasta files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/rs_fasta/ Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from b138_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b138_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b138_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provided the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from b138_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation can be downloaded from the downloads server for hg38, hg19, mm10, susScr3, bosTau7, and galGal4 (snp138*.txt.gz) or the public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Orthologous Alleles (human assemblies only) For the human assembly, we provide a related table that contains orthologous alleles in the chimpanzee, orangutan and rhesus macaque reference genome assemblies. We use our liftOver utility to identify the orthologous alleles. The candidate human SNPs are a filtered list that meet the criteria: class = 'single' mapped position in the human reference genome is one base long aligned to only one location in the human reference genome not aligned to a chrN_random chrom biallelic (not tri- or quad-allelic) In some cases the orthologous allele is unknown; these are set to 'N'. If a lift was not possible, we set the orthologous allele to '?' and the orthologous start and end position to 0 (zero). Masked FASTA Files (human assemblies only) FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exlcude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. PMID: 11125122; PMC: PMC29783 snp138Mult Mult. SNPs(138) Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 138) That Map to Multiple Genomic Loci Variation and Repeats Description This track contains information about a subset of the single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP build 138, available from Only SNPs that have been mapped to multiple locations in the reference genome assembly are included in this subset. When a SNP's flanking sequences map to multiple locations in the reference genome, it calls into question whether there is true variation at those sites, or whether the sequences at those sites are merely highly similar but not identical. The default maximum weight for this track is 3, unlike the other dbSNP build 138 tracks which have a maximum weight of 1. That enables these multiply-mapped SNPs to appear in the display, while by default they will not appear in the All SNPs(138) track because of its maximum weight filter. The remainder of this page is identical on the following tracks for all assemblies and versions: Common SNPs(138) - SNPs with >= 1% minor allele frequency (MAF), mapping only once to reference assembly. Mult. SNPs(138) - SNPs mapping in more than one place on reference assembly. All SNPs(138) - all SNPs from dbSNP mapping to reference assembly. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/database/ (for human, organism_tax_id = human_9606; for mouse, organism_tax_id = mouse_10090). The fasta files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/rs_fasta/ Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from b138_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b138_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b138_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provided the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from b138_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation can be downloaded from the downloads server for hg38, hg19, mm10, susScr3, bosTau7, and galGal4 (snp138*.txt.gz) or the public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Orthologous Alleles (human assemblies only) For the human assembly, we provide a related table that contains orthologous alleles in the chimpanzee, orangutan and rhesus macaque reference genome assemblies. We use our liftOver utility to identify the orthologous alleles. The candidate human SNPs are a filtered list that meet the criteria: class = 'single' mapped position in the human reference genome is one base long aligned to only one location in the human reference genome not aligned to a chrN_random chrom biallelic (not tri- or quad-allelic) In some cases the orthologous allele is unknown; these are set to 'N'. If a lift was not possible, we set the orthologous allele to '?' and the orthologous start and end position to 0 (zero). Masked FASTA Files (human assemblies only) FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exlcude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. PMID: 11125122; PMC: PMC29783 refSeqComposite NCBI RefSeq RefSeq genes from NCBI Genes and Gene Predictions Description The NCBI RefSeq Genes composite track shows mouse protein-coding and non-protein-coding genes taken from the NCBI RNA reference sequences collection (RefSeq). All subtracks use coordinates provided by RefSeq, except for the UCSC RefSeq track, which UCSC produces by realigning the RefSeq RNAs to the genome. This realignment may result in occasional differences between the annotation coordinates provided by UCSC and NCBI. See the Methods section for more details about how the different tracks were created. Please visit NCBI's Feedback for Gene and Reference Sequences (RefSeq) page to make suggestions, submit additions and corrections, or ask for help concerning RefSeq records. For more information on the different gene tracks, see our Genes FAQ. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a composite track that contains differing data sets. To show only a selected set of subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide. Note: Not all subtracts are available on all assemblies. The possible subtracks include: RefSeq aligned annotations and UCSC alignment of RefSeq annotations RefSeq All – all curated and predicted annotations provided by RefSeq. RefSeq Curated – subset of RefSeq All that includes only those annotations whose accessions begin with NM, NR, NP or YP. (NP and YP are used only for protein-coding genes on the mitochondrion; YP is used for human only.) RefSeq Predicted – subset of RefSeq All that includes those annotations whose accessions begin with XM or XR. RefSeq Other – all other annotations produced by the RefSeq group that do not fit the requirements for inclusion in the RefSeq Curated or the RefSeq Predicted tracks. RefSeq Alignments – alignments of RefSeq RNAs to the mouse genome provided by the RefSeq group, following the display conventions for PSL tracks. RefSeq Diffs – alignment differences between the mouse reference genome(s) and RefSeq transcripts. (Track not currently available for every assembly.) UCSC RefSeq – annotations generated from UCSC's realignment of RNAs with NM and NR accessions to the mouse genome. This track was previously known as the "RefSeq Genes" track. RefSeq Select – Subset of RefSeq Curated, transcripts marked as part of the RefSeq Select dataset. A single Select transcript is chosen as representative for each protein-coding gene. See NCBI RefSeq Select. The RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, RefSeq Predicted, RefSeq Select and UCSC RefSeq tracks follow the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. The color shading indicates the level of review the RefSeq record has undergone: predicted (light), provisional (medium), or reviewed (dark), as defined by RefSeq. Color Level of review Reviewed: the RefSeq record has been reviewed by NCBI staff or by a collaborator. The NCBI review process includes assessing available sequence data and the literature. Some RefSeq records may incorporate expanded sequence and annotation information. Provisional: the RefSeq record has not yet been subject to individual review. The initial sequence-to-gene association has been established by outside collaborators or NCBI staff. Predicted: the RefSeq record has not yet been subject to individual review, and some aspect of the RefSeq record is predicted. The item labels and codon display properties for features within this track can be configured through the check-box controls at the top of the track description page. To adjust the settings for an individual subtrack, click the wrench icon next to the track name in the subtrack list . Label: By default, items are labeled by gene name. Click the appropriate Label option to display the accession name or OMIM identifier instead of the gene name, show all or a subset of these labels including the gene name, OMIM identifier and accession names, or turn off the label completely. Codon coloring: This track has an optional codon coloring feature that allows users to quickly validate and compare gene predictions. To display codon colors, select the genomic codons option from the Color track by codons pull-down menu. For more information about this feature, go to the Coloring Gene Predictions and Annotations by Codon page. The RefSeq Diffs track contains five different types of inconsistency between the reference genome sequence and the RefSeq transcript sequences. The five types of differences are as follows: mismatch – aligned but mismatching bases, plus HGVS g. to show the genomic change required to match the transcript and HGVS c./n. to show the transcript change required to match the genome. short gap – genomic gaps that are too small to be introns (arbitrary cutoff of < 45 bp), most likely insertions/deletion variants or errors, with HGVS g. and c./n. showing differences. shift gap – shortGap items whose placement could be shifted left and/or right on the genome due to repetitive sequence, with HGVS c./n. position range of ambiguous region in transcript. Here, thin and thick lines are used -- the thin line shows the span of the repetitive sequence, and the thick line shows the rightmost shifted gap. double gap – genomic gaps that are long enough to be introns but that skip over transcript sequence (invisible in default setting), with HGVS c./n. deletion. skipped – sequence at the beginning or end of a transcript that is not aligned to the genome (invisible in default setting), with HGVS c./n. deletion HGVS Terminology (Human Genome Variation Society): g. = genomic sequence ; c. = coding DNA sequence ; n. = non-coding RNA reference sequence. When reporting HGVS with RefSeq sequences, to make sure that results from research articles can be mapped to the genome unambiguously, please specify the RefSeq annotation release displayed on the transcript's Genome Browser details page and also the RefSeq transcript ID with version (e.g. NM_012309.4 not NM_012309). Methods Tracks contained in the RefSeq annotation and RefSeq RNA alignment tracks were created at UCSC using data from the NCBI RefSeq project. Data files were downloaded from RefSeq in GFF file format and converted to the genePred and PSL table formats for display in the Genome Browser. Information about the NCBI annotation pipeline can be found here. The RefSeq Diffs track is generated by UCSC using NCBI's RefSeq RNA alignments. The UCSC RefSeq Genes track is constructed using the same methods as previous RefSeq Genes tracks. RefSeq RNAs were aligned against the mouse genome using BLAT. Those with an alignment of less than 15% were discarded. When a single RNA aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was identified. Only alignments having a base identity level within 0.1% of the best and at least 96% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept. Data Access The raw data for these tracks can be accessed in multiple ways. It can be explored interactively using the Table Browser or Data Integrator. The tables can also be accessed programmatically through our public MySQL server or downloaded from our downloads server for local processing. The previous track versions are available in the archives of our downloads server. You can also access any RefSeq table entries in JSON format through our JSON API. The data in the RefSeq Other and RefSeq Diffs tracks are organized in bigBed file format; more information about accessing the information in this bigBed file can be found below. The other subtracks are associated with database tables as follows: genePred format: RefSeq All - ncbiRefSeq RefSeq Curated - ncbiRefSeqCurated RefSeq Predicted - ncbiRefSeqPredicted RefSeq Select - ncbiRefSeqSelect UCSC RefSeq - refGene PSL format: RefSeq Alignments - ncbiRefSeqPsl The first column of each of these tables is "bin". This column is designed to speed up access for display in the Genome Browser, but can be safely ignored in downstream analysis. You can read more about the bin indexing system here. The annotations in the RefSeqOther and RefSeqDiffs tracks are stored in bigBed files, which can be obtained from our downloads server here, and Individual regions or the whole set of genome-wide annotations can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system from the utilities directory linked below. For example, to extract only annotations in a given region, you could use the following command: bigBedToBed -chrom=chr16 -start=34990190 -end=36727467 stdout You can download a GTF format version of the RefSeq All table from the GTF downloads directory. The genePred format tracks can also be converted to GTF format using the genePredToGtf utility, available from the utilities directory on the UCSC downloads server. The utility can be run from the command line like so: genePredToGtf mm10 ncbiRefSeqPredicted ncbiRefSeqPredicted.gtf Note that using genePredToGtf in this manner accesses our public MySQL server, and you therefore must set up your hg.conf as described on the MySQL page linked near the beginning of the Data Access section. A file containing the RNA sequences in FASTA format for all items in the RefSeq All, RefSeq Curated, and RefSeq Predicted tracks can be found on our downloads server here. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions. Credits This track was produced at UCSC from data generated by scientists worldwide and curated by the NCBI RefSeq project. References Kent WJ. BLAT - the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518 Pruitt KD, Brown GR, Hiatt SM, Thibaud-Nissen F, Astashyn A, Ermolaeva O, Farrell CM, Hart J, Landrum MJ, McGarvey KM et al. RefSeq: an update on mammalian reference sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan;42(Database issue):D756-63. PMID: 24259432; PMC: PMC3965018 Pruitt KD, Tatusova T, Maglott DR. NCBI Reference Sequence (RefSeq): a curated non-redundant sequence database of genomes, transcripts and proteins. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1;33(Database issue):D501-4. PMID: 15608248; PMC: PMC539979 ncbiRefSeqSelect RefSeq Select NCBI RefSeq Select: One representative transcript per protein-coding gene Genes and Gene Predictions refGene UCSC RefSeq UCSC annotations of RefSeq RNAs (NM_* and NR_*) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The RefSeq Genes track shows known mouse protein-coding and non-protein-coding genes taken from the NCBI RNA reference sequences collection (RefSeq). The data underlying this track are updated weekly. Please visit the Feedback for Gene and Reference Sequences (RefSeq) page to make suggestions, submit additions and corrections, or ask for help concerning RefSeq records. For more information on the different gene tracks, see our Genes FAQ. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. The color shading indicates the level of review the RefSeq record has undergone: predicted (light), provisional (medium), reviewed (dark). The item labels and display colors of features within this track can be configured through the controls at the top of the track description page. Label: By default, items are labeled by gene name. Click the appropriate Label option to display the accession name instead of the gene name, show both the gene and accession names, or turn off the label completely. Codon coloring: This track contains an optional codon coloring feature that allows users to quickly validate and compare gene predictions. To display codon colors, select the genomic codons option from the Color track by codons pull-down menu. For more information about this feature, go to the Coloring Gene Predictions and Annotations by Codon page. Hide non-coding genes: By default, both the protein-coding and non-protein-coding genes are displayed. If you wish to see only the coding genes, click this box. Methods RefSeq RNAs were aligned against the mouse genome using BLAT. Those with an alignment of less than 15% were discarded. When a single RNA aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was identified. Only alignments having a base identity level within 0.1% of the best and at least 96% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept. Credits This track was produced at UCSC from RNA sequence data generated by scientists worldwide and curated by the NCBI RefSeq project. References Kent WJ. BLAT - the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518 Pruitt KD, Brown GR, Hiatt SM, Thibaud-Nissen F, Astashyn A, Ermolaeva O, Farrell CM, Hart J, Landrum MJ, McGarvey KM et al. RefSeq: an update on mammalian reference sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan;42(Database issue):D756-63. PMID: 24259432; PMC: PMC3965018 Pruitt KD, Tatusova T, Maglott DR. NCBI Reference Sequence (RefSeq): a curated non-redundant sequence database of genomes, transcripts and proteins. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1;33(Database issue):D501-4. PMID: 15608248; PMC: PMC539979 ncbiRefSeqGenomicDiff RefSeq Diffs Differences between NCBI RefSeq Transcripts and the Reference Genome Genes and Gene Predictions ncbiRefSeqPsl RefSeq Alignments RefSeq Alignments of RNAs Genes and Gene Predictions ncbiRefSeqOther RefSeq Other NCBI RefSeq Other Annotations (not NM_*, NR_*, XM_*, XR_*, NP_* or YP_*) Genes and Gene Predictions ncbiRefSeqPredicted RefSeq Predicted NCBI RefSeq genes, predicted subset (XM_* or XR_*) Genes and Gene Predictions ncbiRefSeqCurated RefSeq Curated NCBI RefSeq genes, curated subset (NM_*, NR_*, NP_* or YP_*) Genes and Gene Predictions ncbiRefSeq RefSeq All NCBI RefSeq genes, curated and predicted (NM_*, XM_*, NR_*, XR_*, NP_*, YP_*) Genes and Gene Predictions rmsk RepeatMasker Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker Variation and Repeats Description This track was created by using Arian Smit's RepeatMasker program, which screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences. The program outputs a detailed annotation of the repeats that are present in the query sequence (represented by this track), as well as a modified version of the query sequence in which all the annotated repeats have been masked (generally available on the Downloads page). RepeatMasker uses the Repbase Update library of repeats from the Genetic Information Research Institute (GIRI). Repbase Update is described in Jurka (2000) in the References section below. Some newer assemblies have been made with Dfam, not Repbase. You can find the details for how we make our database data here in our "makeDb/doc/" directory. Display Conventions and Configuration In full display mode, this track displays up to ten different classes of repeats: Short interspersed nuclear elements (SINE), which include ALUs Long interspersed nuclear elements (LINE) Long terminal repeat elements (LTR), which include retroposons DNA repeat elements (DNA) Simple repeats (micro-satellites) Low complexity repeats Satellite repeats RNA repeats (including RNA, tRNA, rRNA, snRNA, scRNA, srpRNA) Other repeats, which includes class RC (Rolling Circle) Unknown The level of color shading in the graphical display reflects the amount of base mismatch, base deletion, and base insertion associated with a repeat element. The higher the combined number of these, the lighter the shading. A "?" at the end of the "Family" or "Class" (for example, DNA?) signifies that the curator was unsure of the classification. At some point in the future, either the "?" will be removed or the classification will be changed. Methods Data are generated using the RepeatMasker -s flag. Additional flags may be used for certain organisms. Repeats are soft-masked. Alignments may extend through repeats, but are not permitted to initiate in them. See the FAQ for more information. Credits Thanks to Arian Smit, Robert Hubley and GIRI for providing the tools and repeat libraries used to generate this track. References Smit AFA, Hubley R, Green P. RepeatMasker Open-3.0. 1996-2010. Repbase Update is described in: Jurka J. Repbase Update: a database and an electronic journal of repetitive elements. Trends Genet. 2000 Sep;16(9):418-420. PMID: 10973072 For a discussion of repeats in mammalian genomes, see: Smit AF. Interspersed repeats and other mementos of transposable elements in mammalian genomes. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1999 Dec;9(6):657-63. PMID: 10607616 Smit AF. The origin of interspersed repeats in the human genome. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1996 Dec;6(6):743-8. PMID: 8994846 TSS_activity_read_counts TSS activity (read counts) TSS activity per sample (read counts) Expression and Regulation Description The FANTOM5 track shows mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage in primary cells, cell lines, and tissues to produce a comprehensive overview of gene expression across the human body by using single molecule sequencing. Display Conventions and Configuration Items in this track are colored according to their strand orientation. Blue indicates alignment to the negative strand, and red indicates alignment to the positive strand. Methods Protocol Individual biological states are profiled by HeliScopeCAGE, which is a variation of the CAGE (Cap Analysis Gene Expression) protocol based on a single molecule sequencer. The standard protocol requiring 5 µg of total RNA as a starting material is referred to as hCAGE, and an optimized version for a lower quantity (~ 100 ng) is referred to as LQhCAGE (Kanamori-Katyama et al. 2011). hCAGE LQhCAGE Samples Transcription start sites (TSSs) were mapped and their usage in human, mouse, dog, rat, macaque and chicken primary cells, cell lines, and tissues was to produce a comprehensive overview of mammalian gene expression across the human body. 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. Individual samples shown in "TSS activity" tracks are grouped as below. Primary cell Tissue Cell Line Time course Fractionation TSS peaks and enhancers TSS (CAGE) peaks across the panel of the biological states (samples) are identified by DPI (decomposition based peak identification, Forrest et al. 2014), where each of the peaks consists of neighboring and related TSSs. The peaks are used as anchors to define promoters and units of promoter-level expression analysis. Two subsets of the peaks are defined based on evidence of read counts, depending on scopes of subsequent analyses, and the first subset (referred as a robust set of the peaks, thresholded for expression analysis is shown as TSS peaks. The summary tracks consist of the TSS (CAGE) peaks, the enhancers, and summary profiles of TSS activities (total and maximum values). The summary track consists of the following tracks. TSS (CAGE) peaks the robust peaks TSS summary profiles Total counts and TPM (tags per million) in all the samples Maximum counts and TPM among the samples TSS activity 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. The read counts tracks indicate raw counts of CAGE reads, and the TPM tracks indicate normalized counts as TPM (tags per million). Categories of individual samples - Cell Line hCAGE - Cell Line LQhCAGE - fractionation hCAGE - Primary cell hCAGE - Primary cell LQhCAGE - Time course hCAGE - Tissue hCAGE Data Access FANTOM5 data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. The FANTOM5 reprocessed data can be found and downloaded on the FANTOM website. Credits Thanks to Shuhei Noguchi, the FANTOM5 consortium, the Large Scale Data Managing Unit and Preventive Medicine and Applied Genomics Unit, the Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS), and RIKEN for providing this data and its analysis. References Andersson R, Gebhard C, Miguel-Escalada I, Hoof I, Bornholdt J, Boyd M, Chen Y, Zhao X, Schmidl C, Suzuki T et al. An atlas of active enhancers across human cell types and tissues. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):455-461. PMID: 24670763; PMC: PMC5215096 Arner E, Daub CO, Vitting-Seerup K, Andersson R, Lilje B, Drablos F, Lennartsson A, Ronnerblad M Hrydziuszko O, Vitezic M et al. Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells. Science. 2015 Feb 27;347(6225):1010-4. PMID: 25678556; PMC: PMC4681433 FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN PMI and CLST (DGT), Forrest AR, Kawaji H, Rehli M, Baillie JK, de Hoon MJ, Haberle V, Lassmann T, Kulakovskiy IV, Lizio M et al. A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):462-70. PMID: 24670764; PMC: PMC4529748 Kanamori-Katayama M, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Lassmann T, Katayama S, Kojima M, Bertin N, Kaiho A, Ninomiya N, Daub CO et al. Unamplified cap analysis of gene expression on a single-molecule sequencer. Genome Res. 2011 Jul;21(7):1150-9. PMID: 21596820; PMC: PMC3129257 Lizio M, Harshbarger J, Shimoji H, Severin J, Kasukawa T, Sahin S, Abugessaisa I, Fukuda S, Hori F, Ishikawa-Kato S et al. Gateways to the FANTOM5 promoter level mammalian expression atlas. Genome Biol. 2015 Jan 5;16(1):22. PMID: 25723102; PMC: PMC4310165 WholeBodyNeonateN10_CNhs10518_ctss_rev WholeBodyNeonateN10- whole body, neonate N10_CNhs10518_761-6B4_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN10_CNhs10518_ctss_fwd WholeBodyNeonateN10+ whole body, neonate N10_CNhs10518_761-6B4_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN06_CNhs10515_ctss_rev WholeBodyNeonateN06- whole body, neonate N06_CNhs10515_692-21D1_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN06_CNhs10515_ctss_fwd WholeBodyNeonateN06+ whole body, neonate N06_CNhs10515_692-21D1_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN01_CNhs10576_ctss_rev WholeBodyNeonateN01- whole body, neonate N01_CNhs10576_659-23C6_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN01_CNhs10576_ctss_fwd WholeBodyNeonateN01+ whole body, neonate N01_CNhs10576_659-23C6_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN00_CNhs10525_ctss_rev WholeBodyNeonateN00- whole body, neonate N00_CNhs10525_657-19C2_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN00_CNhs10525_ctss_fwd WholeBodyNeonateN00+ whole body, neonate N00_CNhs10525_657-19C2_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE18_CNhs10516_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE18- whole body, embryo E18_CNhs10516_493-3B3_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE18_CNhs10516_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE18+ whole body, embryo E18_CNhs10516_493-3B3_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5_CNhs10513_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5- whole body, embryo E17_5_CNhs10513_490-9F9_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5_CNhs10513_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5+ whole body, embryo E17_5_CNhs10513_490-9F9_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_CNhs10517_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17- whole body, embryo E17_CNhs10517_475-3I5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_CNhs10517_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17+ whole body, embryo E17_CNhs10517_475-3I5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE16_CNhs10514_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE16- whole body, embryo E16_CNhs10514_453-14F2_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE16_CNhs10514_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE16+ whole body, embryo E16_CNhs10514_453-14F2_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE14_5_CNhs10578_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE14_5- whole body, embryo E14_5_CNhs10578_420-27D2_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE14_5_CNhs10578_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE14_5+ whole body, embryo E14_5_CNhs10578_420-27D2_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE14_CNhs10519_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE14- whole body, embryo E14_CNhs10519_395-14B1_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE14_CNhs10519_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE14+ whole body, embryo E14_CNhs10519_395-14B1_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE13_CNhs10512_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE13- whole body, embryo E13_CNhs10512_372-23H2_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE13_CNhs10512_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE13+ whole body, embryo E13_CNhs10512_372-23H2_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE12_CNhs10587_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE12- whole body, embryo E12_CNhs10587_857-27C9_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE12_CNhs10587_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE12+ whole body, embryo E12_CNhs10587_857-27C9_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE11_CNhs11014_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE11- whole body, embryo E11_CNhs11014_324-5I8_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE11_CNhs11014_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE11+ whole body, embryo E11_CNhs11014_324-5I8_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor3_CNhs13039_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D3- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor3_CNhs13039_10243-104A9_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor3_CNhs13039_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D3+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor3_CNhs13039_10243-104A9_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor2_CNhs13038_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D2- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor2_CNhs13038_10242-104A8_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor2_CNhs13038_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D2+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor2_CNhs13038_10242-104A8_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor1_CNhs13037_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D1- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor1_CNhs13037_10241-104A7_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor1_CNhs13037_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D1+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor1_CNhs13037_10241-104A7_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor3_CNhs13036_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D3- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor3_CNhs13036_10240-104A6_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor3_CNhs13036_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D3+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor3_CNhs13036_10240-104A6_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor2_CNhs13035_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D2- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor2_CNhs13035_10239-104A5_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor2_CNhs13035_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D2+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor2_CNhs13035_10239-104A5_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor1_CNhs13034_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D1- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor1_CNhs13034_10238-104A4_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor1_CNhs13034_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D1+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor1_CNhs13034_10238-104A4_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor5_CNhs13820_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D5- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor5_CNhs13820_10349-105D7_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor5_CNhs13820_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D5+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor5_CNhs13820_10349-105D7_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor3_CNhs13033_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D3- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor3_CNhs13033_10237-104A3_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor3_CNhs13033_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D3+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor3_CNhs13033_10237-104A3_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor2_CNhs13032_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D2- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor2_CNhs13032_10236-104A2_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor2_CNhs13032_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D2+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor2_CNhs13032_10236-104A2_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor1_CNhs13031_ctss_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D1- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor1_CNhs13031_10235-104A1_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor1_CNhs13031_ctss_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D1+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor1_CNhs13031_10235-104A1_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor3_CNhs13048_ctss_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D3- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor3_CNhs13048_10251-104B8_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor3_CNhs13048_ctss_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D3+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor3_CNhs13048_10251-104B8_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor2_CNhs13046_ctss_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D2- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor2_CNhs13046_10250-104B7_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor2_CNhs13046_ctss_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D2+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor2_CNhs13046_10250-104B7_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor1_CNhs13045_ctss_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D1- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor1_CNhs13045_10249-104B6_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor1_CNhs13045_ctss_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D1+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor1_CNhs13045_10249-104B6_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor3_CNhs13044_ctss_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN30D3- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor3_CNhs13044_10248-104B5_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor3_CNhs13044_ctss_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN30D3+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor3_CNhs13044_10248-104B5_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor2_CNhs13043_ctss_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN30D2- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor2_CNhs13043_10247-104B4_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor2_CNhs13043_ctss_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN30D2+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor2_CNhs13043_10247-104B4_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor1_CNhs13042_ctss_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN30D1- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor1_CNhs13042_10246-104B3_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor1_CNhs13042_ctss_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN30D1+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor1_CNhs13042_10246-104B3_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor3_CNhs13821_ctss_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN15D3- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor3_CNhs13821_10350-105D8_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor3_CNhs13821_ctss_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN15D3+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor3_CNhs13821_10350-105D8_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor2_CNhs13041_ctss_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN15D2- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor2_CNhs13041_10245-104B2_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor2_CNhs13041_ctss_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN15D2+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor2_CNhs13041_10245-104B2_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor1_CNhs13040_ctss_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN15D1- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor1_CNhs13040_10244-104B1_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor1_CNhs13040_ctss_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN15D1+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor1_CNhs13040_10244-104B1_forward Expression and Regulation VesicularGlandAdult_CNhs10491_ctss_rev VesicularGlandAdult- vesicular gland, adult_CNhs10491_51-27F8_reverse Expression and Regulation VesicularGlandAdult_CNhs10491_ctss_fwd VesicularGlandAdult+ vesicular gland, adult_CNhs10491_51-27F8_forward Expression and Regulation VaginaAdult_CNhs10502_ctss_rev VaginaAdult- vagina, adult_CNhs10502_89-27D5_reverse Expression and Regulation VaginaAdult_CNhs10502_ctss_fwd VaginaAdult+ vagina, adult_CNhs10502_89-27D5_forward Expression and Regulation UterusAdultPregnantDay19_CNhs10497_ctss_rev UterusAdultPregnantDay19- uterus, adult pregnant day19_CNhs10497_590-15F5_reverse Expression and Regulation UterusAdultPregnantDay19_CNhs10497_ctss_fwd UterusAdultPregnantDay19+ uterus, adult pregnant day19_CNhs10497_590-15F5_forward Expression and Regulation UterusAdult_CNhs10509_ctss_rev UterusAdult- uterus, adult_CNhs10509_92-27E5_reverse Expression and Regulation UterusAdult_CNhs10509_ctss_fwd UterusAdult+ uterus, adult_CNhs10509_92-27E5_forward Expression and Regulation UrinaryBladderAdult_CNhs10481_ctss_rev UrinaryBladderAdult- urinary bladder, adult_CNhs10481_879-12E4_reverse Expression and Regulation UrinaryBladderAdult_CNhs10481_ctss_fwd UrinaryBladderAdult+ urinary bladder, adult_CNhs10481_879-12E4_forward Expression and Regulation UniversalRNAMouseNormalTissuesBiochainPool1_CNhs10613_ctss_rev UniversalRnaNormalTissuesBiochainPl1- Universal RNA - Mouse Normal Tissues Biochain, pool1_CNhs10613_10008-101B6_reverse Expression and Regulation UniversalRNAMouseNormalTissuesBiochainPool1_CNhs10613_ctss_fwd UniversalRnaNormalTissuesBiochainPl1+ Universal RNA - Mouse Normal Tissues Biochain, pool1_CNhs10613_10008-101B6_forward Expression and Regulation TongueAdult_CNhs10499_ctss_rev TongueAdult- tongue, adult_CNhs10499_32-1B4_reverse Expression and Regulation TongueAdult_CNhs10499_ctss_fwd TongueAdult+ tongue, adult_CNhs10499_32-1B4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN30_CNhs11132_ctss_rev ThymusNeonateN30- thymus, neonate N30_CNhs11132_1393-42G2_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN30_CNhs11132_ctss_fwd ThymusNeonateN30+ thymus, neonate N30_CNhs11132_1393-42G2_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN25_CNhs11125_ctss_rev ThymusNeonateN25- thymus, neonate N25_CNhs11125_1362-25G7_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN25_CNhs11125_ctss_fwd ThymusNeonateN25+ thymus, neonate N25_CNhs11125_1362-25G7_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN20_CNhs11186_ctss_rev ThymusNeonateN20- thymus, neonate N20_CNhs11186_820-7A2_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN20_CNhs11186_ctss_fwd ThymusNeonateN20+ thymus, neonate N20_CNhs11186_820-7A2_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN10_CNhs11194_ctss_rev ThymusNeonateN10- thymus, neonate N10_CNhs11194_748-24E4_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN10_CNhs11194_ctss_fwd ThymusNeonateN10+ thymus, neonate N10_CNhs11194_748-24E4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN07_CNhs11211_ctss_rev ThymusNeonateN07- thymus, neonate N07_CNhs11211_713-19D3_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN07_CNhs11211_ctss_fwd ThymusNeonateN07+ thymus, neonate N07_CNhs11211_713-19D3_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN06_CNhs11197_ctss_rev ThymusNeonateN06- thymus, neonate N06_CNhs11197_681-26C4_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN06_CNhs11197_ctss_fwd ThymusNeonateN06+ thymus, neonate N06_CNhs11197_681-26C4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN03_CNhs11137_ctss_rev ThymusNeonateN03- thymus, neonate N03_CNhs11137_2104-43C7_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN03_CNhs11137_ctss_fwd ThymusNeonateN03+ thymus, neonate N03_CNhs11137_2104-43C7_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN02_CNhs11181_ctss_rev ThymusNeonateN02- thymus, neonate N02_CNhs11181_1541-43F8_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN02_CNhs11181_ctss_fwd ThymusNeonateN02+ thymus, neonate N02_CNhs11181_1541-43F8_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE18_CNhs10595_ctss_rev ThymusEmbryoE18- thymus, embryo E18_CNhs10595_1273-19G4_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE18_CNhs10595_ctss_fwd ThymusEmbryoE18+ thymus, embryo E18_CNhs10595_1273-19G4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE17_CNhs10581_ctss_rev ThymusEmbryoE17- thymus, embryo E17_CNhs10581_478-18C1_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE17_CNhs10581_ctss_fwd ThymusEmbryoE17+ thymus, embryo E17_CNhs10581_478-18C1_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE16_CNhs11002_ctss_rev ThymusEmbryoE16- thymus, embryo E16_CNhs11002_456-26C5_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE16_CNhs11002_ctss_fwd ThymusEmbryoE16+ thymus, embryo E16_CNhs11002_456-26C5_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE15_CNhs11005_ctss_rev ThymusEmbryoE15- thymus, embryo E15_CNhs11005_430-45I2_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE15_CNhs11005_ctss_fwd ThymusEmbryoE15+ thymus, embryo E15_CNhs11005_430-45I2_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE14_CNhs11041_ctss_rev ThymusEmbryoE14- thymus, embryo E14_CNhs11041_402-44I4_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE14_CNhs11041_ctss_fwd ThymusEmbryoE14+ thymus, embryo E14_CNhs11041_402-44I4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusAdult_CNhs10471_ctss_rev ThymusAdult- thymus, adult_CNhs10471_38-12B5_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusAdult_CNhs10471_ctss_fwd ThymusAdult+ thymus, adult_CNhs10471_38-12B5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN30_CNhs11130_ctss_rev TestisNeonateN30- testis, neonate N30_CNhs11130_1391-42E2_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN30_CNhs11130_ctss_fwd TestisNeonateN30+ testis, neonate N30_CNhs11130_1391-42E2_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN20_CNhs11110_ctss_rev TestisNeonateN20- testis, neonate N20_CNhs11110_839-18H3_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN20_CNhs11110_ctss_fwd TestisNeonateN20+ testis, neonate N20_CNhs11110_839-18H3_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN10_CNhs11204_ctss_rev TestisNeonateN10- testis, neonate N10_CNhs11204_763-44D9_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN10_CNhs11204_ctss_fwd TestisNeonateN10+ testis, neonate N10_CNhs11204_763-44D9_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN07_CNhs11222_ctss_rev TestisNeonateN07- testis, neonate N07_CNhs11222_726-26I4_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN07_CNhs11222_ctss_fwd TestisNeonateN07+ testis, neonate N07_CNhs11222_726-26I4_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN00_CNhs11189_ctss_rev TestisNeonateN00- testis, neonate N00_CNhs11189_1300-22B7_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN00_CNhs11189_ctss_fwd TestisNeonateN00+ testis, neonate N00_CNhs11189_1300-22B7_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE18_CNhs11027_ctss_rev TestisEmbryoE18- testis, embryo E18_CNhs11027_503-18G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE18_CNhs11027_ctss_fwd TestisEmbryoE18+ testis, embryo E18_CNhs11027_503-18G5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE17_CNhs11029_ctss_rev TestisEmbryoE17- testis, embryo E17_CNhs11029_486-18I5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE17_CNhs11029_ctss_fwd TestisEmbryoE17+ testis, embryo E17_CNhs11029_486-18I5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE16_CNhs11033_ctss_rev TestisEmbryoE16- testis, embryo E16_CNhs11033_470-26G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE16_CNhs11033_ctss_fwd TestisEmbryoE16+ testis, embryo E16_CNhs11033_470-26G5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE15_CNhs11034_ctss_rev TestisEmbryoE15- testis, embryo E15_CNhs11034_443-27C5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE15_CNhs11034_ctss_fwd TestisEmbryoE15+ testis, embryo E15_CNhs11034_443-27C5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE13_CNhs11031_ctss_rev TestisEmbryoE13- testis, embryo E13_CNhs11031_389-23F5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE13_CNhs11031_ctss_fwd TestisEmbryoE13+ testis, embryo E13_CNhs11031_389-23F5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisAdult_CNhs10504_ctss_rev TestisAdult- testis, adult_CNhs10504_57-7G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisAdult_CNhs10504_ctss_fwd TestisAdult+ testis, adult_CNhs10504_57-7G5_forward Expression and Regulation SubmandibularGlandAdult_CNhs10469_ctss_rev SubmandibularGlandAdult- submandibular gland, adult_CNhs10469_59-29C1_reverse Expression and Regulation SubmandibularGlandAdult_CNhs10469_ctss_fwd SubmandibularGlandAdult+ submandibular gland, adult_CNhs10469_59-29C1_forward Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN30_CNhs11134_ctss_rev StomachNeonateN30- stomach, neonate N30_CNhs11134_1386-42I1_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN30_CNhs11134_ctss_fwd StomachNeonateN30+ stomach, neonate N30_CNhs11134_1386-42I1_forward Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN25_CNhs11104_ctss_rev StomachNeonateN25- stomach, neonate N25_CNhs11104_1355-25E4_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN25_CNhs11104_ctss_fwd StomachNeonateN25+ stomach, neonate N25_CNhs11104_1355-25E4_forward Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN07_CNhs11210_ctss_rev StomachNeonateN07- stomach, neonate N07_CNhs11210_718-18A9_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN07_CNhs11210_ctss_fwd StomachNeonateN07+ stomach, neonate N07_CNhs11210_718-18A9_forward Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN03_CNhs11193_ctss_rev StomachNeonateN03- stomach, neonate N03_CNhs11193_1340-24B8_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN03_CNhs11193_ctss_fwd StomachNeonateN03+ stomach, neonate N03_CNhs11193_1340-24B8_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE18_CNhs10999_ctss_rev StomachEmbryoE18- stomach, embryo E18_CNhs10999_1286-20C6_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE18_CNhs10999_ctss_fwd StomachEmbryoE18+ stomach, embryo E18_CNhs10999_1286-20C6_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE17_CNhs11006_ctss_rev StomachEmbryoE17- stomach, embryo E17_CNhs11006_1035-18D5_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE17_CNhs11006_ctss_fwd StomachEmbryoE17+ stomach, embryo E17_CNhs11006_1035-18D5_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE16_CNhs11022_ctss_rev StomachEmbryoE16- stomach, embryo E16_CNhs11022_459-17D4_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE16_CNhs11022_ctss_fwd StomachEmbryoE16+ stomach, embryo E16_CNhs11022_459-17D4_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE15_CNhs10603_ctss_rev StomachEmbryoE15- stomach, embryo E15_CNhs10603_1252-16G8_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE15_CNhs10603_ctss_fwd StomachEmbryoE15+ stomach, embryo E15_CNhs10603_1252-16G8_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE12_CNhs10588_ctss_rev StomachEmbryoE12- stomach, embryo E12_CNhs10588_356-43E3_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE12_CNhs10588_ctss_fwd StomachEmbryoE12+ stomach, embryo E12_CNhs10588_356-43E3_forward Expression and Regulation StomachAdult_CNhs10503_ctss_rev StomachAdult- stomach, adult_CNhs10503_33-1H6_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachAdult_CNhs10503_ctss_fwd StomachAdult+ stomach, adult_CNhs10503_33-1H6_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN25_CNhs11099_ctss_rev SpleenNeonateN25- spleen, neonate N25_CNhs11099_1354-25G3_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN25_CNhs11099_ctss_fwd SpleenNeonateN25+ spleen, neonate N25_CNhs11099_1354-25G3_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN20_CNhs11112_ctss_rev SpleenNeonateN20- spleen, neonate N20_CNhs11112_824-19H1_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN20_CNhs11112_ctss_fwd SpleenNeonateN20+ spleen, neonate N20_CNhs11112_824-19H1_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN10_CNhs11116_ctss_rev SpleenNeonateN10- spleen, neonate N10_CNhs11116_752-24D1_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN10_CNhs11116_ctss_fwd SpleenNeonateN10+ spleen, neonate N10_CNhs11116_752-24D1_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenEmbryoE18_CNhs11011_ctss_rev SpleenEmbryoE18- spleen, embryo E18_CNhs11011_1271-21F2_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenEmbryoE18_CNhs11011_ctss_fwd SpleenEmbryoE18+ spleen, embryo E18_CNhs11011_1271-21F2_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenEmbryoE16_CNhs11035_ctss_rev SpleenEmbryoE16- spleen, embryo E16_CNhs11035_461-43C1_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenEmbryoE16_CNhs11035_ctss_fwd SpleenEmbryoE16+ spleen, embryo E16_CNhs11035_461-43C1_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenAdult_CNhs10465_ctss_rev SpleenAdult- spleen, adult_CNhs10465_25-2G2_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenAdult_CNhs10465_ctss_fwd SpleenAdult+ spleen, adult_CNhs10465_25-2G2_forward Expression and Regulation SpinalCordAdult_CNhs10505_ctss_rev SpinalCordAdult- spinal cord, adult_CNhs10505_24-13C9_reverse Expression and Regulation SpinalCordAdult_CNhs10505_ctss_fwd SpinalCordAdult+ spinal cord, adult_CNhs10505_24-13C9_forward Expression and Regulation SmallIntestineNeonateN16_CNhs11114_ctss_rev SmallIntestineNeonateN16- small intestine, neonate N16_CNhs11114_790-21I1_reverse Expression and Regulation SmallIntestineNeonateN16_CNhs11114_ctss_fwd SmallIntestineNeonateN16+ small intestine, neonate N16_CNhs11114_790-21I1_forward Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN10_CNhs11108_ctss_rev SkinNeonateN10- skin, neonate N10_CNhs11108_762-6C4_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN10_CNhs11108_ctss_fwd SkinNeonateN10+ skin, neonate N10_CNhs11108_762-6C4_forward Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN06_CNhs11097_ctss_rev SkinNeonateN06- skin, neonate N06_CNhs11097_693-20I5_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN06_CNhs11097_ctss_fwd SkinNeonateN06+ skin, neonate N06_CNhs11097_693-20I5_forward Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN03_CNhs11215_ctss_rev SkinNeonateN03- skin, neonate N03_CNhs11215_662-22H3_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN03_CNhs11215_ctss_fwd SkinNeonateN03+ skin, neonate N03_CNhs11215_662-22H3_forward Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN00_CNhs11124_ctss_rev SkinNeonateN00- skin, neonate N00_CNhs11124_650-25G4_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN00_CNhs11124_ctss_fwd SkinNeonateN00+ skin, neonate N00_CNhs11124_650-25G4_forward Expression and Regulation SkinAdult_CNhs10492_ctss_rev SkinAdult- skin, adult_CNhs10492_30-1C3_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinAdult_CNhs10492_ctss_fwd SkinAdult+ skin, adult_CNhs10492_30-1C3_forward Expression and Regulation SABiosciencesXpressRefMouseUniversalTotalRNAPool1_CNhs10611_ctss_rev SabiosciencesXpressrefUniversalPl1- SABiosciences XpressRef Mouse Universal Total RNA, pool1_CNhs10611_10003-101A7_reverse Expression and Regulation SABiosciencesXpressRefMouseUniversalTotalRNAPool1_CNhs10611_ctss_fwd SabiosciencesXpressrefUniversalPl1+ SABiosciences XpressRef Mouse Universal Total RNA, pool1_CNhs10611_10003-101A7_forward Expression and Regulation ProstateAdult_CNhs10470_ctss_rev ProstateAdult- prostate, adult_CNhs10470_859-1F8_reverse Expression and Regulation ProstateAdult_CNhs10470_ctss_fwd ProstateAdult+ prostate, adult_CNhs10470_859-1F8_forward Expression and Regulation PlacentaAdultPregnantDay17_CNhs10464_ctss_rev PlacentaAdultPregnantDay17- placenta, adult pregnant day17_CNhs10464_577-18G3_reverse Expression and Regulation PlacentaAdultPregnantDay17_CNhs10464_ctss_fwd PlacentaAdultPregnantDay17+ placenta, adult pregnant day17_CNhs10464_577-18G3_forward Expression and Regulation PlacentaAdultPregnantDay10_CNhs10472_ctss_rev PlacentaAdultPregnantDay10- placenta, adult pregnant day10_CNhs10472_539-13I7_reverse Expression and Regulation PlacentaAdultPregnantDay10_CNhs10472_ctss_fwd PlacentaAdultPregnantDay10+ placenta, adult pregnant day10_CNhs10472_539-13I7_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandNeonateN00_CNhs11190_ctss_rev PituitaryGlandNeonateN00- pituitary gland, neonate N00_CNhs11190_1308-22E9_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandNeonateN00_CNhs11190_ctss_fwd PituitaryGlandNeonateN00+ pituitary gland, neonate N00_CNhs11190_1308-22E9_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE17_CNhs11039_ctss_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE17- pituitary gland, embryo E17_CNhs11039_1265-44F5_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE17_CNhs11039_ctss_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE17+ pituitary gland, embryo E17_CNhs11039_1265-44F5_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE16_CNhs11036_ctss_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE16- pituitary gland, embryo E16_CNhs11036_449-43F6_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE16_CNhs11036_ctss_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE16+ pituitary gland, embryo E16_CNhs11036_449-43F6_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE15_CNhs10592_ctss_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE15- pituitary gland, embryo E15_CNhs10592_427-16B9_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE15_CNhs10592_ctss_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE15+ pituitary gland, embryo E15_CNhs10592_427-16B9_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE14_CNhs11037_ctss_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE14- pituitary gland, embryo E14_CNhs11037_398-44A5_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE14_CNhs11037_ctss_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE14+ pituitary gland, embryo E14_CNhs11037_398-44A5_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE13_CNhs11009_ctss_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE13- pituitary gland, embryo E13_CNhs11009_370-44C7_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE13_CNhs11009_ctss_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE13+ pituitary gland, embryo E13_CNhs11009_370-44C7_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE12_CNhs11018_ctss_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE12- pituitary gland, embryo E12_CNhs11018_346-16E6_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE12_CNhs11018_ctss_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE12+ pituitary gland, embryo E12_CNhs11018_346-16E6_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandAdult_CNhs10493_ctss_rev PituitaryGlandAdult- pituitary gland, adult_CNhs10493_21-1G8_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandAdult_CNhs10493_ctss_fwd PituitaryGlandAdult+ pituitary gland, adult_CNhs10493_21-1G8_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN30_CNhs11182_ctss_rev PancreasNeonateN30- pancreas, neonate N30_CNhs11182_1548-44H5_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN30_CNhs11182_ctss_fwd PancreasNeonateN30+ pancreas, neonate N30_CNhs11182_1548-44H5_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN25_CNhs11094_ctss_rev PancreasNeonateN25- pancreas, neonate N25_CNhs11094_1555-45E2_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN25_CNhs11094_ctss_fwd PancreasNeonateN25+ pancreas, neonate N25_CNhs11094_1555-45E2_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN16_CNhs11136_ctss_rev PancreasNeonateN16- pancreas, neonate N16_CNhs11136_787-43B6_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN16_CNhs11136_ctss_fwd PancreasNeonateN16+ pancreas, neonate N16_CNhs11136_787-43B6_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN02_CNhs11139_ctss_rev PancreasNeonateN02- pancreas, neonate N02_CNhs11139_1539-43D8_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN02_CNhs11139_ctss_fwd PancreasNeonateN02+ pancreas, neonate N02_CNhs11139_1539-43D8_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN01_CNhs11138_ctss_rev PancreasNeonateN01- pancreas, neonate N01_CNhs11138_1531-43D7_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN01_CNhs11138_ctss_fwd PancreasNeonateN01+ pancreas, neonate N01_CNhs11138_1531-43D7_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN00_CNhs11105_ctss_rev PancreasNeonateN00- pancreas, neonate N00_CNhs11105_645-26G9_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN00_CNhs11105_ctss_fwd PancreasNeonateN00+ pancreas, neonate N00_CNhs11105_645-26G9_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE18_CNhs10580_ctss_rev PancreasEmbryoE18- pancreas, embryo E18_CNhs10580_1535-43I7_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE18_CNhs10580_ctss_fwd PancreasEmbryoE18+ pancreas, embryo E18_CNhs10580_1535-43I7_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE17_CNhs10599_ctss_rev PancreasEmbryoE17- pancreas, embryo E17_CNhs10599_1558-45G3_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE17_CNhs10599_ctss_fwd PancreasEmbryoE17+ pancreas, embryo E17_CNhs10599_1558-45G3_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE16_CNhs11003_ctss_rev PancreasEmbryoE16- pancreas, embryo E16_CNhs11003_460-26E5_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE16_CNhs11003_ctss_fwd PancreasEmbryoE16+ pancreas, embryo E16_CNhs11003_460-26E5_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE15_CNhs11042_ctss_rev PancreasEmbryoE15- pancreas, embryo E15_CNhs11042_1556-45F2_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE15_CNhs11042_ctss_fwd PancreasEmbryoE15+ pancreas, embryo E15_CNhs11042_1556-45F2_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE14_CNhs11012_ctss_rev PancreasEmbryoE14- pancreas, embryo E14_CNhs11012_405-44F4_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE14_CNhs11012_ctss_fwd PancreasEmbryoE14+ pancreas, embryo E14_CNhs11012_405-44F4_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasAdult_CNhs10486_ctss_rev PancreasAdult- pancreas, adult_CNhs10486_34-16E4_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasAdult_CNhs10486_ctss_fwd PancreasAdult+ pancreas, adult_CNhs10486_34-16E4_forward Expression and Regulation OviductAdultPregnantDay01_CNhs10500_ctss_rev OviductAdultPregnantDay01- oviduct, adult pregnant day01_CNhs10500_988-6G6_reverse Expression and Regulation OviductAdultPregnantDay01_CNhs10500_ctss_fwd OviductAdultPregnantDay01+ oviduct, adult pregnant day01_CNhs10500_988-6G6_forward Expression and Regulation OvaryNeonateN00_CNhs11217_ctss_rev OvaryNeonateN00- ovary, neonate N00_CNhs11217_1299-22I4_reverse Expression and Regulation OvaryNeonateN00_CNhs11217_ctss_fwd OvaryNeonateN00+ ovary, neonate N00_CNhs11217_1299-22I4_forward Expression and Regulation OvaryEmbryoE18_CNhs11040_ctss_rev OvaryEmbryoE18- ovary, embryo E18_CNhs11040_505-44H7_reverse Expression and Regulation OvaryEmbryoE18_CNhs11040_ctss_fwd OvaryEmbryoE18+ ovary, embryo E18_CNhs11040_505-44H7_forward Expression and Regulation OvaryAdult_CNhs10507_ctss_rev OvaryAdult- ovary, adult_CNhs10507_91-2I7_reverse Expression and Regulation OvaryAdult_CNhs10507_ctss_fwd OvaryAdult+ ovary, adult_CNhs10507_91-2I7_forward Expression and Regulation OlfactoryBrainAdult_CNhs10489_ctss_rev OlfactoryBrainAdult- olfactory brain, adult_CNhs10489_18-22I9_reverse Expression and Regulation OlfactoryBrainAdult_CNhs10489_ctss_fwd OlfactoryBrainAdult+ olfactory brain, adult_CNhs10489_18-22I9_forward Expression and Regulation MuscleBicepsFemorisNeonateN30_CNhs11129_ctss_rev Muscle(bicepsFemoris)NeonateN30- muscle (biceps femoris), neonate N30_CNhs11129_1389-42C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MuscleBicepsFemorisNeonateN30_CNhs11129_ctss_fwd Muscle(bicepsFemoris)NeonateN30+ muscle (biceps femoris), neonate N30_CNhs11129_1389-42C2_forward Expression and Regulation MedullaOblongataNeonateN30_CNhs11200_ctss_rev MedullaOblongataNeonateN30- medulla oblongata, neonate N30_CNhs11200_1396-42A3_reverse Expression and Regulation MedullaOblongataNeonateN30_CNhs11200_ctss_fwd MedullaOblongataNeonateN30+ medulla oblongata, neonate N30_CNhs11200_1396-42A3_forward Expression and Regulation MedullaOblongataAdult_CNhs10477_ctss_rev MedullaOblongataAdult- medulla oblongata, adult_CNhs10477_17-12C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MedullaOblongataAdult_CNhs10477_ctss_fwd MedullaOblongataAdult+ medulla oblongata, adult_CNhs10477_17-12C2_forward Expression and Regulation MammaryGlandAdultPregnantDay19_CNhs10476_ctss_rev MammaryGlandAdultPregnantDay19- mammary gland, adult pregnant day19_CNhs10476_588-5H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MammaryGlandAdultPregnantDay19_CNhs10476_ctss_fwd MammaryGlandAdultPregnantDay19+ mammary gland, adult pregnant day19_CNhs10476_588-5H2_forward Expression and Regulation MammaryGlandAdultLactatingDay02_CNhs10480_ctss_rev MammaryGlandAdultLactatingDay02- mammary gland, adult lactating day02_CNhs10480_595-22B6_reverse Expression and Regulation MammaryGlandAdultLactatingDay02_CNhs10480_ctss_fwd MammaryGlandAdultLactatingDay02+ mammary gland, adult lactating day02_CNhs10480_595-22B6_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN30_CNhs11133_ctss_rev LungNeonateN30- lung, neonate N30_CNhs11133_1394-42H2_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN30_CNhs11133_ctss_fwd LungNeonateN30+ lung, neonate N30_CNhs11133_1394-42H2_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN25_CNhs11119_ctss_rev LungNeonateN25- lung, neonate N25_CNhs11119_1359-25C7_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN25_CNhs11119_ctss_fwd LungNeonateN25+ lung, neonate N25_CNhs11119_1359-25C7_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN20_CNhs11109_ctss_rev LungNeonateN20- lung, neonate N20_CNhs11109_822-18A4_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN20_CNhs11109_ctss_fwd LungNeonateN20+ lung, neonate N20_CNhs11109_822-18A4_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN10_CNhs11219_ctss_rev LungNeonateN10- lung, neonate N10_CNhs11219_750-23E6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN10_CNhs11219_ctss_fwd LungNeonateN10+ lung, neonate N10_CNhs11219_750-23E6_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN07_CNhs11111_ctss_rev LungNeonateN07- lung, neonate N07_CNhs11111_715-19A3_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN07_CNhs11111_ctss_fwd LungNeonateN07+ lung, neonate N07_CNhs11111_715-19A3_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN06_CNhs11212_ctss_rev LungNeonateN06- lung, neonate N06_CNhs11212_683-20E5_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN06_CNhs11212_ctss_fwd LungNeonateN06+ lung, neonate N06_CNhs11212_683-20E5_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN00_CNhs11224_ctss_rev LungNeonateN00- lung, neonate N00_CNhs11224_640-42C6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN00_CNhs11224_ctss_fwd LungNeonateN00+ lung, neonate N00_CNhs11224_640-42C6_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE18_CNhs10583_ctss_rev LungEmbryoE18- lung, embryo E18_CNhs10583_1287-20I6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE18_CNhs10583_ctss_fwd LungEmbryoE18+ lung, embryo E18_CNhs10583_1287-20I6_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE17_CNhs10605_ctss_rev LungEmbryoE17- lung, embryo E17_CNhs10605_480-44A6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE17_CNhs10605_ctss_fwd LungEmbryoE17+ lung, embryo E17_CNhs10605_480-44A6_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE16_CNhs10998_ctss_rev LungEmbryoE16- lung, embryo E16_CNhs10998_458-17B6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE16_CNhs10998_ctss_fwd LungEmbryoE16+ lung, embryo E16_CNhs10998_458-17B6_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE15_CNhs11020_ctss_rev LungEmbryoE15- lung, embryo E15_CNhs11020_432-17C5_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE15_CNhs11020_ctss_fwd LungEmbryoE15+ lung, embryo E15_CNhs11020_432-17C5_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE14_CNhs10604_ctss_rev LungEmbryoE14- lung, embryo E14_CNhs10604_404-26F8_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE14_CNhs10604_ctss_fwd LungEmbryoE14+ lung, embryo E14_CNhs10604_404-26F8_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE12_CNhs10522_ctss_rev LungEmbryoE12- lung, embryo E12_CNhs10522_354-16G2_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE12_CNhs10522_ctss_fwd LungEmbryoE12+ lung, embryo E12_CNhs10522_354-16G2_forward Expression and Regulation LungAdult_CNhs10474_ctss_rev LungAdult- lung, adult_CNhs10474_28-22B1_reverse Expression and Regulation LungAdult_CNhs10474_ctss_fwd LungAdult+ lung, adult_CNhs10474_28-22B1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN30_CNhs11106_ctss_rev LiverNeonateN30- liver, neonate N30_CNhs11106_1382-42D1_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN30_CNhs11106_ctss_fwd LiverNeonateN30+ liver, neonate N30_CNhs11106_1382-42D1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN25_CNhs11198_ctss_rev LiverNeonateN25- liver, neonate N25_CNhs11198_1368-26H1_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN25_CNhs11198_ctss_fwd LiverNeonateN25+ liver, neonate N25_CNhs11198_1368-26H1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN20_CNhs11220_ctss_rev LiverNeonateN20- liver, neonate N20_CNhs11220_823-25A3_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN20_CNhs11220_ctss_fwd LiverNeonateN20+ liver, neonate N20_CNhs11220_823-25A3_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN10_CNhs11115_ctss_rev LiverNeonateN10- liver, neonate N10_CNhs11115_751-24B9_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN10_CNhs11115_ctss_fwd LiverNeonateN10+ liver, neonate N10_CNhs11115_751-24B9_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN07_CNhs11103_ctss_rev LiverNeonateN07- liver, neonate N07_CNhs11103_716-20H2_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN07_CNhs11103_ctss_fwd LiverNeonateN07+ liver, neonate N07_CNhs11103_716-20H2_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN06_CNhs11101_ctss_rev LiverNeonateN06- liver, neonate N06_CNhs11101_684-20A8_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN06_CNhs11101_ctss_fwd LiverNeonateN06+ liver, neonate N06_CNhs11101_684-20A8_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN03_CNhs11123_ctss_rev LiverNeonateN03- liver, neonate N03_CNhs11123_1345-25G2_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN03_CNhs11123_ctss_fwd LiverNeonateN03+ liver, neonate N03_CNhs11123_1345-25G2_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN00_CNhs11117_ctss_rev LiverNeonateN00- liver, neonate N00_CNhs11117_641-24F4_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN00_CNhs11117_ctss_fwd LiverNeonateN00+ liver, neonate N00_CNhs11117_641-24F4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE18_CNhs10579_ctss_rev LiverEmbryoE18- liver, embryo E18_CNhs10579_499-43G4_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE18_CNhs10579_ctss_fwd LiverEmbryoE18+ liver, embryo E18_CNhs10579_499-43G4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE17_CNhs10510_ctss_rev LiverEmbryoE17- liver, embryo E17_CNhs10510_481-18A3_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE17_CNhs10510_ctss_fwd LiverEmbryoE17+ liver, embryo E17_CNhs10510_481-18A3_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE16_CNhs10523_ctss_rev LiverEmbryoE16- liver, embryo E16_CNhs10523_462-17F5_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE16_CNhs10523_ctss_fwd LiverEmbryoE16+ liver, embryo E16_CNhs10523_462-17F5_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE15_CNhs10520_ctss_rev LiverEmbryoE15- liver, embryo E15_CNhs10520_433-16D7_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE15_CNhs10520_ctss_fwd LiverEmbryoE15+ liver, embryo E15_CNhs10520_433-16D7_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE14_CNhs10594_ctss_rev LiverEmbryoE14- liver, embryo E14_CNhs10594_409-16E1_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE14_CNhs10594_ctss_fwd LiverEmbryoE14+ liver, embryo E14_CNhs10594_409-16E1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE13_CNhs10524_ctss_rev LiverEmbryoE13- liver, embryo E13_CNhs10524_378-3H6_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE13_CNhs10524_ctss_fwd LiverEmbryoE13+ liver, embryo E13_CNhs10524_378-3H6_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE12_CNhs10601_ctss_rev LiverEmbryoE12- liver, embryo E12_CNhs10601_355-15F8_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE12_CNhs10601_ctss_fwd LiverEmbryoE12+ liver, embryo E12_CNhs10601_355-15F8_forward Expression and Regulation LiverAdultPregnantDay01_CNhs10466_ctss_rev LiverAdultPregnantDay01- liver, adult pregnant day01_CNhs10466_508-5B2_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverAdultPregnantDay01_CNhs10466_ctss_fwd LiverAdultPregnantDay01+ liver, adult pregnant day01_CNhs10466_508-5B2_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN30_CNhs11203_ctss_rev KidneyNeonateN30- kidney, neonate N30_CNhs11203_1385-42H1_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN30_CNhs11203_ctss_fwd KidneyNeonateN30+ kidney, neonate N30_CNhs11203_1385-42H1_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN25_CNhs11122_ctss_rev KidneyNeonateN25- kidney, neonate N25_CNhs11122_1353-25F3_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN25_CNhs11122_ctss_fwd KidneyNeonateN25+ kidney, neonate N25_CNhs11122_1353-25F3_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN20_CNhs11113_ctss_rev KidneyNeonateN20- kidney, neonate N20_CNhs11113_832-19I1_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN20_CNhs11113_ctss_fwd KidneyNeonateN20+ kidney, neonate N20_CNhs11113_832-19I1_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN10_CNhs11206_ctss_rev KidneyNeonateN10- kidney, neonate N10_CNhs11206_758-6D5_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN10_CNhs11206_ctss_fwd KidneyNeonateN10+ kidney, neonate N10_CNhs11206_758-6D5_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN00_CNhs11214_ctss_rev KidneyNeonateN00- kidney, neonate N00_CNhs11214_646-21G7_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN00_CNhs11214_ctss_fwd KidneyNeonateN00+ kidney, neonate N00_CNhs11214_646-21G7_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE18_CNhs11001_ctss_rev KidneyEmbryoE18- kidney, embryo E18_CNhs11001_1288-20C7_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE18_CNhs11001_ctss_fwd KidneyEmbryoE18+ kidney, embryo E18_CNhs11001_1288-20C7_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE17_CNhs11028_ctss_rev KidneyEmbryoE17- kidney, embryo E17_CNhs11028_483-18I2_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE17_CNhs11028_ctss_fwd KidneyEmbryoE17+ kidney, embryo E17_CNhs11028_483-18I2_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE16_CNhs10584_ctss_rev KidneyEmbryoE16- kidney, embryo E16_CNhs10584_464-22A5_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE16_CNhs10584_ctss_fwd KidneyEmbryoE16+ kidney, embryo E16_CNhs10584_464-22A5_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE15_CNhs10997_ctss_rev KidneyEmbryoE15- kidney, embryo E15_CNhs10997_434-16F8_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE15_CNhs10997_ctss_fwd KidneyEmbryoE15+ kidney, embryo E15_CNhs10997_434-16F8_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE14_CNhs10606_ctss_rev KidneyEmbryoE14- kidney, embryo E14_CNhs10606_411-4I9_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE14_CNhs10606_ctss_fwd KidneyEmbryoE14+ kidney, embryo E14_CNhs10606_411-4I9_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN30_CNhs11131_ctss_rev IntestineNeonateN30- intestine, neonate N30_CNhs11131_1384-42G1_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN30_CNhs11131_ctss_fwd IntestineNeonateN30+ intestine, neonate N30_CNhs11131_1384-42G1_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN25_CNhs11121_ctss_rev IntestineNeonateN25- intestine, neonate N25_CNhs11121_1352-25E3_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN25_CNhs11121_ctss_fwd IntestineNeonateN25+ intestine, neonate N25_CNhs11121_1352-25E3_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN20_CNhs11187_ctss_rev IntestineNeonateN20- intestine, neonate N20_CNhs11187_827-18D1_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN20_CNhs11187_ctss_fwd IntestineNeonateN20+ intestine, neonate N20_CNhs11187_827-18D1_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN10_CNhs11098_ctss_rev IntestineNeonateN10- intestine, neonate N10_CNhs11098_755-23A5_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN10_CNhs11098_ctss_fwd IntestineNeonateN10+ intestine, neonate N10_CNhs11098_755-23A5_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN07_CNhs11095_ctss_rev IntestineNeonateN07- intestine, neonate N07_CNhs11095_720-20F2_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN07_CNhs11095_ctss_fwd IntestineNeonateN07+ intestine, neonate N07_CNhs11095_720-20F2_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN06_CNhs11102_ctss_rev IntestineNeonateN06- intestine, neonate N06_CNhs11102_688-20B8_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN06_CNhs11102_ctss_fwd IntestineNeonateN06+ intestine, neonate N06_CNhs11102_688-20B8_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN01_CNhs11192_ctss_rev IntestineNeonateN01- intestine, neonate N01_CNhs11192_1322-23E9_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN01_CNhs11192_ctss_fwd IntestineNeonateN01+ intestine, neonate N01_CNhs11192_1322-23E9_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN00_CNhs11126_ctss_rev IntestineNeonateN00- intestine, neonate N00_CNhs11126_644-26D1_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN00_CNhs11126_ctss_fwd IntestineNeonateN00+ intestine, neonate N00_CNhs11126_644-26D1_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE18_CNhs10526_ctss_rev IntestineEmbryoE18- intestine, embryo E18_CNhs10526_1289-20F7_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE18_CNhs10526_ctss_fwd IntestineEmbryoE18+ intestine, embryo E18_CNhs10526_1289-20F7_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE17_CNhs10582_ctss_rev IntestineEmbryoE17- intestine, embryo E17_CNhs10582_482-18D3_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE17_CNhs10582_ctss_fwd IntestineEmbryoE17+ intestine, embryo E17_CNhs10582_482-18D3_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE16_CNhs10585_ctss_rev IntestineEmbryoE16- intestine, embryo E16_CNhs10585_463-22H4_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE16_CNhs10585_ctss_fwd IntestineEmbryoE16+ intestine, embryo E16_CNhs10585_463-22H4_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE15_CNhs10602_ctss_rev IntestineEmbryoE15- intestine, embryo E15_CNhs10602_976-16D8_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE15_CNhs10602_ctss_fwd IntestineEmbryoE15+ intestine, embryo E15_CNhs10602_976-16D8_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE13_CNhs11010_ctss_rev IntestineEmbryoE13- intestine, embryo E13_CNhs11010_381-16D5_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE13_CNhs11010_ctss_fwd IntestineEmbryoE13+ intestine, embryo E13_CNhs11010_381-16D5_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE12_CNhs11019_ctss_rev IntestineEmbryoE12- intestine, embryo E12_CNhs11019_1251-16I5_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE12_CNhs11019_ctss_fwd IntestineEmbryoE12+ intestine, embryo E12_CNhs11019_1251-16I5_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineAdult_CNhs10496_ctss_rev IntestineAdult- intestine, adult_CNhs10496_178-9A3_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineAdult_CNhs10496_ctss_fwd IntestineAdult+ intestine, adult_CNhs10496_178-9A3_forward Expression and Regulation IntestinalMucosaAdult_CNhs10506_ctss_rev IntestinalMucosaAdult- intestinal mucosa, adult_CNhs10506_860-29I3_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestinalMucosaAdult_CNhs10506_ctss_fwd IntestinalMucosaAdult+ intestinal mucosa, adult_CNhs10506_860-29I3_forward Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumPool1_CNhs13199_ctss_rev IleumEpitheliumPl1- Ileum epithelium, pool1_CNhs13199_10252-104B9_reverse Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumPool1_CNhs13199_ctss_fwd IleumEpitheliumPl1+ Ileum epithelium, pool1_CNhs13199_10252-104B9_forward Expression and Regulation HippocampusNeonateN00_CNhs11228_ctss_rev HippocampusNeonateN00- hippocampus, neonate N00_CNhs11228_627-43G1_reverse Expression and Regulation HippocampusNeonateN00_CNhs11228_ctss_fwd HippocampusNeonateN00+ hippocampus, neonate N00_CNhs11228_627-43G1_forward Expression and Regulation HippocampusAdult_CNhs10478_ctss_rev HippocampusAdult- hippocampus, adult_CNhs10478_13-16E8_reverse Expression and Regulation HippocampusAdult_CNhs10478_ctss_fwd HippocampusAdult+ hippocampus, adult_CNhs10478_13-16E8_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN30_CNhs11202_ctss_rev HeartNeonateN30- heart, neonate N30_CNhs11202_1390-42D2_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN30_CNhs11202_ctss_fwd HeartNeonateN30+ heart, neonate N30_CNhs11202_1390-42D2_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN25_CNhs11196_ctss_rev HeartNeonateN25- heart, neonate N25_CNhs11196_1351-25D3_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN25_CNhs11196_ctss_fwd HeartNeonateN25+ heart, neonate N25_CNhs11196_1351-25D3_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN20_CNhs11127_ctss_rev HeartNeonateN20- heart, neonate N20_CNhs11127_821-26I6_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN20_CNhs11127_ctss_fwd HeartNeonateN20+ heart, neonate N20_CNhs11127_821-26I6_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN16_CNhs11209_ctss_rev HeartNeonateN16- heart, neonate N16_CNhs11209_782-15G1_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN16_CNhs11209_ctss_fwd HeartNeonateN16+ heart, neonate N16_CNhs11209_782-15G1_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN10_CNhs11118_ctss_rev HeartNeonateN10- heart, neonate N10_CNhs11118_749-24G1_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN10_CNhs11118_ctss_fwd HeartNeonateN10+ heart, neonate N10_CNhs11118_749-24G1_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN03_CNhs11221_ctss_rev HeartNeonateN03- heart, neonate N03_CNhs11221_1349-25I2_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN03_CNhs11221_ctss_fwd HeartNeonateN03+ heart, neonate N03_CNhs11221_1349-25I2_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN00_CNhs11213_ctss_rev HeartNeonateN00- heart, neonate N00_CNhs11213_639-21E3_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN00_CNhs11213_ctss_fwd HeartNeonateN00+ heart, neonate N00_CNhs11213_639-21E3_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE18_CNhs11030_ctss_rev HeartEmbryoE18- heart, embryo E18_CNhs11030_1283-20G3_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE18_CNhs11030_ctss_fwd HeartEmbryoE18+ heart, embryo E18_CNhs11030_1283-20G3_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE17_CNhs11025_ctss_rev HeartEmbryoE17- heart, embryo E17_CNhs11025_479-18E5_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE17_CNhs11025_ctss_fwd HeartEmbryoE17+ heart, embryo E17_CNhs11025_479-18E5_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE16_CNhs11021_ctss_rev HeartEmbryoE16- heart, embryo E16_CNhs11021_457-17C6_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE16_CNhs11021_ctss_fwd HeartEmbryoE16+ heart, embryo E16_CNhs11021_457-17C6_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE15_CNhs11017_ctss_rev HeartEmbryoE15- heart, embryo E15_CNhs11017_431-16C8_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE15_CNhs11017_ctss_fwd HeartEmbryoE15+ heart, embryo E15_CNhs11017_431-16C8_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE14_CNhs10597_ctss_rev HeartEmbryoE14- heart, embryo E14_CNhs10597_403-26D4_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE14_CNhs10597_ctss_fwd HeartEmbryoE14+ heart, embryo E14_CNhs10597_403-26D4_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE13_CNhs11013_ctss_rev HeartEmbryoE13- heart, embryo E13_CNhs11013_376-3I9_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE13_CNhs11013_ctss_fwd HeartEmbryoE13+ heart, embryo E13_CNhs11013_376-3I9_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE12_CNhs11015_ctss_rev HeartEmbryoE12- heart, embryo E12_CNhs11015_353-12F5_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE12_CNhs11015_ctss_fwd HeartEmbryoE12+ heart, embryo E12_CNhs11015_353-12F5_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE11_CNhs10586_ctss_rev HeartEmbryoE11- heart, embryo E11_CNhs10586_331-24E9_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE11_CNhs10586_ctss_fwd HeartEmbryoE11+ heart, embryo E11_CNhs10586_331-24E9_forward Expression and Regulation GonadEmbryoE13_CNhs11044_ctss_rev GonadEmbryoE13- gonad, embryo E13_CNhs11044_1564-45I6_reverse Expression and Regulation GonadEmbryoE13_CNhs11044_ctss_fwd GonadEmbryoE13+ gonad, embryo E13_CNhs11044_1564-45I6_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE18_CNhs11008_ctss_rev ForelimbEmbryoE18- forelimb, embryo E18_CNhs11008_1520-43B5_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE18_CNhs11008_ctss_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE18+ forelimb, embryo E18_CNhs11008_1520-43B5_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE17_CNhs10598_ctss_rev ForelimbEmbryoE17- forelimb, embryo E17_CNhs10598_1517-43C4_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE17_CNhs10598_ctss_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE17+ forelimb, embryo E17_CNhs10598_1517-43C4_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE15_CNhs11007_ctss_rev ForelimbEmbryoE15- forelimb, embryo E15_CNhs11007_437-20E7_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE15_CNhs11007_ctss_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE15+ forelimb, embryo E15_CNhs11007_437-20E7_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE14_CNhs10577_ctss_rev ForelimbEmbryoE14- forelimb, embryo E14_CNhs10577_413-26A8_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE14_CNhs10577_ctss_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE14+ forelimb, embryo E14_CNhs10577_413-26A8_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE13_CNhs10589_ctss_rev ForelimbEmbryoE13- forelimb, embryo E13_CNhs10589_384-1E2_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE13_CNhs10589_ctss_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE13+ forelimb, embryo E13_CNhs10589_384-1E2_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE12_CNhs10600_ctss_rev ForelimbEmbryoE12- forelimb, embryo E12_CNhs10600_359-14H2_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE12_CNhs10600_ctss_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE12+ forelimb, embryo E12_CNhs10600_359-14H2_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE11_CNhs10596_ctss_rev ForelimbEmbryoE11- forelimb, embryo E11_CNhs10596_335-25E2_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE11_CNhs10596_ctss_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE11+ forelimb, embryo E11_CNhs10596_335-25E2_forward Expression and Regulation FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPool3_CNhs13200_ctss_rev FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPl3- Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool3_CNhs13200_10263-104D2_reverse Expression and Regulation FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPool3_CNhs13200_ctss_fwd FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPl3+ Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool3_CNhs13200_10263-104D2_forward Expression and Regulation FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPool2_CNhs13211_ctss_rev FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPl2- Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool2_CNhs13211_10262-104D1_reverse Expression and Regulation FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPool2_CNhs13211_ctss_fwd FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPl2+ Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool2_CNhs13211_10262-104D1_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN16_CNhs11188_ctss_rev EyeballNeonateN16- eyeball, neonate N16_CNhs11188_777-19A2_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN16_CNhs11188_ctss_fwd EyeballNeonateN16+ eyeball, neonate N16_CNhs11188_777-19A2_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN02_CNhs11205_ctss_rev EyeballNeonateN02- eyeball, neonate N02_CNhs11205_1551-44G8_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN02_CNhs11205_ctss_fwd EyeballNeonateN02+ eyeball, neonate N02_CNhs11205_1551-44G8_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN01_CNhs11140_ctss_rev EyeballNeonateN01- eyeball, neonate N01_CNhs11140_1532-43E7_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN01_CNhs11140_ctss_fwd EyeballNeonateN01+ eyeball, neonate N01_CNhs11140_1532-43E7_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN00_CNhs11207_ctss_rev EyeballNeonateN00- eyeball, neonate N00_CNhs11207_633-15C6_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN00_CNhs11207_ctss_fwd EyeballNeonateN00+ eyeball, neonate N00_CNhs11207_633-15C6_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE17_CNhs11023_ctss_rev EyeballEmbryoE17- eyeball, embryo E17_CNhs11023_1261-18D4_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE17_CNhs11023_ctss_fwd EyeballEmbryoE17+ eyeball, embryo E17_CNhs11023_1261-18D4_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE15_CNhs10593_ctss_rev EyeballEmbryoE15- eyeball, embryo E15_CNhs10593_426-16C9_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE15_CNhs10593_ctss_fwd EyeballEmbryoE15+ eyeball, embryo E15_CNhs10593_426-16C9_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE14_CNhs10521_ctss_rev EyeballEmbryoE14- eyeball, embryo E14_CNhs10521_399-16E2_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE14_CNhs10521_ctss_fwd EyeballEmbryoE14+ eyeball, embryo E14_CNhs10521_399-16E2_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE12_CNhs11016_ctss_rev EyeballEmbryoE12- eyeball, embryo E12_CNhs11016_345-16C6_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE12_CNhs11016_ctss_fwd EyeballEmbryoE12+ eyeball, embryo E12_CNhs11016_345-16C6_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballAdult_CNhs10484_ctss_rev EyeballAdult- eyeball, adult_CNhs10484_31-12G4_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballAdult_CNhs10484_ctss_fwd EyeballAdult+ eyeball, adult_CNhs10484_31-12G4_forward Expression and Regulation EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN30_CNhs11199_ctss_rev EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN30- epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N30_CNhs11199_1387-42A2_reverse Expression and Regulation EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN30_CNhs11199_ctss_fwd EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN30+ epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N30_CNhs11199_1387-42A2_forward Expression and Regulation EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN00_CNhs11218_ctss_rev EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN00- epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N00_CNhs11218_1310-23B1_reverse Expression and Regulation EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN00_CNhs11218_ctss_fwd EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN00+ epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N00_CNhs11218_1310-23B1_forward Expression and Regulation EpididymisAdult_CNhs10490_ctss_rev EpididymisAdult- epididymis, adult_CNhs10490_58-23B2_reverse Expression and Regulation EpididymisAdult_CNhs10490_ctss_fwd EpididymisAdult+ epididymis, adult_CNhs10490_58-23B2_forward Expression and Regulation DiencephalonNeonateN30_CNhs11201_ctss_rev DiencephalonNeonateN30- diencephalon, neonate N30_CNhs11201_1388-42B2_reverse Expression and Regulation DiencephalonNeonateN30_CNhs11201_ctss_fwd DiencephalonNeonateN30+ diencephalon, neonate N30_CNhs11201_1388-42B2_forward Expression and Regulation DiencephalonAdult_CNhs10482_ctss_rev DiencephalonAdult- diencephalon, adult_CNhs10482_20-12F2_reverse Expression and Regulation DiencephalonAdult_CNhs10482_ctss_fwd DiencephalonAdult+ diencephalon, adult_CNhs10482_20-12F2_forward Expression and Regulation CortexNeonateN30_CNhs11107_ctss_rev CortexNeonateN30- cortex, neonate N30_CNhs11107_1392-42F2_reverse Expression and Regulation CortexNeonateN30_CNhs11107_ctss_fwd CortexNeonateN30+ cortex, neonate N30_CNhs11107_1392-42F2_forward Expression and Regulation CortexAdult_CNhs10473_ctss_rev CortexAdult- cortex, adult_CNhs10473_12-14D5_reverse Expression and Regulation CortexAdult_CNhs10473_ctss_fwd CortexAdult+ cortex, adult_CNhs10473_12-14D5_forward Expression and Regulation CorpusStriatumNeonateN00_CNhs11226_ctss_rev CorpusStriatumNeonateN00- corpus striatum, neonate N00_CNhs11226_630-43F1_reverse Expression and Regulation CorpusStriatumNeonateN00_CNhs11226_ctss_fwd CorpusStriatumNeonateN00+ corpus striatum, neonate N00_CNhs11226_630-43F1_forward Expression and Regulation CorpusStriatumAdult_CNhs10487_ctss_rev CorpusStriatumAdult- corpus striatum, adult_CNhs10487_19-21D8_reverse Expression and Regulation CorpusStriatumAdult_CNhs10487_ctss_fwd CorpusStriatumAdult+ corpus striatum, adult_CNhs10487_19-21D8_forward Expression and Regulation CorporaQuadrigeminaAdult_CNhs10501_ctss_rev CorporaQuadrigeminaAdult- corpora quadrigemina, adult_CNhs10501_16-22A4_reverse Expression and Regulation CorporaQuadrigeminaAdult_CNhs10501_ctss_fwd CorporaQuadrigeminaAdult+ corpora quadrigemina, adult_CNhs10501_16-22A4_forward Expression and Regulation ColonAdult_CNhs10468_ctss_rev ColonAdult- colon, adult_CNhs10468_36-18H7_reverse Expression and Regulation ColonAdult_CNhs10468_ctss_fwd ColonAdult+ colon, adult_CNhs10468_36-18H7_forward Expression and Regulation ClontechMouseUniversalReferenceTotalRNAPool1_CNhs10609_ctss_rev ClontechMouseUniversalReferencePl1- Clontech Mouse Universal Reference Total RNA, pool1_CNhs10609_10001-101A3_reverse Expression and Regulation ClontechMouseUniversalReferenceTotalRNAPool1_CNhs10609_ctss_fwd ClontechMouseUniversalReferencePl1+ Clontech Mouse Universal Reference Total RNA, pool1_CNhs10609_10001-101A3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN30_CNhs11135_ctss_rev CerebellumNeonateN30- cerebellum, neonate N30_CNhs11135_1395-42I2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN30_CNhs11135_ctss_fwd CerebellumNeonateN30+ cerebellum, neonate N30_CNhs11135_1395-42I2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep3P9R3_CNhs13026_ctss_rev CerebellumN09Br3- cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep3 (P9R3)_CNhs13026_10149-102I5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep3P9R3_CNhs13026_ctss_fwd CerebellumN09Br3+ cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep3 (P9R3)_CNhs13026_10149-102I5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep2P9R2_CNhs13013_ctss_rev CerebellumN09Br2- cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep2 (P9R2)_CNhs13013_10137-102H2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep2P9R2_CNhs13013_ctss_fwd CerebellumN09Br2+ cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep2 (P9R2)_CNhs13013_10137-102H2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep1P9R1_CNhs12820_ctss_rev CerebellumN09Br1- cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep1 (P9R1)_CNhs12820_10125-102F8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep1P9R1_CNhs12820_ctss_fwd CerebellumN09Br1+ cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep1 (P9R1)_CNhs12820_10125-102F8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep3P6R3_CNhs13025_ctss_rev CerebellumN06Br3- cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep3 (P6R3)_CNhs13025_10148-102I4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep3P6R3_CNhs13025_ctss_fwd CerebellumN06Br3+ cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep3 (P6R3)_CNhs13025_10148-102I4_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep2P6R2_CNhs13012_ctss_rev CerebellumN06Br2- cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep2 (P6R2)_CNhs13012_10136-102H1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep2P6R2_CNhs13012_ctss_fwd CerebellumN06Br2+ cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep2 (P6R2)_CNhs13012_10136-102H1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep1P6R1_CNhs12819_ctss_rev CerebellumN06Br1- cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep1 (P6R1)_CNhs12819_10124-102F7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep1P6R1_CNhs12819_ctss_fwd CerebellumN06Br1+ cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep1 (P6R1)_CNhs12819_10124-102F7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep3P3R3_CNhs13024_ctss_rev CerebellumN03Br3- cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep3 (P3R3)_CNhs13024_10147-102I3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep3P3R3_CNhs13024_ctss_fwd CerebellumN03Br3+ cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep3 (P3R3)_CNhs13024_10147-102I3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep2P3R2_CNhs13011_ctss_rev CerebellumN03Br2- cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep2 (P3R2)_CNhs13011_10135-102G9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep2P3R2_CNhs13011_ctss_fwd CerebellumN03Br2+ cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep2 (P3R2)_CNhs13011_10135-102G9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep1P3R1_CNhs13001_ctss_rev CerebellumN03Br1- cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep1 (P3R1)_CNhs13001_10123-102F6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep1P3R1_CNhs13001_ctss_fwd CerebellumN03Br1+ cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep1 (P3R1)_CNhs13001_10123-102F6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep3P0R3_CNhs13022_ctss_rev CerebellumN00Br3- cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep3 (P0R3)_CNhs13022_10146-102I2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep3P0R3_CNhs13022_ctss_fwd CerebellumN00Br3+ cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep3 (P0R3)_CNhs13022_10146-102I2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep2P0R2_CNhs13010_ctss_rev CerebellumN00Br2- cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep2 (P0R2)_CNhs13010_10134-102G8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep2P0R2_CNhs13010_ctss_fwd CerebellumN00Br2+ cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep2 (P0R2)_CNhs13010_10134-102G8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep1P0R1_CNhs12963_ctss_rev CerebellumN00Br1- cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep1 (P0R1)_CNhs12963_10122-102F5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep1P0R1_CNhs12963_ctss_fwd CerebellumN00Br1+ cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep1 (P0R1)_CNhs12963_10122-102F5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep3E18R3_CNhs13021_ctss_rev CerebellumE18Br3- cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep3 (E18R3)_CNhs13021_10145-102I1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep3E18R3_CNhs13021_ctss_fwd CerebellumE18Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep3 (E18R3)_CNhs13021_10145-102I1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep2E18R2_CNhs13009_ctss_rev CerebellumE18Br2- cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep2 (E18R2)_CNhs13009_10133-102G7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep2E18R2_CNhs13009_ctss_fwd CerebellumE18Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep2 (E18R2)_CNhs13009_10133-102G7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep1E18R1_CNhs12962_ctss_rev CerebellumE18Br1- cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep1 (E18R1)_CNhs12962_10121-102F4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep1E18R1_CNhs12962_ctss_fwd CerebellumE18Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep1 (E18R1)_CNhs12962_10121-102F4_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep3E17R3_CNhs13020_ctss_rev CerebellumE17Br3- cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep3 (E17R3)_CNhs13020_10144-102H9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep3E17R3_CNhs13020_ctss_fwd CerebellumE17Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep3 (E17R3)_CNhs13020_10144-102H9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep2E17R2_CNhs13008_ctss_rev CerebellumE17Br2- cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep2 (E17R2)_CNhs13008_10132-102G6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep2E17R2_CNhs13008_ctss_fwd CerebellumE17Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep2 (E17R2)_CNhs13008_10132-102G6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep1E17R1_CNhs12818_ctss_rev CerebellumE17Br1- cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep1 (E17R1)_CNhs12818_10120-102F3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep1E17R1_CNhs12818_ctss_fwd CerebellumE17Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep1 (E17R1)_CNhs12818_10120-102F3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep3E16R3_CNhs13019_ctss_rev CerebellumE16Br3- cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep3 (E16R3)_CNhs13019_10143-102H8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep3E16R3_CNhs13019_ctss_fwd CerebellumE16Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep3 (E16R3)_CNhs13019_10143-102H8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep2E16R2_CNhs13007_ctss_rev CerebellumE16Br2- cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep2 (E16R2)_CNhs13007_10131-102G5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep2E16R2_CNhs13007_ctss_fwd CerebellumE16Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep2 (E16R2)_CNhs13007_10131-102G5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep1E16R1_CNhs13000_ctss_rev CerebellumE16Br1- cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep1 (E16R1)_CNhs13000_10119-102F2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep1E16R1_CNhs13000_ctss_fwd CerebellumE16Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep1 (E16R1)_CNhs13000_10119-102F2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep3E15R3_CNhs13018_ctss_rev CerebellumE15Br3- cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep3 (E15R3)_CNhs13018_10142-102H7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep3E15R3_CNhs13018_ctss_fwd CerebellumE15Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep3 (E15R3)_CNhs13018_10142-102H7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep2E15R2_CNhs13006_ctss_rev CerebellumE15Br2- cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep2 (E15R2)_CNhs13006_10130-102G4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep2E15R2_CNhs13006_ctss_fwd CerebellumE15Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep2 (E15R2)_CNhs13006_10130-102G4_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep1E15R1_CNhs12961_ctss_rev CerebellumE15Br1- cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep1 (E15R1)_CNhs12961_10118-102F1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep1E15R1_CNhs12961_ctss_fwd CerebellumE15Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep1 (E15R1)_CNhs12961_10118-102F1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep3E14R3_CNhs13017_ctss_rev CerebellumE14Br3- cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep3 (E14R3)_CNhs13017_10141-102H6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep3E14R3_CNhs13017_ctss_fwd CerebellumE14Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep3 (E14R3)_CNhs13017_10141-102H6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep2E14R2_CNhs13005_ctss_rev CerebellumE14Br2- cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep2 (E14R2)_CNhs13005_10129-102G3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep2E14R2_CNhs13005_ctss_fwd CerebellumE14Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep2 (E14R2)_CNhs13005_10129-102G3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep1E14R1_CNhs12960_ctss_rev CerebellumE14Br1- cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep1 (E14R1)_CNhs12960_10117-102E9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep1E14R1_CNhs12960_ctss_fwd CerebellumE14Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep1 (E14R1)_CNhs12960_10117-102E9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs13016_ctss_rev CerebellumE13Br3- cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs13016_10140-102H5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs13016_ctss_fwd CerebellumE13Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs13016_10140-102H5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep2E13R2_CNhs13004_ctss_rev CerebellumE13Br2- cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep2 (E13R2)_CNhs13004_10128-102G2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep2E13R2_CNhs13004_ctss_fwd CerebellumE13Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep2 (E13R2)_CNhs13004_10128-102G2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep1E13R1_CNhs12958_ctss_rev CerebellumE13Br1- cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep1 (E13R1)_CNhs12958_10116-102E8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep1E13R1_CNhs12958_ctss_fwd CerebellumE13Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep1 (E13R1)_CNhs12958_10116-102E8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep3E12R3_CNhs13015_ctss_rev CerebellumE12Br3- cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep3 (E12R3)_CNhs13015_10139-102H4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep3E12R3_CNhs13015_ctss_fwd CerebellumE12Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep3 (E12R3)_CNhs13015_10139-102H4_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep2E12R2_CNhs13003_ctss_rev CerebellumE12Br2- cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep2 (E12R2)_CNhs13003_10127-102G1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep2E12R2_CNhs13003_ctss_fwd CerebellumE12Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep2 (E12R2)_CNhs13003_10127-102G1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep1E12R1_CNhs12957_ctss_rev CerebellumE12Br1- cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep1 (E12R1)_CNhs12957_10115-102E7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep1E12R1_CNhs12957_ctss_fwd CerebellumE12Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep1 (E12R1)_CNhs12957_10115-102E7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep3E11R3_CNhs13014_ctss_rev CerebellumE11Br3- cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep3 (E11R3)_CNhs13014_10138-102H3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep3E11R3_CNhs13014_ctss_fwd CerebellumE11Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep3 (E11R3)_CNhs13014_10138-102H3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep2E11R2_CNhs13002_ctss_rev CerebellumE11Br2- cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep2 (E11R2)_CNhs13002_10126-102F9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep2E11R2_CNhs13002_ctss_fwd CerebellumE11Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep2 (E11R2)_CNhs13002_10126-102F9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep1E11R1_CNhs12956_ctss_rev CerebellumE11Br1- cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep1 (E11R1)_CNhs12956_10114-102E6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep1E11R1_CNhs12956_ctss_fwd CerebellumE11Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep1 (E11R1)_CNhs12956_10114-102E6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumAdult_CNhs10494_ctss_rev CerebellumAdult- cerebellum, adult_CNhs10494_15-8B2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumAdult_CNhs10494_ctss_fwd CerebellumAdult+ cerebellum, adult_CNhs10494_15-8B2_forward Expression and Regulation CecumAdult_CNhs10467_ctss_rev CecumAdult- cecum, adult_CNhs10467_37-13H4_reverse Expression and Regulation CecumAdult_CNhs10467_ctss_fwd CecumAdult+ cecum, adult_CNhs10467_37-13H4_forward Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN20_CNhs11195_ctss_rev Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN20- bone (os femoris), neonate N20_CNhs11195_1350-25C3_reverse Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN20_CNhs11195_ctss_fwd Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN20+ bone (os femoris), neonate N20_CNhs11195_1350-25C3_forward Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN16_CNhs11225_ctss_rev Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN16- bone (os femoris), neonate N16_CNhs11225_1525-43A6_reverse Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN16_CNhs11225_ctss_fwd Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN16+ bone (os femoris), neonate N16_CNhs11225_1525-43A6_forward Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN02_CNhs11227_ctss_rev Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN02- bone (os femoris), neonate N02_CNhs11227_1985-43F5_reverse Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN02_CNhs11227_ctss_fwd Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN02+ bone (os femoris), neonate N02_CNhs11227_1985-43F5_forward Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisAdult_CNhs10483_ctss_rev Bone(osFemoris)Adult- bone (os femoris), adult_CNhs10483_56-12G2_reverse Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisAdult_CNhs10483_ctss_fwd Bone(osFemoris)Adult+ bone (os femoris), adult_CNhs10483_56-12G2_forward Expression and Regulation AortaAdult_CNhs10498_ctss_rev AortaAdult- aorta, adult_CNhs10498_46-23H1_reverse Expression and Regulation AortaAdult_CNhs10498_ctss_fwd AortaAdult+ aorta, adult_CNhs10498_46-23H1_forward Expression and Regulation AmnionAdultPregnantDay17_5_CNhs10488_ctss_rev AmnionAdultPregnantDay17_5- amnion, adult pregnant day17_5_CNhs10488_583-22A8_reverse Expression and Regulation AmnionAdultPregnantDay17_5_CNhs10488_ctss_fwd AmnionAdultPregnantDay17_5+ amnion, adult pregnant day17_5_CNhs10488_583-22A8_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandNeonateN25_CNhs11223_ctss_rev AdrenalGlandNeonateN25- adrenal gland, neonate N25_CNhs11223_1377-27I3_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandNeonateN25_CNhs11223_ctss_fwd AdrenalGlandNeonateN25+ adrenal gland, neonate N25_CNhs11223_1377-27I3_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandNeonateN00_CNhs11191_ctss_rev AdrenalGlandNeonateN00- adrenal gland, neonate N00_CNhs11191_1311-23C1_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandNeonateN00_CNhs11191_ctss_fwd AdrenalGlandNeonateN00+ adrenal gland, neonate N00_CNhs11191_1311-23C1_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE18_CNhs11026_ctss_rev AdrenalGlandEmbryoE18- adrenal gland, embryo E18_CNhs11026_1262-18F5_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE18_CNhs11026_ctss_fwd AdrenalGlandEmbryoE18+ adrenal gland, embryo E18_CNhs11026_1262-18F5_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE17_CNhs11043_ctss_rev AdrenalGlandEmbryoE17- adrenal gland, embryo E17_CNhs11043_1263-45I1_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE17_CNhs11043_ctss_fwd AdrenalGlandEmbryoE17+ adrenal gland, embryo E17_CNhs11043_1263-45I1_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE16_CNhs11004_ctss_rev AdrenalGlandEmbryoE16- adrenal gland, embryo E16_CNhs11004_1254-43D6_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE16_CNhs11004_ctss_fwd AdrenalGlandEmbryoE16+ adrenal gland, embryo E16_CNhs11004_1254-43D6_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE14_CNhs11038_ctss_rev AdrenalGlandEmbryoE14- adrenal gland, embryo E14_CNhs11038_406-44C5_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE14_CNhs11038_ctss_fwd AdrenalGlandEmbryoE14+ adrenal gland, embryo E14_CNhs11038_406-44C5_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandAdult_CNhs10508_ctss_rev AdrenalGlandAdult- adrenal gland, adult_CNhs10508_49-24D7_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandAdult_CNhs10508_ctss_fwd AdrenalGlandAdult+ adrenal gland, adult_CNhs10508_49-24D7_forward Expression and Regulation AccessoryAxillaryLymphNodeAdult_CNhs10475_ctss_rev AccessoryAxillaryLymphNodeAdult- accessory axillary lymph node, adult_CNhs10475_1063-29H9_reverse Expression and Regulation AccessoryAxillaryLymphNodeAdult_CNhs10475_ctss_fwd AccessoryAxillaryLymphNodeAdult+ accessory axillary lymph node, adult_CNhs10475_1063-29H9_forward Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool3_CNhs13234_ctss_rev IleumEpitheliumW/RanklDay03Pl3- Ileum epithelium, treated with RANKL, day03, pool3_CNhs13234_10260-104C8_reverse Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool3_CNhs13234_ctss_fwd IleumEpitheliumW/RanklDay03Pl3+ Ileum epithelium, treated with RANKL, day03, pool3_CNhs13234_10260-104C8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep1036hA1_CNhs13124_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep1 (036hA1)_CNhs13124_12317-130G4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep1036hA1_CNhs13124_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep1 (036hA1)_CNhs13124_12317-130G4_forward Expression and Regulation PrehematopoieticStemCellAortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE9_5_CNhs14149_ctss_rev Tc:PreHSCsAGMregionE9_5- Pre-hematopoietic stem cell, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E9_5_CNhs14149_11948-126B4_reverse Expression and Regulation PrehematopoieticStemCellAortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE9_5_CNhs14149_ctss_fwd Tc:PreHSCsAGMregionE9_5+ Pre-hematopoietic stem cell, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E9_5_CNhs14149_11948-126B4_forward Expression and Regulation MesodermEmbryoE8_5_CNhs14148_ctss_rev Tc:MesodermE8_5- Mesoderm, embryo E8_5_CNhs14148_11947-126B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MesodermEmbryoE8_5_CNhs14148_ctss_fwd Tc:MesodermE8_5+ Mesoderm, embryo E8_5_CNhs14148_11947-126B3_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellPlacentaDerivedEmbryoE11_5_CNhs14152_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsPlacentaE11_5- hematopoietic stem cell, placenta derived, embryo E11_5_CNhs14152_11952-126B8_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellPlacentaDerivedEmbryoE11_5_CNhs14152_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsPlacentaE11_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, placenta derived, embryo E11_5_CNhs14152_11952-126B8_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellPlacentaDerivedEmbryoE10_5_CNhs14150_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsPlacentaE10_5- hematopoietic stem cell, placenta derived, embryo E10_5_CNhs14150_11950-126B6_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellPlacentaDerivedEmbryoE10_5_CNhs14150_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsPlacentaE10_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, placenta derived, embryo E10_5_CNhs14150_11950-126B6_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE19_5_CNhs14155_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE19_5- hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E19_5_CNhs14155_11955-126C2_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE19_5_CNhs14155_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE19_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E19_5_CNhs14155_11955-126C2_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE14_5_CNhs14154_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE14_5- hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E14_5_CNhs14154_11954-126C1_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE14_5_CNhs14154_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE14_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E14_5_CNhs14154_11954-126C1_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE12_5_CNhs14153_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE12_5- hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E12_5_CNhs14153_11953-126B9_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE12_5_CNhs14153_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE12_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E12_5_CNhs14153_11953-126B9_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedNewborn23months_CNhs14156_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowNb2-3mos- hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, newborn 2-3months_CNhs14156_11957-126C4_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedNewborn23months_CNhs14156_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowNb2-3mos+ hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, newborn 2-3months_CNhs14156_11957-126C4_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedAdult2years_CNhs14157_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowAdult2yrs- hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, adult 2years_CNhs14157_11958-126C5_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedAdult2years_CNhs14157_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowAdult2yrs+ hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, adult 2years_CNhs14157_11958-126C5_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellaortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE11_5_CNhs14151_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsAGMregionE11_5- hematopoietic stem cell,aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E11_5_CNhs14151_11951-126B7_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellaortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE11_5_CNhs14151_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsAGMregionE11_5+ hematopoietic stem cell,aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E11_5_CNhs14151_11951-126B7_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14449_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr3- hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14449_13582-146C9_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14449_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr3+ hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14449_13582-146C9_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14448_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr2- hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14448_13581-146C8_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14448_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr2+ hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14448_13581-146C8_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14447_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr1- hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14447_13580-146C7_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14447_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr1+ hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14447_13580-146C7_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep3_CNhs14462_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br3- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep3_CNhs14462_13594-146E3_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep3_CNhs14462_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br3+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep3_CNhs14462_13594-146E3_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep2_CNhs14461_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br2- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep2_CNhs14461_13593-146E2_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep2_CNhs14461_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br2+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep2_CNhs14461_13593-146E2_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep1_CNhs14460_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br1- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep1_CNhs14460_13592-146E1_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep1_CNhs14460_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br1+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep1_CNhs14460_13592-146E1_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14459_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr3- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14459_13591-146D9_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14459_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr3+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14459_13591-146D9_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14458_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr2- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14458_13590-146D8_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14458_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr2+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14458_13590-146D8_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14456_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr1- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14456_13589-146D7_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14456_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr1+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14456_13589-146D7_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14455_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr3- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14455_13588-146D6_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14455_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr3+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14455_13588-146D6_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14454_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr2- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14454_13587-146D5_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14454_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr2+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14454_13587-146D5_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14453_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr1- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14453_13586-146D4_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14453_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr1+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14453_13586-146D4_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep3_CNhs14452_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr3- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14452_13585-146D3_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep3_CNhs14452_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr3+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14452_13585-146D3_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep2_CNhs14451_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr2- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14451_13584-146D2_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep2_CNhs14451_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr2+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14451_13584-146D2_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14450_ctss_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr1- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14450_13583-146D1_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14450_ctss_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr1+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14450_13583-146D1_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedSiRNAControlBiolRep2_CNhs14115_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedSiRNABr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated siRNA control, biol_rep2_CNhs14115_14368-156A3_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedSiRNAControlBiolRep2_CNhs14115_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedSiRNABr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated siRNA control, biol_rep2_CNhs14115_14368-156A3_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedSiRNAControlBiolRep1_CNhs14114_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedSiRNABr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated siRNA control, biol_rep1_CNhs14114_14367-156A2_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedSiRNAControlBiolRep1_CNhs14114_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedSiRNABr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated siRNA control, biol_rep1_CNhs14114_14367-156A2_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep3_CNhs14093_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr3- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep3_CNhs14093_14347-155G9_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep3_CNhs14093_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr3+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep3_CNhs14093_14347-155G9_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep2_CNhs14092_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep2_CNhs14092_14346-155G8_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep2_CNhs14092_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep2_CNhs14092_14346-155G8_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep1_CNhs14091_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep1_CNhs14091_14345-155G7_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep1_CNhs14091_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep1_CNhs14091_14345-155G7_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsScrambledSiRNAControlBiolRep2_CNhs14117_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25ScrambledSiRNABr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, scrambled siRNA control, biol_rep2_CNhs14117_14370-156A5_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsScrambledSiRNAControlBiolRep2_CNhs14117_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25ScrambledSiRNABr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, scrambled siRNA control, biol_rep2_CNhs14117_14370-156A5_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsScrambledSiRNAControlBiolRep1_CNhs14116_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25ScrambledSiRNABr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, scrambled siRNA control, biol_rep1_CNhs14116_14369-156A4_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsScrambledSiRNAControlBiolRep1_CNhs14116_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25ScrambledSiRNABr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, scrambled siRNA control, biol_rep1_CNhs14116_14369-156A4_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC5BiolRep2_CNhs14122_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC5Br2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC5, biol_rep2_CNhs14122_14374-156A9_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC5BiolRep2_CNhs14122_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC5Br2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC5, biol_rep2_CNhs14122_14374-156A9_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC5BiolRep1_CNhs14121_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC5Br1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC5, biol_rep1_CNhs14121_14373-156A8_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC5BiolRep1_CNhs14121_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC5Br1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC5, biol_rep1_CNhs14121_14373-156A8_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC3BiolRep2_CNhs14119_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC3Br2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC3, biol_rep2_CNhs14119_14372-156A7_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC3BiolRep2_CNhs14119_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC3Br2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC3, biol_rep2_CNhs14119_14372-156A7_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC3BiolRep1_CNhs14118_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC3Br1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC3, biol_rep1_CNhs14118_14371-156A6_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC3BiolRep1_CNhs14118_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC3Br1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC3, biol_rep1_CNhs14118_14371-156A6_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep3_CNhs14090_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr3- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14090_14344-155G6_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep3_CNhs14090_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr3+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14090_14344-155G6_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep2_CNhs14089_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14089_14343-155G5_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep2_CNhs14089_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14089_14343-155G5_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep1_CNhs14088_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14088_14342-155G4_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep1_CNhs14088_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14088_14342-155G4_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep3_CNhs14087_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr3- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep3_CNhs14087_14341-155G3_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep3_CNhs14087_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr3+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep3_CNhs14087_14341-155G3_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep2_CNhs14086_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep2_CNhs14086_14340-155G2_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep2_CNhs14086_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep2_CNhs14086_14340-155G2_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep1_CNhs14085_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep1_CNhs14085_14339-155G1_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep1_CNhs14085_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep1_CNhs14085_14339-155G1_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep3_CNhs14097_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr3- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14097_14350-155H3_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep3_CNhs14097_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr3+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14097_14350-155H3_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep2_CNhs14095_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14095_14349-155H2_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep2_CNhs14095_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14095_14349-155H2_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep1_CNhs14094_ctss_rev Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14094_14348-155H1_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep1_CNhs14094_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14094_14348-155H1_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14100_ctss_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr3- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14100_14353-155H6_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14100_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr3+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14100_14353-155H6_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14099_ctss_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr2- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14099_14352-155H5_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14099_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr2+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14099_14352-155H5_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14098_ctss_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr1- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14098_14351-155H4_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14098_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr1+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14098_14351-155H4_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14103_ctss_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr3- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14103_14356-155H9_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14103_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr3+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14103_14356-155H9_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14102_ctss_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr2- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14102_14355-155H8_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14102_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr2+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14102_14355-155H8_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14101_ctss_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr1- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14101_14354-155H7_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14101_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr1+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14101_14354-155H7_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay14BiolRep1_CNhs14127_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsNeuronalDiff_Day14Br1- ES-46C derived epistem cells, neuronal differentiation, day14, biol_rep1_CNhs14127_14379-156B5_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay14BiolRep1_CNhs14127_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsNeuronalDiff_Day14Br1+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, neuronal differentiation, day14, biol_rep1_CNhs14127_14379-156B5_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs14126_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsNeuronalDiff_Day05Br1- ES-46C derived epistem cells, neuronal differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs14126_14378-156B4_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs14126_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsNeuronalDiff_Day05Br1+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, neuronal differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs14126_14378-156B4_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep3_CNhs14125_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr3- ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep3_CNhs14125_14377-156B3_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep3_CNhs14125_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr3+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep3_CNhs14125_14377-156B3_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep2_CNhs14124_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr2- ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep2_CNhs14124_14376-156B2_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep2_CNhs14124_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr2+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep2_CNhs14124_14376-156B2_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep1_CNhs14123_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr1- ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep1_CNhs14123_14375-156B1_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep1_CNhs14123_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr1+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep1_CNhs14123_14375-156B1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs14167_ctss_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br3- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs14167_13540-145H3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs14167_ctss_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br3+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs14167_13540-145H3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep2E18R2_CNhs14166_ctss_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br2- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep2 (E18R2)_CNhs14166_13539-145H2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep2E18R2_CNhs14166_ctss_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br2+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep2 (E18R2)_CNhs14166_13539-145H2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep1E18R1_CNhs14165_ctss_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br1- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep1 (E18R1)_CNhs14165_13538-145H1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep1E18R1_CNhs14165_ctss_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br1+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep1 (E18R1)_CNhs14165_13538-145H1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep3E15R3_CNhs14164_ctss_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br3- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep3 (E15R3)_CNhs14164_13537-145G9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep3E15R3_CNhs14164_ctss_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br3+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep3 (E15R3)_CNhs14164_13537-145G9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep2E15R2_CNhs14163_ctss_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br2- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep2 (E15R2)_CNhs14163_13536-145G8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep2E15R2_CNhs14163_ctss_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br2+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep2 (E15R2)_CNhs14163_13536-145G8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep1E15R1_CNhs14162_ctss_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br1- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep1 (E15R1)_CNhs14162_13535-145G7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep1E15R1_CNhs14162_ctss_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br1+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep1 (E15R1)_CNhs14162_13535-145G7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs14146_ctss_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br3- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs14146_13534-145G6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs14146_ctss_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br3+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs14146_13534-145G6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep2E13R2_CNhs14144_ctss_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br2- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep2 (E13R2)_CNhs14144_13533-145G5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep2E13R2_CNhs14144_ctss_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br2+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep2 (E13R2)_CNhs14144_13533-145G5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep1E13R1_CNhs14143_ctss_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br1- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep1 (E13R1)_CNhs14143_13532-145G4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep1E13R1_CNhs14143_ctss_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br1+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep1 (E13R1)_CNhs14143_13532-145G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11585_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11585_3682-171F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11585_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11585_3682-171F6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11578_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11578_3675-171H5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11578_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11578_3675-171H5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11573_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11573_3670-171C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11573_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11573_3670-171C5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11572_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11572_3669-171B5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11572_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11572_3669-171B5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11560_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11560_3657-171H3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11560_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11560_3657-171H3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14344_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14344_3969-173F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14344_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14344_3969-173F4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11477_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11477_3580-170C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11477_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11477_3580-170C3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14359_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14359_3984-173C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14359_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14359_3984-173C6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11472_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11472_3575-170G2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11472_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11472_3575-170G2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14544_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr2Tr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14544_13131-140G8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14544_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr2Tr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14544_13131-140G8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12670_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr2Tr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12670_13131-140G8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12670_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr2Tr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12670_13131-140G8_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs14401_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs14401_10101-102D4_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs14401_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs14401_10101-102D4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14398_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsShamOpBr3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14398_13597-146E6_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14398_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsShamOpBr3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14398_13597-146E6_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14502_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsShamOpBr2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14502_13596-146E5_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14502_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsShamOpBr2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14502_13596-146E5_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14503_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsShamOpBr1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14503_13595-146E4_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14503_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsShamOpBr1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14503_13595-146E4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep3_CNhs14510_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep3_CNhs14510_13609-146F9_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep3_CNhs14510_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep3_CNhs14510_13609-146F9_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep2_CNhs14509_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep2_CNhs14509_13608-146F8_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep2_CNhs14509_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep2_CNhs14509_13608-146F8_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep1_CNhs14508_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep1_CNhs14508_13607-146F7_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep1_CNhs14508_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep1_CNhs14508_13607-146F7_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14507_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14507_13606-146F6_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14507_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14507_13606-146F6_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14405_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14405_13605-146F5_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14405_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14405_13605-146F5_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14404_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14404_13604-146F4_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14404_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14404_13604-146F4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14506_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14506_13603-146F3_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14506_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14506_13603-146F3_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14403_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14403_13602-146F2_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14403_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14403_13602-146F2_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14402_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14402_13601-146F1_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14402_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14402_13601-146F1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep3_CNhs14400_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14400_13600-146E9_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep3_CNhs14400_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14400_13600-146E9_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep2_CNhs14399_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14399_13599-146E8_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep2_CNhs14399_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14399_13599-146E8_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14504_ctss_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14504_13598-146E7_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14504_ctss_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14504_13598-146E7_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedEmbryoE19_5_CNhs14375_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowE19_5- hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, embryo E19_5_CNhs14375_11956-126C3_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedEmbryoE19_5_CNhs14375_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowE19_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, embryo E19_5_CNhs14375_11956-126C3_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellAortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE10_5_CNhs14374_ctss_rev Tc:HSCsAGMregionE10_5- hematopoietic stem cell, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E10_5_CNhs14374_11949-126B5_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellAortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE10_5_CNhs14374_ctss_fwd Tc:HSCsAGMregionE10_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E10_5_CNhs14374_11949-126B5_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14392_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr3- hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14392_13612-146G3_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14392_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr3+ hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14392_13612-146G3_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14391_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr2- hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14391_13611-146G2_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14391_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr2+ hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14391_13611-146G2_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14390_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr1- hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14390_13610-146G1_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14390_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr1+ hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14390_13610-146G1_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep1_CNhs14517_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhxW01Br1- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep1_CNhs14517_13622-146H4_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep1_CNhs14517_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhxW01Br1+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep1_CNhs14517_13622-146H4_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14516_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr3- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14516_13621-146H3_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14516_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr3+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14516_13621-146H3_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14515_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr2- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14515_13620-146H2_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14515_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr2+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14515_13620-146H2_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14514_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr1- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14514_13619-146H1_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14514_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr1+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14514_13619-146H1_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14513_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr3- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14513_13618-146G9_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14513_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr3+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14513_13618-146G9_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14512_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr2- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14512_13617-146G8_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14512_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr2+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14512_13617-146G8_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14511_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr1- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14511_13616-146G7_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14511_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr1+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14511_13616-146G7_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14393_ctss_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_02hrBr1- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14393_13613-146G4_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14393_ctss_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_02hrBr1+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14393_13613-146G4_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10655_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10655_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11048_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11048_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10856_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10856_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11128_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11128_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10749_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10749_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11184_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11184_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11208_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11208_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11278_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11278_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11024_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11024_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11080_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11080_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10725_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10725_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11096_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11096_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11000_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11000_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10623_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10623_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11072_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11072_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10479_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10479_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10880_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10880_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10639_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10639_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11246_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11246_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10591_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10591_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10511_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10511_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11120_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11120_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10527_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10527_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10607_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10607_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11216_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11216_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11032_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11032_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10495_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10495_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10840_ctss_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10840_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11278_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11278_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11024_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11024_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11080_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11080_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10725_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10725_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11096_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11096_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11000_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11000_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10623_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10623_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11072_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11072_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10479_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10479_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10880_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10880_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10639_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10639_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11246_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11246_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10591_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10591_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10511_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10511_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11120_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11120_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10527_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10527_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10607_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10607_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11216_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11216_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11032_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11032_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10495_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10495_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10840_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10840_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10655_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10655_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11048_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11048_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10856_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10856_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11128_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11128_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10749_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10749_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11184_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11184_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11208_ctss_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11208_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1C57BL6J_CNhs14142_ctss_rev TregsPmaIonomycin_02hrPl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (C57BL 6J)_CNhs14142_11945-126B1_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1BalbcA_CNhs14160_ctss_rev TregsPmaIonomycin_02hrPl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (BalbcA)_CNhs14160_11946-126B2_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1C57BL6J_CNhs14142_ctss_fwd TregsPmaIonomycin_02hrPl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (C57BL 6J)_CNhs14142_11945-126B1_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1BalbcA_CNhs14160_ctss_fwd TregsPmaIonomycin_02hrPl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (BalbcA)_CNhs14160_11946-126B2_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsAntiCD3CD28Stimulation06hrPool1BalbcA_CNhs14158_ctss_rev TregsAntiCD3CD28_06hrPl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, antiCD3 CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (BalbcA)_CNhs14158_11943-126A8_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsAntiCD3CD28Stimulation06hrPool1C57BL6J_CNhs14159_ctss_rev TregsAntiCD3CD28_06hrPl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, antiCD3 CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (C57BL 6J)_CNhs14159_11944-126A9_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsAntiCD3CD28Stimulation06hrPool1BalbcA_CNhs14158_ctss_fwd TregsAntiCD3CD28_06hrPl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, antiCD3 CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (BalbcA)_CNhs14158_11943-126A8_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsAntiCD3CD28Stimulation06hrPool1C57BL6J_CNhs14159_ctss_fwd TregsAntiCD3CD28_06hrPl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, antiCD3 CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (C57BL 6J)_CNhs14159_11944-126A9_forward Expression and Regulation OsteoclastBoneMarrowDerived_CNhs14137_ctss_rev OsteoclastBoneMarrow- osteoclast, bone marrow derived_CNhs14137_2379-69A1_reverse Expression and Regulation OsteoclastBoneMarrowDerived_CNhs14137_ctss_fwd OsteoclastBoneMarrow+ osteoclast, bone marrow derived_CNhs14137_2379-69A1_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13083_ctss_rev NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr3- neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13083_11806-124D6_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13083_ctss_fwd NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr3+ neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13083_11806-124D6_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13082_ctss_rev NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr2- neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13082_11805-124D5_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13082_ctss_fwd NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr2+ neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13082_11805-124D5_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13081_ctss_rev NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr1- neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13081_11804-124D4_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13081_ctss_fwd NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr1+ neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13081_11804-124D4_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13086_ctss_rev NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr3- neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13086_11809-124D9_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13086_ctss_fwd NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr3+ neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13086_11809-124D9_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13085_ctss_rev NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr2- neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13085_11808-124D8_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13085_ctss_fwd NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr2+ neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13085_11808-124D8_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13084_ctss_rev NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr1- neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13084_11807-124D7_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13084_ctss_fwd NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr1+ neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13084_11807-124D7_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13089_ctss_rev NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr3- neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13089_11812-124E3_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13089_ctss_fwd NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr3+ neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13089_11812-124E3_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13088_ctss_rev NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr2- neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13088_11811-124E2_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13088_ctss_fwd NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr2+ neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13088_11811-124E2_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13087_ctss_rev NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr1- neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13087_11810-124E1_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13087_ctss_fwd NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr1+ neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13087_11810-124E1_forward Expression and Regulation NeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor5TechRep2_CNhs12923_ctss_rev NeuronsSubstantiaNigraD5Tr2- Neurons - substantia nigra, donor5, tech_rep2_CNhs12923_11490-119E5_reverse Expression and Regulation NeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor5TechRep2_CNhs12923_ctss_fwd NeuronsSubstantiaNigraD5Tr2+ Neurons - substantia nigra, donor5, tech_rep2_CNhs12923_11490-119E5_forward Expression and Regulation NeuronsSpiralGanglionPool1_CNhs14147_ctss_rev NeuronsSpiralGanglionPl1- Neurons - spiral ganglion, pool1_CNhs14147_11959-126C6_reverse Expression and Regulation NeuronsSpiralGanglionPool1_CNhs14147_ctss_fwd NeuronsSpiralGanglionPl1+ Neurons - spiral ganglion, pool1_CNhs14147_11959-126C6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14333_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr2- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14333_12258-129I8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14333_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr2+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14333_12258-129I8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12580_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr1- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12580_12258-129I8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12580_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr1+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12580_12258-129I8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14341_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr2- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14341_12257-129I7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14341_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr2+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14341_12257-129I7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12515_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr1- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12515_12257-129I7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12515_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr1+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12515_12257-129I7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14340_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr1Tr2- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14340_12256-129I6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14340_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr1Tr2+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14340_12256-129I6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14331_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14331_12252-129I2_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14331_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14331_12252-129I2_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12578_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr1- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12578_12252-129I2_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12578_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12578_12252-129I2_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14337_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br2Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14337_12251-129I1_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14337_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br2Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14337_12251-129I1_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14336_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br1Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14336_12250-129H9_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14336_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br1Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14336_12250-129H9_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14339_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr3Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14339_12255-129I5_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14339_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr3Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14339_12255-129I5_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14338_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr2Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14338_12254-129I4_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14338_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr2Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14338_12254-129I4_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14332_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14332_12253-129I3_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14332_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14332_12253-129I3_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep1_CNhs12579_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr1- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep1_CNhs12579_12253-129I3_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep1_CNhs12579_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep1_CNhs12579_12253-129I3_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14335_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr2- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14335_12249-129H8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14335_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14335_12249-129H8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12509_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr1- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12509_12249-129H8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12509_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12509_12249-129H8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14334_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr2- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14334_12248-129H7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14334_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14334_12248-129H7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12508_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr1- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12508_12248-129H7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12508_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12508_12248-129H7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14330_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr2- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14330_12247-129H6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14330_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14330_12247-129H6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep1_CNhs12576_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr1- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep1_CNhs12576_12247-129H6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep1_CNhs12576_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep1_CNhs12576_12247-129H6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor3_CNhs12115_ctss_rev MouseSchwannD3- Mouse Schwann, donor3_CNhs12115_11651-122E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor3_CNhs12115_ctss_fwd MouseSchwannD3+ Mouse Schwann, donor3_CNhs12115_11651-122E4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor2_CNhs12573_ctss_rev MouseSchwannD2- Mouse Schwann, donor2_CNhs12573_11746-123F9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor2_CNhs12573_ctss_fwd MouseSchwannD2+ Mouse Schwann, donor2_CNhs12573_11746-123F9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor1_CNhs12507_ctss_rev MouseSchwannD1- Mouse Schwann, donor1_CNhs12507_11728-123D9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor1_CNhs12507_ctss_fwd MouseSchwannD1+ Mouse Schwann, donor1_CNhs12507_11728-123D9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseRenalEpithelialCellsDonor1_CNhs14555_ctss_rev MouseRenalEpithelialCellsD1- Mouse Renal epithelial cells, donor1_CNhs14555_11727-123D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseRenalEpithelialCellsDonor1_CNhs14555_ctss_fwd MouseRenalEpithelialCellsD1+ Mouse Renal epithelial cells, donor1_CNhs14555_11727-123D8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor3_CNhs12113_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD3- Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor3_CNhs12113_11648-122E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor3_CNhs12113_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD3+ Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor3_CNhs12113_11648-122E1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor2_CNhs12638_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD2- Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor2_CNhs12638_11743-123F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor2_CNhs12638_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD2+ Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor2_CNhs12638_11743-123F6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor1_CNhs12632_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD1- Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor1_CNhs12632_11725-123D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor1_CNhs12632_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD1+ Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor1_CNhs12632_11725-123D6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor6_CNhs12643_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD6- Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor6_CNhs12643_11770-123I6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor6_CNhs12643_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD6+ Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor6_CNhs12643_11770-123I6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor5_CNhs12614_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD5- Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor5_CNhs12614_11490-119E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor5_CNhs12614_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD5+ Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor5_CNhs12614_11490-119E5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor4TechRep2_CNhs12821_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD4Tr2- Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor4, tech_rep2_CNhs12821_11489-119E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor4TechRep2_CNhs12821_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD4Tr2+ Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor4, tech_rep2_CNhs12821_11489-119E4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor4TechRep1_CNhs12612_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD4Tr1- Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor4, tech_rep1_CNhs12612_11489-119E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor4TechRep1_CNhs12612_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD4Tr1+ Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor4, tech_rep1_CNhs12612_11489-119E4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor3_CNhs12111_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsStriatalD3- Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor3_CNhs12111_11646-122D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor3_CNhs12111_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsStriatalD3+ Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor3_CNhs12111_11646-122D8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor2_CNhs12360_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsStriatalD2- Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor2_CNhs12360_11741-123F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor2_CNhs12360_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsStriatalD2+ Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor2_CNhs12360_11741-123F4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor1_CNhs12134_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsStriatalD1- Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor1_CNhs12134_11723-123D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor1_CNhs12134_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsStriatalD1+ Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor1_CNhs12134_11723-123D4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor3_CNhs12619_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsRapheD3- Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor3_CNhs12619_11645-122D7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor3_CNhs12619_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsRapheD3+ Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor3_CNhs12619_11645-122D7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor2_CNhs12636_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsRapheD2- Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor2_CNhs12636_11740-123F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor2_CNhs12636_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsRapheD2+ Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor2_CNhs12636_11740-123F3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor1_CNhs12631_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsRapheD1- Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor1_CNhs12631_11722-123D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor1_CNhs12631_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsRapheD1+ Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor1_CNhs12631_11722-123D3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor3_CNhs12110_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsHippocampalD3- Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor3_CNhs12110_11644-122D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor3_CNhs12110_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsHippocampalD3+ Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor3_CNhs12110_11644-122D6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor2_CNhs12359_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsHippocampalD2- Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor2_CNhs12359_11739-123F2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor2_CNhs12359_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsHippocampalD2+ Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor2_CNhs12359_11739-123F2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor1_CNhs12133_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsHippocampalD1- Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor1_CNhs12133_11721-123D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor1_CNhs12133_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsHippocampalD1+ Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor1_CNhs12133_11721-123D2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor3_CNhs12618_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD3- Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor3_CNhs12618_11643-122D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor3_CNhs12618_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD3+ Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor3_CNhs12618_11643-122D5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor2_CNhs12635_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD2- Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor2_CNhs12635_11738-123F1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor2_CNhs12635_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD2+ Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor2_CNhs12635_11738-123F1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor1_CNhs12630_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD1- Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor1_CNhs12630_11720-123D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor1_CNhs12630_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD1+ Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor1_CNhs12630_11720-123D1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor3_CNhs12112_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsCorticalD3- Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor3_CNhs12112_11647-122D9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor3_CNhs12112_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsCorticalD3+ Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor3_CNhs12112_11647-122D9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor2_CNhs11947_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsCorticalD2- Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor2_CNhs11947_11742-123F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor2_CNhs11947_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsCorticalD2+ Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor2_CNhs11947_11742-123F5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor1_CNhs12025_ctss_rev MouseNeuronsCorticalD1- Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor1_CNhs12025_11724-123D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor1_CNhs12025_ctss_fwd MouseNeuronsCorticalD1+ Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor1_CNhs12025_11724-123D5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor3_CNhs12616_ctss_rev MouseMscBoneMarrowD3- Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor3_CNhs12616_11640-122D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor3_CNhs12616_ctss_fwd MouseMscBoneMarrowD3+ Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor3_CNhs12616_11640-122D2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor2_CNhs12633_ctss_rev MouseMscBoneMarrowD2- Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor2_CNhs12633_11735-123E7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor2_CNhs12633_ctss_fwd MouseMscBoneMarrowD2+ Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor2_CNhs12633_11735-123E7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor1_CNhs12628_ctss_rev MouseMscBoneMarrowD1- Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor1_CNhs12628_11717-123C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor1_CNhs12628_ctss_fwd MouseMscBoneMarrowD1+ Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor1_CNhs12628_11717-123C7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor3_CNhs12617_ctss_rev MouseMicrogliaD3- Mouse Microglia, donor3_CNhs12617_11641-122D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor3_CNhs12617_ctss_fwd MouseMicrogliaD3+ Mouse Microglia, donor3_CNhs12617_11641-122D3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor2_CNhs12634_ctss_rev MouseMicrogliaD2- Mouse Microglia, donor2_CNhs12634_11736-123E8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor2_CNhs12634_ctss_fwd MouseMicrogliaD2+ Mouse Microglia, donor2_CNhs12634_11736-123E8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor1_CNhs12629_ctss_rev MouseMicrogliaD1- Mouse Microglia, donor1_CNhs12629_11718-123C8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor1_CNhs12629_ctss_fwd MouseMicrogliaD1+ Mouse Microglia, donor1_CNhs12629_11718-123C8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor3_CNhs12109_ctss_rev MouseMeningealCellsD3- Mouse Meningeal cells, donor3_CNhs12109_11639-122D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor3_CNhs12109_ctss_fwd MouseMeningealCellsD3+ Mouse Meningeal cells, donor3_CNhs12109_11639-122D1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor2_CNhs12358_ctss_rev MouseMeningealCellsD2- Mouse Meningeal cells, donor2_CNhs12358_11734-123E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor2_CNhs12358_ctss_fwd MouseMeningealCellsD2+ Mouse Meningeal cells, donor2_CNhs12358_11734-123E6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor1_CNhs12132_ctss_rev MouseMeningealCellsD1- Mouse Meningeal cells, donor1_CNhs12132_11716-123C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor1_CNhs12132_ctss_fwd MouseMeningealCellsD1+ Mouse Meningeal cells, donor1_CNhs12132_11716-123C6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor8_CNhs13091_ctss_rev MouseHepatocyteD8- Mouse hepatocyte, donor8_CNhs13091_11824-124F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor8_CNhs13091_ctss_fwd MouseHepatocyteD8+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor8_CNhs13091_11824-124F6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor7_CNhs14554_ctss_rev MouseHepatocyteD7- Mouse hepatocyte, donor7_CNhs14554_11823-124F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor7_CNhs14554_ctss_fwd MouseHepatocyteD7+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor7_CNhs14554_11823-124F5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor6_CNhs13090_ctss_rev MouseHepatocyteD6- Mouse hepatocyte, donor6_CNhs13090_11822-124F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor6_CNhs13090_ctss_fwd MouseHepatocyteD6+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor6_CNhs13090_11822-124F4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor5_CNhs14553_ctss_rev MouseHepatocyteD5- Mouse hepatocyte, donor5_CNhs14553_11821-124F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor5_CNhs14553_ctss_fwd MouseHepatocyteD5+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor5_CNhs14553_11821-124F3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor3_CNhs12615_ctss_rev MouseHepatocyteD3- Mouse hepatocyte, donor3_CNhs12615_11637-122C8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor3_CNhs12615_ctss_fwd MouseHepatocyteD3+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor3_CNhs12615_11637-122C8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor1_CNhs13078_ctss_rev MouseHepatocyteD1- Mouse hepatocyte, donor1_CNhs13078_11714-123C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor1_CNhs13078_ctss_fwd MouseHepatocyteD1+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor1_CNhs13078_11714-123C4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepaticStellateCellsLipocyteDonor1_CNhs13196_ctss_rev MouseHepaticStellateCellsD1- Mouse hepatic Stellate Cells (lipocyte), donor1_CNhs13196_11825-124F7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepaticStellateCellsLipocyteDonor1_CNhs13196_ctss_fwd MouseHepaticStellateCellsD1+ Mouse hepatic Stellate Cells (lipocyte), donor1_CNhs13196_11825-124F7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepaticSinusoidalEndothelialCellsDonor1_CNhs13209_ctss_rev MouseHepaticSinusoidalEndothelialCellsD1- Mouse hepatic Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells, donor1_CNhs13209_11830-124G3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepaticSinusoidalEndothelialCellsDonor1_CNhs13209_ctss_fwd MouseHepaticSinusoidalEndothelialCellsD1+ Mouse hepatic Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells, donor1_CNhs13209_11830-124G3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor3_CNhs12108_ctss_rev MouseGranuleCellsD3- Mouse Granule cells, donor3_CNhs12108_11636-122C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor3_CNhs12108_ctss_fwd MouseGranuleCellsD3+ Mouse Granule cells, donor3_CNhs12108_11636-122C7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor2_CNhs12357_ctss_rev MouseGranuleCellsD2- Mouse Granule cells, donor2_CNhs12357_11731-123E3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor2_CNhs12357_ctss_fwd MouseGranuleCellsD2+ Mouse Granule cells, donor2_CNhs12357_11731-123E3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor1_CNhs12131_ctss_rev MouseGranuleCellsD1- Mouse Granule cells, donor1_CNhs12131_11713-123C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor1_CNhs12131_ctss_fwd MouseGranuleCellsD1+ Mouse Granule cells, donor1_CNhs12131_11713-123C3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseEmbryonicFibroblastsDonor1_CNhs12130_ctss_rev MouseEmbryonicFibrosD1- Mouse Embryonic fibroblasts, donor1_CNhs12130_11712-123C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseEmbryonicFibroblastsDonor1_CNhs12130_ctss_fwd MouseEmbryonicFibrosD1+ Mouse Embryonic fibroblasts, donor1_CNhs12130_11712-123C2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCD8TCellsDonor1_CNhs13511_ctss_rev MouseCd8+TCellsD1- Mouse CD8+ T Cells, donor1_CNhs13511_11855-125A1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCD8TCellsDonor1_CNhs13511_ctss_fwd MouseCd8+TCellsD1+ Mouse CD8+ T Cells, donor1_CNhs13511_11855-125A1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCD4TCellsDonor1_CNhs13509_ctss_rev MouseCd4+TCellsD1- Mouse CD4+ T Cells, donor1_CNhs13509_11854-124I9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCD4TCellsDonor1_CNhs13509_ctss_fwd MouseCd4+TCellsD1+ Mouse CD4+ T Cells, donor1_CNhs13509_11854-124I9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCD19BCellsDonor1_CNhs13531_ctss_rev MouseCd19+BCellsD1- Mouse CD19+ B Cells, donor1_CNhs13531_11856-125A2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCD19BCellsDonor1_CNhs13531_ctss_fwd MouseCd19+BCellsD1+ Mouse CD19+ B Cells, donor1_CNhs13531_11856-125A2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor3_CNhs12353_ctss_rev MouseCardiacMyocytesD3- Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor3_CNhs12353_11634-122C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor3_CNhs12353_ctss_fwd MouseCardiacMyocytesD3+ Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor3_CNhs12353_11634-122C5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor2_CNhs12356_ctss_rev MouseCardiacMyocytesD2- Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor2_CNhs12356_11729-123E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor2_CNhs12356_ctss_fwd MouseCardiacMyocytesD2+ Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor2_CNhs12356_11729-123E1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor1_CNhs12355_ctss_rev MouseCardiacMyocytesD1- Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor1_CNhs12355_11711-123C1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor1_CNhs12355_ctss_fwd MouseCardiacMyocytesD1+ Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor1_CNhs12355_11711-123C1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor3_CNhs12106_ctss_rev MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD3- Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor3_CNhs12106_11632-122C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor3_CNhs12106_ctss_fwd MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD3+ Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor3_CNhs12106_11632-122C3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor2_CNhs12077_ctss_rev MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD2- Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor2_CNhs12077_11551-120C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor2_CNhs12077_ctss_fwd MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD2+ Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor2_CNhs12077_11551-120C3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor1_CNhs12129_ctss_rev MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD1- Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor1_CNhs12129_11709-123B8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor1_CNhs12129_ctss_fwd MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD1+ Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor1_CNhs12129_11709-123B8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesDonor3_CNhs12107_ctss_rev MouseAstrocytesD3- Mouse Astrocytes, donor3_CNhs12107_11633-122C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesDonor3_CNhs12107_ctss_fwd MouseAstrocytesD3+ Mouse Astrocytes, donor3_CNhs12107_11633-122C4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesDonor2_CNhs12078_ctss_rev MouseAstrocytesD2- Mouse Astrocytes, donor2_CNhs12078_11552-120C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesDonor2_CNhs12078_ctss_fwd MouseAstrocytesD2+ Mouse Astrocytes, donor2_CNhs12078_11552-120C4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesCerebellarDonor2_CNhs12076_ctss_rev MouseAstrocytesCerebellarD2- Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor2_CNhs12076_11550-120C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesCerebellarDonor2_CNhs12076_ctss_fwd MouseAstrocytesCerebellarD2+ Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor2_CNhs12076_11550-120C2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesCerebellarDonor1_CNhs13077_ctss_rev MouseAstrocytesCerebellarD1- Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor1_CNhs13077_11708-123B7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesCerebellarDonor1_CNhs13077_ctss_fwd MouseAstrocytesCerebellarD1+ Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor1_CNhs13077_11708-123B7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDonor1_CNhs11297_ctss_rev MouseAorticSmcD1- Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells, donor1_CNhs11297_11299-117B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDonor1_CNhs11297_ctss_fwd MouseAorticSmcD1+ Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells, donor1_CNhs11297_11299-117B3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerived_CNhs14136_ctss_rev MacrophageBoneMarrow- macrophage, bone marrow derived_CNhs14136_2171-50H8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerived_CNhs14136_ctss_fwd MacrophageBoneMarrow+ macrophage, bone marrow derived_CNhs14136_2171-50H8_forward Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCells1stGenerationStemCellsPool1_CNhs11929_ctss_rev InnerEarStemCells1stGenPl1- Inner ear stem cells, 1st generation stem cells, pool1_CNhs11929_12215-129E1_reverse Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCells1stGenerationStemCellsPool1_CNhs11929_ctss_fwd InnerEarStemCells1stGenPl1+ Inner ear stem cells, 1st generation stem cells, pool1_CNhs11929_12215-129E1_forward Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep3_CNhs11928_ctss_rev GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr3- granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep3_CNhs11928_12129-128D5_reverse Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep3_CNhs11928_ctss_fwd GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr3+ granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep3_CNhs11928_12129-128D5_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor3_CNhs13201_ctss_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD3- CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor3_CNhs13201_11779-124A6_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor3_CNhs13201_ctss_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD3+ CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor3_CNhs13201_11779-124A6_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor2_CNhs13214_ctss_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD2- CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor2_CNhs13214_11777-124A4_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor2_CNhs13214_ctss_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD2+ CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor2_CNhs13214_11777-124A4_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor1_CNhs13212_ctss_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD1- CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor1_CNhs13212_11775-124A2_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor1_CNhs13212_ctss_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD1+ CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor1_CNhs13212_11775-124A2_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor3_CNhs13506_ctss_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD3- CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor3_CNhs13506_11778-124A5_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor3_CNhs13506_ctss_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD3+ CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor3_CNhs13506_11778-124A5_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor2_CNhs13213_ctss_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD2- CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor2_CNhs13213_11776-124A3_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor2_CNhs13213_ctss_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD2+ CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor2_CNhs13213_11776-124A3_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor1_CNhs13079_ctss_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD1- CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor1_CNhs13079_11774-124A1_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor1_CNhs13079_ctss_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD1+ CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor1_CNhs13079_11774-124A1_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13226_ctss_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-PmaAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPl2- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13226_11820-124F2_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13226_ctss_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-PmaAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPl2+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13226_11820-124F2_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13219_ctss_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-PmaAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPl1- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13219_11816-124E7_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13219_ctss_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-PmaAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPl1+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13219_11816-124E7_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13220_ctss_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-Pl2- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13220_11817-124E8_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13220_ctss_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-Pl2+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13220_11817-124E8_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13217_ctss_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-Pl1- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13217_11813-124E4_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13217_ctss_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-Pl1+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13217_11813-124E4_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsAntiCD3_CD28Stimulation06hrPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13225_ctss_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-Anticd3_cd28Stimulation06hrPl2- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13225_11819-124F1_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsAntiCD3_CD28Stimulation06hrPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13225_ctss_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-Anticd3_cd28Stimulation06hrPl2+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13225_11819-124F1_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsAntiCD3_CD28Stimulation06hrPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13218_ctss_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-Anticd3_cd28Stimulation06hrPl1- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13218_11815-124E6_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsAntiCD3_CD28Stimulation06hrPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13218_ctss_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-Anticd3_cd28Stimulation06hrPl1+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13218_11815-124E6_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13221_ctss_rev Cd4+cd25+RegulatoryTCells(balb_cajcl)Pl2- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13221_11818-124E9_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13221_ctss_fwd Cd4+cd25+RegulatoryTCells(balb_cajcl)Pl2+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13221_11818-124E9_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13913_ctss_rev Cd4+cd25+RegulatoryTCells(balb_cajcl)Pl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13913_11814-124E5_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13913_ctss_fwd Cd4+cd25+RegulatoryTCells(balb_cajcl)Pl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13913_11814-124E5_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocytePool2_CNhs13197_ctss_rev Cd326+EnterocytePl2- CD326+ enterocyte, pool2_CNhs13197_11849-124I4_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocytePool2_CNhs13197_ctss_fwd Cd326+EnterocytePl2+ CD326+ enterocyte, pool2_CNhs13197_11849-124I4_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocytePool1_CNhs13542_ctss_rev Cd326+EnterocytePl1- CD326+ enterocyte, pool1_CNhs13542_11848-124I3_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocytePool1_CNhs13542_ctss_fwd Cd326+EnterocytePl1+ CD326+ enterocyte, pool1_CNhs13542_11848-124I3_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool2_CNhs13210_ctss_rev Cd326++EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl2- CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2_CNhs13210_11853-124I8_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool2_CNhs13210_ctss_fwd Cd326++EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl2+ CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2_CNhs13210_11853-124I8_forward Expression and Regulation AstrocytesDonor1_CNhs11915_ctss_rev AstrocytesD1- Astrocytes, donor1_CNhs11915_11710-123B9_reverse Expression and Regulation AstrocytesDonor1_CNhs11915_ctss_fwd AstrocytesD1+ Astrocytes, donor1_CNhs11915_11710-123B9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDifferentiatedBiolRep2_CNhs11056_ctss_rev AorticSmsDifferentiatedBr2- Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep2_CNhs11056_11485-119D9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDifferentiatedBiolRep2_CNhs11056_ctss_fwd AorticSmsDifferentiatedBr2+ Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep2_CNhs11056_11485-119D9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDifferentiatedBiolRep1_CNhs11055_ctss_rev AorticSmsDifferentiatedBr1- Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep1_CNhs11055_11484-119D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDifferentiatedBiolRep1_CNhs11055_ctss_fwd AorticSmsDifferentiatedBr1+ Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep1_CNhs11055_11484-119D8_forward Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep3_CNhs12536_ctss_rev StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr3- stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep3_CNhs12536_12127-128D3_reverse Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep3_CNhs12536_ctss_fwd StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr3+ stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep3_CNhs12536_12127-128D3_forward Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep2_CNhs12535_ctss_rev StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr2- stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep2_CNhs12535_12124-128C9_reverse Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep2_CNhs12535_ctss_fwd StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr2+ stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep2_CNhs12535_12124-128C9_forward Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep1_CNhs12534_ctss_rev StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr1- stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep1_CNhs12534_12121-128C6_reverse Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep1_CNhs12534_ctss_fwd StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr1+ stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep1_CNhs12534_12121-128C6_forward Expression and Regulation Sox2SupportingCellsOrganOfCortiPool1_CNhs12532_ctss_rev Sox2+SupportingCellsOrganOfCortiPl1- Sox2+ Supporting cells - organ of corti, pool1_CNhs12532_12157-128G6_reverse Expression and Regulation Sox2SupportingCellsOrganOfCortiPool1_CNhs12532_ctss_fwd Sox2+SupportingCellsOrganOfCortiPl1+ Sox2+ Supporting cells - organ of corti, pool1_CNhs12532_12157-128G6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14387_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr3- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14387_12258-129I8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14387_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr3+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14387_12258-129I8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14382_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr3- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14382_12257-129I7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14382_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr3+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14382_12257-129I7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14381_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr1Tr3- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14381_12256-129I6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14381_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr1Tr3+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14381_12256-129I6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14379_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14379_12252-129I2_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14379_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14379_12252-129I2_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14385_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br2Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14385_12251-129I1_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14385_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br2Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14385_12251-129I1_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14386_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br1Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14386_12250-129H9_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14386_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br1Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14386_12250-129H9_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14380_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr3Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14380_12255-129I5_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14380_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr3Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14380_12255-129I5_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14384_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr2Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14384_12254-129I4_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14384_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr2Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14384_12254-129I4_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14383_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14383_12253-129I3_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14383_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14383_12253-129I3_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14389_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr3- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14389_12249-129H8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14389_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14389_12249-129H8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14388_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr3- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14388_12248-129H7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14388_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14388_12248-129H7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14378_ctss_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr3- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14378_12247-129H6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14378_ctss_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14378_12247-129H6_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor30128PBS_CNhs12543_ctss_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD3- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor3 (0128 PBS)_CNhs12543_12164-128H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor30128PBS_CNhs12543_ctss_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD3+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor3 (0128 PBS)_CNhs12543_12164-128H4_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor20127PBS_CNhs12541_ctss_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD2- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor2 (0127 PBS)_CNhs12541_12162-128H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor20127PBS_CNhs12541_ctss_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD2+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor2 (0127 PBS)_CNhs12541_12162-128H2_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor1456PBS_CNhs12540_ctss_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD1- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor1 (4,5,6PBS)_CNhs12540_12160-128G9_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor1456PBS_CNhs12540_ctss_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD1+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor1 (4,5,6PBS)_CNhs12540_12160-128G9_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor301283LL_CNhs12542_ctss_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD3- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor3 (0128 3LL)_CNhs12542_12163-128H3_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor301283LL_CNhs12542_ctss_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD3+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor3 (0128 3LL)_CNhs12542_12163-128H3_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor201273LL_CNhs12198_ctss_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD2- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor2 (0127 3LL)_CNhs12198_12161-128H1_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor201273LL_CNhs12198_ctss_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD2+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor2 (0127 3LL)_CNhs12198_12161-128H1_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor11011123LL_CNhs12539_ctss_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD1- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor1 (10,11,12 3LL)_CNhs12539_12159-128G8_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor11011123LL_CNhs12539_ctss_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD1+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor1 (10,11,12 3LL)_CNhs12539_12159-128G8_forward Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool3_CNhs12557_ctss_rev Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl3- Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool3_CNhs12557_12230-129F7_reverse Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool3_CNhs12557_ctss_fwd Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl3+ Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool3_CNhs12557_12230-129F7_forward Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool2_CNhs12556_ctss_rev Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl2- Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool2_CNhs12556_12229-129F6_reverse Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool2_CNhs12556_ctss_fwd Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl2+ Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool2_CNhs12556_12229-129F6_forward Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool1_CNhs12555_ctss_rev Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl1- Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool1_CNhs12555_12228-129F5_reverse Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool1_CNhs12555_ctss_fwd Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl1+ Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool1_CNhs12555_12228-129F5_forward Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCellsDifferentiationDay10Pool1_CNhs12190_ctss_rev InnerEarStemCellsDiff_Day10Pl1- Inner ear stem cells, differentiation, day10, pool1_CNhs12190_12218-129E4_reverse Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCellsDifferentiationDay10Pool1_CNhs12190_ctss_fwd InnerEarStemCellsDiff_Day10Pl1+ Inner ear stem cells, differentiation, day10, pool1_CNhs12190_12218-129E4_forward Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCellsDifferentiationDay03Pool1_CNhs12189_ctss_rev InnerEarStemCellsDiff_Day03Pl1- Inner ear stem cells, differentiation, day03, pool1_CNhs12189_12217-129E3_reverse Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCellsDifferentiationDay03Pool1_CNhs12189_ctss_fwd InnerEarStemCellsDiff_Day03Pl1+ Inner ear stem cells, differentiation, day03, pool1_CNhs12189_12217-129E3_forward Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCells4thGenerationStemCellsPool1_CNhs12544_ctss_rev InnerEarStemCells4thGenPl1- Inner ear stem cells, 4th generation stem cells, pool1_CNhs12544_12216-129E2_reverse Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCells4thGenerationStemCellsPool1_CNhs12544_ctss_fwd InnerEarStemCells4thGenPl1+ Inner ear stem cells, 4th generation stem cells, pool1_CNhs12544_12216-129E2_forward Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumPool2_CNhs13232_ctss_rev IleumEpitheliumPl2- Ileum epithelium, pool2_CNhs13232_10253-104C1_reverse Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumPool2_CNhs13232_ctss_fwd IleumEpitheliumPl2+ Ileum epithelium, pool2_CNhs13232_10253-104C1_forward Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep2_CNhs12202_ctss_rev GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr2- granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep2_CNhs12202_12126-128D2_reverse Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep2_CNhs12202_ctss_fwd GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr2+ granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep2_CNhs12202_12126-128D2_forward Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep1_CNhs12206_ctss_rev GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr1- granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep1_CNhs12206_12123-128C8_reverse Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep1_CNhs12206_ctss_fwd GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr1+ granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep1_CNhs12206_12123-128C8_forward Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool3_CNhs13240_ctss_rev Gp2+MCellPl3- GP2+ M cell, pool3_CNhs13240_11847-124I2_reverse Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool3_CNhs13240_ctss_fwd Gp2+MCellPl3+ GP2+ M cell, pool3_CNhs13240_11847-124I2_forward Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool2_CNhs13231_ctss_rev Gp2+MCellPl2- GP2+ M cell, pool2_CNhs13231_11846-124I1_reverse Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool2_CNhs13231_ctss_fwd Gp2+MCellPl2+ GP2+ M cell, pool2_CNhs13231_11846-124I1_forward Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool1_CNhs13228_ctss_rev Gp2+MCellPl1- GP2+ M cell, pool1_CNhs13228_11845-124H9_reverse Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool1_CNhs13228_ctss_fwd Gp2+MCellPl1+ GP2+ M cell, pool1_CNhs13228_11845-124H9_forward Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep3_CNhs12551_ctss_rev CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr3- common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep3_CNhs12551_12128-128D4_reverse Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep3_CNhs12551_ctss_fwd CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr3+ common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep3_CNhs12551_12128-128D4_forward Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep2_CNhs12203_ctss_rev CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr2- common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep2_CNhs12203_12125-128D1_reverse Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep2_CNhs12203_ctss_fwd CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr2+ common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep2_CNhs12203_12125-128D1_forward Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep1_CNhs12550_ctss_rev CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr1- common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep1_CNhs12550_12122-128C7_reverse Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep1_CNhs12550_ctss_fwd CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr1+ common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep1_CNhs12550_12122-128C7_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool2_CNhs13233_ctss_rev Cd326+EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl2- CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2_CNhs13233_11851-124I6_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool2_CNhs13233_ctss_fwd Cd326+EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl2+ CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2_CNhs13233_11851-124I6_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool1_CNhs13242_ctss_rev Cd326+EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl1- CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1_CNhs13242_11850-124I5_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool1_CNhs13242_ctss_fwd Cd326+EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl1+ CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1_CNhs13242_11850-124I5_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool1_CNhs13236_ctss_rev Cd326++EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl1- CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1_CNhs13236_11852-124I7_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool1_CNhs13236_ctss_fwd Cd326++EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl1+ CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1_CNhs13236_11852-124I7_forward Expression and Regulation Atoh1InnerEarHairCellsOrganOfCortiPool1_CNhs12533_ctss_rev Atoh1+InnerEarHairCellsOrganOfCortiPl1- Atoh1+ Inner ear hair cells - organ of corti, pool1_CNhs12533_12158-128G7_reverse Expression and Regulation Atoh1InnerEarHairCellsOrganOfCortiPool1_CNhs12533_ctss_fwd Atoh1+InnerEarHairCellsOrganOfCortiPl1+ Atoh1+ Inner ear hair cells - organ of corti, pool1_CNhs12533_12158-128G7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseFibroblastCellLineCRL1658NIH3T3_CNhs11093_ctss_rev Cl:CRL-1658NIH/3T3- mouse fibroblast cell line: CRL-1658 NIH/3T3_CNhs11093_1830-49C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseFibroblastCellLineCRL1658NIH3T3_CNhs11093_ctss_fwd Cl:CRL-1658NIH/3T3+ mouse fibroblast cell line: CRL-1658 NIH/3T3_CNhs11093_1830-49C7_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13525_ctss_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day06Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13525_13296-142H2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13525_ctss_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day06Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13525_13296-142H2_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13524_ctss_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day05Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13524_13295-142H1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13524_ctss_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day05Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13524_13295-142H1_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13523_ctss_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day04Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13523_13294-142G9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13523_ctss_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day04Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13523_13294-142G9_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13522_ctss_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day03Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13522_13293-142G8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13522_ctss_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day03Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13522_13293-142G8_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13521_ctss_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day02Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13521_13292-142G7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13521_ctss_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day02Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13521_13292-142G7_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13520_ctss_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day01Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13520_13291-142G6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13520_ctss_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day01Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13520_13291-142G6_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13519_ctss_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day00Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13519_13290-142G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13519_ctss_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day00Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13519_13290-142G5_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13482_ctss_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day06Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13482_13289-142G4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13482_ctss_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day06Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13482_13289-142G4_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13518_ctss_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day05Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13518_13288-142G3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13518_ctss_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day05Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13518_13288-142G3_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13517_ctss_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day04Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13517_13287-142G2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13517_ctss_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day04Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13517_13287-142G2_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13516_ctss_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day03Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13516_13286-142G1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13516_ctss_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day03Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13516_13286-142G1_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13515_ctss_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day02Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13515_13285-142F9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13515_ctss_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day02Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13515_13285-142F9_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13514_ctss_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day01Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13514_13284-142F8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13514_ctss_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day01Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13514_13284-142F8_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13481_ctss_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day00Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13481_13283-142F7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13481_ctss_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day00Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13481_13283-142F7_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13530_ctss_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day06Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13530_13303-142H9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13530_ctss_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day06Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13530_13303-142H9_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13636_ctss_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day05Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13636_13302-142H8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13636_ctss_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day05Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13636_13302-142H8_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13635_ctss_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day04Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13635_13301-142H7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13635_ctss_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day04Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13635_13301-142H7_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13529_ctss_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day03Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13529_13300-142H6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13529_ctss_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day03Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13529_13300-142H6_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13528_ctss_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day02Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13528_13299-142H5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13528_ctss_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day02Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13528_13299-142H5_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13527_ctss_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day01Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13527_13298-142H4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13527_ctss_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day01Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13527_13298-142H4_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13526_ctss_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day00Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13526_13297-142H3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13526_ctss_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day00Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13526_13297-142H3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep3_CNhs13792_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13792_13420-144C9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep3_CNhs13792_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13792_13420-144C9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep2_CNhs13791_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13791_13419-144C8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep2_CNhs13791_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13791_13419-144C8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep1_CNhs13790_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13790_13418-144C7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep1_CNhs13790_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13790_13418-144C7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep3_CNhs13789_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13789_13417-144C6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep3_CNhs13789_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13789_13417-144C6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep2_CNhs13788_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13788_13416-144C5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep2_CNhs13788_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13788_13416-144C5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep1_CNhs13787_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13787_13415-144C4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep1_CNhs13787_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13787_13415-144C4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep3_CNhs13786_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13786_13414-144C3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep3_CNhs13786_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13786_13414-144C3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep2_CNhs13784_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13784_13413-144C2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep2_CNhs13784_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13784_13413-144C2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep1_CNhs13783_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13783_13412-144C1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep1_CNhs13783_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13783_13412-144C1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep3_CNhs13782_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13782_13411-144B9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep3_CNhs13782_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13782_13411-144B9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep2_CNhs13781_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13781_13410-144B8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep2_CNhs13781_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13781_13410-144B8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep1_CNhs13780_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13780_13409-144B7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep1_CNhs13780_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13780_13409-144B7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep3_CNhs13779_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13779_13408-144B6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep3_CNhs13779_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13779_13408-144B6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep2_CNhs13778_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13778_13407-144B5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep2_CNhs13778_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13778_13407-144B5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep1_CNhs13777_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13777_13406-144B4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep1_CNhs13777_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13777_13406-144B4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep3_CNhs13776_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13776_13405-144B3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep3_CNhs13776_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13776_13405-144B3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep2_CNhs13775_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13775_13404-144B2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep2_CNhs13775_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13775_13404-144B2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep1_CNhs13774_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13774_13403-144B1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep1_CNhs13774_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13774_13403-144B1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep3_CNhs13773_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13773_13402-144A9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep3_CNhs13773_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13773_13402-144A9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep2_CNhs13772_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13772_13401-144A8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep2_CNhs13772_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13772_13401-144A8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep1_CNhs13771_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13771_13400-144A7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep1_CNhs13771_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13771_13400-144A7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep3_CNhs13770_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13770_13399-144A6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep3_CNhs13770_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13770_13399-144A6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep2_CNhs13769_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13769_13398-144A5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep2_CNhs13769_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13769_13398-144A5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep1_CNhs13768_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13768_13397-144A4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep1_CNhs13768_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13768_13397-144A4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep3_CNhs13767_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13767_13396-144A3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep3_CNhs13767_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13767_13396-144A3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep2_CNhs13766_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13766_13395-144A2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep2_CNhs13766_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13766_13395-144A2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep1_CNhs13765_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13765_13394-144A1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep1_CNhs13765_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13765_13394-144A1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep3_CNhs13764_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13764_13393-143I9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep3_CNhs13764_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13764_13393-143I9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep2_CNhs13763_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13763_13392-143I8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep2_CNhs13763_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13763_13392-143I8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep1_CNhs13762_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13762_13391-143I7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep1_CNhs13762_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13762_13391-143I7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep3_CNhs13760_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13760_13390-143I6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep3_CNhs13760_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13760_13390-143I6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep2_CNhs13759_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13759_13389-143I5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep2_CNhs13759_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13759_13389-143I5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep1_CNhs13758_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13758_13388-143I4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep1_CNhs13758_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13758_13388-143I4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep3_CNhs13757_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13757_13387-143I3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep3_CNhs13757_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13757_13387-143I3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep2_CNhs13756_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13756_13386-143I2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep2_CNhs13756_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13756_13386-143I2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep1_CNhs13755_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13755_13385-143I1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep1_CNhs13755_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13755_13385-143I1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep3_CNhs13754_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13754_13384-143H9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep3_CNhs13754_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13754_13384-143H9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep2_CNhs13753_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13753_13383-143H8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep2_CNhs13753_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13753_13383-143H8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep1_CNhs13697_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13697_13382-143H7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep1_CNhs13697_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13697_13382-143H7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep3_CNhs13752_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13752_13381-143H6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep3_CNhs13752_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13752_13381-143H6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep2_CNhs13751_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13751_13380-143H5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep2_CNhs13751_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13751_13380-143H5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep1_CNhs13750_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13750_13379-143H4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep1_CNhs13750_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13750_13379-143H4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep3_CNhs13749_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13749_13378-143H3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep3_CNhs13749_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13749_13378-143H3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep2_CNhs13748_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13748_13377-143H2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep2_CNhs13748_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13748_13377-143H2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep1_CNhs13696_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13696_13376-143H1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep1_CNhs13696_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13696_13376-143H1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep3_CNhs13747_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13747_13375-143G9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep3_CNhs13747_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13747_13375-143G9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep2_CNhs13746_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13746_13374-143G8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep2_CNhs13746_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13746_13374-143G8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep1_CNhs13745_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13745_13373-143G7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep1_CNhs13745_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13745_13373-143G7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep3_CNhs13744_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13744_13372-143G6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep3_CNhs13744_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13744_13372-143G6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep2_CNhs13743_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13743_13371-143G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep2_CNhs13743_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13743_13371-143G5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep1_CNhs13742_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13742_13370-143G4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep1_CNhs13742_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13742_13370-143G4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep3_CNhs13741_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13741_13369-143G3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep3_CNhs13741_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13741_13369-143G3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep2_CNhs13740_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13740_13368-143G2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep2_CNhs13740_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13740_13368-143G2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep1_CNhs13739_ctss_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13739_13367-143G1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep1_CNhs13739_ctss_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13739_13367-143G1_forward Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep3_CNhs13409_ctss_rev Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr3- TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep3_CNhs13409_13003-139B6_reverse Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep3_CNhs13409_ctss_fwd Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr3+ TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep3_CNhs13409_13003-139B6_forward Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep2_CNhs13408_ctss_rev Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr2- TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep2_CNhs13408_12987-138I8_reverse Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep2_CNhs13408_ctss_fwd Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr2+ TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep2_CNhs13408_12987-138I8_forward Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep1_CNhs13407_ctss_rev Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr1- TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep1_CNhs13407_12971-138H1_reverse Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep1_CNhs13407_ctss_fwd Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr1+ TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep1_CNhs13407_12971-138H1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep3_CNhs13597_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep3_CNhs13597_13018-139D3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep3_CNhs13597_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep3_CNhs13597_13018-139D3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep2_CNhs12993_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep2_CNhs12993_13002-139B5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep2_CNhs12993_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep2_CNhs12993_13002-139B5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep1_CNhs11060_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs11060_12986-138I7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep1_CNhs11060_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs11060_12986-138I7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep3_CNhs13596_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep3_CNhs13596_13017-139D2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep3_CNhs13596_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep3_CNhs13596_13017-139D2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep2_CNhs12992_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep2_CNhs12992_13001-139B4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep2_CNhs12992_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep2_CNhs12992_13001-139B4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep1_CNhs12242_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs12242_12985-138I6_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep1_CNhs12242_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs12242_12985-138I6_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep3_CNhs13595_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep3_CNhs13595_13016-139D1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep3_CNhs13595_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep3_CNhs13595_13016-139D1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep2_CNhs13686_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep2_CNhs13686_13000-139B3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep2_CNhs13686_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep2_CNhs13686_13000-139B3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep1_CNhs12241_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs12241_12984-138I5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep1_CNhs12241_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs12241_12984-138I5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep3_CNhs13593_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep3_CNhs13593_13015-139C9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep3_CNhs13593_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep3_CNhs13593_13015-139C9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep2_CNhs13684_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep2_CNhs13684_12999-139B2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep2_CNhs13684_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep2_CNhs13684_12999-139B2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep1_CNhs11059_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs11059_12983-138I4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep1_CNhs11059_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs11059_12983-138I4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep3_CNhs13592_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep3_CNhs13592_13014-139C8_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep3_CNhs13592_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep3_CNhs13592_13014-139C8_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep2_CNhs12991_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep2_CNhs12991_12998-139B1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep2_CNhs12991_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep2_CNhs12991_12998-139B1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep1_CNhs12240_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs12240_12982-138I3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep1_CNhs12240_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs12240_12982-138I3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep3_CNhs13591_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13591_13013-139C7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep3_CNhs13591_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13591_13013-139C7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep2_CNhs12990_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12990_12997-139A9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep2_CNhs12990_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12990_12997-139A9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep1_CNhs12239_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12239_12981-138I2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep1_CNhs12239_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12239_12981-138I2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep3_CNhs13590_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13590_13012-139C6_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep3_CNhs13590_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13590_13012-139C6_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep2_CNhs12989_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12989_12996-139A8_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep2_CNhs12989_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12989_12996-139A8_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep1_CNhs12238_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12238_12980-138I1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep1_CNhs12238_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12238_12980-138I1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep3_CNhs13589_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13589_13011-139C5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep3_CNhs13589_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13589_13011-139C5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep2_CNhs12988_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12988_12995-139A7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep2_CNhs12988_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12988_12995-139A7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep1_CNhs12237_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12237_12979-138H9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep1_CNhs12237_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12237_12979-138H9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep3_CNhs13588_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13588_13010-139C4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep3_CNhs13588_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13588_13010-139C4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep2_CNhs12987_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12987_12994-139A6_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep2_CNhs12987_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12987_12994-139A6_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep1_CNhs12236_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12236_12978-138H8_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep1_CNhs12236_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12236_12978-138H8_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep3_CNhs13587_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13587_13009-139C3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep3_CNhs13587_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13587_13009-139C3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep2_CNhs12986_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12986_12993-139A5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep2_CNhs12986_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12986_12993-139A5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep1_CNhs12235_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12235_12977-138H7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep1_CNhs12235_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12235_12977-138H7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep3_CNhs13691_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13691_13008-139C2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep3_CNhs13691_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13691_13008-139C2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep2_CNhs12985_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12985_12992-139A4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep2_CNhs12985_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12985_12992-139A4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep1_CNhs12234_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12234_12976-138H6_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep1_CNhs12234_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12234_12976-138H6_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep3_CNhs13690_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13690_13007-139C1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep3_CNhs13690_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13690_13007-139C1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep2_CNhs12984_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12984_12991-139A3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep2_CNhs12984_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12984_12991-139A3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep1_CNhs12233_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12233_12975-138H5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep1_CNhs12233_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12233_12975-138H5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep3_CNhs13689_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13689_13006-139B9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep3_CNhs13689_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13689_13006-139B9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep2_CNhs12982_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12982_12990-139A2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep2_CNhs12982_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12982_12990-139A2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep1_CNhs12232_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12232_12974-138H4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep1_CNhs12232_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12232_12974-138H4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs13688_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs13688_13005-139B8_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs13688_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs13688_13005-139B8_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12981_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12981_12989-139A1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12981_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12981_12989-139A1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12231_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12231_12973-138H3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12231_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12231_12973-138H3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs13687_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs13687_13004-139B7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs13687_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs13687_13004-139B7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12980_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12980_12988-138I9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12980_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12980_12988-138I9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs11058_ctss_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs11058_12972-138H2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs11058_ctss_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs11058_12972-138H2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep3144hB3_CNhs13323_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep3 (144hB3)_CNhs13323_12581-133I7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep3144hB3_CNhs13323_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep3 (144hB3)_CNhs13323_12581-133I7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep2144hB2_CNhs13274_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep2 (144hB2)_CNhs13274_12459-132E2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep2144hB2_CNhs13274_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep2 (144hB2)_CNhs13274_12459-132E2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep1144hB1_CNhs11940_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep1 (144hB1)_CNhs11940_12337-130I6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep1144hB1_CNhs11940_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep1 (144hB1)_CNhs11940_12337-130I6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep3120hB3_CNhs13322_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep3 (120hB3)_CNhs13322_12580-133I6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep3120hB3_CNhs13322_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep3 (120hB3)_CNhs13322_12580-133I6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep2120hB2_CNhs13273_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep2 (120hB2)_CNhs13273_12458-132E1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep2120hB2_CNhs13273_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep2 (120hB2)_CNhs13273_12458-132E1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep1120hB1_CNhs13144_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep1 (120hB1)_CNhs13144_12336-130I5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep1120hB1_CNhs13144_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep1 (120hB1)_CNhs13144_12336-130I5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep3096hB3_CNhs13321_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep3 (096hB3)_CNhs13321_12579-133I5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep3096hB3_CNhs13321_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep3 (096hB3)_CNhs13321_12579-133I5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep2096hB2_CNhs13272_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep2 (096hB2)_CNhs13272_12457-132D9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep2096hB2_CNhs13272_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep2 (096hB2)_CNhs13272_12457-132D9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep1096hB1_CNhs13142_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep1 (096hB1)_CNhs13142_12335-130I4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep1096hB1_CNhs13142_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep1 (096hB1)_CNhs13142_12335-130I4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep3072hB3_CNhs13320_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep3 (072hB3)_CNhs13320_12578-133I4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep3072hB3_CNhs13320_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep3 (072hB3)_CNhs13320_12578-133I4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep2072hB2_CNhs13271_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep2 (072hB2)_CNhs13271_12456-132D8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep2072hB2_CNhs13271_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep2 (072hB2)_CNhs13271_12456-132D8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep1072hB1_CNhs13141_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep1 (072hB1)_CNhs13141_12334-130I3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep1072hB1_CNhs13141_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep1 (072hB1)_CNhs13141_12334-130I3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep3048hB3_CNhs13319_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep3 (048hB3)_CNhs13319_12577-133I3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep3048hB3_CNhs13319_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep3 (048hB3)_CNhs13319_12577-133I3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep2048hB2_CNhs13269_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep2 (048hB2)_CNhs13269_12455-132D7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep2048hB2_CNhs13269_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep2 (048hB2)_CNhs13269_12455-132D7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep1048hB1_CNhs13140_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep1 (048hB1)_CNhs13140_12333-130I2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep1048hB1_CNhs13140_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep1 (048hB1)_CNhs13140_12333-130I2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep3036hB3_CNhs13317_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep3 (036hB3)_CNhs13317_12576-133I2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep3036hB3_CNhs13317_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep3 (036hB3)_CNhs13317_12576-133I2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep2036hB2_CNhs13268_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep2 (036hB2)_CNhs13268_12454-132D6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep2036hB2_CNhs13268_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep2 (036hB2)_CNhs13268_12454-132D6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep1036hB1_CNhs13139_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep1 (036hB1)_CNhs13139_12332-130I1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep1036hB1_CNhs13139_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep1 (036hB1)_CNhs13139_12332-130I1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep3024hB3_CNhs13316_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep3 (024hB3)_CNhs13316_12575-133I1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep3024hB3_CNhs13316_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep3 (024hB3)_CNhs13316_12575-133I1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep2024hB2_CNhs13267_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep2 (024hB2)_CNhs13267_12453-132D5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep2024hB2_CNhs13267_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep2 (024hB2)_CNhs13267_12453-132D5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep1024hB1_CNhs13138_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep1 (024hB1)_CNhs13138_12331-130H9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep1024hB1_CNhs13138_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep1 (024hB1)_CNhs13138_12331-130H9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep3018hB3_CNhs13315_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep3 (018hB3)_CNhs13315_12574-133H9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep3018hB3_CNhs13315_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep3 (018hB3)_CNhs13315_12574-133H9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep2018hB2_CNhs13266_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep2 (018hB2)_CNhs13266_12452-132D4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep2018hB2_CNhs13266_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep2 (018hB2)_CNhs13266_12452-132D4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep1018hB1_CNhs13137_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep1 (018hB1)_CNhs13137_12330-130H8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep1018hB1_CNhs13137_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep1 (018hB1)_CNhs13137_12330-130H8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep3012hB3_CNhs13314_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep3 (012hB3)_CNhs13314_12573-133H8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep3012hB3_CNhs13314_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep3 (012hB3)_CNhs13314_12573-133H8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep2012hB2_CNhs13265_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep2 (012hB2)_CNhs13265_12451-132D3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep2012hB2_CNhs13265_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep2 (012hB2)_CNhs13265_12451-132D3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep1012hB1_CNhs13136_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep1 (012hB1)_CNhs13136_12329-130H7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep1012hB1_CNhs13136_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep1 (012hB1)_CNhs13136_12329-130H7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep3006hB3_CNhs13313_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep3 (006hB3)_CNhs13313_12572-133H7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep3006hB3_CNhs13313_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep3 (006hB3)_CNhs13313_12572-133H7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep2006hB2_CNhs13264_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep2 (006hB2)_CNhs13264_12450-132D2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep2006hB2_CNhs13264_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep2 (006hB2)_CNhs13264_12450-132D2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep1006hB1_CNhs13135_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep1 (006hB1)_CNhs13135_12328-130H6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep1006hB1_CNhs13135_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep1 (006hB1)_CNhs13135_12328-130H6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep3003hB3_CNhs13312_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep3 (003hB3)_CNhs13312_12571-133H6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep3003hB3_CNhs13312_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep3 (003hB3)_CNhs13312_12571-133H6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep2003hB2_CNhs13263_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep2 (003hB2)_CNhs13263_12449-132D1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep2003hB2_CNhs13263_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep2 (003hB2)_CNhs13263_12449-132D1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep1003hB1_CNhs13134_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep1 (003hB1)_CNhs13134_12327-130H5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep1003hB1_CNhs13134_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep1 (003hB1)_CNhs13134_12327-130H5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep3002hB3_CNhs13311_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep3 (002hB3)_CNhs13311_12570-133H5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep3002hB3_CNhs13311_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep3 (002hB3)_CNhs13311_12570-133H5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep2002hB2_CNhs13262_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep2 (002hB2)_CNhs13262_12448-132C9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep2002hB2_CNhs13262_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep2 (002hB2)_CNhs13262_12448-132C9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep1002hB1_CNhs13133_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep1 (002hB1)_CNhs13133_12326-130H4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep1002hB1_CNhs13133_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep1 (002hB1)_CNhs13133_12326-130H4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep3001hB3_CNhs13310_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep3 (001hB3)_CNhs13310_12569-133H4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep3001hB3_CNhs13310_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep3 (001hB3)_CNhs13310_12569-133H4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep2001hB2_CNhs13261_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep2 (001hB2)_CNhs13261_12447-132C8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep2001hB2_CNhs13261_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep2 (001hB2)_CNhs13261_12447-132C8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep1001hB1_CNhs13132_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep1 (001hB1)_CNhs13132_12325-130H3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep1001hB1_CNhs13132_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep1 (001hB1)_CNhs13132_12325-130H3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep3030mB3_CNhs13309_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep3 (030mB3)_CNhs13309_12568-133H3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep3030mB3_CNhs13309_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep3 (030mB3)_CNhs13309_12568-133H3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep2030mB2_CNhs13260_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep2 (030mB2)_CNhs13260_12446-132C7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep2030mB2_CNhs13260_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep2 (030mB2)_CNhs13260_12446-132C7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep1030mB1_CNhs13131_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep1 (030mB1)_CNhs13131_12324-130H2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep1030mB1_CNhs13131_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep1 (030mB1)_CNhs13131_12324-130H2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep3015mB3_CNhs13308_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep3 (015mB3)_CNhs13308_12567-133H2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep3015mB3_CNhs13308_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep3 (015mB3)_CNhs13308_12567-133H2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep2015mB2_CNhs13259_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep2 (015mB2)_CNhs13259_12445-132C6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep2015mB2_CNhs13259_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep2 (015mB2)_CNhs13259_12445-132C6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep1015mB1_CNhs13130_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep1 (015mB1)_CNhs13130_12323-130H1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep1015mB1_CNhs13130_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep1 (015mB1)_CNhs13130_12323-130H1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep3144hA3_CNhs13307_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep3 (144hA3)_CNhs13307_12566-133H1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep3144hA3_CNhs13307_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep3 (144hA3)_CNhs13307_12566-133H1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep2144hA2_CNhs13258_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep2 (144hA2)_CNhs13258_12444-132C5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep2144hA2_CNhs13258_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep2 (144hA2)_CNhs13258_12444-132C5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep1144hA1_CNhs13129_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep1 (144hA1)_CNhs13129_12322-130G9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep1144hA1_CNhs13129_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep1 (144hA1)_CNhs13129_12322-130G9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep3120hA3_CNhs13306_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep3 (120hA3)_CNhs13306_12565-133G9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep3120hA3_CNhs13306_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep3 (120hA3)_CNhs13306_12565-133G9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep2120hA2_CNhs13257_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep2 (120hA2)_CNhs13257_12443-132C4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep2120hA2_CNhs13257_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep2 (120hA2)_CNhs13257_12443-132C4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep1120hA1_CNhs13128_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep1 (120hA1)_CNhs13128_12321-130G8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep1120hA1_CNhs13128_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep1 (120hA1)_CNhs13128_12321-130G8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep3096hA3_CNhs13305_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep3 (096hA3)_CNhs13305_12564-133G8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep3096hA3_CNhs13305_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep3 (096hA3)_CNhs13305_12564-133G8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep2096hA2_CNhs13256_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep2 (096hA2)_CNhs13256_12442-132C3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep2096hA2_CNhs13256_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep2 (096hA2)_CNhs13256_12442-132C3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep1096hA1_CNhs13127_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep1 (096hA1)_CNhs13127_12320-130G7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep1096hA1_CNhs13127_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep1 (096hA1)_CNhs13127_12320-130G7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep3072hA3_CNhs13304_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep3 (072hA3)_CNhs13304_12563-133G7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep3072hA3_CNhs13304_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep3 (072hA3)_CNhs13304_12563-133G7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep2072hA2_CNhs13255_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep2 (072hA2)_CNhs13255_12441-132C2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep2072hA2_CNhs13255_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep2 (072hA2)_CNhs13255_12441-132C2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep1072hA1_CNhs13126_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep1 (072hA1)_CNhs13126_12319-130G6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep1072hA1_CNhs13126_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep1 (072hA1)_CNhs13126_12319-130G6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep3048hA3_CNhs13303_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep3 (048hA3)_CNhs13303_12562-133G6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep3048hA3_CNhs13303_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep3 (048hA3)_CNhs13303_12562-133G6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep2048hA2_CNhs13254_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep2 (048hA2)_CNhs13254_12440-132C1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep2048hA2_CNhs13254_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep2 (048hA2)_CNhs13254_12440-132C1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep1048hA1_CNhs13125_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep1 (048hA1)_CNhs13125_12318-130G5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep1048hA1_CNhs13125_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep1 (048hA1)_CNhs13125_12318-130G5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep3036hA3_CNhs13302_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep3 (036hA3)_CNhs13302_12561-133G5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep3036hA3_CNhs13302_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep3 (036hA3)_CNhs13302_12561-133G5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep2036hA2_CNhs13253_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep2 (036hA2)_CNhs13253_12439-132B9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep2036hA2_CNhs13253_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep2 (036hA2)_CNhs13253_12439-132B9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep3024hA3_CNhs13301_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep3 (024hA3)_CNhs13301_12560-133G4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep3024hA3_CNhs13301_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep3 (024hA3)_CNhs13301_12560-133G4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep2024hA2_CNhs13252_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep2 (024hA2)_CNhs13252_12438-132B8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep2024hA2_CNhs13252_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep2 (024hA2)_CNhs13252_12438-132B8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep1024hA1_CNhs13123_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep1 (024hA1)_CNhs13123_12316-130G3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep1024hA1_CNhs13123_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep1 (024hA1)_CNhs13123_12316-130G3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep3018hA3_CNhs13300_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep3 (018hA3)_CNhs13300_12559-133G3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep3018hA3_CNhs13300_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep3 (018hA3)_CNhs13300_12559-133G3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep2018hA2_CNhs13251_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep2 (018hA2)_CNhs13251_12437-132B7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep2018hA2_CNhs13251_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep2 (018hA2)_CNhs13251_12437-132B7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep1018hA1_CNhs13122_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep1 (018hA1)_CNhs13122_12315-130G2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep1018hA1_CNhs13122_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep1 (018hA1)_CNhs13122_12315-130G2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep3012hA3_CNhs13299_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep3 (012hA3)_CNhs13299_12558-133G2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep3012hA3_CNhs13299_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep3 (012hA3)_CNhs13299_12558-133G2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep2012hA2_CNhs13250_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep2 (012hA2)_CNhs13250_12436-132B6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep2012hA2_CNhs13250_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep2 (012hA2)_CNhs13250_12436-132B6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep1012hA1_CNhs13121_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep1 (012hA1)_CNhs13121_12314-130G1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep1012hA1_CNhs13121_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep1 (012hA1)_CNhs13121_12314-130G1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep3006hA3_CNhs13298_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep3 (006hA3)_CNhs13298_12557-133G1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep3006hA3_CNhs13298_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep3 (006hA3)_CNhs13298_12557-133G1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep2006hA2_CNhs13249_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep2 (006hA2)_CNhs13249_12435-132B5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep2006hA2_CNhs13249_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep2 (006hA2)_CNhs13249_12435-132B5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep1006hA1_CNhs13120_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep1 (006hA1)_CNhs13120_12313-130F9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep1006hA1_CNhs13120_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep1 (006hA1)_CNhs13120_12313-130F9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep3003hA3_CNhs13297_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep3 (003hA3)_CNhs13297_12556-133F9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep3003hA3_CNhs13297_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep3 (003hA3)_CNhs13297_12556-133F9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep2003hA2_CNhs13248_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep2 (003hA2)_CNhs13248_12434-132B4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep2003hA2_CNhs13248_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep2 (003hA2)_CNhs13248_12434-132B4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep1003hA1_CNhs13118_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep1 (003hA1)_CNhs13118_12312-130F8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep1003hA1_CNhs13118_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep1 (003hA1)_CNhs13118_12312-130F8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep3002hA3_CNhs13296_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep3 (002hA3)_CNhs13296_12555-133F8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep3002hA3_CNhs13296_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep3 (002hA3)_CNhs13296_12555-133F8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep2002hA2_CNhs13247_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep2 (002hA2)_CNhs13247_12433-132B3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep2002hA2_CNhs13247_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep2 (002hA2)_CNhs13247_12433-132B3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep1002hA1_CNhs13117_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep1 (002hA1)_CNhs13117_12311-130F7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep1002hA1_CNhs13117_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep1 (002hA1)_CNhs13117_12311-130F7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep3001hA3_CNhs13295_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep3 (001hA3)_CNhs13295_12554-133F7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep3001hA3_CNhs13295_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep3 (001hA3)_CNhs13295_12554-133F7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep2001hA2_CNhs13245_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep2 (001hA2)_CNhs13245_12432-132B2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep2001hA2_CNhs13245_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep2 (001hA2)_CNhs13245_12432-132B2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep1001hA1_CNhs13116_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep1 (001hA1)_CNhs13116_12310-130F6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep1001hA1_CNhs13116_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep1 (001hA1)_CNhs13116_12310-130F6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep3030mA3_CNhs13293_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep3 (030mA3)_CNhs13293_12553-133F6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep3030mA3_CNhs13293_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep3 (030mA3)_CNhs13293_12553-133F6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep2030mA2_CNhs13244_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep2 (030mA2)_CNhs13244_12431-132B1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep2030mA2_CNhs13244_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep2 (030mA2)_CNhs13244_12431-132B1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep1030mA1_CNhs13115_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep1 (030mA1)_CNhs13115_12309-130F5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep1030mA1_CNhs13115_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep1 (030mA1)_CNhs13115_12309-130F5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep3015mA3_CNhs13292_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep3 (015mA3)_CNhs13292_12552-133F5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep3015mA3_CNhs13292_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep3 (015mA3)_CNhs13292_12552-133F5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep2015mA2_CNhs13243_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep2 (015mA2)_CNhs13243_12430-132A9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep2015mA2_CNhs13243_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep2 (015mA2)_CNhs13243_12430-132A9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep1015mA1_CNhs13114_ctss_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep1 (015mA1)_CNhs13114_12308-130F4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep1015mA1_CNhs13114_ctss_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep1 (015mA1)_CNhs13114_12308-130F4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep3144hC3_CNhs14199_ctss_rev ST2MediumChange_Day06Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep3 (144hC3)_CNhs14199_12591-134A8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep3144hC3_CNhs14199_ctss_fwd ST2MediumChange_Day06Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep3 (144hC3)_CNhs14199_12591-134A8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep2144hC2_CNhs14198_ctss_rev ST2MediumChange_Day06Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep2 (144hC2)_CNhs14198_12469-132F3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep2144hC2_CNhs14198_ctss_fwd ST2MediumChange_Day06Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep2 (144hC2)_CNhs14198_12469-132F3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep1144hC1_CNhs14197_ctss_rev ST2MediumChange_Day06Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep1 (144hC1)_CNhs14197_12347-131A7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep1144hC1_CNhs14197_ctss_fwd ST2MediumChange_Day06Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep1 (144hC1)_CNhs14197_12347-131A7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep3000hC6_CNhs13324_ctss_rev ST2MediumChange_00hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep3 (000hC6)_CNhs13324_12582-133I8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep3000hC6_CNhs13324_ctss_fwd ST2MediumChange_00hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep3 (000hC6)_CNhs13324_12582-133I8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep2000hC5_CNhs13275_ctss_rev ST2MediumChange_00hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep2 (000hC5)_CNhs13275_12460-132E3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep2000hC5_CNhs13275_ctss_fwd ST2MediumChange_00hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep2 (000hC5)_CNhs13275_12460-132E3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep1000hC4_CNhs11939_ctss_rev ST2MediumChange_00hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep1 (000hC4)_CNhs11939_12338-130I7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep1000hC4_CNhs11939_ctss_fwd ST2MediumChange_00hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep1 (000hC4)_CNhs11939_12338-130I7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep3_CNhs12785_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12785_13210-141G6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep3_CNhs12785_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12785_13210-141G6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep2_CNhs12683_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12683_13144-140I3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep2_CNhs12683_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12683_13144-140I3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep1_CNhs12456_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12456_13078-140A9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep1_CNhs12456_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12456_13078-140A9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep3_CNhs12784_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12784_13209-141G5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep3_CNhs12784_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12784_13209-141G5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep2_CNhs12682_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12682_13143-140I2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep2_CNhs12682_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12682_13143-140I2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep1_CNhs12455_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12455_13077-140A8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep1_CNhs12455_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12455_13077-140A8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep3_CNhs12783_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12783_13208-141G4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep3_CNhs12783_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12783_13208-141G4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14546_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr2Tr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14546_13142-140I1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14546_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr2Tr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14546_13142-140I1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12681_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr2Tr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12681_13142-140I1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12681_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr2Tr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12681_13142-140I1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep1_CNhs12454_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12454_13076-140A7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep1_CNhs12454_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12454_13076-140A7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep3_CNhs12782_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12782_13207-141G3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep3_CNhs12782_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12782_13207-141G3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep2_CNhs12680_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12680_13141-140H9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep2_CNhs12680_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12680_13141-140H9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep1_CNhs12453_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12453_13075-140A6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep1_CNhs12453_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12453_13075-140A6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep3_CNhs12781_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12781_13206-141G2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep3_CNhs12781_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12781_13206-141G2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep2_CNhs12679_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12679_13140-140H8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep2_CNhs12679_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12679_13140-140H8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep1_CNhs12452_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12452_13074-140A5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep1_CNhs12452_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12452_13074-140A5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12780_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12780_13205-141G1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12780_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12780_13205-141G1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12678_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12678_13139-140H7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12678_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12678_13139-140H7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12451_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12451_13073-140A4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12451_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12451_13073-140A4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs12779_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs12779_13204-141F9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs12779_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs12779_13204-141F9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12677_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12677_13138-140H6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12677_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12677_13138-140H6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12450_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12450_13072-140A3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12450_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12450_13072-140A3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12778_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12778_13203-141F8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12778_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12778_13203-141F8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12676_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12676_13137-140H5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12676_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12676_13137-140H5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12651_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12651_13071-140A2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12651_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12651_13071-140A2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14548_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr3Tr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14548_13202-141F7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14548_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr3Tr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14548_13202-141F7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12777_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr3Tr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12777_13202-141F7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12777_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr3Tr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12777_13202-141F7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12675_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12675_13136-140H4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12675_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12675_13136-140H4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12650_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12650_13070-140A1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12650_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12650_13070-140A1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep3_CNhs12776_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep3_CNhs12776_13201-141F6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep3_CNhs12776_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep3_CNhs12776_13201-141F6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep2_CNhs12674_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep2_CNhs12674_13135-140H3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep2_CNhs12674_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep2_CNhs12674_13135-140H3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep1_CNhs12649_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep1_CNhs12649_13069-139I9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep1_CNhs12649_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep1_CNhs12649_13069-139I9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep3_CNhs12775_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep3_CNhs12775_13200-141F5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep3_CNhs12775_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep3_CNhs12775_13200-141F5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep2_CNhs12673_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep2_CNhs12673_13134-140H2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep2_CNhs12673_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep2_CNhs12673_13134-140H2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep1_CNhs12648_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep1_CNhs12648_13068-139I8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep1_CNhs12648_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep1_CNhs12648_13068-139I8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs12774_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs12774_13199-141F4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs12774_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs12774_13199-141F4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12672_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12672_13133-140H1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12672_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12672_13133-140H1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12647_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12647_13067-139I7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12647_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12647_13067-139I7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep3_CNhs12773_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep3_CNhs12773_13198-141F3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep3_CNhs12773_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep3_CNhs12773_13198-141F3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep2_CNhs12671_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep2_CNhs12671_13132-140G9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep2_CNhs12671_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep2_CNhs12671_13132-140G9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep1_CNhs12646_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep1_CNhs12646_13066-139I6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep1_CNhs12646_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep1_CNhs12646_13066-139I6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12772_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12772_13197-141F2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12772_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12772_13197-141F2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12645_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12645_13065-139I5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12645_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12645_13065-139I5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep3_CNhs12771_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep3_CNhs12771_13196-141F1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep3_CNhs12771_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep3_CNhs12771_13196-141F1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep2_CNhs12669_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep2_CNhs12669_13130-140G7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep2_CNhs12669_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep2_CNhs12669_13130-140G7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep1_CNhs12644_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep1_CNhs12644_13064-139I4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep1_CNhs12644_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep1_CNhs12644_13064-139I4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14547_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr3Tr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14547_13195-141E9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14547_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr3Tr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14547_13195-141E9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12770_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr3Tr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12770_13195-141E9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12770_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr3Tr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12770_13195-141E9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12668_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12668_13129-140G6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12668_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12668_13129-140G6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12449_ctss_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12449_13063-139I3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12449_ctss_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12449_13063-139I3_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay04BiolRep2_CNhs14113_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day04Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day04, biol_rep2_CNhs14113_14366-156A1_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay04BiolRep2_CNhs14113_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day04Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day04, biol_rep2_CNhs14113_14366-156A1_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs14108_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day04Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs14108_14361-155I5_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs14108_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day04Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs14108_14361-155I5_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay03BiolRep2_CNhs14112_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day03Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day03, biol_rep2_CNhs14112_14365-155I9_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay03BiolRep2_CNhs14112_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day03Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day03, biol_rep2_CNhs14112_14365-155I9_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs14107_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day03Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs14107_14360-155I4_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs14107_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day03Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs14107_14360-155I4_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay02BiolRep2_CNhs14111_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day02Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day02, biol_rep2_CNhs14111_14364-155I8_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay02BiolRep2_CNhs14111_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day02Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day02, biol_rep2_CNhs14111_14364-155I8_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs14106_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day02Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs14106_14359-155I3_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs14106_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day02Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs14106_14359-155I3_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay01BiolRep2_CNhs14110_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day01Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day01, biol_rep2_CNhs14110_14363-155I7_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay01BiolRep2_CNhs14110_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day01Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day01, biol_rep2_CNhs14110_14363-155I7_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs14105_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day01Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs14105_14358-155I2_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs14105_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day01Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs14105_14358-155I2_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay00BiolRep2_CNhs14109_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day00Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day00, biol_rep2_CNhs14109_14362-155I6_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay00BiolRep2_CNhs14109_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day00Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day00, biol_rep2_CNhs14109_14362-155I6_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs14104_ctss_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day00Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs14104_14357-155I1_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs14104_ctss_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day00Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs14104_14357-155I1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14301_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14301_3713-172A2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14301_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14301_3713-172A2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11538_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11538_3638-171G1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11538_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11538_3638-171G1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11463_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11463_3566-170G1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11463_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11463_3566-170G1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14300_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14300_3712-172I1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14300_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14300_3712-172I1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11537_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11537_3637-171F1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11537_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11537_3637-171F1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11462_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11462_3565-170F1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11462_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11462_3565-170F1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14299_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14299_3711-172H1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14299_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14299_3711-172H1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11536_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11536_3636-171E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11536_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11536_3636-171E1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11461_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11461_3564-170E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11461_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11461_3564-170E1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14298_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14298_3710-172G1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14298_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14298_3710-172G1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11535_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11535_3635-171D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11535_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11535_3635-171D1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11460_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11460_3563-170D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11460_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11460_3563-170D1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11637_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11637_3709-172F1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11637_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11637_3709-172F1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11534_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11534_3634-171C1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11534_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11534_3634-171C1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11459_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11459_3562-170C1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11459_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11459_3562-170C1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14342_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14342_3967-173D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14342_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14342_3967-173D4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11636_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11636_3708-172E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11636_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11636_3708-172E1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11533_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11533_3633-171B1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11533_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11533_3633-171B1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11458_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11458_3561-170B1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11458_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11458_3561-170B1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11635_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11635_3707-172D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11635_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11635_3707-172D1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11634_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11634_3706-172C1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11634_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11634_3706-172C1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11633_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11633_3705-172B1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11633_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11633_3705-172B1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14351_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14351_3976-173D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14351_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14351_3976-173D5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11586_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11586_3683-171G6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11586_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11586_3683-171G6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11511_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11511_3611-170G6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11511_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11511_3611-170G6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14350_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14350_3975-173C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14350_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14350_3975-173C5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11510_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11510_3610-170F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11510_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11510_3610-170F6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14349_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14349_3974-173B5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14349_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14349_3974-173B5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11584_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11584_3681-171E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11584_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11584_3681-171E6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11509_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11509_3609-170E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11509_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11509_3609-170E6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14348_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14348_3973-173A5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14348_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14348_3973-173A5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11583_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11583_3680-171D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11583_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11583_3680-171D6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11508_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11508_3608-170D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11508_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11508_3608-170D6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14347_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14347_3972-173I4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14347_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14347_3972-173I4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11582_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11582_3679-171C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11582_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11582_3679-171C6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11507_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11507_3607-170C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11507_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11507_3607-170C6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14258_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14258_3743-172D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14258_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14258_3743-172D5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11571_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11571_3668-171A5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11571_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11571_3668-171A5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11493_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11493_3596-170A5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11493_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11493_3596-170A5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14257_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14257_3742-172C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14257_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14257_3742-172C5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11570_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11570_3667-171I4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11570_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11570_3667-171I4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11492_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11492_3595-170I4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11492_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11492_3595-170I4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14256_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14256_3741-172B5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14256_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14256_3741-172B5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11569_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11569_3666-171H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11569_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11569_3666-171H4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11491_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11491_3594-170H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11491_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11491_3594-170H4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14255_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14255_3740-172A5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14255_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14255_3740-172A5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11568_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11568_3665-171G4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11568_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11568_3665-171G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11490_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11490_3593-170G4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11490_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11490_3593-170G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs14254_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14254_3739-172I4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs14254_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14254_3739-172I4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11567_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11567_3664-171F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11567_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11567_3664-171F4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11489_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11489_3592-170F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11489_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11489_3592-170F4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14345_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14345_3970-173G4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14345_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14345_3970-173G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11654_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11654_3738-172H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11654_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11654_3738-172H4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11566_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11566_3663-171E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11566_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11566_3663-171E4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11488_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11488_3591-170E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11488_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11488_3591-170E4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11653_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11653_3737-172G4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11653_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11653_3737-172G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11565_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11565_3662-171D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11565_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11565_3662-171D4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11487_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11487_3590-170D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11487_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11487_3590-170D4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11652_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11652_3736-172F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11652_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11652_3736-172F4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11564_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11564_3661-171C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11564_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11564_3661-171C4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11486_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11486_3589-170C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11486_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11486_3589-170C4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11651_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11651_3735-172E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11651_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11651_3735-172E4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11563_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11563_3660-171B4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11563_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11563_3660-171B4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11485_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11485_3588-170B4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11485_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11485_3588-170B4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11650_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11650_3734-172D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11650_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11650_3734-172D4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11562_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11562_3659-171A4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11562_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11562_3659-171A4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11484_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11484_3587-170A4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11484_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11484_3587-170A4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14366_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14366_3991-173A7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14366_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14366_3991-173A7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11626_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11626_3698-171D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11626_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11626_3698-171D8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11526_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11526_3626-170D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11526_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11526_3626-170D8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14365_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14365_3990-173I6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14365_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14365_3990-173I6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11625_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11625_3697-171C8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11625_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11625_3697-171C8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11525_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11525_3625-170C8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11525_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11525_3625-170C8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14364_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14364_3989-173H6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14364_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14364_3989-173H6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11624_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11624_3696-171B8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11624_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11624_3696-171B8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11524_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11524_3624-170B8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11524_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11524_3624-170B8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14363_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14363_3988-173G6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14363_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14363_3988-173G6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11623_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11623_3695-171A8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11623_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11623_3695-171A8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11523_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11523_3623-170A8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11523_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11523_3623-170A8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14362_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14362_3987-173F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14362_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14362_3987-173F6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11622_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11622_3694-171I7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11622_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11622_3694-171I7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11522_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11522_3622-170I7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11522_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11522_3622-170I7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14267_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14267_3753-172E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14267_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14267_3753-172E6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11581_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11581_3678-171B6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11581_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11581_3678-171B6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11506_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11506_3606-170B6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11506_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11506_3606-170B6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14266_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14266_3752-172D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14266_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14266_3752-172D6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11580_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11580_3677-171A6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11580_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11580_3677-171A6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11505_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11505_3605-170A6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11505_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11505_3605-170A6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14265_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14265_3751-172C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14265_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14265_3751-172C6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11579_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11579_3676-171I5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11579_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11579_3676-171I5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11504_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11504_3604-170I5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11504_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11504_3604-170I5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14264_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14264_3750-172B6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14264_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14264_3750-172B6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11503_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11503_3603-170H5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11503_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11503_3603-170H5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs14263_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14263_3749-172A6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs14263_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14263_3749-172A6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11577_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11577_3674-171G5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11577_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11577_3674-171G5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11502_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11502_3602-170G5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11502_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11502_3602-170G5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14346_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14346_3971-173H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14346_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14346_3971-173H4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs14262_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14262_3748-172I5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs14262_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14262_3748-172I5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11576_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11576_3673-171F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11576_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11576_3673-171F5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11498_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11498_3601-170F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11498_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11498_3601-170F5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs14261_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14261_3747-172H5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs14261_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14261_3747-172H5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11575_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11575_3672-171E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11575_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11575_3672-171E5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11497_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11497_3600-170E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11497_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11497_3600-170E5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs14260_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14260_3746-172G5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs14260_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14260_3746-172G5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11574_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11574_3671-171D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11574_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11574_3671-171D5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11496_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11496_3599-170D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11496_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11496_3599-170D5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs14259_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14259_3745-172F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs14259_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14259_3745-172F5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11495_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11495_3598-170C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11495_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11495_3598-170C5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11655_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11655_3744-172E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11655_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11655_3744-172E5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11494_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11494_3597-170B5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11494_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11494_3597-170B5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14371_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14371_3996-173F7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14371_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14371_3996-173F7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11631_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11631_3703-171I8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11631_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11631_3703-171I8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11531_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11531_3631-170I8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11531_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11531_3631-170I8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14370_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14370_3995-173E7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14370_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14370_3995-173E7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11630_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11630_3702-171H8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11630_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11630_3702-171H8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11530_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11530_3630-170H8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11530_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11530_3630-170H8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14369_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14369_3994-173D7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14369_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14369_3994-173D7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11629_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11629_3701-171G8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11629_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11629_3701-171G8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11529_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11529_3629-170G8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11529_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11529_3629-170G8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14368_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14368_3993-173C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14368_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14368_3993-173C7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11628_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11628_3700-171F8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11628_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11628_3700-171F8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11528_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11528_3628-170F8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11528_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11528_3628-170F8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14367_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14367_3992-173B7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14367_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14367_3992-173B7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11627_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11627_3699-171E8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11627_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11627_3699-171E8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11527_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11527_3627-170E8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11527_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11527_3627-170E8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14309_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14309_3733-172C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14309_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14309_3733-172C4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11561_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11561_3658-171I3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11561_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11561_3658-171I3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11483_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11483_3586-170I3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11483_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11483_3586-170I3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14308_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14308_3732-172B4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14308_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14308_3732-172B4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11482_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11482_3585-170H3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11482_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11482_3585-170H3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14307_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14307_3731-172A4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14307_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14307_3731-172A4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11559_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11559_3656-171G3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11559_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11559_3656-171G3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11481_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11481_3584-170G3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11481_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11481_3584-170G3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14306_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14306_3730-172I3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14306_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14306_3730-172I3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11558_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11558_3655-171F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11558_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11558_3655-171F3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11480_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11480_3583-170F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11480_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11480_3583-170F3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11649_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11649_3729-172H3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11649_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11649_3729-172H3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11557_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11557_3654-171E3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11557_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11557_3654-171E3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11479_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11479_3582-170E3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11479_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11479_3582-170E3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11648_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11648_3728-172G3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11648_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11648_3728-172G3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11556_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11556_3653-171D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11556_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11556_3653-171D3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11478_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11478_3581-170D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11478_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11478_3581-170D3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11647_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11647_3727-172F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11647_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11647_3727-172F3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11555_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11555_3652-171C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11555_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11555_3652-171C3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11646_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11646_3726-172E3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11646_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11646_3726-172E3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11554_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11554_3651-171B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11554_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11554_3651-171B3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11476_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11476_3579-170B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11476_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11476_3579-170B3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11645_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11645_3725-172D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11645_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11645_3725-172D3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11553_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11553_3650-171A3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11553_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11553_3650-171A3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11475_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11475_3578-170A3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11475_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11475_3578-170A3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11644_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11644_3724-172C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11644_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11644_3724-172C3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11552_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11552_3649-171I2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11552_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11552_3649-171I2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11474_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11474_3577-170I2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11474_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11474_3577-170I2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14361_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14361_3986-173E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14361_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14361_3986-173E6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11621_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11621_3693-171H7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11621_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11621_3693-171H7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11521_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11521_3621-170H7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11521_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11521_3621-170H7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14360_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14360_3985-173D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14360_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14360_3985-173D6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11620_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11620_3692-171G7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11620_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11620_3692-171G7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11520_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11520_3620-170G7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11520_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11520_3620-170G7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11619_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11619_3691-171F7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11619_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11619_3691-171F7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11519_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11519_3619-170F7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11519_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11519_3619-170F7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11618_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11618_3690-171E7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11618_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11618_3690-171E7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11518_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11518_3618-170E7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11518_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11518_3618-170E7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14357_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14357_3982-173A6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14357_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14357_3982-173A6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11617_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11617_3689-171D7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11617_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11617_3689-171D7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11517_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11517_3617-170D7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11517_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11517_3617-170D7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14305_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14305_3723-172B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14305_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14305_3723-172B3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11551_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11551_3648-171H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11551_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11551_3648-171H2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11473_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11473_3576-170H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11473_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11473_3576-170H2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14304_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14304_3722-172A3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14304_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14304_3722-172A3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11550_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11550_3647-171G2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11550_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11550_3647-171G2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14303_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14303_3721-172I2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14303_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14303_3721-172I2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11549_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11549_3646-171F2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11549_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11549_3646-171F2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11471_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11471_3574-170F2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11471_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11471_3574-170F2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14302_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14302_3720-172H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14302_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14302_3720-172H2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11548_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11548_3645-171E2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11548_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11548_3645-171E2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11470_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11470_3573-170E2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11470_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11470_3573-170E2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11643_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11643_3719-172G2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11643_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11643_3719-172G2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11547_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11547_3644-171D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11547_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11547_3644-171D2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11469_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11469_3572-170D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11469_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11469_3572-170D2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14343_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14343_3968-173E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14343_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14343_3968-173E4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11642_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3 _CNhs11642_3718-172F2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11642_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3 _CNhs11642_3718-172F2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11543_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11543_3643-171C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11543_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11543_3643-171C2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11468_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11468_3571-170C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11468_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11468_3571-170C2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11641_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11641_3717-172E2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11641_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11641_3717-172E2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11542_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11542_3642-171B2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11542_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11542_3642-171B2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11467_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11467_3570-170B2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11467_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11467_3570-170B2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11640_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11640_3716-172D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11640_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11640_3716-172D2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11541_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11541_3641-171A2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11541_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11541_3641-171A2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11466_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11466_3569-170A2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11466_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11466_3569-170A2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11639_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11639_3715-172C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11639_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11639_3715-172C2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11540_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11540_3640-171I1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11540_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11540_3640-171I1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11465_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11465_3568-170I1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11465_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11465_3568-170I1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11638_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11638_3714-172B2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11638_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11638_3714-172B2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11539_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11539_3639-171H1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11539_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11539_3639-171H1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11464_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11464_3567-170H1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11464_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11464_3567-170H1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14356_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14356_3981-173I5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14356_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14356_3981-173I5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11616_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11616_3688-171C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11616_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11616_3688-171C7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11516_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11516_3616-170C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11516_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11516_3616-170C7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14355_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14355_3980-173H5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14355_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14355_3980-173H5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11615_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11615_3687-171B7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11615_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11615_3687-171B7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11515_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11515_3615-170B7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11515_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11515_3615-170B7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14354_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14354_3979-173G5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14354_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14354_3979-173G5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11614_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11614_3686-171A7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11614_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11614_3686-171A7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11514_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11514_3614-170A7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11514_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11514_3614-170A7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14353_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14353_3978-173F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14353_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14353_3978-173F5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11588_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11588_3685-171I6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11588_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11588_3685-171I6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11513_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11513_3613-170I6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11513_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11513_3613-170I6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14352_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14352_3977-173E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14352_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14352_3977-173E5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11587_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11587_3684-171H6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11587_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11587_3684-171H6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11512_ctss_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11512_3612-170H6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11512_ctss_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11512_3612-170H6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool3_CNhs11632_ctss_rev MacrophageBoneMarrowPl3- macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool3_CNhs11632_3704-172A1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool3_CNhs11632_ctss_fwd MacrophageBoneMarrowPl3+ macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool3_CNhs11632_3704-172A1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool2_CNhs11532_ctss_rev MacrophageBoneMarrowPl2- macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool2_CNhs11532_3632-171A1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool2_CNhs11532_ctss_fwd MacrophageBoneMarrowPl2+ macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool2_CNhs11532_3632-171A1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool1_CNhs11457_ctss_rev MacrophageBoneMarrowPl1- macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool1_CNhs11457_3560-170A1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool1_CNhs11457_ctss_fwd MacrophageBoneMarrowPl1+ macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool1_CNhs11457_3560-170A1_forward Expression and Regulation cpgIslandExtUnmasked Unmasked CpG CpG Islands on All Sequence (Islands < 300 Bases are Light Green) Expression and Regulation Description CpG islands are associated with genes, particularly housekeeping genes, in vertebrates. CpG islands are typically common near transcription start sites and may be associated with promoter regions. Normally a C (cytosine) base followed immediately by a G (guanine) base (a CpG) is rare in vertebrate DNA because the Cs in such an arrangement tend to be methylated. This methylation helps distinguish the newly synthesized DNA strand from the parent strand, which aids in the final stages of DNA proofreading after duplication. However, over evolutionary time, methylated Cs tend to turn into Ts because of spontaneous deamination. The result is that CpGs are relatively rare unless there is selective pressure to keep them or a region is not methylated for some other reason, perhaps having to do with the regulation of gene expression. CpG islands are regions where CpGs are present at significantly higher levels than is typical for the genome as a whole. The unmasked version of the track displays potential CpG islands that exist in repeat regions and would otherwise not be visible in the repeat masked version. By default, only the masked version of the track is displayed. To view the unmasked version, change the visibility settings in the track controls at the top of this page. Methods CpG islands were predicted by searching the sequence one base at a time, scoring each dinucleotide (+17 for CG and -1 for others) and identifying maximally scoring segments. Each segment was then evaluated for the following criteria: GC content of 50% or greater length greater than 200 bp ratio greater than 0.6 of observed number of CG dinucleotides to the expected number on the basis of the number of Gs and Cs in the segment The entire genome sequence, masking areas included, was used for the construction of the track Unmasked CpG. The track CpG Islands is constructed on the sequence after all masked sequence is removed. The CpG count is the number of CG dinucleotides in the island. The Percentage CpG is the ratio of CpG nucleotide bases (twice the CpG count) to the length. The ratio of observed to expected CpG is calculated according to the formula (cited in Gardiner-Garden et al. (1987)): Obs/Exp CpG = Number of CpG * N / (Number of C * Number of G) where N = length of sequence. The calculation of the track data is performed by the following command sequence: twoBitToFa assembly.2bit stdout | maskOutFa stdin hard stdout \ | cpg_lh /dev/stdin 2> cpg_lh.err \ | awk '{$2 = $2 - 1; width = $3 - $2; printf("%s\t%d\t%s\t%s %s\t%s\t%s\t%0.0f\t%0.1f\t%s\t%s\n", $1, $2, $3, $5, $6, width, $6, width*$7*0.01, 100.0*2*$6/width, $7, $9);}' \ | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n > cpgIsland.bed The unmasked track data is constructed from twoBitToFa -noMask output for the twoBitToFa command. Data access CpG islands and its associated tables can be explored interactively using the REST API, the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. All the tables can also be queried directly from our public MySQL servers, with more information available on our help page as well as on our blog. The source for the cpg_lh program can be obtained from src/utils/cpgIslandExt/. The cpg_lh program binary can be obtained from: (choose "save file") Credits This track was generated using a modification of a program developed by G. Miklem and L. Hillier (unpublished). References Gardiner-Garden M, Frommer M. CpG islands in vertebrate genomes. J Mol Biol. 1987 Jul 20;196(2):261-82. PMID: 3656447 wgEncodeGencodeVM25 All GENCODE VM25 All GENCODE annotations from VM25 (Ensembl 100) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The GENCODE Genes track (version M25, April 2020) shows high-quality manual annotations merged with evidence-based automated annotations across the entire mouse genome generated by the GENCODE project. The GENCODE gene set presents a full merge between HAVANA manual annotation process and Ensembl automatic annotation pipeline. Priority is given to the manually curated HAVANA annotation using predicted Ensembl annotations when there are no corresponding manual annotations. The M25 annotation was carried out on genome assembly GRCm38 (mm10). The Ensembl human and mouse data sets are the same gene annotations as GENCODE for the corresponding release. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains differing data sets (views). Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. To show only selected subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide. Views available on this track are: Genes The gene annotations in this view are divided into three subtracks: GENCODE Basic set is a subset of the Comprehensive set. The selection criteria are described in the methods section. GENCODE Comprehensive set contains all GENCODE coding and non-coding transcript annotations, including polymorphic pseudogenes. This includes both manual and automatic annotations. This is a super-set of the Basic set. GENCODE Pseudogenes include all annotations except polymorphic pseudogenes. PolyA GENCODE PolyA contains polyA signals and sites manually annotated on the genome based on transcribed evidence (ESTs and cDNAs) of 3' end of transcripts containing at least 3 A's not matching the genome. Maximum number of transcripts to display is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks. Starting with the GENCODE human V42 and mouse VM31 releases, transcripts are assigned rank within the gene. The ranks may be used to filter the number of transcripts displayed in a principled manner. Transcript ranking is not available in the lift37 releases. See Methods for details of rank assignment. Filtering is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks using the following criteria: Transcript class: filter by the basic biological function of a transcript annotation All - don't filter by transcript class coding - display protein coding transcripts, including polymorphic pseudogenes nonCoding - display non-protein coding transcripts pseudo - display pseudogene transcript annotations problem - display problem transcripts (Biotypes of retained_intron, TEC, or disrupted_domain) Transcript Annotation Method: filter by the method used to create the annotation All - don't filter by transcript class manual - display manually created annotations, including those that are also created automatically automatic - display automatically created annotations, including those that are also created manually manual_only - display manually created annotations that were not annotated by the automatic method automatic_only - display automatically created annotations that were not annotated by the manual method Transcript Biotype: filter transcripts by Biotype Support Level: filter transcripts by transcription support level Coloring for the gene annotations is based on the annotation type: coding non-coding pseudogene problem all polyA annotations Methods The GENCODE project aims to annotate all evidence-based gene features on the human and mouse reference sequence with high accuracy by integrating computational approaches (including comparative methods), manual annotation and targeted experimental verification. This goal includes identifying all protein-coding loci with associated alternative variants, non-coding loci which have transcript evidence, and pseudogenes. For a detailed description of the methods and references used, see Harrow et al. (2006). GENCODE Basic Set selection: The GENCODE Basic Set is intended to provide a simplified subset of the GENCODE transcript annotations that will be useful to the majority of users. The goal was to have a high-quality basic set that also covered all loci. Selection of GENCODE annotations for inclusion in the basic set was determined independently for the coding and non-coding transcripts at each gene locus. Criteria for selection of coding transcripts (including polymorphic pseudogenes) at a given locus: All full-length coding transcripts (except problem transcripts or transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the partial coding transcript with the largest CDS was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). Criteria for selection of non-coding transcripts at a given locus: All full-length non-coding transcripts (except problem transcripts) with a well characterized Biotype (see below) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the largest non-coding transcript was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). If no transcripts were included by either of the above criteria, the longest problem transcript is included. Non-coding transcript categorization: Non-coding transcripts are categorized using their biotype and the following criteria: well characterized: antisense, Mt_rRNA, Mt_tRNA, miRNA, rRNA, snRNA, snoRNA poorly characterized: 3prime_overlapping_ncrna, lincRNA, misc_RNA, non_coding, processed_transcript, sense_intronic, sense_overlapping Transcript ranking: Within each gene, transcripts have been ranked according to the following criteria. The ranking approach is preliminary and will change is future releases. Protein_coding genes MANE or Ensembl canonical -1st: MANE Select / Ensembl canonical -2nd: MANE Plus Clinical Coding biotypes -1st: protein_coding and protein_coding_LoF -2nd: NMDs and NSDs -3rd: retained intron and protein_coding_CDS_not_defined Completeness -1st: full length -2nd: CDS start/end not found CARS score (only for coding transcripts) Transcript genomic span and length (only for non-coding transcripts) Non-coding genes Transcript biotype -1st: transcript biotype identical to gene biotype Ensembl canonical GENCODE basic Transcript genomic span Transcript length Transcription Support Level (TSL): It is important that users understand how to assess transcript annotations that they see in GENCODE. While some transcript models have a high level of support through the full length of their exon structure, there are also transcripts that are poorly supported and that should be considered speculative. The Transcription Support Level (TSL) is a method to highlight the well-supported and poorly-supported transcript models for users. The method relies on the primary data that can support full-length transcript structure: mRNA and EST alignments supplied by UCSC and Ensembl. The mRNA and EST alignments are compared to the GENCODE transcripts and the transcripts are scored according to how well the alignment matches over its full length. The GENCODE TSL provides a consistent method of evaluating the level of support that a GENCODE transcript annotation is actually expressed in mouse. Mouse transcript sequences from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ) are used as the evidence for this analysis. Exonerate RNA alignments from Ensembl, BLAT RNA and EST alignments from the UCSC Genome Browser Database are used in the analysis. Erroneous transcripts and libraries identified in lists maintained by the Ensembl, UCSC, HAVANA and RefSeq groups are flagged as suspect. GENCODE annotations for protein-coding and non-protein-coding transcripts are compared with the evidence alignments. Annotations in the MHC region and other immunological genes are not evaluated, as automatic alignments tend to be very problematic. Methods for evaluating single-exon genes are still being developed and they are not included in the current analysis. Multi-exon GENCODE annotations are evaluated using the criteria that all introns are supported by an evidence alignment and the evidence alignment does not indicate that there are unannotated exons. Small insertions and deletions in evidence alignments are assumed to be due to polymorphisms and not considered as differing from the annotations. All intron boundaries must match exactly. The transcript start and end locations are allowed to differ. The following categories are assigned to each of the evaluated annotations: tsl1 - all splice junctions of the transcript are supported by at least one non-suspect mRNA tsl2 - the best supporting mRNA is flagged as suspect or the support is from multiple ESTs tsl3 - the only support is from a single EST tsl4 - the best supporting EST is flagged as suspect tsl5 - no single transcript supports the model structure tslNA - the transcript was not analyzed for one of the following reasons: pseudogene annotation, including transcribed pseudogenes immunoglobin gene transcript T-cell receptor transcript single-exon transcript (will be included in a future version) APPRIS is a system to annotate alternatively spliced transcripts based on a range of computational methods. It provides value to the annotations of the human, mouse, zebrafish, rat, and pig genomes. APPRIS has selected a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform. Principal isoforms are tagged with the numbers 1 to 5, with 1 being the most reliable. PRINCIPAL:1 - Transcript(s) expected to code for the main functional isoform based solely on the core modules in the APPRIS. PRINCIPAL:2 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the database chooses two or more of the CDS variants as "candidates" to be the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:3 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and more than one of the variants have distinct CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the variant with lowest CCDS identifier as the principal variant. The lower the CCDS identifier, the earlier it was annotated. PRINCIPAL:4 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal CDS and there is more than one variant with distinct (but consecutive) CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the longest CCDS isoform as the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:5 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and none of the candidate variants are annotated by CCDS, APPRIS selects the longest of the candidate isoforms as the principal variant. For genes in which the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the "candidate" variants not chosen as principal are labeled in the following way: ALTERNATIVE:1 - Candidate transcript(s) models that are conserved in at least three tested species. ALTERNATIVE:2 - Candidate transcript(s) models that appear to be conserved in fewer than three tested species. Non-candidate transcripts are not tagged and are considered as "Minor" transcripts. Further information and additional web services can be found at the APPRIS website. Downloads GENCODE GFF3 and GTF files are available from the GENCODE release M25 site. Release Notes GENCODE version M25 corresponds to Ensembl 100. See also: The GENCODE Project Credits The GENCODE project is an international collaboration funded by NIH/NHGRI grant U41HG007234. More information is available at, Participating GENCODE institutions and personnel can be found here. References Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I et al. GENCODE 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D916-D923. PMID: 33270111; PMC: PMC7778937; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087 A full list of GENCODE publications are available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. wgEncodeGencodeSuper GENCODE Versions Container of all new and previous GENCODE releases Genes and Gene Predictions Description The aim of the GENCODE Genes project (Harrow et al., 2006) is to produce a set of highly accurate annotations of evidence-based gene features on the human reference genome. This includes the identification of all protein-coding loci with associated alternative splice variants, non-coding with transcript evidence in the public databases (NCBI/EMBL/DDBJ) and pseudogenes. A high quality set of gene structures is necessary for many research studies such as comparative or evolutionary analyses, or for experimental design and interpretation of the results. The GENCODE Genes tracks display the high-quality manual annotations merged with evidence-based automated annotations across the entire human genome. The GENCODE gene set presents a full merge between HAVANA manual annotation and Ensembl automatic annotation. Priority is given to the manually curated HAVANA annotation using predicted Ensembl annotations when there are no corresponding manual annotations. With each release, there is an increase in the number of annotations that have undergone manual curation. This annotation was carried out on the GRCm38 (mm10) genome assembly. Experimental verification details are given in each descriptions for each track. For more information on the different gene tracks, see our Genes FAQ. Display Conventions These are multi-view composite tracks that contain differing data sets (views). Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. Only some subtracks are shown by default. The user can select which subtracks are displayed via the display controls on the track details pages. Further details on display conventions and data interpretation are available in the track descriptions. Release Notes GENCODE version M25 corresponds to Ensembl 100. GENCODE version M20 corresponds to Ensembl 96. GENCODE version M18 corresponds to Ensembl 93. GENCODE version M16 corresponds to Ensembl 91. GENCODE version M14 corresponds to Ensembl 89. GENCODE version M11 corresponds to Ensembl 86. GENCODE version M9 corresponds to Ensembl 84. See also: The GENCODE Project Release History. Credits The GENCODE project is an international collaboration funded by NIH/NHGRI grant U41HG007234. More information is available at, Participating GENCODE institutions and personnel can be found here. References Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I et al. GENCODE 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D916-D923. PMID: 33270111; PMC: PMC7778937; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087 A full list of GENCODE publications are available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. wgEncodeGencodeVM25ViewPolya PolyA All GENCODE annotations from VM25 (Ensembl 100) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePolyaVM25 PolyA PolyA Transcript Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M25 (Ensembl 100) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM25ViewGenes Genes All GENCODE annotations from VM25 (Ensembl 100) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneVM25 Pseudogenes Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M25 (Ensembl 100) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeCompVM25 Comprehensive Comprehensive Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M25 (Ensembl 100) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeBasicVM25 Basic Basic Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M25 (Ensembl 100) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM25View2Way 2-Way All GENCODE annotations from VM25 (Ensembl 100) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencode2wayConsPseudoVM25 2-way Pseudogenes 2-way Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M25 (Ensembl 100) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM24 All GENCODE VM24 All GENCODE annotations from VM24 (Ensembl 99) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The GENCODE Genes track (version M24, Jan 2020) shows high-quality manual annotations merged with evidence-based automated annotations across the entire mouse genome generated by the GENCODE project. The GENCODE gene set presents a full merge between HAVANA manual annotation process and Ensembl automatic annotation pipeline. Priority is given to the manually curated HAVANA annotation using predicted Ensembl annotations when there are no corresponding manual annotations. The M24 annotation was carried out on genome assembly GRCm38 (mm10). The Ensembl human and mouse data sets are the same gene annotations as GENCODE for the corresponding release. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains differing data sets (views). Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. To show only selected subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide. Views available on this track are: Genes The gene annotations in this view are divided into three subtracks: GENCODE Basic set is a subset of the Comprehensive set. The selection criteria are described in the methods section. GENCODE Comprehensive set contains all GENCODE coding and non-coding transcript annotations, including polymorphic pseudogenes. This includes both manual and automatic annotations. This is a super-set of the Basic set. GENCODE Pseudogenes include all annotations except polymorphic pseudogenes. PolyA GENCODE PolyA contains polyA signals and sites manually annotated on the genome based on transcribed evidence (ESTs and cDNAs) of 3' end of transcripts containing at least 3 A's not matching the genome. Maximum number of transcripts to display is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks. Starting with the GENCODE human V42 and mouse VM31 releases, transcripts are assigned rank within the gene. The ranks may be used to filter the number of transcripts displayed in a principled manner. Transcript ranking is not available in the lift37 releases. See Methods for details of rank assignment. Filtering is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks using the following criteria: Transcript class: filter by the basic biological function of a transcript annotation All - don't filter by transcript class coding - display protein coding transcripts, including polymorphic pseudogenes nonCoding - display non-protein coding transcripts pseudo - display pseudogene transcript annotations problem - display problem transcripts (Biotypes of retained_intron, TEC, or disrupted_domain) Transcript Annotation Method: filter by the method used to create the annotation All - don't filter by transcript class manual - display manually created annotations, including those that are also created automatically automatic - display automatically created annotations, including those that are also created manually manual_only - display manually created annotations that were not annotated by the automatic method automatic_only - display automatically created annotations that were not annotated by the manual method Transcript Biotype: filter transcripts by Biotype Support Level: filter transcripts by transcription support level Coloring for the gene annotations is based on the annotation type: coding non-coding pseudogene problem all polyA annotations Methods The GENCODE project aims to annotate all evidence-based gene features on the human and mouse reference sequence with high accuracy by integrating computational approaches (including comparative methods), manual annotation and targeted experimental verification. This goal includes identifying all protein-coding loci with associated alternative variants, non-coding loci which have transcript evidence, and pseudogenes. For a detailed description of the methods and references used, see Harrow et al. (2006). GENCODE Basic Set selection: The GENCODE Basic Set is intended to provide a simplified subset of the GENCODE transcript annotations that will be useful to the majority of users. The goal was to have a high-quality basic set that also covered all loci. Selection of GENCODE annotations for inclusion in the basic set was determined independently for the coding and non-coding transcripts at each gene locus. Criteria for selection of coding transcripts (including polymorphic pseudogenes) at a given locus: All full-length coding transcripts (except problem transcripts or transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the partial coding transcript with the largest CDS was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). Criteria for selection of non-coding transcripts at a given locus: All full-length non-coding transcripts (except problem transcripts) with a well characterized Biotype (see below) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the largest non-coding transcript was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). If no transcripts were included by either of the above criteria, the longest problem transcript is included. Non-coding transcript categorization: Non-coding transcripts are categorized using their biotype and the following criteria: well characterized: antisense, Mt_rRNA, Mt_tRNA, miRNA, rRNA, snRNA, snoRNA poorly characterized: 3prime_overlapping_ncrna, lincRNA, misc_RNA, non_coding, processed_transcript, sense_intronic, sense_overlapping Transcript ranking: Within each gene, transcripts have been ranked according to the following criteria. The ranking approach is preliminary and will change is future releases. Protein_coding genes MANE or Ensembl canonical -1st: MANE Select / Ensembl canonical -2nd: MANE Plus Clinical Coding biotypes -1st: protein_coding and protein_coding_LoF -2nd: NMDs and NSDs -3rd: retained intron and protein_coding_CDS_not_defined Completeness -1st: full length -2nd: CDS start/end not found CARS score (only for coding transcripts) Transcript genomic span and length (only for non-coding transcripts) Non-coding genes Transcript biotype -1st: transcript biotype identical to gene biotype Ensembl canonical GENCODE basic Transcript genomic span Transcript length Transcription Support Level (TSL): It is important that users understand how to assess transcript annotations that they see in GENCODE. While some transcript models have a high level of support through the full length of their exon structure, there are also transcripts that are poorly supported and that should be considered speculative. The Transcription Support Level (TSL) is a method to highlight the well-supported and poorly-supported transcript models for users. The method relies on the primary data that can support full-length transcript structure: mRNA and EST alignments supplied by UCSC and Ensembl. The mRNA and EST alignments are compared to the GENCODE transcripts and the transcripts are scored according to how well the alignment matches over its full length. The GENCODE TSL provides a consistent method of evaluating the level of support that a GENCODE transcript annotation is actually expressed in mouse. Mouse transcript sequences from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ) are used as the evidence for this analysis. Exonerate RNA alignments from Ensembl, BLAT RNA and EST alignments from the UCSC Genome Browser Database are used in the analysis. Erroneous transcripts and libraries identified in lists maintained by the Ensembl, UCSC, HAVANA and RefSeq groups are flagged as suspect. GENCODE annotations for protein-coding and non-protein-coding transcripts are compared with the evidence alignments. Annotations in the MHC region and other immunological genes are not evaluated, as automatic alignments tend to be very problematic. Methods for evaluating single-exon genes are still being developed and they are not included in the current analysis. Multi-exon GENCODE annotations are evaluated using the criteria that all introns are supported by an evidence alignment and the evidence alignment does not indicate that there are unannotated exons. Small insertions and deletions in evidence alignments are assumed to be due to polymorphisms and not considered as differing from the annotations. All intron boundaries must match exactly. The transcript start and end locations are allowed to differ. The following categories are assigned to each of the evaluated annotations: tsl1 - all splice junctions of the transcript are supported by at least one non-suspect mRNA tsl2 - the best supporting mRNA is flagged as suspect or the support is from multiple ESTs tsl3 - the only support is from a single EST tsl4 - the best supporting EST is flagged as suspect tsl5 - no single transcript supports the model structure tslNA - the transcript was not analyzed for one of the following reasons: pseudogene annotation, including transcribed pseudogenes immunoglobin gene transcript T-cell receptor transcript single-exon transcript (will be included in a future version) APPRIS is a system to annotate alternatively spliced transcripts based on a range of computational methods. It provides value to the annotations of the human, mouse, zebrafish, rat, and pig genomes. APPRIS has selected a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform. Principal isoforms are tagged with the numbers 1 to 5, with 1 being the most reliable. PRINCIPAL:1 - Transcript(s) expected to code for the main functional isoform based solely on the core modules in the APPRIS. PRINCIPAL:2 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the database chooses two or more of the CDS variants as "candidates" to be the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:3 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and more than one of the variants have distinct CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the variant with lowest CCDS identifier as the principal variant. The lower the CCDS identifier, the earlier it was annotated. PRINCIPAL:4 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal CDS and there is more than one variant with distinct (but consecutive) CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the longest CCDS isoform as the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:5 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and none of the candidate variants are annotated by CCDS, APPRIS selects the longest of the candidate isoforms as the principal variant. For genes in which the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the "candidate" variants not chosen as principal are labeled in the following way: ALTERNATIVE:1 - Candidate transcript(s) models that are conserved in at least three tested species. ALTERNATIVE:2 - Candidate transcript(s) models that appear to be conserved in fewer than three tested species. Non-candidate transcripts are not tagged and are considered as "Minor" transcripts. Further information and additional web services can be found at the APPRIS website. Downloads GENCODE GFF3 and GTF files are available from the GENCODE release M24 site. Release Notes GENCODE version M24 corresponds to Ensembl 99. See also: The GENCODE Project Credits The GENCODE project is an international collaboration funded by NIH/NHGRI grant U41HG007234. More information is available at, Participating GENCODE institutions and personnel can be found here. References Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I et al. GENCODE 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D916-D923. PMID: 33270111; PMC: PMC7778937; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087 A full list of GENCODE publications are available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. wgEncodeGencodeVM24ViewPolya PolyA All GENCODE annotations from VM24 (Ensembl 99) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePolyaVM24 PolyA PolyA Transcript Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M24 (Ensembl 99) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM24ViewGenes Genes All GENCODE annotations from VM24 (Ensembl 99) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneVM24 Pseudogenes Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M24 (Ensembl 99) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeCompVM24 Comprehensive Comprehensive Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M24 (Ensembl 99) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeBasicVM24 Basic Basic Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M24 (Ensembl 99) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM24View2Way 2-Way All GENCODE annotations from VM24 (Ensembl 99) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencode2wayConsPseudoVM24 2-way Pseudogenes 2-way Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M24 (Ensembl 99) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM22 All GENCODE VM22 All GENCODE annotations from VM22 (Ensembl 97) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The GENCODE Genes track (version M22, June 2019) shows high-quality manual annotations merged with evidence-based automated annotations across the entire mouse genome generated by the GENCODE project. The GENCODE gene set presents a full merge between HAVANA manual annotation process and Ensembl automatic annotation pipeline. Priority is given to the manually curated HAVANA annotation using predicted Ensembl annotations when there are no corresponding manual annotations. The M22 annotation was carried out on genome assembly GRCm38 (mm10). The Ensembl human and mouse data sets are the same gene annotations as GENCODE for the corresponding release. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains differing data sets (views). Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. To show only selected subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide. Views available on this track are: Genes The gene annotations in this view are divided into three subtracks: GENCODE Basic set is a subset of the Comprehensive set. The selection criteria are described in the methods section. GENCODE Comprehensive set contains all GENCODE coding and non-coding transcript annotations, including polymorphic pseudogenes. This includes both manual and automatic annotations. This is a super-set of the Basic set. GENCODE Pseudogenes include all annotations except polymorphic pseudogenes. PolyA GENCODE PolyA contains polyA signals and sites manually annotated on the genome based on transcribed evidence (ESTs and cDNAs) of 3' end of transcripts containing at least 3 A's not matching the genome. Maximum number of transcripts to display is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks. Starting with the GENCODE human V42 and mouse VM31 releases, transcripts are assigned rank within the gene. The ranks may be used to filter the number of transcripts displayed in a principled manner. Transcript ranking is not available in the lift37 releases. See Methods for details of rank assignment. Filtering is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks using the following criteria: Transcript class: filter by the basic biological function of a transcript annotation All - don't filter by transcript class coding - display protein coding transcripts, including polymorphic pseudogenes nonCoding - display non-protein coding transcripts pseudo - display pseudogene transcript annotations problem - display problem transcripts (Biotypes of retained_intron, TEC, or disrupted_domain) Transcript Annotation Method: filter by the method used to create the annotation All - don't filter by transcript class manual - display manually created annotations, including those that are also created automatically automatic - display automatically created annotations, including those that are also created manually manual_only - display manually created annotations that were not annotated by the automatic method automatic_only - display automatically created annotations that were not annotated by the manual method Transcript Biotype: filter transcripts by Biotype Support Level: filter transcripts by transcription support level Coloring for the gene annotations is based on the annotation type: coding non-coding pseudogene problem all polyA annotations Methods The GENCODE project aims to annotate all evidence-based gene features on the human and mouse reference sequence with high accuracy by integrating computational approaches (including comparative methods), manual annotation and targeted experimental verification. This goal includes identifying all protein-coding loci with associated alternative variants, non-coding loci which have transcript evidence, and pseudogenes. For a detailed description of the methods and references used, see Harrow et al. (2006). GENCODE Basic Set selection: The GENCODE Basic Set is intended to provide a simplified subset of the GENCODE transcript annotations that will be useful to the majority of users. The goal was to have a high-quality basic set that also covered all loci. Selection of GENCODE annotations for inclusion in the basic set was determined independently for the coding and non-coding transcripts at each gene locus. Criteria for selection of coding transcripts (including polymorphic pseudogenes) at a given locus: All full-length coding transcripts (except problem transcripts or transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the partial coding transcript with the largest CDS was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). Criteria for selection of non-coding transcripts at a given locus: All full-length non-coding transcripts (except problem transcripts) with a well characterized Biotype (see below) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the largest non-coding transcript was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). If no transcripts were included by either of the above criteria, the longest problem transcript is included. Non-coding transcript categorization: Non-coding transcripts are categorized using their biotype and the following criteria: well characterized: antisense, Mt_rRNA, Mt_tRNA, miRNA, rRNA, snRNA, snoRNA poorly characterized: 3prime_overlapping_ncrna, lincRNA, misc_RNA, non_coding, processed_transcript, sense_intronic, sense_overlapping Transcript ranking: Within each gene, transcripts have been ranked according to the following criteria. The ranking approach is preliminary and will change is future releases. Protein_coding genes MANE or Ensembl canonical -1st: MANE Select / Ensembl canonical -2nd: MANE Plus Clinical Coding biotypes -1st: protein_coding and protein_coding_LoF -2nd: NMDs and NSDs -3rd: retained intron and protein_coding_CDS_not_defined Completeness -1st: full length -2nd: CDS start/end not found CARS score (only for coding transcripts) Transcript genomic span and length (only for non-coding transcripts) Non-coding genes Transcript biotype -1st: transcript biotype identical to gene biotype Ensembl canonical GENCODE basic Transcript genomic span Transcript length Transcription Support Level (TSL): It is important that users understand how to assess transcript annotations that they see in GENCODE. While some transcript models have a high level of support through the full length of their exon structure, there are also transcripts that are poorly supported and that should be considered speculative. The Transcription Support Level (TSL) is a method to highlight the well-supported and poorly-supported transcript models for users. The method relies on the primary data that can support full-length transcript structure: mRNA and EST alignments supplied by UCSC and Ensembl. The mRNA and EST alignments are compared to the GENCODE transcripts and the transcripts are scored according to how well the alignment matches over its full length. The GENCODE TSL provides a consistent method of evaluating the level of support that a GENCODE transcript annotation is actually expressed in mouse. Mouse transcript sequences from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ) are used as the evidence for this analysis. Exonerate RNA alignments from Ensembl, BLAT RNA and EST alignments from the UCSC Genome Browser Database are used in the analysis. Erroneous transcripts and libraries identified in lists maintained by the Ensembl, UCSC, HAVANA and RefSeq groups are flagged as suspect. GENCODE annotations for protein-coding and non-protein-coding transcripts are compared with the evidence alignments. Annotations in the MHC region and other immunological genes are not evaluated, as automatic alignments tend to be very problematic. Methods for evaluating single-exon genes are still being developed and they are not included in the current analysis. Multi-exon GENCODE annotations are evaluated using the criteria that all introns are supported by an evidence alignment and the evidence alignment does not indicate that there are unannotated exons. Small insertions and deletions in evidence alignments are assumed to be due to polymorphisms and not considered as differing from the annotations. All intron boundaries must match exactly. The transcript start and end locations are allowed to differ. The following categories are assigned to each of the evaluated annotations: tsl1 - all splice junctions of the transcript are supported by at least one non-suspect mRNA tsl2 - the best supporting mRNA is flagged as suspect or the support is from multiple ESTs tsl3 - the only support is from a single EST tsl4 - the best supporting EST is flagged as suspect tsl5 - no single transcript supports the model structure tslNA - the transcript was not analyzed for one of the following reasons: pseudogene annotation, including transcribed pseudogenes immunoglobin gene transcript T-cell receptor transcript single-exon transcript (will be included in a future version) APPRIS is a system to annotate alternatively spliced transcripts based on a range of computational methods. It provides value to the annotations of the human, mouse, zebrafish, rat, and pig genomes. APPRIS has selected a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform. Principal isoforms are tagged with the numbers 1 to 5, with 1 being the most reliable. PRINCIPAL:1 - Transcript(s) expected to code for the main functional isoform based solely on the core modules in the APPRIS. PRINCIPAL:2 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the database chooses two or more of the CDS variants as "candidates" to be the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:3 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and more than one of the variants have distinct CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the variant with lowest CCDS identifier as the principal variant. The lower the CCDS identifier, the earlier it was annotated. PRINCIPAL:4 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal CDS and there is more than one variant with distinct (but consecutive) CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the longest CCDS isoform as the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:5 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and none of the candidate variants are annotated by CCDS, APPRIS selects the longest of the candidate isoforms as the principal variant. For genes in which the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the "candidate" variants not chosen as principal are labeled in the following way: ALTERNATIVE:1 - Candidate transcript(s) models that are conserved in at least three tested species. ALTERNATIVE:2 - Candidate transcript(s) models that appear to be conserved in fewer than three tested species. Non-candidate transcripts are not tagged and are considered as "Minor" transcripts. Further information and additional web services can be found at the APPRIS website. Downloads GENCODE GFF3 and GTF files are available from the GENCODE release M22 site. Release Notes GENCODE version M22 corresponds to Ensembl 97. See also: The GENCODE Project Credits The GENCODE project is an international collaboration funded by NIH/NHGRI grant U41HG007234. More information is available at, Participating GENCODE institutions and personnel can be found here. References Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I et al. GENCODE 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D916-D923. PMID: 33270111; PMC: PMC7778937; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087 A full list of GENCODE publications are available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. wgEncodeGencodeVM22ViewPolya PolyA All GENCODE annotations from VM22 (Ensembl 97) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePolyaVM22 PolyA PolyA Transcript Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M22 (Ensembl 97) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM22ViewGenes Genes All GENCODE annotations from VM22 (Ensembl 97) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneVM22 Pseudogenes Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M22 (Ensembl 97) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeCompVM22 Comprehensive Comprehensive Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M22 (Ensembl 97) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeBasicVM22 Basic Basic Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M22 (Ensembl 97) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM22View2Way 2-Way All GENCODE annotations from VM22 (Ensembl 97) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencode2wayConsPseudoVM22 2-way Pseudogenes 2-way Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M22 (Ensembl 97) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM18 All GENCODE VM18 All GENCODE annotations from VM18 (Ensembl 93) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The GENCODE Genes track (version M18, July 2018) shows high-quality manual annotations merged with evidence-based automated annotations across the entire mouse genome generated by the GENCODE project. The GENCODE gene set presents a full merge between HAVANA manual annotation process and Ensembl automatic annotation pipeline. Priority is given to the manually curated HAVANA annotation using predicted Ensembl annotations when there are no corresponding manual annotations. The M18 annotation was carried out on genome assembly GRCm38 (mm10). The Ensembl human and mouse data sets are the same gene annotations as GENCODE for the corresponding release. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains differing data sets (views). Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. To show only selected subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide. Views available on this track are: Genes The gene annotations in this view are divided into three subtracks: GENCODE Basic set is a subset of the Comprehensive set. The selection criteria are described in the methods section. GENCODE Comprehensive set contains all GENCODE coding and non-coding transcript annotations, including polymorphic pseudogenes. This includes both manual and automatic annotations. This is a super-set of the Basic set. GENCODE Pseudogenes include all annotations except polymorphic pseudogenes. PolyA GENCODE PolyA contains polyA signals and sites manually annotated on the genome based on transcribed evidence (ESTs and cDNAs) of 3' end of transcripts containing at least 3 A's not matching the genome. Maximum number of transcripts to display is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks. Starting with the GENCODE human V42 and mouse VM31 releases, transcripts are assigned rank within the gene. The ranks may be used to filter the number of transcripts displayed in a principled manner. Transcript ranking is not available in the lift37 releases. See Methods for details of rank assignment. Filtering is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks using the following criteria: Transcript class: filter by the basic biological function of a transcript annotation All - don't filter by transcript class coding - display protein coding transcripts, including polymorphic pseudogenes nonCoding - display non-protein coding transcripts pseudo - display pseudogene transcript annotations problem - display problem transcripts (Biotypes of retained_intron, TEC, or disrupted_domain) Transcript Annotation Method: filter by the method used to create the annotation All - don't filter by transcript class manual - display manually created annotations, including those that are also created automatically automatic - display automatically created annotations, including those that are also created manually manual_only - display manually created annotations that were not annotated by the automatic method automatic_only - display automatically created annotations that were not annotated by the manual method Transcript Biotype: filter transcripts by Biotype Support Level: filter transcripts by transcription support level Coloring for the gene annotations is based on the annotation type: coding non-coding pseudogene problem all polyA annotations Methods The GENCODE project aims to annotate all evidence-based gene features on the human and mouse reference sequence with high accuracy by integrating computational approaches (including comparative methods), manual annotation and targeted experimental verification. This goal includes identifying all protein-coding loci with associated alternative variants, non-coding loci which have transcript evidence, and pseudogenes. For a detailed description of the methods and references used, see Harrow et al. (2006). GENCODE Basic Set selection: The GENCODE Basic Set is intended to provide a simplified subset of the GENCODE transcript annotations that will be useful to the majority of users. The goal was to have a high-quality basic set that also covered all loci. Selection of GENCODE annotations for inclusion in the basic set was determined independently for the coding and non-coding transcripts at each gene locus. Criteria for selection of coding transcripts (including polymorphic pseudogenes) at a given locus: All full-length coding transcripts (except problem transcripts or transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the partial coding transcript with the largest CDS was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). Criteria for selection of non-coding transcripts at a given locus: All full-length non-coding transcripts (except problem transcripts) with a well characterized Biotype (see below) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the largest non-coding transcript was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). If no transcripts were included by either of the above criteria, the longest problem transcript is included. Non-coding transcript categorization: Non-coding transcripts are categorized using their biotype and the following criteria: well characterized: antisense, Mt_rRNA, Mt_tRNA, miRNA, rRNA, snRNA, snoRNA poorly characterized: 3prime_overlapping_ncrna, lincRNA, misc_RNA, non_coding, processed_transcript, sense_intronic, sense_overlapping Transcript ranking: Within each gene, transcripts have been ranked according to the following criteria. The ranking approach is preliminary and will change is future releases. Protein_coding genes MANE or Ensembl canonical -1st: MANE Select / Ensembl canonical -2nd: MANE Plus Clinical Coding biotypes -1st: protein_coding and protein_coding_LoF -2nd: NMDs and NSDs -3rd: retained intron and protein_coding_CDS_not_defined Completeness -1st: full length -2nd: CDS start/end not found CARS score (only for coding transcripts) Transcript genomic span and length (only for non-coding transcripts) Non-coding genes Transcript biotype -1st: transcript biotype identical to gene biotype Ensembl canonical GENCODE basic Transcript genomic span Transcript length Transcription Support Level (TSL): It is important that users understand how to assess transcript annotations that they see in GENCODE. While some transcript models have a high level of support through the full length of their exon structure, there are also transcripts that are poorly supported and that should be considered speculative. The Transcription Support Level (TSL) is a method to highlight the well-supported and poorly-supported transcript models for users. The method relies on the primary data that can support full-length transcript structure: mRNA and EST alignments supplied by UCSC and Ensembl. The mRNA and EST alignments are compared to the GENCODE transcripts and the transcripts are scored according to how well the alignment matches over its full length. The GENCODE TSL provides a consistent method of evaluating the level of support that a GENCODE transcript annotation is actually expressed in mouse. Mouse transcript sequences from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ) are used as the evidence for this analysis. Exonerate RNA alignments from Ensembl, BLAT RNA and EST alignments from the UCSC Genome Browser Database are used in the analysis. Erroneous transcripts and libraries identified in lists maintained by the Ensembl, UCSC, HAVANA and RefSeq groups are flagged as suspect. GENCODE annotations for protein-coding and non-protein-coding transcripts are compared with the evidence alignments. Annotations in the MHC region and other immunological genes are not evaluated, as automatic alignments tend to be very problematic. Methods for evaluating single-exon genes are still being developed and they are not included in the current analysis. Multi-exon GENCODE annotations are evaluated using the criteria that all introns are supported by an evidence alignment and the evidence alignment does not indicate that there are unannotated exons. Small insertions and deletions in evidence alignments are assumed to be due to polymorphisms and not considered as differing from the annotations. All intron boundaries must match exactly. The transcript start and end locations are allowed to differ. The following categories are assigned to each of the evaluated annotations: tsl1 - all splice junctions of the transcript are supported by at least one non-suspect mRNA tsl2 - the best supporting mRNA is flagged as suspect or the support is from multiple ESTs tsl3 - the only support is from a single EST tsl4 - the best supporting EST is flagged as suspect tsl5 - no single transcript supports the model structure tslNA - the transcript was not analyzed for one of the following reasons: pseudogene annotation, including transcribed pseudogenes immunoglobin gene transcript T-cell receptor transcript single-exon transcript (will be included in a future version) APPRIS is a system to annotate alternatively spliced transcripts based on a range of computational methods. It provides value to the annotations of the human, mouse, zebrafish, rat, and pig genomes. APPRIS has selected a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform. Principal isoforms are tagged with the numbers 1 to 5, with 1 being the most reliable. PRINCIPAL:1 - Transcript(s) expected to code for the main functional isoform based solely on the core modules in the APPRIS. PRINCIPAL:2 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the database chooses two or more of the CDS variants as "candidates" to be the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:3 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and more than one of the variants have distinct CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the variant with lowest CCDS identifier as the principal variant. The lower the CCDS identifier, the earlier it was annotated. PRINCIPAL:4 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal CDS and there is more than one variant with distinct (but consecutive) CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the longest CCDS isoform as the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:5 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and none of the candidate variants are annotated by CCDS, APPRIS selects the longest of the candidate isoforms as the principal variant. For genes in which the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the "candidate" variants not chosen as principal are labeled in the following way: ALTERNATIVE:1 - Candidate transcript(s) models that are conserved in at least three tested species. ALTERNATIVE:2 - Candidate transcript(s) models that appear to be conserved in fewer than three tested species. Non-candidate transcripts are not tagged and are considered as "Minor" transcripts. Further information and additional web services can be found at the APPRIS website. Downloads GENCODE GFF3 and GTF files are available from the GENCODE release M18 site. Release Notes GENCODE version M18 corresponds to Ensembl 93. See also: The GENCODE Project Credits The GENCODE project is an international collaboration funded by NIH/NHGRI grant U41HG007234. More information is available at, Participating GENCODE institutions and personnel can be found here. References Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I et al. GENCODE 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D916-D923. PMID: 33270111; PMC: PMC7778937; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087 A full list of GENCODE publications are available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. wgEncodeGencodeVM18ViewPolya PolyA All GENCODE annotations from VM18 (Ensembl 93) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePolyaVM18 PolyA PolyA Transcript Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M18 (Ensembl 93) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM18ViewGenes Genes All GENCODE annotations from VM18 (Ensembl 93) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneVM18 Pseudogenes Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M18 (Ensembl 93) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeCompVM18 Comprehensive Comprehensive Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M18 (Ensembl 93) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeBasicVM18 Basic Basic Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M18 (Ensembl 93) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM18View2Way 2-Way All GENCODE annotations from VM18 (Ensembl 93) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencode2wayConsPseudoVM18 2-way Pseudogenes 2-way Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M18 (Ensembl 93) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM16 All GENCODE VM16 All GENCODE annotations from VM16 (Ensembl 91) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The GENCODE Genes track (version M16, Dec 2017) shows high-quality manual annotations merged with evidence-based automated annotations across the entire mouse genome generated by the GENCODE project. The GENCODE gene set presents a full merge between HAVANA manual annotation process and Ensembl automatic annotation pipeline. Priority is given to the manually curated HAVANA annotation using predicted Ensembl annotations when there are no corresponding manual annotations. The M16 annotation was carried out on genome assembly GRCm38 (mm10). The Ensembl human and mouse data sets are the same gene annotations as GENCODE for the corresponding release. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains differing data sets (views). Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. To show only selected subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide. Views available on this track are: Genes The gene annotations in this view are divided into three subtracks: GENCODE Basic set is a subset of the Comprehensive set. The selection criteria are described in the methods section. GENCODE Comprehensive set contains all GENCODE coding and non-coding transcript annotations, including polymorphic pseudogenes. This includes both manual and automatic annotations. This is a super-set of the Basic set. GENCODE Pseudogenes include all annotations except polymorphic pseudogenes. PolyA GENCODE PolyA contains polyA signals and sites manually annotated on the genome based on transcribed evidence (ESTs and cDNAs) of 3' end of transcripts containing at least 3 A's not matching the genome. Maximum number of transcripts to display is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks. Starting with the GENCODE human V42 and mouse VM31 releases, transcripts are assigned rank within the gene. The ranks may be used to filter the number of transcripts displayed in a principled manner. Transcript ranking is not available in the lift37 releases. See Methods for details of rank assignment. Filtering is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks using the following criteria: Transcript class: filter by the basic biological function of a transcript annotation All - don't filter by transcript class coding - display protein coding transcripts, including polymorphic pseudogenes nonCoding - display non-protein coding transcripts pseudo - display pseudogene transcript annotations problem - display problem transcripts (Biotypes of retained_intron, TEC, or disrupted_domain) Transcript Annotation Method: filter by the method used to create the annotation All - don't filter by transcript class manual - display manually created annotations, including those that are also created automatically automatic - display automatically created annotations, including those that are also created manually manual_only - display manually created annotations that were not annotated by the automatic method automatic_only - display automatically created annotations that were not annotated by the manual method Transcript Biotype: filter transcripts by Biotype Support Level: filter transcripts by transcription support level Coloring for the gene annotations is based on the annotation type: coding non-coding pseudogene problem all polyA annotations Methods The GENCODE project aims to annotate all evidence-based gene features on the human and mouse reference sequence with high accuracy by integrating computational approaches (including comparative methods), manual annotation and targeted experimental verification. This goal includes identifying all protein-coding loci with associated alternative variants, non-coding loci which have transcript evidence, and pseudogenes. For a detailed description of the methods and references used, see Harrow et al. (2006). GENCODE Basic Set selection: The GENCODE Basic Set is intended to provide a simplified subset of the GENCODE transcript annotations that will be useful to the majority of users. The goal was to have a high-quality basic set that also covered all loci. Selection of GENCODE annotations for inclusion in the basic set was determined independently for the coding and non-coding transcripts at each gene locus. Criteria for selection of coding transcripts (including polymorphic pseudogenes) at a given locus: All full-length coding transcripts (except problem transcripts or transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the partial coding transcript with the largest CDS was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). Criteria for selection of non-coding transcripts at a given locus: All full-length non-coding transcripts (except problem transcripts) with a well characterized Biotype (see below) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the largest non-coding transcript was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). If no transcripts were included by either of the above criteria, the longest problem transcript is included. Non-coding transcript categorization: Non-coding transcripts are categorized using their biotype and the following criteria: well characterized: antisense, Mt_rRNA, Mt_tRNA, miRNA, rRNA, snRNA, snoRNA poorly characterized: 3prime_overlapping_ncrna, lincRNA, misc_RNA, non_coding, processed_transcript, sense_intronic, sense_overlapping Transcript ranking: Within each gene, transcripts have been ranked according to the following criteria. The ranking approach is preliminary and will change is future releases. Protein_coding genes MANE or Ensembl canonical -1st: MANE Select / Ensembl canonical -2nd: MANE Plus Clinical Coding biotypes -1st: protein_coding and protein_coding_LoF -2nd: NMDs and NSDs -3rd: retained intron and protein_coding_CDS_not_defined Completeness -1st: full length -2nd: CDS start/end not found CARS score (only for coding transcripts) Transcript genomic span and length (only for non-coding transcripts) Non-coding genes Transcript biotype -1st: transcript biotype identical to gene biotype Ensembl canonical GENCODE basic Transcript genomic span Transcript length Transcription Support Level (TSL): It is important that users understand how to assess transcript annotations that they see in GENCODE. While some transcript models have a high level of support through the full length of their exon structure, there are also transcripts that are poorly supported and that should be considered speculative. The Transcription Support Level (TSL) is a method to highlight the well-supported and poorly-supported transcript models for users. The method relies on the primary data that can support full-length transcript structure: mRNA and EST alignments supplied by UCSC and Ensembl. The mRNA and EST alignments are compared to the GENCODE transcripts and the transcripts are scored according to how well the alignment matches over its full length. The GENCODE TSL provides a consistent method of evaluating the level of support that a GENCODE transcript annotation is actually expressed in mouse. Mouse transcript sequences from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ) are used as the evidence for this analysis. Exonerate RNA alignments from Ensembl, BLAT RNA and EST alignments from the UCSC Genome Browser Database are used in the analysis. Erroneous transcripts and libraries identified in lists maintained by the Ensembl, UCSC, HAVANA and RefSeq groups are flagged as suspect. GENCODE annotations for protein-coding and non-protein-coding transcripts are compared with the evidence alignments. Annotations in the MHC region and other immunological genes are not evaluated, as automatic alignments tend to be very problematic. Methods for evaluating single-exon genes are still being developed and they are not included in the current analysis. Multi-exon GENCODE annotations are evaluated using the criteria that all introns are supported by an evidence alignment and the evidence alignment does not indicate that there are unannotated exons. Small insertions and deletions in evidence alignments are assumed to be due to polymorphisms and not considered as differing from the annotations. All intron boundaries must match exactly. The transcript start and end locations are allowed to differ. The following categories are assigned to each of the evaluated annotations: tsl1 - all splice junctions of the transcript are supported by at least one non-suspect mRNA tsl2 - the best supporting mRNA is flagged as suspect or the support is from multiple ESTs tsl3 - the only support is from a single EST tsl4 - the best supporting EST is flagged as suspect tsl5 - no single transcript supports the model structure tslNA - the transcript was not analyzed for one of the following reasons: pseudogene annotation, including transcribed pseudogenes immunoglobin gene transcript T-cell receptor transcript single-exon transcript (will be included in a future version) APPRIS is a system to annotate alternatively spliced transcripts based on a range of computational methods. It provides value to the annotations of the human, mouse, zebrafish, rat, and pig genomes. APPRIS has selected a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform. Principal isoforms are tagged with the numbers 1 to 5, with 1 being the most reliable. PRINCIPAL:1 - Transcript(s) expected to code for the main functional isoform based solely on the core modules in the APPRIS. PRINCIPAL:2 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the database chooses two or more of the CDS variants as "candidates" to be the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:3 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and more than one of the variants have distinct CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the variant with lowest CCDS identifier as the principal variant. The lower the CCDS identifier, the earlier it was annotated. PRINCIPAL:4 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal CDS and there is more than one variant with distinct (but consecutive) CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the longest CCDS isoform as the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:5 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and none of the candidate variants are annotated by CCDS, APPRIS selects the longest of the candidate isoforms as the principal variant. For genes in which the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the "candidate" variants not chosen as principal are labeled in the following way: ALTERNATIVE:1 - Candidate transcript(s) models that are conserved in at least three tested species. ALTERNATIVE:2 - Candidate transcript(s) models that appear to be conserved in fewer than three tested species. Non-candidate transcripts are not tagged and are considered as "Minor" transcripts. Further information and additional web services can be found at the APPRIS website. Downloads GENCODE GFF3 and GTF files are available from the GENCODE release M16 site. Release Notes GENCODE version M16 corresponds to Ensembl 91. See also: The GENCODE Project Credits The GENCODE project is an international collaboration funded by NIH/NHGRI grant U41HG007234. More information is available at, Participating GENCODE institutions and personnel can be found here. References Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I et al. GENCODE 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D916-D923. PMID: 33270111; PMC: PMC7778937; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087 A full list of GENCODE publications are available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. wgEncodeGencodeVM16ViewPolya PolyA All GENCODE annotations from VM16 (Ensembl 91) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePolyaVM16 PolyA PolyA Transcript Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M16 (Ensembl 91) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM16ViewGenes Genes All GENCODE annotations from VM16 (Ensembl 91) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneVM16 Pseudogenes Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M16 (Ensembl 91) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeCompVM16 Comprehensive Comprehensive Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M16 (Ensembl 91) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeBasicVM16 Basic Basic Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M16 (Ensembl 91) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM16View2Way 2-Way All GENCODE annotations from VM16 (Ensembl 91) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencode2wayConsPseudoVM16 2-way Pseudogenes 2-way Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M16 (Ensembl 91) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM14 All GENCODE VM14 All GENCODE annotations from VM14 (Ensembl 89) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The GENCODE Genes track (version M14, May 2017) shows high-quality manual annotations merged with evidence-based automated annotations across the entire mouse genome generated by the GENCODE project. The GENCODE gene set presents a full merge between HAVANA manual annotation process and Ensembl automatic annotation pipeline. Priority is given to the manually curated HAVANA annotation using predicted Ensembl annotations when there are no corresponding manual annotations. The M14 annotation was carried out on genome assembly GRCm38 (mm10). The Ensembl human and mouse data sets are the same gene annotations as GENCODE for the corresponding release. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains differing data sets (views). Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. To show only selected subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide. Views available on this track are: Genes The gene annotations in this view are divided into three subtracks: GENCODE Basic set is a subset of the Comprehensive set. The selection criteria are described in the methods section. GENCODE Comprehensive set contains all GENCODE coding and non-coding transcript annotations, including polymorphic pseudogenes. This includes both manual and automatic annotations. This is a super-set of the Basic set. GENCODE Pseudogenes include all annotations except polymorphic pseudogenes. PolyA GENCODE PolyA contains polyA signals and sites manually annotated on the genome based on transcribed evidence (ESTs and cDNAs) of 3' end of transcripts containing at least 3 A's not matching the genome. Maximum number of transcripts to display is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks. Starting with the GENCODE human V42 and mouse VM31 releases, transcripts are assigned rank within the gene. The ranks may be used to filter the number of transcripts displayed in a principled manner. Transcript ranking is not available in the lift37 releases. See Methods for details of rank assignment. Filtering is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks using the following criteria: Transcript class: filter by the basic biological function of a transcript annotation All - don't filter by transcript class coding - display protein coding transcripts, including polymorphic pseudogenes nonCoding - display non-protein coding transcripts pseudo - display pseudogene transcript annotations problem - display problem transcripts (Biotypes of retained_intron, TEC, or disrupted_domain) Transcript Annotation Method: filter by the method used to create the annotation All - don't filter by transcript class manual - display manually created annotations, including those that are also created automatically automatic - display automatically created annotations, including those that are also created manually manual_only - display manually created annotations that were not annotated by the automatic method automatic_only - display automatically created annotations that were not annotated by the manual method Transcript Biotype: filter transcripts by Biotype Support Level: filter transcripts by transcription support level Coloring for the gene annotations is based on the annotation type: coding non-coding pseudogene problem all polyA annotations Methods The GENCODE project aims to annotate all evidence-based gene features on the human and mouse reference sequence with high accuracy by integrating computational approaches (including comparative methods), manual annotation and targeted experimental verification. This goal includes identifying all protein-coding loci with associated alternative variants, non-coding loci which have transcript evidence, and pseudogenes. For a detailed description of the methods and references used, see Harrow et al. (2006). GENCODE Basic Set selection: The GENCODE Basic Set is intended to provide a simplified subset of the GENCODE transcript annotations that will be useful to the majority of users. The goal was to have a high-quality basic set that also covered all loci. Selection of GENCODE annotations for inclusion in the basic set was determined independently for the coding and non-coding transcripts at each gene locus. Criteria for selection of coding transcripts (including polymorphic pseudogenes) at a given locus: All full-length coding transcripts (except problem transcripts or transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the partial coding transcript with the largest CDS was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). Criteria for selection of non-coding transcripts at a given locus: All full-length non-coding transcripts (except problem transcripts) with a well characterized Biotype (see below) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the largest non-coding transcript was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). If no transcripts were included by either of the above criteria, the longest problem transcript is included. Non-coding transcript categorization: Non-coding transcripts are categorized using their biotype and the following criteria: well characterized: antisense, Mt_rRNA, Mt_tRNA, miRNA, rRNA, snRNA, snoRNA poorly characterized: 3prime_overlapping_ncrna, lincRNA, misc_RNA, non_coding, processed_transcript, sense_intronic, sense_overlapping Transcript ranking: Within each gene, transcripts have been ranked according to the following criteria. The ranking approach is preliminary and will change is future releases. Protein_coding genes MANE or Ensembl canonical -1st: MANE Select / Ensembl canonical -2nd: MANE Plus Clinical Coding biotypes -1st: protein_coding and protein_coding_LoF -2nd: NMDs and NSDs -3rd: retained intron and protein_coding_CDS_not_defined Completeness -1st: full length -2nd: CDS start/end not found CARS score (only for coding transcripts) Transcript genomic span and length (only for non-coding transcripts) Non-coding genes Transcript biotype -1st: transcript biotype identical to gene biotype Ensembl canonical GENCODE basic Transcript genomic span Transcript length Transcription Support Level (TSL): It is important that users understand how to assess transcript annotations that they see in GENCODE. While some transcript models have a high level of support through the full length of their exon structure, there are also transcripts that are poorly supported and that should be considered speculative. The Transcription Support Level (TSL) is a method to highlight the well-supported and poorly-supported transcript models for users. The method relies on the primary data that can support full-length transcript structure: mRNA and EST alignments supplied by UCSC and Ensembl. The mRNA and EST alignments are compared to the GENCODE transcripts and the transcripts are scored according to how well the alignment matches over its full length. The GENCODE TSL provides a consistent method of evaluating the level of support that a GENCODE transcript annotation is actually expressed in mouse. Mouse transcript sequences from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ) are used as the evidence for this analysis. Exonerate RNA alignments from Ensembl, BLAT RNA and EST alignments from the UCSC Genome Browser Database are used in the analysis. Erroneous transcripts and libraries identified in lists maintained by the Ensembl, UCSC, HAVANA and RefSeq groups are flagged as suspect. GENCODE annotations for protein-coding and non-protein-coding transcripts are compared with the evidence alignments. Annotations in the MHC region and other immunological genes are not evaluated, as automatic alignments tend to be very problematic. Methods for evaluating single-exon genes are still being developed and they are not included in the current analysis. Multi-exon GENCODE annotations are evaluated using the criteria that all introns are supported by an evidence alignment and the evidence alignment does not indicate that there are unannotated exons. Small insertions and deletions in evidence alignments are assumed to be due to polymorphisms and not considered as differing from the annotations. All intron boundaries must match exactly. The transcript start and end locations are allowed to differ. The following categories are assigned to each of the evaluated annotations: tsl1 - all splice junctions of the transcript are supported by at least one non-suspect mRNA tsl2 - the best supporting mRNA is flagged as suspect or the support is from multiple ESTs tsl3 - the only support is from a single EST tsl4 - the best supporting EST is flagged as suspect tsl5 - no single transcript supports the model structure tslNA - the transcript was not analyzed for one of the following reasons: pseudogene annotation, including transcribed pseudogenes immunoglobin gene transcript T-cell receptor transcript single-exon transcript (will be included in a future version) APPRIS is a system to annotate alternatively spliced transcripts based on a range of computational methods. It provides value to the annotations of the human, mouse, zebrafish, rat, and pig genomes. APPRIS has selected a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform. Principal isoforms are tagged with the numbers 1 to 5, with 1 being the most reliable. PRINCIPAL:1 - Transcript(s) expected to code for the main functional isoform based solely on the core modules in the APPRIS. PRINCIPAL:2 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the database chooses two or more of the CDS variants as "candidates" to be the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:3 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and more than one of the variants have distinct CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the variant with lowest CCDS identifier as the principal variant. The lower the CCDS identifier, the earlier it was annotated. PRINCIPAL:4 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal CDS and there is more than one variant with distinct (but consecutive) CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the longest CCDS isoform as the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:5 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and none of the candidate variants are annotated by CCDS, APPRIS selects the longest of the candidate isoforms as the principal variant. For genes in which the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the "candidate" variants not chosen as principal are labeled in the following way: ALTERNATIVE:1 - Candidate transcript(s) models that are conserved in at least three tested species. ALTERNATIVE:2 - Candidate transcript(s) models that appear to be conserved in fewer than three tested species. Non-candidate transcripts are not tagged and are considered as "Minor" transcripts. Further information and additional web services can be found at the APPRIS website. Downloads GENCODE GFF3 and GTF files are available from the GENCODE release M14 site. Release Notes GENCODE version M14 corresponds to Ensembl 89. See also: The GENCODE Project Credits The GENCODE project is an international collaboration funded by NIH/NHGRI grant U41HG007234. More information is available at, Participating GENCODE institutions and personnel can be found here. References Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I et al. GENCODE 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D916-D923. PMID: 33270111; PMC: PMC7778937; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087 A full list of GENCODE publications are available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. wgEncodeGencodeVM14ViewPolya PolyA All GENCODE annotations from VM14 (Ensembl 89) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePolyaVM14 PolyA PolyA Transcript Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M14 (Ensembl 89) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM14ViewGenes Genes All GENCODE annotations from VM14 (Ensembl 89) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneVM14 Pseudogenes Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M14 (Ensembl 89) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeCompVM14 Comprehensive Comprehensive Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M14 (Ensembl 89) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeBasicVM14 Basic Basic Gene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M14 (Ensembl 89) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM14View2Way 2-Way All GENCODE annotations from VM14 (Ensembl 89) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencode2wayConsPseudoVM14 2-way Pseudogenes 2-way Pseudogene Annotation Set from GENCODE Version M14 (Ensembl 89) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM11 GENCODE VM11 (Ensembl 86) Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M11 (Ensembl 86) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The GENCODE Genes track (version M11, December 2016) shows high-quality manual annotations merged with evidence-based automated annotations across the entire human genome generated by the GENCODE project. The GENCODE gene set presents a full merge between HAVANA manual annotation process and Ensembl automatic annotation pipeline. Priority is given to the manually curated HAVANA annotation using predicted Ensembl annotations when there are no corresponding manual annotations. The annotation was carried out on genome assembly GRCm38 (mm10). Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains differing data sets (views). Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. To show only selected subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide. Views available on this track are: Genes The gene annotations in this view are divided into three subtracks: GENCODE Basic set is a subset of the Comprehensive set. The selection criteria are described in the methods section. GENCODE Comprehensive set contains all GENCODE coding and non-coding transcript annotations, including polymorphic pseudogenes. This includes both manual and automatic annotations. This is a super-set of the Basic set. GENCODE Pseudogenes include all annotations except polymorphic pseudogenes. PolyA GENCODE PolyA contains polyA signals and sites manually annotated on the genome based on transcribed evidence (ESTs and cDNAs) of 3' end of transcripts containing at least 3 A's not matching the genome. Maximum number of transcripts to display is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks. Starting with the GENCODE human V42 and mouse VM31 releases, transcripts are assigned rank within the gene. The ranks may be used to filter the number of transcripts displayed in a principled manner. Transcript ranking is not available in the lift37 releases. See Methods for details of rank assignment. Filtering is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks using the following criteria: Transcript class: filter by the basic biological function of a transcript annotation All - don't filter by transcript class coding - display protein coding transcripts, including polymorphic pseudogenes nonCoding - display non-protein coding transcripts pseudo - display pseudogene transcript annotations problem - display problem transcripts (Biotypes of retained_intron, TEC, or disrupted_domain) Transcript Annotation Method: filter by the method used to create the annotation All - don't filter by transcript class manual - display manually created annotations, including those that are also created automatically automatic - display automatically created annotations, including those that are also created manually manual_only - display manually created annotations that were not annotated by the automatic method automatic_only - display automatically created annotations that were not annotated by the manual method Transcript Biotype: filter transcripts by Biotype Support Level: filter transcripts by transcription support level Coloring for the gene annotations is based on the annotation type: coding non-coding pseudogene problem all polyA annotations Methods The GENCODE project aims to annotate all evidence-based gene features on the human and mouse reference sequence with high accuracy by integrating computational approaches (including comparative methods), manual annotation and targeted experimental verification. This goal includes identifying all protein-coding loci with associated alternative variants, non-coding loci which have transcript evidence, and pseudogenes. For a detailed description of the methods and references used, see Harrow et al. (2006). GENCODE Basic Set selection: The GENCODE Basic Set is intended to provide a simplified subset of the GENCODE transcript annotations that will be useful to the majority of users. The goal was to have a high-quality basic set that also covered all loci. Selection of GENCODE annotations for inclusion in the basic set was determined independently for the coding and non-coding transcripts at each gene locus. Criteria for selection of coding transcripts (including polymorphic pseudogenes) at a given locus: All full-length coding transcripts (except problem transcripts or transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the partial coding transcript with the largest CDS was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). Criteria for selection of non-coding transcripts at a given locus: All full-length non-coding transcripts (except problem transcripts) with a well characterized Biotype (see below) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the largest non-coding transcript was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). If no transcripts were included by either of the above criteria, the longest problem transcript is included. Non-coding transcript categorization: Non-coding transcripts are categorized using their biotype and the following criteria: well characterized: antisense, Mt_rRNA, Mt_tRNA, miRNA, rRNA, snRNA, snoRNA poorly characterized: 3prime_overlapping_ncrna, lincRNA, misc_RNA, non_coding, processed_transcript, sense_intronic, sense_overlapping Transcript ranking: Within each gene, transcripts have been ranked according to the following criteria. The ranking approach is preliminary and will change is future releases. Protein_coding genes MANE or Ensembl canonical -1st: MANE Select / Ensembl canonical -2nd: MANE Plus Clinical Coding biotypes -1st: protein_coding and protein_coding_LoF -2nd: NMDs and NSDs -3rd: retained intron and protein_coding_CDS_not_defined Completeness -1st: full length -2nd: CDS start/end not found CARS score (only for coding transcripts) Transcript genomic span and length (only for non-coding transcripts) Non-coding genes Transcript biotype -1st: transcript biotype identical to gene biotype Ensembl canonical GENCODE basic Transcript genomic span Transcript length Transcription Support Level (TSL): It is important that users understand how to assess transcript annotations that they see in GENCODE. While some transcript models have a high level of support through the full length of their exon structure, there are also transcripts that are poorly supported and that should be considered speculative. The Transcription Support Level (TSL) is a method to highlight the well-supported and poorly-supported transcript models for users. The method relies on the primary data that can support full-length transcript structure: mRNA and EST alignments supplied by UCSC and Ensembl. The mRNA and EST alignments are compared to the GENCODE transcripts and the transcripts are scored according to how well the alignment matches over its full length. The GENCODE TSL provides a consistent method of evaluating the level of support that a GENCODE transcript annotation is actually expressed in mouse. Mouse transcript sequences from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ) are used as the evidence for this analysis. Exonerate RNA alignments from Ensembl, BLAT RNA and EST alignments from the UCSC Genome Browser Database are used in the analysis. Erroneous transcripts and libraries identified in lists maintained by the Ensembl, UCSC, HAVANA and RefSeq groups are flagged as suspect. GENCODE annotations for protein-coding and non-protein-coding transcripts are compared with the evidence alignments. Annotations in the MHC region and other immunological genes are not evaluated, as automatic alignments tend to be very problematic. Methods for evaluating single-exon genes are still being developed and they are not included in the current analysis. Multi-exon GENCODE annotations are evaluated using the criteria that all introns are supported by an evidence alignment and the evidence alignment does not indicate that there are unannotated exons. Small insertions and deletions in evidence alignments are assumed to be due to polymorphisms and not considered as differing from the annotations. All intron boundaries must match exactly. The transcript start and end locations are allowed to differ. The following categories are assigned to each of the evaluated annotations: tsl1 - all splice junctions of the transcript are supported by at least one non-suspect mRNA tsl2 - the best supporting mRNA is flagged as suspect or the support is from multiple ESTs tsl3 - the only support is from a single EST tsl4 - the best supporting EST is flagged as suspect tsl5 - no single transcript supports the model structure tslNA - the transcript was not analyzed for one of the following reasons: pseudogene annotation, including transcribed pseudogenes immunoglobin gene transcript T-cell receptor transcript single-exon transcript (will be included in a future version) APPRIS is a system to annotate alternatively spliced transcripts based on a range of computational methods. It provides value to the annotations of the human, mouse, zebrafish, rat, and pig genomes. APPRIS has selected a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform. Principal isoforms are tagged with the numbers 1 to 5, with 1 being the most reliable. PRINCIPAL:1 - Transcript(s) expected to code for the main functional isoform based solely on the core modules in the APPRIS. PRINCIPAL:2 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the database chooses two or more of the CDS variants as "candidates" to be the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:3 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and more than one of the variants have distinct CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the variant with lowest CCDS identifier as the principal variant. The lower the CCDS identifier, the earlier it was annotated. PRINCIPAL:4 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal CDS and there is more than one variant with distinct (but consecutive) CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the longest CCDS isoform as the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:5 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and none of the candidate variants are annotated by CCDS, APPRIS selects the longest of the candidate isoforms as the principal variant. For genes in which the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the "candidate" variants not chosen as principal are labeled in the following way: ALTERNATIVE:1 - Candidate transcript(s) models that are conserved in at least three tested species. ALTERNATIVE:2 - Candidate transcript(s) models that appear to be conserved in fewer than three tested species. Non-candidate transcripts are not tagged and are considered as "Minor" transcripts. Further information and additional web services can be found at the APPRIS website. Downloads GENCODE GFF3 and GTF files are available from the GENCODE release M11 site. Release Notes GENCODE version M11 corresponds to Ensembl 86. See also: The GENCODE Project Credits The GENCODE project is an international collaboration funded by NIH/NHGRI grant U41HG007234. More information is available at, Participating GENCODE institutions and personnel can be found here. References Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I et al. GENCODE 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D916-D923. PMID: 33270111; PMC: PMC7778937; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087 A full list of GENCODE publications are available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. wgEncodeGencodeVM11ViewPolya PolyA Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M11 (Ensembl 86) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePolyaVM11 PolyA PolyA Transcript Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M11 (Ensembl 86) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM11ViewGenes Genes Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M11 (Ensembl 86) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneVM11 Pseudogenes Pseudogene Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M11 (Ensembl 86) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeCompVM11 Comprehensive Comprehensive Gene Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M11 (Ensembl 86) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeBasicVM11 Basic Basic Gene Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M11 (Ensembl 86) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM11View2Way 2-Way Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M11 (Ensembl 86) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencode2wayConsPseudoVM11 2-way Pseudogenes 2-way Pseudogene Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M11 (Ensembl 86) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM9 GENCODE VM9 (Ensembl 84) Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M9 (Ensembl 84) Genes and Gene Predictions Description The GENCODE Genes track (version M9, March 2016) shows high-quality manual annotations merged with evidence-based automated annotations across the entire human genome generated by the GENCODE project. The GENCODE gene set presents a full merge between HAVANA manual annotation process and Ensembl automatic annotation pipeline. Priority is given to the manually curated HAVANA annotation using predicted Ensembl annotations when there are no corresponding manual annotations. The annotation was carried out on genome assembly GRCm38 (mm10). Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains differing data sets (views). Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. To show only selected subtracks, uncheck the boxes next to the tracks that you wish to hide. Views available on this track are: Genes The gene annotations in this view are divided into three subtracks: GENCODE Basic set is a subset of the Comprehensive set. The selection criteria are described in the methods section. GENCODE Comprehensive set contains all GENCODE coding and non-coding transcript annotations, including polymorphic pseudogenes. This includes both manual and automatic annotations. This is a super-set of the Basic set. GENCODE Pseudogenes include all annotations except polymorphic pseudogenes. PolyA GENCODE PolyA contains polyA signals and sites manually annotated on the genome based on transcribed evidence (ESTs and cDNAs) of 3' end of transcripts containing at least 3 A's not matching the genome. Maximum number of transcripts to display is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks. Starting with the GENCODE human V42 and mouse VM31 releases, transcripts are assigned rank within the gene. The ranks may be used to filter the number of transcripts displayed in a principled manner. Transcript ranking is not available in the lift37 releases. See Methods for details of rank assignment. Filtering is available for the items in the GENCODE Basic, Comprehensive and Pseudogene tracks using the following criteria: Transcript class: filter by the basic biological function of a transcript annotation All - don't filter by transcript class coding - display protein coding transcripts, including polymorphic pseudogenes nonCoding - display non-protein coding transcripts pseudo - display pseudogene transcript annotations problem - display problem transcripts (Biotypes of retained_intron, TEC, or disrupted_domain) Transcript Annotation Method: filter by the method used to create the annotation All - don't filter by transcript class manual - display manually created annotations, including those that are also created automatically automatic - display automatically created annotations, including those that are also created manually manual_only - display manually created annotations that were not annotated by the automatic method automatic_only - display automatically created annotations that were not annotated by the manual method Transcript Biotype: filter transcripts by Biotype Support Level: filter transcripts by transcription support level Coloring for the gene annotations is based on the annotation type: coding non-coding pseudogene problem all polyA annotations Methods The GENCODE project aims to annotate all evidence-based gene features on the human and mouse reference sequence with high accuracy by integrating computational approaches (including comparative methods), manual annotation and targeted experimental verification. This goal includes identifying all protein-coding loci with associated alternative variants, non-coding loci which have transcript evidence, and pseudogenes. For a detailed description of the methods and references used, see Harrow et al. (2006). GENCODE Basic Set selection: The GENCODE Basic Set is intended to provide a simplified subset of the GENCODE transcript annotations that will be useful to the majority of users. The goal was to have a high-quality basic set that also covered all loci. Selection of GENCODE annotations for inclusion in the basic set was determined independently for the coding and non-coding transcripts at each gene locus. Criteria for selection of coding transcripts (including polymorphic pseudogenes) at a given locus: All full-length coding transcripts (except problem transcripts or transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the partial coding transcript with the largest CDS was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). Criteria for selection of non-coding transcripts at a given locus: All full-length non-coding transcripts (except problem transcripts) with a well characterized Biotype (see below) were included in the basic set. If there were no transcripts meeting the above criteria, then the largest non-coding transcript was included in the basic set (excluding problem transcripts). If no transcripts were included by either of the above criteria, the longest problem transcript is included. Non-coding transcript categorization: Non-coding transcripts are categorized using their biotype and the following criteria: well characterized: antisense, Mt_rRNA, Mt_tRNA, miRNA, rRNA, snRNA, snoRNA poorly characterized: 3prime_overlapping_ncrna, lincRNA, misc_RNA, non_coding, processed_transcript, sense_intronic, sense_overlapping Transcript ranking: Within each gene, transcripts have been ranked according to the following criteria. The ranking approach is preliminary and will change is future releases. Protein_coding genes MANE or Ensembl canonical -1st: MANE Select / Ensembl canonical -2nd: MANE Plus Clinical Coding biotypes -1st: protein_coding and protein_coding_LoF -2nd: NMDs and NSDs -3rd: retained intron and protein_coding_CDS_not_defined Completeness -1st: full length -2nd: CDS start/end not found CARS score (only for coding transcripts) Transcript genomic span and length (only for non-coding transcripts) Non-coding genes Transcript biotype -1st: transcript biotype identical to gene biotype Ensembl canonical GENCODE basic Transcript genomic span Transcript length Transcription Support Level (TSL): It is important that users understand how to assess transcript annotations that they see in GENCODE. While some transcript models have a high level of support through the full length of their exon structure, there are also transcripts that are poorly supported and that should be considered speculative. The Transcription Support Level (TSL) is a method to highlight the well-supported and poorly-supported transcript models for users. The method relies on the primary data that can support full-length transcript structure: mRNA and EST alignments supplied by UCSC and Ensembl. The mRNA and EST alignments are compared to the GENCODE transcripts and the transcripts are scored according to how well the alignment matches over its full length. The GENCODE TSL provides a consistent method of evaluating the level of support that a GENCODE transcript annotation is actually expressed in mouse. Mouse transcript sequences from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (GenBank, ENA, and DDBJ) are used as the evidence for this analysis. Exonerate RNA alignments from Ensembl, BLAT RNA and EST alignments from the UCSC Genome Browser Database are used in the analysis. Erroneous transcripts and libraries identified in lists maintained by the Ensembl, UCSC, HAVANA and RefSeq groups are flagged as suspect. GENCODE annotations for protein-coding and non-protein-coding transcripts are compared with the evidence alignments. Annotations in the MHC region and other immunological genes are not evaluated, as automatic alignments tend to be very problematic. Methods for evaluating single-exon genes are still being developed and they are not included in the current analysis. Multi-exon GENCODE annotations are evaluated using the criteria that all introns are supported by an evidence alignment and the evidence alignment does not indicate that there are unannotated exons. Small insertions and deletions in evidence alignments are assumed to be due to polymorphisms and not considered as differing from the annotations. All intron boundaries must match exactly. The transcript start and end locations are allowed to differ. The following categories are assigned to each of the evaluated annotations: tsl1 - all splice junctions of the transcript are supported by at least one non-suspect mRNA tsl2 - the best supporting mRNA is flagged as suspect or the support is from multiple ESTs tsl3 - the only support is from a single EST tsl4 - the best supporting EST is flagged as suspect tsl5 - no single transcript supports the model structure tslNA - the transcript was not analyzed for one of the following reasons: pseudogene annotation, including transcribed pseudogenes immunoglobin gene transcript T-cell receptor transcript single-exon transcript (will be included in a future version) APPRIS is a system to annotate alternatively spliced transcripts based on a range of computational methods. It provides value to the annotations of the human, mouse, zebrafish, rat, and pig genomes. APPRIS has selected a single CDS variant for each gene as the 'PRINCIPAL' isoform. Principal isoforms are tagged with the numbers 1 to 5, with 1 being the most reliable. PRINCIPAL:1 - Transcript(s) expected to code for the main functional isoform based solely on the core modules in the APPRIS. PRINCIPAL:2 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the database chooses two or more of the CDS variants as "candidates" to be the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:3 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and more than one of the variants have distinct CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the variant with lowest CCDS identifier as the principal variant. The lower the CCDS identifier, the earlier it was annotated. PRINCIPAL:4 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal CDS and there is more than one variant with distinct (but consecutive) CCDS identifiers, APPRIS selects the longest CCDS isoform as the principal variant. PRINCIPAL:5 - Where the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant and none of the candidate variants are annotated by CCDS, APPRIS selects the longest of the candidate isoforms as the principal variant. For genes in which the APPRIS core modules are unable to choose a clear principal variant (approximately 25% of human protein coding genes), the "candidate" variants not chosen as principal are labeled in the following way: ALTERNATIVE:1 - Candidate transcript(s) models that are conserved in at least three tested species. ALTERNATIVE:2 - Candidate transcript(s) models that appear to be conserved in fewer than three tested species. Non-candidate transcripts are not tagged and are considered as "Minor" transcripts. Further information and additional web services can be found at the APPRIS website. Downloads GENCODE GFF3 and GTF files are available from the GENCODE release M9 site. Release Notes GENCODE version M9 corresponds to Ensembl 84. See also: The GENCODE Project Credits The GENCODE project is an international collaboration funded by NIH/NHGRI grant U41HG007234. More information is available at, Participating GENCODE institutions and personnel can be found here. References Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I et al. GENCODE 2021. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Jan 8;49(D1):D916-D923. PMID: 33270111; PMC: PMC7778937; DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa1087 A full list of GENCODE publications are available at The GENCODE Project web site. Data Release Policy GENCODE data are available for use without restrictions. wgEncodeGencodeVM9ViewPolya PolyA Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M9 (Ensembl 84) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePolyaVM9 PolyA PolyA Transcript Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M9 (Ensembl 84) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM9ViewGenes Genes Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M9 (Ensembl 84) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodePseudoGeneVM9 Pseudogenes Pseudogene Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M9 (Ensembl 84) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeCompVM9 Comprehensive Comprehensive Gene Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M9 (Ensembl 84) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeBasicVM9 Basic Basic Gene Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M9 (Ensembl 84) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencodeVM9View2Way 2-Way Gene Annotations from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M9 (Ensembl 84) Genes and Gene Predictions wgEncodeGencode2wayConsPseudoVM9 2-way Pseudogenes 2-way Pseudogene Annotation Set from ENCODE/GENCODE Version M9 (Ensembl 84) Genes and Gene Predictions snp137 All SNPs(137) Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 137) Variation and Repeats Description This track contains information about single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP build 137, available from Two tracks contain subsets of the items in this track: Common SNPs(137): SNPs that have a minor allele frequency of at least 1% and are mapped to a single location in the reference genome assembly. Frequency data are not available for all SNPs, so this subset is incomplete. Mult. SNPs(137): SNPs that have been mapped to multiple locations in the reference genome assembly. The default maximum weight for this track is 1, so unless the setting is changed in the track controls, SNPs that map to multiple genomic locations will be omitted from display. When a SNP's flanking sequences map to multiple locations in the reference genome, it calls into question whether there is true variation at those sites, or whether the sequences at those sites are merely highly similar but not identical. The remainder of this page is identical on the following tracks: Common SNPs(137) - SNPs with >= 1% minor allele frequency (MAF), mapping only once to reference assembly. Mult. SNPs(137) - SNPs mapping in more than one place on reference assembly. All SNPs(137) - all SNPs from dbSNP mapping to reference assembly. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/database/ (for human, organism_tax_id = human_9606; for mouse, organism_tax_id = mouse_10090). The fasta files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/rs_fasta/ Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from b137_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b137_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b137_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provided the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from b137_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation can be downloaded from the downloads server (snp137*.txt.gz) or the public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Orthologous Alleles (human assemblies only) For the human assembly, we provide a related table that contains orthologous alleles in the chimpanzee, orangutan and rhesus macaque reference genome assemblies. We use our liftOver utility to identify the orthologous alleles. The candidate human SNPs are a filtered list that meet the criteria: class = 'single' mapped position in the human reference genome is one base long aligned to only one location in the human reference genome not aligned to a chrN_random chrom biallelic (not tri- or quad-allelic) In some cases the orthologous allele is unknown; these are set to 'N'. If a lift was not possible, we set the orthologous allele to '?' and the orthologous start and end position to 0 (zero). Masked FASTA Files (human assemblies only) FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exlcude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. snp137Common Common SNPs(137) Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 137) Found in >= 1% of Samples Variation and Repeats Description This track contains information about a subset of the single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP build 137, available from Only SNPs that have a minor allele frequency of at least 1% and are mapped to a single location in the reference genome assembly are included in this subset. Frequency data are not available for all SNPs, so this subset is incomplete. The selection of SNPs with a minor allele frequency of 1% or greater is an attempt to identify variants that appear to be reasonably common in the general population. Taken as a set, common variants should be less likely to be associated with severe genetic diseases due to the effects of natural selection, following the view that deleterious variants are not likely to become common in the population. However, the significance of any particular variant should be interpreted only by a trained medical geneticist using all available information. The remainder of this page is identical on the following tracks: Common SNPs(137) - SNPs with >= 1% minor allele frequency (MAF), mapping only once to reference assembly. Mult. SNPs(137) - SNPs mapping in more than one place on reference assembly. All SNPs(137) - all SNPs from dbSNP mapping to reference assembly. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/database/ (for human, organism_tax_id = human_9606; for mouse, organism_tax_id = mouse_10090). The fasta files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/rs_fasta/ Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from b137_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b137_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b137_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provided the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from b137_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation can be downloaded from the downloads server (snp137*.txt.gz) or the public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Orthologous Alleles (human assemblies only) For the human assembly, we provide a related table that contains orthologous alleles in the chimpanzee, orangutan and rhesus macaque reference genome assemblies. We use our liftOver utility to identify the orthologous alleles. The candidate human SNPs are a filtered list that meet the criteria: class = 'single' mapped position in the human reference genome is one base long aligned to only one location in the human reference genome not aligned to a chrN_random chrom biallelic (not tri- or quad-allelic) In some cases the orthologous allele is unknown; these are set to 'N'. If a lift was not possible, we set the orthologous allele to '?' and the orthologous start and end position to 0 (zero). Masked FASTA Files (human assemblies only) FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exlcude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. snp137Mult Mult. SNPs(137) Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms (dbSNP 137) That Map to Multiple Genomic Loci Variation and Repeats Description This track contains information about a subset of the single nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions and deletions (indels) — collectively Simple Nucleotide Polymorphisms — from dbSNP build 137, available from Only SNPs that have been mapped to multiple locations in the reference genome assembly are included in this subset. When a SNP's flanking sequences map to multiple locations in the reference genome, it calls into question whether there is true variation at those sites, or whether the sequences at those sites are merely highly similar but not identical. The default maximum weight for this track is 3, unlike the other dbSNP build 137 tracks which have a maximum weight of 1. That enables these multiply-mapped SNPs to appear in the display, while by default they will not appear in the All SNPs(137) track because of its maximum weight filter. The remainder of this page is identical on the following tracks: Common SNPs(137) - SNPs with >= 1% minor allele frequency (MAF), mapping only once to reference assembly. Mult. SNPs(137) - SNPs mapping in more than one place on reference assembly. All SNPs(137) - all SNPs from dbSNP mapping to reference assembly. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. On the track controls page, SNPs can be colored and/or filtered from the display according to several attributes: Class: Describes the observed alleles Single - single nucleotide variation: all observed alleles are single nucleotides (can have 2, 3 or 4 alleles) In-del - insertion/deletion Heterozygous - heterozygous (undetermined) variation: allele contains string '(heterozygous)' Microsatellite - the observed allele from dbSNP is a variation in counts of short tandem repeats Named - the observed allele from dbSNP is given as a text name instead of raw sequence, e.g., (Alu)/- No Variation - the submission reports an invariant region in the surveyed sequence Mixed - the cluster contains submissions from multiple classes Multiple Nucleotide Polymorphism (MNP) - the alleles are all of the same length, and length > 1 Insertion - the polymorphism is an insertion relative to the reference assembly Deletion - the polymorphism is a deletion relative to the reference assembly Unknown - no classification provided by data contributor Validation: Method used to validate the variant (each variant may be validated by more than one method) By Frequency - at least one submitted SNP in cluster has frequency data submitted By Cluster - cluster has at least 2 submissions, with at least one submission assayed with a non-computational method By Submitter - at least one submitter SNP in cluster was validated by independent assay By 2 Hit/2 Allele - all alleles have been observed in at least 2 chromosomes By HapMap (human only) - submitted by HapMap project By 1000Genomes (human only) - submitted by 1000Genomes project Unknown - no validation has been reported for this variant Function: dbSNP's predicted functional effect of variant on RefSeq transcripts, both curated (NM_* and NR_*) as in the RefSeq Genes track and predicted (XM_* and XR_*), not shown in UCSC Genome Browser. A variant may have more than one functional role if it overlaps multiple transcripts. These terms and definitions are from the Sequence Ontology (SO); click on a term to view it in the MISO Sequence Ontology Browser. Unknown - no functional classification provided (possibly intergenic) synonymous_variant - A sequence variant where there is no resulting change to the encoded amino acid (dbSNP term: coding-synon) intron_variant - A transcript variant occurring within an intron (dbSNP term: intron) downstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 3' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-3) upstream_gene_variant - A sequence variant located 5' of a gene (dbSNP term: near-gene-5) nc_transcript_variant - A transcript variant of a non coding RNA gene (dbSNP term: ncRNA) stop_gained - A sequence variant whereby at least one base of a codon is changed, resulting in a premature stop codon, leading to a shortened transcript (dbSNP term: nonsense) missense_variant - A sequence variant, where the change may be longer than 3 bases, and at least one base of a codon is changed resulting in a codon that encodes for a different amino acid (dbSNP term: missense) stop_lost - A sequence variant where at least one base of the terminator codon (stop) is changed, resulting in an elongated transcript (dbSNP term: stop-loss) frameshift_variant - A sequence variant which causes a disruption of the translational reading frame, because the number of nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three (dbSNP term: frameshift) inframe_indel - A coding sequence variant where the change does not alter the frame of the transcript (dbSNP term: cds-indel) 3_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 3' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-3) 5_prime_UTR_variant - A UTR variant of the 5' UTR (dbSNP term: untranslated-5) splice_acceptor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 3' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-3) splice_donor_variant - A splice variant that changes the 2 base region at the 5' end of an intron (dbSNP term: splice-5) In the Coloring Options section of the track controls page, function terms are grouped into several categories, shown here with default colors: Locus: downstream_gene_variant, upstream_gene_variant Coding - Synonymous: synonymous_variant Coding - Non-Synonymous: stop_gained, missense_variant, stop_lost, frameshift_variant, inframe_indel Untranslated: 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant Intron: intron_variant Splice Site: splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant Molecule Type: Sample used to find this variant Genomic - variant discovered using a genomic template cDNA - variant discovered using a cDNA template Unknown - sample type not known Unusual Conditions (UCSC): UCSC checks for several anomalies that may indicate a problem with the mapping, and reports them in the Annotations section of the SNP details page if found: AlleleFreqSumNot1 - Allele frequencies do not sum to 1.0 (+-0.01). This SNP's allele frequency data are probably incomplete. DuplicateObserved, MixedObserved - Multiple distinct insertion SNPs have been mapped to this location, with either the same inserted sequence (Duplicate) or different inserted sequence (Mixed). FlankMismatchGenomeEqual, FlankMismatchGenomeLonger, FlankMismatchGenomeShorter - NCBI's alignment of the flanking sequences had at least one mismatch or gap near the mapped SNP position. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) MultipleAlignments - This SNP's flanking sequences align to more than one location in the reference assembly. NamedDeletionZeroSpan - A deletion (from the genome) was observed but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NamedInsertionNonzeroSpan - An insertion (into the genome) was observed but the annotation spans more than 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) NonIntegerChromCount - At least one allele frequency corresponds to a non-integer (+-0.010000) count of chromosomes on which the allele was observed. The reported total sample count for this SNP is probably incorrect. ObservedContainsIupac - At least one observed allele from dbSNP contains an IUPAC ambiguous base (e.g., R, Y, N). ObservedMismatch - UCSC reference allele does not match any observed allele from dbSNP. This is tested only for SNPs whose class is single, in-del, insertion, deletion, mnp or mixed. ObservedTooLong - Observed allele not given (length too long). ObservedWrongFormat - Observed allele(s) from dbSNP have unexpected format for the given class. RefAlleleMismatch - The reference allele from dbSNP does not match the UCSC reference allele, i.e., the bases in the mapped position range. RefAlleleRevComp - The reference allele from dbSNP matches the reverse complement of the UCSC reference allele. SingleClassLongerSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans more than 1 base. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) SingleClassZeroSpan - All observed alleles are single-base, but the annotation spans 0 bases. (UCSC's re-alignment of flanking sequences to the genome may be informative.) Another condition, which does not necessarily imply any problem, is noted: SingleClassTriAllelic, SingleClassQuadAllelic - Class is single and three or four different bases have been observed (usually there are only two). Miscellaneous Attributes (dbSNP): several properties extracted from dbSNP's SNP_bitfield table (see dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details) Clinically Associated (human only) - SNP is in OMIM and/or at least one submitter is a Locus-Specific Database. This does not necessarily imply that the variant causes any disease, only that it has been observed in clinical studies. Appears in OMIM/OMIA - SNP is mentioned in Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for human SNPs, or Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals for non-human animal SNPs. Some of these SNPs are quite common, others are known to cause disease; see OMIM/OMIA for more information. Has Microattribution/Third-Party Annotation - At least one of the SNP's submitters studied this SNP in a biomedical setting, but is not a Locus-Specific Database or OMIM/OMIA. Submitted by Locus-Specific Database - At least one of the SNP's submitters is associated with a database of variants associated with a particular gene. These variants may or may not be known to be causative. MAF >= 5% in Some Population - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in at least one population assayed. MAF >= 5% in All Populations - Minor Allele Frequency is at least 5% in all populations assayed. Genotype Conflict - Quality check: different genotypes have been submitted for the same individual. Ref SNP Cluster has Non-overlapping Alleles - Quality check: this reference SNP was clustered from submitted SNPs with non-overlapping sets of observed alleles. Some Assembly's Allele Does Not Match Observed - Quality check: at least one assembly mapped by dbSNP has an allele at the mapped position that is not present in this SNP's observed alleles. Several other properties do not have coloring options, but do have some filtering options: Average heterozygosity: Calculated by dbSNP as described in Computation of Average Heterozygosity and Standard Error for dbSNP RefSNP Clusters. Average heterozygosity should not exceed 0.5 for bi-allelic single-base substitutions. Weight: Alignment quality assigned by dbSNP Weight can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 10. Weight = 1 are the highest quality alignments. Weight = 0 and weight = 10 are excluded from the data set. A filter on maximum weight value is supported, which defaults to 1 on all tracks except the Mult. SNPs track, which defaults to 3. Submitter handles: These are short, single-word identifiers of labs or consortia that submitted SNPs that were clustered into this reference SNP by dbSNP (e.g., 1000GENOMES, ENSEMBL, KWOK). Some SNPs have been observed by many different submitters, and some by only a single submitter (although that single submitter may have tested a large number of samples). AlleleFrequencies: Some submissions to dbSNP include allele frequencies and the study's sample size (i.e., the number of distinct chromosomes, which is two times the number of individuals assayed, a.k.a. 2N). dbSNP combines all available frequencies and counts from submitted SNPs that are clustered together into a reference SNP. You can configure this track such that the details page displays the function and coding differences relative to particular gene sets. Choose the gene sets from the list on the SNP configuration page displayed beneath this heading: On details page, show function and coding differences relative to. When one or more gene tracks are selected, the SNP details page lists all genes that the SNP hits (or is close to), with the same keywords used in the function category. The function usually agrees with NCBI's function, except when NCBI's functional annotation is relative to an XM_* predicted RefSeq (not included in the UCSC Genome Browser's RefSeq Genes track) and/or UCSC's functional annotation is relative to a transcript that is not in RefSeq. Insertions/Deletions dbSNP uses a class called 'in-del'. We compare the length of the reference allele to the length(s) of observed alleles; if the reference allele is shorter than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'insertion'. Likewise, if the reference allele is longer than all other observed alleles, we change 'in-del' to 'deletion'. UCSC Re-alignment of flanking sequences dbSNP determines the genomic locations of SNPs by aligning their flanking sequences to the genome. UCSC displays SNPs in the locations determined by dbSNP, but does not have access to the alignments on which dbSNP based its mappings. Instead, UCSC re-aligns the flanking sequences to the neighboring genomic sequence for display on SNP details pages. While the recomputed alignments may differ from dbSNP's alignments, they often are informative when UCSC has annotated an unusual condition. Non-repetitive genomic sequence is shown in upper case like the flanking sequence, and a "|" indicates each match between genomic and flanking bases. Repetitive genomic sequence (annotated by RepeatMasker and/or the Tandem Repeats Finder with period Data Sources and Methods The data that comprise this track were extracted from database dump files and headers of fasta files downloaded from NCBI. The database dump files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/database/ (for human, organism_tax_id = human_9606; for mouse, organism_tax_id = mouse_10090). The fasta files were downloaded from organism_tax_id/rs_fasta/ Coordinates, orientation, location type and dbSNP reference allele data were obtained from b137_SNPContigLoc.bcp.gz and b137_ContigInfo.bcp.gz. b137_SNPMapInfo.bcp.gz provided the alignment weights. Functional classification was obtained from b137_SNPContigLocusId.bcp.gz. The internal database representation uses dbSNP's function terms, but for display in SNP details pages, these are translated into Sequence Ontology terms. Validation status and heterozygosity were obtained from SNP.bcp.gz. SNPAlleleFreq.bcp.gz and ../shared/Allele.bcp.gz provided allele frequencies. For the human assembly, allele frequencies were also taken from SNPAlleleFreq_TGP.bcp.gz . Submitter handles were extracted from Batch.bcp.gz, SubSNP.bcp.gz and SNPSubSNPLink.bcp.gz. SNP_bitfield.bcp.gz provided miscellaneous properties annotated by dbSNP, such as clinically-associated. See the document dbSNP_BitField_v5.pdf for details. The header lines in the rs_fasta files were used for molecule type, class and observed polymorphism. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, Data Integrator, or Variant Annotation Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation can be downloaded from the downloads server (snp137*.txt.gz) or the public MySQL server. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions and example queries, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Orthologous Alleles (human assemblies only) For the human assembly, we provide a related table that contains orthologous alleles in the chimpanzee, orangutan and rhesus macaque reference genome assemblies. We use our liftOver utility to identify the orthologous alleles. The candidate human SNPs are a filtered list that meet the criteria: class = 'single' mapped position in the human reference genome is one base long aligned to only one location in the human reference genome not aligned to a chrN_random chrom biallelic (not tri- or quad-allelic) In some cases the orthologous allele is unknown; these are set to 'N'. If a lift was not possible, we set the orthologous allele to '?' and the orthologous start and end position to 0 (zero). Masked FASTA Files (human assemblies only) FASTA files that have been modified to use IUPAC ambiguous nucleotide characters at each base covered by a single-base substitution are available for download. Note that only single-base substitutions (no insertions or deletions) were used to mask the sequence, and these were filtered to exlcude problematic SNPs. References Sherry ST, Ward MH, Kholodov M, Baker J, Phan L, Smigielski EM, Sirotkin K. dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2001 Jan 1;29(1):308-11. TSS_activity_TPM TSS activity (TPM) TSS activity per sample (TPM) Expression and Regulation Description The FANTOM5 track shows mapped transcription start sites (TSS) and their usage in primary cells, cell lines, and tissues to produce a comprehensive overview of gene expression across the human body by using single molecule sequencing. Display Conventions and Configuration Items in this track are colored according to their strand orientation. Blue indicates alignment to the negative strand, and red indicates alignment to the positive strand. Methods Protocol Individual biological states are profiled by HeliScopeCAGE, which is a variation of the CAGE (Cap Analysis Gene Expression) protocol based on a single molecule sequencer. The standard protocol requiring 5 µg of total RNA as a starting material is referred to as hCAGE, and an optimized version for a lower quantity (~ 100 ng) is referred to as LQhCAGE (Kanamori-Katyama et al. 2011). hCAGE LQhCAGE Samples Transcription start sites (TSSs) were mapped and their usage in human, mouse, dog, rat, macaque and chicken primary cells, cell lines, and tissues was to produce a comprehensive overview of mammalian gene expression across the human body. 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. Individual samples shown in "TSS activity" tracks are grouped as below. Primary cell Tissue Cell Line Time course Fractionation TSS peaks and enhancers TSS (CAGE) peaks across the panel of the biological states (samples) are identified by DPI (decomposition based peak identification, Forrest et al. 2014), where each of the peaks consists of neighboring and related TSSs. The peaks are used as anchors to define promoters and units of promoter-level expression analysis. Two subsets of the peaks are defined based on evidence of read counts, depending on scopes of subsequent analyses, and the first subset (referred as a robust set of the peaks, thresholded for expression analysis is shown as TSS peaks. The summary tracks consist of the TSS (CAGE) peaks, the enhancers, and summary profiles of TSS activities (total and maximum values). The summary track consists of the following tracks. TSS (CAGE) peaks the robust peaks TSS summary profiles Total counts and TPM (tags per million) in all the samples Maximum counts and TPM among the samples TSS activity 5′-end of the mapped CAGE reads are counted at a single base pair resolution (CTSS, CAGE tag starting sites) on the genomic coordinates, which represent TSS activities in the sample. The read counts tracks indicate raw counts of CAGE reads, and the TPM tracks indicate normalized counts as TPM (tags per million). Categories of individual samples - Cell Line hCAGE - Cell Line LQhCAGE - fractionation hCAGE - Primary cell hCAGE - Primary cell LQhCAGE - Time course hCAGE - Tissue hCAGE Data Access FANTOM5 data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. The FANTOM5 reprocessed data can be found and downloaded on the FANTOM website. Credits Thanks to Shuhei Noguchi, the FANTOM5 consortium, the Large Scale Data Managing Unit and Preventive Medicine and Applied Genomics Unit, the Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS), and RIKEN for providing this data and its analysis. References Andersson R, Gebhard C, Miguel-Escalada I, Hoof I, Bornholdt J, Boyd M, Chen Y, Zhao X, Schmidl C, Suzuki T et al. An atlas of active enhancers across human cell types and tissues. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):455-461. PMID: 24670763; PMC: PMC5215096 Arner E, Daub CO, Vitting-Seerup K, Andersson R, Lilje B, Drablos F, Lennartsson A, Ronnerblad M Hrydziuszko O, Vitezic M et al. Transcribed enhancers lead waves of coordinated transcription in transitioning mammalian cells. Science. 2015 Feb 27;347(6225):1010-4. PMID: 25678556; PMC: PMC4681433 FANTOM Consortium and the RIKEN PMI and CLST (DGT), Forrest AR, Kawaji H, Rehli M, Baillie JK, de Hoon MJ, Haberle V, Lassmann T, Kulakovskiy IV, Lizio M et al. A promoter-level mammalian expression atlas. Nature. 2014 Mar 27;507(7493):462-70. PMID: 24670764; PMC: PMC4529748 Kanamori-Katayama M, Itoh M, Kawaji H, Lassmann T, Katayama S, Kojima M, Bertin N, Kaiho A, Ninomiya N, Daub CO et al. Unamplified cap analysis of gene expression on a single-molecule sequencer. Genome Res. 2011 Jul;21(7):1150-9. PMID: 21596820; PMC: PMC3129257 Lizio M, Harshbarger J, Shimoji H, Severin J, Kasukawa T, Sahin S, Abugessaisa I, Fukuda S, Hori F, Ishikawa-Kato S et al. Gateways to the FANTOM5 promoter level mammalian expression atlas. Genome Biol. 2015 Jan 5;16(1):22. PMID: 25723102; PMC: PMC4310165 WholeBodyNeonateN10_CNhs10518_tpm_rev WholeBodyNeonateN10- whole body, neonate N10_CNhs10518_761-6B4_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN10_CNhs10518_tpm_fwd WholeBodyNeonateN10+ whole body, neonate N10_CNhs10518_761-6B4_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN06_CNhs10515_tpm_rev WholeBodyNeonateN06- whole body, neonate N06_CNhs10515_692-21D1_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN06_CNhs10515_tpm_fwd WholeBodyNeonateN06+ whole body, neonate N06_CNhs10515_692-21D1_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN01_CNhs10576_tpm_rev WholeBodyNeonateN01- whole body, neonate N01_CNhs10576_659-23C6_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN01_CNhs10576_tpm_fwd WholeBodyNeonateN01+ whole body, neonate N01_CNhs10576_659-23C6_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN00_CNhs10525_tpm_rev WholeBodyNeonateN00- whole body, neonate N00_CNhs10525_657-19C2_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyNeonateN00_CNhs10525_tpm_fwd WholeBodyNeonateN00+ whole body, neonate N00_CNhs10525_657-19C2_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE18_CNhs10516_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE18- whole body, embryo E18_CNhs10516_493-3B3_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE18_CNhs10516_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE18+ whole body, embryo E18_CNhs10516_493-3B3_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5_CNhs10513_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5- whole body, embryo E17_5_CNhs10513_490-9F9_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5_CNhs10513_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5+ whole body, embryo E17_5_CNhs10513_490-9F9_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_CNhs10517_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17- whole body, embryo E17_CNhs10517_475-3I5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_CNhs10517_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17+ whole body, embryo E17_CNhs10517_475-3I5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE16_CNhs10514_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE16- whole body, embryo E16_CNhs10514_453-14F2_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE16_CNhs10514_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE16+ whole body, embryo E16_CNhs10514_453-14F2_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE14_5_CNhs10578_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE14_5- whole body, embryo E14_5_CNhs10578_420-27D2_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE14_5_CNhs10578_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE14_5+ whole body, embryo E14_5_CNhs10578_420-27D2_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE14_CNhs10519_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE14- whole body, embryo E14_CNhs10519_395-14B1_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE14_CNhs10519_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE14+ whole body, embryo E14_CNhs10519_395-14B1_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE13_CNhs10512_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE13- whole body, embryo E13_CNhs10512_372-23H2_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE13_CNhs10512_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE13+ whole body, embryo E13_CNhs10512_372-23H2_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE12_CNhs10587_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE12- whole body, embryo E12_CNhs10587_857-27C9_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE12_CNhs10587_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE12+ whole body, embryo E12_CNhs10587_857-27C9_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE11_CNhs11014_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE11- whole body, embryo E11_CNhs11014_324-5I8_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE11_CNhs11014_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE11+ whole body, embryo E11_CNhs11014_324-5I8_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor3_CNhs13039_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D3- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor3_CNhs13039_10243-104A9_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor3_CNhs13039_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D3+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor3_CNhs13039_10243-104A9_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor2_CNhs13038_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D2- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor2_CNhs13038_10242-104A8_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor2_CNhs13038_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D2+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor2_CNhs13038_10242-104A8_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor1_CNhs13037_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D1- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor1_CNhs13037_10241-104A7_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN6070Donor1_CNhs13037_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN60-70D1+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor1_CNhs13037_10241-104A7_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor3_CNhs13036_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D3- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor3_CNhs13036_10240-104A6_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor3_CNhs13036_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D3+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor3_CNhs13036_10240-104A6_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor2_CNhs13035_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D2- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor2_CNhs13035_10239-104A5_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor2_CNhs13035_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D2+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor2_CNhs13035_10239-104A5_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor1_CNhs13034_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D1- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor1_CNhs13034_10238-104A4_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30Donor1_CNhs13034_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN30D1+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor1_CNhs13034_10238-104A4_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor5_CNhs13820_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D5- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor5_CNhs13820_10349-105D7_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor5_CNhs13820_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D5+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor5_CNhs13820_10349-105D7_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor3_CNhs13033_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D3- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor3_CNhs13033_10237-104A3_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor3_CNhs13033_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D3+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor3_CNhs13033_10237-104A3_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor2_CNhs13032_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D2- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor2_CNhs13032_10236-104A2_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor2_CNhs13032_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D2+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor2_CNhs13032_10236-104A2_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor1_CNhs13031_tpm_rev VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D1- visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor1_CNhs13031_10235-104A1_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15Donor1_CNhs13031_tpm_fwd VisualCortexWildtypeNeonateN15D1+ visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor1_CNhs13031_10235-104A1_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor3_CNhs13048_tpm_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D3- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor3_CNhs13048_10251-104B8_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor3_CNhs13048_tpm_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D3+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor3_CNhs13048_10251-104B8_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor2_CNhs13046_tpm_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D2- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor2_CNhs13046_10250-104B7_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor2_CNhs13046_tpm_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D2+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor2_CNhs13046_10250-104B7_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor1_CNhs13045_tpm_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D1- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor1_CNhs13045_10249-104B6_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN6070Donor1_CNhs13045_tpm_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN60-70D1+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N60-70, donor1_CNhs13045_10249-104B6_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor3_CNhs13044_tpm_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN30D3- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor3_CNhs13044_10248-104B5_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor3_CNhs13044_tpm_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN30D3+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor3_CNhs13044_10248-104B5_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor2_CNhs13043_tpm_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN30D2- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor2_CNhs13043_10247-104B4_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor2_CNhs13043_tpm_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN30D2+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor2_CNhs13043_10247-104B4_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor1_CNhs13042_tpm_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN30D1- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor1_CNhs13042_10246-104B3_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN30Donor1_CNhs13042_tpm_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN30D1+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N30, donor1_CNhs13042_10246-104B3_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor3_CNhs13821_tpm_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN15D3- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor3_CNhs13821_10350-105D8_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor3_CNhs13821_tpm_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN15D3+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor3_CNhs13821_10350-105D8_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor2_CNhs13041_tpm_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN15D2- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor2_CNhs13041_10245-104B2_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor2_CNhs13041_tpm_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN15D2+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor2_CNhs13041_10245-104B2_forward Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor1_CNhs13040_tpm_rev VisualCortexMecpKoN15D1- visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor1_CNhs13040_10244-104B1_reverse Expression and Regulation VisualCortexMecpKnockoutNeonateN15Donor1_CNhs13040_tpm_fwd VisualCortexMecpKoN15D1+ visual cortex - Mecp knockout, neonate N15, donor1_CNhs13040_10244-104B1_forward Expression and Regulation VesicularGlandAdult_CNhs10491_tpm_rev VesicularGlandAdult- vesicular gland, adult_CNhs10491_51-27F8_reverse Expression and Regulation VesicularGlandAdult_CNhs10491_tpm_fwd VesicularGlandAdult+ vesicular gland, adult_CNhs10491_51-27F8_forward Expression and Regulation VaginaAdult_CNhs10502_tpm_rev VaginaAdult- vagina, adult_CNhs10502_89-27D5_reverse Expression and Regulation VaginaAdult_CNhs10502_tpm_fwd VaginaAdult+ vagina, adult_CNhs10502_89-27D5_forward Expression and Regulation UterusAdultPregnantDay19_CNhs10497_tpm_rev UterusAdultPregnantDay19- uterus, adult pregnant day19_CNhs10497_590-15F5_reverse Expression and Regulation UterusAdultPregnantDay19_CNhs10497_tpm_fwd UterusAdultPregnantDay19+ uterus, adult pregnant day19_CNhs10497_590-15F5_forward Expression and Regulation UterusAdult_CNhs10509_tpm_rev UterusAdult- uterus, adult_CNhs10509_92-27E5_reverse Expression and Regulation UterusAdult_CNhs10509_tpm_fwd UterusAdult+ uterus, adult_CNhs10509_92-27E5_forward Expression and Regulation UrinaryBladderAdult_CNhs10481_tpm_rev UrinaryBladderAdult- urinary bladder, adult_CNhs10481_879-12E4_reverse Expression and Regulation UrinaryBladderAdult_CNhs10481_tpm_fwd UrinaryBladderAdult+ urinary bladder, adult_CNhs10481_879-12E4_forward Expression and Regulation UniversalRNAMouseNormalTissuesBiochainPool1_CNhs10613_tpm_rev UniversalRnaNormalTissuesBiochainPl1- Universal RNA - Mouse Normal Tissues Biochain, pool1_CNhs10613_10008-101B6_reverse Expression and Regulation UniversalRNAMouseNormalTissuesBiochainPool1_CNhs10613_tpm_fwd UniversalRnaNormalTissuesBiochainPl1+ Universal RNA - Mouse Normal Tissues Biochain, pool1_CNhs10613_10008-101B6_forward Expression and Regulation TongueAdult_CNhs10499_tpm_rev TongueAdult- tongue, adult_CNhs10499_32-1B4_reverse Expression and Regulation TongueAdult_CNhs10499_tpm_fwd TongueAdult+ tongue, adult_CNhs10499_32-1B4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN30_CNhs11132_tpm_rev ThymusNeonateN30- thymus, neonate N30_CNhs11132_1393-42G2_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN30_CNhs11132_tpm_fwd ThymusNeonateN30+ thymus, neonate N30_CNhs11132_1393-42G2_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN25_CNhs11125_tpm_rev ThymusNeonateN25- thymus, neonate N25_CNhs11125_1362-25G7_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN25_CNhs11125_tpm_fwd ThymusNeonateN25+ thymus, neonate N25_CNhs11125_1362-25G7_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN20_CNhs11186_tpm_rev ThymusNeonateN20- thymus, neonate N20_CNhs11186_820-7A2_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN20_CNhs11186_tpm_fwd ThymusNeonateN20+ thymus, neonate N20_CNhs11186_820-7A2_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN10_CNhs11194_tpm_rev ThymusNeonateN10- thymus, neonate N10_CNhs11194_748-24E4_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN10_CNhs11194_tpm_fwd ThymusNeonateN10+ thymus, neonate N10_CNhs11194_748-24E4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN07_CNhs11211_tpm_rev ThymusNeonateN07- thymus, neonate N07_CNhs11211_713-19D3_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN07_CNhs11211_tpm_fwd ThymusNeonateN07+ thymus, neonate N07_CNhs11211_713-19D3_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN06_CNhs11197_tpm_rev ThymusNeonateN06- thymus, neonate N06_CNhs11197_681-26C4_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN06_CNhs11197_tpm_fwd ThymusNeonateN06+ thymus, neonate N06_CNhs11197_681-26C4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN03_CNhs11137_tpm_rev ThymusNeonateN03- thymus, neonate N03_CNhs11137_2104-43C7_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN03_CNhs11137_tpm_fwd ThymusNeonateN03+ thymus, neonate N03_CNhs11137_2104-43C7_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN02_CNhs11181_tpm_rev ThymusNeonateN02- thymus, neonate N02_CNhs11181_1541-43F8_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusNeonateN02_CNhs11181_tpm_fwd ThymusNeonateN02+ thymus, neonate N02_CNhs11181_1541-43F8_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE18_CNhs10595_tpm_rev ThymusEmbryoE18- thymus, embryo E18_CNhs10595_1273-19G4_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE18_CNhs10595_tpm_fwd ThymusEmbryoE18+ thymus, embryo E18_CNhs10595_1273-19G4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE17_CNhs10581_tpm_rev ThymusEmbryoE17- thymus, embryo E17_CNhs10581_478-18C1_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE17_CNhs10581_tpm_fwd ThymusEmbryoE17+ thymus, embryo E17_CNhs10581_478-18C1_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE16_CNhs11002_tpm_rev ThymusEmbryoE16- thymus, embryo E16_CNhs11002_456-26C5_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE16_CNhs11002_tpm_fwd ThymusEmbryoE16+ thymus, embryo E16_CNhs11002_456-26C5_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE15_CNhs11005_tpm_rev ThymusEmbryoE15- thymus, embryo E15_CNhs11005_430-45I2_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE15_CNhs11005_tpm_fwd ThymusEmbryoE15+ thymus, embryo E15_CNhs11005_430-45I2_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE14_CNhs11041_tpm_rev ThymusEmbryoE14- thymus, embryo E14_CNhs11041_402-44I4_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusEmbryoE14_CNhs11041_tpm_fwd ThymusEmbryoE14+ thymus, embryo E14_CNhs11041_402-44I4_forward Expression and Regulation ThymusAdult_CNhs10471_tpm_rev ThymusAdult- thymus, adult_CNhs10471_38-12B5_reverse Expression and Regulation ThymusAdult_CNhs10471_tpm_fwd ThymusAdult+ thymus, adult_CNhs10471_38-12B5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN30_CNhs11130_tpm_rev TestisNeonateN30- testis, neonate N30_CNhs11130_1391-42E2_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN30_CNhs11130_tpm_fwd TestisNeonateN30+ testis, neonate N30_CNhs11130_1391-42E2_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN20_CNhs11110_tpm_rev TestisNeonateN20- testis, neonate N20_CNhs11110_839-18H3_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN20_CNhs11110_tpm_fwd TestisNeonateN20+ testis, neonate N20_CNhs11110_839-18H3_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN10_CNhs11204_tpm_rev TestisNeonateN10- testis, neonate N10_CNhs11204_763-44D9_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN10_CNhs11204_tpm_fwd TestisNeonateN10+ testis, neonate N10_CNhs11204_763-44D9_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN07_CNhs11222_tpm_rev TestisNeonateN07- testis, neonate N07_CNhs11222_726-26I4_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN07_CNhs11222_tpm_fwd TestisNeonateN07+ testis, neonate N07_CNhs11222_726-26I4_forward Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN00_CNhs11189_tpm_rev TestisNeonateN00- testis, neonate N00_CNhs11189_1300-22B7_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisNeonateN00_CNhs11189_tpm_fwd TestisNeonateN00+ testis, neonate N00_CNhs11189_1300-22B7_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE18_CNhs11027_tpm_rev TestisEmbryoE18- testis, embryo E18_CNhs11027_503-18G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE18_CNhs11027_tpm_fwd TestisEmbryoE18+ testis, embryo E18_CNhs11027_503-18G5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE17_CNhs11029_tpm_rev TestisEmbryoE17- testis, embryo E17_CNhs11029_486-18I5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE17_CNhs11029_tpm_fwd TestisEmbryoE17+ testis, embryo E17_CNhs11029_486-18I5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE16_CNhs11033_tpm_rev TestisEmbryoE16- testis, embryo E16_CNhs11033_470-26G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE16_CNhs11033_tpm_fwd TestisEmbryoE16+ testis, embryo E16_CNhs11033_470-26G5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE15_CNhs11034_tpm_rev TestisEmbryoE15- testis, embryo E15_CNhs11034_443-27C5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE15_CNhs11034_tpm_fwd TestisEmbryoE15+ testis, embryo E15_CNhs11034_443-27C5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE13_CNhs11031_tpm_rev TestisEmbryoE13- testis, embryo E13_CNhs11031_389-23F5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisEmbryoE13_CNhs11031_tpm_fwd TestisEmbryoE13+ testis, embryo E13_CNhs11031_389-23F5_forward Expression and Regulation TestisAdult_CNhs10504_tpm_rev TestisAdult- testis, adult_CNhs10504_57-7G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TestisAdult_CNhs10504_tpm_fwd TestisAdult+ testis, adult_CNhs10504_57-7G5_forward Expression and Regulation SubmandibularGlandAdult_CNhs10469_tpm_rev SubmandibularGlandAdult- submandibular gland, adult_CNhs10469_59-29C1_reverse Expression and Regulation SubmandibularGlandAdult_CNhs10469_tpm_fwd SubmandibularGlandAdult+ submandibular gland, adult_CNhs10469_59-29C1_forward Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN30_CNhs11134_tpm_rev StomachNeonateN30- stomach, neonate N30_CNhs11134_1386-42I1_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN30_CNhs11134_tpm_fwd StomachNeonateN30+ stomach, neonate N30_CNhs11134_1386-42I1_forward Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN25_CNhs11104_tpm_rev StomachNeonateN25- stomach, neonate N25_CNhs11104_1355-25E4_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN25_CNhs11104_tpm_fwd StomachNeonateN25+ stomach, neonate N25_CNhs11104_1355-25E4_forward Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN07_CNhs11210_tpm_rev StomachNeonateN07- stomach, neonate N07_CNhs11210_718-18A9_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN07_CNhs11210_tpm_fwd StomachNeonateN07+ stomach, neonate N07_CNhs11210_718-18A9_forward Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN03_CNhs11193_tpm_rev StomachNeonateN03- stomach, neonate N03_CNhs11193_1340-24B8_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachNeonateN03_CNhs11193_tpm_fwd StomachNeonateN03+ stomach, neonate N03_CNhs11193_1340-24B8_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE18_CNhs10999_tpm_rev StomachEmbryoE18- stomach, embryo E18_CNhs10999_1286-20C6_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE18_CNhs10999_tpm_fwd StomachEmbryoE18+ stomach, embryo E18_CNhs10999_1286-20C6_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE17_CNhs11006_tpm_rev StomachEmbryoE17- stomach, embryo E17_CNhs11006_1035-18D5_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE17_CNhs11006_tpm_fwd StomachEmbryoE17+ stomach, embryo E17_CNhs11006_1035-18D5_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE16_CNhs11022_tpm_rev StomachEmbryoE16- stomach, embryo E16_CNhs11022_459-17D4_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE16_CNhs11022_tpm_fwd StomachEmbryoE16+ stomach, embryo E16_CNhs11022_459-17D4_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE15_CNhs10603_tpm_rev StomachEmbryoE15- stomach, embryo E15_CNhs10603_1252-16G8_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE15_CNhs10603_tpm_fwd StomachEmbryoE15+ stomach, embryo E15_CNhs10603_1252-16G8_forward Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE12_CNhs10588_tpm_rev StomachEmbryoE12- stomach, embryo E12_CNhs10588_356-43E3_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachEmbryoE12_CNhs10588_tpm_fwd StomachEmbryoE12+ stomach, embryo E12_CNhs10588_356-43E3_forward Expression and Regulation StomachAdult_CNhs10503_tpm_rev StomachAdult- stomach, adult_CNhs10503_33-1H6_reverse Expression and Regulation StomachAdult_CNhs10503_tpm_fwd StomachAdult+ stomach, adult_CNhs10503_33-1H6_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN25_CNhs11099_tpm_rev SpleenNeonateN25- spleen, neonate N25_CNhs11099_1354-25G3_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN25_CNhs11099_tpm_fwd SpleenNeonateN25+ spleen, neonate N25_CNhs11099_1354-25G3_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN20_CNhs11112_tpm_rev SpleenNeonateN20- spleen, neonate N20_CNhs11112_824-19H1_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN20_CNhs11112_tpm_fwd SpleenNeonateN20+ spleen, neonate N20_CNhs11112_824-19H1_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN10_CNhs11116_tpm_rev SpleenNeonateN10- spleen, neonate N10_CNhs11116_752-24D1_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenNeonateN10_CNhs11116_tpm_fwd SpleenNeonateN10+ spleen, neonate N10_CNhs11116_752-24D1_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenEmbryoE18_CNhs11011_tpm_rev SpleenEmbryoE18- spleen, embryo E18_CNhs11011_1271-21F2_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenEmbryoE18_CNhs11011_tpm_fwd SpleenEmbryoE18+ spleen, embryo E18_CNhs11011_1271-21F2_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenEmbryoE16_CNhs11035_tpm_rev SpleenEmbryoE16- spleen, embryo E16_CNhs11035_461-43C1_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenEmbryoE16_CNhs11035_tpm_fwd SpleenEmbryoE16+ spleen, embryo E16_CNhs11035_461-43C1_forward Expression and Regulation SpleenAdult_CNhs10465_tpm_rev SpleenAdult- spleen, adult_CNhs10465_25-2G2_reverse Expression and Regulation SpleenAdult_CNhs10465_tpm_fwd SpleenAdult+ spleen, adult_CNhs10465_25-2G2_forward Expression and Regulation SpinalCordAdult_CNhs10505_tpm_rev SpinalCordAdult- spinal cord, adult_CNhs10505_24-13C9_reverse Expression and Regulation SpinalCordAdult_CNhs10505_tpm_fwd SpinalCordAdult+ spinal cord, adult_CNhs10505_24-13C9_forward Expression and Regulation SmallIntestineNeonateN16_CNhs11114_tpm_rev SmallIntestineNeonateN16- small intestine, neonate N16_CNhs11114_790-21I1_reverse Expression and Regulation SmallIntestineNeonateN16_CNhs11114_tpm_fwd SmallIntestineNeonateN16+ small intestine, neonate N16_CNhs11114_790-21I1_forward Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN10_CNhs11108_tpm_rev SkinNeonateN10- skin, neonate N10_CNhs11108_762-6C4_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN10_CNhs11108_tpm_fwd SkinNeonateN10+ skin, neonate N10_CNhs11108_762-6C4_forward Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN06_CNhs11097_tpm_rev SkinNeonateN06- skin, neonate N06_CNhs11097_693-20I5_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN06_CNhs11097_tpm_fwd SkinNeonateN06+ skin, neonate N06_CNhs11097_693-20I5_forward Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN03_CNhs11215_tpm_rev SkinNeonateN03- skin, neonate N03_CNhs11215_662-22H3_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN03_CNhs11215_tpm_fwd SkinNeonateN03+ skin, neonate N03_CNhs11215_662-22H3_forward Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN00_CNhs11124_tpm_rev SkinNeonateN00- skin, neonate N00_CNhs11124_650-25G4_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinNeonateN00_CNhs11124_tpm_fwd SkinNeonateN00+ skin, neonate N00_CNhs11124_650-25G4_forward Expression and Regulation SkinAdult_CNhs10492_tpm_rev SkinAdult- skin, adult_CNhs10492_30-1C3_reverse Expression and Regulation SkinAdult_CNhs10492_tpm_fwd SkinAdult+ skin, adult_CNhs10492_30-1C3_forward Expression and Regulation SABiosciencesXpressRefMouseUniversalTotalRNAPool1_CNhs10611_tpm_rev SabiosciencesXpressrefUniversalPl1- SABiosciences XpressRef Mouse Universal Total RNA, pool1_CNhs10611_10003-101A7_reverse Expression and Regulation SABiosciencesXpressRefMouseUniversalTotalRNAPool1_CNhs10611_tpm_fwd SabiosciencesXpressrefUniversalPl1+ SABiosciences XpressRef Mouse Universal Total RNA, pool1_CNhs10611_10003-101A7_forward Expression and Regulation ProstateAdult_CNhs10470_tpm_rev ProstateAdult- prostate, adult_CNhs10470_859-1F8_reverse Expression and Regulation ProstateAdult_CNhs10470_tpm_fwd ProstateAdult+ prostate, adult_CNhs10470_859-1F8_forward Expression and Regulation PlacentaAdultPregnantDay17_CNhs10464_tpm_rev PlacentaAdultPregnantDay17- placenta, adult pregnant day17_CNhs10464_577-18G3_reverse Expression and Regulation PlacentaAdultPregnantDay17_CNhs10464_tpm_fwd PlacentaAdultPregnantDay17+ placenta, adult pregnant day17_CNhs10464_577-18G3_forward Expression and Regulation PlacentaAdultPregnantDay10_CNhs10472_tpm_rev PlacentaAdultPregnantDay10- placenta, adult pregnant day10_CNhs10472_539-13I7_reverse Expression and Regulation PlacentaAdultPregnantDay10_CNhs10472_tpm_fwd PlacentaAdultPregnantDay10+ placenta, adult pregnant day10_CNhs10472_539-13I7_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandNeonateN00_CNhs11190_tpm_rev PituitaryGlandNeonateN00- pituitary gland, neonate N00_CNhs11190_1308-22E9_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandNeonateN00_CNhs11190_tpm_fwd PituitaryGlandNeonateN00+ pituitary gland, neonate N00_CNhs11190_1308-22E9_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE17_CNhs11039_tpm_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE17- pituitary gland, embryo E17_CNhs11039_1265-44F5_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE17_CNhs11039_tpm_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE17+ pituitary gland, embryo E17_CNhs11039_1265-44F5_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE16_CNhs11036_tpm_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE16- pituitary gland, embryo E16_CNhs11036_449-43F6_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE16_CNhs11036_tpm_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE16+ pituitary gland, embryo E16_CNhs11036_449-43F6_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE15_CNhs10592_tpm_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE15- pituitary gland, embryo E15_CNhs10592_427-16B9_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE15_CNhs10592_tpm_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE15+ pituitary gland, embryo E15_CNhs10592_427-16B9_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE14_CNhs11037_tpm_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE14- pituitary gland, embryo E14_CNhs11037_398-44A5_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE14_CNhs11037_tpm_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE14+ pituitary gland, embryo E14_CNhs11037_398-44A5_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE13_CNhs11009_tpm_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE13- pituitary gland, embryo E13_CNhs11009_370-44C7_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE13_CNhs11009_tpm_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE13+ pituitary gland, embryo E13_CNhs11009_370-44C7_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE12_CNhs11018_tpm_rev PituitaryGlandEmbryoE12- pituitary gland, embryo E12_CNhs11018_346-16E6_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandEmbryoE12_CNhs11018_tpm_fwd PituitaryGlandEmbryoE12+ pituitary gland, embryo E12_CNhs11018_346-16E6_forward Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandAdult_CNhs10493_tpm_rev PituitaryGlandAdult- pituitary gland, adult_CNhs10493_21-1G8_reverse Expression and Regulation PituitaryGlandAdult_CNhs10493_tpm_fwd PituitaryGlandAdult+ pituitary gland, adult_CNhs10493_21-1G8_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN30_CNhs11182_tpm_rev PancreasNeonateN30- pancreas, neonate N30_CNhs11182_1548-44H5_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN30_CNhs11182_tpm_fwd PancreasNeonateN30+ pancreas, neonate N30_CNhs11182_1548-44H5_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN25_CNhs11094_tpm_rev PancreasNeonateN25- pancreas, neonate N25_CNhs11094_1555-45E2_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN25_CNhs11094_tpm_fwd PancreasNeonateN25+ pancreas, neonate N25_CNhs11094_1555-45E2_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN16_CNhs11136_tpm_rev PancreasNeonateN16- pancreas, neonate N16_CNhs11136_787-43B6_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN16_CNhs11136_tpm_fwd PancreasNeonateN16+ pancreas, neonate N16_CNhs11136_787-43B6_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN02_CNhs11139_tpm_rev PancreasNeonateN02- pancreas, neonate N02_CNhs11139_1539-43D8_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN02_CNhs11139_tpm_fwd PancreasNeonateN02+ pancreas, neonate N02_CNhs11139_1539-43D8_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN01_CNhs11138_tpm_rev PancreasNeonateN01- pancreas, neonate N01_CNhs11138_1531-43D7_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN01_CNhs11138_tpm_fwd PancreasNeonateN01+ pancreas, neonate N01_CNhs11138_1531-43D7_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN00_CNhs11105_tpm_rev PancreasNeonateN00- pancreas, neonate N00_CNhs11105_645-26G9_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasNeonateN00_CNhs11105_tpm_fwd PancreasNeonateN00+ pancreas, neonate N00_CNhs11105_645-26G9_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE18_CNhs10580_tpm_rev PancreasEmbryoE18- pancreas, embryo E18_CNhs10580_1535-43I7_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE18_CNhs10580_tpm_fwd PancreasEmbryoE18+ pancreas, embryo E18_CNhs10580_1535-43I7_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE17_CNhs10599_tpm_rev PancreasEmbryoE17- pancreas, embryo E17_CNhs10599_1558-45G3_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE17_CNhs10599_tpm_fwd PancreasEmbryoE17+ pancreas, embryo E17_CNhs10599_1558-45G3_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE16_CNhs11003_tpm_rev PancreasEmbryoE16- pancreas, embryo E16_CNhs11003_460-26E5_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE16_CNhs11003_tpm_fwd PancreasEmbryoE16+ pancreas, embryo E16_CNhs11003_460-26E5_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE15_CNhs11042_tpm_rev PancreasEmbryoE15- pancreas, embryo E15_CNhs11042_1556-45F2_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE15_CNhs11042_tpm_fwd PancreasEmbryoE15+ pancreas, embryo E15_CNhs11042_1556-45F2_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE14_CNhs11012_tpm_rev PancreasEmbryoE14- pancreas, embryo E14_CNhs11012_405-44F4_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasEmbryoE14_CNhs11012_tpm_fwd PancreasEmbryoE14+ pancreas, embryo E14_CNhs11012_405-44F4_forward Expression and Regulation PancreasAdult_CNhs10486_tpm_rev PancreasAdult- pancreas, adult_CNhs10486_34-16E4_reverse Expression and Regulation PancreasAdult_CNhs10486_tpm_fwd PancreasAdult+ pancreas, adult_CNhs10486_34-16E4_forward Expression and Regulation OviductAdultPregnantDay01_CNhs10500_tpm_rev OviductAdultPregnantDay01- oviduct, adult pregnant day01_CNhs10500_988-6G6_reverse Expression and Regulation OviductAdultPregnantDay01_CNhs10500_tpm_fwd OviductAdultPregnantDay01+ oviduct, adult pregnant day01_CNhs10500_988-6G6_forward Expression and Regulation OvaryNeonateN00_CNhs11217_tpm_rev OvaryNeonateN00- ovary, neonate N00_CNhs11217_1299-22I4_reverse Expression and Regulation OvaryNeonateN00_CNhs11217_tpm_fwd OvaryNeonateN00+ ovary, neonate N00_CNhs11217_1299-22I4_forward Expression and Regulation OvaryEmbryoE18_CNhs11040_tpm_rev OvaryEmbryoE18- ovary, embryo E18_CNhs11040_505-44H7_reverse Expression and Regulation OvaryEmbryoE18_CNhs11040_tpm_fwd OvaryEmbryoE18+ ovary, embryo E18_CNhs11040_505-44H7_forward Expression and Regulation OvaryAdult_CNhs10507_tpm_rev OvaryAdult- ovary, adult_CNhs10507_91-2I7_reverse Expression and Regulation OvaryAdult_CNhs10507_tpm_fwd OvaryAdult+ ovary, adult_CNhs10507_91-2I7_forward Expression and Regulation OlfactoryBrainAdult_CNhs10489_tpm_rev OlfactoryBrainAdult- olfactory brain, adult_CNhs10489_18-22I9_reverse Expression and Regulation OlfactoryBrainAdult_CNhs10489_tpm_fwd OlfactoryBrainAdult+ olfactory brain, adult_CNhs10489_18-22I9_forward Expression and Regulation MuscleBicepsFemorisNeonateN30_CNhs11129_tpm_rev Muscle(bicepsFemoris)NeonateN30- muscle (biceps femoris), neonate N30_CNhs11129_1389-42C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MuscleBicepsFemorisNeonateN30_CNhs11129_tpm_fwd Muscle(bicepsFemoris)NeonateN30+ muscle (biceps femoris), neonate N30_CNhs11129_1389-42C2_forward Expression and Regulation MedullaOblongataNeonateN30_CNhs11200_tpm_rev MedullaOblongataNeonateN30- medulla oblongata, neonate N30_CNhs11200_1396-42A3_reverse Expression and Regulation MedullaOblongataNeonateN30_CNhs11200_tpm_fwd MedullaOblongataNeonateN30+ medulla oblongata, neonate N30_CNhs11200_1396-42A3_forward Expression and Regulation MedullaOblongataAdult_CNhs10477_tpm_rev MedullaOblongataAdult- medulla oblongata, adult_CNhs10477_17-12C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MedullaOblongataAdult_CNhs10477_tpm_fwd MedullaOblongataAdult+ medulla oblongata, adult_CNhs10477_17-12C2_forward Expression and Regulation MammaryGlandAdultPregnantDay19_CNhs10476_tpm_rev MammaryGlandAdultPregnantDay19- mammary gland, adult pregnant day19_CNhs10476_588-5H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MammaryGlandAdultPregnantDay19_CNhs10476_tpm_fwd MammaryGlandAdultPregnantDay19+ mammary gland, adult pregnant day19_CNhs10476_588-5H2_forward Expression and Regulation MammaryGlandAdultLactatingDay02_CNhs10480_tpm_rev MammaryGlandAdultLactatingDay02- mammary gland, adult lactating day02_CNhs10480_595-22B6_reverse Expression and Regulation MammaryGlandAdultLactatingDay02_CNhs10480_tpm_fwd MammaryGlandAdultLactatingDay02+ mammary gland, adult lactating day02_CNhs10480_595-22B6_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN30_CNhs11133_tpm_rev LungNeonateN30- lung, neonate N30_CNhs11133_1394-42H2_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN30_CNhs11133_tpm_fwd LungNeonateN30+ lung, neonate N30_CNhs11133_1394-42H2_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN25_CNhs11119_tpm_rev LungNeonateN25- lung, neonate N25_CNhs11119_1359-25C7_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN25_CNhs11119_tpm_fwd LungNeonateN25+ lung, neonate N25_CNhs11119_1359-25C7_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN20_CNhs11109_tpm_rev LungNeonateN20- lung, neonate N20_CNhs11109_822-18A4_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN20_CNhs11109_tpm_fwd LungNeonateN20+ lung, neonate N20_CNhs11109_822-18A4_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN10_CNhs11219_tpm_rev LungNeonateN10- lung, neonate N10_CNhs11219_750-23E6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN10_CNhs11219_tpm_fwd LungNeonateN10+ lung, neonate N10_CNhs11219_750-23E6_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN07_CNhs11111_tpm_rev LungNeonateN07- lung, neonate N07_CNhs11111_715-19A3_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN07_CNhs11111_tpm_fwd LungNeonateN07+ lung, neonate N07_CNhs11111_715-19A3_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN06_CNhs11212_tpm_rev LungNeonateN06- lung, neonate N06_CNhs11212_683-20E5_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN06_CNhs11212_tpm_fwd LungNeonateN06+ lung, neonate N06_CNhs11212_683-20E5_forward Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN00_CNhs11224_tpm_rev LungNeonateN00- lung, neonate N00_CNhs11224_640-42C6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungNeonateN00_CNhs11224_tpm_fwd LungNeonateN00+ lung, neonate N00_CNhs11224_640-42C6_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE18_CNhs10583_tpm_rev LungEmbryoE18- lung, embryo E18_CNhs10583_1287-20I6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE18_CNhs10583_tpm_fwd LungEmbryoE18+ lung, embryo E18_CNhs10583_1287-20I6_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE17_CNhs10605_tpm_rev LungEmbryoE17- lung, embryo E17_CNhs10605_480-44A6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE17_CNhs10605_tpm_fwd LungEmbryoE17+ lung, embryo E17_CNhs10605_480-44A6_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE16_CNhs10998_tpm_rev LungEmbryoE16- lung, embryo E16_CNhs10998_458-17B6_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE16_CNhs10998_tpm_fwd LungEmbryoE16+ lung, embryo E16_CNhs10998_458-17B6_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE15_CNhs11020_tpm_rev LungEmbryoE15- lung, embryo E15_CNhs11020_432-17C5_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE15_CNhs11020_tpm_fwd LungEmbryoE15+ lung, embryo E15_CNhs11020_432-17C5_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE14_CNhs10604_tpm_rev LungEmbryoE14- lung, embryo E14_CNhs10604_404-26F8_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE14_CNhs10604_tpm_fwd LungEmbryoE14+ lung, embryo E14_CNhs10604_404-26F8_forward Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE12_CNhs10522_tpm_rev LungEmbryoE12- lung, embryo E12_CNhs10522_354-16G2_reverse Expression and Regulation LungEmbryoE12_CNhs10522_tpm_fwd LungEmbryoE12+ lung, embryo E12_CNhs10522_354-16G2_forward Expression and Regulation LungAdult_CNhs10474_tpm_rev LungAdult- lung, adult_CNhs10474_28-22B1_reverse Expression and Regulation LungAdult_CNhs10474_tpm_fwd LungAdult+ lung, adult_CNhs10474_28-22B1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN30_CNhs11106_tpm_rev LiverNeonateN30- liver, neonate N30_CNhs11106_1382-42D1_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN30_CNhs11106_tpm_fwd LiverNeonateN30+ liver, neonate N30_CNhs11106_1382-42D1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN25_CNhs11198_tpm_rev LiverNeonateN25- liver, neonate N25_CNhs11198_1368-26H1_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN25_CNhs11198_tpm_fwd LiverNeonateN25+ liver, neonate N25_CNhs11198_1368-26H1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN20_CNhs11220_tpm_rev LiverNeonateN20- liver, neonate N20_CNhs11220_823-25A3_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN20_CNhs11220_tpm_fwd LiverNeonateN20+ liver, neonate N20_CNhs11220_823-25A3_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN10_CNhs11115_tpm_rev LiverNeonateN10- liver, neonate N10_CNhs11115_751-24B9_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN10_CNhs11115_tpm_fwd LiverNeonateN10+ liver, neonate N10_CNhs11115_751-24B9_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN07_CNhs11103_tpm_rev LiverNeonateN07- liver, neonate N07_CNhs11103_716-20H2_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN07_CNhs11103_tpm_fwd LiverNeonateN07+ liver, neonate N07_CNhs11103_716-20H2_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN06_CNhs11101_tpm_rev LiverNeonateN06- liver, neonate N06_CNhs11101_684-20A8_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN06_CNhs11101_tpm_fwd LiverNeonateN06+ liver, neonate N06_CNhs11101_684-20A8_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN03_CNhs11123_tpm_rev LiverNeonateN03- liver, neonate N03_CNhs11123_1345-25G2_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN03_CNhs11123_tpm_fwd LiverNeonateN03+ liver, neonate N03_CNhs11123_1345-25G2_forward Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN00_CNhs11117_tpm_rev LiverNeonateN00- liver, neonate N00_CNhs11117_641-24F4_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverNeonateN00_CNhs11117_tpm_fwd LiverNeonateN00+ liver, neonate N00_CNhs11117_641-24F4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE18_CNhs10579_tpm_rev LiverEmbryoE18- liver, embryo E18_CNhs10579_499-43G4_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE18_CNhs10579_tpm_fwd LiverEmbryoE18+ liver, embryo E18_CNhs10579_499-43G4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE17_CNhs10510_tpm_rev LiverEmbryoE17- liver, embryo E17_CNhs10510_481-18A3_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE17_CNhs10510_tpm_fwd LiverEmbryoE17+ liver, embryo E17_CNhs10510_481-18A3_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE16_CNhs10523_tpm_rev LiverEmbryoE16- liver, embryo E16_CNhs10523_462-17F5_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE16_CNhs10523_tpm_fwd LiverEmbryoE16+ liver, embryo E16_CNhs10523_462-17F5_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE15_CNhs10520_tpm_rev LiverEmbryoE15- liver, embryo E15_CNhs10520_433-16D7_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE15_CNhs10520_tpm_fwd LiverEmbryoE15+ liver, embryo E15_CNhs10520_433-16D7_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE14_CNhs10594_tpm_rev LiverEmbryoE14- liver, embryo E14_CNhs10594_409-16E1_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE14_CNhs10594_tpm_fwd LiverEmbryoE14+ liver, embryo E14_CNhs10594_409-16E1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE13_CNhs10524_tpm_rev LiverEmbryoE13- liver, embryo E13_CNhs10524_378-3H6_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE13_CNhs10524_tpm_fwd LiverEmbryoE13+ liver, embryo E13_CNhs10524_378-3H6_forward Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE12_CNhs10601_tpm_rev LiverEmbryoE12- liver, embryo E12_CNhs10601_355-15F8_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverEmbryoE12_CNhs10601_tpm_fwd LiverEmbryoE12+ liver, embryo E12_CNhs10601_355-15F8_forward Expression and Regulation LiverAdultPregnantDay01_CNhs10466_tpm_rev LiverAdultPregnantDay01- liver, adult pregnant day01_CNhs10466_508-5B2_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverAdultPregnantDay01_CNhs10466_tpm_fwd LiverAdultPregnantDay01+ liver, adult pregnant day01_CNhs10466_508-5B2_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN30_CNhs11203_tpm_rev KidneyNeonateN30- kidney, neonate N30_CNhs11203_1385-42H1_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN30_CNhs11203_tpm_fwd KidneyNeonateN30+ kidney, neonate N30_CNhs11203_1385-42H1_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN25_CNhs11122_tpm_rev KidneyNeonateN25- kidney, neonate N25_CNhs11122_1353-25F3_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN25_CNhs11122_tpm_fwd KidneyNeonateN25+ kidney, neonate N25_CNhs11122_1353-25F3_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN20_CNhs11113_tpm_rev KidneyNeonateN20- kidney, neonate N20_CNhs11113_832-19I1_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN20_CNhs11113_tpm_fwd KidneyNeonateN20+ kidney, neonate N20_CNhs11113_832-19I1_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN10_CNhs11206_tpm_rev KidneyNeonateN10- kidney, neonate N10_CNhs11206_758-6D5_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN10_CNhs11206_tpm_fwd KidneyNeonateN10+ kidney, neonate N10_CNhs11206_758-6D5_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN00_CNhs11214_tpm_rev KidneyNeonateN00- kidney, neonate N00_CNhs11214_646-21G7_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyNeonateN00_CNhs11214_tpm_fwd KidneyNeonateN00+ kidney, neonate N00_CNhs11214_646-21G7_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE18_CNhs11001_tpm_rev KidneyEmbryoE18- kidney, embryo E18_CNhs11001_1288-20C7_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE18_CNhs11001_tpm_fwd KidneyEmbryoE18+ kidney, embryo E18_CNhs11001_1288-20C7_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE17_CNhs11028_tpm_rev KidneyEmbryoE17- kidney, embryo E17_CNhs11028_483-18I2_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE17_CNhs11028_tpm_fwd KidneyEmbryoE17+ kidney, embryo E17_CNhs11028_483-18I2_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE16_CNhs10584_tpm_rev KidneyEmbryoE16- kidney, embryo E16_CNhs10584_464-22A5_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE16_CNhs10584_tpm_fwd KidneyEmbryoE16+ kidney, embryo E16_CNhs10584_464-22A5_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE15_CNhs10997_tpm_rev KidneyEmbryoE15- kidney, embryo E15_CNhs10997_434-16F8_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE15_CNhs10997_tpm_fwd KidneyEmbryoE15+ kidney, embryo E15_CNhs10997_434-16F8_forward Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE14_CNhs10606_tpm_rev KidneyEmbryoE14- kidney, embryo E14_CNhs10606_411-4I9_reverse Expression and Regulation KidneyEmbryoE14_CNhs10606_tpm_fwd KidneyEmbryoE14+ kidney, embryo E14_CNhs10606_411-4I9_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN30_CNhs11131_tpm_rev IntestineNeonateN30- intestine, neonate N30_CNhs11131_1384-42G1_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN30_CNhs11131_tpm_fwd IntestineNeonateN30+ intestine, neonate N30_CNhs11131_1384-42G1_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN25_CNhs11121_tpm_rev IntestineNeonateN25- intestine, neonate N25_CNhs11121_1352-25E3_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN25_CNhs11121_tpm_fwd IntestineNeonateN25+ intestine, neonate N25_CNhs11121_1352-25E3_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN20_CNhs11187_tpm_rev IntestineNeonateN20- intestine, neonate N20_CNhs11187_827-18D1_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN20_CNhs11187_tpm_fwd IntestineNeonateN20+ intestine, neonate N20_CNhs11187_827-18D1_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN10_CNhs11098_tpm_rev IntestineNeonateN10- intestine, neonate N10_CNhs11098_755-23A5_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN10_CNhs11098_tpm_fwd IntestineNeonateN10+ intestine, neonate N10_CNhs11098_755-23A5_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN07_CNhs11095_tpm_rev IntestineNeonateN07- intestine, neonate N07_CNhs11095_720-20F2_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN07_CNhs11095_tpm_fwd IntestineNeonateN07+ intestine, neonate N07_CNhs11095_720-20F2_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN06_CNhs11102_tpm_rev IntestineNeonateN06- intestine, neonate N06_CNhs11102_688-20B8_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN06_CNhs11102_tpm_fwd IntestineNeonateN06+ intestine, neonate N06_CNhs11102_688-20B8_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN01_CNhs11192_tpm_rev IntestineNeonateN01- intestine, neonate N01_CNhs11192_1322-23E9_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN01_CNhs11192_tpm_fwd IntestineNeonateN01+ intestine, neonate N01_CNhs11192_1322-23E9_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN00_CNhs11126_tpm_rev IntestineNeonateN00- intestine, neonate N00_CNhs11126_644-26D1_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineNeonateN00_CNhs11126_tpm_fwd IntestineNeonateN00+ intestine, neonate N00_CNhs11126_644-26D1_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE18_CNhs10526_tpm_rev IntestineEmbryoE18- intestine, embryo E18_CNhs10526_1289-20F7_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE18_CNhs10526_tpm_fwd IntestineEmbryoE18+ intestine, embryo E18_CNhs10526_1289-20F7_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE17_CNhs10582_tpm_rev IntestineEmbryoE17- intestine, embryo E17_CNhs10582_482-18D3_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE17_CNhs10582_tpm_fwd IntestineEmbryoE17+ intestine, embryo E17_CNhs10582_482-18D3_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE16_CNhs10585_tpm_rev IntestineEmbryoE16- intestine, embryo E16_CNhs10585_463-22H4_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE16_CNhs10585_tpm_fwd IntestineEmbryoE16+ intestine, embryo E16_CNhs10585_463-22H4_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE15_CNhs10602_tpm_rev IntestineEmbryoE15- intestine, embryo E15_CNhs10602_976-16D8_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE15_CNhs10602_tpm_fwd IntestineEmbryoE15+ intestine, embryo E15_CNhs10602_976-16D8_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE13_CNhs11010_tpm_rev IntestineEmbryoE13- intestine, embryo E13_CNhs11010_381-16D5_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE13_CNhs11010_tpm_fwd IntestineEmbryoE13+ intestine, embryo E13_CNhs11010_381-16D5_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE12_CNhs11019_tpm_rev IntestineEmbryoE12- intestine, embryo E12_CNhs11019_1251-16I5_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineEmbryoE12_CNhs11019_tpm_fwd IntestineEmbryoE12+ intestine, embryo E12_CNhs11019_1251-16I5_forward Expression and Regulation IntestineAdult_CNhs10496_tpm_rev IntestineAdult- intestine, adult_CNhs10496_178-9A3_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestineAdult_CNhs10496_tpm_fwd IntestineAdult+ intestine, adult_CNhs10496_178-9A3_forward Expression and Regulation IntestinalMucosaAdult_CNhs10506_tpm_rev IntestinalMucosaAdult- intestinal mucosa, adult_CNhs10506_860-29I3_reverse Expression and Regulation IntestinalMucosaAdult_CNhs10506_tpm_fwd IntestinalMucosaAdult+ intestinal mucosa, adult_CNhs10506_860-29I3_forward Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumPool1_CNhs13199_tpm_rev IleumEpitheliumPl1- Ileum epithelium, pool1_CNhs13199_10252-104B9_reverse Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumPool1_CNhs13199_tpm_fwd IleumEpitheliumPl1+ Ileum epithelium, pool1_CNhs13199_10252-104B9_forward Expression and Regulation HippocampusNeonateN00_CNhs11228_tpm_rev HippocampusNeonateN00- hippocampus, neonate N00_CNhs11228_627-43G1_reverse Expression and Regulation HippocampusNeonateN00_CNhs11228_tpm_fwd HippocampusNeonateN00+ hippocampus, neonate N00_CNhs11228_627-43G1_forward Expression and Regulation HippocampusAdult_CNhs10478_tpm_rev HippocampusAdult- hippocampus, adult_CNhs10478_13-16E8_reverse Expression and Regulation HippocampusAdult_CNhs10478_tpm_fwd HippocampusAdult+ hippocampus, adult_CNhs10478_13-16E8_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN30_CNhs11202_tpm_rev HeartNeonateN30- heart, neonate N30_CNhs11202_1390-42D2_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN30_CNhs11202_tpm_fwd HeartNeonateN30+ heart, neonate N30_CNhs11202_1390-42D2_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN25_CNhs11196_tpm_rev HeartNeonateN25- heart, neonate N25_CNhs11196_1351-25D3_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN25_CNhs11196_tpm_fwd HeartNeonateN25+ heart, neonate N25_CNhs11196_1351-25D3_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN20_CNhs11127_tpm_rev HeartNeonateN20- heart, neonate N20_CNhs11127_821-26I6_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN20_CNhs11127_tpm_fwd HeartNeonateN20+ heart, neonate N20_CNhs11127_821-26I6_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN16_CNhs11209_tpm_rev HeartNeonateN16- heart, neonate N16_CNhs11209_782-15G1_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN16_CNhs11209_tpm_fwd HeartNeonateN16+ heart, neonate N16_CNhs11209_782-15G1_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN10_CNhs11118_tpm_rev HeartNeonateN10- heart, neonate N10_CNhs11118_749-24G1_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN10_CNhs11118_tpm_fwd HeartNeonateN10+ heart, neonate N10_CNhs11118_749-24G1_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN03_CNhs11221_tpm_rev HeartNeonateN03- heart, neonate N03_CNhs11221_1349-25I2_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN03_CNhs11221_tpm_fwd HeartNeonateN03+ heart, neonate N03_CNhs11221_1349-25I2_forward Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN00_CNhs11213_tpm_rev HeartNeonateN00- heart, neonate N00_CNhs11213_639-21E3_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartNeonateN00_CNhs11213_tpm_fwd HeartNeonateN00+ heart, neonate N00_CNhs11213_639-21E3_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE18_CNhs11030_tpm_rev HeartEmbryoE18- heart, embryo E18_CNhs11030_1283-20G3_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE18_CNhs11030_tpm_fwd HeartEmbryoE18+ heart, embryo E18_CNhs11030_1283-20G3_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE17_CNhs11025_tpm_rev HeartEmbryoE17- heart, embryo E17_CNhs11025_479-18E5_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE17_CNhs11025_tpm_fwd HeartEmbryoE17+ heart, embryo E17_CNhs11025_479-18E5_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE16_CNhs11021_tpm_rev HeartEmbryoE16- heart, embryo E16_CNhs11021_457-17C6_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE16_CNhs11021_tpm_fwd HeartEmbryoE16+ heart, embryo E16_CNhs11021_457-17C6_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE15_CNhs11017_tpm_rev HeartEmbryoE15- heart, embryo E15_CNhs11017_431-16C8_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE15_CNhs11017_tpm_fwd HeartEmbryoE15+ heart, embryo E15_CNhs11017_431-16C8_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE14_CNhs10597_tpm_rev HeartEmbryoE14- heart, embryo E14_CNhs10597_403-26D4_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE14_CNhs10597_tpm_fwd HeartEmbryoE14+ heart, embryo E14_CNhs10597_403-26D4_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE13_CNhs11013_tpm_rev HeartEmbryoE13- heart, embryo E13_CNhs11013_376-3I9_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE13_CNhs11013_tpm_fwd HeartEmbryoE13+ heart, embryo E13_CNhs11013_376-3I9_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE12_CNhs11015_tpm_rev HeartEmbryoE12- heart, embryo E12_CNhs11015_353-12F5_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE12_CNhs11015_tpm_fwd HeartEmbryoE12+ heart, embryo E12_CNhs11015_353-12F5_forward Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE11_CNhs10586_tpm_rev HeartEmbryoE11- heart, embryo E11_CNhs10586_331-24E9_reverse Expression and Regulation HeartEmbryoE11_CNhs10586_tpm_fwd HeartEmbryoE11+ heart, embryo E11_CNhs10586_331-24E9_forward Expression and Regulation GonadEmbryoE13_CNhs11044_tpm_rev GonadEmbryoE13- gonad, embryo E13_CNhs11044_1564-45I6_reverse Expression and Regulation GonadEmbryoE13_CNhs11044_tpm_fwd GonadEmbryoE13+ gonad, embryo E13_CNhs11044_1564-45I6_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE18_CNhs11008_tpm_rev ForelimbEmbryoE18- forelimb, embryo E18_CNhs11008_1520-43B5_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE18_CNhs11008_tpm_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE18+ forelimb, embryo E18_CNhs11008_1520-43B5_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE17_CNhs10598_tpm_rev ForelimbEmbryoE17- forelimb, embryo E17_CNhs10598_1517-43C4_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE17_CNhs10598_tpm_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE17+ forelimb, embryo E17_CNhs10598_1517-43C4_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE15_CNhs11007_tpm_rev ForelimbEmbryoE15- forelimb, embryo E15_CNhs11007_437-20E7_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE15_CNhs11007_tpm_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE15+ forelimb, embryo E15_CNhs11007_437-20E7_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE14_CNhs10577_tpm_rev ForelimbEmbryoE14- forelimb, embryo E14_CNhs10577_413-26A8_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE14_CNhs10577_tpm_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE14+ forelimb, embryo E14_CNhs10577_413-26A8_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE13_CNhs10589_tpm_rev ForelimbEmbryoE13- forelimb, embryo E13_CNhs10589_384-1E2_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE13_CNhs10589_tpm_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE13+ forelimb, embryo E13_CNhs10589_384-1E2_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE12_CNhs10600_tpm_rev ForelimbEmbryoE12- forelimb, embryo E12_CNhs10600_359-14H2_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE12_CNhs10600_tpm_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE12+ forelimb, embryo E12_CNhs10600_359-14H2_forward Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE11_CNhs10596_tpm_rev ForelimbEmbryoE11- forelimb, embryo E11_CNhs10596_335-25E2_reverse Expression and Regulation ForelimbEmbryoE11_CNhs10596_tpm_fwd ForelimbEmbryoE11+ forelimb, embryo E11_CNhs10596_335-25E2_forward Expression and Regulation FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPool3_CNhs13200_tpm_rev FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPl3- Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool3_CNhs13200_10263-104D2_reverse Expression and Regulation FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPool3_CNhs13200_tpm_fwd FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPl3+ Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool3_CNhs13200_10263-104D2_forward Expression and Regulation FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPool2_CNhs13211_tpm_rev FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPl2- Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool2_CNhs13211_10262-104D1_reverse Expression and Regulation FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPool2_CNhs13211_tpm_fwd FollicleAssociatedEpitheliumPl2+ Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool2_CNhs13211_10262-104D1_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN16_CNhs11188_tpm_rev EyeballNeonateN16- eyeball, neonate N16_CNhs11188_777-19A2_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN16_CNhs11188_tpm_fwd EyeballNeonateN16+ eyeball, neonate N16_CNhs11188_777-19A2_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN02_CNhs11205_tpm_rev EyeballNeonateN02- eyeball, neonate N02_CNhs11205_1551-44G8_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN02_CNhs11205_tpm_fwd EyeballNeonateN02+ eyeball, neonate N02_CNhs11205_1551-44G8_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN01_CNhs11140_tpm_rev EyeballNeonateN01- eyeball, neonate N01_CNhs11140_1532-43E7_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN01_CNhs11140_tpm_fwd EyeballNeonateN01+ eyeball, neonate N01_CNhs11140_1532-43E7_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN00_CNhs11207_tpm_rev EyeballNeonateN00- eyeball, neonate N00_CNhs11207_633-15C6_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballNeonateN00_CNhs11207_tpm_fwd EyeballNeonateN00+ eyeball, neonate N00_CNhs11207_633-15C6_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE17_CNhs11023_tpm_rev EyeballEmbryoE17- eyeball, embryo E17_CNhs11023_1261-18D4_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE17_CNhs11023_tpm_fwd EyeballEmbryoE17+ eyeball, embryo E17_CNhs11023_1261-18D4_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE15_CNhs10593_tpm_rev EyeballEmbryoE15- eyeball, embryo E15_CNhs10593_426-16C9_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE15_CNhs10593_tpm_fwd EyeballEmbryoE15+ eyeball, embryo E15_CNhs10593_426-16C9_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE14_CNhs10521_tpm_rev EyeballEmbryoE14- eyeball, embryo E14_CNhs10521_399-16E2_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE14_CNhs10521_tpm_fwd EyeballEmbryoE14+ eyeball, embryo E14_CNhs10521_399-16E2_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE12_CNhs11016_tpm_rev EyeballEmbryoE12- eyeball, embryo E12_CNhs11016_345-16C6_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballEmbryoE12_CNhs11016_tpm_fwd EyeballEmbryoE12+ eyeball, embryo E12_CNhs11016_345-16C6_forward Expression and Regulation EyeballAdult_CNhs10484_tpm_rev EyeballAdult- eyeball, adult_CNhs10484_31-12G4_reverse Expression and Regulation EyeballAdult_CNhs10484_tpm_fwd EyeballAdult+ eyeball, adult_CNhs10484_31-12G4_forward Expression and Regulation EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN30_CNhs11199_tpm_rev EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN30- epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N30_CNhs11199_1387-42A2_reverse Expression and Regulation EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN30_CNhs11199_tpm_fwd EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN30+ epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N30_CNhs11199_1387-42A2_forward Expression and Regulation EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN00_CNhs11218_tpm_rev EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN00- epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N00_CNhs11218_1310-23B1_reverse Expression and Regulation EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN00_CNhs11218_tpm_fwd EpididymisAndSeminiferousTubuleNeonateN00+ epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N00_CNhs11218_1310-23B1_forward Expression and Regulation EpididymisAdult_CNhs10490_tpm_rev EpididymisAdult- epididymis, adult_CNhs10490_58-23B2_reverse Expression and Regulation EpididymisAdult_CNhs10490_tpm_fwd EpididymisAdult+ epididymis, adult_CNhs10490_58-23B2_forward Expression and Regulation DiencephalonNeonateN30_CNhs11201_tpm_rev DiencephalonNeonateN30- diencephalon, neonate N30_CNhs11201_1388-42B2_reverse Expression and Regulation DiencephalonNeonateN30_CNhs11201_tpm_fwd DiencephalonNeonateN30+ diencephalon, neonate N30_CNhs11201_1388-42B2_forward Expression and Regulation DiencephalonAdult_CNhs10482_tpm_rev DiencephalonAdult- diencephalon, adult_CNhs10482_20-12F2_reverse Expression and Regulation DiencephalonAdult_CNhs10482_tpm_fwd DiencephalonAdult+ diencephalon, adult_CNhs10482_20-12F2_forward Expression and Regulation CortexNeonateN30_CNhs11107_tpm_rev CortexNeonateN30- cortex, neonate N30_CNhs11107_1392-42F2_reverse Expression and Regulation CortexNeonateN30_CNhs11107_tpm_fwd CortexNeonateN30+ cortex, neonate N30_CNhs11107_1392-42F2_forward Expression and Regulation CortexAdult_CNhs10473_tpm_rev CortexAdult- cortex, adult_CNhs10473_12-14D5_reverse Expression and Regulation CortexAdult_CNhs10473_tpm_fwd CortexAdult+ cortex, adult_CNhs10473_12-14D5_forward Expression and Regulation CorpusStriatumNeonateN00_CNhs11226_tpm_rev CorpusStriatumNeonateN00- corpus striatum, neonate N00_CNhs11226_630-43F1_reverse Expression and Regulation CorpusStriatumNeonateN00_CNhs11226_tpm_fwd CorpusStriatumNeonateN00+ corpus striatum, neonate N00_CNhs11226_630-43F1_forward Expression and Regulation CorpusStriatumAdult_CNhs10487_tpm_rev CorpusStriatumAdult- corpus striatum, adult_CNhs10487_19-21D8_reverse Expression and Regulation CorpusStriatumAdult_CNhs10487_tpm_fwd CorpusStriatumAdult+ corpus striatum, adult_CNhs10487_19-21D8_forward Expression and Regulation CorporaQuadrigeminaAdult_CNhs10501_tpm_rev CorporaQuadrigeminaAdult- corpora quadrigemina, adult_CNhs10501_16-22A4_reverse Expression and Regulation CorporaQuadrigeminaAdult_CNhs10501_tpm_fwd CorporaQuadrigeminaAdult+ corpora quadrigemina, adult_CNhs10501_16-22A4_forward Expression and Regulation ColonAdult_CNhs10468_tpm_rev ColonAdult- colon, adult_CNhs10468_36-18H7_reverse Expression and Regulation ColonAdult_CNhs10468_tpm_fwd ColonAdult+ colon, adult_CNhs10468_36-18H7_forward Expression and Regulation ClontechMouseUniversalReferenceTotalRNAPool1_CNhs10609_tpm_rev ClontechMouseUniversalReferencePl1- Clontech Mouse Universal Reference Total RNA, pool1_CNhs10609_10001-101A3_reverse Expression and Regulation ClontechMouseUniversalReferenceTotalRNAPool1_CNhs10609_tpm_fwd ClontechMouseUniversalReferencePl1+ Clontech Mouse Universal Reference Total RNA, pool1_CNhs10609_10001-101A3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN30_CNhs11135_tpm_rev CerebellumNeonateN30- cerebellum, neonate N30_CNhs11135_1395-42I2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN30_CNhs11135_tpm_fwd CerebellumNeonateN30+ cerebellum, neonate N30_CNhs11135_1395-42I2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep3P9R3_CNhs13026_tpm_rev CerebellumN09Br3- cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep3 (P9R3)_CNhs13026_10149-102I5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep3P9R3_CNhs13026_tpm_fwd CerebellumN09Br3+ cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep3 (P9R3)_CNhs13026_10149-102I5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep2P9R2_CNhs13013_tpm_rev CerebellumN09Br2- cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep2 (P9R2)_CNhs13013_10137-102H2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep2P9R2_CNhs13013_tpm_fwd CerebellumN09Br2+ cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep2 (P9R2)_CNhs13013_10137-102H2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep1P9R1_CNhs12820_tpm_rev CerebellumN09Br1- cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep1 (P9R1)_CNhs12820_10125-102F8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN09BiolRep1P9R1_CNhs12820_tpm_fwd CerebellumN09Br1+ cerebellum, neonate N09, biol_rep1 (P9R1)_CNhs12820_10125-102F8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep3P6R3_CNhs13025_tpm_rev CerebellumN06Br3- cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep3 (P6R3)_CNhs13025_10148-102I4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep3P6R3_CNhs13025_tpm_fwd CerebellumN06Br3+ cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep3 (P6R3)_CNhs13025_10148-102I4_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep2P6R2_CNhs13012_tpm_rev CerebellumN06Br2- cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep2 (P6R2)_CNhs13012_10136-102H1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep2P6R2_CNhs13012_tpm_fwd CerebellumN06Br2+ cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep2 (P6R2)_CNhs13012_10136-102H1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep1P6R1_CNhs12819_tpm_rev CerebellumN06Br1- cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep1 (P6R1)_CNhs12819_10124-102F7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN06BiolRep1P6R1_CNhs12819_tpm_fwd CerebellumN06Br1+ cerebellum, neonate N06, biol_rep1 (P6R1)_CNhs12819_10124-102F7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep3P3R3_CNhs13024_tpm_rev CerebellumN03Br3- cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep3 (P3R3)_CNhs13024_10147-102I3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep3P3R3_CNhs13024_tpm_fwd CerebellumN03Br3+ cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep3 (P3R3)_CNhs13024_10147-102I3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep2P3R2_CNhs13011_tpm_rev CerebellumN03Br2- cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep2 (P3R2)_CNhs13011_10135-102G9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep2P3R2_CNhs13011_tpm_fwd CerebellumN03Br2+ cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep2 (P3R2)_CNhs13011_10135-102G9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep1P3R1_CNhs13001_tpm_rev CerebellumN03Br1- cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep1 (P3R1)_CNhs13001_10123-102F6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN03BiolRep1P3R1_CNhs13001_tpm_fwd CerebellumN03Br1+ cerebellum, neonate N03, biol_rep1 (P3R1)_CNhs13001_10123-102F6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep3P0R3_CNhs13022_tpm_rev CerebellumN00Br3- cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep3 (P0R3)_CNhs13022_10146-102I2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep3P0R3_CNhs13022_tpm_fwd CerebellumN00Br3+ cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep3 (P0R3)_CNhs13022_10146-102I2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep2P0R2_CNhs13010_tpm_rev CerebellumN00Br2- cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep2 (P0R2)_CNhs13010_10134-102G8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep2P0R2_CNhs13010_tpm_fwd CerebellumN00Br2+ cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep2 (P0R2)_CNhs13010_10134-102G8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep1P0R1_CNhs12963_tpm_rev CerebellumN00Br1- cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep1 (P0R1)_CNhs12963_10122-102F5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumNeonateN00BiolRep1P0R1_CNhs12963_tpm_fwd CerebellumN00Br1+ cerebellum, neonate N00, biol_rep1 (P0R1)_CNhs12963_10122-102F5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep3E18R3_CNhs13021_tpm_rev CerebellumE18Br3- cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep3 (E18R3)_CNhs13021_10145-102I1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep3E18R3_CNhs13021_tpm_fwd CerebellumE18Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep3 (E18R3)_CNhs13021_10145-102I1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep2E18R2_CNhs13009_tpm_rev CerebellumE18Br2- cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep2 (E18R2)_CNhs13009_10133-102G7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep2E18R2_CNhs13009_tpm_fwd CerebellumE18Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep2 (E18R2)_CNhs13009_10133-102G7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep1E18R1_CNhs12962_tpm_rev CerebellumE18Br1- cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep1 (E18R1)_CNhs12962_10121-102F4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE18BiolRep1E18R1_CNhs12962_tpm_fwd CerebellumE18Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E18, biol_rep1 (E18R1)_CNhs12962_10121-102F4_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep3E17R3_CNhs13020_tpm_rev CerebellumE17Br3- cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep3 (E17R3)_CNhs13020_10144-102H9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep3E17R3_CNhs13020_tpm_fwd CerebellumE17Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep3 (E17R3)_CNhs13020_10144-102H9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep2E17R2_CNhs13008_tpm_rev CerebellumE17Br2- cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep2 (E17R2)_CNhs13008_10132-102G6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep2E17R2_CNhs13008_tpm_fwd CerebellumE17Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep2 (E17R2)_CNhs13008_10132-102G6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep1E17R1_CNhs12818_tpm_rev CerebellumE17Br1- cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep1 (E17R1)_CNhs12818_10120-102F3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE17BiolRep1E17R1_CNhs12818_tpm_fwd CerebellumE17Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E17, biol_rep1 (E17R1)_CNhs12818_10120-102F3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep3E16R3_CNhs13019_tpm_rev CerebellumE16Br3- cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep3 (E16R3)_CNhs13019_10143-102H8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep3E16R3_CNhs13019_tpm_fwd CerebellumE16Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep3 (E16R3)_CNhs13019_10143-102H8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep2E16R2_CNhs13007_tpm_rev CerebellumE16Br2- cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep2 (E16R2)_CNhs13007_10131-102G5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep2E16R2_CNhs13007_tpm_fwd CerebellumE16Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep2 (E16R2)_CNhs13007_10131-102G5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep1E16R1_CNhs13000_tpm_rev CerebellumE16Br1- cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep1 (E16R1)_CNhs13000_10119-102F2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE16BiolRep1E16R1_CNhs13000_tpm_fwd CerebellumE16Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E16, biol_rep1 (E16R1)_CNhs13000_10119-102F2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep3E15R3_CNhs13018_tpm_rev CerebellumE15Br3- cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep3 (E15R3)_CNhs13018_10142-102H7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep3E15R3_CNhs13018_tpm_fwd CerebellumE15Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep3 (E15R3)_CNhs13018_10142-102H7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep2E15R2_CNhs13006_tpm_rev CerebellumE15Br2- cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep2 (E15R2)_CNhs13006_10130-102G4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep2E15R2_CNhs13006_tpm_fwd CerebellumE15Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep2 (E15R2)_CNhs13006_10130-102G4_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep1E15R1_CNhs12961_tpm_rev CerebellumE15Br1- cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep1 (E15R1)_CNhs12961_10118-102F1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE15BiolRep1E15R1_CNhs12961_tpm_fwd CerebellumE15Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E15, biol_rep1 (E15R1)_CNhs12961_10118-102F1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep3E14R3_CNhs13017_tpm_rev CerebellumE14Br3- cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep3 (E14R3)_CNhs13017_10141-102H6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep3E14R3_CNhs13017_tpm_fwd CerebellumE14Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep3 (E14R3)_CNhs13017_10141-102H6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep2E14R2_CNhs13005_tpm_rev CerebellumE14Br2- cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep2 (E14R2)_CNhs13005_10129-102G3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep2E14R2_CNhs13005_tpm_fwd CerebellumE14Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep2 (E14R2)_CNhs13005_10129-102G3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep1E14R1_CNhs12960_tpm_rev CerebellumE14Br1- cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep1 (E14R1)_CNhs12960_10117-102E9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE14BiolRep1E14R1_CNhs12960_tpm_fwd CerebellumE14Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E14, biol_rep1 (E14R1)_CNhs12960_10117-102E9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs13016_tpm_rev CerebellumE13Br3- cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs13016_10140-102H5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs13016_tpm_fwd CerebellumE13Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs13016_10140-102H5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep2E13R2_CNhs13004_tpm_rev CerebellumE13Br2- cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep2 (E13R2)_CNhs13004_10128-102G2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep2E13R2_CNhs13004_tpm_fwd CerebellumE13Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep2 (E13R2)_CNhs13004_10128-102G2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep1E13R1_CNhs12958_tpm_rev CerebellumE13Br1- cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep1 (E13R1)_CNhs12958_10116-102E8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE13BiolRep1E13R1_CNhs12958_tpm_fwd CerebellumE13Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E13, biol_rep1 (E13R1)_CNhs12958_10116-102E8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep3E12R3_CNhs13015_tpm_rev CerebellumE12Br3- cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep3 (E12R3)_CNhs13015_10139-102H4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep3E12R3_CNhs13015_tpm_fwd CerebellumE12Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep3 (E12R3)_CNhs13015_10139-102H4_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep2E12R2_CNhs13003_tpm_rev CerebellumE12Br2- cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep2 (E12R2)_CNhs13003_10127-102G1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep2E12R2_CNhs13003_tpm_fwd CerebellumE12Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep2 (E12R2)_CNhs13003_10127-102G1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep1E12R1_CNhs12957_tpm_rev CerebellumE12Br1- cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep1 (E12R1)_CNhs12957_10115-102E7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE12BiolRep1E12R1_CNhs12957_tpm_fwd CerebellumE12Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E12, biol_rep1 (E12R1)_CNhs12957_10115-102E7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep3E11R3_CNhs13014_tpm_rev CerebellumE11Br3- cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep3 (E11R3)_CNhs13014_10138-102H3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep3E11R3_CNhs13014_tpm_fwd CerebellumE11Br3+ cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep3 (E11R3)_CNhs13014_10138-102H3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep2E11R2_CNhs13002_tpm_rev CerebellumE11Br2- cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep2 (E11R2)_CNhs13002_10126-102F9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep2E11R2_CNhs13002_tpm_fwd CerebellumE11Br2+ cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep2 (E11R2)_CNhs13002_10126-102F9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep1E11R1_CNhs12956_tpm_rev CerebellumE11Br1- cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep1 (E11R1)_CNhs12956_10114-102E6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumEmbryoE11BiolRep1E11R1_CNhs12956_tpm_fwd CerebellumE11Br1+ cerebellum, embryo E11, biol_rep1 (E11R1)_CNhs12956_10114-102E6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellumAdult_CNhs10494_tpm_rev CerebellumAdult- cerebellum, adult_CNhs10494_15-8B2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellumAdult_CNhs10494_tpm_fwd CerebellumAdult+ cerebellum, adult_CNhs10494_15-8B2_forward Expression and Regulation CecumAdult_CNhs10467_tpm_rev CecumAdult- cecum, adult_CNhs10467_37-13H4_reverse Expression and Regulation CecumAdult_CNhs10467_tpm_fwd CecumAdult+ cecum, adult_CNhs10467_37-13H4_forward Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN20_CNhs11195_tpm_rev Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN20- bone (os femoris), neonate N20_CNhs11195_1350-25C3_reverse Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN20_CNhs11195_tpm_fwd Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN20+ bone (os femoris), neonate N20_CNhs11195_1350-25C3_forward Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN16_CNhs11225_tpm_rev Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN16- bone (os femoris), neonate N16_CNhs11225_1525-43A6_reverse Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN16_CNhs11225_tpm_fwd Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN16+ bone (os femoris), neonate N16_CNhs11225_1525-43A6_forward Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN02_CNhs11227_tpm_rev Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN02- bone (os femoris), neonate N02_CNhs11227_1985-43F5_reverse Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisNeonateN02_CNhs11227_tpm_fwd Bone(osFemoris)NeonateN02+ bone (os femoris), neonate N02_CNhs11227_1985-43F5_forward Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisAdult_CNhs10483_tpm_rev Bone(osFemoris)Adult- bone (os femoris), adult_CNhs10483_56-12G2_reverse Expression and Regulation BoneOsFemorisAdult_CNhs10483_tpm_fwd Bone(osFemoris)Adult+ bone (os femoris), adult_CNhs10483_56-12G2_forward Expression and Regulation AortaAdult_CNhs10498_tpm_rev AortaAdult- aorta, adult_CNhs10498_46-23H1_reverse Expression and Regulation AortaAdult_CNhs10498_tpm_fwd AortaAdult+ aorta, adult_CNhs10498_46-23H1_forward Expression and Regulation AmnionAdultPregnantDay17_5_CNhs10488_tpm_rev AmnionAdultPregnantDay17_5- amnion, adult pregnant day17_5_CNhs10488_583-22A8_reverse Expression and Regulation AmnionAdultPregnantDay17_5_CNhs10488_tpm_fwd AmnionAdultPregnantDay17_5+ amnion, adult pregnant day17_5_CNhs10488_583-22A8_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandNeonateN25_CNhs11223_tpm_rev AdrenalGlandNeonateN25- adrenal gland, neonate N25_CNhs11223_1377-27I3_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandNeonateN25_CNhs11223_tpm_fwd AdrenalGlandNeonateN25+ adrenal gland, neonate N25_CNhs11223_1377-27I3_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandNeonateN00_CNhs11191_tpm_rev AdrenalGlandNeonateN00- adrenal gland, neonate N00_CNhs11191_1311-23C1_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandNeonateN00_CNhs11191_tpm_fwd AdrenalGlandNeonateN00+ adrenal gland, neonate N00_CNhs11191_1311-23C1_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE18_CNhs11026_tpm_rev AdrenalGlandEmbryoE18- adrenal gland, embryo E18_CNhs11026_1262-18F5_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE18_CNhs11026_tpm_fwd AdrenalGlandEmbryoE18+ adrenal gland, embryo E18_CNhs11026_1262-18F5_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE17_CNhs11043_tpm_rev AdrenalGlandEmbryoE17- adrenal gland, embryo E17_CNhs11043_1263-45I1_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE17_CNhs11043_tpm_fwd AdrenalGlandEmbryoE17+ adrenal gland, embryo E17_CNhs11043_1263-45I1_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE16_CNhs11004_tpm_rev AdrenalGlandEmbryoE16- adrenal gland, embryo E16_CNhs11004_1254-43D6_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE16_CNhs11004_tpm_fwd AdrenalGlandEmbryoE16+ adrenal gland, embryo E16_CNhs11004_1254-43D6_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE14_CNhs11038_tpm_rev AdrenalGlandEmbryoE14- adrenal gland, embryo E14_CNhs11038_406-44C5_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandEmbryoE14_CNhs11038_tpm_fwd AdrenalGlandEmbryoE14+ adrenal gland, embryo E14_CNhs11038_406-44C5_forward Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandAdult_CNhs10508_tpm_rev AdrenalGlandAdult- adrenal gland, adult_CNhs10508_49-24D7_reverse Expression and Regulation AdrenalGlandAdult_CNhs10508_tpm_fwd AdrenalGlandAdult+ adrenal gland, adult_CNhs10508_49-24D7_forward Expression and Regulation AccessoryAxillaryLymphNodeAdult_CNhs10475_tpm_rev AccessoryAxillaryLymphNodeAdult- accessory axillary lymph node, adult_CNhs10475_1063-29H9_reverse Expression and Regulation AccessoryAxillaryLymphNodeAdult_CNhs10475_tpm_fwd AccessoryAxillaryLymphNodeAdult+ accessory axillary lymph node, adult_CNhs10475_1063-29H9_forward Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool3_CNhs13234_tpm_rev IleumEpitheliumW/RanklDay03Pl3- Ileum epithelium, treated with RANKL, day03, pool3_CNhs13234_10260-104C8_reverse Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool3_CNhs13234_tpm_fwd IleumEpitheliumW/RanklDay03Pl3+ Ileum epithelium, treated with RANKL, day03, pool3_CNhs13234_10260-104C8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep1036hA1_CNhs13124_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep1 (036hA1)_CNhs13124_12317-130G4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep1036hA1_CNhs13124_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep1 (036hA1)_CNhs13124_12317-130G4_forward Expression and Regulation PrehematopoieticStemCellAortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE9_5_CNhs14149_tpm_rev Tc:PreHSCsAGMregionE9_5- Pre-hematopoietic stem cell, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E9_5_CNhs14149_11948-126B4_reverse Expression and Regulation PrehematopoieticStemCellAortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE9_5_CNhs14149_tpm_fwd Tc:PreHSCsAGMregionE9_5+ Pre-hematopoietic stem cell, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E9_5_CNhs14149_11948-126B4_forward Expression and Regulation MesodermEmbryoE8_5_CNhs14148_tpm_rev Tc:MesodermE8_5- Mesoderm, embryo E8_5_CNhs14148_11947-126B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MesodermEmbryoE8_5_CNhs14148_tpm_fwd Tc:MesodermE8_5+ Mesoderm, embryo E8_5_CNhs14148_11947-126B3_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellPlacentaDerivedEmbryoE11_5_CNhs14152_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsPlacentaE11_5- hematopoietic stem cell, placenta derived, embryo E11_5_CNhs14152_11952-126B8_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellPlacentaDerivedEmbryoE11_5_CNhs14152_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsPlacentaE11_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, placenta derived, embryo E11_5_CNhs14152_11952-126B8_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellPlacentaDerivedEmbryoE10_5_CNhs14150_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsPlacentaE10_5- hematopoietic stem cell, placenta derived, embryo E10_5_CNhs14150_11950-126B6_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellPlacentaDerivedEmbryoE10_5_CNhs14150_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsPlacentaE10_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, placenta derived, embryo E10_5_CNhs14150_11950-126B6_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE19_5_CNhs14155_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE19_5- hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E19_5_CNhs14155_11955-126C2_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE19_5_CNhs14155_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE19_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E19_5_CNhs14155_11955-126C2_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE14_5_CNhs14154_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE14_5- hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E14_5_CNhs14154_11954-126C1_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE14_5_CNhs14154_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE14_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E14_5_CNhs14154_11954-126C1_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE12_5_CNhs14153_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE12_5- hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E12_5_CNhs14153_11953-126B9_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellFetalLiverDerivedEmbryoE12_5_CNhs14153_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsFetalLiverE12_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, fetal liver derived, embryo E12_5_CNhs14153_11953-126B9_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedNewborn23months_CNhs14156_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowNb2-3mos- hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, newborn 2-3months_CNhs14156_11957-126C4_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedNewborn23months_CNhs14156_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowNb2-3mos+ hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, newborn 2-3months_CNhs14156_11957-126C4_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedAdult2years_CNhs14157_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowAdult2yrs- hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, adult 2years_CNhs14157_11958-126C5_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedAdult2years_CNhs14157_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowAdult2yrs+ hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, adult 2years_CNhs14157_11958-126C5_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellaortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE11_5_CNhs14151_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsAGMregionE11_5- hematopoietic stem cell,aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E11_5_CNhs14151_11951-126B7_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellaortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE11_5_CNhs14151_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsAGMregionE11_5+ hematopoietic stem cell,aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E11_5_CNhs14151_11951-126B7_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14449_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr3- hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14449_13582-146C9_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14449_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr3+ hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14449_13582-146C9_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14448_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr2- hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14448_13581-146C8_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14448_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr2+ hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14448_13581-146C8_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14447_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr1- hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14447_13580-146C7_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14447_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesShamOpBr1+ hepatocytes, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14447_13580-146C7_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep3_CNhs14462_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br3- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep3_CNhs14462_13594-146E3_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep3_CNhs14462_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br3+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep3_CNhs14462_13594-146E3_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep2_CNhs14461_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br2- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep2_CNhs14461_13593-146E2_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep2_CNhs14461_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br2+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep2_CNhs14461_13593-146E2_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep1_CNhs14460_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br1- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep1_CNhs14460_13592-146E1_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomyWeek01BiolRep1_CNhs14460_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhxW01Br1+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, week01, biol_rep1_CNhs14460_13592-146E1_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14459_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr3- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14459_13591-146D9_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14459_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr3+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14459_13591-146D9_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14458_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr2- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14458_13590-146D8_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14458_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr2+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14458_13590-146D8_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14456_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr1- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14456_13589-146D7_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14456_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_48hrBr1+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14456_13589-146D7_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14455_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr3- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14455_13588-146D6_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14455_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr3+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14455_13588-146D6_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14454_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr2- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14454_13587-146D5_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14454_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr2+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14454_13587-146D5_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14453_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr1- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14453_13586-146D4_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14453_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_30hrBr1+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14453_13586-146D4_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep3_CNhs14452_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr3- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14452_13585-146D3_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep3_CNhs14452_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr3+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14452_13585-146D3_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep2_CNhs14451_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr2- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14451_13584-146D2_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep2_CNhs14451_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr2+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14451_13584-146D2_forward Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14450_tpm_rev Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr1- hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14450_13583-146D1_reverse Expression and Regulation HepatocytesPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14450_tpm_fwd Tc:HepatocytesPhx_02hrBr1+ hepatocytes, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14450_13583-146D1_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedSiRNAControlBiolRep2_CNhs14115_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedSiRNABr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated siRNA control, biol_rep2_CNhs14115_14368-156A3_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedSiRNAControlBiolRep2_CNhs14115_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedSiRNABr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated siRNA control, biol_rep2_CNhs14115_14368-156A3_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedSiRNAControlBiolRep1_CNhs14114_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedSiRNABr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated siRNA control, biol_rep1_CNhs14114_14367-156A2_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedSiRNAControlBiolRep1_CNhs14114_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedSiRNABr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated siRNA control, biol_rep1_CNhs14114_14367-156A2_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep3_CNhs14093_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr3- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep3_CNhs14093_14347-155G9_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep3_CNhs14093_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr3+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep3_CNhs14093_14347-155G9_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep2_CNhs14092_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep2_CNhs14092_14346-155G8_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep2_CNhs14092_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep2_CNhs14092_14346-155G8_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep1_CNhs14091_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep1_CNhs14091_14345-155G7_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControlBiolRep1_CNhs14091_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25UntreatedBr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, biol_rep1_CNhs14091_14345-155G7_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsScrambledSiRNAControlBiolRep2_CNhs14117_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25ScrambledSiRNABr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, scrambled siRNA control, biol_rep2_CNhs14117_14370-156A5_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsScrambledSiRNAControlBiolRep2_CNhs14117_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25ScrambledSiRNABr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, scrambled siRNA control, biol_rep2_CNhs14117_14370-156A5_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsScrambledSiRNAControlBiolRep1_CNhs14116_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25ScrambledSiRNABr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, scrambled siRNA control, biol_rep1_CNhs14116_14369-156A4_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsScrambledSiRNAControlBiolRep1_CNhs14116_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25ScrambledSiRNABr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, scrambled siRNA control, biol_rep1_CNhs14116_14369-156A4_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC5BiolRep2_CNhs14122_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC5Br2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC5, biol_rep2_CNhs14122_14374-156A9_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC5BiolRep2_CNhs14122_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC5Br2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC5, biol_rep2_CNhs14122_14374-156A9_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC5BiolRep1_CNhs14121_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC5Br1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC5, biol_rep1_CNhs14121_14373-156A8_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC5BiolRep1_CNhs14121_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC5Br1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC5, biol_rep1_CNhs14121_14373-156A8_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC3BiolRep2_CNhs14119_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC3Br2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC3, biol_rep2_CNhs14119_14372-156A7_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC3BiolRep2_CNhs14119_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC3Br2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC3, biol_rep2_CNhs14119_14372-156A7_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC3BiolRep1_CNhs14118_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC3Br1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC3, biol_rep1_CNhs14118_14371-156A6_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsKDForExosomalComponentEXOSC3BiolRep1_CNhs14118_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25KdEXOSC3Br1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, KD for exosomal component EXOSC3, biol_rep1_CNhs14118_14371-156A6_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep3_CNhs14090_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr3- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14090_14344-155G6_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep3_CNhs14090_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr3+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14090_14344-155G6_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep2_CNhs14089_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14089_14343-155G5_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep2_CNhs14089_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14089_14343-155G5_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep1_CNhs14088_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14088_14342-155G4_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsFlavopiridolTreatment01hrBiolRep1_CNhs14088_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Flavopiridol_01hrBr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, flavopiridol treatment, 01hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14088_14342-155G4_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep3_CNhs14087_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr3- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep3_CNhs14087_14341-155G3_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep3_CNhs14087_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr3+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep3_CNhs14087_14341-155G3_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep2_CNhs14086_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep2_CNhs14086_14340-155G2_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep2_CNhs14086_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep2_CNhs14086_14340-155G2_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep1_CNhs14085_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep1_CNhs14085_14339-155G1_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsDMSOControlBiolRep1_CNhs14085_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25DMSOBr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, DMSO control, biol_rep1_CNhs14085_14339-155G1_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep3_CNhs14097_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr3- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14097_14350-155H3_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep3_CNhs14097_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr3+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14097_14350-155H3_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep2_CNhs14095_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr2- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14095_14349-155H2_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep2_CNhs14095_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr2+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14095_14349-155H2_forward Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep1_CNhs14094_tpm_rev Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr1- ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14094_14348-155H1_reverse Expression and Regulation ESOS25EmbryonicStemCellsAminitinTreatmentFor7hrBiolRep1_CNhs14094_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-OS25Aminitin_7hrBr1+ ES-OS25 embryonic stem cells, aminitin treatment for 7hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14094_14348-155H1_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14100_tpm_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr3- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14100_14353-155H6_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14100_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr3+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14100_14353-155H6_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14099_tpm_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr2- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14099_14352-155H5_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14099_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr2+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14099_14352-155H5_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14098_tpm_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr1- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14098_14351-155H4_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsUntreatedControl48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14098_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Untreated_48hrBr1+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, untreated control, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14098_14351-155H4_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14103_tpm_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr3- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14103_14356-155H9_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14103_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr3+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14103_14356-155H9_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14102_tpm_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr2- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14102_14355-155H8_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14102_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr2+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14102_14355-155H8_forward Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14101_tpm_rev Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr1- ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14101_14354-155H7_reverse Expression and Regulation ESErt2EmbryonicStemCellsTamoxifenTreated48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14101_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-Ert2Tamoxifen_48hrBr1+ ES-Ert2 embryonic stem cells, tamoxifen treated, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14101_14354-155H7_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay14BiolRep1_CNhs14127_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsNeuronalDiff_Day14Br1- ES-46C derived epistem cells, neuronal differentiation, day14, biol_rep1_CNhs14127_14379-156B5_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay14BiolRep1_CNhs14127_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsNeuronalDiff_Day14Br1+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, neuronal differentiation, day14, biol_rep1_CNhs14127_14379-156B5_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs14126_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsNeuronalDiff_Day05Br1- ES-46C derived epistem cells, neuronal differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs14126_14378-156B4_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs14126_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsNeuronalDiff_Day05Br1+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, neuronal differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs14126_14378-156B4_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep3_CNhs14125_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr3- ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep3_CNhs14125_14377-156B3_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep3_CNhs14125_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr3+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep3_CNhs14125_14377-156B3_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep2_CNhs14124_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr2- ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep2_CNhs14124_14376-156B2_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep2_CNhs14124_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr2+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep2_CNhs14124_14376-156B2_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep1_CNhs14123_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr1- ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep1_CNhs14123_14375-156B1_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CDerivedEpistemCellsBiolRep1_CNhs14123_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cEpistemCellsBr1+ ES-46C derived epistem cells, biol_rep1_CNhs14123_14375-156B1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs14167_tpm_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br3- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs14167_13540-145H3_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs14167_tpm_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br3+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs14167_13540-145H3_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep2E18R2_CNhs14166_tpm_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br2- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep2 (E18R2)_CNhs14166_13539-145H2_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep2E18R2_CNhs14166_tpm_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br2+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep2 (E18R2)_CNhs14166_13539-145H2_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep1E18R1_CNhs14165_tpm_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br1- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep1 (E18R1)_CNhs14165_13538-145H1_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE18BiolRep1E18R1_CNhs14165_tpm_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE18Br1+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E18, biol_rep1 (E18R1)_CNhs14165_13538-145H1_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep3E15R3_CNhs14164_tpm_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br3- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep3 (E15R3)_CNhs14164_13537-145G9_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep3E15R3_CNhs14164_tpm_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br3+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep3 (E15R3)_CNhs14164_13537-145G9_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep2E15R2_CNhs14163_tpm_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br2- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep2 (E15R2)_CNhs14163_13536-145G8_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep2E15R2_CNhs14163_tpm_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br2+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep2 (E15R2)_CNhs14163_13536-145G8_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep1E15R1_CNhs14162_tpm_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br1- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep1 (E15R1)_CNhs14162_13535-145G7_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE15BiolRep1E15R1_CNhs14162_tpm_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE15Br1+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E15, biol_rep1 (E15R1)_CNhs14162_13535-145G7_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs14146_tpm_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br3- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs14146_13534-145G6_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep3E13R3_CNhs14146_tpm_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br3+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep3 (E13R3)_CNhs14146_13534-145G6_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep2E13R2_CNhs14144_tpm_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br2- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep2 (E13R2)_CNhs14144_13533-145G5_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep2E13R2_CNhs14144_tpm_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br2+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep2 (E13R2)_CNhs14144_13533-145G5_forward Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep1E13R1_CNhs14143_tpm_rev Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br1- cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep1 (E13R1)_CNhs14143_13532-145G4_reverse Expression and Regulation CerebellarGranuleCellsEmbryoE13BiolRep1E13R1_CNhs14143_tpm_fwd Tc:CerebellarGranuleCellsE13Br1+ cerebellar granule cells, embryo E13, biol_rep1 (E13R1)_CNhs14143_13532-145G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11585_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11585_3682-171F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11585_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11585_3682-171F6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11578_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11578_3675-171H5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11578_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11578_3675-171H5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11573_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11573_3670-171C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11573_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11573_3670-171C5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11572_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11572_3669-171B5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11572_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11572_3669-171B5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11560_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11560_3657-171H3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11560_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11560_3657-171H3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14344_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14344_3969-173F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14344_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14344_3969-173F4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11477_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11477_3580-170C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11477_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11477_3580-170C3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14359_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14359_3984-173C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14359_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14359_3984-173C6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11472_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11472_3575-170G2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11472_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11472_3575-170G2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14544_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr2Tr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14544_13131-140G8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14544_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr2Tr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14544_13131-140G8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12670_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr2Tr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12670_13131-140G8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12670_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr2Tr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12670_13131-140G8_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs14401_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs14401_10101-102D4_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs14401_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs14401_10101-102D4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14398_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsShamOpBr3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14398_13597-146E6_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14398_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsShamOpBr3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14398_13597-146E6_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14502_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsShamOpBr2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14502_13596-146E5_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14502_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsShamOpBr2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14502_13596-146E5_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14503_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsShamOpBr1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14503_13595-146E4_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14503_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsShamOpBr1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14503_13595-146E4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep3_CNhs14510_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep3_CNhs14510_13609-146F9_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep3_CNhs14510_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep3_CNhs14510_13609-146F9_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep2_CNhs14509_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep2_CNhs14509_13608-146F8_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep2_CNhs14509_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep2_CNhs14509_13608-146F8_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep1_CNhs14508_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep1_CNhs14508_13607-146F7_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep1_CNhs14508_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhxW01Br1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep1_CNhs14508_13607-146F7_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14507_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14507_13606-146F6_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14507_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14507_13606-146F6_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14405_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14405_13605-146F5_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14405_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14405_13605-146F5_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14404_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14404_13604-146F4_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14404_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_48hrBr1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14404_13604-146F4_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14506_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14506_13603-146F3_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14506_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14506_13603-146F3_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14403_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14403_13602-146F2_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14403_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14403_13602-146F2_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14402_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14402_13601-146F1_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14402_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_30hrBr1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14402_13601-146F1_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep3_CNhs14400_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr3- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14400_13600-146E9_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep3_CNhs14400_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr3+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14400_13600-146E9_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep2_CNhs14399_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr2- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14399_13599-146E8_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep2_CNhs14399_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr2+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14399_13599-146E8_forward Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14504_tpm_rev Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr1- liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14504_13598-146E7_reverse Expression and Regulation LiverSinusoidalEndothelialCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14504_tpm_fwd Tc:LSECsPhx_02hrBr1+ liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14504_13598-146E7_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedEmbryoE19_5_CNhs14375_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowE19_5- hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, embryo E19_5_CNhs14375_11956-126C3_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellBoneMarrowDerivedEmbryoE19_5_CNhs14375_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsBoneMarrowE19_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, bone marrow derived, embryo E19_5_CNhs14375_11956-126C3_forward Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellAortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE10_5_CNhs14374_tpm_rev Tc:HSCsAGMregionE10_5- hematopoietic stem cell, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E10_5_CNhs14374_11949-126B5_reverse Expression and Regulation HematopoieticStemCellAortagonadmesonephrosAGMRegionDerivedEmbryoE10_5_CNhs14374_tpm_fwd Tc:HSCsAGMregionE10_5+ hematopoietic stem cell, aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region derived, embryo E10_5_CNhs14374_11949-126B5_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14392_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr3- hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14392_13612-146G3_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep3_CNhs14392_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr3+ hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep3_CNhs14392_13612-146G3_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14391_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr2- hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14391_13611-146G2_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep2_CNhs14391_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr2+ hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep2_CNhs14391_13611-146G2_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14390_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr1- hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14390_13610-146G1_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsShamOperationBiolRep1_CNhs14390_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsShamOpBr1+ hepatic stellate cells, sham operation, biol_rep1_CNhs14390_13610-146G1_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep1_CNhs14517_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhxW01Br1- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep1_CNhs14517_13622-146H4_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy01weekBiolRep1_CNhs14517_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhxW01Br1+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 01week, biol_rep1_CNhs14517_13622-146H4_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14516_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr3- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14516_13621-146H3_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep3_CNhs14516_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr3+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14516_13621-146H3_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14515_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr2- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14515_13620-146H2_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep2_CNhs14515_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr2+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14515_13620-146H2_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14514_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr1- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14514_13619-146H1_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy48hrBiolRep1_CNhs14514_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_48hrBr1+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14514_13619-146H1_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14513_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr3- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14513_13618-146G9_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep3_CNhs14513_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr3+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14513_13618-146G9_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14512_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr2- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14512_13617-146G8_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep2_CNhs14512_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr2+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep2_CNhs14512_13617-146G8_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14511_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr1- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14511_13616-146G7_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy30hrBiolRep1_CNhs14511_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_30hrBr1+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 30hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14511_13616-146G7_forward Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14393_tpm_rev Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_02hrBr1- hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14393_13613-146G4_reverse Expression and Regulation HepaticStellateCellsPartialHepatectomy02hrBiolRep1_CNhs14393_tpm_fwd Tc:HepaticStellateCellsPhx_02hrBr1+ hepatic stellate cells, partial hepatectomy, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs14393_13613-146G4_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11216_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11216_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10623_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10623_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10527_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10527_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10655_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10655_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11128_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11128_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10511_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10511_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11120_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11120_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11048_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11048_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10749_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10749_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11024_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11024_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10725_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10725_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11000_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11000_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10479_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10479_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11032_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11032_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11184_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11184_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10591_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10591_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10495_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10495_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10856_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10856_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11096_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11096_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11072_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11072_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11246_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11246_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10840_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10840_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11278_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11278_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11080_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11080_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10880_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10880_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10607_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10607_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11208_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11208_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10639_tpm_rev WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1- whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10639_3139-67G5_reverse Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10527_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10527_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10655_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10655_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11128_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11128_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10511_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10511_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11120_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11120_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11048_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11048_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10749_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10749_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11024_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11024_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10725_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10725_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11000_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11000_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10479_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10479_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11032_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11032_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11184_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11184_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10591_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10591_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10495_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10495_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10856_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10856_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11096_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11096_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11072_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11072_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11246_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11246_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10840_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10840_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11278_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11278_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11080_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11080_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10880_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10880_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10607_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10607_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11208_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11208_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10639_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10639_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs11216_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs11216_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pool1InternalControl_CNhs10623_tpm_fwd WholeBodyEmbryoE17_5Pl1+ whole body, embryo E17_5, pool1 (internal control)_CNhs10623_3139-67G5_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1BalbcA_CNhs14160_tpm_rev TregsPmaIonomycin_02hrPl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (BalbcA)_CNhs14160_11946-126B2_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1C57BL6J_CNhs14142_tpm_rev TregsPmaIonomycin_02hrPl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (C57BL 6J)_CNhs14142_11945-126B1_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1BalbcA_CNhs14160_tpm_fwd TregsPmaIonomycin_02hrPl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (BalbcA)_CNhs14160_11946-126B2_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1C57BL6J_CNhs14142_tpm_fwd TregsPmaIonomycin_02hrPl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (C57BL 6J)_CNhs14142_11945-126B1_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsAntiCD3CD28Stimulation06hrPool1BalbcA_CNhs14158_tpm_rev TregsAntiCD3CD28_06hrPl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, antiCD3 CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (BalbcA)_CNhs14158_11943-126A8_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsAntiCD3CD28Stimulation06hrPool1C57BL6J_CNhs14159_tpm_rev TregsAntiCD3CD28_06hrPl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, antiCD3 CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (C57BL 6J)_CNhs14159_11944-126A9_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsAntiCD3CD28Stimulation06hrPool1BalbcA_CNhs14158_tpm_fwd TregsAntiCD3CD28_06hrPl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, antiCD3 CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (BalbcA)_CNhs14158_11943-126A8_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsAntiCD3CD28Stimulation06hrPool1C57BL6J_CNhs14159_tpm_fwd TregsAntiCD3CD28_06hrPl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, antiCD3 CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (C57BL 6J)_CNhs14159_11944-126A9_forward Expression and Regulation OsteoclastBoneMarrowDerived_CNhs14137_tpm_rev OsteoclastBoneMarrow- osteoclast, bone marrow derived_CNhs14137_2379-69A1_reverse Expression and Regulation OsteoclastBoneMarrowDerived_CNhs14137_tpm_fwd OsteoclastBoneMarrow+ osteoclast, bone marrow derived_CNhs14137_2379-69A1_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13083_tpm_rev NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr3- neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13083_11806-124D6_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13083_tpm_fwd NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr3+ neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13083_11806-124D6_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13082_tpm_rev NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr2- neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13082_11805-124D5_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13082_tpm_fwd NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr2+ neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13082_11805-124D5_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13081_tpm_rev NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr1- neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13081_11804-124D4_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13081_tpm_fwd NeurospheresSympatheticNeuronBr1+ neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13081_11804-124D4_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13086_tpm_rev NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr3- neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13086_11809-124D9_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13086_tpm_fwd NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr3+ neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13086_11809-124D9_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13085_tpm_rev NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr2- neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13085_11808-124D8_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13085_tpm_fwd NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr2+ neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13085_11808-124D8_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13084_tpm_rev NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr1- neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13084_11807-124D7_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13084_tpm_fwd NeurospheresParasympatheticNeuronBr1+ neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13084_11807-124D7_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13089_tpm_rev NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr3- neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13089_11812-124E3_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep3_CNhs13089_tpm_fwd NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr3+ neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep3_CNhs13089_11812-124E3_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13088_tpm_rev NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr2- neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13088_11811-124E2_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep2_CNhs13088_tpm_fwd NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr2+ neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep2_CNhs13088_11811-124E2_forward Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13087_tpm_rev NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr1- neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13087_11810-124E1_reverse Expression and Regulation NeurospheresEntericNeuronDerivedBiolRep1_CNhs13087_tpm_fwd NeurospheresEntericNeuronBr1+ neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep1_CNhs13087_11810-124E1_forward Expression and Regulation NeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor5TechRep2_CNhs12923_tpm_rev NeuronsSubstantiaNigraD5Tr2- Neurons - substantia nigra, donor5, tech_rep2_CNhs12923_11490-119E5_reverse Expression and Regulation NeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor5TechRep2_CNhs12923_tpm_fwd NeuronsSubstantiaNigraD5Tr2+ Neurons - substantia nigra, donor5, tech_rep2_CNhs12923_11490-119E5_forward Expression and Regulation NeuronsSpiralGanglionPool1_CNhs14147_tpm_rev NeuronsSpiralGanglionPl1- Neurons - spiral ganglion, pool1_CNhs14147_11959-126C6_reverse Expression and Regulation NeuronsSpiralGanglionPool1_CNhs14147_tpm_fwd NeuronsSpiralGanglionPl1+ Neurons - spiral ganglion, pool1_CNhs14147_11959-126C6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14333_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr2- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14333_12258-129I8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14333_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr2+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14333_12258-129I8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12580_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr1- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12580_12258-129I8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12580_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr1+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12580_12258-129I8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14341_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr2- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14341_12257-129I7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14341_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr2+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14341_12257-129I7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12515_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr1- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12515_12257-129I7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12515_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr1+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12515_12257-129I7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14340_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr1Tr2- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14340_12256-129I6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14340_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr1Tr2+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14340_12256-129I6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14331_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14331_12252-129I2_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14331_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14331_12252-129I2_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12578_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr1- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12578_12252-129I2_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12578_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12578_12252-129I2_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14337_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br2Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14337_12251-129I1_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14337_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br2Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14337_12251-129I1_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14336_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br1Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14336_12250-129H9_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14336_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br1Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14336_12250-129H9_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14339_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr3Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14339_12255-129I5_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14339_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr3Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14339_12255-129I5_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14338_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr2Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14338_12254-129I4_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14338_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr2Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14338_12254-129I4_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14332_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr2- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14332_12253-129I3_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14332_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14332_12253-129I3_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep1_CNhs12579_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr1- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep1_CNhs12579_12253-129I3_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep1_CNhs12579_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep1_CNhs12579_12253-129I3_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14335_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr2- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14335_12249-129H8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14335_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14335_12249-129H8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12509_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr1- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12509_12249-129H8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12509_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12509_12249-129H8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14334_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr2- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14334_12248-129H7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14334_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14334_12248-129H7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12508_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr1- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12508_12248-129H7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12508_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12508_12248-129H7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14330_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr2- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14330_12247-129H6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep2_CNhs14330_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr2+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep2_CNhs14330_12247-129H6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep1_CNhs12576_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr1- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep1_CNhs12576_12247-129H6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep1_CNhs12576_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr1+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep1_CNhs12576_12247-129H6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor3_CNhs12115_tpm_rev MouseSchwannD3- Mouse Schwann, donor3_CNhs12115_11651-122E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor3_CNhs12115_tpm_fwd MouseSchwannD3+ Mouse Schwann, donor3_CNhs12115_11651-122E4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor2_CNhs12573_tpm_rev MouseSchwannD2- Mouse Schwann, donor2_CNhs12573_11746-123F9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor2_CNhs12573_tpm_fwd MouseSchwannD2+ Mouse Schwann, donor2_CNhs12573_11746-123F9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor1_CNhs12507_tpm_rev MouseSchwannD1- Mouse Schwann, donor1_CNhs12507_11728-123D9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseSchwannDonor1_CNhs12507_tpm_fwd MouseSchwannD1+ Mouse Schwann, donor1_CNhs12507_11728-123D9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseRenalEpithelialCellsDonor1_CNhs14555_tpm_rev MouseRenalEpithelialCellsD1- Mouse Renal epithelial cells, donor1_CNhs14555_11727-123D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseRenalEpithelialCellsDonor1_CNhs14555_tpm_fwd MouseRenalEpithelialCellsD1+ Mouse Renal epithelial cells, donor1_CNhs14555_11727-123D8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor3_CNhs12113_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD3- Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor3_CNhs12113_11648-122E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor3_CNhs12113_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD3+ Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor3_CNhs12113_11648-122E1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor2_CNhs12638_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD2- Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor2_CNhs12638_11743-123F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor2_CNhs12638_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD2+ Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor2_CNhs12638_11743-123F6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor1_CNhs12632_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD1- Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor1_CNhs12632_11725-123D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordDonor1_CNhs12632_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsVentralSpinalCordD1+ Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor1_CNhs12632_11725-123D6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor6_CNhs12643_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD6- Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor6_CNhs12643_11770-123I6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor6_CNhs12643_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD6+ Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor6_CNhs12643_11770-123I6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor5_CNhs12614_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD5- Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor5_CNhs12614_11490-119E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor5_CNhs12614_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD5+ Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor5_CNhs12614_11490-119E5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor4TechRep2_CNhs12821_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD4Tr2- Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor4, tech_rep2_CNhs12821_11489-119E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor4TechRep2_CNhs12821_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD4Tr2+ Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor4, tech_rep2_CNhs12821_11489-119E4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor4TechRep1_CNhs12612_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD4Tr1- Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor4, tech_rep1_CNhs12612_11489-119E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraDonor4TechRep1_CNhs12612_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsSubstantiaNigraD4Tr1+ Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor4, tech_rep1_CNhs12612_11489-119E4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor3_CNhs12111_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsStriatalD3- Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor3_CNhs12111_11646-122D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor3_CNhs12111_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsStriatalD3+ Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor3_CNhs12111_11646-122D8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor2_CNhs12360_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsStriatalD2- Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor2_CNhs12360_11741-123F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor2_CNhs12360_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsStriatalD2+ Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor2_CNhs12360_11741-123F4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor1_CNhs12134_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsStriatalD1- Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor1_CNhs12134_11723-123D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsStriatalDonor1_CNhs12134_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsStriatalD1+ Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor1_CNhs12134_11723-123D4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor3_CNhs12619_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsRapheD3- Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor3_CNhs12619_11645-122D7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor3_CNhs12619_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsRapheD3+ Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor3_CNhs12619_11645-122D7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor2_CNhs12636_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsRapheD2- Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor2_CNhs12636_11740-123F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor2_CNhs12636_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsRapheD2+ Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor2_CNhs12636_11740-123F3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor1_CNhs12631_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsRapheD1- Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor1_CNhs12631_11722-123D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsRapheDonor1_CNhs12631_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsRapheD1+ Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor1_CNhs12631_11722-123D3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor3_CNhs12110_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsHippocampalD3- Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor3_CNhs12110_11644-122D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor3_CNhs12110_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsHippocampalD3+ Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor3_CNhs12110_11644-122D6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor2_CNhs12359_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsHippocampalD2- Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor2_CNhs12359_11739-123F2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor2_CNhs12359_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsHippocampalD2+ Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor2_CNhs12359_11739-123F2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor1_CNhs12133_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsHippocampalD1- Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor1_CNhs12133_11721-123D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsHippocampalDonor1_CNhs12133_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsHippocampalD1+ Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor1_CNhs12133_11721-123D2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor3_CNhs12618_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD3- Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor3_CNhs12618_11643-122D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor3_CNhs12618_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD3+ Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor3_CNhs12618_11643-122D5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor2_CNhs12635_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD2- Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor2_CNhs12635_11738-123F1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor2_CNhs12635_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD2+ Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor2_CNhs12635_11738-123F1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor1_CNhs12630_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD1- Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor1_CNhs12630_11720-123D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordDonor1_CNhs12630_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsDorsalSpinalCordD1+ Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor1_CNhs12630_11720-123D1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor3_CNhs12112_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsCorticalD3- Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor3_CNhs12112_11647-122D9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor3_CNhs12112_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsCorticalD3+ Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor3_CNhs12112_11647-122D9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor2_CNhs11947_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsCorticalD2- Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor2_CNhs11947_11742-123F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor2_CNhs11947_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsCorticalD2+ Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor2_CNhs11947_11742-123F5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor1_CNhs12025_tpm_rev MouseNeuronsCorticalD1- Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor1_CNhs12025_11724-123D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseNeuronsCorticalDonor1_CNhs12025_tpm_fwd MouseNeuronsCorticalD1+ Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor1_CNhs12025_11724-123D5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor3_CNhs12616_tpm_rev MouseMscBoneMarrowD3- Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor3_CNhs12616_11640-122D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor3_CNhs12616_tpm_fwd MouseMscBoneMarrowD3+ Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor3_CNhs12616_11640-122D2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor2_CNhs12633_tpm_rev MouseMscBoneMarrowD2- Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor2_CNhs12633_11735-123E7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor2_CNhs12633_tpm_fwd MouseMscBoneMarrowD2+ Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor2_CNhs12633_11735-123E7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor1_CNhs12628_tpm_rev MouseMscBoneMarrowD1- Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor1_CNhs12628_11717-123C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMesenchymalStemCellsBoneMarrowDerivedDonor1_CNhs12628_tpm_fwd MouseMscBoneMarrowD1+ Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor1_CNhs12628_11717-123C7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor3_CNhs12617_tpm_rev MouseMicrogliaD3- Mouse Microglia, donor3_CNhs12617_11641-122D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor3_CNhs12617_tpm_fwd MouseMicrogliaD3+ Mouse Microglia, donor3_CNhs12617_11641-122D3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor2_CNhs12634_tpm_rev MouseMicrogliaD2- Mouse Microglia, donor2_CNhs12634_11736-123E8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor2_CNhs12634_tpm_fwd MouseMicrogliaD2+ Mouse Microglia, donor2_CNhs12634_11736-123E8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor1_CNhs12629_tpm_rev MouseMicrogliaD1- Mouse Microglia, donor1_CNhs12629_11718-123C8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMicrogliaDonor1_CNhs12629_tpm_fwd MouseMicrogliaD1+ Mouse Microglia, donor1_CNhs12629_11718-123C8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor3_CNhs12109_tpm_rev MouseMeningealCellsD3- Mouse Meningeal cells, donor3_CNhs12109_11639-122D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor3_CNhs12109_tpm_fwd MouseMeningealCellsD3+ Mouse Meningeal cells, donor3_CNhs12109_11639-122D1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor2_CNhs12358_tpm_rev MouseMeningealCellsD2- Mouse Meningeal cells, donor2_CNhs12358_11734-123E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor2_CNhs12358_tpm_fwd MouseMeningealCellsD2+ Mouse Meningeal cells, donor2_CNhs12358_11734-123E6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor1_CNhs12132_tpm_rev MouseMeningealCellsD1- Mouse Meningeal cells, donor1_CNhs12132_11716-123C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseMeningealCellsDonor1_CNhs12132_tpm_fwd MouseMeningealCellsD1+ Mouse Meningeal cells, donor1_CNhs12132_11716-123C6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor8_CNhs13091_tpm_rev MouseHepatocyteD8- Mouse hepatocyte, donor8_CNhs13091_11824-124F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor8_CNhs13091_tpm_fwd MouseHepatocyteD8+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor8_CNhs13091_11824-124F6_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor7_CNhs14554_tpm_rev MouseHepatocyteD7- Mouse hepatocyte, donor7_CNhs14554_11823-124F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor7_CNhs14554_tpm_fwd MouseHepatocyteD7+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor7_CNhs14554_11823-124F5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor6_CNhs13090_tpm_rev MouseHepatocyteD6- Mouse hepatocyte, donor6_CNhs13090_11822-124F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor6_CNhs13090_tpm_fwd MouseHepatocyteD6+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor6_CNhs13090_11822-124F4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor5_CNhs14553_tpm_rev MouseHepatocyteD5- Mouse hepatocyte, donor5_CNhs14553_11821-124F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor5_CNhs14553_tpm_fwd MouseHepatocyteD5+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor5_CNhs14553_11821-124F3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor3_CNhs12615_tpm_rev MouseHepatocyteD3- Mouse hepatocyte, donor3_CNhs12615_11637-122C8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor3_CNhs12615_tpm_fwd MouseHepatocyteD3+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor3_CNhs12615_11637-122C8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor1_CNhs13078_tpm_rev MouseHepatocyteD1- Mouse hepatocyte, donor1_CNhs13078_11714-123C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepatocyteDonor1_CNhs13078_tpm_fwd MouseHepatocyteD1+ Mouse hepatocyte, donor1_CNhs13078_11714-123C4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepaticStellateCellsLipocyteDonor1_CNhs13196_tpm_rev MouseHepaticStellateCellsD1- Mouse hepatic Stellate Cells (lipocyte), donor1_CNhs13196_11825-124F7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepaticStellateCellsLipocyteDonor1_CNhs13196_tpm_fwd MouseHepaticStellateCellsD1+ Mouse hepatic Stellate Cells (lipocyte), donor1_CNhs13196_11825-124F7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseHepaticSinusoidalEndothelialCellsDonor1_CNhs13209_tpm_rev MouseHepaticSinusoidalEndothelialCellsD1- Mouse hepatic Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells, donor1_CNhs13209_11830-124G3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseHepaticSinusoidalEndothelialCellsDonor1_CNhs13209_tpm_fwd MouseHepaticSinusoidalEndothelialCellsD1+ Mouse hepatic Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells, donor1_CNhs13209_11830-124G3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor3_CNhs12108_tpm_rev MouseGranuleCellsD3- Mouse Granule cells, donor3_CNhs12108_11636-122C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor3_CNhs12108_tpm_fwd MouseGranuleCellsD3+ Mouse Granule cells, donor3_CNhs12108_11636-122C7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor2_CNhs12357_tpm_rev MouseGranuleCellsD2- Mouse Granule cells, donor2_CNhs12357_11731-123E3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor2_CNhs12357_tpm_fwd MouseGranuleCellsD2+ Mouse Granule cells, donor2_CNhs12357_11731-123E3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor1_CNhs12131_tpm_rev MouseGranuleCellsD1- Mouse Granule cells, donor1_CNhs12131_11713-123C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseGranuleCellsDonor1_CNhs12131_tpm_fwd MouseGranuleCellsD1+ Mouse Granule cells, donor1_CNhs12131_11713-123C3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseEmbryonicFibroblastsDonor1_CNhs12130_tpm_rev MouseEmbryonicFibrosD1- Mouse Embryonic fibroblasts, donor1_CNhs12130_11712-123C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseEmbryonicFibroblastsDonor1_CNhs12130_tpm_fwd MouseEmbryonicFibrosD1+ Mouse Embryonic fibroblasts, donor1_CNhs12130_11712-123C2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCD8TCellsDonor1_CNhs13511_tpm_rev MouseCd8+TCellsD1- Mouse CD8+ T Cells, donor1_CNhs13511_11855-125A1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCD8TCellsDonor1_CNhs13511_tpm_fwd MouseCd8+TCellsD1+ Mouse CD8+ T Cells, donor1_CNhs13511_11855-125A1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCD4TCellsDonor1_CNhs13509_tpm_rev MouseCd4+TCellsD1- Mouse CD4+ T Cells, donor1_CNhs13509_11854-124I9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCD4TCellsDonor1_CNhs13509_tpm_fwd MouseCd4+TCellsD1+ Mouse CD4+ T Cells, donor1_CNhs13509_11854-124I9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCD19BCellsDonor1_CNhs13531_tpm_rev MouseCd19+BCellsD1- Mouse CD19+ B Cells, donor1_CNhs13531_11856-125A2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCD19BCellsDonor1_CNhs13531_tpm_fwd MouseCd19+BCellsD1+ Mouse CD19+ B Cells, donor1_CNhs13531_11856-125A2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor3_CNhs12353_tpm_rev MouseCardiacMyocytesD3- Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor3_CNhs12353_11634-122C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor3_CNhs12353_tpm_fwd MouseCardiacMyocytesD3+ Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor3_CNhs12353_11634-122C5_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor2_CNhs12356_tpm_rev MouseCardiacMyocytesD2- Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor2_CNhs12356_11729-123E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor2_CNhs12356_tpm_fwd MouseCardiacMyocytesD2+ Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor2_CNhs12356_11729-123E1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor1_CNhs12355_tpm_rev MouseCardiacMyocytesD1- Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor1_CNhs12355_11711-123C1_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseCardiacMyocytesDonor1_CNhs12355_tpm_fwd MouseCardiacMyocytesD1+ Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor1_CNhs12355_11711-123C1_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor3_CNhs12106_tpm_rev MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD3- Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor3_CNhs12106_11632-122C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor3_CNhs12106_tpm_fwd MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD3+ Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor3_CNhs12106_11632-122C3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor2_CNhs12077_tpm_rev MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD2- Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor2_CNhs12077_11551-120C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor2_CNhs12077_tpm_fwd MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD2+ Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor2_CNhs12077_11551-120C3_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor1_CNhs12129_tpm_rev MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD1- Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor1_CNhs12129_11709-123B8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesHippocampusDonor1_CNhs12129_tpm_fwd MouseAstrocytesHippocampusD1+ Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor1_CNhs12129_11709-123B8_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesDonor3_CNhs12107_tpm_rev MouseAstrocytesD3- Mouse Astrocytes, donor3_CNhs12107_11633-122C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesDonor3_CNhs12107_tpm_fwd MouseAstrocytesD3+ Mouse Astrocytes, donor3_CNhs12107_11633-122C4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesDonor2_CNhs12078_tpm_rev MouseAstrocytesD2- Mouse Astrocytes, donor2_CNhs12078_11552-120C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesDonor2_CNhs12078_tpm_fwd MouseAstrocytesD2+ Mouse Astrocytes, donor2_CNhs12078_11552-120C4_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesCerebellarDonor2_CNhs12076_tpm_rev MouseAstrocytesCerebellarD2- Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor2_CNhs12076_11550-120C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesCerebellarDonor2_CNhs12076_tpm_fwd MouseAstrocytesCerebellarD2+ Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor2_CNhs12076_11550-120C2_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesCerebellarDonor1_CNhs13077_tpm_rev MouseAstrocytesCerebellarD1- Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor1_CNhs13077_11708-123B7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAstrocytesCerebellarDonor1_CNhs13077_tpm_fwd MouseAstrocytesCerebellarD1+ Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor1_CNhs13077_11708-123B7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDonor1_CNhs11297_tpm_rev MouseAorticSmcD1- Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells, donor1_CNhs11297_11299-117B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDonor1_CNhs11297_tpm_fwd MouseAorticSmcD1+ Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells, donor1_CNhs11297_11299-117B3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerived_CNhs14136_tpm_rev MacrophageBoneMarrow- macrophage, bone marrow derived_CNhs14136_2171-50H8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerived_CNhs14136_tpm_fwd MacrophageBoneMarrow+ macrophage, bone marrow derived_CNhs14136_2171-50H8_forward Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCells1stGenerationStemCellsPool1_CNhs11929_tpm_rev InnerEarStemCells1stGenPl1- Inner ear stem cells, 1st generation stem cells, pool1_CNhs11929_12215-129E1_reverse Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCells1stGenerationStemCellsPool1_CNhs11929_tpm_fwd InnerEarStemCells1stGenPl1+ Inner ear stem cells, 1st generation stem cells, pool1_CNhs11929_12215-129E1_forward Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep3_CNhs11928_tpm_rev GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr3- granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep3_CNhs11928_12129-128D5_reverse Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep3_CNhs11928_tpm_fwd GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr3+ granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep3_CNhs11928_12129-128D5_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor3_CNhs13201_tpm_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD3- CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor3_CNhs13201_11779-124A6_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor3_CNhs13201_tpm_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD3+ CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor3_CNhs13201_11779-124A6_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor2_CNhs13214_tpm_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD2- CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor2_CNhs13214_11777-124A4_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor2_CNhs13214_tpm_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD2+ CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor2_CNhs13214_11777-124A4_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor1_CNhs13212_tpm_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD1- CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor1_CNhs13212_11775-124A2_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteControlDonor1_CNhs13212_tpm_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteControlD1+ CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor1_CNhs13212_11775-124A2_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor3_CNhs13506_tpm_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD3- CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor3_CNhs13506_11778-124A5_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor3_CNhs13506_tpm_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD3+ CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor3_CNhs13506_11778-124A5_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor2_CNhs13213_tpm_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD2- CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor2_CNhs13213_11776-124A3_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor2_CNhs13213_tpm_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD2+ CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor2_CNhs13213_11776-124A3_forward Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor1_CNhs13079_tpm_rev Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD1- CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor1_CNhs13079_11774-124A1_reverse Expression and Regulation CD41MegakaryocyteCancerDonor1_CNhs13079_tpm_fwd Cd41+MegakaryocyteCancerD1+ CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor1_CNhs13079_11774-124A1_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13226_tpm_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-PmaAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPl2- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13226_11820-124F2_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13226_tpm_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-PmaAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPl2+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13226_11820-124F2_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13219_tpm_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-PmaAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPl1- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13219_11816-124E7_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPMAAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13219_tpm_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-PmaAndIonomycinStimulation02hrPl1+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13219_11816-124E7_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13220_tpm_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-Pl2- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13220_11817-124E8_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13220_tpm_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-Pl2+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13220_11817-124E8_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13217_tpm_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-Pl1- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13217_11813-124E4_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13217_tpm_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-Pl1+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13217_11813-124E4_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsAntiCD3_CD28Stimulation06hrPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13225_tpm_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-Anticd3_cd28Stimulation06hrPl2- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13225_11819-124F1_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsAntiCD3_CD28Stimulation06hrPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13225_tpm_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-Anticd3_cd28Stimulation06hrPl2+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13225_11819-124F1_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsAntiCD3_CD28Stimulation06hrPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13218_tpm_rev Cd4+cd25-cd44-Anticd3_cd28Stimulation06hrPl1- CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13218_11815-124E6_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25CD44NaiveConventionalTCellsAntiCD3_CD28Stimulation06hrPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13218_tpm_fwd Cd4+cd25-cd44-Anticd3_cd28Stimulation06hrPl1+ CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13218_11815-124E6_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13221_tpm_rev Cd4+cd25+RegulatoryTCells(balb_cajcl)Pl2- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13221_11818-124E9_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPool2Balb_cAJcl_CNhs13221_tpm_fwd Cd4+cd25+RegulatoryTCells(balb_cajcl)Pl2+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl)_CNhs13221_11818-124E9_forward Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13913_tpm_rev Cd4+cd25+RegulatoryTCells(balb_cajcl)Pl1- CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13913_11814-124E5_reverse Expression and Regulation CD4CD25RegulatoryTCellsPool1C57BL_6J_CNhs13913_tpm_fwd Cd4+cd25+RegulatoryTCells(balb_cajcl)Pl1+ CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, pool1 (C57BL_6J)_CNhs13913_11814-124E5_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocytePool2_CNhs13197_tpm_rev Cd326+EnterocytePl2- CD326+ enterocyte, pool2_CNhs13197_11849-124I4_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocytePool2_CNhs13197_tpm_fwd Cd326+EnterocytePl2+ CD326+ enterocyte, pool2_CNhs13197_11849-124I4_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocytePool1_CNhs13542_tpm_rev Cd326+EnterocytePl1- CD326+ enterocyte, pool1_CNhs13542_11848-124I3_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocytePool1_CNhs13542_tpm_fwd Cd326+EnterocytePl1+ CD326+ enterocyte, pool1_CNhs13542_11848-124I3_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool2_CNhs13210_tpm_rev Cd326++EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl2- CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2_CNhs13210_11853-124I8_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool2_CNhs13210_tpm_fwd Cd326++EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl2+ CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2_CNhs13210_11853-124I8_forward Expression and Regulation AstrocytesDonor1_CNhs11915_tpm_rev AstrocytesD1- Astrocytes, donor1_CNhs11915_11710-123B9_reverse Expression and Regulation AstrocytesDonor1_CNhs11915_tpm_fwd AstrocytesD1+ Astrocytes, donor1_CNhs11915_11710-123B9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDifferentiatedBiolRep2_CNhs11056_tpm_rev AorticSmsDifferentiatedBr2- Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep2_CNhs11056_11485-119D9_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDifferentiatedBiolRep2_CNhs11056_tpm_fwd AorticSmsDifferentiatedBr2+ Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep2_CNhs11056_11485-119D9_forward Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDifferentiatedBiolRep1_CNhs11055_tpm_rev AorticSmsDifferentiatedBr1- Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep1_CNhs11055_11484-119D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseAorticSmoothMuscleCellsDifferentiatedBiolRep1_CNhs11055_tpm_fwd AorticSmsDifferentiatedBr1+ Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep1_CNhs11055_11484-119D8_forward Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep3_CNhs12536_tpm_rev StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr3- stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep3_CNhs12536_12127-128D3_reverse Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep3_CNhs12536_tpm_fwd StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr3+ stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep3_CNhs12536_12127-128D3_forward Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep2_CNhs12535_tpm_rev StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr2- stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep2_CNhs12535_12124-128C9_reverse Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep2_CNhs12535_tpm_fwd StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr2+ stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep2_CNhs12535_12124-128C9_forward Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep1_CNhs12534_tpm_rev StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr1- stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep1_CNhs12534_12121-128C6_reverse Expression and Regulation StemCellCKitSca1LineageKSLBiolRep1_CNhs12534_tpm_fwd StemCell(ckit+Sca1-Lineage-)KslBr1+ stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep1_CNhs12534_12121-128C6_forward Expression and Regulation Sox2SupportingCellsOrganOfCortiPool1_CNhs12532_tpm_rev Sox2+SupportingCellsOrganOfCortiPl1- Sox2+ Supporting cells - organ of corti, pool1_CNhs12532_12157-128G6_reverse Expression and Regulation Sox2SupportingCellsOrganOfCortiPool1_CNhs12532_tpm_fwd Sox2+SupportingCellsOrganOfCortiPl1+ Sox2+ Supporting cells - organ of corti, pool1_CNhs12532_12157-128G6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14387_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr3- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14387_12258-129I8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14387_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr3Tr3+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14387_12258-129I8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14382_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr3- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14382_12257-129I7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14382_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr2Tr3+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14382_12257-129I7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14381_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr1Tr3- natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14381_12256-129I6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14381_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsNaiveBr1Tr3+ natural helper cells, naive, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14381_12256-129I6_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14379_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14379_12252-129I2_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14379_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br3Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14379_12252-129I2_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14385_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br2Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14385_12251-129I1_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14385_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br2Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14385_12251-129I1_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14386_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br1Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14386_12250-129H9_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33TreatedDay02BiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14386_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_Day02Br1Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, day02, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14386_12250-129H9_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14380_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr3Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14380_12255-129I5_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14380_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr3Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14380_12255-129I5_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14384_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr2Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14384_12254-129I4_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14384_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr2Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14384_12254-129I4_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14383_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr3- natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14383_12253-129I3_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL33Treated01hrBiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14383_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL33_01hrBr1Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL33 treated, 01hr, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14383_12253-129I3_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14389_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr3- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14389_12249-129H8_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep3TechRep3_CNhs14389_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br3Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep3, tech_rep3_CNhs14389_12249-129H8_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14388_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr3- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14388_12248-129H7_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep2TechRep3_CNhs14388_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br2Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep2, tech_rep3_CNhs14388_12248-129H7_forward Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14378_tpm_rev NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr3- natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14378_12247-129H6_reverse Expression and Regulation NaturalHelperCellsIL2TreatedDay15BiolRep1TechRep3_CNhs14378_tpm_fwd NaturalHelperCellsIL2_Day15Br1Tr3+ natural helper cells, IL2 treated, day15, biol_rep1, tech_rep3_CNhs14378_12247-129H6_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor30128PBS_CNhs12543_tpm_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD3- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor3 (0128 PBS)_CNhs12543_12164-128H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor30128PBS_CNhs12543_tpm_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD3+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor3 (0128 PBS)_CNhs12543_12164-128H4_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor20127PBS_CNhs12541_tpm_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD2- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor2 (0127 PBS)_CNhs12541_12162-128H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor20127PBS_CNhs12541_tpm_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD2+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor2 (0127 PBS)_CNhs12541_12162-128H2_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor1456PBS_CNhs12540_tpm_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD1- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor1 (4,5,6PBS)_CNhs12540_12160-128G9_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsControlDonor1456PBS_CNhs12540_tpm_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsControlD1+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor1 (4,5,6PBS)_CNhs12540_12160-128G9_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor301283LL_CNhs12542_tpm_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD3- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor3 (0128 3LL)_CNhs12542_12163-128H3_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor301283LL_CNhs12542_tpm_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD3+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor3 (0128 3LL)_CNhs12542_12163-128H3_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor201273LL_CNhs12198_tpm_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD2- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor2 (0127 3LL)_CNhs12198_12161-128H1_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor201273LL_CNhs12198_tpm_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD2+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor2 (0127 3LL)_CNhs12198_12161-128H1_forward Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor11011123LL_CNhs12539_tpm_rev Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD1- MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor1 (10,11,12 3LL)_CNhs12539_12159-128G8_reverse Expression and Regulation MC1Gr1MyeloidderivedSuppressorCellsCancerDonor11011123LL_CNhs12539_tpm_fwd Mc1+gr1+Myeloid-SuppressorCellsCancerD1+ MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor1 (10,11,12 3LL)_CNhs12539_12159-128G8_forward Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool3_CNhs12557_tpm_rev Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl3- Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool3_CNhs12557_12230-129F7_reverse Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool3_CNhs12557_tpm_fwd Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl3+ Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool3_CNhs12557_12230-129F7_forward Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool2_CNhs12556_tpm_rev Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl2- Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool2_CNhs12556_12229-129F6_reverse Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool2_CNhs12556_tpm_fwd Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl2+ Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool2_CNhs12556_12229-129F6_forward Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool1_CNhs12555_tpm_rev Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl1- Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool1_CNhs12555_12228-129F5_reverse Expression and Regulation Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPool1_CNhs12555_tpm_fwd Lgr5PositiveIntestinalStemCellsPl1+ Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool1_CNhs12555_12228-129F5_forward Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCellsDifferentiationDay10Pool1_CNhs12190_tpm_rev InnerEarStemCellsDiff_Day10Pl1- Inner ear stem cells, differentiation, day10, pool1_CNhs12190_12218-129E4_reverse Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCellsDifferentiationDay10Pool1_CNhs12190_tpm_fwd InnerEarStemCellsDiff_Day10Pl1+ Inner ear stem cells, differentiation, day10, pool1_CNhs12190_12218-129E4_forward Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCellsDifferentiationDay03Pool1_CNhs12189_tpm_rev InnerEarStemCellsDiff_Day03Pl1- Inner ear stem cells, differentiation, day03, pool1_CNhs12189_12217-129E3_reverse Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCellsDifferentiationDay03Pool1_CNhs12189_tpm_fwd InnerEarStemCellsDiff_Day03Pl1+ Inner ear stem cells, differentiation, day03, pool1_CNhs12189_12217-129E3_forward Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCells4thGenerationStemCellsPool1_CNhs12544_tpm_rev InnerEarStemCells4thGenPl1- Inner ear stem cells, 4th generation stem cells, pool1_CNhs12544_12216-129E2_reverse Expression and Regulation InnerEarStemCells4thGenerationStemCellsPool1_CNhs12544_tpm_fwd InnerEarStemCells4thGenPl1+ Inner ear stem cells, 4th generation stem cells, pool1_CNhs12544_12216-129E2_forward Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumPool2_CNhs13232_tpm_rev IleumEpitheliumPl2- Ileum epithelium, pool2_CNhs13232_10253-104C1_reverse Expression and Regulation IleumEpitheliumPool2_CNhs13232_tpm_fwd IleumEpitheliumPl2+ Ileum epithelium, pool2_CNhs13232_10253-104C1_forward Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep2_CNhs12202_tpm_rev GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr2- granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep2_CNhs12202_12126-128D2_reverse Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep2_CNhs12202_tpm_fwd GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr2+ granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep2_CNhs12202_12126-128D2_forward Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep1_CNhs12206_tpm_rev GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr1- granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep1_CNhs12206_12123-128C8_reverse Expression and Regulation GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGMPBiolRep1_CNhs12206_tpm_fwd GranulocyteMacrophageProgenitorGmpBr1+ granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep1_CNhs12206_12123-128C8_forward Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool3_CNhs13240_tpm_rev Gp2+MCellPl3- GP2+ M cell, pool3_CNhs13240_11847-124I2_reverse Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool3_CNhs13240_tpm_fwd Gp2+MCellPl3+ GP2+ M cell, pool3_CNhs13240_11847-124I2_forward Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool2_CNhs13231_tpm_rev Gp2+MCellPl2- GP2+ M cell, pool2_CNhs13231_11846-124I1_reverse Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool2_CNhs13231_tpm_fwd Gp2+MCellPl2+ GP2+ M cell, pool2_CNhs13231_11846-124I1_forward Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool1_CNhs13228_tpm_rev Gp2+MCellPl1- GP2+ M cell, pool1_CNhs13228_11845-124H9_reverse Expression and Regulation GP2MCellPool1_CNhs13228_tpm_fwd Gp2+MCellPl1+ GP2+ M cell, pool1_CNhs13228_11845-124H9_forward Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep3_CNhs12551_tpm_rev CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr3- common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep3_CNhs12551_12128-128D4_reverse Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep3_CNhs12551_tpm_fwd CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr3+ common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep3_CNhs12551_12128-128D4_forward Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep2_CNhs12203_tpm_rev CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr2- common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep2_CNhs12203_12125-128D1_reverse Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep2_CNhs12203_tpm_fwd CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr2+ common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep2_CNhs12203_12125-128D1_forward Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep1_CNhs12550_tpm_rev CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr1- common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep1_CNhs12550_12122-128C7_reverse Expression and Regulation CommonMyeloidProgenitorCMPBiolRep1_CNhs12550_tpm_fwd CommonMyeloidProgenitorCmpBr1+ common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep1_CNhs12550_12122-128C7_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool2_CNhs13233_tpm_rev Cd326+EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl2- CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2_CNhs13233_11851-124I6_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool2_CNhs13233_tpm_fwd Cd326+EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl2+ CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2_CNhs13233_11851-124I6_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool1_CNhs13242_tpm_rev Cd326+EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl1- CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1_CNhs13242_11850-124I5_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool1_CNhs13242_tpm_fwd Cd326+EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl1+ CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1_CNhs13242_11850-124I5_forward Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool1_CNhs13236_tpm_rev Cd326++EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl1- CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1_CNhs13236_11852-124I7_reverse Expression and Regulation CD326EnterocyteIsolatedFromMiceTreatedWithRANKLDay03Pool1_CNhs13236_tpm_fwd Cd326++EnterocyteW/RanklDay03Pl1+ CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1_CNhs13236_11852-124I7_forward Expression and Regulation Atoh1InnerEarHairCellsOrganOfCortiPool1_CNhs12533_tpm_rev Atoh1+InnerEarHairCellsOrganOfCortiPl1- Atoh1+ Inner ear hair cells - organ of corti, pool1_CNhs12533_12158-128G7_reverse Expression and Regulation Atoh1InnerEarHairCellsOrganOfCortiPool1_CNhs12533_tpm_fwd Atoh1+InnerEarHairCellsOrganOfCortiPl1+ Atoh1+ Inner ear hair cells - organ of corti, pool1_CNhs12533_12158-128G7_forward Expression and Regulation MouseFibroblastCellLineCRL1658NIH3T3_CNhs11093_tpm_rev Cl:CRL-1658NIH/3T3- mouse fibroblast cell line: CRL-1658 NIH/3T3_CNhs11093_1830-49C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MouseFibroblastCellLineCRL1658NIH3T3_CNhs11093_tpm_fwd Cl:CRL-1658NIH/3T3+ mouse fibroblast cell line: CRL-1658 NIH/3T3_CNhs11093_1830-49C7_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13525_tpm_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day06Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13525_13296-142H2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13525_tpm_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day06Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13525_13296-142H2_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13524_tpm_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day05Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13524_13295-142H1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13524_tpm_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day05Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13524_13295-142H1_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13523_tpm_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day04Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13523_13294-142G9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13523_tpm_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day04Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13523_13294-142G9_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13522_tpm_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day03Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13522_13293-142G8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13522_tpm_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day03Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13522_13293-142G8_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13521_tpm_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day02Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13521_13292-142G7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13521_tpm_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day02Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13521_13292-142G7_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13520_tpm_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day01Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13520_13291-142G6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13520_tpm_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day01Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13520_13291-142G6_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13519_tpm_rev RybpDifferentiation_day00Day00Br1- trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13519_13290-142G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineRybpDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13519_tpm_fwd RybpDifferentiation_day00Day00Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13519_13290-142G5_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13482_tpm_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day06Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13482_13289-142G4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13482_tpm_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day06Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13482_13289-142G4_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13518_tpm_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day05Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13518_13288-142G3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13518_tpm_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day05Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13518_13288-142G3_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13517_tpm_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day04Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13517_13287-142G2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13517_tpm_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day04Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13517_13287-142G2_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13516_tpm_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day03Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13516_13286-142G1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13516_tpm_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day03Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13516_13286-142G1_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13515_tpm_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day02Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13515_13285-142F9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13515_tpm_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day02Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13515_13285-142F9_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13514_tpm_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day01Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13514_13284-142F8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13514_tpm_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day01Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13514_13284-142F8_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13481_tpm_rev R1abDifferentiation_day00Day00Br1- trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13481_13283-142F7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineR1ABDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13481_tpm_fwd R1abDifferentiation_day00Day00Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13481_13283-142F7_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13530_tpm_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day06Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13530_13303-142H9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay06BiolRep1_CNhs13530_tpm_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day06Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs13530_13303-142H9_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13636_tpm_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day05Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13636_13302-142H8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay05BiolRep1_CNhs13636_tpm_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day05Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs13636_13302-142H8_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13635_tpm_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day04Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13635_13301-142H7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs13635_tpm_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day04Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs13635_13301-142H7_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13529_tpm_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day03Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13529_13300-142H6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs13529_tpm_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day03Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs13529_13300-142H6_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13528_tpm_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day02Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13528_13299-142H5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs13528_tpm_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day02Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs13528_13299-142H5_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13527_tpm_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day01Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13527_13298-142H4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs13527_tpm_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day01Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs13527_13298-142H4_forward Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13526_tpm_rev B1Differentiation_day00Day00Br1- trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13526_13297-142H3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrophoblastStemCellLineB1DifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs13526_tpm_fwd B1Differentiation_day00Day00Br1+ trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs13526_13297-142H3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep3_CNhs13792_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13792_13420-144C9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep3_CNhs13792_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13792_13420-144C9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep2_CNhs13791_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13791_13419-144C8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep2_CNhs13791_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13791_13419-144C8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep1_CNhs13790_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13790_13418-144C7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells120hrBiolRep1_CNhs13790_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_120hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13790_13418-144C7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep3_CNhs13789_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13789_13417-144C6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep3_CNhs13789_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13789_13417-144C6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep2_CNhs13788_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13788_13416-144C5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep2_CNhs13788_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13788_13416-144C5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep1_CNhs13787_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13787_13415-144C4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells096hrBiolRep1_CNhs13787_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_096hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 096hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13787_13415-144C4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep3_CNhs13786_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13786_13414-144C3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep3_CNhs13786_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13786_13414-144C3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep2_CNhs13784_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13784_13413-144C2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep2_CNhs13784_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13784_13413-144C2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep1_CNhs13783_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13783_13412-144C1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells084hrBiolRep1_CNhs13783_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_084hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 084hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13783_13412-144C1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep3_CNhs13782_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13782_13411-144B9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep3_CNhs13782_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13782_13411-144B9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep2_CNhs13781_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13781_13410-144B8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep2_CNhs13781_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13781_13410-144B8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep1_CNhs13780_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13780_13409-144B7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells072hrBiolRep1_CNhs13780_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_072hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13780_13409-144B7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep3_CNhs13779_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13779_13408-144B6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep3_CNhs13779_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13779_13408-144B6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep2_CNhs13778_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13778_13407-144B5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep2_CNhs13778_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13778_13407-144B5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep1_CNhs13777_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13777_13406-144B4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells066hrBiolRep1_CNhs13777_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_066hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 066hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13777_13406-144B4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep3_CNhs13776_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13776_13405-144B3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep3_CNhs13776_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13776_13405-144B3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep2_CNhs13775_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13775_13404-144B2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep2_CNhs13775_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13775_13404-144B2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep1_CNhs13774_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13774_13403-144B1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells060hrBiolRep1_CNhs13774_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_060hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 060hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13774_13403-144B1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep3_CNhs13773_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13773_13402-144A9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep3_CNhs13773_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13773_13402-144A9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep2_CNhs13772_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13772_13401-144A8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep2_CNhs13772_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13772_13401-144A8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep1_CNhs13771_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13771_13400-144A7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells054hrBiolRep1_CNhs13771_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_054hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 054hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13771_13400-144A7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep3_CNhs13770_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13770_13399-144A6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep3_CNhs13770_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13770_13399-144A6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep2_CNhs13769_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13769_13398-144A5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep2_CNhs13769_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13769_13398-144A5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep1_CNhs13768_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13768_13397-144A4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells048hrBiolRep1_CNhs13768_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_048hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13768_13397-144A4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep3_CNhs13767_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13767_13396-144A3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep3_CNhs13767_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13767_13396-144A3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep2_CNhs13766_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13766_13395-144A2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep2_CNhs13766_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13766_13395-144A2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep1_CNhs13765_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13765_13394-144A1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells042hrBiolRep1_CNhs13765_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_042hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 042hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13765_13394-144A1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep3_CNhs13764_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13764_13393-143I9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep3_CNhs13764_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13764_13393-143I9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep2_CNhs13763_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13763_13392-143I8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep2_CNhs13763_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13763_13392-143I8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep1_CNhs13762_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13762_13391-143I7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells036hrBiolRep1_CNhs13762_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_036hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13762_13391-143I7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep3_CNhs13760_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13760_13390-143I6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep3_CNhs13760_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13760_13390-143I6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep2_CNhs13759_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13759_13389-143I5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep2_CNhs13759_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13759_13389-143I5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep1_CNhs13758_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13758_13388-143I4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells030hrBiolRep1_CNhs13758_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_030hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 030hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13758_13388-143I4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep3_CNhs13757_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13757_13387-143I3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep3_CNhs13757_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13757_13387-143I3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep2_CNhs13756_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13756_13386-143I2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep2_CNhs13756_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13756_13386-143I2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep1_CNhs13755_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13755_13385-143I1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells024hrBiolRep1_CNhs13755_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_024hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13755_13385-143I1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep3_CNhs13754_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13754_13384-143H9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep3_CNhs13754_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13754_13384-143H9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep2_CNhs13753_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13753_13383-143H8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep2_CNhs13753_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13753_13383-143H8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep1_CNhs13697_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13697_13382-143H7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells020hrBiolRep1_CNhs13697_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_020hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 020hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13697_13382-143H7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep3_CNhs13752_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13752_13381-143H6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep3_CNhs13752_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13752_13381-143H6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep2_CNhs13751_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13751_13380-143H5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep2_CNhs13751_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13751_13380-143H5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep1_CNhs13750_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13750_13379-143H4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells016hrBiolRep1_CNhs13750_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_016hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 016hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13750_13379-143H4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep3_CNhs13749_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13749_13378-143H3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep3_CNhs13749_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13749_13378-143H3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep2_CNhs13748_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13748_13377-143H2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep2_CNhs13748_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13748_13377-143H2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep1_CNhs13696_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13696_13376-143H1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells012hrBiolRep1_CNhs13696_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_012hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13696_13376-143H1_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep3_CNhs13747_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13747_13375-143G9_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep3_CNhs13747_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13747_13375-143G9_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep2_CNhs13746_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13746_13374-143G8_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep2_CNhs13746_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13746_13374-143G8_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep1_CNhs13745_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13745_13373-143G7_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells008hrBiolRep1_CNhs13745_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_008hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 008hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13745_13373-143G7_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep3_CNhs13744_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13744_13372-143G6_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep3_CNhs13744_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13744_13372-143G6_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep2_CNhs13743_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13743_13371-143G5_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep2_CNhs13743_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13743_13371-143G5_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep1_CNhs13742_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13742_13370-143G4_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells004hrBiolRep1_CNhs13742_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_004hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13742_13370-143G4_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep3_CNhs13741_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr3- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13741_13369-143G3_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep3_CNhs13741_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr3+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13741_13369-143G3_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep2_CNhs13740_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr2- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13740_13368-143G2_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep2_CNhs13740_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr2+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep2_CNhs13740_13368-143G2_forward Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep1_CNhs13739_tpm_rev TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr1- Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13739_13367-143G1_reverse Expression and Regulation TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationToCiliatedEpithelialCells000hrBiolRep1_CNhs13739_tpm_fwd TrachealEpithelialCellsDifferentiationCiliatedEpithelialCells_000hrBr1+ Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep1_CNhs13739_13367-143G1_forward Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep3_CNhs13409_tpm_rev Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr3- TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep3_CNhs13409_13003-139B6_reverse Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep3_CNhs13409_tpm_fwd Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr3+ TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep3_CNhs13409_13003-139B6_forward Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep2_CNhs13408_tpm_rev Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr2- TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep2_CNhs13408_12987-138I8_reverse Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep2_CNhs13408_tpm_fwd Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr2+ TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep2_CNhs13408_12987-138I8_forward Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep1_CNhs13407_tpm_rev Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr1- TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep1_CNhs13407_12971-138H1_reverse Expression and Regulation TSt4DLL1FeederCellsBiolRep1_CNhs13407_tpm_fwd Tst-4/dll1FeederCellsBr1+ TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep1_CNhs13407_12971-138H1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep3_CNhs13597_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep3_CNhs13597_13018-139D3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep3_CNhs13597_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep3_CNhs13597_13018-139D3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep2_CNhs12993_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep2_CNhs12993_13002-139B5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep2_CNhs12993_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep2_CNhs12993_13002-139B5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep1_CNhs11060_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs11060_12986-138I7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay06BiolRep1_CNhs11060_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day06Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day06, biol_rep1_CNhs11060_12986-138I7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep3_CNhs13596_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep3_CNhs13596_13017-139D2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep3_CNhs13596_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep3_CNhs13596_13017-139D2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep2_CNhs12992_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep2_CNhs12992_13001-139B4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep2_CNhs12992_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep2_CNhs12992_13001-139B4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep1_CNhs12242_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs12242_12985-138I6_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay05BiolRep1_CNhs12242_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day05Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day05, biol_rep1_CNhs12242_12985-138I6_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep3_CNhs13595_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep3_CNhs13595_13016-139D1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep3_CNhs13595_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep3_CNhs13595_13016-139D1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep2_CNhs13686_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep2_CNhs13686_13000-139B3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep2_CNhs13686_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep2_CNhs13686_13000-139B3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep1_CNhs12241_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs12241_12984-138I5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay04BiolRep1_CNhs12241_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day04Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs12241_12984-138I5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep3_CNhs13593_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep3_CNhs13593_13015-139C9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep3_CNhs13593_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep3_CNhs13593_13015-139C9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep2_CNhs13684_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep2_CNhs13684_12999-139B2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep2_CNhs13684_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep2_CNhs13684_12999-139B2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep1_CNhs11059_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs11059_12983-138I4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay03BiolRep1_CNhs11059_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day03Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs11059_12983-138I4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep3_CNhs13592_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep3_CNhs13592_13014-139C8_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep3_CNhs13592_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep3_CNhs13592_13014-139C8_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep2_CNhs12991_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep2_CNhs12991_12998-139B1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep2_CNhs12991_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep2_CNhs12991_12998-139B1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep1_CNhs12240_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs12240_12982-138I3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCellDay02BiolRep1_CNhs12240_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_Day02Br1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs12240_12982-138I3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep3_CNhs13591_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13591_13013-139C7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep3_CNhs13591_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13591_13013-139C7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep2_CNhs12990_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12990_12997-139A9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep2_CNhs12990_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12990_12997-139A9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep1_CNhs12239_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12239_12981-138I2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell24hrBiolRep1_CNhs12239_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_24hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 24hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12239_12981-138I2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep3_CNhs13590_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13590_13012-139C6_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep3_CNhs13590_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13590_13012-139C6_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep2_CNhs12989_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12989_12996-139A8_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep2_CNhs12989_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12989_12996-139A8_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep1_CNhs12238_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12238_12980-138I1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell12hrBiolRep1_CNhs12238_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_12hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 12hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12238_12980-138I1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep3_CNhs13589_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13589_13011-139C5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep3_CNhs13589_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13589_13011-139C5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep2_CNhs12988_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12988_12995-139A7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep2_CNhs12988_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12988_12995-139A7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep1_CNhs12237_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12237_12979-138H9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell10hrBiolRep1_CNhs12237_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_10hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 10hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12237_12979-138H9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep3_CNhs13588_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13588_13010-139C4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep3_CNhs13588_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13588_13010-139C4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep2_CNhs12987_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12987_12994-139A6_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep2_CNhs12987_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12987_12994-139A6_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep1_CNhs12236_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12236_12978-138H8_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell08hrBiolRep1_CNhs12236_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_08hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 08hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12236_12978-138H8_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep3_CNhs13587_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13587_13009-139C3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep3_CNhs13587_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13587_13009-139C3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep2_CNhs12986_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12986_12993-139A5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep2_CNhs12986_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12986_12993-139A5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep1_CNhs12235_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12235_12977-138H7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell06hrBiolRep1_CNhs12235_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_06hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 06hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12235_12977-138H7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep3_CNhs13691_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13691_13008-139C2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep3_CNhs13691_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13691_13008-139C2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep2_CNhs12985_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12985_12992-139A4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep2_CNhs12985_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12985_12992-139A4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep1_CNhs12234_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12234_12976-138H6_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell04hrBiolRep1_CNhs12234_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_04hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 04hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12234_12976-138H6_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep3_CNhs13690_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13690_13007-139C1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep3_CNhs13690_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13690_13007-139C1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep2_CNhs12984_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12984_12991-139A3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep2_CNhs12984_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12984_12991-139A3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep1_CNhs12233_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12233_12975-138H5_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell02hrBiolRep1_CNhs12233_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_02hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 02hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12233_12975-138H5_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep3_CNhs13689_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13689_13006-139B9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep3_CNhs13689_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep3_CNhs13689_13006-139B9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep2_CNhs12982_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12982_12990-139A2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep2_CNhs12982_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12982_12990-139A2_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep1_CNhs12232_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12232_12974-138H4_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell01hrBiolRep1_CNhs12232_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_01hrBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 01hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12232_12974-138H4_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs13688_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs13688_13005-139B8_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs13688_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs13688_13005-139B8_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12981_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12981_12989-139A1_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12981_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12981_12989-139A1_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12231_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12231_12973-138H3_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12231_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr30minBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12231_12973-138H3_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs13687_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr3- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs13687_13004-139B7_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs13687_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr3+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs13687_13004-139B7_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12980_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr2- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12980_12988-138I9_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12980_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr2+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12980_12988-138I9_forward Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs11058_tpm_rev EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr1- EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs11058_12972-138H2_reverse Expression and Regulation EBFKOHPCsInducedToTCell00hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs11058_tpm_fwd EbfKoHpcsInducedTcel_00hr00minBr1+ EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs11058_12972-138H2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep3144hB3_CNhs13323_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep3 (144hB3)_CNhs13323_12581-133I7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep3144hB3_CNhs13323_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep3 (144hB3)_CNhs13323_12581-133I7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep2144hB2_CNhs13274_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep2 (144hB2)_CNhs13274_12459-132E2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep2144hB2_CNhs13274_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep2 (144hB2)_CNhs13274_12459-132E2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep1144hB1_CNhs11940_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep1 (144hB1)_CNhs11940_12337-130I6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay06BiolRep1144hB1_CNhs11940_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day06Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day06, biol_rep1 (144hB1)_CNhs11940_12337-130I6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep3120hB3_CNhs13322_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep3 (120hB3)_CNhs13322_12580-133I6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep3120hB3_CNhs13322_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep3 (120hB3)_CNhs13322_12580-133I6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep2120hB2_CNhs13273_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep2 (120hB2)_CNhs13273_12458-132E1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep2120hB2_CNhs13273_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep2 (120hB2)_CNhs13273_12458-132E1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep1120hB1_CNhs13144_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep1 (120hB1)_CNhs13144_12336-130I5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay05BiolRep1120hB1_CNhs13144_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day05Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day05, biol_rep1 (120hB1)_CNhs13144_12336-130I5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep3096hB3_CNhs13321_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep3 (096hB3)_CNhs13321_12579-133I5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep3096hB3_CNhs13321_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep3 (096hB3)_CNhs13321_12579-133I5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep2096hB2_CNhs13272_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep2 (096hB2)_CNhs13272_12457-132D9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep2096hB2_CNhs13272_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep2 (096hB2)_CNhs13272_12457-132D9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep1096hB1_CNhs13142_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep1 (096hB1)_CNhs13142_12335-130I4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay04BiolRep1096hB1_CNhs13142_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day04Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day04, biol_rep1 (096hB1)_CNhs13142_12335-130I4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep3072hB3_CNhs13320_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep3 (072hB3)_CNhs13320_12578-133I4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep3072hB3_CNhs13320_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep3 (072hB3)_CNhs13320_12578-133I4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep2072hB2_CNhs13271_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep2 (072hB2)_CNhs13271_12456-132D8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep2072hB2_CNhs13271_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep2 (072hB2)_CNhs13271_12456-132D8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep1072hB1_CNhs13141_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep1 (072hB1)_CNhs13141_12334-130I3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay03BiolRep1072hB1_CNhs13141_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day03Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day03, biol_rep1 (072hB1)_CNhs13141_12334-130I3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep3048hB3_CNhs13319_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep3 (048hB3)_CNhs13319_12577-133I3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep3048hB3_CNhs13319_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep3 (048hB3)_CNhs13319_12577-133I3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep2048hB2_CNhs13269_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep2 (048hB2)_CNhs13269_12455-132D7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep2048hB2_CNhs13269_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep2 (048hB2)_CNhs13269_12455-132D7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep1048hB1_CNhs13140_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep1 (048hB1)_CNhs13140_12333-130I2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytesDay02BiolRep1048hB1_CNhs13140_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_Day02Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, day02, biol_rep1 (048hB1)_CNhs13140_12333-130I2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep3036hB3_CNhs13317_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep3 (036hB3)_CNhs13317_12576-133I2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep3036hB3_CNhs13317_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep3 (036hB3)_CNhs13317_12576-133I2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep2036hB2_CNhs13268_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep2 (036hB2)_CNhs13268_12454-132D6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep2036hB2_CNhs13268_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep2 (036hB2)_CNhs13268_12454-132D6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep1036hB1_CNhs13139_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep1 (036hB1)_CNhs13139_12332-130I1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes36hrBiolRep1036hB1_CNhs13139_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_36hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 36hr, biol_rep1 (036hB1)_CNhs13139_12332-130I1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep3024hB3_CNhs13316_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep3 (024hB3)_CNhs13316_12575-133I1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep3024hB3_CNhs13316_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep3 (024hB3)_CNhs13316_12575-133I1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep2024hB2_CNhs13267_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep2 (024hB2)_CNhs13267_12453-132D5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep2024hB2_CNhs13267_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep2 (024hB2)_CNhs13267_12453-132D5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep1024hB1_CNhs13138_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep1 (024hB1)_CNhs13138_12331-130H9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes24hrBiolRep1024hB1_CNhs13138_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_24hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 24hr, biol_rep1 (024hB1)_CNhs13138_12331-130H9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep3018hB3_CNhs13315_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep3 (018hB3)_CNhs13315_12574-133H9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep3018hB3_CNhs13315_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep3 (018hB3)_CNhs13315_12574-133H9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep2018hB2_CNhs13266_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep2 (018hB2)_CNhs13266_12452-132D4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep2018hB2_CNhs13266_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep2 (018hB2)_CNhs13266_12452-132D4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep1018hB1_CNhs13137_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep1 (018hB1)_CNhs13137_12330-130H8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes18hrBiolRep1018hB1_CNhs13137_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_18hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 18hr, biol_rep1 (018hB1)_CNhs13137_12330-130H8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep3012hB3_CNhs13314_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep3 (012hB3)_CNhs13314_12573-133H8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep3012hB3_CNhs13314_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep3 (012hB3)_CNhs13314_12573-133H8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep2012hB2_CNhs13265_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep2 (012hB2)_CNhs13265_12451-132D3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep2012hB2_CNhs13265_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep2 (012hB2)_CNhs13265_12451-132D3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep1012hB1_CNhs13136_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep1 (012hB1)_CNhs13136_12329-130H7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes12hrBiolRep1012hB1_CNhs13136_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_12hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 12hr, biol_rep1 (012hB1)_CNhs13136_12329-130H7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep3006hB3_CNhs13313_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep3 (006hB3)_CNhs13313_12572-133H7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep3006hB3_CNhs13313_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep3 (006hB3)_CNhs13313_12572-133H7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep2006hB2_CNhs13264_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep2 (006hB2)_CNhs13264_12450-132D2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep2006hB2_CNhs13264_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep2 (006hB2)_CNhs13264_12450-132D2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep1006hB1_CNhs13135_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep1 (006hB1)_CNhs13135_12328-130H6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes06hrBiolRep1006hB1_CNhs13135_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_06hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 06hr, biol_rep1 (006hB1)_CNhs13135_12328-130H6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep3003hB3_CNhs13312_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep3 (003hB3)_CNhs13312_12571-133H6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep3003hB3_CNhs13312_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep3 (003hB3)_CNhs13312_12571-133H6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep2003hB2_CNhs13263_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep2 (003hB2)_CNhs13263_12449-132D1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep2003hB2_CNhs13263_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep2 (003hB2)_CNhs13263_12449-132D1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep1003hB1_CNhs13134_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep1 (003hB1)_CNhs13134_12327-130H5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes03hrBiolRep1003hB1_CNhs13134_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_03hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 03hr, biol_rep1 (003hB1)_CNhs13134_12327-130H5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep3002hB3_CNhs13311_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep3 (002hB3)_CNhs13311_12570-133H5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep3002hB3_CNhs13311_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep3 (002hB3)_CNhs13311_12570-133H5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep2002hB2_CNhs13262_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep2 (002hB2)_CNhs13262_12448-132C9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep2002hB2_CNhs13262_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep2 (002hB2)_CNhs13262_12448-132C9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep1002hB1_CNhs13133_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep1 (002hB1)_CNhs13133_12326-130H4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes02hrBiolRep1002hB1_CNhs13133_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_02hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 02hr, biol_rep1 (002hB1)_CNhs13133_12326-130H4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep3001hB3_CNhs13310_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep3 (001hB3)_CNhs13310_12569-133H4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep3001hB3_CNhs13310_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep3 (001hB3)_CNhs13310_12569-133H4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep2001hB2_CNhs13261_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep2 (001hB2)_CNhs13261_12447-132C8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep2001hB2_CNhs13261_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep2 (001hB2)_CNhs13261_12447-132C8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep1001hB1_CNhs13132_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep1 (001hB1)_CNhs13132_12325-130H3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes01hrBiolRep1001hB1_CNhs13132_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_01hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 01hr, biol_rep1 (001hB1)_CNhs13132_12325-130H3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep3030mB3_CNhs13309_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep3 (030mB3)_CNhs13309_12568-133H3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep3030mB3_CNhs13309_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep3 (030mB3)_CNhs13309_12568-133H3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep2030mB2_CNhs13260_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep2 (030mB2)_CNhs13260_12446-132C7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep2030mB2_CNhs13260_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep2 (030mB2)_CNhs13260_12446-132C7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep1030mB1_CNhs13131_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep1 (030mB1)_CNhs13131_12324-130H2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr30minBiolRep1030mB1_CNhs13131_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr30minBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep1 (030mB1)_CNhs13131_12324-130H2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep3015mB3_CNhs13308_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep3 (015mB3)_CNhs13308_12567-133H2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep3015mB3_CNhs13308_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep3 (015mB3)_CNhs13308_12567-133H2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep2015mB2_CNhs13259_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep2 (015mB2)_CNhs13259_12445-132C6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep2015mB2_CNhs13259_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep2 (015mB2)_CNhs13259_12445-132C6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep1015mB1_CNhs13130_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep1 (015mB1)_CNhs13130_12323-130H1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToOsteocytes00hr15minBiolRep1015mB1_CNhs13130_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToOsteocytes_00hr15minBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to osteocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep1 (015mB1)_CNhs13130_12323-130H1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep3144hA3_CNhs13307_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep3 (144hA3)_CNhs13307_12566-133H1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep3144hA3_CNhs13307_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep3 (144hA3)_CNhs13307_12566-133H1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep2144hA2_CNhs13258_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep2 (144hA2)_CNhs13258_12444-132C5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep2144hA2_CNhs13258_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep2 (144hA2)_CNhs13258_12444-132C5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep1144hA1_CNhs13129_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep1 (144hA1)_CNhs13129_12322-130G9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay06BiolRep1144hA1_CNhs13129_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day06Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day06, biol_rep1 (144hA1)_CNhs13129_12322-130G9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep3120hA3_CNhs13306_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep3 (120hA3)_CNhs13306_12565-133G9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep3120hA3_CNhs13306_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep3 (120hA3)_CNhs13306_12565-133G9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep2120hA2_CNhs13257_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep2 (120hA2)_CNhs13257_12443-132C4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep2120hA2_CNhs13257_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep2 (120hA2)_CNhs13257_12443-132C4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep1120hA1_CNhs13128_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep1 (120hA1)_CNhs13128_12321-130G8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay05BiolRep1120hA1_CNhs13128_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day05Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day05, biol_rep1 (120hA1)_CNhs13128_12321-130G8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep3096hA3_CNhs13305_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep3 (096hA3)_CNhs13305_12564-133G8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep3096hA3_CNhs13305_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep3 (096hA3)_CNhs13305_12564-133G8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep2096hA2_CNhs13256_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep2 (096hA2)_CNhs13256_12442-132C3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep2096hA2_CNhs13256_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep2 (096hA2)_CNhs13256_12442-132C3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep1096hA1_CNhs13127_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep1 (096hA1)_CNhs13127_12320-130G7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay04BiolRep1096hA1_CNhs13127_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day04Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day04, biol_rep1 (096hA1)_CNhs13127_12320-130G7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep3072hA3_CNhs13304_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep3 (072hA3)_CNhs13304_12563-133G7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep3072hA3_CNhs13304_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep3 (072hA3)_CNhs13304_12563-133G7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep2072hA2_CNhs13255_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep2 (072hA2)_CNhs13255_12441-132C2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep2072hA2_CNhs13255_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep2 (072hA2)_CNhs13255_12441-132C2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep1072hA1_CNhs13126_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep1 (072hA1)_CNhs13126_12319-130G6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay03BiolRep1072hA1_CNhs13126_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day03Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day03, biol_rep1 (072hA1)_CNhs13126_12319-130G6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep3048hA3_CNhs13303_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep3 (048hA3)_CNhs13303_12562-133G6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep3048hA3_CNhs13303_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep3 (048hA3)_CNhs13303_12562-133G6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep2048hA2_CNhs13254_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep2 (048hA2)_CNhs13254_12440-132C1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep2048hA2_CNhs13254_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep2 (048hA2)_CNhs13254_12440-132C1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep1048hA1_CNhs13125_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep1 (048hA1)_CNhs13125_12318-130G5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytesDay02BiolRep1048hA1_CNhs13125_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_Day02Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, day02, biol_rep1 (048hA1)_CNhs13125_12318-130G5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep3036hA3_CNhs13302_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep3 (036hA3)_CNhs13302_12561-133G5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep3036hA3_CNhs13302_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep3 (036hA3)_CNhs13302_12561-133G5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep2036hA2_CNhs13253_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep2 (036hA2)_CNhs13253_12439-132B9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes36hrBiolRep2036hA2_CNhs13253_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_36hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 36hr, biol_rep2 (036hA2)_CNhs13253_12439-132B9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep3024hA3_CNhs13301_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep3 (024hA3)_CNhs13301_12560-133G4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep3024hA3_CNhs13301_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep3 (024hA3)_CNhs13301_12560-133G4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep2024hA2_CNhs13252_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep2 (024hA2)_CNhs13252_12438-132B8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep2024hA2_CNhs13252_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep2 (024hA2)_CNhs13252_12438-132B8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep1024hA1_CNhs13123_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep1 (024hA1)_CNhs13123_12316-130G3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes24hrBiolRep1024hA1_CNhs13123_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_24hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 24hr, biol_rep1 (024hA1)_CNhs13123_12316-130G3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep3018hA3_CNhs13300_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep3 (018hA3)_CNhs13300_12559-133G3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep3018hA3_CNhs13300_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep3 (018hA3)_CNhs13300_12559-133G3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep2018hA2_CNhs13251_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep2 (018hA2)_CNhs13251_12437-132B7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep2018hA2_CNhs13251_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep2 (018hA2)_CNhs13251_12437-132B7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep1018hA1_CNhs13122_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep1 (018hA1)_CNhs13122_12315-130G2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes18hrBiolRep1018hA1_CNhs13122_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_18hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 18hr, biol_rep1 (018hA1)_CNhs13122_12315-130G2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep3012hA3_CNhs13299_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep3 (012hA3)_CNhs13299_12558-133G2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep3012hA3_CNhs13299_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep3 (012hA3)_CNhs13299_12558-133G2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep2012hA2_CNhs13250_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep2 (012hA2)_CNhs13250_12436-132B6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep2012hA2_CNhs13250_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep2 (012hA2)_CNhs13250_12436-132B6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep1012hA1_CNhs13121_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep1 (012hA1)_CNhs13121_12314-130G1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes12hrBiolRep1012hA1_CNhs13121_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_12hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 12hr, biol_rep1 (012hA1)_CNhs13121_12314-130G1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep3006hA3_CNhs13298_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep3 (006hA3)_CNhs13298_12557-133G1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep3006hA3_CNhs13298_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep3 (006hA3)_CNhs13298_12557-133G1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep2006hA2_CNhs13249_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep2 (006hA2)_CNhs13249_12435-132B5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep2006hA2_CNhs13249_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep2 (006hA2)_CNhs13249_12435-132B5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep1006hA1_CNhs13120_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep1 (006hA1)_CNhs13120_12313-130F9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes06hrBiolRep1006hA1_CNhs13120_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_06hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 06hr, biol_rep1 (006hA1)_CNhs13120_12313-130F9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep3003hA3_CNhs13297_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep3 (003hA3)_CNhs13297_12556-133F9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep3003hA3_CNhs13297_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep3 (003hA3)_CNhs13297_12556-133F9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep2003hA2_CNhs13248_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep2 (003hA2)_CNhs13248_12434-132B4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep2003hA2_CNhs13248_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep2 (003hA2)_CNhs13248_12434-132B4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep1003hA1_CNhs13118_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep1 (003hA1)_CNhs13118_12312-130F8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes03hrBiolRep1003hA1_CNhs13118_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_03hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 03hr, biol_rep1 (003hA1)_CNhs13118_12312-130F8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep3002hA3_CNhs13296_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep3 (002hA3)_CNhs13296_12555-133F8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep3002hA3_CNhs13296_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep3 (002hA3)_CNhs13296_12555-133F8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep2002hA2_CNhs13247_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep2 (002hA2)_CNhs13247_12433-132B3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep2002hA2_CNhs13247_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep2 (002hA2)_CNhs13247_12433-132B3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep1002hA1_CNhs13117_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep1 (002hA1)_CNhs13117_12311-130F7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes02hrBiolRep1002hA1_CNhs13117_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_02hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 02hr, biol_rep1 (002hA1)_CNhs13117_12311-130F7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep3001hA3_CNhs13295_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep3 (001hA3)_CNhs13295_12554-133F7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep3001hA3_CNhs13295_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep3 (001hA3)_CNhs13295_12554-133F7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep2001hA2_CNhs13245_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep2 (001hA2)_CNhs13245_12432-132B2_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep2001hA2_CNhs13245_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep2 (001hA2)_CNhs13245_12432-132B2_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep1001hA1_CNhs13116_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep1 (001hA1)_CNhs13116_12310-130F6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes01hrBiolRep1001hA1_CNhs13116_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_01hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 01hr, biol_rep1 (001hA1)_CNhs13116_12310-130F6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep3030mA3_CNhs13293_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep3 (030mA3)_CNhs13293_12553-133F6_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep3030mA3_CNhs13293_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep3 (030mA3)_CNhs13293_12553-133F6_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep2030mA2_CNhs13244_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep2 (030mA2)_CNhs13244_12431-132B1_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep2030mA2_CNhs13244_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep2 (030mA2)_CNhs13244_12431-132B1_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep1030mA1_CNhs13115_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep1 (030mA1)_CNhs13115_12309-130F5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr30minBiolRep1030mA1_CNhs13115_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr30minBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr30min, biol_rep1 (030mA1)_CNhs13115_12309-130F5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep3015mA3_CNhs13292_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep3 (015mA3)_CNhs13292_12552-133F5_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep3015mA3_CNhs13292_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep3 (015mA3)_CNhs13292_12552-133F5_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep2015mA2_CNhs13243_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep2 (015mA2)_CNhs13243_12430-132A9_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep2015mA2_CNhs13243_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep2 (015mA2)_CNhs13243_12430-132A9_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep1015mA1_CNhs13114_tpm_rev Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep1 (015mA1)_CNhs13114_12308-130F4_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsDifferentiationToAdipocytes00hr15minBiolRep1015mA1_CNhs13114_tpm_fwd Tc:ST2ToAdipocytes_00hr15minBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, differentiation to adipocytes, 00hr15min, biol_rep1 (015mA1)_CNhs13114_12308-130F4_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep3144hC3_CNhs14199_tpm_rev ST2MediumChange_Day06Br3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep3 (144hC3)_CNhs14199_12591-134A8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep3144hC3_CNhs14199_tpm_fwd ST2MediumChange_Day06Br3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep3 (144hC3)_CNhs14199_12591-134A8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep2144hC2_CNhs14198_tpm_rev ST2MediumChange_Day06Br2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep2 (144hC2)_CNhs14198_12469-132F3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep2144hC2_CNhs14198_tpm_fwd ST2MediumChange_Day06Br2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep2 (144hC2)_CNhs14198_12469-132F3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep1144hC1_CNhs14197_tpm_rev ST2MediumChange_Day06Br1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep1 (144hC1)_CNhs14197_12347-131A7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInductionDay06BiolRep1144hC1_CNhs14197_tpm_fwd ST2MediumChange_Day06Br1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), day06, biol_rep1 (144hC1)_CNhs14197_12347-131A7_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep3000hC6_CNhs13324_tpm_rev ST2MediumChange_00hrBr3- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep3 (000hC6)_CNhs13324_12582-133I8_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep3000hC6_CNhs13324_tpm_fwd ST2MediumChange_00hrBr3+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep3 (000hC6)_CNhs13324_12582-133I8_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep2000hC5_CNhs13275_tpm_rev ST2MediumChange_00hrBr2- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep2 (000hC5)_CNhs13275_12460-132E3_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep2000hC5_CNhs13275_tpm_fwd ST2MediumChange_00hrBr2+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep2 (000hC5)_CNhs13275_12460-132E3_forward Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep1000hC4_CNhs11939_tpm_rev ST2MediumChange_00hrBr1- ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep1 (000hC4)_CNhs11939_12338-130I7_reverse Expression and Regulation ST2MesenchymalStemCellsCellsMediumChangeWithoutInduction00hrBiolRep1000hC4_CNhs11939_tpm_fwd ST2MediumChange_00hrBr1+ ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep1 (000hC4)_CNhs11939_12338-130I7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep3_CNhs12785_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12785_13210-141G6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep3_CNhs12785_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12785_13210-141G6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep2_CNhs12683_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12683_13144-140I3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep2_CNhs12683_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12683_13144-140I3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep1_CNhs12456_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12456_13078-140A9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin48hrBiolRep1_CNhs12456_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_48hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 48hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12456_13078-140A9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep3_CNhs12784_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12784_13209-141G5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep3_CNhs12784_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12784_13209-141G5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep2_CNhs12682_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12682_13143-140I2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep2_CNhs12682_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12682_13143-140I2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep1_CNhs12455_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12455_13077-140A8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin24hrBiolRep1_CNhs12455_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_24hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 24hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12455_13077-140A8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep3_CNhs12783_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12783_13208-141G4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep3_CNhs12783_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12783_13208-141G4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14546_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr2Tr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14546_13142-140I1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep2TechRep2_CNhs14546_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr2Tr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep2_CNhs14546_13142-140I1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12681_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr2Tr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12681_13142-140I1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep2TechRep1_CNhs12681_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr2Tr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep2, tech_rep1_CNhs12681_13142-140I1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep1_CNhs12454_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12454_13076-140A7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin12hrBiolRep1_CNhs12454_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_12hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 12hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12454_13076-140A7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep3_CNhs12782_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12782_13207-141G3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep3_CNhs12782_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12782_13207-141G3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep2_CNhs12680_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12680_13141-140H9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep2_CNhs12680_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12680_13141-140H9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep1_CNhs12453_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12453_13075-140A6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin06hrBiolRep1_CNhs12453_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_06hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 06hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12453_13075-140A6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep3_CNhs12781_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12781_13206-141G2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep3_CNhs12781_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep3_CNhs12781_13206-141G2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep2_CNhs12679_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12679_13140-140H8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep2_CNhs12679_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep2_CNhs12679_13140-140H8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep1_CNhs12452_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12452_13074-140A5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin04hrBiolRep1_CNhs12452_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_04hrBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 04hr, biol_rep1_CNhs12452_13074-140A5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12780_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12780_13205-141G1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12780_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12780_13205-141G1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12678_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12678_13139-140H7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12678_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12678_13139-140H7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12451_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12451_13073-140A4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12451_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr30minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12451_13073-140A4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs12779_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs12779_13204-141F9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs12779_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs12779_13204-141F9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12677_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12677_13138-140H6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12677_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12677_13138-140H6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12450_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12450_13072-140A3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin03hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12450_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_03hr00minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 03hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12450_13072-140A3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12778_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12778_13203-141F8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12778_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12778_13203-141F8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12676_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12676_13137-140H5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep2_CNhs12676_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep2_CNhs12676_13137-140H5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12651_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12651_13071-140A2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12651_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr30minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12651_13071-140A2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14548_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr3Tr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14548_13202-141F7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14548_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr3Tr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14548_13202-141F7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12777_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr3Tr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12777_13202-141F7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12777_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr3Tr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12777_13202-141F7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12675_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12675_13136-140H4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12675_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12675_13136-140H4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12650_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12650_13070-140A1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin02hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12650_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_02hr00minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 02hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12650_13070-140A1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep3_CNhs12776_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep3_CNhs12776_13201-141F6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep3_CNhs12776_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep3_CNhs12776_13201-141F6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep2_CNhs12674_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep2_CNhs12674_13135-140H3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep2_CNhs12674_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep2_CNhs12674_13135-140H3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep1_CNhs12649_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep1_CNhs12649_13069-139I9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr40minBiolRep1_CNhs12649_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr40minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr40min, biol_rep1_CNhs12649_13069-139I9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep3_CNhs12775_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep3_CNhs12775_13200-141F5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep3_CNhs12775_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep3_CNhs12775_13200-141F5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep2_CNhs12673_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep2_CNhs12673_13134-140H2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep2_CNhs12673_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep2_CNhs12673_13134-140H2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep1_CNhs12648_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep1_CNhs12648_13068-139I8_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr20minBiolRep1_CNhs12648_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr20minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr20min, biol_rep1_CNhs12648_13068-139I8_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs12774_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs12774_13199-141F4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep3_CNhs12774_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep3_CNhs12774_13199-141F4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12672_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12672_13133-140H1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12672_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12672_13133-140H1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12647_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12647_13067-139I7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin01hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12647_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_01hr00minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 01hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12647_13067-139I7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep3_CNhs12773_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep3_CNhs12773_13198-141F3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep3_CNhs12773_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep3_CNhs12773_13198-141F3_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep2_CNhs12671_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep2_CNhs12671_13132-140G9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep2_CNhs12671_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep2_CNhs12671_13132-140G9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep1_CNhs12646_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep1_CNhs12646_13066-139I6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr45minBiolRep1_CNhs12646_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr45minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr45min, biol_rep1_CNhs12646_13066-139I6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12772_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12772_13197-141F2_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep3_CNhs12772_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep3_CNhs12772_13197-141F2_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12645_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12645_13065-139I5_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr30minBiolRep1_CNhs12645_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr30minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr30min, biol_rep1_CNhs12645_13065-139I5_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep3_CNhs12771_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr3- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep3_CNhs12771_13196-141F1_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep3_CNhs12771_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr3+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep3_CNhs12771_13196-141F1_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep2_CNhs12669_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep2_CNhs12669_13130-140G7_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep2_CNhs12669_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep2_CNhs12669_13130-140G7_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep1_CNhs12644_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep1_CNhs12644_13064-139I4_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr15minBiolRep1_CNhs12644_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr15minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr15min, biol_rep1_CNhs12644_13064-139I4_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14547_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr3Tr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14547_13195-141E9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep3TechRep2_CNhs14547_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr3Tr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep2_CNhs14547_13195-141E9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12770_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr3Tr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12770_13195-141E9_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep3TechRep1_CNhs12770_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr3Tr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep3, tech_rep1_CNhs12770_13195-141E9_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12668_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr2- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12668_13129-140G6_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep2_CNhs12668_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr2+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep2_CNhs12668_13129-140G6_forward Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12449_tpm_rev J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr1- J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12449_13063-139I3_reverse Expression and Regulation J2EErythroblasticLeukemiaResponseToErythropoietin00hr00minBiolRep1_CNhs12449_tpm_fwd J2ToErythropoietin_00hr00minBr1+ J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep1_CNhs12449_13063-139I3_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay04BiolRep2_CNhs14113_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day04Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day04, biol_rep2_CNhs14113_14366-156A1_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay04BiolRep2_CNhs14113_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day04Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day04, biol_rep2_CNhs14113_14366-156A1_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs14108_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day04Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs14108_14361-155I5_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay04BiolRep1_CNhs14108_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day04Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day04, biol_rep1_CNhs14108_14361-155I5_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay03BiolRep2_CNhs14112_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day03Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day03, biol_rep2_CNhs14112_14365-155I9_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay03BiolRep2_CNhs14112_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day03Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day03, biol_rep2_CNhs14112_14365-155I9_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs14107_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day03Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs14107_14360-155I4_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay03BiolRep1_CNhs14107_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day03Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day03, biol_rep1_CNhs14107_14360-155I4_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay02BiolRep2_CNhs14111_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day02Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day02, biol_rep2_CNhs14111_14364-155I8_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay02BiolRep2_CNhs14111_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day02Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day02, biol_rep2_CNhs14111_14364-155I8_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs14106_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day02Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs14106_14359-155I3_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay02BiolRep1_CNhs14106_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day02Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day02, biol_rep1_CNhs14106_14359-155I3_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay01BiolRep2_CNhs14110_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day01Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day01, biol_rep2_CNhs14110_14363-155I7_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay01BiolRep2_CNhs14110_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day01Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day01, biol_rep2_CNhs14110_14363-155I7_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs14105_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day01Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs14105_14358-155I2_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay01BiolRep1_CNhs14105_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day01Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day01, biol_rep1_CNhs14105_14358-155I2_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay00BiolRep2_CNhs14109_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day00Br2- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day00, biol_rep2_CNhs14109_14362-155I6_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay00BiolRep2_CNhs14109_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day00Br2+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day00, biol_rep2_CNhs14109_14362-155I6_forward Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs14104_tpm_rev Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day00Br1- ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs14104_14357-155I1_reverse Expression and Regulation ES46CEmbryonicStemCellsNeuronalDifferentiationDay00BiolRep1_CNhs14104_tpm_fwd Tc:ES-46cESCsNeuronalDiff_Day00Br1+ ES-46C embryonic stem cells, neuronal differentiation, day00, biol_rep1_CNhs14104_14357-155I1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14301_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14301_3713-172A2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14301_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14301_3713-172A2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11538_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11538_3638-171G1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11538_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11538_3638-171G1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11463_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11463_3566-170G1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11463_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11463_3566-170G1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14300_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14300_3712-172I1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14300_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14300_3712-172I1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11537_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11537_3637-171F1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11537_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11537_3637-171F1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11462_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11462_3565-170F1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11462_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11462_3565-170F1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14299_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14299_3711-172H1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14299_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14299_3711-172H1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11536_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11536_3636-171E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11536_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11536_3636-171E1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11461_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11461_3564-170E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11461_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11461_3564-170E1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14298_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14298_3710-172G1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14298_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14298_3710-172G1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11535_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11535_3635-171D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11535_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11535_3635-171D1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11460_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11460_3563-170D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11460_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11460_3563-170D1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11637_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11637_3709-172F1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11637_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11637_3709-172F1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11534_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11534_3634-171C1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11534_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11534_3634-171C1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11459_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11459_3562-170C1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11459_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11459_3562-170C1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14342_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14342_3967-173D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14342_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14342_3967-173D4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11636_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11636_3708-172E1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11636_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11636_3708-172E1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11533_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11533_3633-171B1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11533_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11533_3633-171B1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11458_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11458_3561-170B1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11458_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11458_3561-170B1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11635_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11635_3707-172D1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11635_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11635_3707-172D1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11634_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11634_3706-172C1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11634_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11634_3706-172C1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11633_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11633_3705-172B1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11633_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11633_3705-172B1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14351_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14351_3976-173D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14351_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14351_3976-173D5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11586_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11586_3683-171G6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11586_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11586_3683-171G6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11511_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11511_3611-170G6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11511_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11511_3611-170G6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14350_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14350_3975-173C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14350_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14350_3975-173C5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11510_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11510_3610-170F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11510_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11510_3610-170F6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14349_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14349_3974-173B5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14349_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14349_3974-173B5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11584_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11584_3681-171E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11584_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11584_3681-171E6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11509_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11509_3609-170E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11509_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11509_3609-170E6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14348_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14348_3973-173A5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14348_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14348_3973-173A5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11583_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11583_3680-171D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11583_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11583_3680-171D6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11508_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11508_3608-170D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11508_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11508_3608-170D6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14347_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14347_3972-173I4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonStimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14347_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, non stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14347_3972-173I4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11582_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11582_3679-171C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11582_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11582_3679-171C6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11507_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11507_3607-170C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionNonstimulatedBMDMWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11507_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbWithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, non-stimulated BMDM, with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11507_3607-170C6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14258_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14258_3743-172D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14258_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14258_3743-172D5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11571_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11571_3668-171A5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11571_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11571_3668-171A5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11493_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11493_3596-170A5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11493_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11493_3596-170A5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14257_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14257_3742-172C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14257_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14257_3742-172C5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11570_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11570_3667-171I4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11570_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11570_3667-171I4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11492_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11492_3595-170I4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11492_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11492_3595-170I4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14256_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14256_3741-172B5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14256_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14256_3741-172B5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11569_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11569_3666-171H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11569_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11569_3666-171H4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11491_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11491_3594-170H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11491_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11491_3594-170H4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14255_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14255_3740-172A5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14255_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14255_3740-172A5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11568_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11568_3665-171G4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11568_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11568_3665-171G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11490_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11490_3593-170G4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11490_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11490_3593-170G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs14254_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14254_3739-172I4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs14254_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14254_3739-172I4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11567_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11567_3664-171F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11567_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11567_3664-171F4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11489_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11489_3592-170F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11489_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11489_3592-170F4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14345_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14345_3970-173G4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14345_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14345_3970-173G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11654_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11654_3738-172H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11654_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11654_3738-172H4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11566_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11566_3663-171E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11566_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11566_3663-171E4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11488_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11488_3591-170E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11488_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11488_3591-170E4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11653_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11653_3737-172G4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11653_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11653_3737-172G4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11565_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11565_3662-171D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11565_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11565_3662-171D4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11487_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11487_3590-170D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11487_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_012hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11487_3590-170D4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11652_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11652_3736-172F4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11652_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11652_3736-172F4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11564_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11564_3661-171C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11564_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11564_3661-171C4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11486_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11486_3589-170C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11486_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_006hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11486_3589-170C4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11651_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11651_3735-172E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11651_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11651_3735-172E4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11563_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11563_3660-171B4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11563_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11563_3660-171B4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11485_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11485_3588-170B4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11485_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_004hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11485_3588-170B4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11650_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11650_3734-172D4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11650_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11650_3734-172D4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11562_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11562_3659-171A4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11562_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11562_3659-171A4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11484_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11484_3587-170A4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11484_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WoMtb_002hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11484_3587-170A4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14366_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14366_3991-173A7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14366_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14366_3991-173A7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11626_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11626_3698-171D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11626_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11626_3698-171D8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11526_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11526_3626-170D8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11526_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11526_3626-170D8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14365_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14365_3990-173I6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14365_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14365_3990-173I6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11625_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11625_3697-171C8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11625_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11625_3697-171C8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11525_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11525_3625-170C8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11525_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11525_3625-170C8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14364_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14364_3989-173H6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14364_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14364_3989-173H6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11624_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11624_3696-171B8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11624_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11624_3696-171B8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11524_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11524_3624-170B8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11524_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11524_3624-170B8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14363_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14363_3988-173G6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14363_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14363_3988-173G6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11623_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11623_3695-171A8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11623_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11623_3695-171A8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11523_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11523_3623-170A8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11523_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11523_3623-170A8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14362_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14362_3987-173F6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14362_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14362_3987-173F6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11622_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11622_3694-171I7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11622_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11622_3694-171I7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11522_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11522_3622-170I7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4IL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11522_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4/IL-13WithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4/IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11522_3622-170I7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14267_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14267_3753-172E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14267_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14267_3753-172E6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11581_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11581_3678-171B6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11581_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11581_3678-171B6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11506_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11506_3606-170B6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11506_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11506_3606-170B6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14266_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14266_3752-172D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14266_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14266_3752-172D6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11580_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11580_3677-171A6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11580_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11580_3677-171A6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11505_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11505_3605-170A6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11505_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11505_3605-170A6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14265_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14265_3751-172C6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14265_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14265_3751-172C6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11579_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11579_3676-171I5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11579_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11579_3676-171I5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11504_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11504_3604-170I5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11504_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11504_3604-170I5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14264_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14264_3750-172B6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14264_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14264_3750-172B6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11503_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11503_3603-170H5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11503_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11503_3603-170H5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs14263_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14263_3749-172A6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs14263_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14263_3749-172A6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11577_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11577_3674-171G5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11577_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11577_3674-171G5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11502_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11502_3602-170G5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11502_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11502_3602-170G5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14346_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14346_3971-173H4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14346_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14346_3971-173H4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs14262_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14262_3748-172I5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs14262_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14262_3748-172I5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11576_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11576_3673-171F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11576_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11576_3673-171F5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11498_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11498_3601-170F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11498_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11498_3601-170F5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs14261_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14261_3747-172H5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs14261_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14261_3747-172H5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11575_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11575_3672-171E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11575_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11575_3672-171E5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11497_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11497_3600-170E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11497_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_012hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11497_3600-170E5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs14260_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14260_3746-172G5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs14260_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14260_3746-172G5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11574_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11574_3671-171D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11574_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11574_3671-171D5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11496_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11496_3599-170D5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11496_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_006hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11496_3599-170D5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs14259_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14259_3745-172F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs14259_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14259_3745-172F5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11495_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11495_3598-170C5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11495_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_004hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11495_3598-170C5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11655_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11655_3744-172E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11655_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11655_3744-172E5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11494_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11494_3597-170B5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11494_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WoMtb_002hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11494_3597-170B5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14371_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14371_3996-173F7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14371_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14371_3996-173F7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11631_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11631_3703-171I8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11631_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11631_3703-171I8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11531_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11531_3631-170I8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11531_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11531_3631-170I8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14370_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14370_3995-173E7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14370_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14370_3995-173E7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11630_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11630_3702-171H8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11630_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11630_3702-171H8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11530_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11530_3630-170H8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11530_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11530_3630-170H8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14369_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14369_3994-173D7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14369_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14369_3994-173D7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11629_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11629_3701-171G8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11629_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11629_3701-171G8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11529_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11529_3629-170G8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11529_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11529_3629-170G8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14368_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14368_3993-173C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14368_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14368_3993-173C7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11628_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11628_3700-171F8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11628_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11628_3700-171F8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11528_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11528_3628-170F8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11528_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11528_3628-170F8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14367_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14367_3992-173B7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14367_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14367_3992-173B7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11627_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11627_3699-171E8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11627_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11627_3699-171E8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11527_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11527_3627-170E8_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL4aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11527_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-4WithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-4(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11527_3627-170E8_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14309_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14309_3733-172C4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14309_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14309_3733-172C4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11561_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11561_3658-171I3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11561_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11561_3658-171I3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11483_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11483_3586-170I3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11483_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11483_3586-170I3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14308_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14308_3732-172B4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14308_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14308_3732-172B4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11482_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11482_3585-170H3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep1_CNhs11482_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11482_3585-170H3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14307_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14307_3731-172A4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14307_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14307_3731-172A4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11559_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11559_3656-171G3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11559_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11559_3656-171G3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11481_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11481_3584-170G3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11481_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11481_3584-170G3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14306_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14306_3730-172I3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14306_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14306_3730-172I3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11558_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11558_3655-171F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11558_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11558_3655-171F3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11480_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11480_3583-170F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11480_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11480_3583-170F3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11649_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11649_3729-172H3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11649_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11649_3729-172H3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11557_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11557_3654-171E3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11557_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11557_3654-171E3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11479_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11479_3582-170E3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11479_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11479_3582-170E3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11648_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11648_3728-172G3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11648_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11648_3728-172G3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11556_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11556_3653-171D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11556_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11556_3653-171D3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11478_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11478_3581-170D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11478_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11478_3581-170D3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11647_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11647_3727-172F3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11647_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11647_3727-172F3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11555_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11555_3652-171C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11555_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_012hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11555_3652-171C3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11646_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11646_3726-172E3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11646_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11646_3726-172E3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11554_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11554_3651-171B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11554_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11554_3651-171B3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11476_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11476_3579-170B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11476_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_006hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11476_3579-170B3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11645_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11645_3725-172D3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11645_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11645_3725-172D3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11553_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11553_3650-171A3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11553_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11553_3650-171A3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11475_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11475_3578-170A3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11475_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_004hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11475_3578-170A3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11644_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11644_3724-172C3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11644_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11644_3724-172C3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11552_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11552_3649-171I2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11552_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11552_3649-171I2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11474_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11474_3577-170I2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11474_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIL-13WoMtb_002hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11474_3577-170I2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14361_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14361_3986-173E6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14361_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14361_3986-173E6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11621_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11621_3693-171H7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11621_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11621_3693-171H7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11521_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11521_3621-170H7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11521_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11521_3621-170H7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14360_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14360_3985-173D6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14360_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14360_3985-173D6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11620_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11620_3692-171G7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11620_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11620_3692-171G7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11520_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11520_3620-170G7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11520_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11520_3620-170G7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11619_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11619_3691-171F7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11619_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11619_3691-171F7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11519_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11519_3619-170F7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11519_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11519_3619-170F7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11618_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11618_3690-171E7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11618_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11618_3690-171E7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11518_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11518_3618-170E7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11518_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11518_3618-170E7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14357_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14357_3982-173A6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14357_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14357_3982-173A6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11617_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11617_3689-171D7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11617_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11617_3689-171D7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11517_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11517_3617-170D7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIL13aaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11517_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIL-13WithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IL-13(aaMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11517_3617-170D7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14305_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14305_3723-172B3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep3_CNhs14305_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14305_3723-172B3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11551_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11551_3648-171H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep2_CNhs11551_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11551_3648-171H2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11473_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11473_3576-170H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb120hrBiolRep1_CNhs11473_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 120hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11473_3576-170H2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14304_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14304_3722-172A3_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep3_CNhs14304_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14304_3722-172A3_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11550_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11550_3647-171G2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb072hrBiolRep2_CNhs11550_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 072hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11550_3647-171G2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14303_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14303_3721-172I2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep3_CNhs14303_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14303_3721-172I2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11549_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11549_3646-171F2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep2_CNhs11549_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11549_3646-171F2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11471_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11471_3574-170F2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb048hrBiolRep1_CNhs11471_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 048hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11471_3574-170F2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14302_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14302_3720-172H2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep3_CNhs14302_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep3_CNhs14302_3720-172H2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11548_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11548_3645-171E2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep2_CNhs11548_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11548_3645-171E2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11470_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11470_3573-170E2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb036hrBiolRep1_CNhs11470_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 036hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11470_3573-170E2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11643_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11643_3719-172G2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep3_CNhs11643_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11643_3719-172G2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11547_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11547_3644-171D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep2_CNhs11547_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11547_3644-171D2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11469_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11469_3572-170D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb028hrBiolRep1_CNhs11469_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 028hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11469_3572-170D2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14343_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14343_3968-173E4_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep4_CNhs14343_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep4_CNhs14343_3968-173E4_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11642_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3 _CNhs11642_3718-172F2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep3_CNhs11642_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep3 _CNhs11642_3718-172F2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11543_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11543_3643-171C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep2_CNhs11543_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11543_3643-171C2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11468_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11468_3571-170C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb024hrBiolRep1_CNhs11468_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_024hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 024hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11468_3571-170C2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11641_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11641_3717-172E2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep3_CNhs11641_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11641_3717-172E2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11542_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11542_3642-171B2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep2_CNhs11542_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11542_3642-171B2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11467_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11467_3570-170B2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb012hrBiolRep1_CNhs11467_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_012hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 012hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11467_3570-170B2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11640_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11640_3716-172D2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep3_CNhs11640_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11640_3716-172D2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11541_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11541_3641-171A2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep2_CNhs11541_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11541_3641-171A2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11466_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11466_3569-170A2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb006hrBiolRep1_CNhs11466_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_006hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 006hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11466_3569-170A2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11639_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11639_3715-172C2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep3_CNhs11639_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11639_3715-172C2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11540_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11540_3640-171I1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep2_CNhs11540_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11540_3640-171I1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11465_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11465_3568-170I1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb004hrBiolRep1_CNhs11465_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_004hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 004hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11465_3568-170I1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11638_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr3- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11638_3714-172B2_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep3_CNhs11638_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr3+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep3_CNhs11638_3714-172B2_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11539_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11539_3639-171H1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep2_CNhs11539_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep2_CNhs11539_3639-171H1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11464_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11464_3567-170H1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithoutMtb002hrBiolRep1_CNhs11464_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTBIFNgWoMtb_002hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), without Mtb, 002hr, biol_rep1_CNhs11464_3567-170H1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14356_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14356_3981-173I5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14356_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14356_3981-173I5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11616_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11616_3688-171C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11616_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11616_3688-171C7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11516_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11516_3616-170C7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb120hr096hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11516_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_120hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 120hr(096h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11516_3616-170C7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14355_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14355_3980-173H5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14355_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14355_3980-173H5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11615_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11615_3687-171B7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11615_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11615_3687-171B7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11515_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11515_3615-170B7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb072hr048hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11515_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_072hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 072hr(048h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11515_3615-170B7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14354_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14354_3979-173G5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14354_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14354_3979-173G5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11614_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11614_3686-171A7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11614_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11614_3686-171A7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11514_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11514_3614-170A7_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb048hr024hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11514_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_048hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 048hr(024h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11514_3614-170A7_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14353_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14353_3978-173F5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14353_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14353_3978-173F5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11588_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11588_3685-171I6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11588_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11588_3685-171I6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11513_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11513_3613-170I6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb036hr012hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11513_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_036hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 036hr(012h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11513_3613-170I6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14352_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr4- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14352_3977-173E5_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep4_CNhs14352_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr4+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep4_CNhs14352_3977-173E5_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11587_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr2- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11587_3684-171H6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep2_CNhs11587_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr2+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep2_CNhs11587_3684-171H6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11512_tpm_rev Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr1- macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11512_3612-170H6_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageTBInfectionStimulatedBMDMIFNgcaMphWithMtb028hr004hAfterStimulationBiolRep1_CNhs11512_tpm_fwd Tc:BmdmTbIFNgWithMtb_028hrBr1+ macrophage, TB infection, stimulated BMDM+IFNg(caMph), with Mtb, 028hr(004h after stimulation), biol_rep1_CNhs11512_3612-170H6_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool3_CNhs11632_tpm_rev MacrophageBoneMarrowPl3- macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool3_CNhs11632_3704-172A1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool3_CNhs11632_tpm_fwd MacrophageBoneMarrowPl3+ macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool3_CNhs11632_3704-172A1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool2_CNhs11532_tpm_rev MacrophageBoneMarrowPl2- macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool2_CNhs11532_3632-171A1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool2_CNhs11532_tpm_fwd MacrophageBoneMarrowPl2+ macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool2_CNhs11532_3632-171A1_forward Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool1_CNhs11457_tpm_rev MacrophageBoneMarrowPl1- macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool1_CNhs11457_3560-170A1_reverse Expression and Regulation MacrophageBoneMarrowDerivedPool1_CNhs11457_tpm_fwd MacrophageBoneMarrowPl1+ macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool1_CNhs11457_3560-170A1_forward Expression and Regulation altSeqLiftOverPslStrains1 Alignment Alternate mouse strains, alignments to reference genome Variation and Repeats Description This track shows alternate mouse strain sequences indicated by the GRC (Genome Reference Consortium) mapped to the GRCm38 (mm10) reference sequence in an effort to provide the best possible reference assembly for the mouse genome. The GRC does this by generating multiple representations, alternate loci, for regions that are too complex to be represented by a single path. This allows users who are interested in a specific locus to get an improved representation without affecting users who need chromosome coordinate stability. Alignment The Alignment track is the PSL representation of the lastz chained alignments of the alternate strain sequences to their mapped location on the reference sequence. This PSL representation allows the side-by-side alignment to be viewed. It was created from the lastz chained alignments using the chainToPsl kent source utility. This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. Alignments are displayed in black and, depending on the track configuration settings, may be interspersed with vertical orange lines. Alternate strains Items in the Alt. strains track indicate where the alternate mouse strain sequences map to the reference genome location. Clicking on an item in this track will display the detail page for that item, including a link to the nucleotide sequence at NCBI/GenBank for the alternate mouse strain. Data points in this track are always displayed in red. The locations of the Alternate strains were established by NCBI and specified in the alt_scaffold_placement.txt files at, for example, strain NOD_ShiLtJ: GRCm38.p1/NOD_ShiLtJ/alt_scaffolds/alt_scaffold_placement.txt. Note that each alternate strain has a unique directory at Mus_musculus/GRCm38.p1/. Credits Lastz (previously known as blastz) was developed at Pennsylvania State University by Minmei Hou, Scott Schwartz, Zheng Zhang, and Webb Miller with advice from Ross Hardison. The axtChain program was developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent with advice from Webb Miller and David Haussler. The browser display and database storage of the chains and nets were created by Robert Baertsch and Jim Kent. The chainNet, netSyntenic, and netClass programs were developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent. References Chiaromonte F, Yap VB, Miller W. Scoring pairwise genomic sequence alignments. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2002:115-26. Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: Duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-Mouse Alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. mm10Strains1 Alternate strains Alternate mouse strain sequences Variation and Repeats Description This track shows alternate mouse strain sequences indicated by the GRC (Genome Reference Consortium) mapped to the GRCm38 (mm10) reference sequence in an effort to provide the best possible reference assembly for the mouse genome. The GRC does this by generating multiple representations, alternate loci, for regions that are too complex to be represented by a single path. This allows users who are interested in a specific locus to get an improved representation without affecting users who need chromosome coordinate stability. Alignment The Alignment track is the PSL representation of the lastz chained alignments of the alternate strain sequences to their mapped location on the reference sequence. This PSL representation allows the side-by-side alignment to be viewed. It was created from the lastz chained alignments using the chainToPsl kent source utility. This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. Alignments are displayed in black and, depending on the track configuration settings, may be interspersed with vertical orange lines. Alternate strains Items in the Alt. strains track indicate where the alternate mouse strain sequences map to the reference genome location. Clicking on an item in this track will display the detail page for that item, including a link to the nucleotide sequence at NCBI/GenBank for the alternate mouse strain. Data points in this track are always displayed in red. The locations of the Alternate strains were established by NCBI and specified in the alt_scaffold_placement.txt files at, for example, strain NOD_ShiLtJ: GRCm38.p1/NOD_ShiLtJ/alt_scaffolds/alt_scaffold_placement.txt. Note that each alternate strain has a unique directory at Mus_musculus/GRCm38.p1/. Credits Lastz (previously known as blastz) was developed at Pennsylvania State University by Minmei Hou, Scott Schwartz, Zheng Zhang, and Webb Miller with advice from Ross Hardison. The axtChain program was developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent with advice from Webb Miller and David Haussler. The browser display and database storage of the chains and nets were created by Robert Baertsch and Jim Kent. The chainNet, netSyntenic, and netClass programs were developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent. References Chiaromonte F, Yap VB, Miller W. Scoring pairwise genomic sequence alignments. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2002:115-26. Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: Duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-Mouse Alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. mm10Haplotypes Alternate strains Alternate mouse strains, mapped to their corresponding reference genome location Variation and Repeats Description This track shows alternate mouse strain sequences indicated by the GRC (Genome Reference Consortium) mapped to the GRCm38 (mm10) reference sequence in an effort to provide the best possible reference assembly for the mouse genome. The GRC does this by generating multiple representations, alternate loci, for regions that are too complex to be represented by a single path. This allows users who are interested in a specific locus to get an improved representation without affecting users who need chromosome coordinate stability. Alignment The Alignment track is the PSL representation of the lastz chained alignments of the alternate strain sequences to their mapped location on the reference sequence. This PSL representation allows the side-by-side alignment to be viewed. It was created from the lastz chained alignments using the chainToPsl kent source utility. This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. Alignments are displayed in black and, depending on the track configuration settings, may be interspersed with vertical orange lines. Alternate strains Items in the Alt. strains track indicate where the alternate mouse strain sequences map to the reference genome location. Clicking on an item in this track will display the detail page for that item, including a link to the nucleotide sequence at NCBI/GenBank for the alternate mouse strain. Data points in this track are always displayed in red. The locations of the Alternate strains were established by NCBI and specified in the alt_scaffold_placement.txt files at, for example, strain NOD_ShiLtJ: GRCm38.p1/NOD_ShiLtJ/alt_scaffolds/alt_scaffold_placement.txt. Note that each alternate strain has a unique directory at Mus_musculus/GRCm38.p1/. Credits Lastz (previously known as blastz) was developed at Pennsylvania State University by Minmei Hou, Scott Schwartz, Zheng Zhang, and Webb Miller with advice from Ross Hardison. The axtChain program was developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent with advice from Webb Miller and David Haussler. The browser display and database storage of the chains and nets were created by Robert Baertsch and Jim Kent. The chainNet, netSyntenic, and netClass programs were developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent. References Chiaromonte F, Yap VB, Miller W. Scoring pairwise genomic sequence alignments. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2002:115-26. Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: Duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-Mouse Alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. nestedRepeats Interrupted Rpts Fragments of Interrupted Repeats Joined by RepeatMasker ID Variation and Repeats Description This track shows joined fragments of interrupted repeats extracted from the output of the RepeatMasker program which screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences using the Repbase Update library of repeats from the Genetic Information Research Institute (GIRI). Repbase Update is described in Jurka (2000) in the References section below. The detailed annotations from RepeatMasker are in the RepeatMasker track. This track shows fragments of original repeat insertions which have been interrupted by insertions of younger repeats or through local rearrangements. The fragments are joined using the ID column of RepeatMasker output. Display Conventions and Configuration In pack or full mode, each interrupted repeat is displayed as boxes (fragments) joined by horizontal lines, labeled with the repeat name. If all fragments are on the same strand, arrows are added to the horizontal line to indicate the strand. In dense or squish mode, labels and arrows are omitted and in dense mode, all items are collapsed to fit on a single row. Items are shaded according to the average identity score of their fragments. Usually, the shade of an item is similar to the shades of its fragments unless some fragments are much more diverged than others. The score displayed above is the average identity score, clipped to a range of 50% - 100% and then mapped to the range 0 - 1000 for shading in the browser. Methods UCSC has used the most current versions of the RepeatMasker software and repeat libraries available to generate these data. Note that these versions may be newer than those that are publicly available on the Internet. Data are generated using the RepeatMasker -s flag. Additional flags may be used for certain organisms. See the FAQ for more information. Credits Thanks to Arian Smit, Robert Hubley and GIRI for providing the tools and repeat libraries used to generate this track. References Smit AFA, Hubley R, Green P. RepeatMasker Open-3.0. 1996-2010. Repbase Update is described in: Jurka J. Repbase Update: a database and an electronic journal of repetitive elements. Trends Genet. 2000 Sep;16(9):418-420. PMID: 10973072 For a discussion of repeats in mammalian genomes, see: Smit AF. Interspersed repeats and other mementos of transposable elements in mammalian genomes. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1999 Dec;9(6):657-63. PMID: 10607616 Smit AF. The origin of interspersed repeats in the human genome. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1996 Dec;6(6):743-8. PMID: 8994846 transMapEnsemblV5 TransMap Ensembl TransMap Ensembl and GENCODE Mappings Version 5 Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track contains GENCODE or Ensembl alignments produced by the TransMap cross-species alignment algorithm from other vertebrate species in the UCSC Genome Browser. GENCODE is Ensembl for human and mouse, for other Ensembl sources, only ones with full gene builds are used. Projection Ensembl gene annotations will not be used as sources. For closer evolutionary distances, the alignments are created using syntenically filtered BLASTZ alignment chains, resulting in a prediction of the orthologous genes in mouse. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. This track may also be configured to display codon coloring, a feature that allows the user to quickly compare cDNAs against the genomic sequence. For more information about this option, click here. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, click here. Methods Source transcript alignments were obtained from vertebrate organisms in the UCSC Genome Browser Database. BLAT alignments of RefSeq Genes, GenBank mRNAs, and GenBank Spliced ESTs to the cognate genome, along with UCSC Genes, were used as available. For all vertebrate assemblies that had BLASTZ alignment chains and nets to the mouse (mm10) genome, a subset of the alignment chains were selected as follows: For organisms whose branch distance was no more than 0.5 (as computed by phyloFit, see Conservation track description for details), syntenic filtering was used. Reciprocal best nets were used if available; otherwise, nets were selected with the netfilter -syn command. The chains corresponding to the selected nets were used for mapping. For more distant species, where the determination of synteny is difficult, the full set of chains was used for mapping. This allows for more genes to map at the expense of some mapping to paralogous regions. The post-alignment filtering step removes some of the duplications. The pslMap program was used to do a base-level projection of the source transcript alignments via the selected chains to the mouse genome, resulting in pairwise alignments of the source transcripts to the genome. The resulting alignments were filtered with pslCDnaFilter with a global near-best criteria of 0.5% in finished genomes (human and mouse) and 1.0% in other genomes. Alignments where less than 20% of the transcript mapped were discarded. To ensure unique identifiers for each alignment, cDNA and gene accessions were made unique by appending a suffix for each location in the source genome and again for each mapped location in the destination genome. The format is: accession.version-srcUniq.destUniq Where srcUniq is a number added to make each source alignment unique, and destUniq is added to give the subsequent TransMap alignments unique identifiers. For example, in the cow genome, there are two alignments of mRNA BC149621.1. These are assigned the identifiers BC149621.1-1 and BC149621.1-2. When these are mapped to the human genome, BC149621.1-1 maps to a single location and is given the identifier BC149621.1-1.1. However, BC149621.1-2 maps to two locations, resulting in BC149621.1-2.1 and BC149621.1-2.2. Note that multiple TransMap mappings are usually the result of tandem duplications, where both chains are identified as syntenic. Data Access The raw data for these tracks can be accessed interactively through the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the annotations are stored in bigPsl files (containing a number of extra columns) and can be downloaded from our download server, or queried using our API. For more information on accessing track data see our Track Data Access FAQ. The files are associated with these tracks in the following way: TransMap Ensembl - mm10.ensembl.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap RefGene - mm10.refseq.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap RNA - mm10.rna.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap ESTs - mm10.est.transMapV4.bigPsl Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, for example: bigBedToBed -chrom=chr6 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Credits This track was produced by Mark Diekhans at UCSC from cDNA and EST sequence data submitted to the international public sequence databases by scientists worldwide and annotations produced by the RefSeq, Ensembl, and GENCODE annotations projects. References Siepel A, Diekhans M, Brejová B, Langton L, Stevens M, Comstock CL, Davis C, Ewing B, Oommen S, Lau C et al. Targeted discovery of novel human exons by comparative genomics. Genome Res. 2007 Dec;17(12):1763-73. PMID: 17989246; PMC: PMC2099585 Stanke M, Diekhans M, Baertsch R, Haussler D. Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. Bioinformatics. 2008 Mar 1;24(5):637-44. PMID: 18218656 Zhu J, Sanborn JZ, Diekhans M, Lowe CB, Pringle TH, Haussler D. Comparative genomics search for losses of long-established genes on the human lineage. PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Dec;3(12):e247. PMID: 18085818; PMC: PMC2134963 transMapV5 TransMap V5 TransMap Alignments Version 5 Genes and Gene Predictions Description These tracks contain cDNA and gene alignments produced by the TransMap cross-species alignment algorithm from other vertebrate species in the UCSC Genome Browser. For closer evolutionary distances, the alignments are created using syntenically filtered LASTZ or BLASTZ alignment chains, resulting in a prediction of the orthologous genes in mouse. For more distant organisms, reciprocal best alignments are used. TransMap maps genes and related annotations in one species to another using synteny-filtered pairwise genome alignments (chains and nets) to determine the most likely orthologs. For example, for the mRNA TransMap track on the human assembly, more than 400,000 mRNAs from 25 vertebrate species were aligned at high stringency to the native assembly using BLAT. The alignments were then mapped to the human assembly using the chain and net alignments produced using BLASTZ, which has higher sensitivity than BLAT for diverged organisms. Compared to translated BLAT, TransMap finds fewer paralogs and aligns more UTR bases. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. This track may also be configured to display codon coloring, a feature that allows the user to quickly compare cDNAs against the genomic sequence. For more information about this option, click here. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, click here. Methods Source transcript alignments were obtained from vertebrate organisms in the UCSC Genome Browser Database. BLAT alignments of RefSeq Genes, GenBank mRNAs, and GenBank Spliced ESTs to the cognate genome, along with UCSC Genes, were used as available. For all vertebrate assemblies that had BLASTZ alignment chains and nets to the mouse (mm10) genome, a subset of the alignment chains were selected as follows: For organisms whose branch distance was no more than 0.5 (as computed by phyloFit, see Conservation track description for details), syntenic filtering was used. Reciprocal best nets were used if available; otherwise, nets were selected with the netfilter -syn command. The chains corresponding to the selected nets were used for mapping. For more distant species, where the determination of synteny is difficult, the full set of chains was used for mapping. This allows for more genes to map at the expense of some mapping to paralogous regions. The post-alignment filtering step removes some of the duplications. The pslMap program was used to do a base-level projection of the source transcript alignments via the selected chains to the mouse genome, resulting in pairwise alignments of the source transcripts to the genome. The resulting alignments were filtered with pslCDnaFilter with a global near-best criteria of 0.5% in finished genomes (human and mouse) and 1.0% in other genomes. Alignments where less than 20% of the transcript mapped were discarded. To ensure unique identifiers for each alignment, cDNA and gene accessions were made unique by appending a suffix for each location in the source genome and again for each mapped location in the destination genome. The format is: accession.version-srcUniq.destUniq Where srcUniq is a number added to make each source alignment unique, and destUniq is added to give the subsequent TransMap alignments unique identifiers. For example, in the cow genome, there are two alignments of mRNA BC149621.1. These are assigned the identifiers BC149621.1-1 and BC149621.1-2. When these are mapped to the human genome, BC149621.1-1 maps to a single location and is given the identifier BC149621.1-1.1. However, BC149621.1-2 maps to two locations, resulting in BC149621.1-2.1 and BC149621.1-2.2. Note that multiple TransMap mappings are usually the result of tandem duplications, where both chains are identified as syntenic. Data Access The raw data for these tracks can be accessed interactively through the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the annotations are stored in bigPsl files (containing a number of extra columns) and can be downloaded from our download server, or queried using our API. For more information on accessing track data see our Track Data Access FAQ. The files are associated with these tracks in the following way: TransMap Ensembl - mm10.ensembl.transMapV5.bigPsl TransMap RefGene - mm10.refseq.transMapV5.bigPsl TransMap RNA - mm10.rna.transMapV5.bigPsl TransMap ESTs - mm10.est.transMapV5.bigPsl Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed, which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, for example: bigBedToBed -chrom=chr6 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Credits This track was produced by Mark Diekhans at UCSC from cDNA and EST sequence data submitted to the international public sequence databases by scientists worldwide and annotations produced by the RefSeq, Ensembl, and GENCODE annotations projects. References Siepel A, Diekhans M, Brejová B, Langton L, Stevens M, Comstock CL, Davis C, Ewing B, Oommen S, Lau C et al. Targeted discovery of novel human exons by comparative genomics. Genome Res. 2007 Dec;17(12):1763-73. PMID: 17989246; PMC: PMC2099585 Stanke M, Diekhans M, Baertsch R, Haussler D. Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. Bioinformatics. 2008 Mar 1;24(5):637-44. PMID: 18218656 Zhu J, Sanborn JZ, Diekhans M, Lowe CB, Pringle TH, Haussler D. Comparative genomics search for losses of long-established genes on the human lineage. PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Dec;3(12):e247. PMID: 18085818; PMC: PMC2134963 transMapRefSeqV5 TransMap RefGene TransMap RefSeq Gene Mappings Version 5 Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track contains RefSeq Gene alignments produced by the TransMap cross-species alignment algorithm from other vertebrate species in the UCSC Genome Browser. For closer evolutionary distances, the alignments are created using syntenically filtered BLASTZ alignment chains, resulting in a prediction of the orthologous genes in mouse. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. This track may also be configured to display codon coloring, a feature that allows the user to quickly compare cDNAs against the genomic sequence. For more information about this option, click here. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, click here. Methods Source transcript alignments were obtained from vertebrate organisms in the UCSC Genome Browser Database. BLAT alignments of RefSeq Genes, GenBank mRNAs, and GenBank Spliced ESTs to the cognate genome, along with UCSC Genes, were used as available. For all vertebrate assemblies that had BLASTZ alignment chains and nets to the mouse (mm10) genome, a subset of the alignment chains were selected as follows: For organisms whose branch distance was no more than 0.5 (as computed by phyloFit, see Conservation track description for details), syntenic filtering was used. Reciprocal best nets were used if available; otherwise, nets were selected with the netfilter -syn command. The chains corresponding to the selected nets were used for mapping. For more distant species, where the determination of synteny is difficult, the full set of chains was used for mapping. This allows for more genes to map at the expense of some mapping to paralogous regions. The post-alignment filtering step removes some of the duplications. The pslMap program was used to do a base-level projection of the source transcript alignments via the selected chains to the mouse genome, resulting in pairwise alignments of the source transcripts to the genome. The resulting alignments were filtered with pslCDnaFilter with a global near-best criteria of 0.5% in finished genomes (human and mouse) and 1.0% in other genomes. Alignments where less than 20% of the transcript mapped were discarded. To ensure unique identifiers for each alignment, cDNA and gene accessions were made unique by appending a suffix for each location in the source genome and again for each mapped location in the destination genome. The format is: accession.version-srcUniq.destUniq Where srcUniq is a number added to make each source alignment unique, and destUniq is added to give the subsequent TransMap alignments unique identifiers. For example, in the cow genome, there are two alignments of mRNA BC149621.1. These are assigned the identifiers BC149621.1-1 and BC149621.1-2. When these are mapped to the human genome, BC149621.1-1 maps to a single location and is given the identifier BC149621.1-1.1. However, BC149621.1-2 maps to two locations, resulting in BC149621.1-2.1 and BC149621.1-2.2. Note that multiple TransMap mappings are usually the result of tandem duplications, where both chains are identified as syntenic. Data Access The raw data for these tracks can be accessed interactively through the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the annotations are stored in bigPsl files (containing a number of extra columns) and can be downloaded from our download server, or queried using our API. For more information on accessing track data see our Track Data Access FAQ. The files are associated with these tracks in the following way: TransMap Ensembl - mm10.ensembl.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap RefGene - mm10.refseq.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap RNA - mm10.rna.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap ESTs - mm10.est.transMapV4.bigPsl Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, for example: bigBedToBed -chrom=chr6 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Credits This track was produced by Mark Diekhans at UCSC from cDNA and EST sequence data submitted to the international public sequence databases by scientists worldwide and annotations produced by the RefSeq, Ensembl, and GENCODE annotations projects. References Siepel A, Diekhans M, Brejová B, Langton L, Stevens M, Comstock CL, Davis C, Ewing B, Oommen S, Lau C et al. Targeted discovery of novel human exons by comparative genomics. Genome Res. 2007 Dec;17(12):1763-73. PMID: 17989246; PMC: PMC2099585 Stanke M, Diekhans M, Baertsch R, Haussler D. Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. Bioinformatics. 2008 Mar 1;24(5):637-44. PMID: 18218656 Zhu J, Sanborn JZ, Diekhans M, Lowe CB, Pringle TH, Haussler D. Comparative genomics search for losses of long-established genes on the human lineage. PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Dec;3(12):e247. PMID: 18085818; PMC: PMC2134963 transMapRnaV5 TransMap RNA TransMap GenBank RNA Mappings Version 5 Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track contains GenBank mRNA alignments produced by the TransMap cross-species alignment algorithm from other vertebrate species in the UCSC Genome Browser. For closer evolutionary distances, the alignments are created using syntenically filtered BLASTZ alignment chains, resulting in a prediction of the orthologous genes in mouse. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. This track may also be configured to display codon coloring, a feature that allows the user to quickly compare cDNAs against the genomic sequence. For more information about this option, click here. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, click here. Methods Source transcript alignments were obtained from vertebrate organisms in the UCSC Genome Browser Database. BLAT alignments of RefSeq Genes, GenBank mRNAs, and GenBank Spliced ESTs to the cognate genome, along with UCSC Genes, were used as available. For all vertebrate assemblies that had BLASTZ alignment chains and nets to the mouse (mm10) genome, a subset of the alignment chains were selected as follows: For organisms whose branch distance was no more than 0.5 (as computed by phyloFit, see Conservation track description for details), syntenic filtering was used. Reciprocal best nets were used if available; otherwise, nets were selected with the netfilter -syn command. The chains corresponding to the selected nets were used for mapping. For more distant species, where the determination of synteny is difficult, the full set of chains was used for mapping. This allows for more genes to map at the expense of some mapping to paralogous regions. The post-alignment filtering step removes some of the duplications. The pslMap program was used to do a base-level projection of the source transcript alignments via the selected chains to the mouse genome, resulting in pairwise alignments of the source transcripts to the genome. The resulting alignments were filtered with pslCDnaFilter with a global near-best criteria of 0.5% in finished genomes (human and mouse) and 1.0% in other genomes. Alignments where less than 20% of the transcript mapped were discarded. To ensure unique identifiers for each alignment, cDNA and gene accessions were made unique by appending a suffix for each location in the source genome and again for each mapped location in the destination genome. The format is: accession.version-srcUniq.destUniq Where srcUniq is a number added to make each source alignment unique, and destUniq is added to give the subsequent TransMap alignments unique identifiers. For example, in the cow genome, there are two alignments of mRNA BC149621.1. These are assigned the identifiers BC149621.1-1 and BC149621.1-2. When these are mapped to the human genome, BC149621.1-1 maps to a single location and is given the identifier BC149621.1-1.1. However, BC149621.1-2 maps to two locations, resulting in BC149621.1-2.1 and BC149621.1-2.2. Note that multiple TransMap mappings are usually the result of tandem duplications, where both chains are identified as syntenic. Data Access The raw data for these tracks can be accessed interactively through the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the annotations are stored in bigPsl files (containing a number of extra columns) and can be downloaded from our download server, or queried using our API. For more information on accessing track data see our Track Data Access FAQ. The files are associated with these tracks in the following way: TransMap Ensembl - mm10.ensembl.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap RefGene - mm10.refseq.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap RNA - mm10.rna.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap ESTs - mm10.est.transMapV4.bigPsl Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, for example: bigBedToBed -chrom=chr6 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Credits This track was produced by Mark Diekhans at UCSC from cDNA and EST sequence data submitted to the international public sequence databases by scientists worldwide and annotations produced by the RefSeq, Ensembl, and GENCODE annotations projects. References Siepel A, Diekhans M, Brejová B, Langton L, Stevens M, Comstock CL, Davis C, Ewing B, Oommen S, Lau C et al. Targeted discovery of novel human exons by comparative genomics. Genome Res. 2007 Dec;17(12):1763-73. PMID: 17989246; PMC: PMC2099585 Stanke M, Diekhans M, Baertsch R, Haussler D. Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. Bioinformatics. 2008 Mar 1;24(5):637-44. PMID: 18218656 Zhu J, Sanborn JZ, Diekhans M, Lowe CB, Pringle TH, Haussler D. Comparative genomics search for losses of long-established genes on the human lineage. PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Dec;3(12):e247. PMID: 18085818; PMC: PMC2134963 transMapEstV5 TransMap ESTs TransMap EST Mappings Version 5 Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track contains GenBank spliced EST alignments produced by the TransMap cross-species alignment algorithm from other vertebrate species in the UCSC Genome Browser. For closer evolutionary distances, the alignments are created using syntenically filtered BLASTZ alignment chains, resulting in a prediction of the orthologous genes in mouse. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. This track may also be configured to display codon coloring, a feature that allows the user to quickly compare cDNAs against the genomic sequence. For more information about this option, click here. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, click here. Methods Source transcript alignments were obtained from vertebrate organisms in the UCSC Genome Browser Database. BLAT alignments of RefSeq Genes, GenBank mRNAs, and GenBank Spliced ESTs to the cognate genome, along with UCSC Genes, were used as available. For all vertebrate assemblies that had BLASTZ alignment chains and nets to the mouse (mm10) genome, a subset of the alignment chains were selected as follows: For organisms whose branch distance was no more than 0.5 (as computed by phyloFit, see Conservation track description for details), syntenic filtering was used. Reciprocal best nets were used if available; otherwise, nets were selected with the netfilter -syn command. The chains corresponding to the selected nets were used for mapping. For more distant species, where the determination of synteny is difficult, the full set of chains was used for mapping. This allows for more genes to map at the expense of some mapping to paralogous regions. The post-alignment filtering step removes some of the duplications. The pslMap program was used to do a base-level projection of the source transcript alignments via the selected chains to the mouse genome, resulting in pairwise alignments of the source transcripts to the genome. The resulting alignments were filtered with pslCDnaFilter with a global near-best criteria of 0.5% in finished genomes (human and mouse) and 1.0% in other genomes. Alignments where less than 20% of the transcript mapped were discarded. To ensure unique identifiers for each alignment, cDNA and gene accessions were made unique by appending a suffix for each location in the source genome and again for each mapped location in the destination genome. The format is: accession.version-srcUniq.destUniq Where srcUniq is a number added to make each source alignment unique, and destUniq is added to give the subsequent TransMap alignments unique identifiers. For example, in the cow genome, there are two alignments of mRNA BC149621.1. These are assigned the identifiers BC149621.1-1 and BC149621.1-2. When these are mapped to the human genome, BC149621.1-1 maps to a single location and is given the identifier BC149621.1-1.1. However, BC149621.1-2 maps to two locations, resulting in BC149621.1-2.1 and BC149621.1-2.2. Note that multiple TransMap mappings are usually the result of tandem duplications, where both chains are identified as syntenic. Data Access The raw data for these tracks can be accessed interactively through the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the annotations are stored in bigPsl files (containing a number of extra columns) and can be downloaded from our download server, or queried using our API. For more information on accessing track data see our Track Data Access FAQ. The files are associated with these tracks in the following way: TransMap Ensembl - mm10.ensembl.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap RefGene - mm10.refseq.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap RNA - mm10.rna.transMapV4.bigPsl TransMap ESTs - mm10.est.transMapV4.bigPsl Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, for example: bigBedToBed -chrom=chr6 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Credits This track was produced by Mark Diekhans at UCSC from cDNA and EST sequence data submitted to the international public sequence databases by scientists worldwide and annotations produced by the RefSeq, Ensembl, and GENCODE annotations projects. References Siepel A, Diekhans M, Brejová B, Langton L, Stevens M, Comstock CL, Davis C, Ewing B, Oommen S, Lau C et al. Targeted discovery of novel human exons by comparative genomics. Genome Res. 2007 Dec;17(12):1763-73. PMID: 17989246; PMC: PMC2099585 Stanke M, Diekhans M, Baertsch R, Haussler D. Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. Bioinformatics. 2008 Mar 1;24(5):637-44. PMID: 18218656 Zhu J, Sanborn JZ, Diekhans M, Lowe CB, Pringle TH, Haussler D. Comparative genomics search for losses of long-established genes on the human lineage. PLoS Comput Biol. 2007 Dec;3(12):e247. PMID: 18085818; PMC: PMC2134963 microsat Microsatellite Microsatellites - Di-nucleotide and Tri-nucleotide Repeats Variation and Repeats Description This track displays regions that are likely to be useful as microsatellite markers. These are sequences of at least 15 perfect di-nucleotide and tri-nucleotide repeats and tend to be highly polymorphic in the population. Methods The data shown in this track are a subset of the Simple Repeats track, selecting only those repeats of period 2 and 3, with 100% identity and no indels and with at least 15 copies of the repeat. The Simple Repeats track is created using the Tandem Repeats Finder. For more information about this program, see Benson (1999). Credits Tandem Repeats Finder was written by Gary Benson. References Benson G. Tandem repeats finder: a program to analyze DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 1999 Jan 15;27(2):573-80. PMID: 9862982; PMC: PMC148217 strainSNPs Mouse SNPs Annotated SNPs from mouse strain comparison analysis Variation and Repeats Description This track shows single nucleotide variants (SNVs), from the Mouse Genomes Project. Display Conventions In "dense" mode, a vertical line is drawn at the position of each variant. In "pack" mode, since these variants have been phased, the display shows a clustering of haplotypes in the viewed range, sorted by similarity of alleles weighted by proximity to a central variant. The clustering view can highlight local patterns of linkage. In the clustering display, each sample's phased diploid genotype is split into two independent haplotypes. Each haplotype is placed in a horizontal row of pixels; when the number of haplotypes exceeds the number of vertical pixels for the track, multiple haplotypes fall in the same pixel row and pixels are averaged across haplotypes. Each variant is a vertical bar with white (invisible) representing the reference allele and black representing the non-reference allele(s). Tick marks are drawn at the top and bottom of each variant's vertical bar to make the bar more visible when most alleles are reference alleles. The vertical bar for the central variant used in clustering is outlined in purple. In order to avoid long compute times, the range of alleles used in clustering may be limited; alleles used in clustering have purple tick marks at the top and bottom. The clustering tree is displayed to the left of the main image. It does not represent relatedness of individuals; it simply shows the arrangement of local haplotypes by similarity. When a rightmost branch is purple, it means that all haplotypes in that branch are identical, at least within the range of variants used in clustering. Methods Listed below are the strain names as they appear in the VCF header, the full strain name, gender of samples sequenced and the approximate sequence fold-coverage of the genome, based on the number of read bases mapped to the reference genome (and excluding reads marked as PCR duplicates). VCF headername strainname sex sequencefold-coverage 129P2_OlaHsd(129P2/OlaHsd)F52 129S1_SvImJ(129S1/SvImJ)F68 129S5SvEvBrd(129S5SvEvBrd)F22 A_J(A/J)F52 AKR_J(AKR/J)F57 BALB_cJ(BALB/cJ)F62 BTBR_T+_Itpr3tf_J(BTBR T+ Itpr3tf/J)M85 BUB_BnJ(BUB/BnJ)M49 C3H_HeH(C3H/HeH)F14 C3H_HeJ(C3H/HeJ)F63 C57BL_10J(C57BL/10J)M37 C57BL_6NJ(C57BL/6NJ)F61 C57BR_cdJ(C57BR/cdJ)M51 C57L_J(C57L/J)M64 C58_J(C58/J)M55 CAST_EiJ(CAST/EiJ)F53 CBA_J(CBA/J)F56 DBA_1J(DBA/1J)M49 DBA_2J(DBA/2J)F56 FVB_NJ(FVB/NJ)F73 I_LnJ(I/LnJ)M45 KK_HiJ(KK/HiJ)M55 LEWES_EiJ(LEWES/EiJ)F19 LP_J(LP/J)F54 MOLF_EiJ(MOLF/EiJ)M40 NOD_ShiLtJ(NOD/ShiLtJ)F66 NZB_B1NJ(NZB/B1NJ)M47 NZO_HlLtJ(NZO/HlLtJ)F72 NZW_LacJ(NZW/LacJ)M58 PWK_PhJ(PWK/PhJ)F53 RF_J(RF/J)M54 SEA_GnJ(SEA/GnJ)M49 SPRET_EiJ(SPRET/EiJ)F67 ST_bJ(ST/bJ)M81 WSB_EiJ(WSB/EiJ)F51 ZALENDE_EiJ(ZALENDE/EiJ)M19 All SNP and indel calls are relative to the reference mouse genome C57BL/6J (GRCm38/mm10). The reference genome used for the alignment can be found here: Gene models from Ensembl release 78 were used to predict the functional consequences of the SNPs and indels. SNPs and indels are annotated with rs IDs from dbSNP Build 142. The dbSNP data was downloaded from: and the 'vcf-annotate' Perl utility from the VCFtools package (Danecek et al, 2011) was used to add the rsIDs to calls in this release. (See below for VCFtools information). For SNPs, the position, reference allele and alternative alleles were all compared: e.g. vcf-annotate -c CHROM,POS,ID,REF,ALT For indels, only the positions were matched: e.g. vcf-annotate -c CHROM,POS,ID Sequencing was performed using the Illumina HiSeq platform. All reads are 100bp paired-end reads except for strains 129P2 and 129S5 in which the sequence data included reads of 75 bps or less. Also, a small amount of the sequence data for MOLF_EiJ is single-end sequencing. In version 3 all variant data was obtained from sequencing of female mice only. In version 4, 10 new strains were included in which all data was obtained from sequencing of male mice. The data for an additional 8 strains included in this release (version 5) was obtained from sequencing of male mice for 5 strains, and female mice for the remaining 3 strains. As such, the SNP and indel VCF files contain calls on chromosomes 1-19, MT, X and Y. The BAM files used to call SNPs and indels are located here: Reads were aligned to the reference genome (GRCm38/mm10) using BWA-MEM v0.7.5-r406 (Li and Durbin, 2009; Li, 2013). Reads were realigned around indels using GATK realignment tool v3.0.0 (McKenna et al., 2010) with default parameters. SNP and indel discovery was performed with the SAMtools v1.1 with parameters: Samtools mpileup -t DP,DV,DP4,SP,DPR,INFO/DPR -E -Q 0 -pm3 -F0.25 â#"d500 and calling was performed with BCFtools call v1.1 with parameters: Bcftools call -mv -f GQ,GP -p 0.99 Indels were then left-aligned and normalized using bcftools norm v1.1 with parameters: bcftools norm -D -s -m+indels The vcf-annotate function in the VCFtools package was used to soft-filter the SNP and indel calls. The Variant Effect Predictor software from Ensembl (McLaren et al., 2010) was used to predict the functional consequence of SNP and indels queried against Ensembl release 78 mouse gene models. Definitions of consequence types can be found here: SNP calling was performed for each strain independently. These strain specific VCF files can be found on the ftp site A single list of all polymorphic sites across the genome was then produced from all of the 36 strains' SNP calls. This list was then used to call SNPs again, this time across all 36 strains simultaneously, using the 'samtools mpileup -l' option. The calls from all 36 strains were then merged into a single VCF file. All strain specific information was retained in the sample columns for each strain. For indels, the same approach was taken with the addition of the indel normalisation step after the initial variant calling. The merged SNP VCF and indel VCF for version 5 can be found here: Information regarding the filtering of SNP and indel calls can be found in the VCF file headers in the '##FILTER' and '##source' lines. Credits Thanks to the Mouse Genomes Project for supplying the data for this track. See also: References Danecek P, Auton A, Abecasis G, Albers CA, Banks E, DePristo MA, Handsaker RE, Lunter G, Marth GT, Sherry ST et al. The variant call format and VCFtools. Bioinformatics. 2011 Aug 1;27(15):2156-8. PMID: 21653522; PMC: PMC3137218 Li, H. Aligning sequence reads, clone sequences and assembly contigs with BWA-MEM. Preprint at 2013. Li H, Durbin R. Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler transform. Bioinformatics. 2009 Jul 15;25(14):1754-60. PMID: 19451168; PMC: PMC2705234 Li H, Handsaker B, Wysoker A, Fennell T, Ruan J, Homer N, Marth G, Abecasis G, Durbin R, 1000 Genome Project Data Processing Subgroup.. The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Bioinformatics. 2009 Aug 15;25(16):2078-9. PMID: 19505943; PMC: PMC2723002 Li H. A statistical framework for SNP calling, mutation discovery, association mapping and population genetical parameter estimation from sequencing data. Bioinformatics. 2011 Nov 1;27(21):2987-93. PMID: 21903627; PMC: PMC3198575 McKenna A, Hanna M, Banks E, Sivachenko A, Cibulskis K, Kernytsky A, Garimella K, Altshuler D, Gabriel S, Daly M et al. The Genome Analysis Toolkit: a MapReduce framework for analyzing next-generation DNA sequencing data. Genome Res. 2010 Sep;20(9):1297-303. PMID: 20644199; PMC: PMC2928508 McLaren W, Pritchard B, Rios D, Chen Y, Flicek P, Cunningham F. Deriving the consequences of genomic variants with the Ensembl API and SNP Effect Predictor. Bioinformatics. 2010 Aug 15;26(16):2069-70. PMID: 20562413; PMC: PMC2916720 allGaps All Gaps All gaps of unknown nucleotides (N's), including AGP annotated gaps Mapping and Sequencing Description This track shows all gaps (any sequence of N's) in the Dec. 2011 Mus musculus/GRCm38/mm10 genome assembly. Not all gaps were annotated in the AGP file, this track includes all sequences of N's in the assembly. Genome assembly procedures are covered in the NCBI assembly documentation. NCBI also provides specific information about this assembly. Any sequence of N's in the assembly is marked as a gap in this track. The standard gap track only shows the gaps as annotated in the AGP file: mm10.p6.agp.gz The NCBI document AGP Specification describes the format of the AGP file. Gaps are represented as black boxes in this track. There is no information in this track about order or orientation of the contigs on either side of the gap. Gap count and coverage: gap count: 904 bases covered: 79,435,853 altSeqLiftOverPsl Alt Haplotypes Reference Assembly Alternate Haplotype Sequence Alignments Mapping and Sequencing Description This track shows alignments of alternate locus (also known as "alternate haplotype") reference sequences to main chromosome sequences in the reference genome assembly. Some loci in the genome are highly variable, with sets of variants that tend to segregate into distinct haplotypes. Only one haplotype can be included in a reference assembly chromosome sequence. Instead of providing a separate complete chromosome sequence for each haplotype, which could cause confusion with divergent chromosome coordinates and ambiguity about which sequence is the official reference, the Genome Reference Consortium (GRC) adds alternate locus sequences, ranging from tens of thousands of bases up to low millions of bases in size, to represent the distinct haplotypes. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. Mismatching bases are highlighted in red. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, see Alignment Insertion/Deletion Display Options. Credits The alignments were provided by NCBI as GFF files and translated into the PSL representation for browser display by UCSC. gold Assembly Assembly from Fragments Mapping and Sequencing Description This track shows the assembly (Dec. 2011, Genome Reference Consortium Mouse Build 38 (GCA_000001635.2)) of the mouse genome. Whole-genome shotgun reads were assembled into contigs. When possible, contigs were assembled into chromosomes. The order, orientation and gap sizes between contigs within a chromosome are based on paired-end read evidence. In dense mode, this track depicts the contigs that make up the currently viewed chromosome. Contig boundaries are distinguished by the use of alternating gold and brown coloration. Where gaps exist between contigs, spaces are shown between the gold and brown blocks. When the relative order and orientation of the contigs within a chromosome is known, a line is drawn in the graphical display to bridge the blocks. Clone Type Key: W - Whole Genome Shotgun contig F - Finished O - Other sequence (mitochondrial) augustusGene AUGUSTUS AUGUSTUS ab initio gene predictions v3.1 Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows ab initio predictions from the program AUGUSTUS (version 3.1). The predictions are based on the genome sequence alone. For more information on the different gene tracks, see our Genes FAQ. Methods Statistical signal models were built for splice sites, branch-point patterns, translation start sites, and the poly-A signal. Furthermore, models were built for the sequence content of protein-coding and non-coding regions as well as for the length distributions of different exon and intron types. Detailed descriptions of most of these different models can be found in Mario Stanke's dissertation. This track shows the most likely gene structure according to a Semi-Markov Conditional Random Field model. Alternative splicing transcripts were obtained with a sampling algorithm (--alternatives-from-sampling=true --sample=100 --minexonintronprob=0.2 --minmeanexonintronprob=0.5 --maxtracks=3 --temperature=2). The different models used by Augustus were trained on a number of different species-specific gene sets, which included 1000-2000 training gene structures. The --species option allows one to choose the species used for training the models. Different training species were used for the --species option when generating these predictions for different groups of assemblies. Assembly Group Training Species Fish zebrafish Birds chicken Human and all other vertebrates human Nematodes caenorhabditis Drosophila fly A. mellifera honeybee1 A. gambiae culex S. cerevisiae saccharomyces This table describes which training species was used for a particular group of assemblies. When available, the closest related training species was used. Credits Thanks to the Stanke lab for providing the AUGUSTUS program. The training for the chicken version was done by Stefanie König and the training for the human and zebrafish versions was done by Mario Stanke. References Stanke M, Diekhans M, Baertsch R, Haussler D. Using native and syntenically mapped cDNA alignments to improve de novo gene finding. Bioinformatics. 2008 Mar 1;24(5):637-44. PMID: 18218656 Stanke M, Waack S. Gene prediction with a hidden Markov model and a new intron submodel. Bioinformatics. 2003 Oct;19 Suppl 2:ii215-25. PMID: 14534192 ccdsGene CCDS Consensus CDS Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows mouse genome high-confidence gene annotations from the Consensus Coding Sequence (CCDS) project. This project is a collaborative effort to identify a core set of mouse protein-coding regions that are consistently annotated and of high quality. The long-term goal is to support convergence towards a standard set of gene annotations on the mouse genome. Collaborators include: European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (WTSI) For more information on the different gene tracks, see our Genes FAQ. Methods CDS annotations of the mouse genome were obtained from two sources: NCBI RefSeq and a union of the gene annotations from Ensembl and Vega, collectively known as Hinxton. Genes with identical CDS genomic coordinates in both sets become CCDS candidates. The genes undergo a quality evaluation, which must be approved by all collaborators. The following criteria are currently used to assess each gene: an initiating ATG (Exception: a non-ATG translation start codon is annotated if it has sufficient experimental support), a valid stop codon, and no in-frame stop codons (Exception: selenoproteins, which contain a TGA codon that is known to be translated to a selenocysteine instead of functioning as a stop codon) ability to be translated from the genome reference sequence without frameshifts recognizable splicing sites no intersection with putative pseudogene predictions supporting transcripts and protein homology conservation evidence with other species A unique CCDS ID is assigned to the CCDS, which links together all gene annotations with the same CDS. CCDS gene annotations are under continuous review, with periodic updates to this track. Credits This track was produced at UCSC from data downloaded from the CCDS project web site. References Hubbard T, Barker D, Birney E, Cameron G, Chen Y, Clark L, Cox T, Cuff J, Curwen V, Down T et al. The Ensembl genome database project. Nucleic Acids Res. 2002 Jan 1;30(1):38-41. PMID: 11752248; PMC: PMC99161 Pruitt KD, Harrow J, Harte RA, Wallin C, Diekhans M, Maglott DR, Searle S, Farrell CM, Loveland JE, Ruef BJ et al. The consensus coding sequence (CCDS) project: Identifying a common protein-coding gene set for the human and mouse genomes. Genome Res. 2009 Jul;19(7):1316-23. PMID: 19498102; PMC: PMC2704439 Pruitt KD, Tatusova T, Maglott DR. NCBI Reference Sequence (RefSeq): a curated non-redundant sequence database of genomes, transcripts and proteins. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1;33(Database issue):D501-4. PMID: 15608248; PMC: PMC539979 encode3RenChromHmm Chromatin State Chromatin state of embryonic tissue (12 tissues, 8 ages) from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation Description The ENCODE project has established an epigenomic resource for mammalian development, profiling a diverse panel of mouse tissues at eight developmental stages from 10.5 days post conception until birth. This track set presents chromatin state annotations derived from ChIP-seq of histone modifications performed by the laboratory of Bing Ren as part of the ENCODE Consortium, phase 3. The chromHMM method was used to integrate ChIP-seq data from 8 histone modifications (H3K27ac, H3K27me3, H3K4me3, H3K4me2, H3K4me1, H3K9me3, H3K9ac, H3K36me3). In total, fifteen chromatin states were used to segment the genome, and these states were then grouped and colored to highlight predicted functional elements. The histone ChIP-seq data underlying this track are presented in the Histone Modifications track. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a composite track that contains multiple subtracks. Each subtrack represents data for a different tissue and age, and displays individually on the browser. The fifteen states of the HMM, their associated segment color, and the candidate annotations are as follows: State 1 -       Dark Green - Promoter, Active (Pr-A) State 2 -       Light Green - Promoter, Weak (Pr-W) State 3 -       Light Grey - Promoter, Bivalent (Pr-B) State 4 -       Green - Promoter, Flanking Region (Pr-F) State 5 -       Bright Yellow - Enhancer, Strong TSS-distal (En-Sd) State 6 -       Bright Yellow - Enhancer, Strong TSS-proximal (En-Sp) State 7 -       Light Yellow - Enhancer, Weak (En-W) State 8 -       Dark Grey - Enhancer, Poised TSS-distal (En-Pd) State 9 -       Dark Grey - Enhancer, Poised TSS-proximal (En-Pp) State 10 -       Dark Blue - Transcription, Strong (Tr-S) State 11 -       Royal Blue - Transcription, Permissive (Tr-P) State 12 -       Light Blue - Transcription, Initiation (Tr-I) State 13 -       State 13 - Salmon - Heterochromatin, Polycomb-associated (Hc-P) State 14 -       Pink - Heterochromatin, H3K9me3-associated (Hc-H) State 15 -       White - No significant signal (Ns) This track is configured by default to "pack" display mode with the state labels displayed. To display without labels, switch the track to "dense" display mode. Methods To leverage chromatin state information captured by patterns of histone modifications, ChromHMM analysis was applied to ChIP-seq data from 8 histone modifications, producing a 15-state model that shows high consistency between biological replicates and general agreement with previously published models. The states were then used to segment the genome in each tissue and stage. Each state was assigned a descriptive label based on its genomic distribution and similarity to known chromatin signatures. The resulting chromatin states fall into 4 broad functional classes: promoter, enhancer, transcriptional, and heterochromatic. This track set represents pooled chromatin state calls, in which ChIP-seq for two biological replicates that were was pooled prior to chromatin state segmentation. Data Access ChromHMM segmentation for individual and pooled replicates can be downloaded from the Ren Lab ENCODE3 mouse histone and ATAC-seq paper supplementary data page. The underlying ChIP-seq data are publicly available from the ENCODE portal, and can be directly accessed here. Credits Thanks to Iros Barozzi and colleagues in the Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for generating the chromHmm analysis and to David Gorkin and Yanxiao Zhang at the Ren lab (UCSD/Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research) for providing these data and assisting with track development at UCSC. References Gorkin et al. An atlas of dynamic chromatin landscapes in the developing mouse fetus. Nature, In Press. (pre-print: doi: Ernst J, Kellis M. ChromHMM: automating chromatin-state discovery and characterization. Nat Methods. 2012 Feb 28;9(3):215-6. PMID: 22373907; PMC: PMC3577932 Sloan CA, Chan ET, Davidson JM, Malladi VS, Strattan JS, Hitz BC, Gabdank I, Narayanan AK, Ho M, Lee BT et al. ENCODE data at the ENCODE portal. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D726-32. PMID: 26527727; PMC: PMC4702836 encode3Reg ENCODE Regulation Integrated Regulation from ENCODE Expression and Regulation Description The ENCODE project has established an epigenomic resource for mammalian development, profiling a diverse panel of mouse tissues at multiple developmental stages from 10.5 days post conception until after birth. These tracks contain datasets relevant to the regulation of transcription derived from multiple molecular assay types. For additional information, please click on the hyperlinks for the individual tracks above. See the ENCODE Project Portal for additional Mouse ENCODE data. encode3RenChromHmmStomachP0 cHMM stomach P0 Chromatin state of day P0 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmStomachE16 cHMM stomach E16 Chromatin state of embryonic day E16.5 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmStomachE15 cHMM stomach E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmStomachE14 cHMM stomach E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmNeuralE15 cHMM neural E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmNeuralE14 cHMM neural E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmNeuralE13 cHMM neural E13 Chromatin state of embryonic day E13.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmNeuralE12 cHMM neural E12 Chromatin state of embryonic day E12.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmNeuralE11 cHMM neural E11 Chromatin state of embryonic day E11.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmMidbrainP0 cHMM midbrain P0 Chromatin state of day P0 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmMidbrainE16 cHMM midbrain E16 Chromatin state of embryonic day E16.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmMidbrainE15 cHMM midbrain E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmMidbrainE14 cHMM midbrain E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmMidbrainE13 cHMM midbrain E13 Chromatin state of embryonic day E13.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmMidbrainE12 cHMM midbrain E12 Chromatin state of embryonic day E12.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmMidbrainE11 cHMM midbrain E11 Chromatin state of embryonic day E11.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLungP0 cHMM lung P0 Chromatin state of day P0 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLungE16 cHMM lung E16 Chromatin state of embryonic day E16.5 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLungE15 cHMM lung E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLungE14 cHMM lung E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLiverP0 cHMM liver P0 Chromatin state of day P0 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLiverE16 cHMM liver E16 Chromatin state of embryonic day E16.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLiverE15 cHMM liver E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLiverE14 cHMM liver E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLiverE13 cHMM liver E13 Chromatin state of embryonic day E13.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLiverE12 cHMM liver E12 Chromatin state of embryonic day E12.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLiverE11 cHMM liver E11 Chromatin state of embryonic day E11.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLimbE15 cHMM limb E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLimbE14 cHMM limb E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLimbE13 cHMM limb E13 Chromatin state of embryonic day E13.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLimbE12 cHMM limb E12 Chromatin state of embryonic day E12.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmLimbE11 cHMM limb E11 Chromatin state of embryonic day E11.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmKidneyP0 cHMM kidney P0 Chromatin state of day P0 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmKidneyE16 cHMM kidney E16 Chromatin state of embryonic day E16.5 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmKidneyE15 cHMM kidney E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmKidneyE14 cHMM kidney E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmIntestineP0 cHMM intestine P0 Chromatin state of day P0 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmIntestineE16 cHMM intestn E16 Chromatin state of embryonic day E16.5 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmIntestineE15 cHMM intestn E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmIntestineE14 cHMM intestn E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHindbrainP0 cHMM hindbrain P0 Chromatin state of day P0 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHindbrainE16 cHMM hindbrn E16 Chromatin state of embryonic day E16.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHindbrainE15 cHMM hindbrn E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHindbrainE14 cHMM hindbrn E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHindbrainE13 cHMM hindbrn E13 Chromatin state of embryonic day E13.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHindbrainE12 cHMM hindbrn E12 Chromatin state of embryonic day E12.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHindbrainE11 cHMM hindbrn E11 Chromatin state of embryonic day E11.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHeartP0 cHMM heart P0 Chromatin state of day P0 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHeartE16 cHMM heart E16 Chromatin state of embryonic day E16.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHeartE15 cHMM heart E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHeartE14 cHMM heart E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHeartE13 cHMM heart E13 Chromatin state of embryonic day E13.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHeartE12 cHMM heart E12 Chromatin state of embryonic day E12.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmHeartE11 cHMM heart E11 Chromatin state of embryonic day E11.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmForebrainP0 cHMM forebrain P0 Chromatin state of day P0 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmForebrainE16 cHMM forebrn E16 Chromatin state of embryonic day E16.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmForebrainE15 cHMM forebrn E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmForebrainE14 cHMM forebrn E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmForebrainE13 cHMM forebrn E13 Chromatin state of embryonic day E13.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmForebrainE12 cHMM forebrn E12 Chromatin state of embryonic day E12.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmForebrainE11 cHMM forebrn E11 Chromatin state of embryonic day E11.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmFacialE15 cHMM facial E15 Chromatin state of embryonic day E15.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmFacialE14 cHMM facial E14 Chromatin state of embryonic day E14.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmFacialE13 cHMM facial E13 Chromatin state of embryonic day E13.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmFacialE12 cHMM facial E12 Chromatin state of embryonic day E12.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenChromHmmFacialE11 cHMM facial E11 Chromatin state of embryonic day E11.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation cytoBand Chromosome Band Chromosome Bands Based On Microscopy Mapping and Sequencing Description The chromosome band track represents the approximate location of bands seen on Giemsa-stained chromosomes. Methods Data are derived from the ideogram.gz file downloaded from the NCBI ftp site (NCBI current version only). Band lengths are typically estimated based on FISH or other molecular markers interpreted via microscopy. Credits We would like to thank NCBI for providing this information. Please direct any inquires into the exact method used for each organism to NCBI. cytoBandIdeo Chromosome Band (Ideogram) Chromosome Bands Based on Microscopy (for Ideogram) Mapping and Sequencing clinvarLift ClinVar Lift Human ClinVar variants lifted to Mouse Comparative Genomics Description This track shows human clinically relevant variants from the ClinVar database, mapped from hg38 to the mm10 genome. The mapping uses UCSC's whole-genome alignments and the tool LiftOver. The annotations are somewhat speculative, as LiftOver is not meant to be used for cross-organism mapping. Among others, LiftOver has no notion of phylogenetic trees or protein orthology, so the exact protein to which they are mapped may not be the annotated ortholog. In areas with protein repeats it may have been mapped to the wrong exon. When the genome nucleotide in mm10 is different from hg38, the corresponding position could be several basepairs away. Generally, the more different the gene, the harder the mapping. Before planning assays on these data, a manual alignment and annotation of the human and mm10 nucleotide or amino acid sequences is recommended. Display Conventions and Configuration Genomic locations of ClinVar variants are labeled with the human ClinVar variant descriptions. For example, the label "C>G" usually means that in human, the cDNA nucleotide change is from C>T. On a transcript on the reverse strand, the human genome nucleotide on the forward strand would be G. In mm10, the genome may not be G at this position. Zoom in to see the nucleotide in mm10, or click the variant to show the human position and nucleotide and the mm10 nucleotide. All ClinVar information related to each is variant is shown on that variant's details page. Hold the mouse over a feature to show the clinical significance of a variant in humans. Only short variants with a length < 10 bp on the human genome were lifted. A few variants that after lifting result in mm10 annotations longer than 30bp were filtered out, too. This can happen in repetitive regions that are hard to align. Annotations are shaded by clinical annotation: red for pathogenic, dark grey for uncertain significance or not provided and green for benign. The score of the variants is the number of "stars" in ClinVar. On the track configuration page (above), you can filter the track to show only variants with more than a certain number of stars. For more information on the star rating, see the ClinVar documentation. Data updates ClinVar is updated every month, but these mappings are not updated yet on a regular schedule. Please contact us if you are interested in regular updates. Data access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. For automated download and analysis, the genome annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The files for this track are called Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr1 -start=0 -end=100000000 stdout Methods The hg38 ClinvarMain track was annotated with nucleotides and positions, lifted to mm10, filtered again for variants < 30bp and annotated with nucleotides again. The output was converted to the bigBed format. The program that performs the mapping is available on Github. Credits Thanks to NCBI for making the ClinVar data available on their FTP site as a tab-separated file. References Landrum MJ, Lee JM, Benson M, Brown G, Chao C, Chitipiralla S, Gu B, Hart J, Hoffman D, Hoover J et al. ClinVar: public archive of interpretations of clinically relevant variants. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D862-8. PMID: 26582918; PMC: PMC4702865 cloneEndSuper Clone Ends Mapping of clone libraries end placements Mapping and Sequencing Description This track shows the NCBI clone end predictions from the retired NCBI Clone DB database. Libraries with more than 20,000 clones are included in this track display. Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) are a key part of many large-scale sequencing projects. A BAC typically consists of 50 - 300 kb of DNA. During the early phase of a sequencing project, it is common to sequence a single read (approximately 500 bases) off each end of a large number of BACs. Later on in the project, these BAC end reads can be mapped to the genome sequence. These BAC end pairs can be useful for validating the assembly over relatively long ranges. In some cases, the BACs are useful biological reagents. This track can also be used for determining which BAC contains a given gene, useful information for certain wet lab experiments. The scoring scheme used for this annotation assigns 1000 to an alignment when the BAC end pair aligns to only one location in the genome (after filtering). When a BAC end pair or clone aligns to multiple locations, the score is calculated as 1500/(number of alignments). Display Conventions and Configuration Items in this track are colored according to their strand orientation. Blue indicates alignment to the forward strand, and green indicates alignment to the negative strand. Methods The mappings of these BAC end sequences are taken directly from the NCBI Clone DB FTP site *.GCF_000001635.22.103.*.gff files. UCSC filtered the NCBI Clone DB mapped ends to drop ends that mapped to a region that was three times longer than the median size of the clones in the library. Only libraries with more than 20,000 clones are included in this track display. libraryname totalclones total endsequences NCBI mappedends UCSC filteredends UCSCdropped percentdropped B6Ng01128,007253,63898,47895,8372,6412.68 bMQ129,826244,22275,67172,5403,1314.14 C3H86,696169,66543,69042,3781,3123.00 CH2993,023340,27252,32050,6211,6993.25 DN180,218665,070106,463100,4725,9915.63 MHPN118,658208,70761,94258,5823,3605.42 MHPP67,769112,08130,59428,5502,0446.68 MSMg01175,178337,47183,67778,7724,9055.86 RP23175,999553,27485,08283,0622,0202.37 RP24163,859294,21752,47050,8491,6213.09 WI1907,2131,822,723337,591324,25913,3323.95 Credits Additional information about the clone, including how it can be obtained, was available at the retired NCBI Clone Registry. NCBI will continue to produce and make genomic clone placements available as annotations in NCBI's Genome Data Viewer (GDV) using the sequence data currently in Clone DB. Clone DB users should refer to MGI for their continuing research needs. Please contact NCBI with any comments, concerns, or if you need help with the use of Clone DB data. cloneEndmultipleMaps Multiple mappings Clone end placements that map to multiple locations in the genome Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndcoverageReverse Coverage reverse Clone end placements overlap coverage on the reverse strand Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndcoverageForward Coverage forward Clone end placements overlap coverage on the forward strand Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndbadEnds Bad end mappings Clone end placements dropped at UCSC, map distance 3X median library size Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndMHPP MHPP MICER 3'Hprt library Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndMHPN MHPN MICER 5'Hprt library Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndWI1 WI1 WIBR-1 fosmid library Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndRP24 RP24 RPCI-24 C57BL/6J male BAC library Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndRP23 RP23 RPCI-23 C57BL/6J female BAC library Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndMSMg01 MSMg01 Mus musculus molossinus male BAC library 1 Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndDN DN DIL (Diabetes and Inflammation Laboratory) NOD BAC library Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndCH29 CH29 CHORI-29 NOD/LtJ BAC library Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndC3H C3H C3H iBAC library Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndbMQ bMQ B94_mq1 129S7/SvEv ES cell BAC library Mapping and Sequencing cloneEndB6Ng01 B6Ng01 C57BL/6N mouse BAC clone set Mapping and Sequencing assemblyFrags Contigs Contig fragments used in the assembly Mapping and Sequencing Description This track shows the locations of mouse contigs used to construct the assembly. The data for the track is from the AGP files in the assembly. crispr10KRanges CRISPR Regions 10K Genome regions processed to find CRISPR/Cas9 target sites (exons +/- 10,000 bp) Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows regions of the genome within 10,000 bp of transcribed regions and DNA sequences targetable by CRISPR RNA guides using the Cas9 enzyme from S. pyogenes (PAM: NGG). CRISPR target sites were annotated with predicted specificity (off-target effects) and predicted efficiency (on-target cleavage) by various algorithms through the tool CRISPOR. Display Conventions and Configuration The track "CRISPR Regions" shows the regions of the genome where target sites were analyzed, i.e. within 10,000 bp of transcribed regions as annotated by Ensembl transcript models. The track "CRISPR Targets" shows the target sites in these regions. The target sequence of the guide is shown with a thick (exon) bar. The PAM motif match (NGG) is shown with a thinner bar. Guides are colored to reflect both predicted specificity and efficiency. Specificity reflects the "uniqueness" of a 20mer sequence in the genome; the less unique a sequence is, the more likely it is to cleave other locations of the genome (off-target effects). Efficiency is the frequency of cleavage at the target site (on-target efficiency). Shades of gray stand for sites that are hard to target specifically, as the 20mer is not very unique in the genome: impossible to target: target site has at least one identical copy in the genome and was not scored hard to target: many similar sequences in the genome that alignment stopped, repeat? hard to target: target site was aligned but results in a low specificity score <= 50 (see below) Colors highlight targets that are specific in the genome (MIT specificity > 50) but have different predicted efficiencies: unable to calculate Doench/Fusi 2016 efficiency score low predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency percentile <= 30 medium predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency percentile > 30 and < 55 high predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency > 55 Mouse-over a target site to show predicted specificity and efficiency scores: The MIT Specificity score summarizes all off-targets into a single number from 0-100. The higher the number, the fewer off-target effects are expected. We recommend guides with an MIT specificity > 50. The efficiency score tries to predict if a guide leads to rather strong or weak cleavage. According to (Haeussler et al. 2016), the Doench 2016 Efficiency score should be used to select the guide with the highest cleavage efficiency when expressing guides from RNA PolIII Promoters such as U6. Scores are given as percentiles, e.g. "70%" means that 70% of mammalian guides have a score equal or lower than this guide. The raw score number is also shown in parentheses after the percentile. The Moreno-Mateos 2015 Efficiency score should be used instead of the Doench 2016 score when transcribing the guide in vitro with a T7 promoter, e.g. for injections in mouse, zebrafish or Xenopus embryos. The Moreno-Mateos score is given in percentiles and the raw value in parentheses, see the note above. Click onto features to show all scores and predicted off-targets with up to four mismatches. The Out-of-Frame score by Bae et al. 2014 is correlated with the probability that mutations induced by the guide RNA will disrupt the open reading frame. The authors recommend out-of-frame scores > 66 to create knock-outs with a single guide efficiently. Off-target sites are sorted by the CFD score (Doench et al. 2016). The higher the CFD score, the more likely there is off-target cleavage at that site. Off-targets with a CFD score < 0.023 are not shown on this page, but are availble when following the link to the external CRISPOR tool. When compared against experimentally validated off-targets by Haeussler et al. 2016, the large majority of predicted off-targets with CFD scores < 0.023 were false-positives. For storage and performance reasons, on the level of individual off-targets, only CFD scores are available. Methods Relationship between predictions and experimental data Like most algorithms, the MIT specificity score is not always a perfect predictor of off-target effects. Despite low scores, many tested guides caused few and/or weak off-target cleavage when tested with whole-genome assays (Figure 2 from Haeussler et al. 2016), as shown below, and the published data contains few data points with high specificity scores. Overall though, the assays showed that the higher the specificity score, the lower the off-target effects. Similarly, efficiency scoring is not very accurate: guides with low scores can be efficient and vice versa. As a general rule, however, the higher the score, the less likely that a guide is very inefficient. The following histograms illustrate, for each type of score, how the share of inefficient guides drops with increasing efficiency scores: When reading this plot, keep in mind that both scores were evaluated on their own training data. Especially for the Moreno-Mateos score, the results are too optimistic, due to overfitting. When evaluated on independent datasets, the correlation of the prediction with other assays was around 25% lower, see Haeussler et al. 2016. At the time of writing, there is no independent dataset available yet to determine the Moreno-Mateos accuracy for each score percentile range. Track methods Exons as predicted by Ensembl Gene models were used, extended by 10,000 basepairs on each side, searched for the -NGG motif. Flanking 20mer guide sequences were aligned to the genome with BWA and scored with MIT Specificity scores using the command-line version of Non-unique guide sequences were skipped. Flanking sequences were extracted from the genome and input for Crispor efficiency scoring, available from the Crispor downloads page, which includes the Doench 2016, Moreno-Mateos 2015 and Bae 2014 algorithms, among others. Note that the Doench 2016 scores were updated by the Broad institute in 2017 ("Azimuth" update). As a result, earlier versions of the track show the old Doench 2016 scores and the 10k version of the track shows new Doench 2016 scores. Old and new scores are almost identical, they are correlated to 0.99 and for more than 80% of the guides the difference is below 0.02. However, for very few guides, the difference can be bigger. In case of doubt, we recommend the new scores. can display both scores and many more with the "Show all scores" link. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser. For automated analysis, the genome annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The files for this track are called and Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed, which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr21 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Credits Track created by Maximilian Haeussler, with helpful input from Jean-Paul Concordet (MNHN Paris) and Alberto Stolfi (NYU). This track was built with financial support from Regeneron, Inc. References Haeussler M, Schönig K, Eckert H, Eschstruth A, Mianné J, Renaud JB, Schneider-Maunoury S, Shkumatava A, Teboul L, Kent J et al. Evaluation of off-target and on-target scoring algorithms and integration into the guide RNA selection tool CRISPOR. Genome Biol. 2016 Jul 5;17(1):148. PMID: 27380939; PMC: PMC4934014 Bae S, Kweon J, Kim HS, Kim JS. Microhomology-based choice of Cas9 nuclease target sites. Nat Methods. 2014 Jul;11(7):705-6. PMID: 24972169 Doench JG, Fusi N, Sullender M, Hegde M, Vaimberg EW, Donovan KF, Smith I, Tothova Z, Wilen C, Orchard R et al. Optimized sgRNA design to maximize activity and minimize off-target effects of CRISPR-Cas9. Nat Biotechnol. 2016 Feb;34(2):184-91. PMID: 26780180; PMC: PMC4744125 Hsu PD, Scott DA, Weinstein JA, Ran FA, Konermann S, Agarwala V, Li Y, Fine EJ, Wu X, Shalem O et al. DNA targeting specificity of RNA-guided Cas9 nucleases. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Sep;31(9):827-32. PMID: 23873081; PMC: PMC3969858 Moreno-Mateos MA, Vejnar CE, Beaudoin JD, Fernandez JP, Mis EK, Khokha MK, Giraldez AJ. CRISPRscan: designing highly efficient sgRNAs for CRISPR-Cas9 targeting in vivo. Nat Methods. 2015 Oct;12(10):982-8. PMID: 26322839; PMC: PMC4589495 crispr10K CRISPR 10K CRISPR/Cas9 Sp. Pyog. target sites (exons +/- 10,000 bp) Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows regions of the genome within 10,000 bp of transcribed regions and DNA sequences targetable by CRISPR RNA guides using the Cas9 enzyme from S. pyogenes (PAM: NGG). CRISPR target sites were annotated with predicted specificity (off-target effects) and predicted efficiency (on-target cleavage) by various algorithms through the tool CRISPOR. Display Conventions and Configuration The track "CRISPR Regions" shows the regions of the genome where target sites were analyzed, i.e. within 10,000 bp of transcribed regions as annotated by Ensembl transcript models. The track "CRISPR Targets" shows the target sites in these regions. The target sequence of the guide is shown with a thick (exon) bar. The PAM motif match (NGG) is shown with a thinner bar. Guides are colored to reflect both predicted specificity and efficiency. Specificity reflects the "uniqueness" of a 20mer sequence in the genome; the less unique a sequence is, the more likely it is to cleave other locations of the genome (off-target effects). Efficiency is the frequency of cleavage at the target site (on-target efficiency). Shades of gray stand for sites that are hard to target specifically, as the 20mer is not very unique in the genome: impossible to target: target site has at least one identical copy in the genome and was not scored hard to target: many similar sequences in the genome that alignment stopped, repeat? hard to target: target site was aligned but results in a low specificity score <= 50 (see below) Colors highlight targets that are specific in the genome (MIT specificity > 50) but have different predicted efficiencies: unable to calculate Doench/Fusi 2016 efficiency score low predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency percentile <= 30 medium predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency percentile > 30 and < 55 high predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency > 55 Mouse-over a target site to show predicted specificity and efficiency scores: The MIT Specificity score summarizes all off-targets into a single number from 0-100. The higher the number, the fewer off-target effects are expected. We recommend guides with an MIT specificity > 50. The efficiency score tries to predict if a guide leads to rather strong or weak cleavage. According to (Haeussler et al. 2016), the Doench 2016 Efficiency score should be used to select the guide with the highest cleavage efficiency when expressing guides from RNA PolIII Promoters such as U6. Scores are given as percentiles, e.g. "70%" means that 70% of mammalian guides have a score equal or lower than this guide. The raw score number is also shown in parentheses after the percentile. The Moreno-Mateos 2015 Efficiency score should be used instead of the Doench 2016 score when transcribing the guide in vitro with a T7 promoter, e.g. for injections in mouse, zebrafish or Xenopus embryos. The Moreno-Mateos score is given in percentiles and the raw value in parentheses, see the note above. Click onto features to show all scores and predicted off-targets with up to four mismatches. The Out-of-Frame score by Bae et al. 2014 is correlated with the probability that mutations induced by the guide RNA will disrupt the open reading frame. The authors recommend out-of-frame scores > 66 to create knock-outs with a single guide efficiently. Off-target sites are sorted by the CFD score (Doench et al. 2016). The higher the CFD score, the more likely there is off-target cleavage at that site. Off-targets with a CFD score < 0.023 are not shown on this page, but are availble when following the link to the external CRISPOR tool. When compared against experimentally validated off-targets by Haeussler et al. 2016, the large majority of predicted off-targets with CFD scores < 0.023 were false-positives. For storage and performance reasons, on the level of individual off-targets, only CFD scores are available. Methods Relationship between predictions and experimental data Like most algorithms, the MIT specificity score is not always a perfect predictor of off-target effects. Despite low scores, many tested guides caused few and/or weak off-target cleavage when tested with whole-genome assays (Figure 2 from Haeussler et al. 2016), as shown below, and the published data contains few data points with high specificity scores. Overall though, the assays showed that the higher the specificity score, the lower the off-target effects. Similarly, efficiency scoring is not very accurate: guides with low scores can be efficient and vice versa. As a general rule, however, the higher the score, the less likely that a guide is very inefficient. The following histograms illustrate, for each type of score, how the share of inefficient guides drops with increasing efficiency scores: When reading this plot, keep in mind that both scores were evaluated on their own training data. Especially for the Moreno-Mateos score, the results are too optimistic, due to overfitting. When evaluated on independent datasets, the correlation of the prediction with other assays was around 25% lower, see Haeussler et al. 2016. At the time of writing, there is no independent dataset available yet to determine the Moreno-Mateos accuracy for each score percentile range. Track methods Exons as predicted by Ensembl Gene models were used, extended by 10,000 basepairs on each side, searched for the -NGG motif. Flanking 20mer guide sequences were aligned to the genome with BWA and scored with MIT Specificity scores using the command-line version of Non-unique guide sequences were skipped. Flanking sequences were extracted from the genome and input for Crispor efficiency scoring, available from the Crispor downloads page, which includes the Doench 2016, Moreno-Mateos 2015 and Bae 2014 algorithms, among others. Note that the Doench 2016 scores were updated by the Broad institute in 2017 ("Azimuth" update). As a result, earlier versions of the track show the old Doench 2016 scores and the 10k version of the track shows new Doench 2016 scores. Old and new scores are almost identical, they are correlated to 0.99 and for more than 80% of the guides the difference is below 0.02. However, for very few guides, the difference can be bigger. In case of doubt, we recommend the new scores. can display both scores and many more with the "Show all scores" link. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser. For automated analysis, the genome annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The files for this track are called and Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed, which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr21 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Credits Track created by Maximilian Haeussler, with helpful input from Jean-Paul Concordet (MNHN Paris) and Alberto Stolfi (NYU). This track was built with financial support from Regeneron, Inc. References Haeussler M, Schönig K, Eckert H, Eschstruth A, Mianné J, Renaud JB, Schneider-Maunoury S, Shkumatava A, Teboul L, Kent J et al. Evaluation of off-target and on-target scoring algorithms and integration into the guide RNA selection tool CRISPOR. Genome Biol. 2016 Jul 5;17(1):148. PMID: 27380939; PMC: PMC4934014 Bae S, Kweon J, Kim HS, Kim JS. Microhomology-based choice of Cas9 nuclease target sites. Nat Methods. 2014 Jul;11(7):705-6. PMID: 24972169 Doench JG, Fusi N, Sullender M, Hegde M, Vaimberg EW, Donovan KF, Smith I, Tothova Z, Wilen C, Orchard R et al. Optimized sgRNA design to maximize activity and minimize off-target effects of CRISPR-Cas9. Nat Biotechnol. 2016 Feb;34(2):184-91. PMID: 26780180; PMC: PMC4744125 Hsu PD, Scott DA, Weinstein JA, Ran FA, Konermann S, Agarwala V, Li Y, Fine EJ, Wu X, Shalem O et al. DNA targeting specificity of RNA-guided Cas9 nucleases. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Sep;31(9):827-32. PMID: 23873081; PMC: PMC3969858 Moreno-Mateos MA, Vejnar CE, Beaudoin JD, Fernandez JP, Mis EK, Khokha MK, Giraldez AJ. CRISPRscan: designing highly efficient sgRNAs for CRISPR-Cas9 targeting in vivo. Nat Methods. 2015 Oct;12(10):982-8. PMID: 26322839; PMC: PMC4589495 crisprAllTargets CRISPR Targets CRISPR/Cas9 -NGG Targets, whole genome Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows the DNA sequences targetable by CRISPR RNA guides using the Cas9 enzyme from S. pyogenes (PAM: NGG) over the entire mouse (mm10) genome. CRISPR target sites were annotated with predicted specificity (off-target effects) and predicted efficiency (on-target cleavage) by various algorithms through the tool CRISPOR. Sp-Cas9 usually cuts double-stranded DNA three or four base pairs 5' of the PAM site. Display Conventions and Configuration The track "CRISPR Targets" shows all potential -NGG target sites across the genome. The target sequence of the guide is shown with a thick (exon) bar. The PAM motif match (NGG) is shown with a thinner bar. Guides are colored to reflect both predicted specificity and efficiency. Specificity reflects the "uniqueness" of a 20mer sequence in the genome; the less unique a sequence is, the more likely it is to cleave other locations of the genome (off-target effects). Efficiency is the frequency of cleavage at the target site (on-target efficiency). Shades of gray stand for sites that are hard to target specifically, as the 20mer is not very unique in the genome: impossible to target: target site has at least one identical copy in the genome and was not scored hard to target: many similar sequences in the genome that alignment stopped, repeat? hard to target: target site was aligned but results in a low specificity score <= 50 (see below) Colors highlight targets that are specific in the genome (MIT specificity > 50) but have different predicted efficiencies: unable to calculate Doench/Fusi 2016 efficiency score low predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency percentile <= 30 medium predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency percentile > 30 and < 55 high predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency > 55 Mouse-over a target site to show predicted specificity and efficiency scores: The MIT Specificity score summarizes all off-targets into a single number from 0-100. The higher the number, the fewer off-target effects are expected. We recommend guides with an MIT specificity > 50. The efficiency score tries to predict if a guide leads to rather strong or weak cleavage. According to (Haeussler et al. 2016), the Doench 2016 Efficiency score should be used to select the guide with the highest cleavage efficiency when expressing guides from RNA PolIII Promoters such as U6. Scores are given as percentiles, e.g. "70%" means that 70% of mammalian guides have a score equal or lower than this guide. The raw score number is also shown in parentheses after the percentile. The Moreno-Mateos 2015 Efficiency score should be used instead of the Doench 2016 score when transcribing the guide in vitro with a T7 promoter, e.g. for injections in mouse, zebrafish or Xenopus embryos. The Moreno-Mateos score is given in percentiles and the raw value in parentheses, see the note above. Click onto features to show all scores and predicted off-targets with up to four mismatches. The Out-of-Frame score by Bae et al. 2014 is correlated with the probability that mutations induced by the guide RNA will disrupt the open reading frame. The authors recommend out-of-frame scores > 66 to create knock-outs with a single guide efficiently. Off-target sites are sorted by the CFD (Cutting Frequency Determination) score (Doench et al. 2016). The higher the CFD score, the more likely there is off-target cleavage at that site. Off-targets with a CFD score < 0.023 are not shown on this page, but are available when following the link to the external CRISPOR tool. When compared against experimentally validated off-targets by Haeussler et al. 2016, the large majority of predicted off-targets with CFD scores < 0.023 were false-positives. For storage and performance reasons, on the level of individual off-targets, only CFD scores are available. Methods Relationship between predictions and experimental data Like most algorithms, the MIT specificity score is not always a perfect predictor of off-target effects. Despite low scores, many tested guides caused few and/or weak off-target cleavage when tested with whole-genome assays (Figure 2 from Haeussler et al. 2016), as shown below, and the published data contains few data points with high specificity scores. Overall though, the assays showed that the higher the specificity score, the lower the off-target effects. Similarly, efficiency scoring is not very accurate: guides with low scores can be efficient and vice versa. As a general rule, however, the higher the score, the less likely that a guide is very inefficient. The following histograms illustrate, for each type of score, how the share of inefficient guides drops with increasing efficiency scores: When reading this plot, keep in mind that both scores were evaluated on their own training data. Especially for the Moreno-Mateos score, the results are too optimistic, due to overfitting. When evaluated on independent datasets, the correlation of the prediction with other assays was around 25% lower, see Haeussler et al. 2016. At the time of writing, there is no independent dataset available yet to determine the Moreno-Mateos accuracy for each score percentile range. Track methods The entire mouse (mm10) genome was scanned for the -NGG motif. Flanking 20mer guide sequences were aligned to the genome with BWA and scored with MIT Specificity scores using the command-line version of Non-unique guide sequences were skipped. Flanking sequences were extracted from the genome and input for Crispor efficiency scoring, available from the Crispor downloads page, which includes the Doench 2016, Moreno-Mateos 2015 and Bae 2014 algorithms, among others. Note that the Doench 2016 scores were updated by the Broad institute in 2017 ("Azimuth" update). As a result, earlier versions of the track show the old Doench 2016 scores and this version of the track shows new Doench 2016 scores. Old and new scores are almost identical, they are correlated to 0.99 and for more than 80% of the guides the difference is below 0.02. However, for very few guides, the difference can be bigger. In case of doubt, we recommend the new scores. can display both scores and many more with the "Show all scores" link. Data Access Positional data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. For small programmatic positional queries, the track can be accessed using our REST API. For genome-wide data or automated analysis, CRISPR genome annotations can be downloaded from our download server as a bigBedFile. The files for this track are called, which lists positions and scores, and, which has information about off-target matches. Individual regions or whole genome annotations can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed, which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a pre-compiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr21 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Credits Track created by Maximilian Haeussler, with helpful input from Jean-Paul Concordet (MNHN Paris) and Alberto Stolfi (NYU). References Haeussler M, Schönig K, Eckert H, Eschstruth A, Mianné J, Renaud JB, Schneider-Maunoury S, Shkumatava A, Teboul L, Kent J et al. Evaluation of off-target and on-target scoring algorithms and integration into the guide RNA selection tool CRISPOR. Genome Biol. 2016 Jul 5;17(1):148. PMID: 27380939; PMC: PMC4934014 Bae S, Kweon J, Kim HS, Kim JS. Microhomology-based choice of Cas9 nuclease target sites. Nat Methods. 2014 Jul;11(7):705-6. PMID: 24972169 Doench JG, Fusi N, Sullender M, Hegde M, Vaimberg EW, Donovan KF, Smith I, Tothova Z, Wilen C, Orchard R et al. Optimized sgRNA design to maximize activity and minimize off-target effects of CRISPR-Cas9. Nat Biotechnol. 2016 Feb;34(2):184-91. PMID: 26780180; PMC: PMC4744125 Hsu PD, Scott DA, Weinstein JA, Ran FA, Konermann S, Agarwala V, Li Y, Fine EJ, Wu X, Shalem O et al. DNA targeting specificity of RNA-guided Cas9 nucleases. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Sep;31(9):827-32. PMID: 23873081; PMC: PMC3969858 Moreno-Mateos MA, Vejnar CE, Beaudoin JD, Fernandez JP, Mis EK, Khokha MK, Giraldez AJ. CRISPRscan: designing highly efficient sgRNAs for CRISPR-Cas9 targeting in vivo. Nat Methods. 2015 Oct;12(10):982-8. PMID: 26322839; PMC: PMC4589495 crispr10KTargets CRISPR Targets 10K CRISPR/Cas9 -NGG Targets (exons +/- 10,000 bp) Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows regions of the genome within 10,000 bp of transcribed regions and DNA sequences targetable by CRISPR RNA guides using the Cas9 enzyme from S. pyogenes (PAM: NGG). CRISPR target sites were annotated with predicted specificity (off-target effects) and predicted efficiency (on-target cleavage) by various algorithms through the tool CRISPOR. Display Conventions and Configuration The track "CRISPR Regions" shows the regions of the genome where target sites were analyzed, i.e. within 10,000 bp of transcribed regions as annotated by Ensembl transcript models. The track "CRISPR Targets" shows the target sites in these regions. The target sequence of the guide is shown with a thick (exon) bar. The PAM motif match (NGG) is shown with a thinner bar. Guides are colored to reflect both predicted specificity and efficiency. Specificity reflects the "uniqueness" of a 20mer sequence in the genome; the less unique a sequence is, the more likely it is to cleave other locations of the genome (off-target effects). Efficiency is the frequency of cleavage at the target site (on-target efficiency). Shades of gray stand for sites that are hard to target specifically, as the 20mer is not very unique in the genome: impossible to target: target site has at least one identical copy in the genome and was not scored hard to target: many similar sequences in the genome that alignment stopped, repeat? hard to target: target site was aligned but results in a low specificity score <= 50 (see below) Colors highlight targets that are specific in the genome (MIT specificity > 50) but have different predicted efficiencies: unable to calculate Doench/Fusi 2016 efficiency score low predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency percentile <= 30 medium predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency percentile > 30 and < 55 high predicted cleavage: Doench/Fusi 2016 Efficiency > 55 Mouse-over a target site to show predicted specificity and efficiency scores: The MIT Specificity score summarizes all off-targets into a single number from 0-100. The higher the number, the fewer off-target effects are expected. We recommend guides with an MIT specificity > 50. The efficiency score tries to predict if a guide leads to rather strong or weak cleavage. According to (Haeussler et al. 2016), the Doench 2016 Efficiency score should be used to select the guide with the highest cleavage efficiency when expressing guides from RNA PolIII Promoters such as U6. Scores are given as percentiles, e.g. "70%" means that 70% of mammalian guides have a score equal or lower than this guide. The raw score number is also shown in parentheses after the percentile. The Moreno-Mateos 2015 Efficiency score should be used instead of the Doench 2016 score when transcribing the guide in vitro with a T7 promoter, e.g. for injections in mouse, zebrafish or Xenopus embryos. The Moreno-Mateos score is given in percentiles and the raw value in parentheses, see the note above. Click onto features to show all scores and predicted off-targets with up to four mismatches. The Out-of-Frame score by Bae et al. 2014 is correlated with the probability that mutations induced by the guide RNA will disrupt the open reading frame. The authors recommend out-of-frame scores > 66 to create knock-outs with a single guide efficiently. Off-target sites are sorted by the CFD score (Doench et al. 2016). The higher the CFD score, the more likely there is off-target cleavage at that site. Off-targets with a CFD score < 0.023 are not shown on this page, but are availble when following the link to the external CRISPOR tool. When compared against experimentally validated off-targets by Haeussler et al. 2016, the large majority of predicted off-targets with CFD scores < 0.023 were false-positives. For storage and performance reasons, on the level of individual off-targets, only CFD scores are available. Methods Relationship between predictions and experimental data Like most algorithms, the MIT specificity score is not always a perfect predictor of off-target effects. Despite low scores, many tested guides caused few and/or weak off-target cleavage when tested with whole-genome assays (Figure 2 from Haeussler et al. 2016), as shown below, and the published data contains few data points with high specificity scores. Overall though, the assays showed that the higher the specificity score, the lower the off-target effects. Similarly, efficiency scoring is not very accurate: guides with low scores can be efficient and vice versa. As a general rule, however, the higher the score, the less likely that a guide is very inefficient. The following histograms illustrate, for each type of score, how the share of inefficient guides drops with increasing efficiency scores: When reading this plot, keep in mind that both scores were evaluated on their own training data. Especially for the Moreno-Mateos score, the results are too optimistic, due to overfitting. When evaluated on independent datasets, the correlation of the prediction with other assays was around 25% lower, see Haeussler et al. 2016. At the time of writing, there is no independent dataset available yet to determine the Moreno-Mateos accuracy for each score percentile range. Track methods Exons as predicted by Ensembl Gene models were used, extended by 10,000 basepairs on each side, searched for the -NGG motif. Flanking 20mer guide sequences were aligned to the genome with BWA and scored with MIT Specificity scores using the command-line version of Non-unique guide sequences were skipped. Flanking sequences were extracted from the genome and input for Crispor efficiency scoring, available from the Crispor downloads page, which includes the Doench 2016, Moreno-Mateos 2015 and Bae 2014 algorithms, among others. Note that the Doench 2016 scores were updated by the Broad institute in 2017 ("Azimuth" update). As a result, earlier versions of the track show the old Doench 2016 scores and the 10k version of the track shows new Doench 2016 scores. Old and new scores are almost identical, they are correlated to 0.99 and for more than 80% of the guides the difference is below 0.02. However, for very few guides, the difference can be bigger. In case of doubt, we recommend the new scores. can display both scores and many more with the "Show all scores" link. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser. For automated analysis, the genome annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The files for this track are called and Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed, which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr21 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Credits Track created by Maximilian Haeussler, with helpful input from Jean-Paul Concordet (MNHN Paris) and Alberto Stolfi (NYU). This track was built with financial support from Regeneron, Inc. References Haeussler M, Schönig K, Eckert H, Eschstruth A, Mianné J, Renaud JB, Schneider-Maunoury S, Shkumatava A, Teboul L, Kent J et al. Evaluation of off-target and on-target scoring algorithms and integration into the guide RNA selection tool CRISPOR. Genome Biol. 2016 Jul 5;17(1):148. PMID: 27380939; PMC: PMC4934014 Bae S, Kweon J, Kim HS, Kim JS. Microhomology-based choice of Cas9 nuclease target sites. Nat Methods. 2014 Jul;11(7):705-6. PMID: 24972169 Doench JG, Fusi N, Sullender M, Hegde M, Vaimberg EW, Donovan KF, Smith I, Tothova Z, Wilen C, Orchard R et al. Optimized sgRNA design to maximize activity and minimize off-target effects of CRISPR-Cas9. Nat Biotechnol. 2016 Feb;34(2):184-91. PMID: 26780180; PMC: PMC4744125 Hsu PD, Scott DA, Weinstein JA, Ran FA, Konermann S, Agarwala V, Li Y, Fine EJ, Wu X, Shalem O et al. DNA targeting specificity of RNA-guided Cas9 nucleases. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Sep;31(9):827-32. PMID: 23873081; PMC: PMC3969858 Moreno-Mateos MA, Vejnar CE, Beaudoin JD, Fernandez JP, Mis EK, Khokha MK, Giraldez AJ. CRISPRscan: designing highly efficient sgRNAs for CRISPR-Cas9 targeting in vivo. Nat Methods. 2015 Oct;12(10):982-8. PMID: 26322839; PMC: PMC4589495 encode3RenEnhancerEpdNewPromoter ENC+EPD Enhc-Gene Enhancer-gene map from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) with promoters from EPDnew Expression and Regulation Description The ENCODE project has established an epigenomic resource for mammalian development, profiling a diverse panel of mouse tissues at eight developmental stages from 10.5 days post conception until birth. This track set presents enhancer-promoter interactions predicted from correlation of enhancer-associated chromatin signals and gene expression across tissue stages, based on histone modification (ChIP-seq) and transcription (RNA-seq) assays and analysis performed by the ENCODE project. Data underlying this track are presented in the Histone Modifications and Chromatin State tracks, part of the ENCODE Regulation supertrack. The promoters presented in this track were derived from experimentally validated promoters provided by the Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPDNew). A more complete presentation of this annotation can be found in the EPDnew Promoters track. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track containing four data types (views): Putative enhancer elements Gene promoters Predicted interactions between enhancers and gene Clustered interactions, by gene or enhancer For each view, there is a choice of two subtracks to display individually on the browser; the full set of interactions (and component promoters and enhancers), and a more stringent set, containing only interactions replicated in two biological replicates. Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. The display aims to improve distinguishing genes and their interactions by coloring successive genes in different colors. All interactions with a gene are colored the same as the gene promoter. The promoter display follows EPD conventions; the "thin" part of the item represents the 49 bp upstream of the annotated transcription start site (TSS) whereas the "thick" part represents the TSS plus 10 bp downstream. The relative position of the thick and thin parts define the orientation of the promoter. Methods Enhancers Strong enhancer calls from ChromHMM were merged and filtered to produce a set of 66,556 putative strong TSS-distal enhancers across all tissues and developmental stages, and H3K27ac signals at these regions were quantified using uniquely aligned, de-duplicated ChIP-seq reads. Enhancer/Gene Map Topologically associated domains (TAD's) identified in mouse ES-cells (Dixon et al.) were then used to constrain enhancer/gene associations. All protein-coding genes and putative strong enhancers within each TAD were evaluated in terms of the Spearman's correlation (SCC) between the H3K27ac pattern of enrichment and the mRNA expression from RNA-seq across samples. The SCC of each enhancer was calculated with reference to all genes on the chromosome, and this metric was used to estimate p-value by two strategies. Putative enhancers showing a p-value <= 0.05 (from both strategies)and a SCC >= 0.25 were retained. Two maps were independently derived from two biological replicates of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data. The "All" dataset contains significant interactions present in either biological replicate. The "Replicated" dataset contains significant interactions present in both Detailed methods can be found in Gorkin et al, in References below. Promoters and Interactions The Promoter subtrack was generated at UCSC. EPDnew mouse promoter release 003 (June 2018) was obtained from obtained from the Eukaryotic Promoter Database, and filtered to contain only promoters appearing in the Enhancer/Gene maps. The Interactions view was generated at UCSC from the Enhancer/Gene maps by linking the enhancers to promoter regions based on the EPDnew promoters. Multiple promoters for a single gene were merged into a single region covering the range of all promoters. Data Access Histone ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data underlying this annotation are available from the ENCODE portal. The EPDnew promoters for mouse can be downloaded from the EPD FTP site. Credits Thanks to Iros Barozzi and colleagues in the Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for generating the enhancer/gene association analysis and to David Gorkin and Yanxiao Zhang at the Ren lab (UCSD/Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research) for providing these data and assisting with track development at UCSC. References Gorkin et al. An atlas of dynamic chromatin landscapes in the developing mouse fetus. Nature, In Press. (pre-print: doi: Sloan CA, Chan ET, Davidson JM, Malladi VS, Strattan JS, Hitz BC, Gabdank I, Narayanan AK, Ho M, Lee BT et al. ENCODE data at the ENCODE portal. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D726-32. PMID: 26527727; PMC: PMC4702836 Dreos R, Ambrosini G, Groux R, Cavin Périer R, Bucher P. The eukaryotic promoter database in its 30th year: focus on non-vertebrate organisms. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Jan 4;45(D1):D51-D55. PMID: 27899657; PMC: PMC5210552 Dixon JR, Selvaraj S, Yue F, Kim A, Li Y, Shen Y, Hu M, Liu JS, Ren B. Topological domains in mammalian genomes identified by analysis of chromatin interactions. Nature. 2012 Apr 11;485(7398):376-80. PMID: 22495300; PMC: PMC3356448 egPromoterView Promoters Enhancer-gene map from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) with promoters from EPDnew Expression and Regulation egPromoterAll Promoters All EPDnew promoters in all enhancer-gene associations from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation egPromoterRep Promoters Rep EPDnew promoters in replicated enhancer-gene associations from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation egEnhancerView Enhancer Enhancer-gene map from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) with promoters from EPDnew Expression and Regulation egEnhancerAll Enhancers All All enhancers in enhancer-gene map from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation egEnhancerRep Enhancers Rep Replicated enhancers in enhancer-gene map from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation egInteractionView Associations Enhancer-gene map from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) with promoters from EPDnew Expression and Regulation egInteractionAll Associations All All associations between enhancers and gene promoters from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) and EPDnew Expression and Regulation egInteractionRep Associations Rep Replicated associations between enhancers and gene promoters from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) and EPDnew Expression and Regulation egClusteredInteractionView Association Clusters Enhancer-gene map from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) with promoters from EPDnew Expression and Regulation egClusteredInteractionAll Assoc Cluster All Clustered all associations of enhancers and gene promoters from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) and EPDnew Expression and Regulation egClusteredInteractionRep Assoc Cluster Rep Clustered replicated associations of enhancers and gene promoters from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) and EPDnew Expression and Regulation epdNew EPDnew Promoters Promoters from EPDnew Expression and Regulation Description These tracks represent the experimentally validated promoters generated by the Eukaryotic Promoter Database. Display Conventions and Configuration Each item in the track is a representation of the promoter sequence identified by EPD. The "thin" part of the element represents the 49 bp upstream of the annotated transcription start site (TSS) whereas the "thick" part represents the TSS plus 10 bp downstream. The relative position of the thick and thin parts define the orientation of the promoter. Note that the EPD team has created a public track hub containing promoter and supporting annotations for human, mouse, and other vertebrate and model organism genomes. Methods Briefly, gene transcript coordinates were obtained from multiple sources (HGNC, GENCODE, Ensembl, RefSeq) and validated using data from CAGE and RAMPAGE experimental studies obtained from FANTOM 5, UCSC, and ENCODE. Peak calling, clustering and filtering based on relative expression were applied to identify the most expressed promoters and those present in the largest number of samples. For the methodology and principles used by EPD to predict TSSs, refer to Dreos et al. (2013) in the References section below. A more detailed description of how this data was generated can be found at the following links: Human promoter pipelines: coding, non-coding Mouse promoter pipelines: coding, non-coding Credits Data was generated by the EPD team at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. For inquiries, contact the EPD team using this on-line form or email philipp. bucher@epfl. ch . References Dreos R, Ambrosini G, Perier RC, Bucher P. EPD and EPDnew, high-quality promoter resources in the next-generation sequencing era. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan 1;41(D1):D157-64. PMID: 23193273. epdNewPromoterNonCoding EPDnew NC v1 ncRNA promoters from EPDnewNC mouse version 001 Expression and Regulation epdNewPromoter EPDnew v6 Promoters from EPDnew mouse version 003 Expression and Regulation Description These tracks represent the experimentally validated promoters generated by the Eukaryotic Promoter Database. Display Conventions and Configuration Each item in the track is a representation of the promoter sequence identified by EPD. The "thin" part of the element represents the 49 bp upstream of the annotated transcription start site (TSS) whereas the "thick" part represents the TSS plus 10 bp downstream. The relative position of the thick and thin parts define the orientation of the promoter. Note that the EPD team has created a public track hub containing promoter and supporting annotations for human, mouse, and other vertebrate and model organism genomes. Methods Briefly, gene transcript coordinates were obtained from multiple sources (HGNC, GENCODE, Ensembl, RefSeq) and validated using data from CAGE and RAMPAGE experimental studies obtained from FANTOM 5, UCSC, and ENCODE. Peak calling, clustering and filtering based on relative expression were applied to identify the most expressed promoters and those present in the largest number of samples. For the methodology and principles used by EPD to predict TSSs, refer to Dreos et al. (2013) in the References section below. A more detailed description of how this data was generated can be found at the following links: Human promoter pipelines: coding, non-coding Mouse promoter pipelines: coding, non-coding Credits Data was generated by the EPD team at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. For inquiries, contact the EPD team using this on-line form or email philipp. bucher@epfl. ch . References Dreos R, Ambrosini G, Perier RC, Bucher P. EPD and EPDnew, high-quality promoter resources in the next-generation sequencing era. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan 1;41(D1):D157-64. PMID: 23193273. euarchontoglireChainNet Euarch Chain/Net Euarchontoglire Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics Description Chain Track The chain track shows alignments of mouse (Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10)/mm10) to other genomes using a gap scoring system that allows longer gaps than traditional affine gap scoring systems. It can also tolerate gaps in both mouse and the other genome simultaneously. These "double-sided" gaps can be caused by local inversions and overlapping deletions in both species. The chain track displays boxes joined together by either single or double lines. The boxes represent aligning regions. Single lines indicate gaps that are largely due to a deletion in the other assembly or an insertion in the mouse assembly. Double lines represent more complex gaps that involve substantial sequence in both species. This may result from inversions, overlapping deletions, an abundance of local mutation, or an unsequenced gap in one species. In cases where multiple chains align over a particular region of the other genome, the chains with single-lined gaps are often due to processed pseudogenes, while chains with double-lined gaps are more often due to paralogs and unprocessed pseudogenes. In the "pack" and "full" display modes, the individual feature names indicate the chromosome, strand, and location (in thousands) of the match for each matching alignment. Net Track The net track shows the best mouse/other chain for every part of the other genome. It is useful for finding orthologous regions and for studying genome rearrangement. The mouse sequence used in this annotation is from the Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10) (mm10) assembly. Display Conventions and Configuration Multiple species are grouped together in a composite track. In the display and on the configuration page, an effort was made to group them loosely into "clades." These groupings are based on the taxonomic classification at NCBI, using the CommonTree tool. Some organisms may be pulled from a larger group into a subgroup, to emphasize a relationship. For example, members of an Order may be listed together, while other organisms in the same Superorder may be grouped separately under the Superorder name. Chain Track By default, the chains to chromosome-based assemblies are colored based on which chromosome they map to in the aligning organism. To turn off the coloring, check the "off" button next to: Color track based on chromosome. To display only the chains of one chromosome in the aligning organism, enter the name of that chromosome (e.g. chr4) in box next to: Filter by chromosome. Net Track In full display mode, the top-level (level 1) chains are the largest, highest-scoring chains that span this region. In many cases gaps exist in the top-level chain. When possible, these are filled in by other chains that are displayed at level 2. The gaps in level 2 chains may be filled by level 3 chains and so forth. In the graphical display, the boxes represent ungapped alignments; the lines represent gaps. Click on a box to view detailed information about the chain as a whole; click on a line to display information about the gap. The detailed information is useful in determining the cause of the gap or, for lower level chains, the genomic rearrangement. Individual items in the display are categorized as one of four types (other than gap): Top - the best, longest match. Displayed on level 1. Syn - line-ups on the same chromosome as the gap in the level above it. Inv - a line-up on the same chromosome as the gap above it, but in the opposite orientation. NonSyn - a match to a chromosome different from the gap in the level above. Methods Chain track Transposons that have been inserted since the mouse/other split were removed from the assemblies. The abbreviated genomes were aligned with lastz, and the transposons were added back in. The resulting alignments were converted into axt format using the lavToAxt program. The axt alignments were fed into axtChain, which organizes all alignments between a single mouse chromosome and a single chromosome from the other genome into a group and creates a kd-tree out of the gapless subsections (blocks) of the alignments. A dynamic program was then run over the kd-trees to find the maximally scoring chains of these blocks. See also: lastz parameters and other details (e.g., update time) and chain minimum score and gap parameters used in these alignments. Net track Chains were derived from lastz alignments, using the methods described on the chain tracks description pages, and sorted with the highest-scoring chains in the genome ranked first. The program chainNet was then used to place the chains one at a time, trimming them as necessary to fit into sections not already covered by a higher-scoring chain. During this process, a natural hierarchy emerged in which a chain that filled a gap in a higher-scoring chain was placed underneath that chain. The program netSyntenic was used to fill in information about the relationship between higher- and lower-level chains, such as whether a lower-level chain was syntenic or inverted relative to the higher-level chain. The program netClass was then used to fill in how much of the gaps and chains contained Ns (sequencing gaps) in one or both species and how much was filled with transposons inserted before and after the two organisms diverged. Credits Lastz (previously known as blastz) was developed at Pennsylvania State University by Minmei Hou, Scott Schwartz, Zheng Zhang, and Webb Miller with advice from Ross Hardison. Lineage-specific repeats were identified by Arian Smit and his RepeatMasker program. The axtChain program was developed at the University of California at Santa Cruz by Jim Kent with advice from Webb Miller and David Haussler. The browser display and database storage of the chains and nets were created by Robert Baertsch and Jim Kent. The chainNet, netSyntenic, and netClass programs were developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent. References Chiaromonte F, Yap VB, Miller W. Scoring pairwise genomic sequence alignments. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2002:115-26. PMID: 11928468 Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. PMID: 14500911; PMC: PMC208784 Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-mouse alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. PMID: 12529312; PMC: PMC430961 euarchontoglireChainNetViewnet Nets Euarchontoglire Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics netHg19 hg19 Net Human (Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netHg38 hg38 Net Human (Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netPanTro6 Chimp Net Chimp (Jan. 2018 (Clint_PTRv2/panTro6)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netPanPan3 Bonobo Net Bonobo (May 2020 (Mhudiblu_PPA_v0/panPan3)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netGorGor6 Gorilla Net Gorilla (Aug. 2019 (Kamilah_GGO_v0/gorGor6)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netPonAbe3 Orangutan Net Orangutan (Jan. 2018 (Susie_PABv2/ponAbe3)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netNomLeu2 Gibbon Net Gibbon (Jun. 2011 (GGSC Nleu1.1/nomLeu2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netRheMac10 Rhesus Net Rhesus (Feb. 2019 (Mmul_10/rheMac10)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netPapAnu4 Baboon Net Baboon (Apr. 2017 (Panu_3.0/papAnu4)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netSaiBol1 Squirrel monkey Net Squirrel monkey (Oct. 2011 (Broad/saiBol1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netCalJac4 Marmoset Net Marmoset (May 2020 (Callithrix_jacchus_cj1700_1.1/calJac4)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netTarSyr2 Tarsier Net Tarsier (Sep. 2013 (Tarsius_syrichta-2.0.1/tarSyr2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netMicMur1 Mouse lemur Net Mouse lemur (Jul. 2007 (Broad/micMur1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netOtoGar3 Bushbaby Net Bushbaby (Mar. 2011 (Broad/otoGar3)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netGalVar1 Malayan flying lemur Net Malayan flying lemur (Jun. 2014 (G_variegatus-3.0.2/galVar1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netTupBel1 Tree shrew Net Tree shrew (Dec. 2006 (Broad/tupBel1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics euarchontoglireChainNetViewchain Chains Euarchontoglire Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics chainHg19 hg19 Chain Human (Feb. 2009 (GRCh37/hg19)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainHg38 hg38 Chain Human (Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainPanTro6 Chimp Chain Chimp (Jan. 2018 (Clint_PTRv2/panTro6)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainPanPan3 Bonobo Chain Bonobo (May 2020 (Mhudiblu_PPA_v0/panPan3)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainGorGor6 Gorilla Chain Gorilla (Aug. 2019 (Kamilah_GGO_v0/gorGor6)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainPonAbe3 Orangutan Chain Orangutan (Jan. 2018 (Susie_PABv2/ponAbe3)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainNomLeu2 Gibbon Chain Gibbon (Jun. 2011 (GGSC Nleu1.1/nomLeu2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainRheMac10 Rhesus Chain Rhesus (Feb. 2019 (Mmul_10/rheMac10)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainPapAnu4 Baboon Chain Baboon (Apr. 2017 (Panu_3.0/papAnu4)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainSaiBol1 Squirrel monkey Chain Squirrel monkey (Oct. 2011 (Broad/saiBol1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainCalJac4 Marmoset Chain Marmoset (May 2020 (Callithrix_jacchus_cj1700_1.1/calJac4)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainTarSyr2 Tarsier Chain Tarsier (Sep. 2013 (Tarsius_syrichta-2.0.1/tarSyr2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainMicMur1 Mouse lemur Chain Mouse lemur (Jul. 2007 (Broad/micMur1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainOtoGar3 Bushbaby Chain Bushbaby (Mar. 2011 (Broad/otoGar3)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainGalVar1 Malayan flying lemur Chain Malayan flying lemur (Jun. 2014 (G_variegatus-3.0.2/galVar1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainTupBel1 Tree shrew Chain Tree shrew (Dec. 2006 (Broad/tupBel1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics evaSnp EVA SNP Release 3 Short Genetic Variants from European Variant Archive Release 3 Variation and Repeats Description This track contains mappings of single nucleotide variants and small insertions and deletions (indels) from the European Variation Archive (EVA) Release 3 for the mouse mm10 genome. The dbSNP database at NCBI no longer hosts non-human variants. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP variant corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. The display is set to automatically collapse to dense visibility when there are more than 100k variants in the window. When the window size is more than 250k bp, the display is switched to density graph mode. Searching, details, and filtering Navigation to an individual variant can be accomplished by typing or copying the variant identifier (rsID) or the genomic coordinates into the Position/Search box on the Browser. A click on an item in the graphical display displays a page with data about that variant. Data fields include the Reference and Alternate Alleles, the class of the variant as reported by EVA, the source of the data, the amino acid change, if any, and the functional class as determined by UCSC's Variant Annotation Integrator. Variants can be filtered using the track controls to show subsets of the data by either EVA Sequence Ontology (SO) term, UCSC-generated functional effect, or by color, which bins the UCSC functional effects into general classes. Mouse-over Mousing over an item shows the ucscClass, which is the consequence according to the Variant Annotation Integrator, and the aaChange when one is available, which is the change in amino acid in HGVS.p terms. Items may have multiple ucscClasses, which will all be shown in the mouse-over in a comma-separated list. Likewise, multiple HGVS.p terms may be shown for each rsID separated by spaces describing all possible AA changes. Multiple items may appear due to different variant predictions on multiple gene transcripts. For all organisms the gene models used were ncbiRefSeqCurated, except for mm39 which used ncbiRefSeqSelect. Track colors Variants are colored according to the most potentially deleterious functional effect prediction according to the Variant Annotation Integrator. Specific bins can be seen in the Methods section below. Color Variant Type Protein-altering variants and splice site variants Synonymous codon variants Non-coding transcript or Untranslated Region (UTR) variants Intergenic and intronic variants Sequence ontology (SO) Variants are classified by EVA into one of the following sequence ontology terms: substitution — A single nucleotide in the reference is replaced by another, alternate allele deletion — One or more nucleotides is deleted. The representation in the database is to display one additional nucleotide in both the Reference field (Ref) and the Alternate Allele field (Alt). E.g. a variant that is a deletion of an A maybe be represented as Ref = GA and Alt = G. insertion — One or more nucleotides is inserted. The representation in the database is to display one additional nucleotide in both the Reference field (Ref) and the Alternate Allele field (Alt). E.g. a variant that is an insertion of a T maybe be represented as Ref = G and Alt = GT delins — Similar to tandemRepeat, in that the runs of Ref and Alt Alleles are of different length, except that there is more than one type of nucleotide, e.g., Ref = CCAAAAACAAAAACA, Alt = ACAAAAAC. multipleNucleotideVariant — More than one nucleotide is substituted by an equal number of different nucleotides, e.g., Ref = AA, Alt = GC. sequence alteration — A parent term meant to signify a deviation from another sequence. Can be assigned to variants that have not been characterized yet. Methods Data were downloaded from the European Variation Archive EVA release 3 (2022-02-24) current_ids.vcf.gz files corresponding to the proper assembly. Chromosome names were converted to UCSC-style, a few problematic variants were removed, and the variants passed through the Variant Annotation Integrator to predict consequence. For every organism the ncbiRefSeqCurated gene models were used to predict the consequences, except for mm39 which used the ncbiRefSeqSelect models. Variants were then colored according to their predicted consequence in the following fashion: Protein-altering variants and splice site variants - exon_loss_variant, frameshift_variant, inframe_deletion, inframe_insertion, initiator_codon_variant, missense_variant, splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant, splice_region_variant, stop_gained, stop_lost, coding_sequence_variant, transcript_ablation Synonymous codon variants - synonymous_variant, stop_retained_variant Non-coding transcript or Untranslated Region (UTR) variants - 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant, complex_transcript_variant, non_coding_transcript_exon_variant Intergenic and intronic variants - upstream_gene_variant, downstream_gene_variant, intron_variant, intergenic_variant, NMD_transcript_variant, no_sequence_alteration Sequence Ontology ("SO:") terms were converted to the variant classes, then the files were converted to BED, and then bigBed format. No functional annotations were provided by the EVA (e.g., missense, nonsense, etc). These were computed using UCSC's Variant Annotation Integrator (Hinrichs, et al., 2016). Amino-acid substitutions for missense variants are based on RefSeq alignments of mRNA transcripts, which do not always match the amino acids predicted from translating the genomic sequence. Therefore, in some instances, the variant and the genomic nucleotide and associated amino acid may be reversed. E.g., a Pro > Arg change from the perspective of the mRNA would be Arg > Pro from the persepective the genomic sequence. For complete documentation of the processing of these tracks, read the EVA Release 3 MakeDoc. Data Access Note: It is not recommeneded to use LiftOver to convert SNPs between assemblies, and more information about how to convert SNPs between assemblies can be found on the following FAQ entry. The data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the data may be queried from our REST API. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. For automated download and analysis, this annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The file for this track is called Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr21 -start=0 -end=100000000 stdout Credits This track was produced from the European Variation Archive release 3 data. Consequences were predicted using UCSC's Variant Annotation Integrator and NCBI's RefSeq gene models. References Cezard T, Cunningham F, Hunt SE, Koylass B, Kumar N, Saunders G, Shen A, Silva AF, Tsukanov K, Venkataraman S et al. The European Variation Archive: a FAIR resource of genomic variation for all species. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Oct 28:gkab960. doi:10.1093/nar/gkab960. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34718739. PMID: PMC8728205. Hinrichs AS, Raney BJ, Speir ML, Rhead B, Casper J, Karolchik D, Kuhn RM, Rosenbloom KR, Zweig AS, Haussler D, Kent WJ. UCSC Data Integrator and Variant Annotation Integrator. Bioinformatics. 2016 May 1;32(9):1430-2. PMID: 26740527; PMC: PMC4848401 evaSnp4 EVA SNP Release 4 Short Genetic Variants from European Variant Archive Release 4 Variation and Repeats Description This track contains mappings of single nucleotide variants and small insertions and deletions (indels) from the European Variation Archive (EVA) Release 4 for the mouse mm10 genome. The dbSNP database at NCBI no longer hosts non-human variants. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP variant corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. The display is set to automatically collapse to dense visibility when there are more than 100k variants in the window. When the window size is more than 250k bp, the display is switched to density graph mode. Searching, details, and filtering Navigation to an individual variant can be accomplished by typing or copying the variant identifier (rsID) or the genomic coordinates into the Position/Search box on the Browser. A click on an item in the graphical display displays a page with data about that variant. Data fields include the Reference and Alternate Alleles, the class of the variant as reported by EVA, the source of the data, the amino acid change, if any, and the functional class as determined by UCSC's Variant Annotation Integrator. Variants can be filtered using the track controls to show subsets of the data by either EVA Sequence Ontology (SO) term, UCSC-generated functional effect, or by color, which bins the UCSC functional effects into general classes. Mouse-over Mousing over an item shows the ucscClass, which is the consequence according to the Variant Annotation Integrator, and the aaChange when one is available, which is the change in amino acid in HGVS.p terms. Items may have multiple ucscClasses, which will all be shown in the mouse-over in a comma-separated list. Likewise, multiple HGVS.p terms may be shown for each rsID separated by spaces describing all possible AA changes. Multiple items may appear due to different variant predictions on multiple gene transcripts. For all organisms the gene models used were the NCBI RefSeq curated when available, if not then ensembl genes, or finally UCSC mappings of RefSeq if neither of the previous models was possible. Track colors Variants are colored according to the most potentially deleterious functional effect prediction according to the Variant Annotation Integrator. Specific bins can be seen in the Methods section below. Color Variant Type Protein-altering variants and splice site variants Synonymous codon variants Non-coding transcript or Untranslated Region (UTR) variants Intergenic and intronic variants Sequence ontology (SO) Variants are classified by EVA into one of the following sequence ontology terms: substitution — A single nucleotide in the reference is replaced by another, alternate allele deletion — One or more nucleotides is deleted. The representation in the database is to display one additional nucleotide in both the Reference field (Ref) and the Alternate Allele field (Alt). E.g. a variant that is a deletion of an A maybe be represented as Ref = GA and Alt = G. insertion — One or more nucleotides is inserted. The representation in the database is to display one additional nucleotide in both the Reference field (Ref) and the Alternate Allele field (Alt). E.g. a variant that is an insertion of a T maybe be represented as Ref = G and Alt = GT delins — Similar to tandemRepeat, in that the runs of Ref and Alt Alleles are of different length, except that there is more than one type of nucleotide, e.g., Ref = CCAAAAACAAAAACA, Alt = ACAAAAAC. multipleNucleotideVariant — More than one nucleotide is substituted by an equal number of different nucleotides, e.g., Ref = AA, Alt = GC. sequence alteration — A parent term meant to signify a deviation from another sequence. Can be assigned to variants that have not been characterized yet. Methods Data were downloaded from the European Variation Archive EVA release 4 (2022-11-21) current_ids.vcf.gz files corresponding to the proper assembly. Chromosome names were converted to UCSC-style and the variants passed through the Variant Annotation Integrator to predict consequence. For every organism the NCBI RefSeq curated models were used when available, followed by ensembl genes, and finally UCSC mapping of RefSeq when neither of the previous models were possible. Variants were then colored according to their predicted consequence in the following fashion: Protein-altering variants and splice site variants - exon_loss_variant, frameshift_variant, inframe_deletion, inframe_insertion, initiator_codon_variant, missense_variant, splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant, splice_region_variant, stop_gained, stop_lost, coding_sequence_variant, transcript_ablation Synonymous codon variants - synonymous_variant, stop_retained_variant Non-coding transcript or Untranslated Region (UTR) variants - 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant, complex_transcript_variant, non_coding_transcript_exon_variant Intergenic and intronic variants - upstream_gene_variant, downstream_gene_variant, intron_variant, intergenic_variant, NMD_transcript_variant, no_sequence_alteration Sequence Ontology ("SO:") terms were converted to the variant classes, then the files were converted to BED, and then bigBed format. No functional annotations were provided by the EVA (e.g., missense, nonsense, etc). These were computed using UCSC's Variant Annotation Integrator (Hinrichs, et al., 2016). Amino-acid substitutions for missense variants are based on RefSeq alignments of mRNA transcripts, which do not always match the amino acids predicted from translating the genomic sequence. Therefore, in some instances, the variant and the genomic nucleotide and associated amino acid may be reversed. E.g., a Pro > Arg change from the perspective of the mRNA would be Arg > Pro from the persepective the genomic sequence. Also, in bosTau9, galGal5, rheMac8, danRer10 and danRer11 the mitochondrial sequence was removed or renamed to match UCSC. For complete documentation of the processing of these tracks, read the EVA Release 4 MakeDoc. Data Access Note: It is not recommeneded to use LiftOver to convert SNPs between assemblies, and more information about how to convert SNPs between assemblies can be found on the following FAQ entry. The data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the data may be queried from our REST API. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. For automated download and analysis, this annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The file for this track is called Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr21 -start=0 -end=100000000 stdout Credits This track was produced from the European Variation Archive release 4 data. Consequences were predicted using UCSC's Variant Annotation Integrator and NCBI's RefSeq as well as ensembl gene models. References Cezard T, Cunningham F, Hunt SE, Koylass B, Kumar N, Saunders G, Shen A, Silva AF, Tsukanov K, Venkataraman S et al. The European Variation Archive: a FAIR resource of genomic variation for all species. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Oct 28:gkab960. doi:10.1093/nar/gkab960. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34718739. PMID: PMC8728205. Hinrichs AS, Raney BJ, Speir ML, Rhead B, Casper J, Karolchik D, Kuhn RM, Rosenbloom KR, Zweig AS, Haussler D, Kent WJ. UCSC Data Integrator and Variant Annotation Integrator. Bioinformatics. 2016 May 1;32(9):1430-2. PMID: 26740527; PMC: PMC4848401 evaSnp5 EVA SNP Release 5 Short Genetic Variants from European Variant Archive Release 5 Variation and Repeats Description This track contains mappings of single nucleotide variants and small insertions and deletions (indels) from the European Variation Archive (EVA) Release 5 for the mouse mm10 genome. The dbSNP database at NCBI no longer hosts non-human variants. Interpreting and Configuring the Graphical Display Variants are shown as single tick marks at most zoom levels. When viewing the track at or near base-level resolution, the displayed width of the SNP variant corresponds to the width of the variant in the reference sequence. Insertions are indicated by a single tick mark displayed between two nucleotides, single nucleotide polymorphisms are displayed as the width of a single base, and multiple nucleotide variants are represented by a block that spans two or more bases. The display is set to automatically collapse to dense visibility when there are more than 100k variants in the window. When the window size is more than 250k bp, the display is switched to density graph mode. Searching, details, and filtering Navigation to an individual variant can be accomplished by typing or copying the variant identifier (rsID) or the genomic coordinates into the Position/Search box on the Browser. A click on an item in the graphical display displays a page with data about that variant. Data fields include the Reference and Alternate Alleles, the class of the variant as reported by EVA, the source of the data, the amino acid change, if any, and the functional class as determined by UCSC's Variant Annotation Integrator. Variants can be filtered using the track controls to show subsets of the data by either EVA Sequence Ontology (SO) term, UCSC-generated functional effect, or by color, which bins the UCSC functional effects into general classes. Mouse-over Mousing over an item shows the ucscClass, which is the consequence according to the Variant Annotation Integrator, and the aaChange when one is available, which is the change in amino acid in HGVS.p terms. Items may have multiple ucscClasses, which will all be shown in the mouse-over in a comma-separated list. Likewise, multiple HGVS.p terms may be shown for each rsID separated by spaces describing all possible AA changes. Multiple items may appear due to different variant predictions on multiple gene transcripts. For all organisms the gene models used were the NCBI RefSeq curated when available, if not then ensembl genes, or finally UCSC mappings of RefSeq if neither of the previous models was possible. Track colors Variants are colored according to the most potentially deleterious functional effect prediction according to the Variant Annotation Integrator. Specific bins can be seen in the Methods section below. Color Variant Type Protein-altering variants and splice site variants Synonymous codon variants Non-coding transcript or Untranslated Region (UTR) variants Intergenic and intronic variants Sequence ontology (SO) Variants are classified by EVA into one of the following sequence ontology terms: substitution — A single nucleotide in the reference is replaced by another, alternate allele deletion — One or more nucleotides is deleted. The representation in the database is to display one additional nucleotide in both the Reference field (Ref) and the Alternate Allele field (Alt). E.g. a variant that is a deletion of an A maybe be represented as Ref = GA and Alt = G. insertion — One or more nucleotides is inserted. The representation in the database is to display one additional nucleotide in both the Reference field (Ref) and the Alternate Allele field (Alt). E.g. a variant that is an insertion of a T maybe be represented as Ref = G and Alt = GT delins — Similar to tandemRepeat, in that the runs of Ref and Alt Alleles are of different length, except that there is more than one type of nucleotide, e.g., Ref = CCAAAAACAAAAACA, Alt = ACAAAAAC. multipleNucleotideVariant — More than one nucleotide is substituted by an equal number of different nucleotides, e.g., Ref = AA, Alt = GC. sequence alteration — A parent term meant to signify a deviation from another sequence. Can be assigned to variants that have not been characterized yet. Methods Data were downloaded from the European Variation Archive EVA release 5 (2023-9-7) current_ids.vcf.gz files corresponding to the proper assembly. Chromosome names were converted to UCSC-style and the variants passed through the Variant Annotation Integrator to predict consequence. For every organism the NCBI RefSeq curated models were used when available, followed by ensembl genes, and finally UCSC mapping of RefSeq when neither of the previous models were possible. Variants were then colored according to their predicted consequence in the following fashion: Protein-altering variants and splice site variants - exon_loss_variant, frameshift_variant, inframe_deletion, inframe_insertion, initiator_codon_variant, missense_variant, splice_acceptor_variant, splice_donor_variant, splice_region_variant, stop_gained, stop_lost, coding_sequence_variant, transcript_ablation Synonymous codon variants - synonymous_variant, stop_retained_variant Non-coding transcript or Untranslated Region (UTR) variants - 5_prime_UTR_variant, 3_prime_UTR_variant, complex_transcript_variant, non_coding_transcript_exon_variant Intergenic and intronic variants - upstream_gene_variant, downstream_gene_variant, intron_variant, intergenic_variant, NMD_transcript_variant, no_sequence_alteration Sequence Ontology ("SO:") terms were converted to the variant classes, then the files were converted to BED, and then bigBed format. No functional annotations were provided by the EVA (e.g., missense, nonsense, etc). These were computed using UCSC's Variant Annotation Integrator (Hinrichs, et al., 2016). Amino-acid substitutions for missense variants are based on RefSeq alignments of mRNA transcripts, which do not always match the amino acids predicted from translating the genomic sequence. Therefore, in some instances, the variant and the genomic nucleotide and associated amino acid may be reversed. E.g., a Pro > Arg change from the perspective of the mRNA would be Arg > Pro from the persepective the genomic sequence. Also, in bosTau9, galGal5, rheMac8, danRer10 and danRer11 the mitochondrial sequence was removed or renamed to match UCSC. For complete documentation of the processing of these tracks, read the EVA Release 5 MakeDoc. Data Access Note: It is not recommeneded to use LiftOver to convert SNPs between assemblies, and more information about how to convert SNPs between assemblies can be found on the following FAQ entry. The data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the data may be queried from our REST API. Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. For automated download and analysis, this annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The file for this track is called Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, e.g. bigBedToBed -chrom=chr21 -start=0 -end=100000000 stdout Credits This track was produced from the European Variation Archive release 5 data. Consequences were predicted using UCSC's Variant Annotation Integrator and NCBI's RefSeq as well as ensembl gene models. References Cezard T, Cunningham F, Hunt SE, Koylass B, Kumar N, Saunders G, Shen A, Silva AF, Tsukanov K, Venkataraman S et al. The European Variation Archive: a FAIR resource of genomic variation for all species. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Oct 28:gkab960. doi:10.1093/nar/gkab960. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34718739. PMID: PMC8728205. Hinrichs AS, Raney BJ, Speir ML, Rhead B, Casper J, Karolchik D, Kuhn RM, Rosenbloom KR, Zweig AS, Haussler D, Kent WJ. UCSC Data Integrator and Variant Annotation Integrator. Bioinformatics. 2016 May 1;32(9):1430-2. PMID: 26740527; PMC: PMC4848401 FaceBase24SampleTypesAvg FaceBase 24STypes FaceBase 24 Sample Types Averaged Expression and Regulation Description This dataset represents 24 independent samples of different regions of developing craniofacial structures obtained from embryonic day 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, and 11.5 mouse embryos. RNA was prepared separately from each sample and subjected to a custom mRNA microlabeling protocol so as to allow for hybridization to individual Affymetrix Mouse Genes 1.0 ST Arrays. The various samples correspond to independent replicates from the following cell types: e8.5 Paraxial Mesodem e8.5 Floor Plate Neural Epithelium e8.5 Hindbrain Neural Epithelium e8.5 Non-floor Plate Neural Epithelium e9.5 Olfactory Placode e9.5 Otic Vesicle e9.5 Facial Mesenchyme e9.5 Mandibular Arch e9.5 Maxillary Arch e9.5 Neural Epithelium e10.5 Rathke's Pouch e10.5 Nasal Pit e10.5 Mandibular Arch e10.5 Maxillary Arch e10.5 Mandibular Columnar Epithelium e10.5 Maxillary Columnar Epithelium e10.5 Lateral Nasal Process e10.5 Medial Nasal Process e10.5 Central Neural Epithelium e10.5 Flanking Neural Epithelium e10.5 Lateral Eminence Neural Epithelium e10.5 Medial Eminence Neural Epithelium e11.5 Medial Nasal Prominence Display Conventions In dense mode, the track color denotes the average signal over all experiments on a log base 2 scale. Lighter colors correspond to lower signals and darker colors correspond to higher signals. In full mode, the color of each item represents the log base 2 ratio of the signal of that particular experiment to the median signal of all experiments for that probe. Methods Microarry data was subjected to RMA normalization and individual gene expression levels per probeset per sample were expressed as a ratio relative to the level of that probeset's expression using whole Postnatal day 1 mouse RNA as a universal reference. Colored blocks extend over the length of the corresponding gene and depict expression in the craniofacial sample relative to that in the reference RNA sample. Credits This track was created with the help of the following people: Dissections, RNA purification, and labeling were carried out by Eric Brunskill and Steven Potter. Hybridization and processing by Sean Smith and Hung-Chi Liang in the Cincinnati Children's Hospital gene expression analysis core. Data was analyzed and transformed into UCSC genome browser array format by Andrew Plassard and Bruce Aronow. This work was part of the Global Gene Expression Atlas of Craniofacial Development project being carried out by the Facebase Consortium. Contact: References Brunskill EW, Potter AS, Distasio A, Dexheimer P, Plassard A, Aronow BJ, Potter SS. A gene expression atlas of early craniofacial development. Dev Biol. 2014 Jul 15;391(2):133-46. PMID: 24780627 gap Gap Gap Locations Mapping and Sequencing Description This track depicts gaps in the assembly (Dec. 2011, Genome Reference Consortium Mouse Build 38 (GCA_000001635.2)) of the mouse genome. These gaps - with the exception of intractable centromere gaps - will be closed during the finishing process. Gaps are represented as black boxes in this track. If the relative order and orientation of the contigs on either side of the gap is known, it is a bridged gap and a white line is drawn through the black box representing the gap. This assembly contains the following principal types of gaps: (In this context, a contig is a set of overlapping sequence reads.) Clone - gaps between clones (114 gaps). Contig - gaps between map contigs, various sizes (104 gaps). Telomere - 42 gaps for telomeres (100,000 Ns) Centromere - 20 gaps for centromeres (size: 2,890,000 Ns) Short_arm - 21 gaps for the short arm (10,000 Ns) at base positions 100,001-110,000 of each chromosome. other - sequence of Ns in the assembly that were not marked as gaps in the AGP assembly definition file, various sizes (384 gaps). Fragment - a single gap of 31 bases in chrX_GL456233_random. gc5BaseBw GC Percent GC Percent in 5-Base Windows Mapping and Sequencing Description The GC percent track shows the percentage of G (guanine) and C (cytosine) bases in 5-base windows. High GC content is typically associated with gene-rich areas. This track may be configured in a variety of ways to highlight different apsects of the displayed information. Click the "Graph configuration help" link for an explanation of the configuration options. Credits The data and presentation of this graph were prepared by Hiram Clawson. geneid Geneid Genes Geneid Gene Predictions Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows gene predictions from the geneid program developed by Roderic Guigó's Computational Biology of RNA Processing group which is part of the Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG) in Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain. Methods Geneid is a program to predict genes in anonymous genomic sequences designed with a hierarchical structure. In the first step, splice sites, start and stop codons are predicted and scored along the sequence using Position Weight Arrays (PWAs). Next, exons are built from the sites. Exons are scored as the sum of the scores of the defining sites, plus the the log-likelihood ratio of a Markov Model for coding DNA. Finally, from the set of predicted exons, the gene structure is assembled, maximizing the sum of the scores of the assembled exons. Credits Thanks to Computational Biology of RNA Processing for providing these data. References Blanco E, Parra G, Guigó R. Using geneid to identify genes. Curr Protoc Bioinformatics. 2007 Jun;Chapter 4:Unit 4.3. PMID: 18428791 Parra G, Blanco E, Guigó R. GeneID in Drosophila. Genome Res. 2000 Apr;10(4):511-5. PMID: 10779490; PMC: PMC310871 genscan Genscan Genes Genscan Gene Predictions Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows predictions from the Genscan program written by Chris Burge. The predictions are based on transcriptional, translational and donor/acceptor splicing signals as well as the length and compositional distributions of exons, introns and intergenic regions. For more information on the different gene tracks, see our Genes FAQ. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. The track description page offers the following filter and configuration options: Color track by codons: Select the genomic codons option to color and label each codon in a zoomed-in display to facilitate validation and comparison of gene predictions. Go to the Coloring Gene Predictions and Annotations by Codon page for more information about this feature. Methods For a description of the Genscan program and the model that underlies it, refer to Burge and Karlin (1997) in the References section below. The splice site models used are described in more detail in Burge (1998) below. Credits Thanks to Chris Burge for providing the Genscan program. References Burge C. Modeling Dependencies in Pre-mRNA Splicing Signals. In: Salzberg S, Searls D, Kasif S, editors. Computational Methods in Molecular Biology. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science; 1998. p. 127-163. Burge C, Karlin S. Prediction of complete gene structures in human genomic DNA. J. Mol. Biol. 1997 Apr 25;268(1):78-94. PMID: 9149143 gliresChainNet Glires Chain/Net Glires Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics Description Chain Track The chain track shows alignments of mouse (Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10)/mm10) to other genomes using a gap scoring system that allows longer gaps than traditional affine gap scoring systems. It can also tolerate gaps in both mouse and the other genome simultaneously. These "double-sided" gaps can be caused by local inversions and overlapping deletions in both species. The chain track displays boxes joined together by either single or double lines. The boxes represent aligning regions. Single lines indicate gaps that are largely due to a deletion in the other assembly or an insertion in the mouse assembly. Double lines represent more complex gaps that involve substantial sequence in both species. This may result from inversions, overlapping deletions, an abundance of local mutation, or an unsequenced gap in one species. In cases where multiple chains align over a particular region of the other genome, the chains with single-lined gaps are often due to processed pseudogenes, while chains with double-lined gaps are more often due to paralogs and unprocessed pseudogenes. In the "pack" and "full" display modes, the individual feature names indicate the chromosome, strand, and location (in thousands) of the match for each matching alignment. Net Track The net track shows the best mouse/other chain for every part of the other genome. It is useful for finding orthologous regions and for studying genome rearrangement. The mouse sequence used in this annotation is from the Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10) (mm10) assembly. Display Conventions and Configuration Multiple species are grouped together in a composite track. In the display and on the configuration page, an effort was made to group them loosely into "clades." These groupings are based on the taxonomic classification at NCBI, using the CommonTree tool. Some organisms may be pulled from a larger group into a subgroup, to emphasize a relationship. For example, members of an Order may be listed together, while other organisms in the same Superorder may be grouped separately under the Superorder name. Chain Track By default, the chains to chromosome-based assemblies are colored based on which chromosome they map to in the aligning organism. To turn off the coloring, check the "off" button next to: Color track based on chromosome. To display only the chains of one chromosome in the aligning organism, enter the name of that chromosome (e.g. chr4) in box next to: Filter by chromosome. Net Track In full display mode, the top-level (level 1) chains are the largest, highest-scoring chains that span this region. In many cases gaps exist in the top-level chain. When possible, these are filled in by other chains that are displayed at level 2. The gaps in level 2 chains may be filled by level 3 chains and so forth. In the graphical display, the boxes represent ungapped alignments; the lines represent gaps. Click on a box to view detailed information about the chain as a whole; click on a line to display information about the gap. The detailed information is useful in determining the cause of the gap or, for lower level chains, the genomic rearrangement. Individual items in the display are categorized as one of four types (other than gap): Top - the best, longest match. Displayed on level 1. Syn - line-ups on the same chromosome as the gap in the level above it. Inv - a line-up on the same chromosome as the gap above it, but in the opposite orientation. NonSyn - a match to a chromosome different from the gap in the level above. Methods Chain track Transposons that have been inserted since the mouse/other split were removed from the assemblies. The abbreviated genomes were aligned with lastz, and the transposons were added back in. The resulting alignments were converted into axt format using the lavToAxt program. The axt alignments were fed into axtChain, which organizes all alignments between a single mouse chromosome and a single chromosome from the other genome into a group and creates a kd-tree out of the gapless subsections (blocks) of the alignments. A dynamic program was then run over the kd-trees to find the maximally scoring chains of these blocks. See also: lastz parameters and other details (e.g., update time) and chain minimum score and gap parameters used in these alignments. Net track Chains were derived from lastz alignments, using the methods described on the chain tracks description pages, and sorted with the highest-scoring chains in the genome ranked first. The program chainNet was then used to place the chains one at a time, trimming them as necessary to fit into sections not already covered by a higher-scoring chain. During this process, a natural hierarchy emerged in which a chain that filled a gap in a higher-scoring chain was placed underneath that chain. The program netSyntenic was used to fill in information about the relationship between higher- and lower-level chains, such as whether a lower-level chain was syntenic or inverted relative to the higher-level chain. The program netClass was then used to fill in how much of the gaps and chains contained Ns (sequencing gaps) in one or both species and how much was filled with transposons inserted before and after the two organisms diverged. Credits Lastz (previously known as blastz) was developed at Pennsylvania State University by Minmei Hou, Scott Schwartz, Zheng Zhang, and Webb Miller with advice from Ross Hardison. Lineage-specific repeats were identified by Arian Smit and his RepeatMasker program. The axtChain program was developed at the University of California at Santa Cruz by Jim Kent with advice from Webb Miller and David Haussler. The browser display and database storage of the chains and nets were created by Robert Baertsch and Jim Kent. The chainNet, netSyntenic, and netClass programs were developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent. References Chiaromonte F, Yap VB, Miller W. Scoring pairwise genomic sequence alignments. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2002:115-26. PMID: 11928468 Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. PMID: 14500911; PMC: PMC208784 Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-mouse alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. PMID: 12529312; PMC: PMC430961 gliresChainNetViewnet Nets Glires Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics netOchPri2 Pika Net Pika (Jul. 2008 (Broad/ochPri2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netOryCun2 Rabbit Net Rabbit (Apr. 2009 (Broad/oryCun2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netSpeTri2 Squirrel Net Squirrel (Nov. 2011 (Broad/speTri2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netCriGriChoV2 Chinese hamster Net Chinese hamster (Jun. 2017 (CHOK1S_HZDv1/criGriChoV2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netCavPor3 Guinea pig Net Guinea pig (Feb. 2008 (Broad/cavPor3)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netHetGla2 Naked mole-rat Net Naked mole-rat (Jan. 2012 (Broad HetGla_female_1.0/hetGla2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netDipOrd1 Kangaroo rat Net Kangaroo rat (Jul. 2008 (Broad/dipOrd1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netRn6 Rat Net Rat (Jul. 2014 (RGSC 6.0/rn6)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netRn7 Rat Net Rat (Nov. 2020 (mRatBN7.2/rn7)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics gliresChainNetViewchain Chains Glires Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics chainOchPri2 Pika Chain Pika (Jul. 2008 (Broad/ochPri2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainOryCun2 Rabbit Chain Rabbit (Apr. 2009 (Broad/oryCun2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainSpeTri2 Squirrel Chain Squirrel (Nov. 2011 (Broad/speTri2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainCriGriChoV2 Chinese hamster Chain Chinese hamster (Jun. 2017 (CHOK1S_HZDv1/criGriChoV2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainCavPor3 Guinea pig Chain Guinea pig (Feb. 2008 (Broad/cavPor3)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainHetGla2 Naked mole-rat Chain Naked mole-rat (Jan. 2012 (Broad HetGla_female_1.0/hetGla2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainDipOrd1 Kangaroo rat Chain Kangaroo rat (Jul. 2008 (Broad/dipOrd1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainRn6 Rat Chain Rat (Jul. 2014 (RGSC 6.0/rn6)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainRn7 Rat Chain Rat (Nov. 2020 (mRatBN7.2/rn7)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics grcIncidentDb GRC Incident GRC Incident Database Mapping and Sequencing Description This track shows locations in the mouse assembly where assembly problems have been noted or resolved, as reported by the Genome Reference Consortium (GRC). If you would like to report an assembly problem, please use the GRC issue reporting system. Methods Data for this track are extracted from the GRC incident database from the specific species *_issues.gff3 file. The track is synchronized once daily to incorporate new updates. Credits The data and presentation of this track were prepared by Hiram Clawson. encode3RenHistone Histone Modifications Histone modifications in embryonic tissue (8 marks, 12 tissues, 8 ages) from ChIP-seq by ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation #histoneTable th { border-bottom: 2px solid #6678b1; } #histoneTable td { padding: 0 10px 0 10px; } .colorPatch { width: 10px; } Description The ENCODE project has established an epigenomic resource for mammalian development, profiling a diverse panel of mouse tissues at eight developmental stages from 10.5 days post conception until birth. This track set presents the results of a comprehensive study of chromatin state across these developmental stages, based on 1,128 ChiP-seq assays of 8 histone modifications in 12 tissues, performed by the laboratory of Bing Ren as part of the ENCODE Consortium, phase 3. Histone modifications are post-translational chemical modifications (e.g. methylation, acetylation) of histone proteins present in chromatin. Histone modifications are core components of a cell's epigenome, and influence gene expression by modulating the activity of DNA sequences. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains two data types (views). For each view, there are multiple subtracks that display individually on the browser. Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. The views in this track are: Peaks Regions of statistically significant signal enrichment Signal Density graph of signal enrichment. Peaks displayed in this track set are replicated peaks called with the Irreproducible Discovery Rate (IDR) framework These peaks are identical to those in the "replicated peaks" files on the ENCODE data portal. Signals displayed in this track correspond to the "fold change over control" files from merged replicates, reflecting the fold enrichment of ChIP signal over the input control. Data for individual replicates are available through the ENCODE portal. Tracks are colored by histone modification. The table below list shows the assigned track color and the genomic region type and activity level characteristic of each modification. Modification ColorRegionsActivity Level H3K4me3 dark blue promoters active, poised H3K4me2 royal blue promoters, enhancers active, poised H3K4me1 light blue enhancers active, poised H3K27ac dark green promoters, enhancers active H3K9ac light green promoters, enhancers active H3K36me3 gold exons active H3K27me3 dark red introns, intergenic repressed H3K9me3 light red heterochromatin repressed Methods ChIP-seq data generation ChIP-seq experiments for all marks and tissues from E11.5 - P0 were performed as described in Shen et. al 2012 (see References below). The ChIP-seq protocol was modified slightly for all E10.5 experiments due to the low amount of input ("micro" ChIP-seq). Detailed protocols for both standard and micro ChIP-seq are available from the ENCODE project portal (see Data Access section, below). Standard ChIP-seq (E11.5-P0) Tissue fixation & sonication, Immunoprecipitation, Library preparation. Micro-ChIP-seq (E10.5) Tissue fixation & sonication, Immunoprecipitation & Library preparation. ChIP-seq antibodies A full list of antibodies used by the Ren Lab for ENCODE can be found here. The antibody catalog and lot numbers are available for each experiment on the ENCODE portal. ChIP-seq data processing ChIP-seq data were analyzed using a software pipeline implemented by the ENCODE Data Coordinating Center (DCC) for the ENCODE Consortium. Each step of the pipeline corresponds to a script written in the Python programming language that assembles the input files, runs external programs, and calculates quality-control metrics. The ENCODE histone ChIP-seq pipeline is among the collection of ENCODE Uniform Processing Pipelines that can be found here. ChIP-seq peak calling Replicated peaks were called using an approach based on Irreproducible Discovery Rate to ensure an adequate sampling of noise for subsequent replicate comparisons. Briefly, peaks were initially called at a relaxed p-value threshold of 1 x 10-2. Such relaxed peak sets were generated for each biological replicate, for the replicates pooled, and for pooled pseudoreplicates of each true replicate (each pseudoreplicate consists of half the reads sampled without replacement). Peaks from the pooled replicate set were retained in the replicated peak set if they overlapped by at least half their length (in bases) peaks from both biological replicates. Additionally, peaks that overlapped both pooled pseudoreplicates were added to the replicated peak set. In this way very strong biological replicates "rescue" peaks that were only marginal in a second replicate. Data Access Data from this and all phases of ENCODE are publicly available through the ENCODE portal. The specific experiments included in this track set are listed here. Credits Thanks to David Gorkin and Yanxiao Zhang at the Ren lab (UCSD/Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research) and Iros Barozzi of the Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for providing this data and assisting with track development at UCSC. References Gorkin et al. An atlas of dynamic chromatin landscapes in the developing mouse fetus. Nature, In Press. (pre-print: doi: Sloan CA, Chan ET, Davidson JM, Malladi VS, Strattan JS, Hitz BC, Gabdank I, Narayanan AK, Ho M, Lee BT et al. ENCODE data at the ENCODE portal. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D726-32. PMID: 26527727; PMC: PMC4702836 Shen Y, Yue F, McCleary DF, Ye Z, Edsall L, Kuan S, Wagner U, Dixon J, Lee L, Lobanenkov VV et al. A map of the cis-regulatory sequences in the mouse genome. Nature. 2012 Aug 2;488(7409):116-20. PMID: 22763441; PMC: PMC4041622 encode3RenHistoneSignal Histone Modification Signal Histone modifications in embryonic tissue (8 marks, 12 tissues, 8 ages) from ChIP-seq by ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9me3_P0_Signal K9me3 stomach P0 ChIP-seq signal of stomach H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9me3_E16_Signal K9me3 stomach 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 stomach 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 stomach 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27me3_P0_Signal K27me3 stomach P0 ChIP-seq signal of stomach H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27me3_E16_Signal K27me3 stomach 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 stomach 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 stomach 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K36me3_P0_Signal K36me3 stomach P0 ChIP-seq signal of stomach H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K36me3_E16_Signal K36me3 stomach 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 stomach 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 stomach 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9ac_P0_Signal K9ac stomach P0 ChIP-seq signal of stomach H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9ac_E16_Signal K9ac stomach 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac stomach 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac stomach 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27ac_P0_Signal K27ac stomach P0 ChIP-seq signal of stomach H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27ac_E16_Signal K27ac stomach 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac stomach 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac stomach 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me1_P0_Signal K4me1 stomach P0 ChIP-seq signal of stomach H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me1_E16_Signal K4me1 stomach 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 stomach 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 stomach 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me2_P0_Signal K4me2 stomach P0 ChIP-seq signal of stomach H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me2_E16_Signal K4me2 stomach 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 stomach 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 stomach 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me3_P0_Signal K4me3 stomach P0 ChIP-seq signal of stomach H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me3_E16_Signal K4me3 stomach 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 stomach 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 stomach 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic stomach H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 neural 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 neural 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E13_Signal K9me3 neural 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E12_Signal K9me3 neural 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E11_Signal K9me3 neural 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 neural 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 neural 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E13_Signal K27me3 neural 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E12_Signal K27me3 neural 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E11_Signal K27me3 neural 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 neural 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 neural 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E13_Signal K36me3 neural 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E12_Signal K36me3 neural 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E11_Signal K36me3 neural 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac neural 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac neural 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E13_Signal K9ac neural 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E12_Signal K9ac neural 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E11_Signal K9ac neural 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac neural 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac neural 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E13_Signal K27ac neural 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E12_Signal K27ac neural 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E11_Signal K27ac neural 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 neural 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 neural 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E13_Signal K4me1 neural 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E12_Signal K4me1 neural 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E11_Signal K4me1 neural 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 neural 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 neural 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E13_Signal K4me2 neural 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E12_Signal K4me2 neural 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E11_Signal K4me2 neural 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 neural 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 neural 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E13_Signal K4me3 neural 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E12_Signal K4me3 neural 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E11_Signal K4me3 neural 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_P0_Signal K9me3 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of midbrain H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E16_Signal K9me3 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E13_Signal K9me3 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E12_Signal K9me3 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E11_Signal K9me3 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E10_Signal K9me3 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_P0_Signal K27me3 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of midbrain H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E16_Signal K27me3 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E13_Signal K27me3 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E12_Signal K27me3 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E11_Signal K27me3 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E10_Signal K27me3 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_P0_Signal K36me3 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of midbrain H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E16_Signal K36me3 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E13_Signal K36me3 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E12_Signal K36me3 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E11_Signal K36me3 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E10_Signal K36me3 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_P0_Signal K9ac midbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of midbrain H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E16_Signal K9ac midbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac midbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac midbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E13_Signal K9ac midbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E12_Signal K9ac midbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E11_Signal K9ac midbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_P0_Signal K27ac midbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of midbrain H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E16_Signal K27ac midbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac midbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac midbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E13_Signal K27ac midbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E12_Signal K27ac midbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E11_Signal K27ac midbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E10_Signal K27ac midbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_P0_Signal K4me1 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of midbrain H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E16_Signal K4me1 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E13_Signal K4me1 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E12_Signal K4me1 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E11_Signal K4me1 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E10_Signal K4me1 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_P0_Signal K4me2 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of midbrain H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E16_Signal K4me2 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E13_Signal K4me2 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E12_Signal K4me2 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E11_Signal K4me2 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_P0_Signal K4me3 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of midbrain H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E16_Signal K4me3 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E13_Signal K4me3 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E12_Signal K4me3 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E11_Signal K4me3 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E10_Signal K4me3 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9me3_P0_Signal K9me3 lung P0 ChIP-seq signal of lung H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9me3_E16_Signal K9me3 lung 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 lung 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 lung 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27me3_P0_Signal K27me3 lung P0 ChIP-seq signal of lung H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27me3_E16_Signal K27me3 lung 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 lung 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 lung 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K36me3_P0_Signal K36me3 lung P0 ChIP-seq signal of lung H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K36me3_E16_Signal K36me3 lung 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 lung 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 lung 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9ac_P0_Signal K9ac lung P0 ChIP-seq signal of lung H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9ac_E16_Signal K9ac lung 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac lung 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac lung 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27ac_P0_Signal K27ac lung P0 ChIP-seq signal of lung H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27ac_E16_Signal K27ac lung 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac lung 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac lung 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me1_P0_Signal K4me1 lung P0 ChIP-seq signal of lung H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me1_E16_Signal K4me1 lung 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 lung 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 lung 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me2_P0_Signal K4me2 lung P0 ChIP-seq signal of lung H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me2_E16_Signal K4me2 lung 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 lung 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 lung 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me3_P0_Signal K4me3 lung P0 ChIP-seq signal of lung H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me3_E16_Signal K4me3 lung 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 lung 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 lung 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic lung H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_P0_Signal K9me3 liver P0 ChIP-seq signal of liver H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E16_Signal K9me3 liver 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 liver 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 liver 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E13_Signal K9me3 liver 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E12_Signal K9me3 liver 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E11_Signal K9me3 liver 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_P0_Signal K27me3 liver P0 ChIP-seq signal of liver H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E16_Signal K27me3 liver 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 liver 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 liver 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E13_Signal K27me3 liver 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E12_Signal K27me3 liver 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E11_Signal K27me3 liver 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_P0_Signal K36me3 liver P0 ChIP-seq signal of liver H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E16_Signal K36me3 liver 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 liver 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 liver 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E13_Signal K36me3 liver 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E12_Signal K36me3 liver 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E11_Signal K36me3 liver 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_P0_Signal K9ac liver P0 ChIP-seq signal of liver H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E16_Signal K9ac liver 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac liver 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac liver 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E13_Signal K9ac liver 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E12_Signal K9ac liver 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E11_Signal K9ac liver 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_P0_Signal K27ac liver P0 ChIP-seq signal of liver H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E16_Signal K27ac liver 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac liver 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac liver 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E13_Signal K27ac liver 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E12_Signal K27ac liver 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E11_Signal K27ac liver 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_P0_Signal K4me1 liver P0 ChIP-seq signal of liver H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E16_Signal K4me1 liver 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 liver 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 liver 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E13_Signal K4me1 liver 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E12_Signal K4me1 liver 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E11_Signal K4me1 liver 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_P0_Signal K4me2 liver P0 ChIP-seq signal of liver H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E16_Signal K4me2 liver 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 liver 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 liver 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E13_Signal K4me2 liver 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E12_Signal K4me2 liver 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E11_Signal K4me2 liver 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_P0_Signal K4me3 liver P0 ChIP-seq signal of liver H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E16_Signal K4me3 liver 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 liver 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 liver 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E13_Signal K4me3 liver 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E12_Signal K4me3 liver 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E11_Signal K4me3 liver 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 limb 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 limb 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E13_Signal K9me3 limb 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E12_Signal K9me3 limb 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E11_Signal K9me3 limb 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 limb 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 limb 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E13_Signal K27me3 limb 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E12_Signal K27me3 limb 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E11_Signal K27me3 limb 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E10_Signal K27me3 limb 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 limb 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 limb 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E13_Signal K36me3 limb 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E12_Signal K36me3 limb 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E11_Signal K36me3 limb 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E10_Signal K36me3 limb 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac limb 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac limb 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E13_Signal K9ac limb 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E12_Signal K9ac limb 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E11_Signal K9ac limb 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac limb 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac limb 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E13_Signal K27ac limb 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E12_Signal K27ac limb 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E11_Signal K27ac limb 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E10_Signal K27ac limb 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 limb 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 limb 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E13_Signal K4me1 limb 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E12_Signal K4me1 limb 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E11_Signal K4me1 limb 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E10_Signal K4me1 limb 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 limb 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 limb 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E13_Signal K4me2 limb 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E12_Signal K4me2 limb 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E11_Signal K4me2 limb 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 limb 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 limb 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E13_Signal K4me3 limb 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E12_Signal K4me3 limb 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E11_Signal K4me3 limb 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E10_Signal K4me3 limb 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9me3_P0_Signal K9me3 kidney P0 ChIP-seq signal of kidney H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9me3_E16_Signal K9me3 kidney 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 kidney 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 kidney 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27me3_P0_Signal K27me3 kidney P0 ChIP-seq signal of kidney H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27me3_E16_Signal K27me3 kidney 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 kidney 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 kidney 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K36me3_P0_Signal K36me3 kidney P0 ChIP-seq signal of kidney H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K36me3_E16_Signal K36me3 kidney 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 kidney 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 kidney 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9ac_P0_Signal K9ac kidney P0 ChIP-seq signal of kidney H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9ac_E16_Signal K9ac kidney 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac kidney 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac kidney 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27ac_P0_Signal K27ac kidney P0 ChIP-seq signal of kidney H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27ac_E16_Signal K27ac kidney 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac kidney 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac kidney 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me1_P0_Signal K4me1 kidney P0 ChIP-seq signal of kidney H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me1_E16_Signal K4me1 kidney 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 kidney 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 kidney 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me2_P0_Signal K4me2 kidney P0 ChIP-seq signal of kidney H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me2_E16_Signal K4me2 kidney 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 kidney 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 kidney 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me3_P0_Signal K4me3 kidney P0 ChIP-seq signal of kidney H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me3_E16_Signal K4me3 kidney 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 kidney 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 kidney 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic kidney H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9me3_P0_Signal K9me3 intestn P0 ChIP-seq signal of intestine H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9me3_E16_Signal K9me3 intestn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 intestn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 intestn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27me3_P0_Signal K27me3 intestn P0 ChIP-seq signal of intestine H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27me3_E16_Signal K27me3 intestn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 intestn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 intestn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K36me3_P0_Signal K36me3 intestn P0 ChIP-seq signal of intestine H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K36me3_E16_Signal K36me3 intestn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 intestn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 intestn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9ac_P0_Signal K9ac intestn P0 ChIP-seq signal of intestine H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9ac_E16_Signal K9ac intestn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac intestn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac intestn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27ac_P0_Signal K27ac intestn P0 ChIP-seq signal of intestine H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27ac_E16_Signal K27ac intestn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac intestn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac intestn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me1_P0_Signal K4me1 intestn P0 ChIP-seq signal of intestine H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me1_E16_Signal K4me1 intestn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 intestn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 intestn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me2_P0_Signal K4me2 intestn P0 ChIP-seq signal of intestine H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me2_E16_Signal K4me2 intestn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 intestn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 intestn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me3_P0_Signal K4me3 intestn P0 ChIP-seq signal of intestine H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me3_E16_Signal K4me3 intestn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 intestn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 intestn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic intestine H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_P0_Signal K9me3 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of hindbrain H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E16_Signal K9me3 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E13_Signal K9me3 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E12_Signal K9me3 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E11_Signal K9me3 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E10_Signal K9me3 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_P0_Signal K27me3 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of hindbrain H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E16_Signal K27me3 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E13_Signal K27me3 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E12_Signal K27me3 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E11_Signal K27me3 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E10_Signal K27me3 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_P0_Signal K36me3 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of hindbrain H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E16_Signal K36me3 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E13_Signal K36me3 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E12_Signal K36me3 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E11_Signal K36me3 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E10_Signal K36me3 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_P0_Signal K9ac hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of hindbrain H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E16_Signal K9ac hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E13_Signal K9ac hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E12_Signal K9ac hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E11_Signal K9ac hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_P0_Signal K27ac hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of hindbrain H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E16_Signal K27ac hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E13_Signal K27ac hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E12_Signal K27ac hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E11_Signal K27ac hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E10_Signal K27ac hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_P0_Signal K4me1 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of hindbrain H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E16_Signal K4me1 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E13_Signal K4me1 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E12_Signal K4me1 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E11_Signal K4me1 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E10_Signal K4me1 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_P0_Signal K4me2 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of hindbrain H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E16_Signal K4me2 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E13_Signal K4me2 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E12_Signal K4me2 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E11_Signal K4me2 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_P0_Signal K4me3 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of hindbrain H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E16_Signal K4me3 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E13_Signal K4me3 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E12_Signal K4me3 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E11_Signal K4me3 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E10_Signal K4me3 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_P0_Signal K9me3 heart P0 ChIP-seq signal of heart H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E16_Signal K9me3 heart 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 heart 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 heart 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E13_Signal K9me3 heart 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E12_Signal K9me3 heart 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E11_Signal K9me3 heart 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E10_Signal K9me3 heart 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_P0_Signal K27me3 heart P0 ChIP-seq signal of heart H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E16_Signal K27me3 heart 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 heart 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 heart 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E13_Signal K27me3 heart 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E12_Signal K27me3 heart 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E11_Signal K27me3 heart 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E10_Signal K27me3 heart 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_P0_Signal K36me3 heart P0 ChIP-seq signal of heart H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E16_Signal K36me3 heart 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 heart 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 heart 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E13_Signal K36me3 heart 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E12_Signal K36me3 heart 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E11_Signal K36me3 heart 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E10_Signal K36me3 heart 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_P0_Signal K9ac heart P0 ChIP-seq signal of heart H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E16_Signal K9ac heart 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac heart 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac heart 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E13_Signal K9ac heart 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E12_Signal K9ac heart 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E11_Signal K9ac heart 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_P0_Signal K27ac heart P0 ChIP-seq signal of heart H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E16_Signal K27ac heart 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac heart 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac heart 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E13_Signal K27ac heart 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E12_Signal K27ac heart 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E11_Signal K27ac heart 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E10_Signal K27ac heart 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_P0_Signal K4me1 heart P0 ChIP-seq signal of heart H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E16_Signal K4me1 heart 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 heart 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 heart 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E13_Signal K4me1 heart 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E12_Signal K4me1 heart 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E11_Signal K4me1 heart 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E10_Signal K4me1 heart 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_P0_Signal K4me2 heart P0 ChIP-seq signal of heart H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E16_Signal K4me2 heart 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 heart 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 heart 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E13_Signal K4me2 heart 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E12_Signal K4me2 heart 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E11_Signal K4me2 heart 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_P0_Signal K4me3 heart P0 ChIP-seq signal of heart H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E16_Signal K4me3 heart 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 heart 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 heart 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E13_Signal K4me3 heart 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E12_Signal K4me3 heart 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E11_Signal K4me3 heart 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E10_Signal K4me3 heart 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_P0_Signal K9me3 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of forebrain H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E16_Signal K9me3 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E13_Signal K9me3 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E12_Signal K9me3 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E11_Signal K9me3 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E10_Signal K9me3 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_P0_Signal K27me3 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of forebrain H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E16_Signal K27me3 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E13_Signal K27me3 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E12_Signal K27me3 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E11_Signal K27me3 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E10_Signal K27me3 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_P0_Signal K36me3 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of forebrain H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E16_Signal K36me3 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E13_Signal K36me3 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E12_Signal K36me3 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E11_Signal K36me3 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E10_Signal K36me3 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_P0_Signal K9ac forebrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of forebrain H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E16_Signal K9ac forebrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac forebrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac forebrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E13_Signal K9ac forebrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E12_Signal K9ac forebrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E11_Signal K9ac forebrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_P0_Signal K27ac forebrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of forebrain H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E16_Signal K27ac forebrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac forebrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac forebrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E13_Signal K27ac forebrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E12_Signal K27ac forebrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E11_Signal K27ac forebrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E10_Signal K27ac forebrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_P0_Signal K4me1 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of forebrain H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E16_Signal K4me1 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E13_Signal K4me1 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E12_Signal K4me1 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E11_Signal K4me1 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E10_Signal K4me1 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_P0_Signal K4me2 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of forebrain H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E16_Signal K4me2 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E13_Signal K4me2 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E12_Signal K4me2 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E11_Signal K4me2 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_P0_Signal K4me3 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq signal of forebrain H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E16_Signal K4me3 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E13_Signal K4me3 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E12_Signal K4me3 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E11_Signal K4me3 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E10_Signal K4me3 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E15_Signal K9me3 facial 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E14_Signal K9me3 facial 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E13_Signal K9me3 facial 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E12_Signal K9me3 facial 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E11_Signal K9me3 facial 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E10_Signal K9me3 facial 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E15_Signal K27me3 facial 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E14_Signal K27me3 facial 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E13_Signal K27me3 facial 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E12_Signal K27me3 facial 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E11_Signal K27me3 facial 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E10_Signal K27me3 facial 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E15_Signal K36me3 facial 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E14_Signal K36me3 facial 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E13_Signal K36me3 facial 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E12_Signal K36me3 facial 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E11_Signal K36me3 facial 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E10_Signal K36me3 facial 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E15_Signal K9ac facial 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E14_Signal K9ac facial 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E13_Signal K9ac facial 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E12_Signal K9ac facial 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E11_Signal K9ac facial 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E15_Signal K27ac facial 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E14_Signal K27ac facial 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E13_Signal K27ac facial 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E12_Signal K27ac facial 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E11_Signal K27ac facial 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E10_Signal K27ac facial 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E15_Signal K4me1 facial 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E14_Signal K4me1 facial 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E13_Signal K4me1 facial 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E12_Signal K4me1 facial 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E11_Signal K4me1 facial 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E10_Signal K4me1 facial 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E15_Signal K4me2 facial 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E14_Signal K4me2 facial 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E13_Signal K4me2 facial 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E12_Signal K4me2 facial 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E11_Signal K4me2 facial 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E15_Signal K4me3 facial 15 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E14_Signal K4me3 facial 14 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E13_Signal K4me3 facial 13 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E12_Signal K4me3 facial 12 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E11_Signal K4me3 facial 11 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E10_Signal K4me3 facial 10 ChIP-seq signal of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenHistonePeaks Histone Modification Peaks Histone modifications in embryonic tissue (8 marks, 12 tissues, 8 ages) from ChIP-seq by ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9me3_P0 K9me3 stomach P0 ChIP-seq peaks of stomach H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9me3_E16 K9me3 stomach 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 stomach 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 stomach 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27me3_P0 K27me3 stomach P0 ChIP-seq peaks of stomach H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27me3_E16 K27me3 stomach 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 stomach 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 stomach 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K36me3_P0 K36me3 stomach P0 ChIP-seq peaks of stomach H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K36me3_E16 K36me3 stomach 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 stomach 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 stomach 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9ac_P0 K9ac stomach P0 ChIP-seq peaks of stomach H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9ac_E16 K9ac stomach 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac stomach 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac stomach 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27ac_P0 K27ac stomach P0 ChIP-seq peaks of stomach H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27ac_E16 K27ac stomach 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac stomach 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac stomach 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me1_P0 K4me1 stomach P0 ChIP-seq peaks of stomach H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me1_E16 K4me1 stomach 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 stomach 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 stomach 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me2_P0 K4me2 stomach P0 ChIP-seq peaks of stomach H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me2_E16 K4me2 stomach 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 stomach 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 stomach 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me3_P0 K4me3 stomach P0 ChIP-seq peaks of stomach H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me3_E16 K4me3 stomach 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 stomach 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_stomach_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 stomach 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic stomach H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 neural 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 neural 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E13 K9me3 neural 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E12 K9me3 neural 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9me3_E11 K9me3 neural 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 neural 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 neural 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E13 K27me3 neural 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E12 K27me3 neural 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27me3_E11 K27me3 neural 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 neural 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 neural 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E13 K36me3 neural 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E12 K36me3 neural 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K36me3_E11 K36me3 neural 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac neural 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac neural 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E13 K9ac neural 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E12 K9ac neural 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K9ac_E11 K9ac neural 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac neural 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac neural 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E13 K27ac neural 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E12 K27ac neural 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K27ac_E11 K27ac neural 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 neural 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 neural 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E13 K4me1 neural 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E12 K4me1 neural 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me1_E11 K4me1 neural 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 neural 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 neural 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E13 K4me2 neural 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E12 K4me2 neural 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me2_E11 K4me2 neural 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 neural 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 neural 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E13 K4me3 neural 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E12 K4me3 neural 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_neural_tube_H3K4me3_E11 K4me3 neural 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic neural_tube H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_P0 K9me3 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of midbrain H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E16 K9me3 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E13 K9me3 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E12 K9me3 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E11 K9me3 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9me3_E10 K9me3 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_P0 K27me3 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of midbrain H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E16 K27me3 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E13 K27me3 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E12 K27me3 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E11 K27me3 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27me3_E10 K27me3 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_P0 K36me3 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of midbrain H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E16 K36me3 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E13 K36me3 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E12 K36me3 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E11 K36me3 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K36me3_E10 K36me3 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_P0 K9ac midbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of midbrain H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E16 K9ac midbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac midbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac midbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E13 K9ac midbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E12 K9ac midbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K9ac_E11 K9ac midbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_P0 K27ac midbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of midbrain H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E16 K27ac midbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac midbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac midbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E13 K27ac midbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E12 K27ac midbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E11 K27ac midbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K27ac_E10 K27ac midbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_P0 K4me1 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of midbrain H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E16 K4me1 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E13 K4me1 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E12 K4me1 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E11 K4me1 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me1_E10 K4me1 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_P0 K4me2 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of midbrain H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E16 K4me2 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E13 K4me2 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E12 K4me2 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me2_E11 K4me2 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_P0 K4me3 midbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of midbrain H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E16 K4me3 midbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 midbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 midbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E13 K4me3 midbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E12 K4me3 midbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E11 K4me3 midbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_midbrain_H3K4me3_E10 K4me3 midbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic midbrain H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9me3_P0 K9me3 lung P0 ChIP-seq peaks of lung H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9me3_E16 K9me3 lung 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 lung 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 lung 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27me3_P0 K27me3 lung P0 ChIP-seq peaks of lung H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27me3_E16 K27me3 lung 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 lung 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 lung 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K36me3_P0 K36me3 lung P0 ChIP-seq peaks of lung H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K36me3_E16 K36me3 lung 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 lung 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 lung 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9ac_P0 K9ac lung P0 ChIP-seq peaks of lung H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9ac_E16 K9ac lung 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac lung 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac lung 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27ac_P0 K27ac lung P0 ChIP-seq peaks of lung H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27ac_E16 K27ac lung 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac lung 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac lung 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me1_P0 K4me1 lung P0 ChIP-seq peaks of lung H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me1_E16 K4me1 lung 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 lung 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 lung 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me2_P0 K4me2 lung P0 ChIP-seq peaks of lung H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me2_E16 K4me2 lung 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 lung 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 lung 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me3_P0 K4me3 lung P0 ChIP-seq peaks of lung H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me3_E16 K4me3 lung 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 lung 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_lung_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 lung 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic lung H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_P0 K9me3 liver P0 ChIP-seq peaks of liver H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E16 K9me3 liver 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 liver 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 liver 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E13 K9me3 liver 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E12 K9me3 liver 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9me3_E11 K9me3 liver 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_P0 K27me3 liver P0 ChIP-seq peaks of liver H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E16 K27me3 liver 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 liver 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 liver 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E13 K27me3 liver 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E12 K27me3 liver 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27me3_E11 K27me3 liver 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_P0 K36me3 liver P0 ChIP-seq peaks of liver H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E16 K36me3 liver 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 liver 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 liver 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E13 K36me3 liver 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E12 K36me3 liver 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K36me3_E11 K36me3 liver 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_P0 K9ac liver P0 ChIP-seq peaks of liver H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E16 K9ac liver 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac liver 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac liver 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E13 K9ac liver 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E12 K9ac liver 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K9ac_E11 K9ac liver 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_P0 K27ac liver P0 ChIP-seq peaks of liver H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E16 K27ac liver 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac liver 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac liver 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E13 K27ac liver 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E12 K27ac liver 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K27ac_E11 K27ac liver 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_P0 K4me1 liver P0 ChIP-seq peaks of liver H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E16 K4me1 liver 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 liver 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 liver 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E13 K4me1 liver 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E12 K4me1 liver 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me1_E11 K4me1 liver 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_P0 K4me2 liver P0 ChIP-seq peaks of liver H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E16 K4me2 liver 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 liver 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 liver 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E13 K4me2 liver 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E12 K4me2 liver 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me2_E11 K4me2 liver 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_P0 K4me3 liver P0 ChIP-seq peaks of liver H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E16 K4me3 liver 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 liver 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 liver 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E13 K4me3 liver 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E12 K4me3 liver 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_liver_H3K4me3_E11 K4me3 liver 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic liver H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 limb 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 limb 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E13 K9me3 limb 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E12 K9me3 limb 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9me3_E11 K9me3 limb 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 limb 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 limb 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E13 K27me3 limb 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E12 K27me3 limb 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E11 K27me3 limb 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27me3_E10 K27me3 limb 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 limb 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 limb 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E13 K36me3 limb 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E12 K36me3 limb 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E11 K36me3 limb 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K36me3_E10 K36me3 limb 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac limb 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac limb 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E13 K9ac limb 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E12 K9ac limb 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K9ac_E11 K9ac limb 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac limb 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac limb 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E13 K27ac limb 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E12 K27ac limb 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E11 K27ac limb 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K27ac_E10 K27ac limb 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 limb 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 limb 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E13 K4me1 limb 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E12 K4me1 limb 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E11 K4me1 limb 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me1_E10 K4me1 limb 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 limb 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 limb 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E13 K4me2 limb 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E12 K4me2 limb 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me2_E11 K4me2 limb 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 limb 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 limb 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E13 K4me3 limb 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E12 K4me3 limb 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E11 K4me3 limb 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_limb_H3K4me3_E10 K4me3 limb 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic limb H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9me3_P0 K9me3 kidney P0 ChIP-seq peaks of kidney H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9me3_E16 K9me3 kidney 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 kidney 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 kidney 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27me3_P0 K27me3 kidney P0 ChIP-seq peaks of kidney H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27me3_E16 K27me3 kidney 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 kidney 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 kidney 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K36me3_P0 K36me3 kidney P0 ChIP-seq peaks of kidney H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K36me3_E16 K36me3 kidney 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 kidney 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 kidney 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9ac_P0 K9ac kidney P0 ChIP-seq peaks of kidney H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9ac_E16 K9ac kidney 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac kidney 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac kidney 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27ac_P0 K27ac kidney P0 ChIP-seq peaks of kidney H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27ac_E16 K27ac kidney 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac kidney 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac kidney 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me1_P0 K4me1 kidney P0 ChIP-seq peaks of kidney H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me1_E16 K4me1 kidney 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 kidney 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 kidney 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me2_P0 K4me2 kidney P0 ChIP-seq peaks of kidney H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me2_E16 K4me2 kidney 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 kidney 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 kidney 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me3_P0 K4me3 kidney P0 ChIP-seq peaks of kidney H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me3_E16 K4me3 kidney 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 kidney 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_kidney_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 kidney 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic kidney H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9me3_P0 K9me3 intestn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of intestine H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9me3_E16 K9me3 intestn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 intestn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 intestn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27me3_P0 K27me3 intestn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of intestine H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27me3_E16 K27me3 intestn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 intestn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 intestn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K36me3_P0 K36me3 intestn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of intestine H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K36me3_E16 K36me3 intestn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 intestn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 intestn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9ac_P0 K9ac intestn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of intestine H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9ac_E16 K9ac intestn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac intestn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac intestn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27ac_P0 K27ac intestn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of intestine H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27ac_E16 K27ac intestn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac intestn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac intestn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me1_P0 K4me1 intestn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of intestine H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me1_E16 K4me1 intestn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 intestn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 intestn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me2_P0 K4me2 intestn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of intestine H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me2_E16 K4me2 intestn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 intestn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 intestn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me3_P0 K4me3 intestn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of intestine H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me3_E16 K4me3 intestn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 intestn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_intestine_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 intestn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic intestine H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_P0 K9me3 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of hindbrain H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E16 K9me3 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E13 K9me3 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E12 K9me3 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E11 K9me3 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9me3_E10 K9me3 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_P0 K27me3 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of hindbrain H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E16 K27me3 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E13 K27me3 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E12 K27me3 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E11 K27me3 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27me3_E10 K27me3 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_P0 K36me3 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of hindbrain H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E16 K36me3 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E13 K36me3 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E12 K36me3 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E11 K36me3 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K36me3_E10 K36me3 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_P0 K9ac hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of hindbrain H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E16 K9ac hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E13 K9ac hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E12 K9ac hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K9ac_E11 K9ac hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_P0 K27ac hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of hindbrain H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E16 K27ac hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E13 K27ac hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E12 K27ac hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E11 K27ac hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K27ac_E10 K27ac hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_P0 K4me1 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of hindbrain H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E16 K4me1 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E13 K4me1 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E12 K4me1 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E11 K4me1 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me1_E10 K4me1 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_P0 K4me2 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of hindbrain H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E16 K4me2 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E13 K4me2 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E12 K4me2 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me2_E11 K4me2 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_P0 K4me3 hindbrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of hindbrain H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E16 K4me3 hindbrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 hindbrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 hindbrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E13 K4me3 hindbrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E12 K4me3 hindbrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E11 K4me3 hindbrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_hindbrain_H3K4me3_E10 K4me3 hindbrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic hindbrain H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_P0 K9me3 heart P0 ChIP-seq peaks of heart H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E16 K9me3 heart 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 heart 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 heart 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E13 K9me3 heart 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E12 K9me3 heart 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E11 K9me3 heart 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9me3_E10 K9me3 heart 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_P0 K27me3 heart P0 ChIP-seq peaks of heart H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E16 K27me3 heart 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 heart 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 heart 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E13 K27me3 heart 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E12 K27me3 heart 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E11 K27me3 heart 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27me3_E10 K27me3 heart 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_P0 K36me3 heart P0 ChIP-seq peaks of heart H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E16 K36me3 heart 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 heart 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 heart 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E13 K36me3 heart 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E12 K36me3 heart 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E11 K36me3 heart 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K36me3_E10 K36me3 heart 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_P0 K9ac heart P0 ChIP-seq peaks of heart H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E16 K9ac heart 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac heart 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac heart 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E13 K9ac heart 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E12 K9ac heart 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K9ac_E11 K9ac heart 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_P0 K27ac heart P0 ChIP-seq peaks of heart H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E16 K27ac heart 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac heart 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac heart 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E13 K27ac heart 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E12 K27ac heart 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E11 K27ac heart 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K27ac_E10 K27ac heart 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_P0 K4me1 heart P0 ChIP-seq peaks of heart H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E16 K4me1 heart 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 heart 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 heart 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E13 K4me1 heart 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E12 K4me1 heart 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E11 K4me1 heart 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me1_E10 K4me1 heart 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_P0 K4me2 heart P0 ChIP-seq peaks of heart H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E16 K4me2 heart 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 heart 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 heart 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E13 K4me2 heart 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E12 K4me2 heart 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me2_E11 K4me2 heart 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_P0 K4me3 heart P0 ChIP-seq peaks of heart H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E16 K4me3 heart 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 heart 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 heart 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E13 K4me3 heart 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E12 K4me3 heart 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E11 K4me3 heart 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_heart_H3K4me3_E10 K4me3 heart 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic heart H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_P0 K9me3 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of forebrain H3K9me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E16 K9me3 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E13 K9me3 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E12 K9me3 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E11 K9me3 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9me3_E10 K9me3 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_P0 K27me3 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of forebrain H3K27me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E16 K27me3 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E13 K27me3 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E12 K27me3 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E11 K27me3 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27me3_E10 K27me3 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_P0 K36me3 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of forebrain H3K36me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E16 K36me3 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E13 K36me3 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E12 K36me3 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E11 K36me3 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K36me3_E10 K36me3 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_P0 K9ac forebrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of forebrain H3K9ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E16 K9ac forebrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac forebrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac forebrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E13 K9ac forebrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E12 K9ac forebrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K9ac_E11 K9ac forebrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_P0 K27ac forebrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of forebrain H3K27ac on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E16 K27ac forebrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac forebrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac forebrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E13 K27ac forebrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E12 K27ac forebrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E11 K27ac forebrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K27ac_E10 K27ac forebrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_P0 K4me1 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of forebrain H3K4me1 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E16 K4me1 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E13 K4me1 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E12 K4me1 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E11 K4me1 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me1_E10 K4me1 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_P0 K4me2 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of forebrain H3K4me2 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E16 K4me2 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E13 K4me2 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E12 K4me2 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me2_E11 K4me2 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_P0 K4me3 forebrn P0 ChIP-seq peaks of forebrain H3K4me3 on day P0 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E16 K4me3 forebrn 16 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E16.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 forebrn 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 forebrn 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E13 K4me3 forebrn 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E12 K4me3 forebrn 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E11 K4me3 forebrn 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_forebrain_H3K4me3_E10 K4me3 forebrn 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic forebrain H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E15 K9me3 facial 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E14 K9me3 facial 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E13 K9me3 facial 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E12 K9me3 facial 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E11 K9me3 facial 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9me3_E10 K9me3 facial 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E15 K27me3 facial 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E14 K27me3 facial 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E13 K27me3 facial 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E12 K27me3 facial 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E11 K27me3 facial 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27me3_E10 K27me3 facial 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E15 K36me3 facial 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E14 K36me3 facial 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E13 K36me3 facial 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E12 K36me3 facial 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E11 K36me3 facial 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K36me3_E10 K36me3 facial 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K36me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E15 K9ac facial 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E14 K9ac facial 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E13 K9ac facial 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E12 K9ac facial 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K9ac_E11 K9ac facial 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K9ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E15 K27ac facial 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E14 K27ac facial 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E13 K27ac facial 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E12 K27ac facial 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E11 K27ac facial 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K27ac_E10 K27ac facial 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K27ac on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E15 K4me1 facial 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E14 K4me1 facial 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E13 K4me1 facial 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E12 K4me1 facial 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E11 K4me1 facial 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me1_E10 K4me1 facial 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me1 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E15 K4me2 facial 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E14 K4me2 facial 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E13 K4me2 facial 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E12 K4me2 facial 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me2_E11 K4me2 facial 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me2 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E15 K4me3 facial 15 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E15.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E14 K4me3 facial 14 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E14.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E13 K4me3 facial 13 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E13.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E12 K4me3 facial 12 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E12.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E11 K4me3 facial 11 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E11.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3Ren_facial_prominence_H3K4me3_E10 K4me3 facial 10 ChIP-seq peaks of embryonic facial_prominence H3K4me3 on day E10.5 from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation ucscToINSDC INSDC Accession at INSDC - International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration Mapping and Sequencing Description This track associates UCSC Genome Browser chromosome names to accession names from the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC). The data were downloaded from the NCBI assembly database. Credits The data for this track was prepared by Hiram Clawson. jaspar JASPAR Transcription Factors JASPAR Transcription Factor Binding Site Database Expression and Regulation Description This track represents genome-wide predicted binding sites for TF (transcription factor) binding profiles in the JASPAR CORE collection. This open-source database contains a curated, non-redundant set of binding profiles derived from published collections of experimentally defined transcription factor binding sites for eukaryotes. Display Conventions and Configuration Shaded boxes represent predicted binding sites for each of the TF profiles in the JASPAR CORE collection. The shading of the boxes indicates the p-value of the profile's match to that position (scaled between 0-1000 scores, where 0 corresponds to a p-value of 1 and 1000 to a p-value ≤ 10-10). Thus, the darker the shade, the lower (better) the p-value. The default view shows only predicted binding sites with scores of 400 or greater but can be adjusted in the track settings. Multi-select filters allow viewing of particular transcription factors. At window sizes of greater than 10,000 base pairs, this track turns to density graph mode. Zoom to a smaller region and click into an item to see more detail. From BED format documentation: shade                   score in range ≤ 166 167-277 278-388 389-499 500-611 612-722 723-833 834-944 ≥ 945 Conversion table: Item score 0 100 131 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 p-value 1 0.1 0.049 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9 ≤ 10-10 Methods The JASPAR 2024 update expanded the JASPAR CORE collection by 20% (329 added and 72 upgraded profiles). The new profiles were introduced after manual curation, in which 26 629 TF binding motifs were curated and obtained as PFMs or discovered from ChIP-seq/-exo or DAP-seq data. 2500 profiles from JASPAR 2022 were revised to either promote them to the CORE collection, update the associated metadata, or remove them because of validation inconsistencies or poor quality. The JASPAR database stores and focuses mostly on PFMs as the model of choice for TF-DNA interactions. More information on the methods can be found in the JASPAR 2024 publication or on the JASPAR website. JASPAR 2022 contains updated transcription factor binding sites with additional transcription factor profiles. More information on the methods can be found in the JASPAR 2022 publication JASPAR 2022 publication or on the JASPAR website. JASPAR 2020 scanned DNA sequences with JASPAR CORE TF-binding profiles for each taxa independently using PWMScan. TFBS predictions were selected with a PWM relative score ≥ 0.8 and a p-value < 0.05. P-values were scaled between 0 (corresponding to a p-value of 1) and 1000 (p-value ≤ 10-10) for coloring of the genome tracks and to allow for comparison of prediction confidence between different profiles. JASPAR 2018 used the TFBS Perl module (Lenhard and Wasserman 2002) and FIMO (Grant, Bailey, and Noble 2011), as distributed within the MEME suite (version 4.11.2) (Bailey et al. 2009). For scanning genomes with the BioPerl TFBS module, profiles were converted to PWMs and matches were kept with a relative score ≥ 0.8. For the FIMO scan, profiles were reformatted to MEME motifs and matches with a p-value < 0.05 were kept. TFBS predictions that were not consistent between the two methods (TFBS Perl module and FIMO) were removed. The remaining TFBS predictions were colored according to their FIMO p-value to allow for comparison of prediction confidence between different profiles. Please refer to the JASPAR 2024, 2022, 2020, and 2018 publications for more details (citation below). Data Access JASPAR Transcription Factor Binding data includes billions of items. Limited regions can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with Data Integrator, although positional queries that are too big can lead to timing out. This results in a black page or truncated output. In this case, you may try reducing the chromosomal query to a smaller window. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. JASPAR annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. The utilities for working with bigBed-formatted binary files can be downloaded here. Run a utility with no arguments to see a brief description of the utility and its options. bigBedInfo provides summary statistics about a bigBed file including the number of items in the file. With the -as option, the output includes an autoSql definition of data columns, useful for interpreting the column values. bigBedToBed converts the binary bigBed data to tab-separated text. Output can be restricted to a particular region by using the -chrom, -start and -end options. Example: retrieve all JASPAR items in chr1:200001-200400 bigBedToBed -chrom=chr1 -start=200000 -end=200400 stdout All data are freely available. Additional resources are available directly from the JASPAR group: Binding site predictions for all and individual TF profiles are available for download at Code and data used to create the UCSC tracks are available at The underlying JASPAR motif data is available through the JASPAR website at Other Genomes The JASPAR group provides TFBS predictions for many additional species and genomes, accessible by connection to their Public Hub or by clicking the assembly links below: Species Genome assembly versions Human - Homo sapiens hg19, hg38 Mouse - Mus musculus mm10, mm39 Zebrafish - Danio rerio danRer11 Fruitfly - Drosophila melanogaster dm6 Nematode - Caenorhabditis elegans ce10, ce11 Vase tunicate - Ciona intestinalis ci3 Thale cress - Arabidopsis thaliana araTha1 Yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae sacCer3 Credits The JASPAR database is a joint effort between several labs (please see the latest JASPAR paper, below). Binding site predictions and UCSC tracks were computed by the Wasserman Lab. For enquiries about the data please contact Oriol Fornes ( oriol@cmmt. ). Wasserman Lab Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics BC Children's Hospital Research Institute Department of Medical Genetics University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada References Castro-Mondragon JA, Riudavets-Puig R, Rauluseviciute I, Berhanu Lemma R, Turchi L, Blanc-Mathieu R, Lucas J, Boddie P, Khan A, Manosalva Pérez N et al. JASPAR 2022: the 9th release of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 Nov 30;. PMID: 34850907 Fornes O, Castro-Mondragon JA, Khan A, van der Lee R, Zhang X, Richmond PA, Modi BP, Correard S, Gheorghe M, Baranašić D et al. JASPAR 2020: update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Jan 8;48(D1):D87-D92. PMID: 31701148; PMC: PMC7145627 Khan A, Fornes O, Stigliani A, Gheorghe M, Castro-Mondragon JA, van der Lee R, Bessy A, Chèneby J, Kulkarni SR, Tan G et al. JASPAR 2018: update of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles and its web framework. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Jan 4;46(D1):D260-D266. PMID: 29140473; PMC: PMC5753243 Rauluseviciute I, Riudavets-Puig R, Blanc-Mathieu R, Castro-Mondragon JA, Ferenc K, Kumar V, Lemma RB, Lucas J, Chèneby J, Baranasic D et al. JASPAR 2024: 20th anniversary of the open-access database of transcription factor binding profiles. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 Nov 14;. PMID: 37962376 jaspar2020 JASPAR 2020 TFBS JASPAR CORE 2020 - Predicted Transcription Factor Binding Sites Expression and Regulation jaspar2022 JASPAR 2022 TFBS JASPAR CORE 2022 - Predicted Transcription Factor Binding Sites Expression and Regulation jaspar2024 JASPAR 2024 TFBS JASPAR CORE 2024 - Predicted Transcription Factor Binding Sites Expression and Regulation patSeq Lens Patents Lens PatSeq Patent Document Sequences Literature Description This track shows genome matches to biomedical sequences submitted with patent application documents to patent offices around the world. The sequences, their mappings, and selected patent information were graciously provided by PatSeq, a search tool part of The Lens, Cambia. This track contains more data than the NCBI Genbank Division "Patents", as the sequences were extracted from patents directly. Display Convention and Configuration The data is split into two subtracks: one for sequences that are only part of patents that have submitted more than 100 sequences ("bulk patents") and a second track for all other sequences ("non-bulk patents"). A sequence can be part of many patent documents, with some being found in several thousand patents. This track shows only a single alignment for every sequence, colored based on its occurrence in the different patent documents and using a color schema similar to The Lens. Based on the first sequence match, the four different item colors follow this priority ranking in descending order: the sequence is referenced in the claims of a granted patent the sequence is disclosed in a granted patent the sequence is referenced in the claims of a patent application the sequence is disclosed in a patent application Sequences referenced in the claims section of a patent document define the scope of the invention and are important during litigation. Therefore, they are given priority in the color scheme. Patent grant documents form the basis of patent protection and are prioritized over applications. Hover over a feature with the mouse to see the total number of documents where the sequence has been referenced, how many of these documents are granted patents and how often the sequence has been referenced in the claims. A randomly selected document title is also shown in the mouseover. Clicking on a feature will bring up the details page, which contains information about the sequence and alignment of that feature. The link at the top of the page opens the PatSeq Analyzer with the chromosomal region covered by the feature that was clicked. The PatSeq Analyzer is a specialized genome browser that allows for the viewing and filtering of patent sequence matches in detail. The next section of the details page is a list of up to ten patent documents that include this sequence, with the number of occurrences within each document in parentheses. This is followed by up to thirty links to patent documents. The patent documents listed in these sections are displayed in order of the number of sequence occurrences in the document. Shown below these are the links to the sequence in The Lens, in the format "patentDocumentIdentifier-SEQIDNO (docSequenceCount)". The "SEQ ID NO" is an integer number, the unique identifier of a patent sequence in a patent document. When a protein sequence has been annotated on a nucleotide sequence, the "SEQ ID NO" contains the reading frame separated by a ".", e.g. "1.1" would indicate the first frame of SEQIDNO 1. The total number of sequences submitted with the patent document ("docSequenceCount") is shown in parentheses after the SEQIDNO. The links to the sequence are separated into the categories "granted and in claims", "granted", "in claims" and "applications" (=all others). Sequence identifiers link to the respective pages on PatSeq. A maximum of thirty documents are linked from this page per category listed in order of the number of sequence occurrences; please use PatSeq Analyzer to view all matching documents. The score of the features in this track is the number of documents where the sequence appears in the claims. For example, by setting the score filter to 1, only sequences are shown that have been referenced at least once in the claims. Methods More than 96 million patent document files were collected by The Lens. The ST.25-formatted sequences were extracted and mapped to genomes with the aligners BLAT and BWA. The minimal identity of the query over the alignment is 95%. Note that for hg19, no patents are shown on chrM, as the mitochondrial chromosome used for the mapping was the one from the Ensembl genome FASTA files. Credits Thanks to the team behind The Lens, in particular, Osmat Jefferson and Deniz Koellhofer, for making these data available. Feedback Send suggestions on the way data in this track is visualized to our support address Questions on the data itself are best directed to Data access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser. For automated download and analysis, the genome annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from our download server. The files for this track are called and Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The command to obtain the data as a tab-separated table looks like this: bigBedToBed -chrom=chr5 -start=1000000 -end=2000000 output.tsv A full log of the commands that were used to build this annotation is available from our database build description. In this text file, search for "patNonBulk" to find the right section. References Editorial: The patent bargain Nature. 2013 Dec 12;504(7479):187-188. Patently transparent. Nat Biotechnol. 2006 May;24(5):474. PMID: 16680110 Jefferson OA, Köllhofer D, Ehrich TH, Jefferson RA. Transparency tools in gene patenting for informing policy and practice. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Dec;31(12):1086-93. PMID: 24316644 patBulk Bulk patents Patent Lens Bulk patents Literature patNonBulk Non-bulk patents Patent Lens Non-bulk patents Literature mgcFullMrna MGC Genes Mammalian Gene Collection Full ORF mRNAs Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track show alignments of mouse mRNAs from the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) having full-length open reading frames (ORFs) to the genome. The goal of the Mammalian Gene Collection is to provide researchers with unrestricted access to sequence-validated full-length protein-coding cDNA clones for human, mouse, rat, xenopus, and zerbrafish genes. Display Conventions and Configuration The track follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. An optional codon coloring feature is available for quick validation and comparison of gene predictions. To display codon colors, select the genomic codons option from the Color track by codons pull-down menu. For more information about this feature, go to the Coloring Gene Predictions and Annotations by Codon page. Methods GenBank mouse MGC mRNAs identified as having full-length ORFs were aligned against the genome using blat. When a single mRNA aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was found. Only alignments having a base identity level within 1% of the best and at least 95% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept. Credits The mouse MGC full-length mRNA track was produced at UCSC from mRNA sequence data submitted to GenBank by the Mammalian Gene Collection project. References Mammalian Gene Collection project references. Kent WJ. BLAT--the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518 mgcOrfeomeMrna MGC/ORFeome Genes MGC/ORFeome Full ORF mRNA Clones Genes and Gene Predictions Description These tracks show alignments of mouse mRNAs from the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) and ORFeome Collaboration having full-length open reading frames (ORFs) to the genome. The goal of the Mammalian Gene Collection is to provide researchers with unrestricted access to sequence-validated full-length protein-coding cDNA clones for human, mouse, and rat genes. The ORFeome project extended MGC to provide additional human, mouse, and zebrafish clones. Display Conventions and Configuration The track follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. An optional codon coloring feature is available for quick validation and comparison of gene predictions. To display codon colors, select the genomic codons option from the Color track by codons pull-down menu. For more information about this feature, go to the Coloring Gene Predictions and Annotations by Codon page. Methods GenBank mouse MGC mRNAs identified as having full-length ORFs were aligned against the genome using blat. When a single mRNA aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was found. Only alignments having a base identity level within 1% of the best and at least 95% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept. Credits The mouse MGC full-length mRNA track was produced at UCSC from mRNA sequence data submitted to GenBank by the Mammalian Gene Collection project. Visit the ORFeome Collaboration members page for a list of credits and references. References Mammalian Gene Collection project references. Kent WJ. BLAT--the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518 jaxQtl MGI QTL Mouse Genome Informatics Quantitative Trait Loci ***Lifted from NCBI 37 (mm9)*** Mapping and Sequencing Description This track shows approximate positions of quantitative trait loci based on reported peak LOD scores from Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) at the Jackson Laboratory. Credits Thanks to MGI at the Jackson Laboratory, and Bob Sinclair in particular, for providing these data. est Mouse ESTs Mouse ESTs Including Unspliced mRNA and EST Description This track shows alignments between mouse expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in GenBank and the genome. ESTs are single-read sequences, typically about 500 bases in length, that usually represent fragments of transcribed genes. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. In dense display mode, the items that are more darkly shaded indicate matches of better quality. The strand information (+/-) indicates the direction of the match between the EST and the matching genomic sequence. It bears no relationship to the direction of transcription of the RNA with which it might be associated. The description page for this track has a filter that can be used to change the display mode, alter the color, and include/exclude a subset of items within the track. This may be helpful when many items are shown in the track display, especially when only some are relevant to the current task. To use the filter: Type a term in one or more of the text boxes to filter the EST display. For example, to apply the filter to all ESTs expressed in a specific organ, type the name of the organ in the tissue box. To view the list of valid terms for each text box, consult the table in the Table Browser that corresponds to the factor on which you wish to filter. For example, the "tissue" table contains all the types of tissues that can be entered into the tissue text box. Multiple terms may be entered at once, separated by a space. Wildcards may also be used in the filter. If filtering on more than one value, choose the desired combination logic. If "and" is selected, only ESTs that match all filter criteria will be highlighted. If "or" is selected, ESTs that match any one of the filter criteria will be highlighted. Choose the color or display characteristic that should be used to highlight or include/exclude the filtered items. If "exclude" is chosen, the browser will not display ESTs that match the filter criteria. If "include" is selected, the browser will display only those ESTs that match the filter criteria. This track may also be configured to display base labeling, a feature that allows the user to display all bases in the aligning sequence or only those that differ from the genomic sequence. For more information about this option, go to the Base Coloring for Alignment Tracks page. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, go to the Alignment Insertion/Deletion Display Options page. Methods To make an EST, RNA is isolated from cells and reverse transcribed into cDNA. Typically, the cDNA is cloned into a plasmid vector and a read is taken from the 5' and/or 3' primer. For most — but not all — ESTs, the reverse transcription is primed by an oligo-dT, which hybridizes with the poly-A tail of mature mRNA. The reverse transcriptase may or may not make it to the 5' end of the mRNA, which may or may not be degraded. In general, the 3' ESTs mark the end of transcription reasonably well, but the 5' ESTs may end at any point within the transcript. Some of the newer cap-selected libraries cover transcription start reasonably well. Before the cap-selection techniques emerged, some projects used random rather than poly-A priming in an attempt to retrieve sequence distant from the 3' end. These projects were successful at this, but as a side effect also deposited sequences from unprocessed mRNA and perhaps even genomic sequences into the EST databases. Even outside of the random-primed projects, there is a degree of non-mRNA contamination. Because of this, a single unspliced EST should be viewed with considerable skepticism. To generate this track, mouse ESTs from GenBank were aligned against the genome using blat. Note that the maximum intron length allowed by blat is 750,000 bases, which may eliminate some ESTs with very long introns that might otherwise align. When a single EST aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was identified. Only alignments having a base identity level within 0.5% of the best and at least 96% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept. Credits This track was produced at UCSC from EST sequence data submitted to the international public sequence databases by scientists worldwide. References Benson DA, Cavanaugh M, Clark K, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Lipman DJ, Ostell J, Sayers EW. GenBank. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D36-42. PMID: 23193287; PMC: PMC3531190 Benson DA, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Lipman DJ, Ostell J, Wheeler DL. GenBank: update. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 1;32(Database issue):D23-6. PMID: 14681350; PMC: PMC308779 Kent WJ. BLAT - the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518 mrna Mouse mRNAs Mouse mRNAs from GenBank mRNA and EST Description The mRNA track shows alignments between mouse mRNAs in GenBank and the genome. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. In dense display mode, the items that are more darkly shaded indicate matches of better quality. The description page for this track has a filter that can be used to change the display mode, alter the color, and include/exclude a subset of items within the track. This may be helpful when many items are shown in the track display, especially when only some are relevant to the current task. To use the filter: Type a term in one or more of the text boxes to filter the mRNA display. For example, to apply the filter to all mRNAs expressed in a specific organ, type the name of the organ in the tissue box. To view the list of valid terms for each text box, consult the table in the Table Browser that corresponds to the factor on which you wish to filter. For example, the "tissue" table contains all the types of tissues that can be entered into the tissue text box. Multiple terms may be entered at once, separated by a space. Wildcards may also be used in the filter. If filtering on more than one value, choose the desired combination logic. If "and" is selected, only mRNAs that match all filter criteria will be highlighted. If "or" is selected, mRNAs that match any one of the filter criteria will be highlighted. Choose the color or display characteristic that should be used to highlight or include/exclude the filtered items. If "exclude" is chosen, the browser will not display mRNAs that match the filter criteria. If "include" is selected, the browser will display only those mRNAs that match the filter criteria. This track may also be configured to display codon coloring, a feature that allows the user to quickly compare mRNAs against the genomic sequence. For more information about this option, go to the Codon and Base Coloring for Alignment Tracks page. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, go to the Alignment Insertion/Deletion Display Options page. Methods GenBank mouse mRNAs were aligned against the genome using the blat program. When a single mRNA aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was found. Only alignments having a base identity level within 0.5% of the best and at least 96% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept. Credits The mRNA track was produced at UCSC from mRNA sequence data submitted to the international public sequence databases by scientists worldwide. References Benson DA, Cavanaugh M, Clark K, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Lipman DJ, Ostell J, Sayers EW. GenBank. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D36-42. PMID: 23193287; PMC: PMC3531190 Benson DA, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Lipman DJ, Ostell J, Wheeler DL. GenBank: update. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 1;32(Database issue):D23-6. PMID: 14681350; PMC: PMC308779 Kent WJ. BLAT - the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518 knownGeneOld11 Old UCSC Genes Previous Version of UCSC Genes Genes and Gene Predictions Description The Old UCSC Genes track shows genes from the previous version of the UCSC Genes build. Read the current version's description page for more information on how that track was built. encode3RenAtac Open Chromatin Open chromatin in embryonic tissue (12 tissues, 8 ages) from ATAC-seq by ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation Description The ENCODE project has established an epigenomic resource for mammalian development, profiling a diverse panel of mouse tissues at eight developmental stages from 10.5 days post conception until birth. This track set presents the results of a comprehensive study of chromatin accessibility across these developmental stages, based on 122 ATAC-seq assays in 12 tissues performed by the laboratory of Bing Ren as part of the ENCODE Consortium, phase 3. ATAC-seq profiles "open" or "accessible" chromatin that is relatively devoid of packaging nucleosome particles. This chromatin accesibility is characteristic of active and poised cis regulatory elements, and makes the underlying DNA more amenable to the binding of transcription factors, which can function in turn to recruit co-factors and influence transcriptional activity. Display Conventions and Configuration This track is a multi-view composite track that contains two data types (views). For each view, there are multiple subtracks that display individually on the browser. Instructions for configuring multi-view tracks are here. The views in this track are: Peaks Regions of statistically significant signal enrichment Signal Density graph of signal enrichment. Peaks displayed in this track set are called on data merged between two biological replicates. Signals displayed in this track correspond to the "fold change over background" files from merged replicates. Data for individual replicates are available through the ENCODE portal and the Ren Lab Website. Methods ATAC-seq data generation ATAC-seq was performed as described in Buenrostro et al. 2013 (see References below), with modifications to optimize for frozen tissue. The complete ATAC-seq protocol is available via the ENCODE data portal here. ATAC-seq data processing ATAC-seq reads were trimmed with a custom adapter script and mapped to mm10 using bowtie version 2.2.6 and samtools version 1.2 to eliminate PCR duplicates. MACS2 version was used for generating signal tracks and peak calling with the following parameters: -nomodel -shift 37 -ext 73 -pval 1e-2 -B -SPMR -call-summits To produce a set of "replicated" ATAC-seq peaks for analysis, the peak calling steps above were performed for each pair of replicates independently as well as a pooled set of data from both replicates. The intersectBed tool from the bedtools v2.27.1 suite was used to identify a set of replicated peaks, defined as the subset of peaks from the pooled set that are present independently in both replicate peak call sets. Data Access Experiments included in this track set are available from the ENCODE portal here. Credits Thanks to David Gorkin, Yuan Zhao and Yanxiao Zhang at the Ren lab (UCSD/Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research) for providing this data and assisting with track development at UCSC. References Buenrostro JD, Giresi PG, Zaba LC, Chang HY, Greenleaf WJ. Transposition of native chromatin for fast and sensitive epigenomic profiling of open chromatin, DNA-binding proteins and nucleosome position. Nat Methods. 2013 Dec;10(12):1213-8. PMID: 24097267; PMC: PMC3959825 Gorkin et al. An atlas of dynamic chromatin landscapes in the developing mouse fetus. Nature, In Press. (pre-print: doi: Sloan CA, Chan ET, Davidson JM, Malladi VS, Strattan JS, Hitz BC, Gabdank I, Narayanan AK, Ho M, Lee BT et al. ENCODE data at the ENCODE portal. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D726-32. PMID: 26527727; PMC: PMC4702836 encode3RenAtacSignal ATAC-seq Signal Open chromatin in embryonic tissue (12 tissues, 8 ages) from ATAC-seq by ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalStomachP0 ATAC stomach P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from day P0 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalStomachE16 ATAC stomach E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E16.5 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalStomachE15 ATAC stomach E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalStomachE14 ATAC stomach E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalNeuralE15 ATAC neural E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalNeuralE14 ATAC neural E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalNeuralE13 ATAC neural E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E13.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalNeuralE12 ATAC neural E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E12.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalNeuralE11 ATAC neural E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E11.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalMidbrainP0 ATAC midbrain P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from day P0 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalMidbrainE16 ATAC midbrain E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E16.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalMidbrainE15 ATAC midbrain E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalMidbrainE14 ATAC midbrain E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalMidbrainE13 ATAC midbrain E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E13.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalMidbrainE12 ATAC midbrain E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E12.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalMidbrainE11 ATAC midbrain E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E11.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLungP0 ATAC lung P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from day P0 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLungE16 ATAC lung E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E16.5 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLungE15 ATAC lung E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLungE14 ATAC lung E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLiverP0 ATAC liver P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from day P0 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLiverE16 ATAC liver E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E16.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLiverE15 ATAC liver E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLiverE14 ATAC liver E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLiverE13 ATAC liver E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E13.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLiverE12 ATAC liver E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E12.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLiverE11 ATAC liver E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E11.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLimbE15 ATAC limb E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLimbE14 ATAC limb E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLimbE13 ATAC limb E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E13.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLimbE12 ATAC limb E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E12.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalLimbE11 ATAC limb E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E11.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalKidneyP0 ATAC kidney P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from day P0 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalKidneyE16 ATAC kidney E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E16.5 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalKidneyE15 ATAC kidney E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalKidneyE14 ATAC kidney E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalIntestineP0 ATAC intestine P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from day P0 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalIntestineE16 ATAC intestn E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E16.5 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalIntestineE15 ATAC intestn E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalIntestineE14 ATAC intestn E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHindbrainP0 ATAC hindbrain P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from day P0 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHindbrainE16 ATAC hindbrn E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E16.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHindbrainE15 ATAC hindbrn E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHindbrainE14 ATAC hindbrn E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHindbrainE13 ATAC hindbrn E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E13.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHindbrainE12 ATAC hindbrn E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E12.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHindbrainE11 ATAC hindbrn E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E11.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHeartP0 ATAC heart P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from day P0 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHeartE16 ATAC heart E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E16.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHeartE15 ATAC heart E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHeartE14 ATAC heart E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHeartE13 ATAC heart E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E13.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHeartE12 ATAC heart E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E12.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalHeartE11 ATAC heart E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E11.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalForebrainP0 ATAC forebrain P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from day P0 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalForebrainE16 ATAC forebrn E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E16.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalForebrainE15 ATAC forebrn E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalForebrainE14 ATAC forebrn E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalForebrainE13 ATAC forebrn E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E13.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalForebrainE12 ATAC forebrn E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E12.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalForebrainE11 ATAC forebrn E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E11.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalFacialE15 ATAC facial E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E15.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalFacialE14 ATAC facial E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E14.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalFacialE13 ATAC facial E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E13.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalFacialE12 ATAC facial E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E12.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacSignalFacialE11 ATAC facial E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq signal from embryonic day E11.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeaks ATAC-seq Peaks Open chromatin in embryonic tissue (12 tissues, 8 ages) from ATAC-seq by ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakStomachP0 ATAC stomach P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from day P0 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakStomachE16 ATAC stomach E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E16.5 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakStomachE15 ATAC stomach E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakStomachE14 ATAC stomach E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 stomach from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakNeuralE15 ATAC neural E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakNeuralE14 ATAC neural E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakNeuralE13 ATAC neural E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E13.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakNeuralE12 ATAC neural E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E12.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakNeuralE11 ATAC neural E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E11.5 neural from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakMidbrainP0 ATAC midbrain P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from day P0 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakMidbrainE16 ATAC midbrain E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E16.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakMidbrainE15 ATAC midbrain E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakMidbrainE14 ATAC midbrain E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakMidbrainE13 ATAC midbrain E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E13.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakMidbrainE12 ATAC midbrain E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E12.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakMidbrainE11 ATAC midbrain E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E11.5 midbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLungP0 ATAC lung P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from day P0 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLungE16 ATAC lung E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E16.5 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLungE15 ATAC lung E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLungE14 ATAC lung E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 lung from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLiverP0 ATAC liver P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from day P0 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLiverE16 ATAC liver E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E16.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLiverE15 ATAC liver E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLiverE14 ATAC liver E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLiverE13 ATAC liver E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E13.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLiverE12 ATAC liver E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E12.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLiverE11 ATAC liver E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E11.5 liver from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLimbE15 ATAC limb E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLimbE14 ATAC limb E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLimbE13 ATAC limb E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E13.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLimbE12 ATAC limb E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E12.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakLimbE11 ATAC limb E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E11.5 limb from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakKidneyP0 ATAC kidney P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from day P0 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakKidneyE16 ATAC kidney E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E16.5 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakKidneyE15 ATAC kidney E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakKidneyE14 ATAC kidney E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 kidney from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakIntestineP0 ATAC intestine P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from day P0 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakIntestineE16 ATAC intestn E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E16.5 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakIntestineE15 ATAC intestn E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakIntestineE14 ATAC intestn E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 intestine from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHindbrainP0 ATAC hindbrain P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from day P0 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHindbrainE16 ATAC hindbrn E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E16.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHindbrainE15 ATAC hindbrn E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHindbrainE14 ATAC hindbrn E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHindbrainE13 ATAC hindbrn E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E13.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHindbrainE12 ATAC hindbrn E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E12.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHindbrainE11 ATAC hindbrn E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E11.5 hindbrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHeartP0 ATAC heart P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from day P0 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHeartE16 ATAC heart E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E16.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHeartE15 ATAC heart E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHeartE14 ATAC heart E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHeartE13 ATAC heart E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E13.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHeartE12 ATAC heart E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E12.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakHeartE11 ATAC heart E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E11.5 heart from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakForebrainP0 ATAC forebrain P0 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from day P0 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakForebrainE16 ATAC forebrn E16 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E16.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakForebrainE15 ATAC forebrn E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakForebrainE14 ATAC forebrn E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakForebrainE13 ATAC forebrn E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E13.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakForebrainE12 ATAC forebrn E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E12.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakForebrainE11 ATAC forebrn E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E11.5 forebrain from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakFacialE15 ATAC facial E15 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E15.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakFacialE14 ATAC facial E14 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E14.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakFacialE13 ATAC facial E13 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E13.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakFacialE12 ATAC facial E12 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E12.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation encode3RenAtacPeakFacialE11 ATAC facial E11 Open chromatin ATAC-seq peaks from embryonic day E11.5 facial from ENCODE 3 (UCSD/Ren) Expression and Regulation oreganno ORegAnno Regulatory elements from ORegAnno Expression and Regulation Description This track displays literature-curated regulatory regions, transcription factor binding sites, and regulatory polymorphisms from ORegAnno (Open Regulatory Annotation). For more detailed information on a particular regulatory element, follow the link to ORegAnno from the details page. ORegAnno (Open Regulatory Annotation). --> Display Conventions and Configuration The display may be filtered to show only selected region types, such as: regulatory regions (shown in light blue) regulatory polymorphisms (shown in dark blue) transcription factor binding sites (shown in orange) regulatory haplotypes (shown in red) miRNA binding sites (shown in blue-green) To exclude a region type, uncheck the appropriate box in the list at the top of the Track Settings page. Methods An ORegAnno record describes an experimentally proven and published regulatory region (promoter, enhancer, etc.), transcription factor binding site, or regulatory polymorphism. Each annotation must have the following attributes: A stable ORegAnno identifier. A valid taxonomy ID from the NCBI taxonomy database. A valid PubMed reference. A target gene that is either user-defined, in Entrez Gene or in EnsEMBL. A sequence with at least 40 flanking bases (preferably more) to allow the site to be mapped to any release of an associated genome. At least one piece of specific experimental evidence, including the biological technique used to discover the regulatory sequence. (Currently only the evidence subtypes are supplied with the UCSC track.) A positive, neutral or negative outcome based on the experimental results from the primary reference. (Only records with a positive outcome are currently included in the UCSC track.) The following attributes are optionally included: A transcription factor that is either user-defined, in Entrez Gene or in EnsEMBL. A specific cell type for each piece of experimental evidence, using the eVOC cell type ontology. A specific dataset identifier (e.g. the REDfly dataset) that allows external curators to manage particular annotation sets using ORegAnno's curation tools. A "search space" sequence that specifies the region that was assayed, not just the regulatory sequence. A dbSNP identifier and type of variant (germline, somatic or artificial) for regulatory polymorphisms. Mapping to genome coordinates is performed periodically to current genome builds by BLAST sequence alignment. The information provided in this track represents an abbreviated summary of the details for each ORegAnno record. Please visit the official ORegAnno entry (by clicking on the ORegAnno link on the details page of a specific regulatory element) for complete details such as evidence descriptions, comments, validation score history, etc. Credits ORegAnno core team and principal contacts: Stephen Montgomery, Obi Griffith, and Steven Jones from Canada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The ORegAnno community (please see individual citations for various features): ORegAnno Citation. References Lesurf R, Cotto KC, Wang G, Griffith M, Kasaian K, Jones SJ, Montgomery SB, Griffith OL, Open Regulatory Annotation Consortium.. ORegAnno 3.0: a community-driven resource for curated regulatory annotation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D126-32. PMID: 26578589; PMC: PMC4702855 Griffith OL, Montgomery SB, Bernier B, Chu B, Kasaian K, Aerts S, Mahony S, Sleumer MC, Bilenky M, Haeussler M et al. ORegAnno: an open-access community-driven resource for regulatory annotation. Nucleic Acids Res. 2008 Jan;36(Database issue):D107-13. PMID: 18006570; PMC: PMC2239002 Montgomery SB, Griffith OL, Sleumer MC, Bergman CM, Bilenky M, Pleasance ED, Prychyna Y, Zhang X, Jones SJ. ORegAnno: an open access database and curation system for literature-derived promoters, transcription factor binding sites and regulatory variation. Bioinformatics. 2006 Mar 1;22(5):637-40. PMID: 16397004 orfeomeMrna ORFeome Clones ORFeome Collaboration Gene Clones Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track show alignments of mouse clones from the ORFeome Collaboration. The goal of the project is to be an "unrestricted source of fully sequence-validated full-ORF human cDNA clones in a format allowing easy transfer of the ORF sequences into virtually any type of expression vector. A major goal is to provide at least one fully-sequenced full-ORF clone for each human, mouse, and zebrafish gene. This track is updated automatically as new clones become available. Display Conventions and Configuration The track follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. Methods ORFeome mouse clones were obtained from GenBank and aligned against the genome using the blat program. When a single clone aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was found. Only alignments having a base identity level within 0.5% of the best and at least 96% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept. Credits and References Visit the ORFeome Collaboration members page for a list of credits and references. xenoMrna Other mRNAs Non-Mouse mRNAs from GenBank mRNA and EST Description This track displays translated blat alignments of vertebrate and invertebrate mRNA in GenBank from organisms other than mouse. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for PSL alignment tracks. In dense display mode, the items that are more darkly shaded indicate matches of better quality. The strand information (+/-) for this track is in two parts. The first + indicates the orientation of the query sequence whose translated protein produced the match (here always 5' to 3', hence +). The second + or - indicates the orientation of the matching translated genomic sequence. Because the two orientations of a DNA sequence give different predicted protein sequences, there are four combinations. ++ is not the same as --, nor is +- the same as -+. The description page for this track has a filter that can be used to change the display mode, alter the color, and include/exclude a subset of items within the track. This may be helpful when many items are shown in the track display, especially when only some are relevant to the current task. To use the filter: Type a term in one or more of the text boxes to filter the mRNA display. For example, to apply the filter to all mRNAs expressed in a specific organ, type the name of the organ in the tissue box. To view the list of valid terms for each text box, consult the table in the Table Browser that corresponds to the factor on which you wish to filter. For example, the "tissue" table contains all the types of tissues that can be entered into the tissue text box. Multiple terms may be entered at once, separated by a space. Wildcards may also be used in the filter. If filtering on more than one value, choose the desired combination logic. If "and" is selected, only mRNAs that match all filter criteria will be highlighted. If "or" is selected, mRNAs that match any one of the filter criteria will be highlighted. Choose the color or display characteristic that should be used to highlight or include/exclude the filtered items. If "exclude" is chosen, the browser will not display mRNAs that match the filter criteria. If "include" is selected, the browser will display only those mRNAs that match the filter criteria. This track may also be configured to display codon coloring, a feature that allows the user to quickly compare mRNAs against the genomic sequence. For more information about this option, go to the Codon and Base Coloring for Alignment Tracks page. Several types of alignment gap may also be colored; for more information, go to the Alignment Insertion/Deletion Display Options page. Methods The mRNAs were aligned against the mouse genome using translated blat. When a single mRNA aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was found. Only those alignments having a base identity level within 1% of the best and at least 25% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept. Credits The mRNA track was produced at UCSC from mRNA sequence data submitted to the international public sequence databases by scientists worldwide. References Benson DA, Cavanaugh M, Clark K, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Lipman DJ, Ostell J, Sayers EW. GenBank. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D36-42. PMID: 23193287; PMC: PMC3531190 Benson DA, Karsch-Mizrachi I, Lipman DJ, Ostell J, Wheeler DL. GenBank: update. Nucleic Acids Res. 2004 Jan 1;32(Database issue):D23-6. PMID: 14681350; PMC: PMC308779 Kent WJ. BLAT - the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518 xenoRefGene Other RefSeq Non-Mouse RefSeq Genes Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows known protein-coding and non-protein-coding genes for organisms other than mouse, taken from the NCBI RNA reference sequences collection (RefSeq). The data underlying this track are updated weekly. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for gene prediction tracks. The color shading indicates the level of review the RefSeq record has undergone: predicted (light), provisional (medium), reviewed (dark). The item labels and display colors of features within this track can be configured through the controls at the top of the track description page. Label: By default, items are labeled by gene name. Click the appropriate Label option to display the accession name instead of the gene name, show both the gene and accession names, or turn off the label completely. Codon coloring: This track contains an optional codon coloring feature that allows users to quickly validate and compare gene predictions. To display codon colors, select the genomic codons option from the Color track by codons pull-down menu. Click here for more information about this feature. Hide non-coding genes: By default, both the protein-coding and non-protein-coding genes are displayed. If you wish to see only the coding genes, click this box. Methods The RNAs were aligned against the mouse genome using blat; those with an alignment of less than 15% were discarded. At least 40 bases must be aligned to DNA that is not repeat masked. When a single RNA aligned in multiple places, the alignment having the highest base identity was identified. Only alignments having a base identity level within 1.0% of the best and at least 35% base identity with the genomic sequence were kept. Credits This track was produced at UCSC from RNA sequence data generated by scientists worldwide and curated by the NCBI RefSeq project. References Kent WJ. BLAT--the BLAST-like alignment tool. Genome Res. 2002 Apr;12(4):656-64. PMID: 11932250; PMC: PMC187518 ucscGenePfam Pfam in UCSC Gene Pfam Domains in UCSC Genes Genes and Gene Predictions Description Most proteins are composed of one or more conserved functional regions called domains. This track shows the high-quality, manually-curated Pfam-A domains found in transcripts located in the UCSC Genes track by the software HMMER3. Display Conventions and Configuration This track follows the display conventions for gene tracks. Methods The sequences from the knownGenePep table (see UCSC Genes description page) are submitted to the set of Pfam-A HMMs which annotate regions within the predicted peptide that are recognizable as Pfam protein domains. These regions are then mapped to the transcripts themselves using the pslMap utility. A complete shell script log for every version of UCSC genes can be found in our GitHub repository under hg/makeDb/doc/ucscGenes, e.g. mm10.knownGenes17.csh is for the database mm10 and version 17 of UCSC known genes. Of the several options for filtering out false positives, the "Trusted cutoff (TC)" threshold method is used in this track to determine significance. For more information regarding thresholds and scores, see the HMMER documentation and results interpretation pages. Note: There is currently an undocumented but known HMMER problem which results in lessened sensitivity and possible missed searches for some zinc finger domains. Until a fix is released for HMMER /PFAM thresholds, please also consult the "UniProt Domains" subtrack of the UniProt track for more comprehensive zinc finger annotations. Credits pslMap was written by Mark Diekhans at UCSC. References Finn RD, Mistry J, Tate J, Coggill P, Heger A, Pollington JE, Gavin OL, Gunasekaran P, Ceric G, Forslund K et al. The Pfam protein families database. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Jan;38(Database issue):D211-22. PMID: 19920124; PMC: PMC2808889 placentalChainNet Placental Chain/Net Placental Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics Description Chain Track The chain track shows alignments of mouse (Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10)/mm10) to other genomes using a gap scoring system that allows longer gaps than traditional affine gap scoring systems. It can also tolerate gaps in both mouse and the other genome simultaneously. These "double-sided" gaps can be caused by local inversions and overlapping deletions in both species. The chain track displays boxes joined together by either single or double lines. The boxes represent aligning regions. Single lines indicate gaps that are largely due to a deletion in the other assembly or an insertion in the mouse assembly. Double lines represent more complex gaps that involve substantial sequence in both species. This may result from inversions, overlapping deletions, an abundance of local mutation, or an unsequenced gap in one species. In cases where multiple chains align over a particular region of the other genome, the chains with single-lined gaps are often due to processed pseudogenes, while chains with double-lined gaps are more often due to paralogs and unprocessed pseudogenes. In the "pack" and "full" display modes, the individual feature names indicate the chromosome, strand, and location (in thousands) of the match for each matching alignment. Net Track The net track shows the best mouse/other chain for every part of the other genome. It is useful for finding orthologous regions and for studying genome rearrangement. The mouse sequence used in this annotation is from the Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10) (mm10) assembly. Display Conventions and Configuration Multiple species are grouped together in a composite track. In the display and on the configuration page, an effort was made to group them loosely into "clades." These groupings are based on the taxonomic classification at NCBI, using the CommonTree tool. Some organisms may be pulled from a larger group into a subgroup, to emphasize a relationship. For example, members of an Order may be listed together, while other organisms in the same Superorder may be grouped separately under the Superorder name. Chain Track By default, the chains to chromosome-based assemblies are colored based on which chromosome they map to in the aligning organism. To turn off the coloring, check the "off" button next to: Color track based on chromosome. To display only the chains of one chromosome in the aligning organism, enter the name of that chromosome (e.g. chr4) in box next to: Filter by chromosome. Net Track In full display mode, the top-level (level 1) chains are the largest, highest-scoring chains that span this region. In many cases gaps exist in the top-level chain. When possible, these are filled in by other chains that are displayed at level 2. The gaps in level 2 chains may be filled by level 3 chains and so forth. In the graphical display, the boxes represent ungapped alignments; the lines represent gaps. Click on a box to view detailed information about the chain as a whole; click on a line to display information about the gap. The detailed information is useful in determining the cause of the gap or, for lower level chains, the genomic rearrangement. Individual items in the display are categorized as one of four types (other than gap): Top - the best, longest match. Displayed on level 1. Syn - line-ups on the same chromosome as the gap in the level above it. Inv - a line-up on the same chromosome as the gap above it, but in the opposite orientation. NonSyn - a match to a chromosome different from the gap in the level above. Methods Chain track Transposons that have been inserted since the mouse/other split were removed from the assemblies. The abbreviated genomes were aligned with lastz, and the transposons were added back in. The resulting alignments were converted into axt format using the lavToAxt program. The axt alignments were fed into axtChain, which organizes all alignments between a single mouse chromosome and a single chromosome from the other genome into a group and creates a kd-tree out of the gapless subsections (blocks) of the alignments. A dynamic program was then run over the kd-trees to find the maximally scoring chains of these blocks. See also: lastz parameters and other details (e.g., update time) and chain minimum score and gap parameters used in these alignments. Net track Chains were derived from lastz alignments, using the methods described on the chain tracks description pages, and sorted with the highest-scoring chains in the genome ranked first. The program chainNet was then used to place the chains one at a time, trimming them as necessary to fit into sections not already covered by a higher-scoring chain. During this process, a natural hierarchy emerged in which a chain that filled a gap in a higher-scoring chain was placed underneath that chain. The program netSyntenic was used to fill in information about the relationship between higher- and lower-level chains, such as whether a lower-level chain was syntenic or inverted relative to the higher-level chain. The program netClass was then used to fill in how much of the gaps and chains contained Ns (sequencing gaps) in one or both species and how much was filled with transposons inserted before and after the two organisms diverged. Credits Lastz (previously known as blastz) was developed at Pennsylvania State University by Minmei Hou, Scott Schwartz, Zheng Zhang, and Webb Miller with advice from Ross Hardison. Lineage-specific repeats were identified by Arian Smit and his RepeatMasker program. The axtChain program was developed at the University of California at Santa Cruz by Jim Kent with advice from Webb Miller and David Haussler. The browser display and database storage of the chains and nets were created by Robert Baertsch and Jim Kent. The chainNet, netSyntenic, and netClass programs were developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent. References Chiaromonte F, Yap VB, Miller W. Scoring pairwise genomic sequence alignments. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2002:115-26. PMID: 11928468 Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. PMID: 14500911; PMC: PMC208784 Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-mouse alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. PMID: 12529312; PMC: PMC430961 placentalChainNetViewnet Nets Placental Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics netLoxAfr3 Elephant Net Elephant (Jul. 2009 (Broad/loxAfr3)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netProCap1 Rock hyrax Net Rock hyrax (Jul. 2008 (Broad/proCap1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netTriMan1 Manatee Net Manatee (Oct. 2011 (Broad v1.0/triMan1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netEchTel2 Tenrec Net Tenrec (Nov. 2012 (Broad/echTel2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netDasNov3 Armadillo Net Armadillo (Dec. 2011 (Baylor/dasNov3)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netChoHof1 Sloth Net Sloth (Jul. 2008 (Broad/choHof1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netSusScr11 Pig Net Pig (Feb. 2017 (Sscrofa11.1/susScr11)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netVicPac2 Alpaca Net Alpaca (Mar. 2013 (Vicugna_pacos-2.0.1/vicPac2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netTurTru2 Dolphin Net Dolphin (Oct. 2011 (Baylor Ttru_1.4/turTru2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netOviAri4 Sheep Net Sheep (Nov. 2015 (Oar_v4.0/oviAri4)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netBosTau9 Cow Net Cow (Apr. 2018 (ARS-UCD1.2/bosTau9)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netEquCab3 Horse Net Horse (Jan. 2018 (EquCab3.0/equCab3)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netCerSim1 White rhinoceros Net White rhinoceros (May 2012 (CerSimSim1.0/cerSim1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netManPen1 Chinese pangolin Net Chinese pangolin (Aug 2014 (M_pentadactyla-1.1.1/manPen1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netSorAra2 Shrew Net Shrew (Aug. 2008 (Broad/sorAra2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netEriEur1 Hedgehog Net Hedgehog (June 2006 (Broad/eriEur1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netEnhLutNer1 Southern sea otter Net Southern sea otter (Jun. 2019 (ASM641071v1/enhLutNer1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netFelCat9 Cat Net Cat (Nov. 2017 (Felis_catus_9.0/felCat9)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netCanFam4 Dog Net Dog (Mar. 2020 (UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0/canFam4)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netCanFam6 Dog Net Dog (Oct. 2020 (Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha/canFam6)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netAilMel1 Panda Net Panda (Dec. 2009 (BGI-Shenzhen 1.0/ailMel1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netNeoSch1 Hawaiian monk seal Net Hawaiian monk seal (Jun. 2017 (ASM220157v1/neoSch1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netMyoLuc2 Little brown bat Net Little brown bat (Jul. 2010 (Broad Institute Myoluc2.0/myoLuc2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netPteVam1 Megabat Net Megabat (Jul. 2008 (Broad/pteVam1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics placentalChainNetViewchain Chains Placental Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics chainLoxAfr3 Elephant Chain Elephant (Jul. 2009 (Broad/loxAfr3)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainProCap1 Rock hyrax Chain Rock hyrax (Jul. 2008 (Broad/proCap1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainTriMan1 Manatee Chain Manatee (Oct. 2011 (Broad v1.0/triMan1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainEchTel2 Tenrec Chain Tenrec (Nov. 2012 (Broad/echTel2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainDasNov3 Armadillo Chain Armadillo (Dec. 2011 (Baylor/dasNov3)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainChoHof1 Sloth Chain Sloth (Jul. 2008 (Broad/choHof1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainSusScr11 Pig Chain Pig (Feb. 2017 (Sscrofa11.1/susScr11)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainVicPac2 Alpaca Chain Alpaca (Mar. 2013 (Vicugna_pacos-2.0.1/vicPac2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainTurTru2 Dolphin Chain Dolphin (Oct. 2011 (Baylor Ttru_1.4/turTru2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainOviAri4 Sheep Chain Sheep (Nov. 2015 (Oar_v4.0/oviAri4)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainBosTau9 Cow Chain Cow (Apr. 2018 (ARS-UCD1.2/bosTau9)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainEquCab3 Horse Chain Horse (Jan. 2018 (EquCab3.0/equCab3)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainCerSim1 White rhinoceros Chain White rhinoceros (May 2012 (CerSimSim1.0/cerSim1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainManPen1 Chinese pangolin Chain Chinese pangolin (Aug 2014 (M_pentadactyla-1.1.1/manPen1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainSorAra2 Shrew Chain Shrew (Aug. 2008 (Broad/sorAra2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainEriEur1 Hedgehog Chain Hedgehog (June 2006 (Broad/eriEur1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainEnhLutNer1 Southern sea otter Chain Southern sea otter (Jun. 2019 (ASM641071v1/enhLutNer1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainFelCat9 Cat Chain Cat (Nov. 2017 (Felis_catus_9.0/felCat9)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainCanFam4 Dog Chain Dog (Mar. 2020 (UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0/canFam4)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainCanFam6 Dog Chain Dog (Oct. 2020 (Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha/canFam6)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainAilMel1 Panda Chain Panda (Dec. 2009 (BGI-Shenzhen 1.0/ailMel1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainNeoSch1 Hawaiian monk seal Chain Hawaiian monk seal (Jun. 2017 (ASM220157v1/neoSch1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainMyoLuc2 Little brown bat Chain Little brown bat (Jul. 2010 (Broad Institute Myoluc2.0/myoLuc2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainPteVam1 Megabat Chain Megabat (Jul. 2008 (Broad/pteVam1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics qPcrPrimers qPCR Primers Mouse (mm10) Whole Transcriptome qPCR Primers Expression and Regulation Description This track provides automatically-designed RT-qPCR primers for measuring the abundance of human and mouse transcripts using SYBR-based qPCR (qPCR with double-stranded DNA-binding reporter dye). The primers were generated by a procedure that targets all transcripts and all "possible" exon-exon and intron-exon junctions in the human and mouse transcriptomes. Not all consecutive exon-intron-exon triplets generate "possible" primer pairs. "Possible" primer pairs are defined as satisfying a set of imposed design rules: The first exon-exon junction is not addressed, to avoid problems related to abortive transcription. Intron length should be more than 800 bp to avoid problems of double products in amplification. Only junction primers are designed: forward and reverse primers must flank the junction. Melting temperature of the primers should be between 60°C and 63°C (optimally 60.5°C, according to Breslauer et al., 1986). Primer length should be 18-25 bp. Product size should be 60-125 bp. Primers are designed first for the intron-exon (pre-mRNA) junctions, and the two best primer pairs for each junction are chosen. Then, for the reverse primer of each pair, two options are designed for the corresponding forward primer of the exon-exon (mRNA) junction. The "Primer Mispriming Library" of the primer3 software is used: "human" for the human transcriptome and "rodent" for the mouse transcriptome. The track provides easy access to primers for almost all transcripts in the transcriptome, eliminating the need for a tedious, error-prone design process. Methods The UCSC Genes model was used as a reference of the gene structure and the primer3 software as the design engine. The software goes over all possible exon-exon junctions in the transcriptome and applies our design rules/parameters to provide two primer pairs for every "possible" intron-exon junction and four pairs for every "possible" exon-exon junction. Display Conventions The primers to amplify pre-mRNA (intron-exon junctions) are shown in red and the primers to amplify mRNA (exon-exon junctions) in blue. For each pre-mRNA primer pair, there are two corresponding mRNA primers (that use the same reverse primer, if possible). Each pair has a unique code which stands for the gene name and the junction name. For example, the human pair "JAG1_uc002wnw.2_11_1" amplifies pre-mRNA, and the corresponding mRNA primers are "JAG1_uc002wnw.2_11_1_1" and "JAG1_uc002wnw.2_11_1_2." Using JAG1_uc002wnw.2_11_1_2 to illustrate the naming scheme: JAG1 is the gene symbol. uc002wnw.2 is the UCSC Genes identifier of the isoform. 11 identifies the exon-intron-exon triplet. 1 is the number (1 or 2) of the intron-exon junction (step 7 in the Description section above). The names of primer pairs that cover intron-exon junctions end here. For the exon-exon junctions that use the same reverse primer, there is one additional number. 2 is the number (1 or 2) of the exon-exon junction pair (step 8 in the Description section above). Clicking on a primer pair will take you to a new page with details for that pair. Additional properties for the primer pair, including forward and reverse sequence, melting temperature, GC%, and product size, are available by clicking on the number next to the instruction "Click here for primer details." There is also a batch query website available to download details for a large number of primers. References Breslauer KJ, Frank R, Blöcker H, Marky LA. Predicting DNA duplex stability from the base sequence. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1986 Jun;83(11):3746-50. PMID: 3459152; PMC: PMC323600 Rozen S, Skaletsky H. Primer3 on the WWW for general users and for biologist programmers. Methods Mol Biol. 2000;132:365-86. PMID: 10547847 Zeisel A, Yitzhaky A, Bossel Ben-Moshe N, Domany E. An accessible database for mouse and human whole transcriptome qPCR primers. Bioinformatics. 2013 May 15;29(10):1355-6. PMID: 23539303 refSeqFuncElems RefSeq Func Elems NCBI RefSeq Functional Elements Expression and Regulation Description NCBI recently announced a new release of functional regulatory elements. NCBI is now providing RefSeq and Gene records for non-genic functional elements that have been described in the literature and are experimentally validated. Elements in scope include experimentally-verified gene regulatory regions (e.g., enhancers, silencers, locus control regions), known structural elements (e.g., insulators, DNase I hypersensitive sites, matrix/scaffold-associated regions), well-characterized DNA replication origins, and clinically-significant sites of DNA recombination and genomic instability. Priority is given to genomic regions that are implicated in human disease or are otherwise of significant interest to the research community. Currently, the scope of this project is restricted to human and mouse. The current scope does not include functional elements predicted from large-scale epigenomic mapping studies, nor elements based on disease-associated variation. Display Conventions and Configuration Functional elements are colored by Sequence Ontology (SO) term using the same scheme as NCBI's Genome Data Viewer: Regulatory elements (items labeled by INSDC regulatory class) Protein binding sites (items labeled by bound moiety) Mobile elements Recombination features Sequence features Other Methods NCBI manually curated features in accordance with International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) standards. Features that are supported by direct experimental evidence include at least one experiment qualifier with an evidence code (ECO ID) from the Evidence and Conclusion Ontology, and at least one citation from PubMed. Currently 971 distinct PubMed citations are included in this track. Contact This track was made with assistance from Terence Murphy at NCBI. Data access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the data may be queried from our REST API, and the genome annotations are stored in files that can be downloaded from our download server, with more information available on our blog. New Version Available Several new enhancements to the RefSeq Functional Elements dataset are available as a Public Hub. The hub can be found on the Public Hub page. The track hub was prepared by Dr. Catherine M. Farrell, NCBI/NLM/NIH with further insights discussed in a related NCBI blog post. References Pruitt KD, Brown GR, Hiatt SM, Thibaud-Nissen F, Astashyn A, Ermolaeva O, Farrell CM, Hart J, Landrum MJ, McGarvey KM et al. RefSeq: an update on mammalian reference sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan;42(Database issue):D756-63. PMID: 24259432; PMC: PMC3965018 Pruitt KD, Tatusova T, Maglott DR. NCBI Reference Sequence (RefSeq): a curated non-redundant sequence database of genomes, transcripts and proteins. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1;33(Database issue):D501-4. PMID: 15608248; PMC: PMC539979 ReMap ReMap ChIP-seq ReMap Atlas of Regulatory Regions Expression and Regulation Description This track represents the ReMap Atlas of regulatory regions, which consists of a large-scale integrative analysis of all Public ChIP-seq data for transcriptional regulators from GEO, ArrayExpress, and ENCODE. Below is a schematic diagram of the types of regulatory regions: ReMap 2022 Atlas (all peaks for each analyzed data set) ReMap 2022 Non-redundant peaks (merged similar target) ReMap 2022 Cis Regulatory Modules Display Conventions and Configuration Each transcription factor follows a specific RGB color. ChIP-seq peak summits are represented by vertical bars. Hsap: A data set is defined as a ChIP/Exo-seq experiment in a given GEO/ArrayExpress/ENCODE series (e.g. GSE41561), for a given TF (e.g. ESR1), in a particular biological condition (e.g. MCF-7). Data sets are labeled with the concatenation of these three pieces of information (e.g. GSE41561.ESR1.MCF-7). Atha: The data set is defined as a ChIP-seq experiment in a given series (e.g. GSE94486), for a given target (e.g. ARR1), in a particular biological condition (i.e. ecotype, tissue type, experimental conditions; e.g. Col-0_seedling_3d-6BA-4h). Data sets are labeled with the concatenation of these three pieces of information (e.g. GSE94486.ARR1.Col-0_seedling_3d-6BA-4h). Methods This release of ReMap (2022) presents the analysis of 5,505 quality controlled mouse ChIP-seq (n=7,317 before QCs) from public sources (GEO & ENCODE). Those ChIP-seq data sets have been mapped to the GRCm38/mm10 mouse assembly. The data set is defined as a ChIP-seq experiment in a given series (e.g. GSE122715), for a given TF (e.g. USF1), in a particular biological condition (i.e. cell line, tissue type, disease state, or experimental conditions; e.g. mESC). Data sets were labeled by concatenating these three pieces of information, such as GSE122715.USF1.mESC. Those merged analyses cover a total of 656 DNA-binding proteins (transcriptional regulators) such as a variety of transcription factors (TFs), transcription co-activators (TCFs), and chromatin-remodeling factors (CRFs) for 123 million peaks. ENCODE Available ENCODE ChIP-seq data sets for transcriptional regulators from the ENCODE portal were processed with the standardized ReMap pipeline. The list of ENCODE data was retrieved as FASTQ files from the ENCODE portal using filters. Metadata information in JSON format and FASTQ files were retrieved using the Python requests module. ChIP-seq processing Both Public and ENCODE data were processed similarly. Bowtie 2 (PMC3322381) (version 2.2.9) with options -end-to-end -sensitive was used to align all reads on the genome. Biological and technical replicates for each unique combination of GSE/TF/Cell type or Biological condition were used for peak calling. TFBS were identified using MACS2 peak-calling tool (PMC3120977) (version in order to follow ENCODE ChIP-seq guidelines, with stringent thresholds (MACS2 default thresholds, p-value: 1e-5). An input data set was used when available. Quality assessment To assess the quality of public data sets, a score was computed based on the cross-correlation and the FRiP (fraction of reads in peaks) metrics developed by the ENCODE Consortium ( Two thresholds were defined for each of the two cross-correlation ratios (NSC, normalized strand coefficient: 1.05 and 1.10; RSC, relative strand coefficient: 0.8 and 1.0). Detailed descriptions of the ENCODE quality coefficients can be found at The phantompeak tools suite was used ( to compute RSC and NSC. Please refer to the ReMap 2022, 2020, and 2018 publications for more details (citation below). This is a detailled view of the data increase in ReMap v2 with FOXA1 peaks at a specific location. --> Data Access ReMap Atlas of regulatory regions data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. Individual BED files for specific TFs, cells/biotypes, or data sets can be found and downloaded on the ReMap website. References Chèneby J, Gheorghe M, Artufel M, Mathelier A, Ballester B. ReMap 2018: an updated atlas of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding ChIP- seq experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Jan 4;46(D1):D267-D275. PMID: 29126285; PMC: PMC5753247 Chèneby J, Ménétrier Z, Mestdagh M, Rosnet T, Douida A, Rhalloussi W, Bergon A, Lopez F, Ballester B. ReMap 2020: a database of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of Human and Arabidopsis DNA-binding sequencing experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Jan 8;48(D1):D180-D188. PMID: 31665499; PMC: PMC7145625 Griffon A, Barbier Q, Dalino J, van Helden J, Spicuglia S, Ballester B. Integrative analysis of public ChIP-seq experiments reveals a complex multi-cell regulatory landscape. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Feb 27;43(4):e27. PMID: 25477382; PMC: PMC4344487 Hammal F, de Langen P, Bergon A, Lopez F, Ballester B. ReMap 2022: a database of Human, Mouse, Drosophila and Arabidopsis regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding sequencing experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 7;50(D1):D316-D325. PMID: 34751401; PMC: PMC8728178 ReMapTFs ReMap ChIP-seq ReMap Atlas of Regulatory Regions Expression and Regulation Description This track represents the ReMap Atlas of regulatory regions, which consists of a large-scale integrative analysis of all Public ChIP-seq data for transcriptional regulators from GEO, ArrayExpress, and ENCODE. Below is a schematic diagram of the types of regulatory regions: ReMap 2022 Atlas (all peaks for each analyzed data set) ReMap 2022 Non-redundant peaks (merged similar target) ReMap 2022 Cis Regulatory Modules Display Conventions and Configuration Each transcription factor follows a specific RGB color. ChIP-seq peak summits are represented by vertical bars. Hsap: A data set is defined as a ChIP/Exo-seq experiment in a given GEO/ArrayExpress/ENCODE series (e.g. GSE41561), for a given TF (e.g. ESR1), in a particular biological condition (e.g. MCF-7). Data sets are labeled with the concatenation of these three pieces of information (e.g. GSE41561.ESR1.MCF-7). Atha: The data set is defined as a ChIP-seq experiment in a given series (e.g. GSE94486), for a given target (e.g. ARR1), in a particular biological condition (i.e. ecotype, tissue type, experimental conditions; e.g. Col-0_seedling_3d-6BA-4h). Data sets are labeled with the concatenation of these three pieces of information (e.g. GSE94486.ARR1.Col-0_seedling_3d-6BA-4h). Methods This release of ReMap (2022) presents the analysis of 5,505 quality controlled mouse ChIP-seq (n=7,317 before QCs) from public sources (GEO & ENCODE). Those ChIP-seq data sets have been mapped to the GRCm38/mm10 mouse assembly. The data set is defined as a ChIP-seq experiment in a given series (e.g. GSE122715), for a given TF (e.g. USF1), in a particular biological condition (i.e. cell line, tissue type, disease state, or experimental conditions; e.g. mESC). Data sets were labeled by concatenating these three pieces of information, such as GSE122715.USF1.mESC. Those merged analyses cover a total of 656 DNA-binding proteins (transcriptional regulators) such as a variety of transcription factors (TFs), transcription co-activators (TCFs), and chromatin-remodeling factors (CRFs) for 123 million peaks. ENCODE Available ENCODE ChIP-seq data sets for transcriptional regulators from the ENCODE portal were processed with the standardized ReMap pipeline. The list of ENCODE data was retrieved as FASTQ files from the ENCODE portal using filters. Metadata information in JSON format and FASTQ files were retrieved using the Python requests module. ChIP-seq processing Both Public and ENCODE data were processed similarly. Bowtie 2 (PMC3322381) (version 2.2.9) with options -end-to-end -sensitive was used to align all reads on the genome. Biological and technical replicates for each unique combination of GSE/TF/Cell type or Biological condition were used for peak calling. TFBS were identified using MACS2 peak-calling tool (PMC3120977) (version in order to follow ENCODE ChIP-seq guidelines, with stringent thresholds (MACS2 default thresholds, p-value: 1e-5). An input data set was used when available. Quality assessment To assess the quality of public data sets, a score was computed based on the cross-correlation and the FRiP (fraction of reads in peaks) metrics developed by the ENCODE Consortium ( Two thresholds were defined for each of the two cross-correlation ratios (NSC, normalized strand coefficient: 1.05 and 1.10; RSC, relative strand coefficient: 0.8 and 1.0). Detailed descriptions of the ENCODE quality coefficients can be found at The phantompeak tools suite was used ( to compute RSC and NSC. Please refer to the ReMap 2022, 2020, and 2018 publications for more details (citation below). This is a detailled view of the data increase in ReMap v2 with FOXA1 peaks at a specific location. --> Data Access ReMap Atlas of regulatory regions data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. Individual BED files for specific TFs, cells/biotypes, or data sets can be found and downloaded on the ReMap website. References Chèneby J, Gheorghe M, Artufel M, Mathelier A, Ballester B. ReMap 2018: an updated atlas of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding ChIP- seq experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Jan 4;46(D1):D267-D275. PMID: 29126285; PMC: PMC5753247 Chèneby J, Ménétrier Z, Mestdagh M, Rosnet T, Douida A, Rhalloussi W, Bergon A, Lopez F, Ballester B. ReMap 2020: a database of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of Human and Arabidopsis DNA-binding sequencing experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Jan 8;48(D1):D180-D188. PMID: 31665499; PMC: PMC7145625 Griffon A, Barbier Q, Dalino J, van Helden J, Spicuglia S, Ballester B. Integrative analysis of public ChIP-seq experiments reveals a complex multi-cell regulatory landscape. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Feb 27;43(4):e27. PMID: 25477382; PMC: PMC4344487 Hammal F, de Langen P, Bergon A, Lopez F, Ballester B. ReMap 2022: a database of Human, Mouse, Drosophila and Arabidopsis regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding sequencing experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 7;50(D1):D316-D325. PMID: 34751401; PMC: PMC8728178 ReMapDensity ReMap density ReMap density Expression and Regulation Description This track represents the ReMap Atlas of regulatory regions, which consists of a large-scale integrative analysis of all Public ChIP-seq data for transcriptional regulators from GEO, ArrayExpress, and ENCODE. Below is a schematic diagram of the types of regulatory regions: ReMap 2022 Atlas (all peaks for each analyzed data set) ReMap 2022 Non-redundant peaks (merged similar target) ReMap 2022 Cis Regulatory Modules Display Conventions and Configuration Each transcription factor follows a specific RGB color. ChIP-seq peak summits are represented by vertical bars. Hsap: A data set is defined as a ChIP/Exo-seq experiment in a given GEO/ArrayExpress/ENCODE series (e.g. GSE41561), for a given TF (e.g. ESR1), in a particular biological condition (e.g. MCF-7). Data sets are labeled with the concatenation of these three pieces of information (e.g. GSE41561.ESR1.MCF-7). Atha: The data set is defined as a ChIP-seq experiment in a given series (e.g. GSE94486), for a given target (e.g. ARR1), in a particular biological condition (i.e. ecotype, tissue type, experimental conditions; e.g. Col-0_seedling_3d-6BA-4h). Data sets are labeled with the concatenation of these three pieces of information (e.g. GSE94486.ARR1.Col-0_seedling_3d-6BA-4h). Methods This release of ReMap (2022) presents the analysis of 5,505 quality controlled mouse ChIP-seq (n=7,317 before QCs) from public sources (GEO & ENCODE). Those ChIP-seq data sets have been mapped to the GRCm38/mm10 mouse assembly. The data set is defined as a ChIP-seq experiment in a given series (e.g. GSE122715), for a given TF (e.g. USF1), in a particular biological condition (i.e. cell line, tissue type, disease state, or experimental conditions; e.g. mESC). Data sets were labeled by concatenating these three pieces of information, such as GSE122715.USF1.mESC. Those merged analyses cover a total of 656 DNA-binding proteins (transcriptional regulators) such as a variety of transcription factors (TFs), transcription co-activators (TCFs), and chromatin-remodeling factors (CRFs) for 123 million peaks. ENCODE Available ENCODE ChIP-seq data sets for transcriptional regulators from the ENCODE portal were processed with the standardized ReMap pipeline. The list of ENCODE data was retrieved as FASTQ files from the ENCODE portal using filters. Metadata information in JSON format and FASTQ files were retrieved using the Python requests module. ChIP-seq processing Both Public and ENCODE data were processed similarly. Bowtie 2 (PMC3322381) (version 2.2.9) with options -end-to-end -sensitive was used to align all reads on the genome. Biological and technical replicates for each unique combination of GSE/TF/Cell type or Biological condition were used for peak calling. TFBS were identified using MACS2 peak-calling tool (PMC3120977) (version in order to follow ENCODE ChIP-seq guidelines, with stringent thresholds (MACS2 default thresholds, p-value: 1e-5). An input data set was used when available. Quality assessment To assess the quality of public data sets, a score was computed based on the cross-correlation and the FRiP (fraction of reads in peaks) metrics developed by the ENCODE Consortium ( Two thresholds were defined for each of the two cross-correlation ratios (NSC, normalized strand coefficient: 1.05 and 1.10; RSC, relative strand coefficient: 0.8 and 1.0). Detailed descriptions of the ENCODE quality coefficients can be found at The phantompeak tools suite was used ( to compute RSC and NSC. Please refer to the ReMap 2022, 2020, and 2018 publications for more details (citation below). This is a detailled view of the data increase in ReMap v2 with FOXA1 peaks at a specific location. --> Data Access ReMap Atlas of regulatory regions data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. Individual BED files for specific TFs, cells/biotypes, or data sets can be found and downloaded on the ReMap website. References Chèneby J, Gheorghe M, Artufel M, Mathelier A, Ballester B. ReMap 2018: an updated atlas of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding ChIP- seq experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018 Jan 4;46(D1):D267-D275. PMID: 29126285; PMC: PMC5753247 Chèneby J, Ménétrier Z, Mestdagh M, Rosnet T, Douida A, Rhalloussi W, Bergon A, Lopez F, Ballester B. ReMap 2020: a database of regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of Human and Arabidopsis DNA-binding sequencing experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Jan 8;48(D1):D180-D188. PMID: 31665499; PMC: PMC7145625 Griffon A, Barbier Q, Dalino J, van Helden J, Spicuglia S, Ballester B. Integrative analysis of public ChIP-seq experiments reveals a complex multi-cell regulatory landscape. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Feb 27;43(4):e27. PMID: 25477382; PMC: PMC4344487 Hammal F, de Langen P, Bergon A, Lopez F, Ballester B. ReMap 2022: a database of Human, Mouse, Drosophila and Arabidopsis regulatory regions from an integrative analysis of DNA-binding sequencing experiments. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jan 7;50(D1):D316-D325. PMID: 34751401; PMC: PMC8728178 joinedRmsk RepeatMasker Viz. Detailed Visualization of RepeatMasker Annotations Variation and Repeats Description This track was created using Arian Smit's RepeatMasker program, which screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences. The program outputs a detailed annotation of the repeats that are present in the query sequence (represented by this track), as well as a modified version of the query sequence in which all the annotated repeats have been masked (generally available on the Downloads page). RepeatMasker uses a separately curated version of the Repbase Update repeat library from the Genetic Information Research Institute (GIRI). Repbase Update is described in Jurka (2000) in the References section below. Alternatively, RepeatMasker can use the new Dfam database of repeat profile HMMs. Profile HMMs provide a richer description of the repeat families and when used with RepeatMasker + nhmmer provide a more sensitive approach to identifying repeats. Dfam is described in Wheeler et al. (2012) in the References section below. Display Conventions and Configuration In dense display mode, a single line is displayed denoting the coverage of repeats using a series of black boxes. In full display mode, the track view is controlled by the scale of the view. At scales between 10 Mb and 30 kb, this track displays up to ten different classes of repeats (see below) one class per line. The repeat ranges are denoted as grayscale boxes, reflecting both the size of the repeat and the amount of base mismatch, base deletion, and base insertion associated with a repeat element. The higher the combined number of these, the lighter the shading. In full display mode and at scales less than 30 kb, a new detailed display mode is used. Repeats are displayed as arrow boxes, indicating the size and orientation of the repeat. The interior grayscale shading represents the divergence of the repeat (see above) while the outline color represents the class of the repeat. Dotted lines above the repeat and extending left or right indicate the length of unaligned repeat consensus sequence. If the length of the unaligned sequence is large, a double interruption line is used to indicate that the unaligned sequence is not to scale. For example, the following repeat is a SINE element in the forward orientation with average divergence. Only the 5' proximal fragment of the consensus sequence is aligned to the genome. The 3' unaligned length (384bp) is not drawn to scale and is instead displayed using a set of interruption lines along with the length of the unaligned sequence. Layer 1 384 Repeats that have been fragmented by insertions or large internal deletions are now represented by join lines. In the example below, a LINE element is found as two fragments. The solid connection lines indicate that there are no unaligned consensus bases between the two fragments. Also note these fragments represent the end of the repeat, as there is no unaligned consensus sequence following the last fragment. Layer 1 In cases where there is unaligned consensus sequence between the fragments, the repeat will look like the following. The dotted line indicates the length of the unaligned sequence between the two fragments. In this case the unaligned consensus is longer than the actual genomic distance between these two fragments. Layer 1 If there is consensus overlap between the two fragments, the joining lines will be drawn to indicate how much of the left fragment is repeated in the right fragment. Layer 1 The following table lists the repeat class colors: Color Repeat Class SINE - Short Interspersed Nuclear Element LINE - Long Interspersed Nuclear Element LTR - Long Terminal Repeat DNA - DNA Transposon Simple - Single Nucleotide Stretches and Tandem Repeats Low_complexity - Low Complexity DNA Satellite - Satellite Repeats RNA - RNA Repeats (including RNA, tRNA, rRNA, snRNA, scRNA, srpRNA) Other - Other Repeats (including class RC - Rolling Circle) Unknown - Unknown Classification A "?" at the end of the "Family" or "Class" (for example, DNA?) signifies that the curator was unsure of the classification. At some point in the future, either the "?" will be removed or the classification will be changed. Methods UCSC has used the most current versions of the RepeatMasker software and repeat libraries available to generate these data. Note that these versions may be newer than those that are publicly available on the Internet. Data are generated using the RepeatMasker -s flag. Additional flags may be used for certain organisms. Repeats are soft-masked. Alignments may extend through repeats, but are not permitted to initiate in them. See the FAQ for more information. Credits Thanks to Arian Smit, Robert Hubley and GIRI for providing the tools and repeat libraries used to generate this track. References Smit AFA, Hubley R, Green P. RepeatMasker Open-3.0. 1996-2010. Dfam is described in: Wheeler TJ, Clements J, Eddy SR, Hubley R, Jones TA, Jurka J, Smit AF, Finn RD. Dfam: a database of repetitive DNA based on profile hidden Markov models. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D70-82. PMID: 23203985; PMC: PMC3531169 Repbase Update is described in: Jurka J. Repbase Update: a database and an electronic journal of repetitive elements. Trends Genet. 2000 Sep;16(9):418-420. PMID: 10973072 For a discussion of repeats in mammalian genomes, see: Smit AF. Interspersed repeats and other mementos of transposable elements in mammalian genomes. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1999 Dec;9(6):657-63. PMID: 10607616 Smit AF. The origin of interspersed repeats in the human genome. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1996 Dec;6(6):743-8. PMID: 8994846 rmskJoinedCurrent RepeatMasker Viz. RepeatMasker v4.0.7 Dfam_2.0 : Current Dataset Variation and Repeats rmskJoinedBaseline RepeatMasker Viz. RepeatMasker v3.0.1 db20100302 : Browser Baseline Dataset Variation and Repeats ucscRetroAli6 RetroGenes V6 Retroposed Genes V6, Including Pseudogenes Genes and Gene Predictions Description Retrotransposition is a process involving the copying of DNA by a group of enzymes that have the ability to reverse transcribe spliced mRNAs, and the insertion of these processed mRNAs back into the genome resulting in single-exon copies of genes and sometime chimeric genes. Retrogenes are mostly non-functional pseudogenes but some are functional genes that have acquired a promoter from a neighboring gene, or transcribed pseudogenes, and some are anti-sense transcripts that may impede mRNA translation. Methods All mRNAs of a species from GenBank were aligned to the genome using lastz (Miller lab, Pennsylvania State University). mRNAs that aligned twice in the genome (once with introns and once without introns) were initially screened. Next, a series of features were scored to determine candidates for retrotransposition events. These features included position and length of the polyA tail, percent coverage of the retrogene alignment to the parent, degree of synteny with human, coverage of repetitive elements, number of exons that can still be aligned to the retrogene, number of putative introns removed at the retrogene locus and degree of divergence from the parent gene. Retrogenes were classified using a threshold score function that is a linear combination of this set of features. Retrogenes in the final set were selected using a score threshold based on a ROC plot against the Vega annotated pseudogenes. Retrogene Statistics table: Expression of Retrogene: The following values are possible where those that are not expressed are classed as pseudogene or mrna: pseudogene indicates that the parent gene has been annotated by one of NCBI's RefSeq, UCSC Genes or Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). mrna indicates that the parent gene is a spliced mrna that has no annotation in NCBI's RefSeq, UCSC Genes or Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). Therefore, the retrogene is a product of a potentially non-annotated parent gene and is a putative pseudogene of that putative parent gene. expressed weak indicates that there is a mRNA overlapping the retrogene, indicating possible transcription. noOrf indicates that an ORF was not identified by BESTORF. expressed indicates that there is a medium level of mRNAs/ESTs mapping to the retrogene locus, indicating possible transcription. expressed strong indicates that there is a mRNA overlapping the retrogene, and at least five spliced ESTs indicating probable transcription. noOrf indicates that an ORF was not identified by BESTORF. expressed shuffle indicates that the retrogene was inserted into a pre-existing annotated gene. Score: Weighted sum of features (mentioned above) of the potential retrogene. Percent Gene Alignment Coverage (Bases Matching Parent): Shows the percentage of the parent gene aligning to this region. Intron Count: Number of introns is the number of gaps in the alignment between the parent mRNA and the genome where gaps are >80 bp and the ratio of the mRNA alignment gap to the genome alignment gap is less than 30% after removing repeats. Gap Count: Numer of gaps in the alignment of between the parent mRNA and the genome after removing repeats. Gaps are not counted if the gap on the mRNA side of the alignment is a similar size to the gap in the genome alignment. BESTORF Score: BESTORF (written by Victor Solovyev) predicts potential open reading frames (ORFs) in mRNAs/ESTs with very high accuracy using a Markov chain model of coding regions and a probabilistic model of translation start codon potential. The score threshold for finding an ORF is 50 (Jim Kent, personal communication). Break in Orthology table: Retrogenes inserted into the genome since the mouse/human divergence show a break in the human genome syntenic net alignments to the mouse genome. A break in orthology score is calculated and weighted before contributing to the final retrogene score. The break in orthology score ranges from 0-130 and it represents the portion of the genome that is missing in each species relative to the reference genome (mouse mm10) at the retrogene locus as defined by syntenic alignment nets. If the score is 0, there is orthologous DNA and no break in ortholog with the other species; this could be an ancient retrogene; duplicated pseudogenes may also score low because they are often generated via large segmental duplication events so the size of the pseudogene is small relative to the size of the inserted duplicated sequence. Scores greater than 100 represent cases where the retrogene alignment has no flanking alignment resulting from an ancient insertion or other complex rearrangement. Breaks in orthology with human and dog tend to be due to genomic insertions in the rodent lineage so sequence gaps are not treated as orthology breaks. Relative orthology of human/mouse and dog/mouse nets are used to avoid false positives due to deletions in the human genome. Since older retrogenes will not show a break in orthology, this feature is weighted lower than other features when scoring putative retrogenes. Credits The RetroFinder program and browser track were developed by Robert Baertsch at UCSC. References Baertsch R, Diekhans M, Kent WJ, Haussler D, Brosius J. Retrocopy contributions to the evolution of the human genome. BMC Genomics. 2008 Oct 8;9:466. PMID: 18842134; PMC: PMC2584115 Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. PMID: 14500911; PMC: PMC208784 Pei B, Sisu C, Frankish A, Howald C, Habegger L, Mu XJ, Harte R, Balasubramanian S, Tanzer A, Diekhans M et al. The GENCODE pseudogene resource. Genome Biol. 2012 Sep 26;13(9):R51. PMID: 22951037; PMC: PMC3491395 Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-mouse alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. PMID: 12529312; PMC: PMC430961 Zheng D, Frankish A, Baertsch R, Kapranov P, Reymond A, Choo SW, Lu Y, Denoeud F, Antonarakis SE, Snyder M et al. Pseudogenes in the ENCODE regions: consensus annotation, analysis of transcription, and evolution. Genome Res. 2007 Jun;17(6):839-51. PMID: 17568002; PMC: PMC1891343 genomicSuperDups Segmental Dups Duplications of >1000 Bases of Non-RepeatMasked Sequence Variation and Repeats Description This track shows regions detected as putative genomic duplications within the golden path. The following display conventions are used to distinguish levels of similarity: Light to dark gray: 90 - 98% similarity Light to dark yellow: 98 - 99% similarity Light to dark orange: greater than 99% similarity Red: duplications of greater than 98% similarity that lack sufficient Segmental Duplication Database evidence (most likely missed overlaps) For a region to be included in the track, at least 2.5 Kb of the total sequence (containing at least 500 bp of non-RepeatMasked sequence) had to align and a sequence identity of at least 90% was required. Methods Segmental duplications play an important role in both genomic disease and gene evolution. This track displays an analysis of the global organization of these long-range segments of identity in genomic sequence. Large recent duplications (>= 1 kb and >= 90% identity) were detected by identifying high-copy repeats, removing these repeats from the genomic sequence ("fuguization") and searching all sequence for similarity. The repeats were then reinserted into the pairwise alignments, the ends of alignments trimmed, and global alignments were generated. For a full description of the "fuguization" detection method, see Bailey et al. (2001) in the References section below. This method has become known as WGAC (whole-genome assembly comparison); for example, see Bailey et al. (2002). Credits These data were provided by Archana Raja and Evan Eichler at the University of Washington. References Bailey JA, Gu Z, Clark RA, Reinert K, Samonte RV, Schwartz S, Adams MD, Myers EW, Li PW, Eichler EE. Recent segmental duplications in the human genome. Science. 2002 Aug 9;297(5583):1003-7. PMID: 12169732 Bailey JA, Yavor AM, Massa HF, Trask BJ, Eichler EE. Segmental duplications: organization and impact within the current human genome project assembly. Genome Res. 2001 Jun;11(6):1005-17. PMID: 11381028; PMC: PMC311093 sgpGene SGP Genes SGP Gene Predictions Using Mouse/Human Homology Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows gene predictions from the SGP2 homology-based gene prediction program developed by Roderic Guigó's "Computational Biology of RNA Processing" group, which is part of the Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG) in Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain. To predict genes in a genomic query, SGP2 combines geneid predictions with tblastx comparisons of the genome of the target species against genomic sequences of other species (reference genomes) deemed to be at an appropriate evolutionary distance from the target. Credits Thanks to the "Computational Biology of RNA Processing" group for providing these data. simpleRepeat Simple Repeats Simple Tandem Repeats by TRF Variation and Repeats Description This track displays simple tandem repeats (possibly imperfect repeats) located by Tandem Repeats Finder (TRF) which is specialized for this purpose. These repeats can occur within coding regions of genes and may be quite polymorphic. Repeat expansions are sometimes associated with specific diseases. Methods For more information about the TRF program, see Benson (1999). Credits TRF was written by Gary Benson. References Benson G. Tandem repeats finder: a program to analyze DNA sequences. Nucleic Acids Res. 1999 Jan 15;27(2):573-80. PMID: 9862982; PMC: PMC148217 HLTOGAannotvHg38v1 TOGA vs. hg38 TOGA annotations using human/hg38 as reference Genes and Gene Predictions Description TOGA (Tool to infer Orthologs from Genome Alignments) is a homology-based method that integrates gene annotation, inferring orthologs and classifying genes as intact or lost. Methods As input, TOGA uses a gene annotation of a reference species (human/hg38 for mammals, chicken/galGal6 for birds) and a whole genome alignment between the reference and query genome. TOGA implements a novel paradigm that relies on alignments of intronic and intergenic regions and uses machine learning to accurately distinguish orthologs from paralogs or processed pseudogenes. To annotate genes, CESAR 2.0 is used to determine the positions and boundaries of coding exons of a reference transcript in the orthologous genomic locus in the query species. Display Conventions and Configuration Each annotated transcript is shown in a color-coded classification as   "intact": middle 80% of the CDS (coding sequence) is present and exhibits no gene-inactivating mutation. These transcripts likely encode functional proteins.   "partially intact": 50% of the CDS is present in the query and the middle 80% of the CDS exhibits no inactivating mutation. These transcripts may also encode functional proteins, but the evidence is weaker as parts of the CDS are missing, often due to assembly gaps.   "missing": <50% of the CDS is present in the query and the middle 80% of the CDS exhibits no inactivating mutation.   "uncertain loss": there is 1 inactivating mutation in the middle 80% of the CDS, but evidence is not strong enough to classify the transcript as lost. These transcripts may or may not encode a functional protein.   "lost": typically several inactivating mutations are present, thus there is strong evidence that the transcript is unlikely to encode a functional protein. Clicking on a transcript provides additional information about the orthology classification, inactivating mutations, the protein sequence and protein/exon alignments. Credits This data was prepared by the Michael Hiller Lab References The TOGA software is available from Kirilenko BM, Munegowda C, Osipova E, Jebb D, Sharma V, Blumer M, Morales AE, Ahmed AW, Kontopoulos DG, Hilgers L et al. Integrating gene annotation with orthology inference at scale. Science. 2023 Apr 28;380(6643):eabn3107. PMID: 37104600; PMC: PMC10193443 tRNAs tRNA Genes Transfer RNA Genes Identified with tRNAscan-SE Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track displays tRNA genes predicted by using tRNAscan-SE v.1.23. tRNAscan-SE is an integrated program that uses tRNAscan (Fichant) and an A/B box motif detection algorithm (Pavesi) as pre-filters to obtain an initial list of tRNA candidates. The program then filters these candidates with a covariance model-based search program COVE (Eddy) to obtain a highly specific set of primary sequence and secondary structure predictions that represent 99-100% of true tRNAs with a false positive rate of fewer than 1 per 15 gigabases. Detailed tRNA annotations for eukaryotes, bacteria, and archaea are available at Genomic tRNA Database (GtRNAdb). What does the tRNAscan-SE score mean? Anything with a score above 20 bits is likely to be derived from a tRNA, although this does not indicate whether the tRNA gene still encodes a functional tRNA molecule (i.e. tRNA-derived SINES probably do not function in the ribosome in translation). Vertebrate tRNAs with scores of >60.0 (bits) are likely to encode functional tRNA genes, and those with scores below ~45 have sequence or structural features that indicate they probably are no longer involved in translation. tRNAs with scores between 45-60 bits are in the "grey" zone, and may or may not have all the required features to be functional. In these cases, tRNAs should be inspected carefully for loss of specific primary or secondary structure features (usually in alignments with other genes of the same isotype), in order to make a better educated guess. These rough score range guides are not exact, nor are they based on specific biochemical studies of atypical tRNA features, so please treat them accordingly. Please note that tRNA genes marked as "Pseudo" are low scoring predictions that are mostly pseudogenes or tRNA-derived elements. These genes do not usually fold into a typical cloverleaf tRNA secondary structure and the provided images of the predicted secondary structures may appear rotated. Credits Both tRNAscan-SE and GtRNAdb are maintained by the Lowe Lab at UCSC. Cove-predicted tRNA secondary structures were rendered by NAVIEW (c) 1988 Robert E. Bruccoleri. References When making use of these data, please cite the following articles: Chan PP, Lowe TM. GtRNAdb: a database of transfer RNA genes detected in genomic sequence. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 Jan;37(Database issue):D93-7. PMID: 18984615; PMC: PMC2686519 Eddy SR, Durbin R. RNA sequence analysis using covariance models. Nucleic Acids Res. 1994 Jun 11;22(11):2079-88. PMID: 8029015; PMC: PMC308124 Fichant GA, Burks C. Identifying potential tRNA genes in genomic DNA sequences. J Mol Biol. 1991 Aug 5;220(3):659-71. PMID: 1870126 Lowe TM, Eddy SR. tRNAscan-SE: a program for improved detection of transfer RNA genes in genomic sequence. Nucleic Acids Res. 1997 Mar 1;25(5):955-64. PMID: 9023104; PMC: PMC146525 Pavesi A, Conterio F, Bolchi A, Dieci G, Ottonello S. Identification of new eukaryotic tRNA genes in genomic DNA databases by a multistep weight matrix analysis of transcriptional control regions. Nucleic Acids Res. 1994 Apr 11;22(7):1247-56. PMID: 8165140; PMC: PMC523650 knownAlt UCSC Alt Events Alternative Splicing, Alternative Promoter and Similar Events in UCSC Genes Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows various types of alternative splicing and other events that result in more than a single transcript from the same gene. The label by an item describes the type of event. The events are: Alternate Promoter (altPromoter) - Transcription starts at multiple places. The altPromoter extends from 100 bases before to 50 bases after transcription start. Alternate Finish Site (altFinish) - Transcription ends at multiple places. Cassette Exon (cassetteExon) - Exon is present in some transcripts but not others. These are found by looking for exons that overlap an intron in the same transcript. Retained Intron (retainedIntron) - Introns are spliced out in some transcripts but not others. In some cases, particularly when the intron is near the 3' end, this can reflect an incompletely processed transcript rather than a true alt-splicing event. Overlapping Exon (bleedingExon) - Initial or terminal exons overlap in an intron in another transcript. These often are associated with incompletely processed transcripts. Alternate 3' End (altThreePrime) - Variations on the 3' end of an intron. Alternate 5' End (altFivePrime) - Variations on the 5' end of an intron. Intron Ends have AT/AC (atacIntron) - An intron with AT/AC ends rather than the usual GT/AG. These are associated with the minor spliceosome. Strange Intron Ends (strangeSplice) - An intron with ends that are not GT/AG, GC/AG, or AT/AC. These are usually artifacts of some sort due to sequencing error or polymorphism. Credits This track is based on an analysis by the txgAnalyse program of splicing graphs produced by the txGraph program. Both of these programs were written by Jim Kent at UCSC. liftOverMm39 UCSC liftOver mm39 UCSC liftOver alignments to mm39 Mapping and Sequencing Description This track shows the 'lift over' calculated alignments from the mm39/mouse to the mm10/mouse genome assembly, used by the UCSC liftOver tool. Display Conventions and Configuration The alignments are shown as "chains" of alignable regions. The display is similar to the other chain tracks, see our chain display documentation for more information. Data access UCSC liftOver chain files for mm39 to mm10 can be obtained from a dedicated directory on our download server mm10/liftOver directory. Specifically, the mm10ToMm39.over.chain.gz file. The table can also be explored interactively with the Table Browser or the Data Integrator. Methods The lift over chain file is constructed with the doSameSpeciesLiftOver processing using the blat genome alignment program. uniprot UniProt UniProt SwissProt/TrEMBL Protein Annotations Genes and Gene Predictions Description This track shows protein sequences and annotations on them from the UniProt/SwissProt database, mapped to genomic coordinates. UniProt/SwissProt data has been curated from scientific publications by the UniProt staff, UniProt/TrEMBL data has been predicted by various computational algorithms. The annotations are divided into multiple subtracks, based on their "feature type" in UniProt. The first two subtracks below - one for SwissProt, one for TrEMBL - show the alignments of protein sequences to the genome, all other tracks below are the protein annotations mapped through these alignments to the genome. Track Name Description UCSC Alignment, SwissProt = curated protein sequences Protein sequences from SwissProt mapped to the genome. All other tracks are (start,end) SwissProt annotations on these sequences mapped through this alignment. Even protein sequences without a single curated annotation (splice isoforms) are visible in this track. Each UniProt protein has one main isoform, which is colored in dark. Alternative isoforms are sequences that do not have annotations on them and are colored in light-blue. They can be hidden with the TrEMBL/Isoform filter (see below). UCSC Alignment, TrEMBL = predicted protein sequences Protein sequences from TrEMBL mapped to the genome. All other tracks below are (start,end) TrEMBL annotations mapped to the genome using this track. This track is hidden by default. To show it, click its checkbox on the track configuration page. UniProt Signal Peptides Regions found in proteins destined to be secreted, generally cleaved from mature protein. UniProt Extracellular Domains Protein domains with the comment "Extracellular". UniProt Transmembrane Domains Protein domains of the type "Transmembrane". UniProt Cytoplasmic Domains Protein domains with the comment "Cytoplasmic". UniProt Polypeptide Chains Polypeptide chain in mature protein after post-processing. UniProt Regions of Interest Regions that have been experimentally defined, such as the role of a region in mediating protein-protein interactions or some other biological process. UniProt Domains Protein domains, zinc finger regions and topological domains. UniProt Disulfide Bonds Disulfide bonds. UniProt Amino Acid Modifications Glycosylation sites, modified residues and lipid moiety-binding regions. UniProt Amino Acid Mutations Mutagenesis sites and sequence variants. UniProt Protein Primary/Secondary Structure Annotations Beta strands, helices, coiled-coil regions and turns. UniProt Sequence Conflicts Differences between Genbank sequences and the UniProt sequence. UniProt Repeats Regions of repeated sequence motifs or repeated domains. UniProt Other Annotations All other annotations, e.g. compositional bias For consistency and convenience for users of mutation-related tracks, the subtrack "UniProt/SwissProt Variants" is a copy of the track "UniProt Variants" in the track group "Phenotype and Literature", or "Variation and Repeats", depending on the assembly. Display Conventions and Configuration Genomic locations of UniProt/SwissProt annotations are labeled with a short name for the type of annotation (e.g. "glyco", "disulf bond", "Signal peptide" etc.). A click on them shows the full annotation and provides a link to the UniProt/SwissProt record for more details. TrEMBL annotations are always shown in light blue, except in the Signal Peptides, Extracellular Domains, Transmembrane Domains, and Cytoplamsic domains subtracks. Mouse over a feature to see the full UniProt annotation comment. For variants, the mouse over will show the full name of the UniProt disease acronym. The subtracks for domains related to subcellular location are sorted from outside to inside of the cell: Signal peptide, extracellular, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic. Features in the "UniProt Modifications" (modified residues) track are drawn in light green. Disulfide bonds are shown in dark grey. Topological domains in maroon and zinc finger regions in olive green. Duplicate annotations are removed as far as possible: if a TrEMBL annotation has the same genome position and same feature type, comment, disease and mutated amino acids as a SwissProt annotation, it is not shown again. Two annotations mapped through different protein sequence alignments but with the same genome coordinates are only shown once. On the configuration page of this track, you can choose to hide any TrEMBL annotations. This filter will also hide the UniProt alternative isoform protein sequences because both types of information are less relevant to most users. Please contact us if you want more detailed filtering features. Note that for the human hg38 assembly and SwissProt annotations, there also is a public track hub prepared by UniProt itself, with genome annotations maintained by UniProt using their own mapping method based on those Gencode/Ensembl gene models that are annotated in UniProt for a given protein. For proteins that differ from the genome, UniProt's mapping method will, in most cases, map a protein and its annotations to an unexpected location (see below for details on UCSC's mapping method). Methods Briefly, UniProt protein sequences were aligned to the transcripts associated with the protein, the top-scoring alignments were retained, and the result was projected to the genome through a transcript-to-genome alignment. Depending on the genome, the transcript-genome alignments was either provided by the source database (NBCI RefSeq), created at UCSC (UCSC RefSeq) or derived from the transcripts (Ensembl/Augustus). The transcript set is NCBI RefSeq for hg38, UCSC RefSeq for hg19 (due to alt/fix haplotype misplacements in the NCBI RefSeq set on hg19). For other genomes, RefSeq, Ensembl and Augustus are tried, in this order. The resulting protein-genome alignments of this process are available in the file formats for liftOver or pslMap from our data archive (see "Data Access" section below). An important step of the mapping process protein -> transcript -> genome is filtering the alignment from protein to transcript. Due to differences between the UniProt proteins and the transcripts (proteins were made many years before the transcripts were made, and human genomes have variants), the transcript with the highest BLAST score when aligning the protein to all transcripts is not always the correct transcript for a protein sequence. Therefore, the protein sequence is aligned to only a very short list of one or sometimes more transcripts, selected by a three-step procedure: Use transcripts directly annotated by UniProt: for organisms that have a RefSeq transcript track, proteins are aligned to the RefSeq transcripts that are annotated by UniProt for this particular protein. Use transcripts for NCBI Gene ID annotated by UniProt: If no transcripts are annotated on the protein, or the annotated ones have been deprecated by NCBI, but a NCBI Gene ID is annotated, the RefSeq transcripts for this Gene ID are used. This can result in multiple matching transcripts for a protein. Use best matching transcript: If no NCBI Gene is annotated, then BLAST scores are used to pick the transcripts. There can be multiple transcripts for one protein, as their coding sequences can be identical. All transcripts within 1% of the highest observed BLAST score are used. For strategy 2 and 3, many of the transcripts found do not differ in coding sequence, so the resulting alignments on the genome will be identical. Therefore, any identical alignments are removed in a final filtering step. The details page of these alignments will contain a list of all transcripts that result in the same protein-genome alignment. On hg38, only a handful of edge cases (pseudogenes, very recently added proteins) remain in 2023 where strategy 3 has to be used. In other words, when an NCBI or UCSC RefSeq track is used for the mapping and to align a protein sequence to the correct transcript, we use a three stage process: If UniProt has annotated a given RefSeq transcript for a given protein sequence, the protein is aligned to this transcript. Any difference in the version suffix is tolerated in this comparison. If no transcript is annotated or the transcript cannot be found in the NCBI/UCSC RefSeq track, the UniProt-annotated NCBI Gene ID is resolved to a set of NCBI RefSeq transcript IDs via the most current version of NCBI genes tables. Only the top match of the resulting alignments and all others within 1% of its score are used for the mapping. If no transcript can be found after step (2), the protein is aligned to all transcripts, the top match, and all others within 1% of its score are used. This system was designed to resolve the problem of incorrect mappings of proteins, mostly on hg38, due to differences between the SwissProt sequences and the genome reference sequence, which has changed since the proteins were defined. The problem is most pronounced for gene families composed of either very repetitive or very similar proteins. To make sure that the alignments always go to the best chromosome location, all _alt and _fix reference patch sequences are ignored for the alignment, so the patches are entirely free of UniProt annotations. Please contact us if you have feedback on this process or example edge cases. We are not aware of a way to evaluate the results completely and in an automated manner. Proteins were aligned to transcripts with TBLASTN, converted to PSL, filtered with pslReps (93% query coverage, keep alignments within top 1% score), lifted to genome positions with pslMap and filtered again with pslReps. UniProt annotations were obtained from the UniProt XML file. The UniProt annotations were then mapped to the genome through the alignment described above using the pslMap program. This approach draws heavily on the LS-SNP pipeline by Mark Diekhans. Like all Genome Browser source code, the main script used to build this track can be found on Github. Older releases This track is automatically updated on an ongoing basis, every 2-3 months. The current version name is always shown on the track details page, it includes the release of UniProt, the version of the transcript set and a unique MD5 that is based on the protein sequences, the transcript sequences, the mapping file between both and the transcript-genome alignment. The exact transcript that was used for the alignment is shown when clicking a protein alignment in one of the two alignment tracks. For reproducibility of older analysis results and for manual inspection, previous versions of this track are available for browsing in the form of the UCSC UniProt Archive Track Hub (click this link to connect the hub now). The underlying data of all releases of this track (past and current) can be obtained from our downloads server, including the UniProt protein-to-genome alignment. Data Access The raw data of the current track can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from the download server. The exact filenames can be found in the track configuration file. Annotations can be converted to ASCII text by our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, for example: bigBedToBed -chrom=chr6 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Lifting from UniProt to genome coordinates in pipelines To facilitate mapping protein coordinates to the genome, we provide the alignment files in formats that are suitable for our command line tools. Our command line programs liftOver or pslMap can be used to map coordinates on protein sequences to genome coordinates. The filenames are unipToGenome.over.chain.gz (liftOver) and unipToGenomeLift.psl.gz (pslMap). Example commands: wget -q wget -q chmod a+x liftOver echo 'Q99697 1 10 annotationOnProtein' > prot.bed liftOver prot.bed unipToGenome.over.chain.gz genome.bed cat genome.bed Credits This track was created by Maximilian Haeussler at UCSC, with a lot of input from Chris Lee, Mark Diekhans and Brian Raney, feedback from the UniProt staff, Alejo Mujica, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and Pia Riestra, GeneDx. Thanks to UniProt for making all data available for download. References UniProt Consortium. Reorganizing the protein space at the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt). Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jan;40(Database issue):D71-5. PMID: 22102590; PMC: PMC3245120 Yip YL, Scheib H, Diemand AV, Gattiker A, Famiglietti LM, Gasteiger E, Bairoch A. The Swiss-Prot variant page and the ModSNP database: a resource for sequence and structure information on human protein variants. Hum Mutat. 2004 May;23(5):464-70. PMID: 15108278 unipConflict Seq. Conflicts UniProt Sequence Conflicts Genes and Gene Predictions unipRepeat Repeats UniProt Repeats Genes and Gene Predictions unipStruct Structure UniProt Protein Primary/Secondary Structure Annotations Genes and Gene Predictions unipOther Other Annot. UniProt Other Annotations Genes and Gene Predictions unipMut Mutations UniProt Amino Acid Mutations Genes and Gene Predictions unipModif AA Modifications UniProt Amino Acid Modifications Genes and Gene Predictions unipDomain Domains UniProt Domains Genes and Gene Predictions unipDisulfBond Disulf. Bonds UniProt Disulfide Bonds Genes and Gene Predictions unipChain Chains UniProt Mature Protein Products (Polypeptide Chains) Genes and Gene Predictions unipLocCytopl Cytoplasmic UniProt Cytoplasmic Domains Genes and Gene Predictions unipLocTransMemb Transmembrane UniProt Transmembrane Domains Genes and Gene Predictions unipInterest Interest UniProt Regions of Interest Genes and Gene Predictions unipLocExtra Extracellular UniProt Extracellular Domain Genes and Gene Predictions unipLocSignal Signal Peptide UniProt Signal Peptides Genes and Gene Predictions unipAliTrembl TrEMBL Aln. UCSC alignment of TrEMBL proteins to genome Genes and Gene Predictions unipAliSwissprot SwissProt Aln. UCSC alignment of SwissProt proteins to genome (dark blue: main isoform, light blue: alternative isoforms) Genes and Gene Predictions spMut UniProt Variants UniProt/SwissProt Amino Acid Substitutions Literature Description NOTE: This track is intended for use primarily by physicians and other professionals concerned with genetic disorders, by genetics researchers, and by advanced students in science and medicine. While the genome browser database is open to the public, users seeking information about a personal medical or genetic condition are urged to consult with a qualified physician for diagnosis and for answers to personal questions. This track shows the genomic positions of natural and artifical amino acid variants in the UniProt/SwissProt database. The data has been curated from scientific publications by the UniProt staff. Display Conventions and Configuration Genomic locations of UniProt/SwissProt variants are labeled with the amino acid change at a given position and, if known, the abbreviated disease name. A "?" is used if there is no disease annotated at this location, but the protein is described as being linked to only a single disease in UniProt. Mouse over a mutation to see the UniProt comments. Artificially-introduced mutations are colored green and naturally-occurring variants are colored red. For full information about a particular variant, click the "UniProt variant" linkout. The "UniProt record" linkout lists all variants of a particular protein sequence. The "Source articles" linkout lists the articles in PubMed that originally described the variant(s) and were used as evidence by the UniProt curators. Methods UniProt sequences were aligned to RefSeq sequences first with BLAT, then lifted to genome positions with pslMap. UniProt variants were parsed from the UniProt XML file. The variants were then mapped to the genome through the alignment using the pslMap program. This mapping approach draws heavily on the LS-SNP pipeline by Mark Diekhans. The complete script is part of the kent source tree and is located in src/hg/utils/uniprotMutations. Data Access The raw data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser, or the Data Integrator. For automated analysis, the genome annotation is stored in a bigBed file that can be downloaded from the download server. The underlying data file for this track is called Individual regions or the whole genome annotation can be obtained using our tool bigBedToBed which can be compiled from the source code or downloaded as a precompiled binary for your system. Instructions for downloading source code and binaries can be found here. The tool can also be used to obtain only features within a given range, for example: bigBedToBed -chrom=chr6 -start=0 -end=1000000 stdout Please refer to our mailing list archives for questions, or our Data Access FAQ for more information. Credits This track was created by Maximilian Haeussler, with advice from Mark Diekhans and Brian Raney. References UniProt Consortium. Reorganizing the protein space at the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt). Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Jan;40(Database issue):D71-5. PMID: 22102590; PMC: PMC3245120 Yip YL, Scheib H, Diemand AV, Gattiker A, Famiglietti LM, Gasteiger E, Bairoch A. The Swiss-Prot variant page and the ModSNP database: a resource for sequence and structure information on human protein variants. Hum Mutat. 2004 May;23(5):464-70. PMID: 15108278 vertebrateChainNet Vertebrate Chain/Net Vertebrate Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics Description Chain Track The chain track shows alignments of mouse (Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10)/mm10) to other genomes using a gap scoring system that allows longer gaps than traditional affine gap scoring systems. It can also tolerate gaps in both mouse and the other genome simultaneously. These "double-sided" gaps can be caused by local inversions and overlapping deletions in both species. The chain track displays boxes joined together by either single or double lines. The boxes represent aligning regions. Single lines indicate gaps that are largely due to a deletion in the other assembly or an insertion in the mouse assembly. Double lines represent more complex gaps that involve substantial sequence in both species. This may result from inversions, overlapping deletions, an abundance of local mutation, or an unsequenced gap in one species. In cases where multiple chains align over a particular region of the other genome, the chains with single-lined gaps are often due to processed pseudogenes, while chains with double-lined gaps are more often due to paralogs and unprocessed pseudogenes. In the "pack" and "full" display modes, the individual feature names indicate the chromosome, strand, and location (in thousands) of the match for each matching alignment. Net Track The net track shows the best mouse/other chain for every part of the other genome. It is useful for finding orthologous regions and for studying genome rearrangement. The mouse sequence used in this annotation is from the Dec. 2011 (GRCm38/mm10) (mm10) assembly. Display Conventions and Configuration Multiple species are grouped together in a composite track. In the display and on the configuration page, an effort was made to group them loosely into "clades." These groupings are based on the taxonomic classification at NCBI, using the CommonTree tool. Some organisms may be pulled from a larger group into a subgroup, to emphasize a relationship. For example, members of an Order may be listed together, while other organisms in the same Superorder may be grouped separately under the Superorder name. Chain Track By default, the chains to chromosome-based assemblies are colored based on which chromosome they map to in the aligning organism. To turn off the coloring, check the "off" button next to: Color track based on chromosome. To display only the chains of one chromosome in the aligning organism, enter the name of that chromosome (e.g. chr4) in box next to: Filter by chromosome. Net Track In full display mode, the top-level (level 1) chains are the largest, highest-scoring chains that span this region. In many cases gaps exist in the top-level chain. When possible, these are filled in by other chains that are displayed at level 2. The gaps in level 2 chains may be filled by level 3 chains and so forth. In the graphical display, the boxes represent ungapped alignments; the lines represent gaps. Click on a box to view detailed information about the chain as a whole; click on a line to display information about the gap. The detailed information is useful in determining the cause of the gap or, for lower level chains, the genomic rearrangement. Individual items in the display are categorized as one of four types (other than gap): Top - the best, longest match. Displayed on level 1. Syn - line-ups on the same chromosome as the gap in the level above it. Inv - a line-up on the same chromosome as the gap above it, but in the opposite orientation. NonSyn - a match to a chromosome different from the gap in the level above. Methods Chain track Transposons that have been inserted since the mouse/other split were removed from the assemblies. The abbreviated genomes were aligned with lastz, and the transposons were added back in. The resulting alignments were converted into axt format using the lavToAxt program. The axt alignments were fed into axtChain, which organizes all alignments between a single mouse chromosome and a single chromosome from the other genome into a group and creates a kd-tree out of the gapless subsections (blocks) of the alignments. A dynamic program was then run over the kd-trees to find the maximally scoring chains of these blocks. See also: lastz parameters and other details (e.g., update time) and chain minimum score and gap parameters used in these alignments. Additional chain/net tracks added since the completion of the 60-way conservation set mentioned in these external document pages include: Medium ground finch, geoFor1, April 2012, BGI,Chicken, galGal5, December 2015, ICGC,lastz alignment matrix:  ACGT A91-90-25-100 C-90100-100-25 G-25-100100-90 T-100-25-9091 Chains scoring below a minimum score of '5000' were discarded, and the linear gap matrix used with axtChain: -linearGap=loose tablesize 11 smallSize 111 position 1 2 3 11 111 2111 12111 32111 72111 152111 252111 qGap 325 360 400 450 600 1100 3600 7600 15600 31600 56600 tGap 325 360 400 450 600 1100 3600 7600 15600 31600 56600 bothGap 625 660 700 750 900 1400 4000 8000 16000 32000 57000 Net track Chains were derived from lastz alignments, using the methods described on the chain tracks description pages, and sorted with the highest-scoring chains in the genome ranked first. The program chainNet was then used to place the chains one at a time, trimming them as necessary to fit into sections not already covered by a higher-scoring chain. During this process, a natural hierarchy emerged in which a chain that filled a gap in a higher-scoring chain was placed underneath that chain. The program netSyntenic was used to fill in information about the relationship between higher- and lower-level chains, such as whether a lower-level chain was syntenic or inverted relative to the higher-level chain. The program netClass was then used to fill in how much of the gaps and chains contained Ns (sequencing gaps) in one or both species and how much was filled with transposons inserted before and after the two organisms diverged. Credits Lastz (previously known as blastz) was developed at Pennsylvania State University by Minmei Hou, Scott Schwartz, Zheng Zhang, and Webb Miller with advice from Ross Hardison. Lineage-specific repeats were identified by Arian Smit and his RepeatMasker program. The axtChain program was developed at the University of California at Santa Cruz by Jim Kent with advice from Webb Miller and David Haussler. The browser display and database storage of the chains and nets were created by Robert Baertsch and Jim Kent. The chainNet, netSyntenic, and netClass programs were developed at the University of California Santa Cruz by Jim Kent. References Chiaromonte F, Yap VB, Miller W. Scoring pairwise genomic sequence alignments. Pac Symp Biocomput. 2002:115-26. PMID: 11928468 Kent WJ, Baertsch R, Hinrichs A, Miller W, Haussler D. Evolution's cauldron: duplication, deletion, and rearrangement in the mouse and human genomes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Sep 30;100(20):11484-9. PMID: 14500911; PMC: PMC208784 Schwartz S, Kent WJ, Smit A, Zhang Z, Baertsch R, Hardison RC, Haussler D, Miller W. Human-mouse alignments with BLASTZ. Genome Res. 2003 Jan;13(1):103-7. PMID: 12529312; PMC: PMC430961 vertebrateChainNetViewnet Nets Vertebrate Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics netPetMar2 Lamprey Net Lamprey (Sep. 2010 (WUGSC 7.0/petMar2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netPetMar3 Lamprey Net Lamprey (Dec. 2017 (Pmar_germline 1.0/petMar3)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netOryLat2 Medaka Net Medaka (Oct. 2005 (NIG/UT MEDAKA1/oryLat2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netOreNil2 Nile tilapia Net Nile tilapia (Jan. 2011 (Broad oreNil1.1/oreNil2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netTetNig2 Tetraodon Net Tetraodon (Mar. 2007 (Genoscope 8.0/tetNig2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netFr3 Fugu Net Fugu (Oct. 2011 (FUGU5/fr3)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netGasAcu1 Stickleback Net Stickleback (Feb. 2006 (Broad/gasAcu1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netDanRer11 Zebrafish Net Zebrafish (May 2017 (GRCz11/danRer11)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netGadMor1 Atlantic cod Net Atlantic cod (May 2010 (Genofisk GadMor_May2010/gadMor1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netLatCha1 Coelacanth Net Coelacanth (Aug. 2011 (Broad/latCha1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netThaSir1 Garter snake Net Garter snake (Jun. 2015 (Thamnophis_sirtalis-6.0/thaSir1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netXenLae2 African clawed frog Net African clawed frog (Aug. 2016 (Xenopus_laevis_v2/xenLae2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netXenTro10 X. tropicalis Net X. tropicalis (Nov. 2019 (UCB_Xtro_10.0/xenTro10)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netChrPic1 Painted turtle Net Painted turtle (Dec. 2011 (v3.0.1/chrPic1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netAnoCar2 Lizard Net Lizard (May 2010 (Broad AnoCar2.0/anoCar2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netMelGal5 Turkey Net Turkey (Nov. 2014 (Turkey_5.0/melGal5)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netAquChr2 Golden eagle Net Golden eagle (Oct. 2014 (aquChr-1.0.2/aquChr2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netGalGal6 Chicken Net Chicken (Mar. 2018 (GRCg6a/galGal6)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netTaeGut1 Zebra finch Net Zebra finch (Jul. 2008 (WUGSC 3.2.4/taeGut1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netMelUnd1 Budgerigar Net Budgerigar (Sep. 2011 (WUSTL v6.3/melUnd1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netGeoFor1 Medium ground finch Net Medium ground finch (Apr. 2012 (GeoFor_1.0/geoFor1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netOrnAna1 Platypus Net Platypus (Mar. 2007 (WUGSC 5.0.1/ornAna1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netMonDom5 Opossum Net Opossum (Oct. 2006 (Broad/monDom5)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netSarHar1 Tasmanian devil Net Tasmanian devil (Feb. 2011 (WTSI Devil_ref v7.0/sarHar1)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics netMacEug2 Wallaby Net Wallaby (Sep. 2009 (TWGS Meug_1.1/macEug2)) Alignment Net Comparative Genomics vertebrateChainNetViewchain Chains Vertebrate Genomes, Chain and Net Alignments Comparative Genomics chainPetMar2 Lamprey Chain Lamprey (Sep. 2010 (WUGSC 7.0/petMar2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainPetMar3 Lamprey Chain Lamprey (Dec. 2017 (Pmar_germline 1.0/petMar3)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainOryLat2 Medaka Chain Medaka (Oct. 2005 (NIG/UT MEDAKA1/oryLat2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainOreNil2 Nile tilapia Chain Nile tilapia (Jan. 2011 (Broad oreNil1.1/oreNil2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainTetNig2 Tetraodon Chain Tetraodon (Mar. 2007 (Genoscope 8.0/tetNig2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainFr3 Fugu Chain Fugu (Oct. 2011 (FUGU5/fr3)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainGasAcu1 Stickleback Chain Stickleback (Feb. 2006 (Broad/gasAcu1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainDanRer11 Zebrafish Chain Zebrafish (May 2017 (GRCz11/danRer11)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainGadMor1 Atlantic cod Chain Atlantic cod (May 2010 (Genofisk GadMor_May2010/gadMor1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainLatCha1 Coelacanth Chain Coelacanth (Aug. 2011 (Broad/latCha1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainThaSir1 Garter snake Chain Garter snake (Jun. 2015 (Thamnophis_sirtalis-6.0/thaSir1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainXenLae2 African clawed frog Chain African clawed frog (Aug. 2016 (Xenopus_laevis_v2/xenLae2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainXenTro10 X. tropicalis Chain X. tropicalis (Nov. 2019 (UCB_Xtro_10.0/xenTro10)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainChrPic1 Painted turtle Chain Painted turtle (Dec. 2011 (v3.0.1/chrPic1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainAnoCar2 Lizard Chain Lizard (May 2010 (Broad AnoCar2.0/anoCar2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainMelGal5 Turkey Chain Turkey (Nov. 2014 (Turkey_5.0/melGal5)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainAquChr2 Golden eagle Chain Golden eagle (Oct. 2014 (aquChr-1.0.2/aquChr2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainGalGal6 Chicken Chain Chicken (Mar. 2018 (GRCg6a/galGal6)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainTaeGut1 Zebra finch Chain Zebra finch (Jul. 2008 (WUGSC 3.2.4/taeGut1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainMelUnd1 Budgerigar Chain Budgerigar (Sep. 2011 (WUSTL v6.3/melUnd1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainGeoFor1 Medium ground finch Chain Medium ground finch (Apr. 2012 (GeoFor_1.0/geoFor1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainOrnAna1 Platypus Chain Platypus (Mar. 2007 (WUGSC 5.0.1/ornAna1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainMonDom5 Opossum Chain Opossum (Oct. 2006 (Broad/monDom5)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainSarHar1 Tasmanian devil Chain Tasmanian devil (Feb. 2011 (WTSI Devil_ref v7.0/sarHar1)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics chainMacEug2 Wallaby Chain Wallaby (Sep. 2009 (TWGS Meug_1.1/macEug2)) Chained Alignments Comparative Genomics vistaEnhancersBb VISTA Enhancers VISTA Enhancers Expression and Regulation Description This track shows potential enhancers whose activity was experimentally validated in transgenic mice. Most of these noncoding elements were selected for testing based on their extreme conservation in other vertebrates or epigenomic evidence (ChIP-Seq) of putative enhancer marks. More information can be found on the VISTA Enhancer Browser page. Display Conventions and Configuration Items appearing in red (positive) indicate that a reproducible pattern was observed in the in vivo enhancer assay. Items appearing in blue (negative) indicate that NO reproducible pattern was observed in the in vivo enhancer assay. Note that this annotation refers only to the single developmental timepoint that was tested in this screen (e11.5) and does not exclude the possibility that this region is a reproducible enhancer active at earlier or later timepoints in development. Methods Excerpted from the Vista Enhancer Mouse Enhancer Screen Handbook and Methods page at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) website: Enhancer Candidate Identification Most enhancer candidate sequences are identified by extreme evolutionary sequence conservation or by ChIP-seq. Detailed information related to enhancer identification by extreme evolutionary conservation can be found in the following publications: Pennacchio et al., Genomic strategies to identify mammalian regulatory sequences. Nature Rev Genet 2001 Nobrega et al., Nobrega et al., Scanning human gene deserts for long-range enhancers. Science 2003 Pennacchio et al., In vivo enhancer analysis of human conserved non-coding sequences. Nature 2006 Visel et al., Enhancer identification through comparative genomics. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2007 Visel et al., Ultraconservation identifies a small subset of extremely constrained developmental enhancers. Nature Genet 2008 Detailed information related to enhancer identification by ChIP-seq can be found in the following publications: Visel et al., ChIP-seq accurately predicts tissue-specific activity of enhancers. Nature 2009 Visel et al., Genomic views of distant-acting enhancers. Nature 2009 See the Transgenic Mouse Assay section for experimental procedures that were used to perform the transgenic assays: Mouse Enhancer Screen Handbook and Methods UCSC converted the Experimental Data for hg19 and mm9 into bigBed format using the bedToBigBed utility. The data for hg38 was lifted over from hg19. The data for mm10 and mm39 were lifted over from mm9. Data Access VISTA Enhancers data can be explored interactively with the Table Browser and cross-referenced with the Data Integrator. For programmatic access, the track can be accessed using the Genome Browser's REST API. ReMap annotations can be downloaded from the Genome Browser's download server as a bigBed file. This compressed binary format can be remotely queried through command line utilities. Please note that some of the download files can be quite large. Credits Thanks to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for providing this data References Visel A, Minovitsky S, Dubchak I, Pennacchio LA. VISTA Enhancer Browser--a database of tissue-specific human enhancers. Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jan;35(Database issue):D88-92. PMID: 17130149; PMC: PMC1716724 windowmaskerSdust WM + SDust Genomic Intervals Masked by WindowMasker + SDust Variation and Repeats Description This track depicts masked sequence as determined by WindowMasker. The WindowMasker tool is included in the NCBI C++ toolkit. The source code for the entire toolkit is available from the NCBI FTP site. Methods To create this track, WindowMasker was run with the following parameters: windowmasker -mk_counts true -input mm10.fa -output wm_counts windowmasker -ustat wm_counts -sdust true -input mm10.fa -output repeats.bed The repeats.bed (BED3) file was loaded into the "windowmaskerSdust" table for this track. References Morgulis A, Gertz EM, Schäffer AA, Agarwala R. WindowMasker: window-based masker for sequenced genomes. Bioinformatics. 2006 Jan 15;22(2):134-41. PMID: 16287941